Scheme of organizing water filtration in a pond. DIY fish pond filters. The best pond filters: reviews. Types of filters and their characteristics

Why is a filtration system necessary? Most owners of garden ponds want the water in the pond to be clear and clean; for others, it is important that fish and plants exist normally in the pond, but the goal is the same - to create and maintain biological balance. However, in every pond during its existence, a nitrogen cycle occurs. Fish waste, food residues, and organic plant remains sink to the bottom of the reservoir and, undergoing decay processes, release ammonia NH 4. Ammonia is a dangerous poison that in high concentrations can lead to the death of fish and other living organisms in the pond. Special bacteria, with the help of oxygen, convert ammonia into nitrite N O2, and another class of bacteria convert nitrite into nitrate NO 3. Nitrate is dangerous to fish only in very high concentrations and is an important nutrient for plants in the pond. These special bacteria are grown in laboratories and live year-round only in warm countries, so they must be added to the pond every spring, but only when the water temperature rises above 12C. There are three ways to establish balance
  1. With the help of biological products, with this method it is necessary to install an aerator of the required capacity, because Most bacteria-based drugs work more effectively when combined with oxygen. It is also necessary to purchase a test to monitor the level of pH, KN, N O2 in the reservoir in order to add this or that drug in time.
  2. With the help of a filtration system and biological products, which will be required several times less than without a filter. A preparation is needed to start the water, which sets the pH level and maintains it at the desired level, and a preparation to start the filtration system.
  3. It is possible to wait until the biological balance is established over time, but this process can take years, and in small reservoirs it is almost impossible. Because To establish biological balance, a large number of aquatic plants and a minimum number of fish are required; plants grow rather slowly, and fish reproduce quickly, and as a result, the appearance of the pond does not please, but depresses the owner.
Choosing a filtration system To select a filter, you need to know the volume of the reservoir; it can be approximately calculated based on the area and depth of the pond, or measured when the reservoir is filled with water, using a water meter. Also, to select a filtration system, you need to know whether there will be fish in the reservoir, because... the presence of fish increases the size and productivity of the filter by 2 times. The filtration system includes:
- UV lamp- a device for combating algae; passing through the lamp, the water is “disinfected” and the algae dying must remain in the mechanical filter (UV is included in the filtration system or purchased separately).
- biomechanical filter , includes filtration material for mechanical cleaning (sponges or special mats) and a biological filler (zeolite or lava granulate) - this is a kind of “house” for microorganisms, special bacteria are launched into the filter every spring, their goal is to make the water “alive” and process nitrites , as stated earlier.
- pump(necessarily with an open “Vortex” rotor, designed to supply dirt particles to the filter; pumps for fountains with a closed rotor are not suitable for these purposes), the pump performance is selected based on the technical characteristics of the filter and changes only if the filter is installed remotely from the pond or above the water level.
- skimmer- surface filter, not required, but desirable, because a correctly selected skimmer increases the performance of the filter by 10-15%; more detailed information can be obtained from the manager.
- bottom intake - necessary in large reservoirs and when connecting a skimmer to some types of pumps There are filters Pressure is a filtration system after which purified water can be supplied to a stream, cascade or waterfall. The height of the waterfall depends on the characteristics of the filter and pump, so carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist before installing the filter at the base of the slide. Pressure filters come in different capacities, but at the moment the largest is designed for a 60,000 liter pond without fish or 30,000 with fish. The advantage of such filters is their compactness. Flow (gravity)) - these are filtration systems that are installed above the water level and clean water from the filter returns by gravity to the reservoir. It is important not to narrow or raise the outlet pipe from the filter. Most of these filters can be installed as gravity filters, but this connection method is more complicated and is only possible at the stage of pond construction. The advantages of flow-through filters: more thorough water purification, simple maintenance, pumps that are equipped with flow-through filtration systems have lower capacity and therefore consume less electricity. To select a flow filter, you should pay attention to the following parameters:
- filter housing material, plastic or fiberglass, the latter will last much longer
- filter material sponges of various densities are more difficult to wash and are less durable than special wire mats
- manufacturer and supplier of the filter, is it possible to buy spare parts for the filter or in case of a minor breakdown you need to purchase a new one.


