Scottish fold cats care and maintenance. Caring for a Scottish Fold kitten. Necessary vaccinations for your pet

This breed of kittens, like the Scottish Fold, has long been loved by our compatriots. These furry babies have won love and sympathy for themselves due to their charming appearance, unpretentious health and easy-going disposition. A mustachioed pet easily enters a new home, getting along with its owners, children and other animals. However, it is extremely important to provide the kitten with proper care and nutrition. Only then will he delight his owners with his playfulness and good health.

Kittens of this breed usually leave their mother at the age of 2-3 months. Before this period, they are considered too weak and dependent. By the right age, they acquire their breed outlines and become noticeable to absolutely everyone: they can no longer be confused with any other type of cat.

Neatly folded ears are a characteristic feature of the Scottish Fold cat. The breed's calling card must be carefully monitored. Caring for this part of the body is an indispensable component of their health and attractive appearance. It is desirable that the ears always look clean, without any plaque, dirt, peeling, and so on. At least once a week, it is important to wipe them with a special lotion or spray, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies. Folk remedies such as vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and others should not be used under any circumstances.

Kittens need regular ear treatment, but not many owners know how to do it correctly so as not to disturb the animal’s ear canal and not cause unpleasant painful sensations. Ideally, in the absence of pathology, the cat does not have any discharge from the ears; only minor smearing of earwax is allowed. If brown or purulent discharge appears, you should immediately consult a doctor for a consultation. The likelihood of infection with ear mites with such symptoms is high, so it is necessary to start treating the baby as soon as possible.

Eye treatment

Not only Scots, but also representatives of any breed, at such a young age need sensitive care and care from their caring owners. Just like the ears, the eyes need regular examination and treatment. A disinfectant solution applied to a cotton pad will help prevent infection from entering the eye mucosa and the development of an inflammatory process.

Owners should know that if a cat constantly tries to scratch its eye with its paw, shakes its head, and its visual organs are tearing or festering, it is urgent to contact a specialist. There may be a foreign body in the eyes of a kitten or an adult animal. The cause of such symptoms can also be an infectious disease such as conjunctivitis, keratitis, blepharitis, and so on. All these pathological conditions require long-term and high-quality treatment.

How to care for the fur and should you bathe a kitten?

Kittens of this breed do not require regular services from a cat groomer. They simply do not require special coat care. Periodically combing out weakened or falling out hair, this procedure will be quite sufficient. If you do this no more than a couple of times a week, the kitten will look great, and its coat will always be silky and pleasant to the touch. A so-called silicone mitten will help rid your furry baby of excess hairs during shedding.

It is extremely important to pay attention to the fact that kittens do not need bathing at an early age. They take care of their fur themselves, licking themselves from whiskers to paws. A cat should bathe no more than a couple of times a year, provided that the animal does not get very dirty. In case of heavy contamination, of course, you should deviate from the bathing schedule and wash your pet’s fur. When choosing a shampoo, you should be guided by its hypoallergenicity and the absence of excessive fragrances that could cause skin problems. Detergents used by people are not suitable for cats, especially at such a young age.

Claws and teeth should be in order

Caring for a cat of a breed such as the Scottish Fold also involves periodically trimming its claws. It is best to use special devices that are designed for such small pets. Nippers will allow you to get the correct cut, preventing the possibility of splitting and delamination of the claw. It is necessary to trim only the edge; in case of excessive cutting and careless wounding of the skin, the damage should be treated with peroxide. For their convenience, many owners deprive their pets of their nails altogether. However, this is extremely harmful to the animal.

If we consider oral care, then the cat does not need special measures. Nutrition is largely a determining factor. If kittens eat only dry food, no care will be required. In this case, the pet does not need to brush its teeth, since the hard granules included in such food help cleanse the surface of the teeth from plaque and strengthen the gums. Tartar removal is an important procedure for any animal, but kittens do not undergo it. In adult pets, tartar is removed in a veterinary clinic under anesthesia.

Tray training

As for the toilet and training for it, Scottish kittens are extremely clean in this regard. They master their litter box at a rapid pace. First, it is better to prepare a toilet with low sides for the baby, and when the cat gets stronger and grows up, the container can be replaced with a larger and higher one.

An important point regarding the health of your pet is the choice of filler. Silica gel is preferred among pet owners. This filler completely eliminates any unpleasant odor. In addition, cats love to dig and rustle the earth during visits to the toilet. If this option seems too expensive, you can use a more economical option in the form of wood pellets.

