Scottish fold kittens: care and character. Scottish Fold cat: care and feeding How to care for a Scottish Fold cat

Representatives of the Scottish Fold breed are very peaceful and unpretentious creatures. Their diet includes a wide selection of products, but it is worth considering several features, which will be discussed below. The optimal food for Scottish Fold cats is industrial food, both dry and canned. In addition to specialized cat food selected based on the age (kitten, adult cat) and activity level of the cat (calm, moderate, active), representatives of the breed can be fed the following products, which will be discussed below.

A cat with an “average” activity level should receive a basic amount of calories. A calm pet that stays mostly indoors and doesn't expend much energy may require ten percent less food than recommended on food packages. However, an active pet who plays all day may require 20 to 40 percent more than the base amount of food.

Your cat should always have free access to fresh, clean water. The water bowl should be washed every day.

Cats require taurine, an amino acid that is essential for normal heart function, vision and reproduction. Although most mammals can synthesize taurine from other amino acids in the body, cats cannot. Since taurine is found only in animal protein foods, cats require a meat-based diet to meet their body's needs.

As with humans, excessively hot or cold weather can increase a cat's energy needs. Staying warm or staying cool requires extra energy, so you may want to consult your veterinarian about feeding regimen in such cases. If your pet is recovering from surgery or suffering from an illness, it is also possible to increase nutritional requirements to speed up the healing process. Talk to your veterinarian about ways to adjust your cat's diet during illness or recovery.

As a general rule, it is recommended to feed cats twice a day. Measure the recommended daily amount as indicated on the cat food package and divide into two meals. The interval between doses is from eight to twelve hours. Try to adapt to your cat's needs by observing her behavior: whether she eats all the food, how often she comes to the bowl, and so on.

Some cat owners work on strict schedules that do not allow them to feed their pet twice a day. Don't worry - cats can be safely fed in other ways that meet the needs of both pet and owner. It is quite acceptable to give food in small portions more than twice a day or put a daily portion of food in a bowl at one time. However, in this case, you need to ensure that the animal does not overeat and the food remains fresh. If difficulties arise with this, then special devices are sold that dispense certain amounts of food at a designated time - this way the animal will not be tempted to eat everything at once.

Feeding Scottish Fold kittens aged 1-2 months

If you need to care for kittens in the first few months of their lives, then prepare to gradually transition them from milk to regular cat food.

Newborn fold kittens receive adequate nutrition from their mother's milk during the first four weeks of life. Mother's milk is 100 percent suitable for their needs, so you don't have to feed them anything extra.

If the mother cat is sick and cannot produce enough milk, or if the kittens are found without a mother, a milk replacer may be needed. If you have this situation, contact your veterinarian for nutrition selection and feeding recommendations.

During the first weeks of life, a kitten's weight may double or even triple. This rapid growth will continue, but gradually the speed will decrease. Large amounts of energy and nutrients are required to support this impressive growth.

Make sure the food you choose is formulated specifically for kittens. Your pet needs to eat this food until he reaches maturity, around one year of age.

By the time Scottish Fold kittens are 1 month old, they should be given a small amount of specialized dry kitten food, although milk is still the main food. This gradual introduction process is important in transitioning kittens to adult cat food. Most cats feed their kittens milk for about two months. By this time, 80 percent of the kitten's total nutrient intake should come from solid food.

Babies separated from their mother can begin to be fed moistened food from three weeks of age. Use formulated milk replacers to moisten kitten food and gradually reduce the amount of milk.

You can use a free-feeding method - this means that the kitten has access to food whenever he wants. In this way, dry food is mainly given, since it does not disappear or dry out during the day. If you have a dog at home, make sure that it does not eat cat food (dogs love it very much).

Also make sure there is always fresh water available in the kitten’s access area. At first, curious kittens will likely play with their food more than eat it, but gradually they will get used to eating it rather than throwing it around the bowl. At the age of 2 months and beyond, the main diet should be dry food in order to support the growth and development of a small Scottish Fold kitten!