Prerequisites for proper filter operation
-Water intake for supply to the filtration system is carried out on the opposite side from the discharge of purified water, and in large reservoirs the intake is carried out in several places.
-The hose must be of the required diameter (selected based on the length of the route and the performance of the pump); most of it, if possible, should pass under water - this significantly reduces losses.
-The filtration system must operate around the clock and is turned off only for flushing.
-The biological part of the filter is washed only with pond water and is not dried; bacteria live in a humid environment.

Cleaning very large reservoirs (more than 1,000,000 m3)

Owners of large reservoirs are faced with the fact that it is almost impossible to achieve the same cleanliness as in a small reservoir. The water will bloom, as in natural lakes, and silt will accumulate at the bottom; without movement and aeration, the water will darken, the fish will begin to get sick, etc. But the situation can be significantly improved
1 . It is necessary to install an aerator of the required capacity; it will saturate the water with oxygen and create the necessary movement. When installing the aerator, the aeration nozzle should not be lowered to the very bottom. It is installed at an average depth so as not to raise sludge from the bottom (when sludge reacts with oxygen, a large number of harmful compounds are released), and not to lower the overall water temperature in winter. 2 . The installation of skimmers significantly improves the condition of the water. Their size and quantity depend on the area and configuration of the pond, the size and quality (deciduous or coniferous) of the trees next to the pond. The surface filter not only collects leaves and debris floating on the surface, but also cools the top layer of water, thereby reducing the amount of algae. Pay attention to the characteristics of the skimmer, what area it is designed for, what pump capacity is recommended, if the skimmer is designed for a small pond area, it will not give any effect in a large reservoir and it will be a waste of money, so you need to choose a skimmer of the right size. Select filter

The owner of a plot of land of sufficient size will most likely sooner or later not resist the desire to equip his own body of water, albeit small. Creating it is only half the battle; maintaining order in it is more difficult. However, daily...

The owner of a plot of land of sufficient size will most likely sooner or later not resist the desire to equip his own body of water, albeit small. Creating it is only half the battle; maintaining order in it is more difficult. However, the daily care of the pond can be taken care of by an electric assistant - a pond filter. The owner will be left with the simple joys of life: the opportunity to admire the unusual beauty of aquatic plants, contemplate the surface of the water and observe the world of underwater inhabitants.

What is a pond and how does it differ from other bodies of water?

There are two types of artificial reservoirs available to the private landowner: a swimming pool and a pond. The difference is that you can swim in a pool, but a pond is intended to contain plants and, possibly, fish. There is a compromise, we will talk about it below.

If everything is clear with the pool, then the pond is a more complex device. This is a real living organism. There are several types of ponds: fish ponds, plant ponds and swimming ponds.

The basic rule for maintaining order in any type of pond is the movement of water. Its circulation is ensured by a system of filters and pumps. Filtration is so important that its possibility is provided at the design stage of the pond.

The pond near the house is a small water oasis

Types of ponds by purpose

This is a kind of water garden. Tastefully selected underwater, floating and coastal plants are the main inhabitants of such a pond. Compositions of them are pleasing to the eye and greatly decorate the pond.

There is no way to do without filtration, and both pumps and filters for fish ponds are chosen with a large reserve of power: the fish grow and their waste products become more and more numerous.

A rather rare phenomenon in Russia, although in their homeland, Austria, they began to be created back in the seventies of the last century. Now in Europe, the technologies for creating these “reservoirs of the future” have reached perfection. This hybrid pond and pool is clearly divided into a swimming area and a regeneration area where plants live. A filter is not needed here, since the plants are selected in such a way that they can completely purify the water themselves.

Swimming pond in England. The division into zones is visible

Pond cleaning methods

At the same time, organic matter is decomposed by bacteria into non-toxic components - nitrogen, carbon and oxygen. A biological filter is a container with any porous non-toxic material that is populated by colonies of aerobic bacteria. There is no need to specially introduce them; the container will populate itself during the process of pumping water from the pond through the filter. Some manufacturers offer ready-made biological products for water purification; all that is required is to pour the drug with bacteria into the pond, where they will quickly multiply and purify the water.

You can find many reagents on sale that can trigger chemical reactions in a reservoir, which will lead to water purification. The reagents break down into compounds that are harmless to people and fish, most often water and carbon dioxide. In this way, you can rid the pond of ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, phosphates, hydrogen sulfide and harmful metals.

This radiation is fatal to unicellular algae and microorganisms and harmless to fish and higher plants. Ultraviolet light will help where conventional mechanical filtration cannot cope. It must be remembered that ultraviolet radiation is harmful to the eyes and skin of people and animals.