Features of the diet and nutrition of Scottish kittens

Nutrition and feeding of fold-eared babies is a separate issue, but there are no problems with Scottish Folds here either. They love to eat delicious food. They cannot be called capricious and picky. Whatever is offered to them will definitely be eaten. Meanwhile, feeding should only be done with balanced ready-made food. And if very small pets cannot master it at first, then there should be no problems with an older cat. When moving from soft pate to dry food, it is important to provide the kitten with a sufficient amount of protein and a minimum of carbohydrate foods. At the same time, the finished feed is enriched with vitamins and all the microelements necessary for the animal.

Ideally, the most correct feeding involves alternating canned food and dry food. In addition, it is worth knowing that:

  1. Water must be constantly available to the animal. There is no need to limit his fluid intake.
  2. Kittens should not drink cow's milk as this product causes stomach upset.
  3. It is also undesirable to feed a cat from the master’s common table, since the pet’s digestive system is not adapted to preservatives, smoked meats, sweets and everything else that a person eats.

Proper care and healthy food for a kitten are the key to its further full existence and development.

Fold cats are distinguished from other breeds by their unusual appearance and cute childish facial features. Friendliness, increased flexibility and high intelligence are their main characteristics. Every owner needs to know the specifics of caring for such a pet.

This breed is distinguished by its striking manifestation of sexual dimorphism: males are larger and stockier than females, cats are more graceful and elegant.

General features:

  • almost perfectly round head on a short neck;
  • elegant body;
  • well developed outstretched paws;
  • long straight tail.

The main feature that distinguishes them from the British is their miniature ears, triangular in shape. Because of the crease, they seem to be bent down and pressed against the skull.

International associations allow all colors - from white to tortoiseshell, but there are exceptions: lavender, chocolate and colorpoint.

MisterCat warns: advantages and disadvantages

The breed has various advantages and disadvantages.


The Scots are moderately active, preferring sleep to aimless running around. This does not prevent them from being playful and active when necessary. They love various games with toys, and with proper training they quickly learn commands.

Dependent on human attention. They quickly become attached to the family. They don’t choose a “favorite” - they love every family member equally. They cannot stand being alone for long periods of time, so people without a family and with a job that requires constant absence should not get a pet.

This does not mean that the pet is annoyingly intrusive; on the contrary, their high level of intelligence helps them understand when they are in the way.
They are not loud, their voice is quiet and pleasant.

The only thing that throws a Scottish cat out of balance is moving or a new place. In this case, the owner should be nearby and help him adapt correctly.

Sociable pets react calmly to small children and other pets.

How to prepare for the arrival of a kitten

At the age of three to four months after birth, the kitten may leave its mother. Before his appearance, prepare the house by purchasing the following things:

  • Bowl. Preferred material: glass, steel, plastic.
  • Tray and filler.
  • House with a scratching post.
  • Carrying.
  • Toys.


The main disadvantage of the breed is greed and indiscriminate eating, which leads to serious illnesses. Experienced breeders advise creating a diet.

Before purchasing, find out how feeding went in the first house. The transition from the old regime should be smooth so that the baby’s fragile body is not damaged.

The first additions are soft canned or bagged food. After the fourth month, premium dry food is added, which contains enough protein, vitamins and essential taurine.

The main thing is to avoid excess calcium in the kittens’ diet so that their ears don’t stand up.

As a reward or just a treat, occasionally give meat or fish and vegetables.

Kittens should not eat:

  • homemade food;
  • sausages;
  • sweets;
  • bird bones.


From the first days, it is important to teach your baby a routine in the house, communicate with him, and show him who is boss in the house. An ill-mannered and uncommunicative creature will bring many problems in the future. Smart pets are prone to manipulation and whims if they do not see authority in a person.

Before buying, you need to come up with a name and say it more often so that he gets used to it faster.

You should not resort to physical punishment; the best method of education is a decisive “no” and patience. The most important thing is to show that the cat should not climb onto tables, beds and all forbidden places in the house.

Aggression and whims are condemned. Damage to things must not be allowed.


Scottish Folds are not picky and do not require any maintenance skills.


Month-old kittens are prone to eye infections. First of all, you need to show them to the doctor. Standard treatment is to periodically wipe with a cotton swab soaked in chamomile infusion or medicine.


The weak point of all such cats. Cleaning is carried out at least once a week. It is better to replace cotton swabs with tampons with a special liquid. It is important to be careful so that your little pet gets used to the procedure and does not experience fear.

A typical disease - ear mites - manifests itself in the appearance of a brown crust in the ear. At the first symptoms, you need to see a veterinarian as soon as possible.


The fur does not require special care. During shedding, it is enough to brush no more than once a week. Increased attention is paid to a pet that walks along the street in the spring-autumn period - there is a high probability of acquiring a company of ticks.

Water treatments

Professional breeders offer the following method of accustoming to water: at first you need to wrap the baby in a wet towel, then reward him with a treat. Thus, he will understand that water is not scary.