The cutest fold-eared cats are loved by everyone without exception. Complaisant character, unpretentiousness in maintenance, trouble-free care - all this attracts many adherents of the presented breed. Scottish kittens get along well with people and quickly get along with other pets. But for correct development, it is necessary to provide the baby with proper care and a place where he can feel comfortable. Today we will look at everything that affects the maintenance of Scottish Folds.

Conditions of detention

  1. Since the kitten’s body is not yet fully strengthened, immediately after the baby is born, it needs to be provided with proper care. We are talking about the features of the content. Make sure that in your pet’s habitat the air temperature is 30-31 degrees and the humidity does not exceed 60-65%.
  2. For this purpose, you can use warm mats, heating pads, and electric heaters. But you shouldn’t overheat the kittens; a special thermometer is placed in the box house. Over time, the temperature must be reduced. When the kitten is 20 days old, the temperature should be 25 degrees.
  3. In cases where there are several kittens, remember an important nuance. When they try to huddle into a ball or climb on top of each other, it means they are cold. If animals are too far away, they get hot. This way you can adjust the temperature to suit the kittens' needs.
  4. You can find out that the mode is correctly selected by looking at the condition. Kittens should lie nearby, sleep peacefully and not move from corner to corner. When babies are just born, their temperature is around 36 degrees. Later it rises to 37.5-39 degrees (about a month).
  5. If the animal is cold, you need to fill the bottle with hot water and wrap the container in a towel or use a special heating pad. The kitten is picked up, a device is applied to its body and gently warmed up. You can’t raise the temperature suddenly, do everything gradually.
  6. It is strictly forbidden to keep small pets in conditions of high humidity (basement, etc.), otherwise they will get sick. However, drying out of the air should also not be allowed. Animals should be comfortable. The bottom of the house (box) in which the kittens live must be lined with a terry towel or other rag. But the fabric should not slip, otherwise it will be difficult for kids to balance.
  7. If the little inhabitants are already moving freely around the living space, make it a habit to look at your feet and not slam the door suddenly. Usually kittens follow on the heels of a person, you may not notice and step on the baby or crush him. Conduct an educational conversation with the younger generation so that they do not torture the kittens, do not pull their tails, do not cut their whiskers, etc.
  8. Already grown kittens poke their noses everywhere, so in the hot season there should be a net on the windows. Otherwise the baby will fall. In adult cats, landing is carried out on their paws, but kittens do not have such dexterity.
  9. You should not allow your pet to play with anything that could harm it. This includes tinsel, rope, ribbons, thread with buttons, plastic bags, foil, etc.
  10. Since kittens are curious by nature, and if we add to this their small age, they need to be protected from danger. Therefore, always keep the toilet lid, cabinet door with a trash can, washing machine, water container, drawers, and cabinets closed. Hide household chemicals, cosmetics, and medications away.

Kitten care

There are no particular difficulties with care. It is enough to comb the coat once every 5-7 days with a special soft brush for kittens. The eyes are washed in the same way, once a week. But the ears require attention on your part, because they are the hallmark of the breed.

