Severe pain before menstruation, what to do. Painful periods: causes, treatment. Pain during menstruation must be treated. Why are periods painful?

Moderate pain during menstruation occurs in 70% of women and girls of childbearing age. In this case, pain during menstruation can have varying intensity. Minor discomfort, not pronounced pain, especially in nulliparous girls, is normal.

However, if a woman suffers from unbearable pain every month during her cycle, which is supplemented by vomiting, fainting, dizziness, diarrhea and makes her unable to work, a similar phenomenon in gynecology is called algomenorrhea. The presence of such signs indicates that the woman suffers from various disorders of the nervous, reproductive, vascular and hormonal systems of the body.

If you identify the cause of pain during menstruation, then treatment of such disorders can significantly alleviate the girl’s condition and improve the tolerance of the natural process in the body, which is called menstruation.

Symptoms that may accompany painful periods

Painful periods in medicine are considered the most common disorders of the menstrual cycle. Almost all women aged 13 to 45 years experience some pain and discomfort on the first day of their period. However, only 10% of women complain of very strong spastic cramping pain due to contraction of the uterus, which can be supplemented by the following symptoms:

    fainting – 17% of women;

    dizziness – 23%;

    headache – 13%;

    vomiting – 84%;

    diarrhea – 79%.

The main symptom in the presence of algomenorrhea is pain in the lower abdomen, which occurs on the first day of menstruation or 12 hours before its onset. The pain gradually subsides by 2-3 days, it can be stabbing, tugging, aching, radiating to the lower back, bladder, rectum. Constant unbearable pain in a woman during menstruation leads to a disturbance in her psycho-emotional state, resulting in weakness, anxiety, irritability, insomnia, depression, and drowsiness. Painful periods begin to poison a woman’s life; in anticipation of the next bleeding, it begins to adversely affect her psyche, emotional sphere of life, and leads to conflicts at work and in the family.

With mild algomenorrhea, the pain is short-term, moderate, and does not cause loss of activity and performance; such pain can be successfully tolerated without resorting to additional painkillers. But the cause of painful periods still needs to be established, since a mild degree of algomenorrhea can progress and move into a more pronounced stage, with much greater discomfort. In some women, mild algomenorrhea stops after childbirth, uterine contractions become less painful, and its enlargement during pregnancy is reduced after childbirth, which leads to a weakening of cramping pain during menstruation in the future.

If there is a moderate degree of pathology, the nagging pain in the lower abdomen is accompanied by chills, nausea, weakness, and frequent urination. Psycho-emotional changes in character also occur - decreased performance, intolerance to strong sounds and smells, irritability, depression. This degree of algomenorrhea requires drug correction, as well as clarification of the causes that cause pain.

In severe cases of algomenorrhea, very severe pain occurs in the abdomen and lower back, which is accompanied by vomiting, fainting, tachycardia, diarrhea, heart pain, fever, general weakness, and headache. In severe cases of painful menstruation, a woman loses her ability to work completely; usually the occurrence of such a course of menstruation is caused by the presence of severe congenital pathology of the reproductive system or infectious and inflammatory diseases.

The main causes of painful primary menstruation in girls (teenagers)

Primary algomenorrhea occurs with the first menstruation or develops over 3 years from the onset of menstruation. It mainly occurs in emotionally unstable, easily excitable girls with an asthenic body type and the presence of premenstrual syndrome. Depending on the nature of the accompanying symptoms, painful primary menstruation is divided into:

    adrenergic type.

With this development, the level of the hormones norepinephrine, adrenaline, and dopamine increases, which provokes a malfunction of the body’s hormonal system. Girls begin to suffer from insomnia, rapid heartbeat, increased body temperature, severe headaches, constipation; with spasms of small vessels, the arms and legs become bluish, the face and body become pale.

    Parasympathetic type.

It is characterized by an increase in the level of the hormone serotonin, which is present in the cerebrospinal fluid. Such girls, on the contrary, experience weight gain, allergic reactions on the skin, swelling of the face and limbs, gastrointestinal disorders manifest as diarrhea, body temperature decreases, nausea and vomiting appear, and the heart rate decreases.

Modern research has revealed the fact that painful primary periods are not an independent disease, but the result of the presence of deeper internal disorders, symptoms of such abnormalities and diseases:

Congenital anomalies in the development of connective tissue.