Before bathing in the bath, you need to protect your ears from moisture getting into them by plugging them with cotton pads. The water temperature should be warm and as comfortable as possible for the pet. To do this, measure the water with your elbow. Human shampoo will cause skin problems.

It is necessary to use special tools designed taking into account her needs.


Health and vaccination

Peculiarities of breeding have caused the appearance of several hereditary diseases:

  • Glaucoma, cataract, entropion. Also read the article about.
  • Demodicosis, eczema, allergies.
  • Congenital deafness, tendency to otitis media.

Even if the owner does not plan to let the pet out of the apartment, it is necessary to do so, since infections can be brought into the house on shoes or clothes. The first vaccination is given at the age of three months; you can learn about further procedures from your veterinarian.

Kitten price

Representatives of the Scottish breed vary in price depending on gender, pedigree, external qualities and coat length.

Average price in Russia:

  • Pet class - from four to ten thousand.
  • Breed class - from fifteen thousand.
  • Show class - up to fifty thousand rubles.

Everyone knows the cutest kittens with downturned ears. It’s a rare person who is not moved by Scottish Fold cats. But also, not every owner of lop-eared pets knows about the intricacies of caring for the animal, associated not only with the characteristics of the ears, but also with the characteristics of the breed as a whole.

Cats are naturally very good creatures, and normally do not require additional care. However, due to their age, kittens do not always cope with their hygiene procedures, and they need help with this.

Behind the eyes

Kittens need to regularly clean their eyes with a damp cotton pad (by the way, that's a whole different story). You should be accustomed to such procedures from a very tender age and from the first days of the kitten’s stay in the apartment. Once a week, to prevent infections and cleanse your eyes more thoroughly, you can wipe them with a solution of boric acid (1/2 teaspoon of dry powder per glass of boiled water).

Nail trimming

Domestic kittens stand on their front legs. It is also worth accustoming to the procedure from the first days of life with the owners. Nails are trimmed approximately once a month - only the very tip is trimmed, no more than 2 mm, so as not to touch the blood vessels.

When to bathe and how?

Kittens only if necessary - if there is heavy soiling or if the presence of fleas is suspected. Fold-eared kittens are not allowed to bathe until they are two months old. Then bathe once every two to three months. Bath in warm water with special shampoo. After bathing, the coat must be dried to avoid hypothermia and colds.

The vast majority of kittens are afraid of the sound of water, so you should be careful with the pressure. It is better to fill the bathtub or basin with water in advance and water the baby from a ladle. For training, you can put rubber toys in the water.

The ears must be covered with cotton swabs during bathing. Oil drops are instilled into the eyes to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane in case of accidental contact with soapy water. The temperature should be about 36 o C.


Human shampoos and conditioners can cause very severe allergic reactions. Kittens should only be washed with special wool shampoo!

You need to wash all the products very carefully, because even after washing and drying the kitten will lick itself to remove the specific smell. Hot air is not used to dry the fur - only cold air at a distance of about half a meter from the kitten.

Ear cleaning

Ear inspection and cleaning should be done at least once a week. The auditory canal is carefully wiped from the outside with a cotton pad or cotton wool twisted into a flagellum.

It is better not to use cotton swabs - the kitten may pull away from the unpleasant sensations, and the swab itself may damage the ear, or the cotton swab from it may remain in the ear canal. Wax from the depths of the ear is not removed.

Scottish Fold coat care

Scottish Folds are naturally very clean and take care of their fur themselves. However, to reduce the clogging of the stomach with hairballs, you need to regularly, at least once a week, comb the animal with a special hair brush.

You can purchase them in special veterinary stores or pharmacies. For short-haired subspecies, a brush with short and frequent teeth is used; for long-haired counterparts, combs should have longer and sparse teeth.

Also, long-haired cats need brushing at least once every two to three days. During the molting period, brushing is carried out more often.


A kitten, like a human, needs its own essentials - food and water bowls, a litter box, its own sleeping place, toys and a scratching post.

Food bowls

Kittens should have separate food and water bowls. Separate cups for dry and wet food are also desirable. It is better to place cups for food and water a little distance from each other - natural instincts tell cats that water near food is most likely contaminated with cadaveric poison.

Sleeping place

An animal must have its own secluded corner - a house with, or at least just its own rug on which it will feel protected.

Even active kittens sometimes want to relax and be alone with themselves, so that no one disturbs them at this moment.



The tray can be either with or without filler. For fillers, use tall, wide trays without a grid. The sides should not be too high so that the kitten can easily climb over them. As you age, you can purchase a tray that is a little higher.

It is better to use natural wood filler, compressed into granules - it crumbles when wet. At first, it is better not to wash the tray thoroughly until the kitten is ready - kittens navigate a new place not by memory, but by smell.

scratching post

– a common physical procedure, even in small kittens. To prevent scratching furniture, carpets, and clothes, it is better to purchase a scratching post. They are sold as individual columns and as whole complexes with houses and areas for sitting and lying.