  1. Eyes. If the eyes are healthy, there is no need to wash them frequently. It is enough to keep them clean. However, in the presence of inflammatory processes, washing is carried out three times a day. For this purpose, diluted chamomile decoction, a special remedy, or purified water are used. All you have to do is dip a cotton swab into the mixture and wipe your eyes. If the inflammation does not go away after a week, go to the vet.
  2. Ears. Ear cleaning procedures are carried out 2-4 times a month, in some cases more often. Buy a special lotion for cleaning cats' ears. Dampen a cotton swab or a regular cotton swab and carefully remove the wax and dust. You need to act carefully so as not to damage the ears. Don't pull your ears or twist them. If there is no discharge from the ears, they are healthy. The formation of sulfur is normal. BUT, if you suddenly notice that there is a thin red-brownish crust in the cavity, this is a disappointing sign. The baby may have ear mites. Contact your veterinarian, he will use a special solution for cleaning.
  3. Wool. Wool is also a kitten’s calling card. It makes it fluffy and soft, so the cover needs to be looked after. Purchase a soft brush or silicone glove with tips. During molting, activities are carried out as needed, up to daily procedures. When the shedding has passed, it is enough to brush your pet 1-2 times a week. If the pet lives in a private house and walks on the street, after each walk it is examined to identify ticks.
  4. Claws. Be sure to purchase special animal clippers. The kitten needs to have its sharp nails trimmed regularly. The accessory can be purchased at any pet store. A professional tool will allow you to trim your nails evenly and correctly. This is very important, as they do not split or flake. Keep in mind that when caring for claws, you only need to trim their tips. Otherwise, you risk injuring the animal’s nerve endings. If you damage the blood vessels, the kitten will experience severe pain. This will negatively affect the pet's psyche. Psychological trauma remains for life.
  5. Washing. Kittens are taught to bathe from an early age. Start by wiping the animal with a towel soaked in warm water. The dog should not be afraid of bath procedures and water in particular. After a certain period of time, the pet is first bathed in a basin, then allowed to splash around in the bathtub. Before washing, you need to protect your ears by inserting cotton swabs into them. Or you can cover the ears with your palms to prevent water from getting into them. Also, shampoo and water should not come into contact with your eyes. As for the water temperature, the indicators should be 36-37 degrees. Cold water will cause hypothermia, hot water will increase your heart rate and make breathing difficult. Before washing, purchase a special cat shampoo; no other will do.

Tray training

  1. Often, most felines independently understand where to go to the toilet. Kittens quickly get used to the tray and then begin to use it for its intended purpose without “surprises” in the middle of the room.
  2. If the animal has not coped with the task and continues to relieve itself in the wrong place, do not hit or scold the kitten under any circumstances. As soon as your pet wants to go to the toilet, immediately put him in the tray. Before cats empty themselves, they begin to dig a hole, at this moment you need to place your pet in the tray.
  3. Don't forget that cats navigate by smell. Therefore, you should not wash the tray for the first 2 days. This simple move will allow your pet to quickly get used to the new toilet. Make the filler from sand or wood shavings. Alternatively, purchase ready-made litters. The composition can be purchased at a pet store.


  1. The Scottish cat breed differs from most of its relatives in its rather calm disposition. Such animals are very friendly and understanding. After purchasing a kitten, he will quickly get used to the new place.
  2. Scottish cats quickly get used to their owner and all family members. Kittens get along well with other pets. As soon as an animal first comes into your home, it needs to be made clear what not to do.
  3. Do not climb onto a cabinet or table. Teach him not to do things that you might not like. The cat should not tear curtains or wallpaper. Stop this behavior. Please note that the use of physical force is prohibited.
  4. It is enough to tell the animal “No!” strictly and loudly. When physical force is used, a kitten can grow into a timid or very aggressive cat. The breed in question needs constant communication. Play with the cat and talk.

Features of the diet

  1. Separately, it should be noted that the diet of the breed in question must be approached with all responsibility. You should not sound the alarm ahead of time if, after purchasing a kitten, it has a poor appetite. The animal must take root and get used to the new place.
  2. It is forbidden to give your pet cold food. Products should warm up to room temperature. If the kitten is no more than 4 months old, it needs to be fed 5 times a day. Until 8 months of age, your pet should be given food up to 3 times a day.
  3. After this, transfer the cat to 2 meals a day. The animal's diet must include beef, turkey, and chicken. Meat is only allowed to be served after heat treatment. Fried foods are contraindicated.
  4. It is allowed to give only boiled egg yolk. For vegetables, give grated carrots and cabbage. In order for the animal to develop fully, it should be regularly given fermented milk products.
  5. If you don’t want to bother with creating the right diet, you can purchase premium balanced food. This product contains everything necessary that a cat’s body may require.
  6. Please note that it is strictly forbidden to give food from the table to the animal. Under no circumstances should you treat your cat with smoked or sausage products. Sausages, salty and fried foods are prohibited. Any human food is contraindicated. Otherwise, the cat will not live long.

