Hit my ribs hard. Bruised ribs from a fall - treatment at home. Bruised rib: symptoms, what to do and how much it hurts

A rib bruise is the mildest traumatic injury to the chest, but it brings a lot of discomfort and pain.

The cause of the bruise is damage to the chest due to mechanical, blunt trauma without damage to the tissue structure. This happens in fights, falls, car accidents. The injury may be accompanied by a lung contusion.

The main symptom is pain when breathing and moving the chest muscles.

In the first hours there are no external signs. During an objective examination, bruising may not appear. After a quarter of an hour, abrasions, hematomas and local swelling appear.

A bruised rib hurts for a long time, and turning the body becomes painful. Breathing movements are accompanied by increased pain. The exact location of the damage can be determined by palpation.

Specific symptoms of bruised ribs are as follows:

  • Pain with clearly defined localization;
  • Pain when breathing or coughing;
  • Local tissue swelling;
  • Bruising at the site of injury;
  • Increase in temperature.

Damage is detected by visual inspection. Auscultation of the lungs is mandatory, with which you can determine the occurrence of complications.

Why is a chest bruise dangerous for a woman, symptoms, first aid and long-term consequences of the injury:

Diagnosis: rib bruise or fracture?

rib bruise or fracture

To determine a rib fracture or bruise, additional examination is necessary. The main diagnostic method is radiography, which takes a direct and lateral view of the chest.

When a fracture occurs, deformation of the rib contours, displacement, and discontinuity of the pattern are determined.

If a lung injury occurs during an injury, free fluid may be detected in the pleural cavity on an x-ray. It appears as a result of a ruptured vessel.

Possible complications

Compromise of a major artery causes serious, life-threatening bleeding. Damage to the bronchus leads to the entry of air into the pleural cavity. The result is compression of the lung and a dangerous displacement of the heart in the opposite direction.

Extensive subcutaneous hematoma after injury requires surgical intervention. The blood is sucked out with a syringe with a thick needle. If the blood has clotted and cannot be removed using the usual method, then opening the hematoma is necessary.

Prolonged pain and high temperature with bruised ribs indicate the addition of post-traumatic pneumonia. The disease is accompanied by a cough, which increases pain.

If the pain when coughing is associated only with a bruise, then the injury can be treated at home.

Specialized treatment for bruised ribs

Seeing a doctor is necessary because it is quite difficult to distinguish a bruised chest ribs from an uncomplicated fracture. Only additional examination methods, after a physical examination, will help make the right conclusion.

After clarifying the diagnosis, thoracic surgeons adhere to the following treatment regimen:

  • Cold on the site of the injury;
  • Restricted mobility, home, mostly bed rest;
  • Locally, for bruises of the ribs of the chest, ointments are used - diklak;
  • If the pain is severe, you can take painkillers - Trigan, Ketanov.
  • When the temperature rises above 38 degrees, antipyretics are indicated - ibuprofen, paracetamol.

A high temperature due to bruised ribs appears as a complication of pneumonia; its treatment requires additional examination and the prescription of antibacterial agents.

Causes, forms, features and first signs of pneumonia in adults:

What ointments and medications are used for a bruised rib?

The goal of treatment for a rib injury is to reduce pain and use anti-inflammatory drugs. Given the superficial location of the ribs of the chest, local remedies are widely used for treatment: ointments, gels and compresses.

The main remedies for treating bruises are as follows:

  • Anti-inflammatory local agents - diclofenac ointments, fastum gel, deep relief;
  • Painkillers – ketanov tablets, solpadeine, analgin, naproxen;
  • Agents that accelerate healing – trental, pentoxifylline.

Severe bruises with severe pain require injection of painkillers: ketalong, dikloberl, dexalgin. During the rehabilitation period, breathing exercises, physiotherapy and massage are used.

The duration of treatment is 30-50 days.

It is possible to speed up the recovery process by using a fixation vest, which will protect the affected area from additional damage when displaced. This will relieve pain when breathing and moving.

After the acute process has subsided, you can speed up the rehabilitation period at home with the help of wild rosemary, a decoction of which is recommended to rub the site of the bruise.

Use the anti-inflammatory properties of calendula. A decoction is prepared from its leaves and compresses are applied to the affected area. Treating the hematoma with a decoction of bodyaga relieves swelling.

It is imperative to perform a special set of breathing movements.

To avoid complications and speed up the recovery period, re-injury of the chest should not be allowed. It is necessary to observe peace and the recommendations of specialists.

Why the left side under the ribs may hurt and what to do about it:

After a rib bruise, do not self-medicate, but undergo a full examination to rule out fractures and other complications. Without X-ray diagnostics, the use of pressure bandages is prohibited.

Do not begin self-treatment at home unless you are sure there are no complications from the injury.

First aid for suspected rib bruise

The first action that must be done independently before seeing a doctor– apply cold in the form of ice or chilled objects.

This will relieve swelling and prevent the formation of a large hematoma. Cooling compresses are used for the first two days after injury.

Further actions should be prescribed by a doctor after diagnosing the injury.