Don’t think that the kitten will immediately start playing only with a scratching post. It follows the same way as toilet training - sometimes the smell of catnip is used to lure the baby to an unfamiliar object.


Kittens, regardless of breed, need to follow a vaccination schedule. Timely vaccination allows you to avoid many serious diseases or at least minimize their consequences. Vaccination is carried out a week after treatment against worms.


Any vaccination is carried out subject to the animal’s complete health. The dose and drug are prescribed only by a veterinarian.


The animal must be balanced, no matter what feed is used - dry and wet industrial or. It is recommended to feed kittens up to 4 months 4-5 times a day, then 3-4 times.

Feeding dry food

Premium and home class food is used for Scottish Folds. These are the most balanced feeds, their creation is clearly aimed at the daily needs of animals. In addition, they contain vitamins and minerals necessary for normal development. You only need to use special food for kittens.

Features of feeding with natural food

Feeding natural food is somewhat more difficult, since there are a number of restrictions for the breed. Kids can cook oatmeal, buckwheat, and rice.

The porridge is cooked without adding oil. For up to two months, you can give a small amount of ground beef with oatmeal and boiled yolk.

With age, fermented milk products are introduced into the diet, which completely replace milk, boiled by-products, boiled vegetables, pieces of meat, and boiled eggs. Fish should be given no more than once a week, strictly boiled.


Scottish Fold kittens are strictly prohibited from giving:

  • – sweet;
  • – herring;
  • – smoked meats;
  • – corned beef;
  • – sausages, sausages, bacon.

Raw fish, poultry and eggs are prohibited. Pork PROHIBITED fully.

Useful video

Features of the breed: how to care for fold ears - you can watch in the video below.


Like all purebred animals, Scottish Fold kittens have their own set of care requirements, especially regarding diet. We should not forget about upbringing - the baby will not immediately become smart, playful and well-mannered just because this is inherent in his breed.

Kittens are raised patiently, without screaming or aggression. Feeling love and care, the kitten will delight its owners with its affection for a long time.

There is hardly a person who would not be delighted with emotion while watching a Scottish cat. The flattened ears and thick undercoat immediately catch the eye; these cats are unusual both in character and in appearance. To purchase a worthy specimen, it is better to visit a Scottish Fold cattery, they will tell you the options, and there is no chance of purchasing a kitten with deviations.

To know how to care for a cat, you need to learn its external features, habits and, so to speak, its interior - its inner world. The external features of fold-eared cats are small flat ears, a medium tapered tail, large eyes and a fluffy thick undercoat. The color of Scottish Folds can be completely different - ash, beige, cream, white, and even saffron milk caps are found. They can also be plain, marbled, striped, unevenly colored, whatever you like.

A larger selection of colors will, of course, be provided at the nursery. In fact, caring for a Scottish Fold cat is quite simple, the hair does not fall out in clumps, and scratching is kept to a minimum. As for the cat's character, there is no reason to doubt its friendly disposition. This is a phlegmatic cat, calmly reacting to everything that happens.

What to do before the kitten comes home?

Any animal needs care, and Scottish Fold cats are no exception. Care and maintenance for them should always be at a high level, especially at a young age. Before the kitten comes into the house, you need to take care of all safety measures, arrange a tray, a place to eat and the kitten’s own space where he can play, sharpen his claws and sleep.

The owner needs to purchase a scratching post, a tray, a house, bowls, a brush, vitamins, and food.

You can buy all this at a veterinary store, and you can also find out what to feed your Scottish Fold cat so that there are no problems with digestion and hair. You can contact a veterinary clinic, they will advise you on what food to buy for a cat of this breed.

The safety of a cat is the absence of electrical wires that you just want to pull, bars on windows and balconies. You should also place everything you bought for the kitten in one room and leave it there. You should not allow him to run around the whole house in the first days, as this will allow the kitten to get used to it faster.

Feeding a growing kitten

If everything is fine, and after giving birth, the cat feeds the kittens with milk, there is no need to worry and you only need to think about feeding the mother. The cat's diet should be varied and nutritious at this time. But if the cat’s milk has not arrived, the owner will have to feed the kittens himself every 2 hours. This applies both day and night, so it’s worth being patient, because the future health of the kittens, and possibly life, depends on it.

So, the owner brought the pet to his home, the question arises, what to feed the Scottish cat at the beginning of its growth? After the kittens are one month old, complementary foods in the form of liquid milk porridge are gradually introduced; semolina is best suited. Then, when the kitten gets used to it, you can introduce cottage cheese and egg yolk. You can give it once a week. Gradually, the food should become harder so that by 2-3 months the cat can eat pieces of meat or food. The diet of a small kitten must include whole, diluted milk, and later water in the required quantity.