It has long been established that 60% of girls with primary algomenorrhea are diagnosed with genetically determined connective tissue dysplasia in gynecological practice. In addition to the presence of painful periods, this pathology is expressed by dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract, varicose veins, myopia, scoliosis, and flat feet.

This is a rather serious disease, which occurs more often in girls with elongated limbs, flexible joints, and cartilaginous tissue. Quite often, during the growth of a child, magnesium deficiency is diagnosed, which can be detected using a biochemical blood test.

Neurological disorders, diseases of the nervous system.

In girls with signs of a reduced pain threshold, various psychoses, emotional instability, neuroses and other neurological disorders, the perception of pain is exacerbated, so pain during menstruation in such patients is pronounced.

Bends of the uterus posteriorly and anteriorly, malformations of the uterus - two-cavity, bicornuate uterus, underdevelopment of the uterus

Painful periods can occur due to the fact that the anomaly makes it difficult and problematic for the outflow of blood from the uterine cavity during menstruation. This leads to additional uterine contractions, which in turn provoke pain.

Causes of secondary algomenorrhea

If painful periods develop in a woman who has already become a mother, or after 30 years, then this situation is usually considered as secondary algomenorrhea. Today, this situation is typical for every third woman. Most often, the pathology occurs in a moderate form, which in turn leads to a decrease in performance, aggravation of symptoms associated with menstruation and an increase in the volume of discharge. In addition to pain in the lower abdomen, other symptoms develop during painful periods, which are divided into several groups:

    endocrine-metabolic symptoms - vomiting, itching of the skin, joint pain, increased unmotivated weakness;

    psycho-emotional appearances - depression, anorexia, increased irritability, disturbances in the perception of smell and taste;

    vegetative-vascular symptoms - headaches during menstruation, rapid heartbeat, fainting, numbness of legs, arms, dizziness;

    vegetative symptoms - hiccups, nausea, vomiting, bloating.

The intensity of pain during menstruation depends on the presence of concomitant diseases in a woman, her age and the general condition of the body. If the patient suffers from metabolic disorders (endocrine system disorders, diabetes mellitus), then in addition to the symptoms during menstruation, endocrine metabolic manifestations are added. If there are problems with the cardiovascular system, vegetative-vascular symptoms become more pronounced. In women approaching menopause, the likelihood of experiencing depressive symptoms and psycho-emotional instability increases.

Quite often, women suffering from secondary algomenorrhea experience pain during sexual intercourse, and this should in no way be left without due attention. Such manifestations are a serious reason for an immediate visit to the doctor for examination and consultation, and then, if necessary, to receive proper treatment. If, in the presence of primary algomenorrhea, the causes of its occurrence are of a congenital abnormal pathological nature, which is very difficult to treat, then the occurrence of secondary painful periods is most often associated with acquired pathologies of the female genital organs. Treatment of such diseases must be carried out, especially if:

    pelvic neuritis;


    varicose veins in the pelvic organs and abdominal organs;

    benign and malignant polyps (tumors) of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself;

    infectious and inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive organs and adhesions in the pelvis, which are usually present in such pathologies.

Also, the occurrence of pain during menstruation in women after 30 years of age may be associated with the following provoking factors and causes:

    physical and mental fatigue, violation of work and rest schedules, constant stress;

    surgical operations on the uterine appendages, complications after cesarean section or birth complications;

    the consequences of frequent resort to medical abortions and other interventions in the uterus due to the presence of scar narrowing of its cervix;

    means of intrauterine contraception.

Treating painful periods is a must

Considering the above facts, we can draw a logical conclusion that such a natural physiological function as menstruation cannot be considered normal if it occurs with significant general malaise, which deprives a woman of normal functioning and ability to work. In order to reduce pain during menstruation, treatment should not be aimed only at relieving pain, the main thing is to eliminate the cause of the pathology. You should not hope that the problem can be solved after the birth of a child, for example. If such a phenomenon is present, especially in a woman who has given birth, it is necessary to immediately contact a gynecologist in order to find out the true cause of the pain.

    Tolerating pain is not only physically difficult, but also extremely harmful to the nervous system. It is necessary to understand that regular use of analgesics and NSAIDs cannot eliminate the cause of painful periods, but on the contrary, the body begins to get used to painkillers that have significant side effects.

    The occurrence of severe pain during menstruation is a signal that a malfunction has occurred in the woman’s body, which has caused the occurrence of a certain disease. Therefore, it is extremely important to establish the cause of such an unnatural reaction of the body to a natural physiological process.