Scottish cats need proper care. Keep an eye on the whiskers, claws, teeth and fur in a timely manner. Provide your cat with a balanced diet. If you plan to cook yourself, discuss the menu with your veterinarian. As an alternative, purchase quality food from a trusted manufacturer. Also, after purchasing a kitten, do not forget to get full vaccinations.

Video: Scottish cats - features and care

How to care for a Scottish fold cat? Lack of care does not affect her as quickly and clearly as on long-haired cats. However, it also requires constant care from its owners.

Ear cleaning

Broken small ears are an undoubted advantage of the Scottish Fold. At the same time, their shape increases the risk of various diseases, ranging from ear mites to deafness. To prevent this from happening, your ears need to be cleaned at least twice a month (and preferably weekly).
For this procedure, which is not very pleasant for a cat, you will need:

  • Cotton swabs or swabs.
  • Ear cleaning lotion (for example, “Bars” or “EAR-CARE”).
  • Thick cloth to wrap the animal in if it resists.

Carefully turn the ear outward so that the ear canal is easily accessible. Wipe the ear with a cotton pad soaked in lotion, then wipe dry with a clean swab. Be careful with cotton swabs and do not press them too hard against your ear. And most importantly, do not insert them deep, otherwise you risk damaging your eardrum.

If you notice that your cat is frequently scratching its ears or shaking its head, take your pet to the vet as soon as possible. This behavior is the first sign of ear mites, and it is very difficult to cope with this problem without the help of a specialist.

Eye hygiene

These animals require special eye care. Some Scottish Folds suffer from increased lacrimation. Discharge accumulates near the eyelids and settles on the fur.

For rinsing, you can use special veterinary products, for example, “Diamond Eyes” liquid, or you can get by with weak tea leaves or ordinary boiled water. Wet a cotton pad and gently move it from the outer corner of the eye to the bridge of the nose. If it was not possible to remove all the mucus that appeared the first time, change the disk and repeat the procedure from the beginning. Remember: use a clean swab for each wipe.


Caring for the Scottish Fold's coat is quite simple. Moreover, these animals are very clean, and you don’t have to spend a lot of time taking care of your pet’s fur.

As a rule, Scottish Fold cats have short, plush-like fur to the touch. One brushing per week is enough for them. Long-haired representatives of this breed are much less common and need to be brushed every few days.

To comb your Scottish Fold, it is better to purchase two different combs:

  • Comb with long but sparse teeth. It is needed to comb the undercoat and remove fallen hairs.
  • A brush with thick bristles that you will use to smooth the top layer of cat hair.

Brush the back and sides of the cat first, moving from the neck to the tail, and only then move on to the paws and head.
Scottish Fold cats, as a rule, love to be scratched against the grain. This helps them get rid of dying villi, and in addition serves as an excellent massage. Therefore, after the main combing, you can go through the comb again, this time against the hair growth. And keep in mind that the cheeks and neck of this breed are always scratched against the grain, and only then smoothed with a soft brush.

  • Before bathing, take two pieces of cotton wool and plug the animal's ears with them, otherwise water will get into them.
  • Do not use a hose: a strong stream of water may frighten the cat.
  • The water for bathing a Scottish Fold should be slightly warmer than room temperature - 30 - 35⁰C. Make sure it doesn't get cold.
  • After wetting the fur, carefully soap the back and sides first, then the belly, paws and tail. Lastly, apply shampoo to the face. But be careful: if the shampoo gets into the eyes, it can cause pain and the cat will begin to struggle. And when washing off the soap suds, try to cover the cat’s eyes and nose.
  • After bathing, dry your pet with a towel or wrap him in a soft cloth. While the fur is wet, the animal can easily catch a cold. Therefore, make sure that there is no draft in the room, and that a very wet “towel” is changed to a dry one in a timely manner.