What to give to an adult cat?

In order for a beautiful and energetic Scottish Fold cat to grow up, its diet must be varied, full of vitamins and microelements, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It's time to try wet food for Scottish fold cats; the health of the animal's stomach and liver depend on its quality. Therefore, priority is given to those feeds that are more expensive. This is what food is.

The diet of an adult fold cat should include the following foods:

Care and maintenance of the tartan

Since the breed is one of the most calm and balanced in character, the Scottish Fold cat, whose care and feeding comes down to simple steps, will not cause much trouble even for beginners. An adult cat is unlikely to constantly sharpen its claws on the sofa or ride on the curtains. In addition, her mental abilities allow her to go to the litter box and not shit in the corners. Naturally, if she was accustomed to such a procedure from childhood and was scolded when she tried to sharpen her claws on furniture.

You need to comb it if the cat sheds or before a show, this should be done with a special brush with fine teeth, or better yet, with a mitten.

While walking, you need to watch your cat so that it does not pick up germs from the grass or swallow various small debris. For protection, you must wear a special flea collar.

Preventive measures that need to be carried out in a veterinary clinic:

Cat pregnancy

When the cat reaches sexual maturity, she can be bred. The most suitable age is 1.5 years for breeding Scottish cats at home to be successful and the kittens to be born healthy. You should also pay attention to the fact that a fold-eared cat cannot be crossed with the same breed; it is advisable to choose a straight-eared cat for this.

Such an interesting situation as the pregnancy of a Scottish cat can raise many questions among breeders. Undoubtedly, this is an important aspect of a pet’s health, so everyone needs to know the main features during a cat’s pregnancy:

After birth, the kittens are fed by the mother, and a few months later the owner takes them to the clinic for vaccination. To determine the exhibition parameters and enter these kittens into the passport, the owner can visit the Scottish Fold cattery.

The article was approved by felinologist Elena Shabaeva

In this publication we will look at what and how much to feed a Scottish kitten, and what food is suitable for Scottish kittens. Moreover, contrary to the opinion that if you have a Scottish Fold cat (Scottish Fold or Highland Fold), you need to feed it differently than a straight-eared cat (Scottish Straight and Highland Straight) so that its ears do not stand up, in fact In fact, the same diet is suitable for both varieties of the Scottish breed. Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens are at a developmental stage, so the question of what to feed is very important.


Basic rules for feeding kittens: how to feed a Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kitten

The kitten's diet must be balanced, because... otherwise, he will face problems with stool, vomiting, diarrhea, and abnormal development.

Nutrition should be limited to a time frame: small straight-eared and fold-eared kittens are fed 5-6 times a day, adolescents - 3-4 times a day, adult cats - 2 times a day (morning and evening).

The kitten should have its own bowls that cannot be washed with chemicals. Bowls should be placed in a quiet place where nothing disturbs the kitten: if the animal is nervous while eating, this will negatively affect its health.

It is also important to know what to feed your Scottish kitten. The kitten should have constant access to water, also in a quiet, protected place. The water should be changed every day. It is advisable to choose a container large enough, because... cats love larger “ponds”. And they are especially fond of running water: to imitate it, you can buy a special cat fountain, but do not allow them to drink from the tap: it contains harmful chlorinated water. The bowl of water should not be placed in the same place as the food: cats like to drink away from the place of feeding, which is dictated by wild instincts - water near food can become infected with poisons.

The kitten should eat often and in small portions, because... otherwise, the body will have difficulty digesting what is eaten, and this will lead to hiccups, vomiting and other consequences. Of course, the cat doesn’t mind eating 200 grams at a time, allotted for a day, but the owner must monitor the quantity limit: put in a bowl as much as the kitten can eat at one time, without reserve.

Additionally, vitamins are included in the kittens' diet. Read more about them in a separate article.

Homemade food for your Scottish kitten

Breeders have been arguing about what is best to feed a Scottish kitten, natural food or factory-made food, probably since factories began producing ready-made food. We will not give an answer to this question, because everything depends not only on the benefits or harm that certain products give the body, but also on your wallet and the availability of free time. Although, of course, if you have time, opportunity and you properly balance your diet, there is nothing better than natural nutrition. At the same time, you may nothave enough time for it.

Natural nutrition (popularly called “natural”) - this is not food from the master’s table, as many people think. This is a separate food prepared according to cat rules. It includes such products.