This is what an ultraviolet filter looks like. It turns on only when the water “blooms”

  • Mechanical water purification

Very effective, allows you to achieve complete water transparency. When pumping water through the filter, small particles of debris are retained in a layer of quartz sand, gravel or special granules. The finer the aggregate, the more effective the cleaning. In the mechanical cleaning chamber there are several filter layers, different in fractions. The largest contaminants (leaves) are removed first, followed by smaller and smaller ones (silt). The filter material needs to be changed from time to time if your model does not have a cleaning function.

Types of filters and their characteristics

A modular filter guards the cleanliness of a fairly large reservoir

Making a homemade filter

Despite the fact that a branded filter costs a decent amount, there is no other device that is as easy to make yourself. To make a pond filter with your own hands, you only need to buy a pump.

Take any container, for example a plastic bucket, and drill holes in the bottom. Fill the bucket with coarse sand, fine gravel, pumice, lava, expanded clay, foam rubber. Direct a stream of water from the pump into the bucket. Place the bucket on the shore so that the water flows by gravity back into the pond. The homemade pond filter is ready.

A homemade filter wrapped in black film for masking. You can place a potted plant on top

Calculation of filter power and its operation

The filter is selected based on its performance. A small pond with a volume of about ten cubic meters should filter all the water 5-6 times a day. The larger the reservoir, the fewer daily filtrations are required. The hourly productivity of the filter is calculated by the formula: multiply the volume of the reservoir by the daily number of filtrations and divide by 24. Place the filter so that there are no areas with stagnant water left in the pond.

The unit is turned on in the spring, when the air warms up to +15, and turned off in the fall. All this time, the filter must be constantly running.

The filter is connected to the electrical panel through a residual current device (RCD), which opens the circuit in case of any current leakage. Cables and wires must have armored insulation that allows them to be pressed down with stones. Sockets must be protected from moisture.

If you don't filter your pond water

Let's say you built a pond, planted it with plants and even introduced fish. But they didn’t filter the water. What are the prospects for your pond?

The water in an untreated pond blooms. In such a reservoir, cultivated plants and algae grow poorly, and fish die

The same processes take place in all closed reservoirs, and they will begin in your pond. Dead plants, fish excrement, leaves and branches that have fallen into the water, and wind-blown soil will settle to the bottom, where microorganisms will begin to decompose them. These will be anaerobic microorganisms, because there is little oxygen at the bottom. Simply put, putrefactive bacteria will take over. Rotting will “wash” oxygen from the water, while simultaneously saturating it with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds - a source of nutrition for phytoplankton. That is, “the water will bloom.” This ensures that fish will die.

Further - more. A layer of bottom sediments is growing, oxygen has long been gone: underwater plants have suffocated, not having time to produce it in the water, muddy from plankton. There is active gas formation in the pond, the smell of rotten eggs has appeared (this is hydrogen sulfide), and the water surface has become covered with a cloudy film. The process of waterlogging is underway. In “favorable” conditions, a season will be enough for a pond full of life to turn into a stinking puddle.

Therefore, when arranging a pond, do not forget about the pond filter. It doesn’t matter whether it is a pressure filter, a flow filter, or a homemade filter. The main thing is that its power is enough to maintain order in the pond, and then the pond will become your pride and decoration of the site.

For printing

Vladimir Marchenko 05/28/2015 | 7134

It is necessary to filter water in an artificial pond for a number of reasons. This is the only way the reservoir will maintain its pristine purity and freshness and will not “bloom.”

After you have organized pond at the dacha, you probably still have a few questions. If you, for example, plan to keep live fish, breed aquarium fish, or simply plant ornamental plants, then you should be concerned about the issue of clean water. You can purify the water in the pond using special filters. What types of filters are there and what should you pay attention to when purchasing them?

Why do you need a water filter?

The main problem of any body of water is bloom. This is an inevitable process caused by activity phytoplankton and other organisms. It is especially pronounced if the water in the pond is stagnant and the ambient temperature is above 20°C. How does flowering occur?

In a static and closed water system, the same processes always occur. Dead plants, waste from fish and other organisms, fallen leaves and branches - all this settles to the bottom. Putrefactive bacteria are taken for their decomposition. Active bacteria wash oxygen from the aquatic environment and saturate it with nitrogen and phosphorus compounds. This is where phytoplankton comes into play, which makes the water “bloom.”