Bruised ribs occur as a result of blunt trauma to the chest. The main symptom is pain at the site of injury, sometimes superficial swelling. It is necessary to exclude rib fracture and pneumothorax. Treatment includes painkillers and cold application to the injury site.

Bruised ribs are a fairly common injury, but not entirely dangerous. If the damage is limited only to swelling and a superficial hematoma - a bruise, then there is nothing to be afraid of, recovery will occur quickly. If the bruise is accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the ribs and lungs, then the healing may be delayed.

Causes and mechanism of development

The causes of bruised ribs are quite varied:

  • a traffic accident, especially if the driver and the passenger sitting next to him are not wearing a seat belt;
  • traveling on public transport if a person rides on the steps and gets pinched by the front door;
  • industrial injuries, for example, at work due to violation of safety rules;
  • falling from your own height on slippery asphalt;
  • various sports injuries associated with falls (oriental martial arts, freestyle wrestling, figure skating, athletics).

It should be understood that the presence of a bruise (hematoma) at the site of injury is not an important diagnostic sign for bruised ribs. A large bruise can appear with minor bruises, and a small one with a severe injury.

This is due to the anatomical and functional characteristics of this area of ​​the human body. The rib frame reliably protects internal organs such as the lungs and heart from external damage. Blood vessels of large and medium caliber in this area are located quite deep: in the intercostal spaces, directly on the internal organs. Violation of their integrity leads to the development of edema and internal hematoma, which is not visible from the outside and only increases the visible swelling of the tissues. Swelling of the connective tissue connecting the ribs, muscle fibers and nerve endings causes pain in the area of ​​injury.

The skin of the chest is supplied with blood by small vessels. Their damage is accompanied by either the formation of a small bruise or its complete absence. That is why the presence of a bruise indicates damage to the skin of the chest to a greater extent, and not to the ribs.

In some cases, a rib crack occurs in the area of ​​the bruise. In this case, a complete violation of the integrity of the rib does not occur. However, the resulting crack increases the external swelling of the tissue, without visible bruising. Additional damage to the ribs increases the pain syndrome.

Pain from bruised ribs will bother a person almost constantly, since the chest is in constant motion. In addition, the pain intensifies with the slightest movement of the body, since the rib frame is literally penetrated by numerous intercostal nerves.

Clinical picture of bruised ribs

Symptoms of bruised ribs are quite typical: pain, swelling and limited mobility of the chest in the area of ​​injury. As a rule, it is the pain syndrome that worries a person to a greater extent. Its intensity increases during breathing movements, turns and bends, and lying in sleep on the side of the injury.

With this injury, there is a discrepancy between external and internal damage. There are often no marks left on the skin in the area of ​​the bruise. At the same time, internal tissue swelling persists for quite a long time, so pain can also bother you for a long time.

Limiting the mobility of the chest is a protective reaction to pain. If the range of movements is less, then the pain syndrome will also be less intense, so the person subconsciously spares the affected side of the chest.

It should be understood that all of these symptoms are quite non-specific and can be observed with other, more serious chest injuries. In this case, internal damage will also prevail over external damage. The person will complain of increasing pain and swelling of the tissues over time. There is usually no external bleeding or bruising. More severe injuries include:

  • rib crack;
  • rib fracture;
  • penetrating injury to the chest cavity with the development of pneumothorax (entry of air into the cavity) or hydrothorax (outflow of blood).

To carry out a full diagnosis and exclude more severe injury, it is necessary to perform an X-ray examination of the chest organs, preferably in two projections (direct and lateral). Both a crack and a complete fracture of the ribs will be easily identified in this way. Only if there is a bruise, no changes will be visible in the picture.

Treatment of bruised ribs

Treatment for bruised ribs is quite simple and is aimed primarily at pain. To reduce the manifestation of pain, local and general remedies are used. Local treatments include applying ice or a cold compress to the area of ​​injury. You should periodically change the bubble or wet cloth, and start applying it literally immediately after the injury.

Systemic agents are various medications, ointments and tablet forms with analgesic and decongestant effects. Among ointments, such as Lyoton and Finalgel are available and popular. Drugs from the NSAID group have a sufficient effect: ibuprofen, meloxicam, diclofenac.

A rib crack requires a little more attention. A fixing bandage is not required, since the muscular-articular apparatus of the ribs will prevent the spread of the crack. However, the pain in this case will be more pronounced. In addition, after the crack heals, a connective tissue adhesion may form in this area. This can provoke the development of dry pleurisy and the growth of adhesions.

At the end of the acute period (after 10-12 days), physiotherapeutic procedures should be included in the treatment complex if there is a rib crack. This can be electrophoresis with lidase, magnetic therapy, induction currents. The purpose of such influences is to prevent the formation of adhesions.

Treatment for bruised ribs is usually short-lived. After 2-3 weeks, the affected person returns to the usual rhythm of life.

A rib bruise is an injury that falls into the category of superficial and non-serious. In this article we will look in detail at the symptoms and treatment for a rib injury, as well as other nuances that will help prevent unpleasant consequences.