What can and should be fed to kittens - Scottish Fold and Straight-eared

Meat Meat (poultry, rabbit, beef) is the basis of the menu: its share should reach 90% of the daily diet. We give the meat not fatty, raw (it must be frozen in the freezer for at least 3 days). Meat contains many useful elements that a kitten needs: protein, amino acids, etc. When cooked, many elements are destroyed. However, boiled meat is allowed for those kittens who are currently transitioning from ready-made food to natural food and cannot yet fully digest the raw product.
By-products Offal (heart, stomachs, liver, kidneys, etc.) are also the basis of the diet and are included in the 90% of the meat and bone component of the menu. The heart contains the amino acid taurine, which helps the functioning of the organs of vision, digestion and heart, in the liver (it is given once every 1-2 weeks or a little every day as part of mixes) - vitamins necessary for wool, bones, and vision organs and digestion. Although veterinarians argue about the liver: after all, it is a filter in which poisons settle. Therefore, it is desirable that the liver be taken from a more or less environmentally friendly animal, for example, a turkey.
Bones Small kittens should not eat whole bones, especially the tubular bones of birds, because... they can injure the digestive tract. But kittens need calcium, which is contained in the bones. Therefore, you can take chicken necks and heads, grind them in a meat grinder and serve along with the meat. If this is not possible, you need to add fermented milk products, crushed egg shells and calcium supplements to your diet.
Fish Fish should not be the main dish in a cat's diet. It can be given to cats only from a certain age (about 5 months) and no more than once a week. The fact is that urolithiasis often develops from a large amount of fish in the diet. You can serve the fish in the form of boiled pieces, separated from the bones. Low-fat varieties of fish such as hake, catfish, sawfish, tuna, etc. are good for cats (but not more than once a week).
Cottage cheese Cottage cheese, only good, not sour, fresh and from a trusted manufacturer, is very useful for kittens. First of all, calcium, which is necessary for the skeletal system. Secondly, it is protein - a universal building material. At the same time, this part of the diet is not mandatory. Cottage cheese for Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens is rather a supplement.
Cheese Non-fat, non-salty and non-spicy types of cheese are suitable for cats. Cheese contains protein and calcium for growth.
Dairy Fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, whey, but not milk), in addition to cottage cheese, are necessary for cats, because help with the digestive system and contain proteins. All of them should be low fat.
Eggs The yolk contains amino acids, minerals and vitamins. It can be boiled (no more than 5 minutes) and crumbled into a bowl or served raw. But it’s better not to offer chicken protein, because... it is bad for the coat. If you feed your kitten quail eggs, then you can give both the white and the yolk, and it is most beneficial to eat them raw. You must first rinse the egg with boiling water to wash away infections and dirt. Eggs are served 1-2 times a week.
Vegetables Vegetables (beets, carrots, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, etc.) can be a frequent guest in a kitten's bowl. Most vegetables are not digested by the cat's digestive system, but they contain fiber, which helps to forget about constipation. In addition, the cat’s body absorbs the vitamins contained in vegetables. Both fresh and boiled vegetables are suitable. The second option is more friendly to the stomach, especially when it comes to carrots and beets. But fresh vegetables contain more vitamins. The ideal option is steamed vegetables.
Green Many kittens love parsley, dill and other types of greens. And special grass for cats, consisting mainly of wheat and oats, is useful with many vitamins and microelements. Plant it on the windowsill - your pet will appreciate it and, perhaps, even stop pestering your indoor plants.
Oils Unrefined vegetable oils from flax, olives, sea buckthorn, rice, grapes and hemp are useful for kittens, but rarely and in small quantities - a few drops at a time and not every day. Sunflower oil is not recommended in any case: sunflower absorbs the entire contents of the soil more strongly than any other plant, including poisons. In addition, refined oils are harmful. Although it is worth noting that any vegetable fats are practically not absorbed by the cat’s body, so it is better for them to prefer animals.

Natural cat food differs from human food in that it is not salted or flavored with spices. That is, it should be fresh. Lightly salted foods are occasionally allowed.

Meat is served either raw (preferably) or boiled, but in no case fried, dried or pickled.

You also need to understand that you cannot save money on a cat, that is, it is inappropriate to give spoiled and weathered food. Domestic purebred cats are very sensitive to food and may suffer from stomach upsets. Slightly spoiled food can only be fed to street cats that are accustomed to it. And then, it’s better to have pity on them too.

The food you serve should not be cold or hot: bring it to room temperature, maybe a little warmer.

What should you not feed lop-eared and straight-eared kittens?

What Scottish Fold and Straight-eared kittens enjoy eating does not always coincide with what is good for them. Learn the list of do's and don'ts.