Dental care

Proper care and maintenance of a Scottish Fold cat requires constant attention to the oral cavity. In animals older than two years, so-called tartar begins to be deposited, causing inflammation of the gums and destroying teeth. To prevent this, your cat's teeth should be brushed regularly with a soft brush. This procedure is very unpleasant, so the kitten needs to be accustomed to it from childhood.

You can make the paste yourself from a mixture of salt and soda, or you can purchase a professional product at a pet store. Once every few months (or even less often, depending on the rate of formation of tartar), it is advisable to take the animal to the veterinarian to remove this dangerous plaque and treat the oral cavity.

Nail trimming

If you have a scratching post at home, you can increase the interval between haircuts. You can buy this useful item at a pet store or make it yourself. Take a post 40–50 cm high, wrap it tightly with rope or cloth and fix it in a vertical position. You can sprinkle it with a pinch of catnip: this will attract the cat's attention to the new thing and teach it to sharpen its claws on it, and not on the furniture.

Caring for pregnant Scottish Folds

People who are not professional breeders are usually concerned with the question: how to care for a pregnant Scottish Fold cat? There are a few simple rules that will help your pet give birth to healthy kittens:

  • First, provide your cat with as much rest as possible. There is no need to pick her up again, move her from place to place, or bother her by slipping toys. During this period, Scottish Folds become lethargic and can sleep 20 hours a day.
  • If you need to lift your cat, grab it under its butt and chest without pressing on its belly. There is no need to grab it by the scruff of the neck: only kittens up to 5-6 months can be carried this way, but it causes pain for adult animals.
  • Don't try to feel your growing belly. You can harm the kittens, and this will have a bad effect on the health of the cat itself.
  • Starting from the fifth to sixth week, cats usually begin to look for a secluded place for future births. Give her a corner where she will feel safe. This place can simply be covered with soft rags and fur, but it would be better to put a tall box. Cut one wall so that the cat can easily get inside, and cover the “nest” on top with thick fabric.
  • The developing fetus requires a lot of nutrients from the mother cat, so during pregnancy your pet will ask to eat every few hours. Try to feed her at least 4 - 5 times a day and, of course, do not forget about vitamin supplements and clean water.


Like other purebred cats, Scottish Folds require mandatory vaccination.

  • The first vaccination is given to a Scottish kitten no earlier than 3 months. It will provide the baby with protection from a whole range of diseases: caliciviosis, rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia and rabies.
  • After 3–5 weeks, repeated vaccination is carried out, after which the animal develops stable immunity to these diseases.
  • Other vaccinations - against ringworm, leukemia, chlamydia and other infections - should only be done if your pet is often outdoors.

There are several rules that must be followed to preserve the health of the animal.:

Remember that vaccinations must be done annually, trying not to miss the date prescribed for the previous vaccination.

They are rapidly gaining fame. They are loved for their incredibly touching appearance: big kind eyes and miniature ears and a calm, meek character. Since this breed appeared as a result of a gene mutation, it is natural that some feeding and maintenance features are characteristic of it. Therefore, let's figure out together what to feed a Scottish fold kitten, how to care for it and how to raise your cat correctly!


What to feed your cat?

The nutrition of a Fold cat or otherwise a Scottish Fold should be balanced and complete. Veterinarians and experienced breeders do not recommend experimenting with feeding and not feeding purebred cats with table scraps.

Authorized Products

Absolutely all veterinarians give advice and claim that feeding Scottish Folds with dry food is correct. At the same time, the food must be premium; economy options purchased in supermarkets are not suitable for a purebred cat. Good quality food is sold in specialized veterinary pharmacies, pet stores, and pet clubs. The Royal Canin brand food has earned a good reputation; cats eat it with pleasure. In addition, please note that for feeding different age groups it is recommended to provide different types of food, taking into account the age needs of furry pets.