After a traumatic impact, first of all, the victim experiences severe pain in the area of ​​injury; other specific symptoms of a rib bruise will appear after half an hour:

  • hematomas of different shapes and sizes, depending on the force of the blow and the nature of the injury;
  • swelling of soft tissues;
  • limited mobility of the chest;
  • pain inside the chest, which intensifies with deep inhalations and exhalations;
  • with a severe injury, internal hemorrhages are possible;
  • local increase in body temperature.

At the same time, it is painful for a person to cough, turn the body to the sides and lift even minor weights. It is important to distinguish in a timely manner. The main sign of a violation of the integrity of bone tissue is a clicking or crunching sound when breathing, pain of increased intensity and possible deformation of the ribs. It is much more difficult to identify a crack in the bones, since it is accompanied by symptoms similar to a bruise, and it can only be detected on an x-ray. Paradoxically, a bruised rib without a bruise can indicate either a minor injury or a fracture.

First aid

The first thing to do if the rib area is injured is to make sure that there is no fracture. have specific features. To do this, you should carefully examine the ribs with your hand, without pressing hard. If only swelling is felt, without obvious dents or clear bulges, this is a bruise. The entire chest should also be examined to determine if there are any external deformities. If such signs are detected, you must go to the hospital, having first applied a fixing bandage to the chest. Immobility of the victim is required during the first few days and during the treatment of bruised ribs.

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Cold will help relieve pain and reduce swelling. Ice should be applied for 15 minutes at intervals of 1 hour: otherwise, soft tissue frostbite may occur. A pain reliever will reduce pain and prevent inflammation: the victim can take medications orally or get an injection.

How to sleep

To provide a person with adequate sleep and rest during treatment for a rib bruise, his bed should be flat and hard; depending on the symptoms and location of the injury, there are recommendations on how to sleep:

  1. If the front part of the chest is injured, then you need to sleep on your back.
  2. If a person has injured the bones located on the side, it is recommended to lie down on this injured side.
  3. The head should be raised, and in some cases, sleep is allowed only in a semi-lying position; this position facilitates the functioning of the lungs and reduces pain when breathing.

To help the victim take the correct position while sleeping, you will need a special orthopedic mattress. If the treatment of a rib bruise takes place outside the walls of the clinic, painful symptoms can be reduced at home using a wide board that is placed under a regular mattress. This allows a person to lie on a fairly hard and level surface. In certain cases, the victim can be laid on the floor, but only if the room is warm and there are no drafts.

Treatment options

Treatment of a rib bruise is not always effective at home; hospital stay is justified only if there are symptoms of complications. In most cases, conservative methods are used on an outpatient basis: bed rest, applying a cold compress to the damaged area, taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are required.

The dosage and features of taking painkillers must be agreed with the attending physician on an individual basis. often vary within a few weeks, but the rehabilitation period can reach one month.

Symptoms and treatment of rib bruises in people of the older age group have specific features associated with a slow metabolic process, as well as possible concomitant chronic diseases affecting bone tissue regeneration. Based on this, even a banal rib bruise can lead to complications during treatment if the symptoms were not correctly diagnosed.

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To avoid unpleasant consequences and quickly heal an injured rib, it is necessary to abandon self-medication and give preference to inpatient recovery in a medical facility. A more individual approach is used for patients in this age category: drug treatment is adjusted to account for the person’s possible cyclic use of other drugs. In this case, additional examinations are prescribed by specialized specialists with a detailed study of the MRI results.

During this period, it is very important to ensure proper nutrition: you need to eat foods high in protein, as well as high-calorie foods, complexes of vitamins and microelements, including those high in calcium.

Rehabilitation after injury

Rehabilitation after a course of treatment for a rib injury is aimed at restoring muscle tone and final relief of injury symptoms after forced immobilization. For this purpose, a special therapeutic set of physical exercises has been developed that can be done at home. They are aimed at:

  • muscle strain;
  • strengthening their elasticity;
  • restoration of breathing;
  • development of joint mobility.

Recovery occurs effectively and much faster if you swim in a pool. Traumatologists also focus on breathing exercises, which can be done while lying in bed. UHF procedures, magnetic and radiation therapy are of great importance during the rehabilitation period.

Possible complications

The most dangerous complications can arise due to incorrect classification of symptoms and, accordingly, are not relevant to the treatment provided for a rib bruise.

Possible complications:

  • lung function may be impaired;
  • stagnant processes lead to the occurrence of post-traumatic pneumonia;
  • displacement of the lung is possible and, as a result, additional internal edema, which puts pressure on the heart.

If in case of serious injuries there is no way to slow down the intensity of hemorrhage, the bruise may be accompanied by hemorrhages into the lung tissue or under the pleura. In most cases, the pleura remains intact, but the risk of pneumo- or hemothorax is quite likely.

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Pain in the ribs threatens a number of complications, as well as temporary loss of full motor activity. In this material we will look at the symptoms of a rib bruise, causes, diagnostic methods, treatment methods and many other issues.

ICD-10 code

ICD-10 is the internationally accepted classification of diseases, which is used to code medical diagnoses. It includes 21 sections, where each of them contains headings with disease codes. Trauma is considered in the context of chest contusion – S20 in ICD-10.