Sweet It is not allowed in any quantity. If a cat asks for sweets, this means that he is interested in something else in the product, because cats do not have receptors that recognize sweet taste. Don't buy your cat's requests: he can develop diabetes very quickly.
Salty We don’t add salt to kitten food at all. We also don’t serve salty products from the store. Salty foods can cause kidney and bladder problems in cats, which Scots are already prone to.
Spicy Kittens should not have spices at all. They upset digestion.
Onion, garlic Likewise, garlic and onions can cause serious problems.
Chocolate Even if chocolate is not sweet, as it should be according to the classics, it is still under no circumstances allowed for a cat: for an animal it is poison.
Coffee Likewise, coffee is poisonous to cats. If your cat asks for coffee, he may be attracted to the milk you add to the drink.
Milk Kittens are supposed to eat fermented milk, but milk, which contains lactose, causes gas and indigestion in cats older than 3 months. Owners often don’t notice this, but in fact the animals don’t feel well after drinking milk. If you really want to feed your kitten milk, pay attention to goat milk or special ready-made milk formulas for kittens. After 3 months, cats do not need milk at all.
Marinades Kittens can't eat anything marinated, not just meat. This applies to any conservation.
Smoked Just remember that it is poison.
Bold Excessively fatty and fried foods, no matter whether it is meat or not, are prohibited. The kitten's pancreas cannot withstand such nutrition. Even sour cream for a Scottish Straight and Scottish Fold kitten may be too fatty a food, so nutritionists do not recommend it.
Fatty pork Pork with hanging pieces of lard is not allowed for cats. But sometimes a small piece of the lean part is allowed.
Canned food Any canned product is always generously supplied with salt, spices and preservatives. This in itself is harmful even for humans, not to mention the digestive and urinary system of a kitten, which is much worse adapted to such food than ours.
Citrus As a rule, cats cannot tolerate lemons, oranges, tangerines and other citrus fruits. But there are exceptions. Citrus fruits contain pungent essential oils that attack cats' keen sense of smell. Plus, eating them can cause indigestion.
Fruits The digestive system of cats is not adapted to eating fruits and berries, so they can cause stomach upset.
Mushrooms Mushrooms are too heavy a food. In addition, they can cause poisoning.
Potato Potatoes are pure starch, which is very difficult to digest and is poorly absorbed by the cat’s body. Recently, cat nutritionists have allowed the consumption of only a few grams of potatoes per day.
Beans Peas, lentils, soybeans and other legumes are prohibited because... This is too heavy food for a kitten, plus they cause fermentation.
Flour All flour products, including bread, are harmful to kittens and have no nutritional value for them. Instead, it is better to purchase special yeast for cats in the form of a supplement.

Feeding with prepared food involves the use of mixtures created at the factory in the form of pastes, pieces of jelly, canned food and dry pads. Typically, such mixtures contain everything that is included in natural food, but it is specially processed for long-term storage. Draw your own conclusions. But in any case, you cannot feed cheap mass-market food such as Whiskas, Kitiket, etc. According to veterinarians, cheap cat food is made from who knows what, so consuming it will lead to illness. Veterinarians recommend only super-premium and holistic food.

Adherents of ready-made feeds put forward the main arguments in favor of such nutrition that, firstly, the substances in the feed are already balanced, and, secondly, such nutrition is easier for the owners: buy it, take it out, pour it in.

Please note that it is not advisable to mix natural food and ready-made food - choose one. And the brand of food should also always be the same. Otherwise, it is very difficult to create a balanced menu, because... Each food has its own characteristics.

If dry pads are on the menu, the cat will need increased consumption of fresh water. Buy your cat a special fountain to encourage him to drink more.

What to feed a kitten: breakdown by age

If you are feeding a kitten with food, then everything is simple: choose the food in accordance with the age indicated on the package, serve it in the quantity specified in the instructions, and as many times as required by age. But it is worth noting that the food contains many ingredients and if your cat has sensitive digestion and reacts negatively to some components of the food (vomiting, diarrhea), then it is difficult to figure out what kind of product it is. For such cases, natural nutrition is recommended.

Those who are planning to feed their cat natural food will have to study the issue. It will be difficult at first, as you need several meals a day. Once the kitten becomes a teenager, that is, reaches 5 months, everything will become much easier.

Feeding raw meat is preferable for felines because... in nature they feed on it. This diet is considered more balanced, because... Boiled meat already lacks many essential elements. The main thing is that the meat is of high quality, from a factory where infection with worms is minimized and where they are not addicted to chemicals.

A kitten should consume approximately 10% of its body weight per day. This is the average. It is not customary for kittens to limit their food intake: they should eat as much as they want.

For those who want to feed their cat natural food, but have little time for it, breeders advise making preparations. Mix meat, offal (heart, neck, kidneys - if your cat doesn’t like kidneys because of the specific smell, in which case you can do without kidneys, a little liver - if there is too much liver, the cat may swear), herbs, vegetables (if it contains carrots, its you need to pre-cook), raw quail egg, chopped kelp or other additive. Place this mixture in portions in bags and freeze in the freezer. Then take out one bag at a time and bring the mixture to room temperature: you can serve the healthy dish to your cat.