Treating pain during menstruation is not only possible, but also necessary. In order to determine the cause of primary algomenorrhea, you need to consult a gynecologist, undergo an examination, perform an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, take tests to determine your hormonal status, and also undergo additional consultations with a psychotherapist, osteopath, or neurologist.

In case of secondary algomenorrhea, ultrasound and hormonal examination are also required, which are also accompanied by diagnostic curettage or diagnostic laparoscopy. A girl or woman who suffers from painful periods should keep a diary of observations of her own condition, a calendar of the menstrual cycle. In the diary you need to record all the sensations, the duration of bleeding and the amount of discharge, the duration of the entire cycle, in other words, all the symptoms that arise during the menstrual cycle. This is done in order to simplify diagnosis and determine the treatment method as accurately as possible.

Menstruation is a natural process for all women of reproductive age. Their arrival signals that the female reproductive system is fully mature and ready to bear offspring. In most cases, it causes only mild discomfort, but there are exceptions when painful periods completely disrupt the lifestyle and affect the performance of the fair sex.

Every woman of childbearing age should know exactly what to do during very painful periods, and in what cases it is necessary to immediately contact a specialist. This article will discuss the symptoms, causes and treatment of painful menstruation.


Mild ones provoke uterine contractions, which contribute to the release of menstrual blood and the mucous layer of the uterus. If the excretion process is disrupted due to any factors, a woman becomes excruciatingly painful during her period. Too painful periods have a scientific name "" or "". In nulliparous women, the most common cause of painful periods is the incorrect location of the uterus, which compresses the nerve endings, causing pain not only in the lower abdomen, but also in the lower back and sacrum. This condition can also be caused by congenital anomalies of the female genital organs.

Painful menstruation occurs in women who suffer from the following diseases:

  • infectious pathologies (trichomoniasis, syphilis, genital herpes, gonorrhea). Most often, they are transmitted during sexual contact, contributing to the occurrence of purulent and inflammatory diseases of the appendages and uterus, which disrupts the cycle and aggravates painful symptoms. Both partners need to be treated for the disease. There are a number of infectious pathologies that can be contracted at home, these include candidiasis;
  • inflammatory processes. They can be provoked by non-compliance with personal hygiene rules, which contributes to the growth of opportunistic microflora - streptococci, staphylococcal infections, E. coli. Also, pathological reproduction of these microorganisms can be caused by hypothermia, vitamin deficiency, changes in the composition of microflora in other organs, etc. Cervicitis, endometritis or salpingitis can cause severe pain during regulation. These diseases must be treated, since inflammation can lead to bending, disruption of the blood vessels, the appearance of cysts, polyps, and even provoke cancer;
  • benign and malignant neoplasms. In the case of cancer, painful periods sometimes become the only symptom of this pathology. As the tumor grows, it presses on blood vessels and nerves in the uterus and nearby organs. Due to the neoplasm, the shape of the uterus may change, menstrual blood stagnates, causing unbearable pain. As the tumor grows, the pain also intensifies;
  • endometriosis. With this disease, the cells of the inner layer of the uterus grow into other organs, and the regularity of the cycle is disrupted, and menstruation becomes longer and more painful, hormonal disorders caused by endometrioid cysts begin;
  • dysplasia, cervical erosion and other diseases associated with damage to the epithelial layer in the cervix;
  • hormonal dysfunction. It can be triggered by taking hormonal medications, sudden cancellation of prescribed hormonal contraceptives, disruption of the ovaries, thyroid or pituitary gland. As a result of hormonal changes, metabolic disturbances occur, which provoke the development of diabetes mellitus or sudden changes in weight, both in the direction of increase and excessive decrease;
  • consequences of childbirth and surgery. During childbirth or abortion, the ligaments that fix the uterus can be damaged, so its normal location is disrupted, which causes severe pain during regulation. Bends may occur in which blood stagnates and inflammatory processes occur.

Algomenorrhea can be inherited, so if a grandmother or mother had too painful periods, then with a high degree of probability this pathology will be passed on to her daughter.

Associated symptoms

With painful periods, it is important to pay attention not only to the nature of the pain, but also to the accompanying symptoms. Algomenorrhea may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea up to vomiting, diarrhea;
  • severe headache;
  • increased sweating, hot flashes, dizziness and fainting;
  • sharp, jumping pulse or increased heart rate;
  • weakness, muscle and joint pain.