Causes of injury

The purpose of the ribs is to protect the internal organs of the body. They protect the lungs and heart from falls and impacts that can cause bruise of muscle tissue or periosteum. In case of injury, a person feels severe pain in the ribs. In the case of a closed injury, the blood clots under the skin without coming out. In this case, a hematoma appears on the rib.

The reasons why you can get a mild or severe bruise on the ribs include the following:

  • injury at work due to non-compliance with safety regulations;
  • blow to the ribs;
  • falling on slippery ice or uneven roads;
  • traffic accident;
  • sports, etc.

Active and mobile children are less likely to suffer such an injury, despite the fact that they are more likely to get injured. This is explained by lower body weight and higher bone strength.

What are the types of chest ribs bruises?

The symptoms of a rib bruise depend significantly on the severity of the bruise. This injury is classified into several categories, depending on which the decision is made on how to treat a rib bruise - at home or contact a specialist.

  • I degree. When receiving such an injury, a person experiences mild pain in the chest or back, which intensifies with sudden movement or palpation. In a calm state there is no pain. What to do if a rib injury occurs without a bruise? Use pain-relieving ointment or tablets. In this case, the help of a doctor is not needed, since the injury does not threaten health and life, but goes away on its own within a week without treatment.
  • II degree. When, upon impact, severe pain in the ribs and hematoma appear. With any movement the pain worsens.
  • III degree. The victim is overcome by severe pain, and such an injury can occur in an accident or fall from a height. The symptoms in this case are mixed and depend on whether the internal organs are affected or not. For example, the lungs may be compressed, making it difficult to breathe.

Symptoms of bruised ribs

For quick treatment, first aid plays an important role. The following symptoms may indicate a bruise:

  • Sharp pain after a blow or fall.
  • Redness of the skin.
  • A dull aching pain in the damaged area that does not go away for a long time. With sudden movements, sneezing or coughing, discomfort increases.
  • Difficulty breathing. With severe bruises, it is difficult to breathe, but even with a mild degree, it can be painful to take a deep breath, and the person begins to cough.
  • Hematoma. Its area depends on the degree of damage.
  • Swelling. It does not appear immediately, but throughout the day. A kind of lump forms on the rib. You need to be vigilant with this sign, as it may indicate a rib fracture or crack.

The victim is primarily concerned with how long it will take for the rib bruise to heal. This depends on the severity of the damage. If the injury is mild, the discomfort will disappear in a couple of days, but in severe cases it is better to seek medical help.

How to distinguish a fracture from a rib bruise?

The first thing to do after an injury is to make sure there is no fracture. Based on its symptoms, it can be difficult to distinguish it from a bruise or crack. For an accurate diagnosis, it is better to undergo a medical examination and take a chest x-ray, but there are several signs that allow you to do this before going to see a doctor, although not with 100% accuracy.

Symptoms of a cracked rib are often similar to a fracture. If, after a severe bruise, you feel acute pain, and a bulge or dent is noticeable in the damaged area, go to the doctor - you almost certainly have a broken rib.

Also, immediate medical attention is required in case of impaired or stopped breathing, wheezing and loss of consciousness. These are also clear signs that the bruise has led to a fracture. For example, if a lump forms on a rib after a bruise, most likely there was a fracture, and the lump itself is a bone callus. If you feel or hear the crunching of the ribs, their integrity is probably compromised, even if this does not appear outwardly. If you only have slight redness, mild or moderate pain, or even a slight hematoma, there should not be a fracture or crack in the rib - this is all a mild degree of bruise, which can be dealt with even at home without medical help.

First aid for bruised ribs

Every person should know what to do if they have a chest injury. First of all, examine the location of the damage; it should be smooth. If the skin becomes lumpy or dents appear, go to the emergency room immediately, as there is a high probability of a fracture.

If the injury is serious, call an ambulance and ensure rest until it arrives. If possible, you should try not to move while waiting for the doctors to arrive. The victim needs a rigid and dense support - a bandage, which will allow him to immobilize him and take a comfortable position. The ideal position is not lying down, but half-sitting. The back, arms and neck should have support, and the chest should be placed in a position in which pain is not felt or is minimal. You should not lie down so that the ribs remain elevated and congestion does not develop in the lungs.

It is better to place your legs horizontally and apply a cold compress to the injury site. It is better to use ice from the refrigerator or at least a towel soaked in ice water. To avoid hypothermia and colds, you should not keep the cold for longer than 15-20 minutes. When the bruise from a rib injury is not severe, the affected area can be anointed with a gel with absorbable properties, but you should go to the doctor as soon as possible. If the pain is severe and you need a painkiller that will make breathing easier and allow you to move without discomfort, it is better to go to the doctor as soon as possible. The main thing is not to endure the pain, as you will unintentionally breathe shallowly. This condition can cause infection of the respiratory tract, so medical attention is essential. Therefore, if there is severe pain in the area of ​​the rib injury, it is necessary to take painkillers. Usually the doctor prescribes “ibuprofen” or “ketanov”. A correct understanding of what to do immediately after an injury will help you avoid complications during rehabilitation. The main thing to do when you bruise your ribs at home is to ensure maximum rest for the victim. Excessive movements will not only cause pain, but can also aggravate the situation.