What to feed a kitten up to 1 month and a month old Scottish fold and straight-eared kitten

At the age of up to 3 weeks - 1 month, kittens are fed by the mother: up to 2 weeks - 10 times a day, including at night, at 1 month - 8 times a day. Next, complementary foods are introduced, but the kittens feed on their mother’s milk for up to 2.5 months, so they cannot be weaned from her before this period. At this time, the mother cat has a difficult task: her body is exhausted and therefore the best thing the owner can do is to feed the mother intensively and in a balanced manner. But this is a topic for a separate article. Complementary feeding directly to kittens begins at about 1 month.

It happens that kittens do not have a mother for some reason. Then a person has to feed them. This is a difficult and painstaking task: in the first week you need to feed every 2 hours, that is, you will have to take time off from work. In addition, without mother's milk, kittens do not receive her antibodies and resistance to infections. Therefore, if possible, it is better to place the kittens with another nursing cat (a healthy, clean cat with all vaccinations; a street mother will not do): usually she does not refuse to shelter foundlings.

Did you know that sometimes cats even feed animals of other species? For example, one caring mother fed the hedgehogs given to her.

But it happens that this is not possible. Then you need to feed the kittens at the rate of 30 ml of food per 100 grams of kitten weight in the first week, 38 ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in two weeks, 48 ​​ml per 100 grams of kitten weight in the third week, 48-53 ml per 100 grams of weight in four weeks. weeks We are talking about milk (cream) or special factory milk mixture for kittens. The mixture can be poured into the mouth through a bottle with a nipple, a pipette or a syringe without a needle: be careful so that the kitten does not choke. This mixture can be purchased at a pet store.

Why is cow's milk worse than mother's milk or ready-made formula? The water content in cat milk is 70%, fat content - no more than 11%, proteins - 11%, lactose - 3%. At first glance, cow's milk is very similar in composition to cat's milk, which contains 88% water, 3.2% protein, 3.25% fat, 5.2% lactose. It also contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D, calcium, magnesium and potassium. But there is a significant difference in the amount of lactose: in cow's milk it is 5.2%, in cat's milk it is only 3%, that is, almost half as much. And the kitten’s digestive system has difficulty accepting large amounts of lactose.

At about 4 weeks, kittens can begin to be weaned off milk if they are drinking formula. Milk is gradually stopped being given to the kitten and solid food is introduced into the diet. Complementary food for Scottish kittens should be mushy, preferably crushed using a blender.

Sometimes it is necessary to introduce complementary foods up to 1 month, because The cat has little milk. You can guess that kittens are malnourished by the way they squeak all the time and try to cling to the cat's chest and your fingers.

You need to start with one type of complementary food and only when the kitten has mastered it well, start introducing another. For example, we start with one type of meat. It should be finely chopped or blended into a paste. It is also good to start complementary feeding with fermented milk products (ryazhenka, cottage cheese), but not with kefir, because it is too heavy for babies.

EXPERT COMMENT: felinologist and nursery owner Zhanna Korsunskaya

Kittens are able to eat the same food as their mother from the age of three weeks. However, this does not mean the end of breastfeeding: the cat will continue to feed the children for quite a long time. As kittens grow, the share of main food increases, and the share of mother's milk decreases until it disappears. Don’t be afraid that the pieces in mom’s bowl are too big or that there are bones: the kitten won’t start with the difficult ones in any case. He will choose what he likes, what he can bite off, chew, and swallow. The lack of essential substances at this age is compensated by mother's milk. Therefore, there is no need for complementary feeding - light, crushed, fortified food for kittens. If the mother's diet is balanced, then it is absolutely suitable for children. If the cub has not yet begun to be interested in the mother’s food, but is as well-fed and active as its brothers, there is no reason to worry. And under no circumstances should you try to force feed. When the time comes, the kitten itself will begin to eat from its mother’s bowl and over time will completely switch to a meat diet.

What to feed a two-month-old Scottish kitten (1-2 months)

The menu for a 2-month-old Scottish kitten includes eating 7 times a day. At this age, ideally, kittens still receive their mother's milk, but are already happy to eat complementary foods. At 1.5 months, a kitten requires about 120 grams of food per day, including mother's milk, which still remains the basis of the diet.

The food of a Scottish kitten at 2 months can be natural or factory-made. If you plan to feed your kitten with ready-made food, then this is done starting from 1-1.5 months. To do this, you need to purchase special products for kittens according to their age. If it is dry food, then it must be soaked first, because the kitten is not able to digest such solid food. Or buy canned kitten wet food. However, it is advisable to start complementary feeding with meat.

But soup for Scottish kittens is not a relevant food. Starting from a very early age, kittens can already consume minced meat and small pieces of meat. The consistency of soup is not necessary for normal digestion.