If feeding purchased food is unacceptable or expensive for the owner, because Royal Canin is not a cheap pleasure, then you can prepare food for your cat yourself at home. In any case, the cat needs to be cooked separately; you should not share your food with him. After all, cat food should not contain salt or contain just a little bit of it. Choose for your Scots some type of meat (preferably poultry or beef) and a couple of types of cereals; it is better to give rice, oatmeal or buckwheat. Cook the porridge separately and mix it with finely chopped heat-treated meat.

In addition to the meat you will give your cat, you can give him liver or boneless fish once a week. Excessive feeding of liver can lead to hypervitaminosis A, and this can cause fusion of the cervical vertebrae.

As for vegetables, according to most veterinarians, they do not provide any fundamental benefit to the cat. But boiled carrots will be the most beneficial for your cat. Remember that if you feed your purebred cat home-cooked meals, be sure to add vitamin-mineral complexes and calcium to them.

Without such supplements, bone mineralization processes may be disrupted, which in turn causes nutritional hyperparateriosis (weakness of the limbs). Hyperparateriosis increases the likelihood of accidental injury; in particularly advanced cases, it can cause fractures of the limbs or spine.

Prohibited products

As a matter of fact, almost all products for your cat Fold will be prohibited, except for those that we have already mentioned. Smoked meats, bones, salty, spicy or fatty foods are especially harmful. Under no circumstances should you give your cat food that has spoiled, but you would feel sorry for throwing it away. The question of what to feed the Scottish Fold cat is very important and what can go smoothly for the yard Vaska can end in failure for him.

The issue of milk in the diet of lop-eared animals is quite controversial. The fact is that milk in the body of an already grown kitten is not absorbed or is not completely absorbed, so its benefits are quite controversial. In addition, undigested milk carbohydrates, in particular lactose, cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract and can cause upset. Therefore, it is better to abstain from milk in your cat’s diet, or at least give it infrequently.

And another taboo is raw meat. In rare cases, when you are 100% sure of its quality, it is acceptable for your cat to eat it, but in other cases it can cause infection with toxoplasmosis.

Nutritional features of kittens

It is not recommended to take fold-eared cats away from their mother cat earlier than after 1.5-2 months. Early weaning from mother's milk can negatively affect your pet's health in the future. Therefore, do not rush to take a kitten into your family, let him get stronger, and cat milk will help him in this as well as possible. The first food for a month-old Fold can be the specialized food for kittens “Royal Canin Babyket Intensive”, it is made in the form of a delicate mousse and the kids eat it without problems. He can also be given oatmeal with lean chicken breast in addition to his mother's milk.

The smallest kittens need to be fed often - 6-10 times a day. In addition, from one month to five months, a kitten is given low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat fermented milk products no more than 2-3 times a week. Boiled milk can be given for up to 5 months, then it is better to eliminate it.

As for ready-made food, the first of them is “Royal Canin Babyket Intensive”, from two months you can gradually get used to “Royal Canin Babyket 34”, and after 5-6 months you can switch to “Royal Canin Kitten Intensive 12” or “ Royal Canin Kitten 36.” This food is given to a kitten until it is 1 year old, after which it is already considered an adult and can be switched to adult food.

What kind of care does a Scotsman require?

Scottish Folds are considered absolutely unpretentious cats with excellent character. Basic care for Fold will consist of regular clipping of claws, combing and keeping the fur coat clean. In addition, the cat should have its own corner where it can do its own manicure. You can take care of the short fur coat of Folds about once a week, since their fur is not long, it will not be difficult. And the cat’s docile nature will make this procedure very simple.