You will need medical help if: the injury is accompanied by nausea, coughing up fluid, irregular heartbeat, or difficulty coordinating movements. Even if the injury seems minor and improvement is felt, it is better to seek help from an orthopedic traumatologist.

How is a rib injury diagnosed?

Diagnostic procedures will determine the extent and severity of the damage and exclude or confirm a possible fracture:

  • The doctor may prescribe an x-ray of the chest area, which will determine the nature of the injury - bruise, crack, fracture;
  • MRI of the lungs to detect possible areas of hemorrhage;
  • Ultrasound will help determine damage to soft tissues and internal organs;
  • You may need to consult a cardiologist, thoracic surgeon or pulmonologist. They will determine the presence or absence of cardiac dysfunction.

Remember: it is impossible to accurately determine the nature of the injury without appropriate medical procedures. The doctor will tell you what to do if you have a rib injury after an accurate diagnosis. Below we will look at some of the treatments that your doctor may prescribe.

Drug therapy for bruised ribs

So, what should you do after a rib bruise, how to eliminate pain and speed up the healing of damaged tissues. Home therapy is allowed only for mild to moderate injuries that are not life-threatening. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating discomfort, and for this, pharmacies have local and general medications. Doctors focus on anti-inflammatory drugs that remove swelling, but there are many other effective tablets and ointments for bruised ribs:

  • Diclofenac and Indovazin, which successfully remove the source of inflammation;
  • Express bruise and Bruise-off gel – they help relieve swelling;
  • Ointments for bruised ribs will relieve pain and swelling: Finalgel, Voltaren, Lyoton;
  • Fastum-gel and Apizatron relieve pain;
  • If a bruise or hematoma appears on the rib, use ointments that resolve congestion: Girudalgon, Heparin ointment, which help normalize local blood circulation;
  • They also take expectorants, for example Bromhexine.

Combine ointment for rib bruises with painkillers. If the pain from a bruise is too severe, go to the doctor. The specialist will probably prescribe intramuscular painkillers, including Baralgin, Ibuprofen and Analgin. In the first days after a bruise, you need to move less, and it is better to even stay in bed, if possible.

The bruise does not take too long to heal, but much depends on the degree of injury. On average, treatment takes from 1 to 3 weeks. If the bruise is accompanied by a fracture, recovery will take up to two months.

How to treat a rib bruise at home

The more severe the injury, the longer the duration of pain. If the rib bruise is not severe, after two to three weeks you will be able to lead your previous lifestyle. If painkillers for bruised ribs do not provide a lasting effect for a couple of dozen days, the injury is probably more serious: a crack or fracture of the bone. Rehabilitation after such an injury will take much longer if you do not consult a doctor on time: as soon as the injury occurs. To speed up the recovery process, you can use a fixation vest to protect the damaged area from new damage during mobility. You will also make breathing easier by eliminating discomfort when taking deep breaths.

When acute inflammation subsides, you can speed up tissue regeneration at home. For this, there are proven folk remedies, for example, compresses for bruised ribs, including:

  • Calendula decoction. You will need herb leaves, from which you need to prepare a decoction: a spoonful of the plant per 300 ml of water. Boil over low heat for several minutes, leave and use for compresses on the affected area.
  • Aloe. Take a fresh aloe leaf and chop thoroughly. Add a little honey and apply the mixture to the injured area, cover with cellophane, and apply a cloth bandage on top for 30-60 minutes. Repeat the procedure twice a day for a week.
  • Bodyaga helps with bruised ribs. It can be bought at every pharmacy. You will need 100 g, which you need to pour a glass of boiling water and cool, and then distribute over the affected area, cover with something and leave for an hour.
  • If we immediately remember our school lessons on life safety and use plantain immediately after damaging the ribs, recovery will go faster. The plant needs to be crushed and the resulting pulp applied to the bruised area. When the plantain compress dries, you need to make another one.
  • Vinegar compresses can have an effect on bruised ribs: mix a tablespoon of vinegar, vegetable oil and boiled water, dip gauze or a piece of cotton cloth in the mixture and apply to the injury site.
  • Garlic. Chop a few heads of garlic. Pour half a liter of vinegar 6-9% and leave for a day. Wipe the bruised area with this product 3-4 times a day.

Remember that traditional methods of treating rib bruises are used only as part of complex therapy, but are by no means limited to these methods. They will help you recover faster, but will not cure the injury completely.

How long does recovery take?

Bruised ribs recover fairly quickly with proper treatment, although the pain may persist for a long time. It is difficult to say in advance how long the treatment will take. This process usually takes from 30 to 50 days. Some people, even after a mild injury, feel discomfort for several weeks, and a moderate injury can last 2-3 months or more. If the pain does not ease, but intensifies, go to the doctor. In rare cases, the treatment regimen may need to be repeated. You should not endure severe pain, especially after a fracture. A third-degree rib bruise can take up to 3-4 weeks to recover, and mild discomfort can last up to six months, but a lot depends on rehabilitation. Physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy and breathing exercises can speed up healing.