Plants that can revive the pond begin to “suffocate” - they do not have time to produce oxygen, and the bottom is gradually covered with a continuous layer of sediment. Phytoplankton “rules” the pond, from which the smell of rotten eggs begins to emanate (hydrogen sulfide has begun to be produced). A cloudy green film covers the surface like a continuous carpet, the composition of the inhabitants is now changing swamps– the fish (if there were any) are dying out, but there is absolutely no escape from mosquitoes. Under favorable climatic conditions, one season is enough for the pond to fully bloom.

A filter is mainly needed to combat flowering.

Types of Pond Filtration

There are different ways to filter a pond. There are several known ways to clean and maintain an artificial reservoir on a site in proper condition.

1) Biological filtration. Using this method, aerobic bacteria are introduced into the pond and break down organic matter into oxygen, nitrogen and carbon. The method is suitable for those who do not want to interfere with “natural affairs” and is ideal for restoring natural balance.

2) Chemical cleaning. There are special reagents on sale that decompose nitrates, phosphates, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other waste products into water and carbon dioxide.

3) Ultraviolet radiation. UV waves are safe for fish and higher algae, but at the same time they kill microorganisms and lower algae that cause “blooming” of the reservoir. Such installations are also unsafe for the skin and eyes of humans and animals.

4) Mechanical filters. These devices purify water, making it completely transparent. Regular pumping of water through filters traps even the smallest particles in layers of quartz sand or special granules. The filters are easy to change and are ideal for pond cleaning.

How to choose a filter for a pond?

Experts advise choosing a filter at the stage of designing a reservoir. True, there is always a possibility that during the construction process you will want to reduce the size of the pond or think about raising fish. Therefore, it is better to buy a filter when all issues have been resolved and the pond has a completed look.

When purchasing a pond filter, you need to consider the following factors:

  • pond volume(its length and depth);
  • peculiarities climate;
  • availability living organisms;
  • illumination;
  • power pumps(if they exist).

It is most difficult to select a filter if you plan to breed fish in the pond, since they constantly need oxygen in sufficient quantities.

Flow-type filters always work only in conjunction with a pump. Dirty water passes through a filter system, getting rid of debris and sediment. A porous filter retains algae, and a container with bacteria and reagents fights organic residues and random chemical compounds that get into the water.

A flow filter is an excellent solution for small ponds with a volume of about 300-350 m³. For larger bodies of water, the installation of several combined flow filters will be required. The best models carry out complex cleaning - mechanical, chemical and ultraviolet, which makes them universal in the fight against any contamination.

Filters of this type do not have the highest performance - they are able to effectively clean only small ponds with a volume of up to 60 m³. But purified water can be supplied to a height of up to 5 m thanks to a circulation pump installed at the bottom of the reservoir.

The cleaning process is generally identical to the operation of a flow filter, but the pressure unit is additionally equipped with an electric pump and several modules for deep filtration. The only drawback is that for full operation you need powerful pumps, but not all pressure filters are equipped with them.

The pressure filter can be operated without getting into the water, which is especially good in cool weather.

A budget option is a sand filter for a pond. Instead of a complex multi-level filtration system, it has a simple collection of sand and algae. The disadvantage of this type of filter is that organic matter begins to decompose, releasing hydrogen sulfide, methane and other harmful gases.

Floating filter, or skimmer, is usually recommended as an additional filtration device. It can only be used in conjunction with a flow or pressure cleaner. These are small installations that float on the surface of the pond and actively drive water and debris in it through the filtration holes. Large waste (fallen leaves, grass) remain in the garbage receptacle, and small waste is driven through a filter and crushed. The skimmer prevents leaves, twigs and grass from sinking to the bottom and decomposing there.

Filter power calculation

Ability filtration system cope with cleaning a reservoir is called it power. A properly selected filter should pass all the water from your pond through it in 1-1.5 hours.

Any body of water, be it natural or created by man, gradually becomes polluted over time. The reason for this may be the location or the vital activity of the organisms inhabiting it. That is why, in order to maintain the attractiveness of the reservoir and, accordingly, the territory in which it is located, you should either regularly clean the pond or install a special filter. The first is not very convenient and practical. It will take a week for a pond to become sufficiently clogged. And draining the water every time, washing the walls and refilling it again is an overly long, tedious and, most importantly, prohibitively expensive task. Thus, pond filters are a real salvation for owners of their own artificial pond. Especially if its area and volume are quite large. It is better, of course, to install a filter device before starting operation.