The duration of the monthly discharge itself may be disrupted and increased, they or, conversely,. Between menstruation sometimes occurs in the form of spotting. Pain due to dysmenorrhea may not appear on the first day of menstruation, but 1-2 days before its onset. They have a pulling, cutting, aching or cramp-like nature and pass only after the end of menstruation. In cases of severe secondary dysmenorrhea, pain may be felt throughout the entire menstrual cycle.

Degrees of pain

Painful menstruation has 3 degrees of severity:

  1. The mild stage is accompanied by short and tolerable pain.
  2. The average degree of algomenorrhea is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen and back, chills and psycho-emotional disorders (irritability, depression, photophobia, intolerance to strong aromas and loud sounds).
  3. In the severe stage of dysmenorrhea, in addition to severe pain, the work of the heart muscle is disrupted, the temperature rises, vomiting, diarrhea, general weakness appear, and the woman may lose consciousness.

Primary form

Primary dysmenorrhea is not caused by diseases or damage to the organs of the reproductive system, but occurs during puberty for three years after the arrival of the first menstruation. Painful periods in a teenager cause sudden hormonal changes that occur in the body at this time.

During puberty, the concentration of various hormones may change, depending on which of them increases, one of 2 types of primary dysmenorrhea occurs in adolescents:

  1. Adrenergic. It is diagnosed when there is an increase in adrenaline in the blood. Typical symptoms for this pathology of the reproductive system are fever, rapid pulse, headaches, pale skin, hiccups, a feeling of a full stomach, and constipation.
  2. Parasympathetic. Diagnosed when there is an increased level of serotonin in the spinal cord. At the same time, the pulse slows down, body temperature may be lowered, the face and limbs swell, and body weight increases.


Depending on the cause that causes pain in a girl, there are several types of primary dysmenorrhea:

  • spasmogenic. The cause of its occurrence is spasms of the uterine muscles;
  • psychogenic. Pain in the lower abdomen causes fear of symptoms experienced once and leaving difficult memories for the teenager;
  • essential. The cause of the disease in this case is a decrease in the pain threshold caused by disturbances in the functioning of individual centers in the brain. In this case, even minimal irritation of the nerve roots causes severe pain.

Why does it occur

The following factors can provoke the development of primary algomenorrhea:

  • a congenital disorder of connective tissue growth that is caused by magnesium deficiency. This disease has a dangerous complication in the form of a violation of the composition of cartilage tissue, which leads to improper formation of joints, elongation of limbs, flat feet and scoliosis. Myopia, problems with the digestive system and varicose veins may occur;
  • genital tuberculosis;
  • nervous and mental disorder;
  • congenital uterine anomalies (bicornus, malposition or underdevelopment).

If the curvature of the uterus occurs during puberty due to abnormal development or excessive stress, then there is a high probability that painful periods will no longer bother the girl after childbirth. If the pathology is congenital, then childbirth will not correct the situation; only a qualified specialist should treat the disease.

Secondary form

The secondary form of dysmenorrhea is caused by acquired pathologies: scars, adhesions in the uterus after surgery and abortion, hormonal imbalance, infections and inflammatory processes. Too painful regula can bother women of any age, but most often the regula becomes very painful at the age of 25-30.

Most often, secondary algomenorrhea is caused by varicose veins in the pelvic and abdominal organs, as well as inflammatory processes affecting nerve endings in the pelvic area.

Secondary dysmenorrhea often occurs in women on strict diets, which cause anorexia or bulimia. In patients suffering from painful periods due to severe weight loss, the structure of the uterine tissue is disrupted, scars and adhesions occur. Also the cause of acquired algomenorrhea are infectious and inflammatory diseases, oncology, endometriosis, hormonal disorders and diseases associated with damage to the epithelial cells of the cervix.


70% of women of reproductive age face the problem of painful periods, but only 10% of them complain of unbearable cramp-like pain during their menstrual periods. Statistics say that pain syndrome is complemented by other symptoms:

  • 17% of women experience fainting due to pain;
  • 23% of the fair sex suffer from dizziness and another 13% from headaches;
  • in 84% of cases vomiting occurs;
  • 79% of women complain of diarrhea.