Possible complications after a rib injury

Sometimes bruised ribs seem like a nonsense injury; we hope that the pain will go away and ignore contacting a doctor. And even if it really is “just” a bruise and not a fracture, the complications of an untreated injury can be very serious. These diseases may not appear immediately, but make themselves felt over time or with age. Perhaps the injury itself will be forgotten, but the complication will remain for a long time. If the ribs are damaged, a large artery may be damaged, causing dangerous bleeding. If the bronchi are injured, pneumothorax occurs. All of the above will lead to damage to internal organs: the lung is compressed, and the heart is displaced in the other direction.

A serious hematoma is a consequence of a severe bruise of the rib, which will require surgical intervention: a specialist will suck out the blood using a syringe. In rare cases, it is necessary to open the hematoma.

Other possible consequences of rib damage:

  • Hypoxia;
  • Hydrothorax (appearance of fluid in the pleural cavities);
  • Chronic pain syndrome;
  • Increase in temperature for a long time;
  • Chronic pneumonia;
  • Lung bruise - frequent shortness of breath appears, and bruises may form in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bruise. Timely treatment by a doctor is necessary;
  • Damage to the lung from bone fragments.

The earlier treatment is started, the lower the likelihood of complications. Do not neglect medication assistance.

How does rehabilitation proceed if there is a rib bruise?

After the acute period has passed, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures that promote faster recovery of the affected soft tissues and the return of the previous level of activity to the damaged areas. Physiotherapy will also improve the patient's general condition.

If you suspect a rib injury, your doctor may prescribe:

  • Ultra-high frequency therapy;
  • Warming up damaged areas;
  • Therapeutic massage;
  • Swimming will help restore your back and chest muscles.

Begin any procedure only after a doctor’s recommendation.

Rehabilitation after a rib injury includes following a certain diet. Now the body needs vitamins, micro- and macroelements that strengthen bones, promote the regeneration of soft tissues, and have a general strengthening effect.

Include in your diet:

  • Sesame oil;
  • Dairy products, especially cottage cheese;
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • Fish;
  • Wholemeal bread.

How long do ribs hurt after a bruise?

If there are no complications, and first aid and treatment are competent, a rib bruise can be classified as a minor injury. But the pain can haunt the patient almost until complete recovery, just every day its intensity gradually decreases. And attacks of pain attack less and less often. Moreover, sometimes the patient may experience a dull pain in the rib area even after the doctor has reported complete recovery. This situation is not uncommon with chest injuries. There is no need to worry about this: if recovery is confirmed by diagnostic procedures and by a doctor after palpation, the pain will soon go away.

How long the pain persists from bruised ribs depends on each specific situation and the patient’s condition. Usually this is 2-3 months after the injury. The pain should gradually decrease. If, on the contrary, the pain only intensifies over time, it is necessary to urgently contact a traumatologist. Perhaps the injury is more serious: a crack or fracture.

The use of a special fixation vest or corset will help improve the quality of life in the acute period after a chest injury, in which you will feel less pain when moving the body, and will also provide the necessary protection from possible additional injuries.

There are not only obvious, but also hidden consequences of chest injury - with injury to the left half of the chest, cardiac contusion is possible, which can be ruled out by performing an electrocardiogram.

Another unfavorable complication of a chest contusion is pleurisy - inflammation of the pleura, the membrane that covers the lungs and chest from the inside.

The outcome of the injury may be the formation of adhesions in the chest cavity, which will subsequently limit the volume of breathing.

An effective measure to prevent pleurisy and adhesions is exercise for the lungs - you need to inflate balloons 2-3 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

Finally, it is necessary to remember about osteoporosis - if a rib fracture occurs during a mild blow to the chest, this may signal the development of bone fragility, and additional research will need to be done and other, possibly more serious injuries will need to be treated with timely treatment.

An effective modern measure to accelerate the healing of traumatic rib fractures is the use of MBST therapy, the main properties of which are:

  • targeted bone tissue regeneration
  • anesthesia
  • restoration of nerve conduction in the fracture area.

The use of MBST therapy for traumatic fractures accelerates recovery by 2-4 times.

Treat a rib bruise at home, according to doctors, is acceptable.
The type of damage does not require serious medical intervention.
An initial consultation with a doctor is still necessary.

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Effective treatment

If you notice symptoms characteristic of bruised ribs, you should first consult a doctor to rule out a possible fracture. After the examination, the victim is prescribed suitable treatment.

It includes:

  • Taking medications (pain relievers, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs);
  • The use of ointments that improve blood circulation at the site of injury;
  • The use of patches that warm and accelerate the process of hematoma resorption;
  • Compresses to relieve swelling;
  • Antibiotics (rarely prescribed for inflammation in the lungs).

Traditional medicine is often used to treat this injury. It involves the use of various herbal decoctions, infusions or ointments.

In severe cases of injury, a fixing vest should be worn, which prevents tissue displacement. Throughout the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to limit the movements of the victim.

Application of ointments

When a rib is bruised, ointments are most often prescribed:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Indovazin;
  • Bruise-off;
  • Voltaren;
  • Lyoton;
  • Fastum-gel;
  • Heparin ointment.