Filters for ponds and reservoirs are irreplaceable devices. They successfully cope with the following tasks:

  • preventing algal blooms on the water surface by destroying microorganisms that contribute to this;
  • retention of small particles of debris, purification of water from them;
  • getting rid of dirt and all kinds of impurities.

You can purchase a ready-made, complete device. But, if you have the desire and certain skills, it is quite possible to create homemade pond filters that are not inferior in quality to branded devices. You will only need to purchase a small list of tools and parts.

Types of filters

There are two main types that include pond filters. Namely - to pressure and non-pressure (flow). Their main difference is the operating principle. The first, no matter how surprising it may sound, are mostly less expensive. They are especially practical if there is a fountain. That is, an additional structure along which a flow of water must move under strong pressure. Flowing through the draft created by the pump under pressure to the filter element, the water goes through several purification stages, after which it returns to the reservoir.

Pressure filters for ponds are good because they are miniature: the compact device does not take up much space, maintaining the natural appearance of the reservoir. Some models of this type are equipped with an ultraviolet sterilizer. Thanks to this element, in addition to excellent water purification, you can also obtain effective disinfection. That is, cleansing from various harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. Judging by the reviews, the CFP 500 and CFP 380 models have proven themselves to be the best.

Gravity filters

Non-pressure devices are more versatile and, accordingly, in demand. For this reason, despite their more primitive design, gravity filters often cost more than pressure models. These filters differ from the flow type by their considerable dimensions and impressive performance. As noted in user reviews, the best model is Bio KNBF 20000. Another good option is CBF 350B.

The principle of operation of such devices is also somewhat simpler: water flows inside due to traction, and out - just as in pressure samples - by gravity (via gravity), that is, freely flowing back into the reservoir. Such a filter must be installed above the water line. Otherwise, the device will physically not be able to function.

When purchasing a gravity filter, you also need to buy a pump in addition to it, which will supply water to the device. By the way, making pond filters that operate using gravity with your own hands is not that difficult.

Device elements

This type of filter consists of the following cleaning components:

  • hard brushes designed for mechanical cleaning of water from large contaminants such as leaves, algae, fallen from trees, as well as silt and other debris;
  • the coconut mat sifts out small particles for more thorough cleaning;
  • a foam sponge retains the smallest, invisible particles of dirt and harmful microorganisms, and at the same time promotes the proliferation of beneficial bacteria;
  • capsules filled with a special composition also help improve aquatic microflora.

By the way, this type of filter is best suited for ponds of medium size and populated with plants. These fish pond filters will also be quite practical. They can work all year round. But the most favorable period for such a device begins in late spring and ends in early autumn. That is, in warm weather.

By filtering method

Depending on the cleaning method, pond filters are divided into biological, mechanical and mixed.

The first are focused on removing organic matter and chemical components from water such as nitrites, nitrates, ammonia inclusions and other unsafe chemical components. All these substances are harmful to fish living in the reservoir and can cause active blooms in the water, and therefore their elimination is a mandatory measure. The main part of such a filter is a substrate saturated with useful substances. Plastic balls, porous lava, and even absorbent foam sponges are used as this substrate.

Mechanical filters

Mechanical models are used to remove insoluble particles of debris (by the way, the simplest mechanical cleaning can be carried out even with the help of an ordinary net, which is used to catch dirt from the water). Pond filters of this type are divided into roll, belt and drum types. The first ones are equipped with special fleece tapes, which are replaced with newer ones as the material ages. These tapes collect all the contaminants present in the reservoir. In drum filters, dirt and debris remain on the main element of the device, after which they are automatically or manually removed from its surface. Belt mechanical filters operate on a similar principle. The only difference is that instead of a drum they have an artificial felt tape.

By the way, skimmers that collect debris from the surface of the water are also considered mechanical filters.

Practicality of "mixed" devices

Mixed-type devices are those that combine the qualities of several others. These are the best filters for small ponds. After all, for a large reservoir such a measure will be too costly, while a small pond, thanks to a mixed-type filter, can be transformed in a matter of hours, and this will require a minimum of monetary costs.

Filtration is a delicate matter

If more thorough and skillful cleaning is required, the best solution is ultraviolet filters for water purification. For the pond and the fish living in it, this device is completely safe, but all algae and bacteria, which spoil the appearance of the reservoir with their vital activity, will be quickly and reliably eliminated. In general, you can make the best choice only by taking into account all the features of a particular pond.