To prescribe effective treatment, the cause of pain during menstruation must be correctly identified. Diagnostics may include the following research methods:

  • examination on a gynecological chair;
  • general blood and urine tests;
  • microflora smears;
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs;
  • laparoscopic examination;
  • Dopplerography of blood vessels for suspected varicose veins.

In some cases, you may need to consult a psychologist, endocrinologist and other specialists.

Treatment methods

If painful periods are caused by primary algomenorrhea, therapy most often involves eliminating stress factors, increasing physical activity and getting rid of bad habits. In the second half of the cycle, doctors recommend refraining from active sexual intercourse and heavy lifting. Often, after pregnancy and childbirth, pain due to primary algomenorrhea completely disappears, so it is recommended not to terminate the first pregnancy for women with a similar diagnosis.

Depending on the reasons that caused the development of algomenorrhea, treatment with or without medications may be prescribed, and the doctor may also recommend. Let's look at each type of treatment in more detail.


Treatment of painful periods is aimed not only at eliminating symptoms, but also at eradicating the cause of the disease, so it must be comprehensive. Prescription of medications and selection of dosage is carried out exclusively by the attending physician. The following types of medications may be prescribed:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Tamipul, Naproxen, etc.);
  • antispasmodics – No-shpa, Spazmalgon;
  • combined contraceptives or drugs containing gestagens (Diane-35, Yarina, Duphaston);
  • You should definitely take vitamins, in particular vitamin E;
  • if painful regulae are provoked by the proliferation of moderately pathogenic microflora, then antifungal suppositories and suppositories can be prescribed;
  • sedatives, tranquilizers (Relanium);
  • homeopathic medicines (Remens, Menalgin).

If algomenorrhea is caused by adhesions or neoplasms in the genital organs, then surgical intervention may be indicated.

Non-drug methods

In the case of primary algomenorrhea in adolescent girls, psychotherapeutic sessions provide effective assistance. To get rid of painful regulations, it is enough to master a special technique of relaxation and distraction.

Physiotherapeutic procedures also give good results:

  • acupuncture, thanks to its effect on certain points, not only reduces pain, but also eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • amplipulse therapy;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • treatment with dynamic currents;
  • electrosleep, ultraviolet irradiation;
  • UHF procedures;
  • balneotherapy;
  • electrophoresis.

Acupressure and general massage, as well as physical exercise, swimming or yoga, will help you cope with painful periods. There is a whole range of specially designed gymnastic exercises that can be done at home.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies and homeopathy also help to reduce pain during menstruation, but they should be used only after consulting a doctor, so as not to aggravate the situation and not waste the time necessary to treat the pathology.

The most famous homeopathic remedy prescribed for algomenorrhea is Remens. Its main active ingredients are herbal extracts (cohosh, pilocarpus and Sanguinaria canadensis), cuttlefish gland secretion and surukuku snake venom.

Traditional herbalists recommend using an infusion of horsetail or horsetail for painful periods. Other herbs can also help cope with severe pain during menstrual periods, for example, strawberry leaves infused in cold water or a decoction of mint leaves, chamomile flowers and valerian root. Among the healing roots used in the fight against menstrual pain are lovage or fragrant celery.


To prevent the development of dysmenorrhea, experts recommend adhering to the following rules:

  • develop the correct daily routine, in which there is time for work, sleep and rest;
  • choose a balanced diet, during menstruation eat easily digestible foods that are rich in vitamins;
  • you need to control your body weight, prevent obesity, but also not deplete yourself with strict diets;
  • you need to take vitamins regularly;
  • Do not indulge in tea or caffeine-containing drinks;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • walk outdoors more often;
  • pay special attention to physical activity, be sure to do exercises and select sports hobbies in accordance with your age and general health;
  • Eliminate bad habits that negatively affect a woman’s health.

If preventive measures do not help, and a woman begins to experience painful regula, she should definitely consult a doctor to find out the cause of the disease and prescribe the correct treatment. It is strictly forbidden to use antispasmodics for a long time without finding out the cause of painful menstruation.

Menstrual flow is often accompanied by unpleasant symptoms. Women often complain of weakness, nausea, and dizziness. The most common phenomenon is considered to be pain in the lower abdomen during the menstrual phase of the cycle. This phenomenon is called algomenorrhea.

Pain during menstruation is scientifically called algomenorrhea

The intensity of discomfort during menstruation is often hormonal in nature, but may also depend on other reasons. These include a deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body, inflammatory processes in the pelvis, as well as a hereditary factor.