Ointments Diclofenac and Indovazin are aimed at combating inflammatory processes at the site of impact. Bruise-off relieves swelling well. Painful symptoms are eliminated with Lyoton, Voltaren and Fastum-gel gels. Heparin ointment is an effective remedy in the fight against bruises and hematomas; it normalizes blood circulation at the site of injury.

The doctor can prescribe the patient both complex treatment with ointments and monotherapy with one drug. The choice of method and duration of treatment depends on the severity of the blow.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many remedies for treatment.

The most effective among them are:

  • Decoction of calendula flowers;
  • Compress of crushed aloe leaves and honey;
  • Compress from steamed badyagi;
  • Compress made from crushed plantain leaves;
  • Vinegar compress;
  • Rubbing the bruise with vinegar and garlic tincture.

Recipe for making a decoction of calendula flowers:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. Crushed flowers. They can be purchased at the pharmacy or dried yourself.
  2. Add 350 ml of water to the flowers and place on medium heat.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Cool the resulting broth and store in the refrigerator.

This remedy is used as a compress to the damaged area. Calendula effectively relieves inflammation at the site of a bruise.

Recipe for making vinegar-garlic tincture:

  1. Peel the garlic cloves from 3 heads of garlic.
  2. Grind the cloves. You can do this with a knife, on a grater or using a blender.
  3. Pour the resulting mass with 500 ml of 9% vinegar.
  4. Leave the mixture to infuse for 24 hours.
  5. The compress effectively helps in the treatment of bruises and hematomas at the site of injury.

The injury can be easily treated at home. For therapy, both industrial means and folk recipes are used.

You should not self-medicate if you notice symptoms of a bruise. You should seek advice from a specialist. He will rule out a possible fracture and select effective treatment.


There are complex injuries:

  • Fractures;
  • Cracks;
  • Breaks;
  • Bruises.

Frequently encountered injuries are bruises; in some cases they can go away without medical care, and in others they bother a person for a long time with pain and limitation of movements.

The ribs play an important role in the functioning of the entire body - protecting the sensitive structures of the visceral organs from damage and participating in the respiratory process. The slightest damage to them can damage bone and muscle tissue and disrupt blood flow in the damaged area.

It is easy to recognize: a bruise (or hematoma) appears at the site of injury and severe pain is felt.

A rib can be damaged by an unfortunate collision, fall, or impact with a blunt object. Extreme athletes, participants in street collisions (fights) and traffic accidents are often susceptible to this phenomenon.

Differences from fracture

There are significant differences between these injuries:

  1. During a rib fracture, damage to the bone tissue occurs, as a result of which the patient experiences a sharp sensation of pain, which intensifies when coughing and attempting to move.
  2. A bruise appears in the injured area, and the sound of bones rubbing can be heard.
  3. With an open fracture, the broken rib breaks through the soft tissues, skin and ends up outside the body. It is impossible to confuse it with a bruise.
  4. When a bruise occurs, the soft tissue is damaged - the patient experiences tolerable aching pain, the hematoma and swelling in the area of ​​the bruise are minor, and no deformation of the chest is observed.

The victim should not self-diagnose his condition and seek help from specialists as quickly as possible.

How long has it hurt

A rib injury is accompanied by pain and discomfort during treatment.

It can occur suddenly, so during recovery it is important to ensure rest and avoid any sports activities. Even regular exercises can cause discomfort, especially in the first 2 days, when the pain is most pronounced and the pain shock has not completely passed.


Often a rib bruise is not accompanied by a violation of the integrity of the skin and the rib itself is not always damaged.

But given their active participation in the body’s activities, the most minor bruises can have a harmful effect on well-being.

Those cases are dangerous when a rib fracture is disguised as a bruise, and it was not diagnosed in time. Bruised ribs are accompanied by acute pain that intensifies with movement or breathing.

The affected area is easily determined by palpation; with pressure, the pain in such places increases sharply.

The affected area stands out quite clearly on the patient’s body:

  1. Edema and swelling are pronounced, causing pain when touched.
    Since the ribs are quite close to the skin, when they are bruised, abundant subcutaneous accumulations of blood can be observed. In this case, the skin color changes from red to purple.
  2. A lump may form.
  3. Treatment comes down to already familiar procedures for relieving pain, relaxing muscles, treating hematomas and limiting mobility.

If the pain in the injured area is mild and goes away after applying a cold compress, then it is usually enough to take an x-ray to rule out the possibility of a more serious injury, and then show the results to a radiologist.

What to do

To provide first aid you need:

  1. Limit any physical activity.
  2. Carry out self-diagnosis - carefully examine, look for swelling, sharp edges of broken bones or dents.
  3. Apply a cold compress to the injured area to relieve swelling and reduce inflammation. It's better to use ice.
  4. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with an analgesic effect - Ibuprofen, Diclofenac sodium.

For several days you should try to stop physical activity and stay in bed. Do breathing exercises - once an hour, every 3 minutes after a deep breath, take deep exhalations. If you feel severe pain in your side while breathing slowly and evenly, you need to see a doctor immediately.