After all, what is ideal in one case is completely unsuitable for another. In addition, not every reservoir owner will consider it necessary to spend money on purchasing such a device.

Sand filters

Sand filters for ponds are quite often used. These devices have many advantages. First of all, their relatively low cost attracts attention. Their maintenance is also quite simple and inexpensive, but the quality of water purification is always at its best. The reliability and unpretentiousness of such devices make them one of the best candidates for purchase.

The main element of such a filter is a mixture of quartz sand purified and sifted using a special technology, and in addition gravel. Cleaning of this filler is carried out by backwashing. Thus, sand filters for ponds are among the most beneficial in terms of price-quality ratio. Reviews from satisfied owners of cleaning devices are clear confirmation of this.

DIY filter

If you have minimal finances, but have more than enough desire to do something with your own hands, you can, having acquired a list of necessary parts, start making a handmade filter. In general, DIY pond filters will cost relatively little - up to $250. To be more precise, this figure mostly depends on the filler. Only there is a small, but important “but”. It’s one thing to use a purification device for a simple pond, the living inhabitants of which are algae and other plants. And it’s quite another thing to create filters for a fish pond with your own hands. After all, fish, as you know, pollute water with waste from their vital activity much more intensively than aquatic plants. Thus, a purification device for a reservoir inhabited by fish must be more powerful.

So, to create a device for cleaning a reservoir with a volume of about ten cubic meters, you will need 2 medium barrels, adapters, connections and taps. All this can be bought from companies that sell plumbing fixtures and pipes for cold and hot water, and from companies that deal with various equipment for swimming pools.

On what principle does such a device work?

How does the device itself function? Water is taken from the bottom of the reservoir and, under the action of pump thrust, is delivered to the filter device. After going through several layers of cleansing, she returns to the pool again. This time - by gravity. You will also need to make a hole in the bottom of the container to drain dirty water. It will come in handy when flushing the device.

The best filter substrate options for different filter levels are as follows:

  • At the very bottom, at the bottom, it is better to lay a layer of expanded clay or simple shells. In addition, it is recommended to pack them in separate nets.
  • The middle level can be ceramic rings or bioballs.
  • At the very top there is a layer of rings of padding polyester or other fine-bubble synthetics.

The filter, the creation of which is described above, is well suited for a “fish” pond. If there are no inhabitants that heavily pollute the water, and the area and volume of the pond is small, you can make an even simpler filter. It will do a good job of purifying water. Moreover, its cost will be minimal, its performance will be excellent, and its maintenance will be simple and quick.

For a pond without fish

To create such a filter, you will need little: only a medium-sized basin and a low-power pump for pumping water. First you need to make a horizontal opening at the bottom of the existing pelvis. The bottom, by the way, must remain untouched. The height of the opening should be about a decimeter, the width - up to two.

A flat stone should be placed in the resulting hole. A mixture of sand and cement must be poured inside the basin so that after smoothing it, a drain will form to the bottom of the cascade. Once the cement has hardened, it can be top coated with a waterproofing agent. This simple structure needs to be placed at the very top of the cascade, then about five stones up to 6 cm high must be placed inside. A sheet of plastic or stainless steel must be placed on top. Crushed stone is poured onto it, a layer of synthetic padding is placed, and only then the hose from the pump is connected. You can place pebbles or small stones at the very top. They will play the role of decorative elements. Of the entire structure, only crushed stone and padding polyester filler are subject to periodic replacement; the other components are very durable.

Thus, creating your own filter for a pond is not a difficult task. You just need to purchase everything you need and connect it to the pump. Such a device can even cope with a pool inhabited by fish, although it gets dirty much faster than usual and requires more thorough cleaning.

In nature, lakes with crystal clear water usually have a large area, while small ones often turn into swamps. Therefore, in order for artificial ponds to be pleasing to the eye, they need care. The transparency of water in an artificial reservoir is ensured not only by performing regular procedures for its mechanical cleaning, but also, first of all, by a competent design for the arrangement of the pond itself, as well as by the operation of a water filtration and aeration system. The sum of the mentioned factors should provide establishing a biological balance in a reservoir lower and higher flora and fauna, the existence of which is evidenced by clean water without an unpleasant odor.