By the way, despite the fact that the Scots are a short-haired breed, they are recommended to have their hair done periodically. The fact is that they have an abundant undercoat, which can shed intensively. And the right haircut solves this problem.

The cat does not need frequent bathing, but it is still not possible to completely avoid this activity. In addition, you need to take care of your pet's eyes and ears. Due to their anatomical features, Folds are predisposed to entropion of the eyelids, so if you notice “tears” in your cat, go ahead and see a veterinarian.

If there are crusts in the corners of the eyes that the kitten cannot remove on its own, use special cosmetic eye wipes. Check your pet's ears and mouth once a week. This is the basic care that is typical for Folds. A cat with an easy-going character should be accustomed to all procedures from childhood, then he will not be afraid of them and will trust you without any problems.

Subtleties of education

Raising Folds is, one might say, pure pleasure. They absorb information very quickly and easily and can be trained without problems. They get attached to a person easily and require constant communication, however, it is not in their nature to be intrusive. Therefore, it is better not to neglect the cat, try to show him your care and love from the first days, and in your absence, be sure to leave toys for the baby.

Folds are accustomed to using the litter box within a month, and they just as quickly figure out where to sharpen their claws. If you are planning to breed these beautiful pussies, then be guided by the fact that males begin to be bred at 12-14 months, and females at 10-11 months.

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When picking up a kitten from a breeder, ask about the pet’s diet. It is advisable to continue feeding him the usual foods in the prescribed manner at least for the first days. This will save the animal from an upset stomach, and you from worrying about its appetite.

Scottish cats are omnivorous - they are not picky when it comes to food and quickly get used to new foods. Decide whether you will feed your pet homemade or commercial food. The latter option is preferable - professional food contains a balanced complex of nutrients, microelements and vitamins necessary for the proper development of the kitten. For up to six months, the pet is fed canned food and dry granules for kittens; later they can be switched to food for adult animals. Make sure that the animal always has clean water - this is especially important if the kitten eats dry food.

If you decide to cook your own food, give the animal a mixture of meat products and cereals. Fatty meat, cream, semi-finished products and smoked foods are contraindicated for kittens. Scottish Folds should not be given a lot of calcium - for example, cottage cheese. There is an opinion that such food can affect the animal’s ears - instead of lying down, they will rise.

Do not feed your pet treats - Scottish Folds are prone to overeating, and this can lead to obesity and an upset stomach.

Feed your kitten three to four times a day. After six months he can be switched to two meals a day.

Good manners

Scottish folds quickly get used to the established rules. Give the animal a comfortable place where it will feel safe. This could be a basket with a soft mattress, a bed or a special cat house. Make sure there is a scratching post and toys. The little one will spend hours playing with it suspended on an elastic band or chasing a paper ball.

The kitten needs communication. Play with him every day, pick him up, talk to him. The Scottish Fold is very sociable and needs close contact with its owner.

Kittens of this breed are very clean. Choose a litter tray that is comfortable and has litter and clean it regularly. You can give your pet two trays - this is especially convenient if you are away from home for several hours.

Scottish Folds get along well with children, cats and other pets. They very rarely show aggression, maintaining a cheerful disposition until old age. These kittens do not scratch or bother with meowing; they are very balanced and slightly phlegmatic. But for the safety of the pets themselves, it is worth giving them manicures regularly. Trim the claws with special animal clippers, removing only the very tip of the plate.

Take care of your kitten's fur. Groom thick fur with a dense undercoat using a fine-toothed comb with rounded teeth. Brush your kitten twice a week - animals usually tolerate this procedure calmly. There is no need to wash your pet. But you need to clean his ears regularly. Using a cotton swab dipped in a special lotion, gently wipe the inside of the ear. If dark crusts are noticeable on the cotton wool, take the kitten to the veterinarian - the animal may have become infected with ear mites. Check your pet's eyes too. If they are watery, apply anti-inflammatory drops and remove dirt in the corners of the eyes with a damp cotton swab.