Do not begin self-treatment at home unless you are convinced that the severity of the injury is mild.

Recovery duration

If first aid (relieving pain in the victim and transferring him to a sitting or semi-sitting position) is indicated in the first minutes, then the period of bone healing does not exceed 4-5 weeks, depending on the complexity of the injury and the characteristics of the therapy.

The period of bone healing depends on the patient himself. Did he follow all the recommendations and instructions of the attending physician during the treatment period?

If the patient ignores taking the medications prescribed to him and other recommendations, then the healing period may not last for several weeks, but for 3-4 months.

With this injury, it is necessary to sleep on your back or side; if the patient sleeps on his stomach, additional stress will be created on the ribs.

Much depends on the lifestyle of the victim; if he did not consume alcohol and nicotine during recovery, or did not overload himself with excessive physical activity, then the healing period will pass in an instant.

Possible complications

The most serious complication is pneumothorax if the patient has:

  • Frequent shortness of breath;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • There is no way to fully listen to breathing.

Pneumothorax is a complication that develops several weeks after injury and can be caused by poor adherence.

Post-traumatic pneumonia - caused by deterioration of lung ventilation. It is caused by the pectoral muscle being bandaged too tightly, which causes a certain stagnation effect.

The symptoms of this disease are secretive; at first, many people incorrectly mistake it for poisoning, but it is expressed as:

  • In general deterioration of the patient's condition;
  • ailments;
  • Intoxication of the body;
  • Increased body temperature.

You need to get tested. If complications are not identified in time, they will lead to a threat to the patient’s life. If these symptoms appear, seek medical help immediately.

Injury without bruise

Hematomas appear due to damage to many small vessels that are located throughout the chest. Sometimes after a bruise you can observe the appearance of a large bruise, which is frightening both in its color and in its size.

The injury more indicates that the skin itself was more damaged, but the ribs were not so badly bruised.

If after a bruise there is no bruise at all, this may indicate a serious injury to the ribs themselves. If there is swelling, severe pain when touched, during the rest period, then consult a doctor immediately. A person cannot sleep, has a hard time going to bed, and cannot get up in the morning without outside help. With every movement, his rib hurts on a certain side. The discomfort may occur on the right side or on the left.

There may be a crack on the bruised rib; after X-rays, this hypothesis can be confirmed or refuted.

  1. Carefully inspect the damaged area. Protrusion of rib elements under the skin, dents or pronounced bulges will help to suspect a fracture.
  2. Ensure complete rest of the victim.
  3. Apply cold (ice, a bottle of well-chilled liquid) to the site of injury with hematoma or swelling.
  4. Give a strong pain reliever to reduce the severity of pain (Diclofenac).

In case of a severe bruise, it is necessary to call an ambulance as quickly as possible and try to move the victim as little as possible: rib fractures are likely, in which any movement can aggravate the current situation.


After the course of treatment, the patient must undergo a rehabilitation period.

Follow a diet that helps strengthen bone structures. Include foods in your diet:

  • Sesame oil;
  • Products containing milk (cottage cheese is especially useful);
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Fish;
  • Whole wheat bread.

Recovery from a bruised or cracked rib includes exercises to develop the damaged structures. Since the treatment involves long-term bed rest, it is necessary to restore the mobility of the ribs.

It is useful to perform breathing exercises and exercises from the exercise therapy complex. Swimming is beneficial because it restores muscles.

As a result of injury to the ribs, various complications can occur, which include:

  1. Post-traumatic pneumonia (pneumonia). The pathology develops due to a violation of the respiratory process; as a result, the lungs are less ventilated, so congestion occurs in them.
  2. Lung contusion. Such a deviation can be suspected by frequent shortness of breath and the appearance of blue spots in the area of ​​the bruise. The injury requires immediate specialist intervention.
  3. Fractured ribs.

A severe bruise should be treated in a medical facility, as it is fraught with serious complications. It is necessary to make sure that there is no fracture or damage to the lung by bone fragments.


When making a diagnosis, great importance is given to collecting an anamnesis of the disease. The doctor must find out the reason: if it is a mechanical injury, the force and direction of the blow, if it is a fall, from what height.

A general examination, palpation of the bruised area of ​​the chest and auscultation of the lungs and heart for the presence of extraneous noises and wheezing are important.

In case of a bruise, an X-ray or fluoroscopy of the chest is always necessary in 2 projections - frontal and lateral.

This must be done to exclude a more serious injury, which often at first (especially if it is a fracture without displacement of fragments) can be disguised as a bruise.

If for some reason it is not possible to conduct an X-ray examination, a technique in which the doctor presses on the chest from the front and sides (axial load) will help to distinguish a bruise from a fracture.

With a fracture, there will be pronounced pain at the site of injury, but with a bruise, this pain is absent.

Tapping on the patient's chest is informative (after a preliminary assessment of the patient's general condition): with a fracture, cough and sputum streaked with blood will be noted. This indicates that the lung is affected.

A differential diagnosis with intercostal neuralgia is carried out, the leading place belongs to the collection of anamnesis - the presence or absence of a previous injury.

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