When arranging an artificial pond, its main parameters play a key role - location, volume and purpose. Choosing place, take into account that the reservoir should be illuminated by the sun for 4-6 hours during the day, and at summer noon, shading of at least 40% of the water surface is necessary. At the same time, the pond is not located directly under the trees: falling leaves or needles have a bad effect on its biobalance.

Typology of reservoir arrangement

The water in any artificial pond must be continuously enriched with oxygen and regularly pumped through a filtration system, the type of which depends on the purpose of the reservoir.

Decorative pond with an area of ​​8-12 m2 with a maximum depth of about 60-80 cm, it is aimed exclusively at growing ornamental plants. In this case, the problem of enriching water with oxygen is often solved using an external compressor (aerator), which pumps air into the water column. The compressor, along with a cleaning filter and a pump, the parameters of which are selected based on the size of the reservoir, are installed in a secluded place on the shore of the pond. Filtration is ensured by taking water from a pit in the deepest part of the reservoir and returning it to the pond on the side opposite from the point of intake.

Pond for fish must have a deep-water zone (80 cm or more) for the wintering of living organisms, the area of ​​which should be a significant part of the pond. There, the water will not warm up much during the summer heat and freeze in winter. The area of ​​a fish pond usually exceeds the minimum size of a decorative pond and can reach 50 m2. The number of individuals is selected based on the fact that per 1 m2 of pond area there should be no more than 0.25 m of the total body length of the fish. To purify and saturate the water with oxygen, you will have to install an aerator complete with a multi-stage filter.

Bathing pond, the area of ​​which exceeds 70 m2, and the depth can reach 1.5 m, must be equipped not only with an automatic filtration and aeration system, but also with a special zone for natural purification and biological regeneration of water. The swimming and regeneration zones of the pond can be combined or separated into different areas. When organized jointly, the regeneration zone should be separated from the bathing area. It is necessary to build dividing walls 20-30 cm below the water level. The role of a dividing wall can also be played by a tightly stretched fine-mesh mesh, which needs to be changed every few years. The volume of the bathing and regeneration zones is usually 1:1 or 1:2.

Beneficial flora and fauna

In any artificial pond, regardless of its size and purpose, protozoa and higher plants, as well as insects and microorganisms, coexist. Most lower plants and microorganisms grow on their own, but the owner of the reservoir must take care of breeding higher ornamental plants and fish.

To maintain a healthy biological balance in the pond, it is necessary to grow oxygenating algae floating in the water column- swampweed, pondweed, hornwort, turcha, urut and elodea. These plants process organic matter in the water into green mass and saturate the reservoir with oxygen, thereby maintaining the normal functioning of other organisms. When oxygenators grow too large, the excess is removed manually.

In addition, the pond should grow free floating plants(watercolor, hornwort, telores) and deep-water perennials with floating leaves(marsh flower, water lily, water lily). They are not only decorative, but also useful, as they shade the water during hot weather. In reservoirs with fish, ⅓ of the water surface should be covered with surface greenery, but it should not be allowed to grow over more than ½ of the area.

Mechanical cleaning and cleaning

The pond must be periodically cleared of debris floating on the surface and excess aquatic plants. If the water becomes cloudy, measures should be taken to establish biobalance. Leaves and other organic debris that fall on the surface of the water quickly become wet, settle to the bottom and after some time begin to decompose. To remove leaves and debris that fall into the water, you can use skimmers. These floating devices are a basket into which dirt from the water surface is automatically collected.

In autumn, during leaf fall, you can even stretch a special mesh. As a last resort, use a net, but then you will have to collect leaves every day. In the spring, the reservoir is pumped out (leaving the liquid in the regeneration zone of the swimming pond and in the deep-water section of the fish pond) and clean the surface with a suction pump. In addition, in the fall, overgrown aquatic plants should be pruned and, if necessary, replanted.

Pond filtration

Special filter systems that ensure the purity of water in the pond must contain mechanical cleaning elements- containers with porous filter material, which allows you to clarify the water by removing debris and dirt particles. In addition, the filter may include components of light and chemical-biological purification. They are used to disinfect and purify water from toxins using ultraviolet light and filter substances such as carbon or resin. To normalize the microflora of water, a separate compartment of a multi-stage filter may contain capsules with beneficial microorganisms. The main goal of such multi-stage filtration is not so much mechanical cleaning as the normalization of the biological balance of the reservoir, when the development of unnecessary algae and harmful bacteria in the pond is naturally suppressed. Filter elements need to be changed every 3-6 months, while the condition of mechanical filters should be checked at least once every 2 months.

Filter types

In most cases, to purify water in garden ponds, they use flow or pressure cleaning systems, which are driven by pumps included in the kit or supplied separately. Water is sucked from the pond and sent to a filter, where it is purified and then returned to the pond. Water flows into cheaper and less efficient flow filters by gravity, while into more expensive and efficient pressure filters it is pumped under pressure.

Powerful pond filters consist of several blocks located in a common casing. One of them is sterilizer(an ultraviolet lamp that irradiates water, killing microorganisms and blue-green algae in it). The main part of the system is three-stage filter. In its first compartment, the water is preliminary purified from leaves and other large contaminants. As a result of this process, the water is enriched with oxygen. The second stage of purification involves the biological decomposition of ammonia - a product of the breakdown of organic bacteria into harmless nitrogen compounds. At the third stage, the remaining ammonia is absorbed by a special substance, after which the water flows back into the reservoir.

Filter selection

You can determine which filter is needed based on its maximum performance or the performance of the pump that is included with the filter. A pond without fish should be completely pumped in 2 hours, and with fish - in 1 hour. Thus, by calculating the approximate volume of the pond in liters, it is easy to determine the models that suit you. For effective water purification in a swimming or stocked pond the filtration system must operate continuously for 24 hours(only in a decorative pond is filtering allowed for 6 hours a day).

Preparations for pond cleaning

Can be used to purify water from organic and biogenic elements, as well as to control the proliferation of protozoan algae. chemical and biological preparations. The use of the latter does not affect the established biological balance in the pond and in most cases they do not pose a threat to plants and living organisms. With the help of biological products, you can suppress the growth of microalgae and stop water blooms (for example, liquid extract of barley straw is used). There are also all kinds of drugs to support the immune system of fish in cold water, increase the activity of processes in the pond in winter and early spring, etc.

Chemicals are used to restore the acidity level of a reservoir, saturate the water with oxygen, and dissolve algae. When using them, you must strictly adhere to the dosage, since in excessive doses they are harmful to fish, plants and humans. Their use can lead to disruption of the biobalance of the pond.

Filter Fountain Pump

If you install a fountain pump with a mechanical filter and an ultraviolet lamp at the bottom of a decorative pond to suppress harmful bacteria and algae, then in this case you can do without using an external filter for water purification. Available models of filter fountain pumps can be used for reservoirs with a volume of up to 5000 liters. To protect against clogging, pumps are installed on a concrete or metal base at the bottom of the reservoir. They are connected directly to the electrical network, so when choosing, pay attention to the length of the cable and provide a residual current device in the network. Naturally, such a pump must be turned off when servicing the pond.

Pond aeration

Enriching water with oxygen is extremely important for the flora and fauna of an artificial reservoir. The air supply helps keep the water clean and clear, allows fish to develop normally, prevents the proliferation of harmful microorganisms, regulates the growth of algae, ensures water circulation from the bottom to the surface, eliminating unpleasant odors. In winter, aerators work as deicers and contribute to the formation of an unfreezing water surface.

Two types of devices are used. Diffuser bottom aerators consist of a compressor installed on the shore and diffusers connected to it by flexible hoses at the bottom. This technique is very effective, but it does not create a water pattern on the surface. But floating aerator fountains In addition to clean water, they bring aesthetic pleasure. Moreover, you can order several replaceable fountain heads. Such aerators do not need to be installed; they float on their own.

Wintering a stocked pond

In autumn, fish begin to prepare for winter and store fat. When the temperature drops, it sinks to the bottom of the reservoir and stops eating. During this period, you should not feed the fish, since the abundance of uneaten food leads to water pollution. From mid-autumn to mid-spring, the water in a stocked pond may not be filtered, so it is necessary to provide for the possibility of turning off the filtration equipment.

An important question remains aeration of water. The main danger for fish in winter is the lack of oxygen and the accumulation of carbon dioxide under the ice. To winterize such a pond, the water aeration system is not turned off for the winter. With its help, the water is enriched with oxygen, and carbon dioxide, formed during the rotting of leaves, algae and other organic matter, freely comes to the surface. As an alternative, stocked ponds can be equipped with a de-icer that prevents ice from forming on the surface. A submersible pump can also be used. It is placed 20-60 cm below the water surface. It works for itself, as a result, moving water does not freeze. The main disadvantage of all these methods is a sudden power outage, which is why the reservoir needs attention in winter.