In case of severe pain, you should consult a specialist. Pathological processes in the reproductive organs that require treatment cannot be ruled out. The gynecologist will tell you what to do to reduce the pain.

Drug therapy

Treating painful menstruation is a long process. A single dose of an analgesic will only help for a short period of time. In the next cycle, the pain will again bother the woman.

If the test results confirm the hormonal cause of algomenorrhea, the gynecologist will prescribe oral contraceptives to the woman. These medications are designed to correct hormonal levels. Thanks to this action, not only the pain stops, but also the regularity of the cycle is improved, and the condition of the skin and hair improves. The following drugs are popular:

  • Yarina;
  • Ovidon;
  • Trisiston.

The specific drug and duration of the course are determined by the doctor. Incorrect selection of hormonal contraceptives will only worsen the situation. It should be noted that the analgesic effect is achieved 3–4 months after the start of administration.

Diana 35 is prescribed if the cause of pain is hormonal

Painful menstruation is a consequence of severe muscle spasm. This is especially pronounced in the first two days of bleeding. Gradually, the unpleasant sensations weaken and disappear completely with the end of menstruation. The pain is provoked by intense contractions of the muscles of the uterus, which rejects its inner layer - the endometrium. In this case, antispasmodics will help get rid of the pain.

The safest drug from this group is No-spa. Its active ingredient is drotaverine. Once in the body, it effectively relaxes the muscles. No-spa also promotes faster separation of the endometrium. The maximum dose of the drug is 6 tablets per day.

Another effective pain reliever is Papaverine. It also reduces smooth muscle tone. The advantage of this substance lies in several forms of release. You can opt for tablets or prefer rectal suppositories. Suppositories with papaverine act faster, since the active substance is immediately absorbed into the blood.

There are other drugs that help relieve pain during menstruation:

  • Buscopan;
  • Galidor.

Any remedy should be taken after consultation with a gynecologist.

Spazgan relieves pain from spasms

In addition, for painful periods, taking analgesics is appropriate. These medicines will not only relieve the attack of pain, but will also help get rid of weakness in the body. The most effective analgesics are recognized:

  • Baralgin;
  • Took;
  • Novalgin;
  • Pyretin;
  • Minalgin.

If the test results indicate the presence of an inflammatory process, the doctor will additionally prescribe non-steroidal drugs. For maximum effect, they should be taken 2-3 days before the onset of menstrual flow. The dosage is individual for each drug; it will be specified by the gynecologist. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs include:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Indomethacin.

Drugs such as Diclofenac are available in the form of suppositories. With their help, you can relieve pain directly during menstruation.

Analgin is a time-tested analgesic

Non-drug therapy

It is quite difficult to tolerate unpleasant sensations. There are several effective techniques to alleviate a woman’s condition:

  • Menstruation will be less painful if a woman adjusts her diet. It is worth reducing the consumption of fatty and spicy foods. It's wise to give up alcohol.
  • Many people believe that in order to relieve menstrual pain, you need to eat foods that stimulate the production of endorphins. These hormones can alleviate the condition. These foods include chocolate and bananas.
  • Painful menstruation is often observed in women who do not allow themselves proper rest. You should adjust your daily routine.
  • Stress often provokes the development of algomenorrhea. Treatment of this condition is impossible in the presence of constant nervous tension. You need to choose your own relaxation method.
  • If pain occurs, you can do a light relaxing massage.
  • Menstruation will be less painful if you regularly do exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles.
  • A warm heating pad applied to the abdomen can relieve severe pain. This recommendation must be followed carefully. It is advisable to consult your doctor first. This technique is prohibited in the presence of inflammation.

High-quality chocolate stimulates endorphin production

Treatment with folk remedies

Painful periods can also be alleviated by using traditional recipes. Such remedies are safe and effective, but a consultation with a gynecologist would not be superfluous. Various herbs are often used in the treatment of algomenorrhea. Many of them are able to relieve discomfort in the intestinal area or pain in the urinary tract that makes itself felt during menstruation.

For this purpose, women often use oregano. Making a decoction from it is simple. You need to pour boiling water over 2 tablespoons of chopped herbs and leave for several hours. The decoction is taken orally. The daily norm is 400 ml. You can divide this volume into 3 doses.

Viburnum bark has a similar effect. With its help you can get rid of severe pain. Three or four teaspoons of raw material are poured with boiling water and put on fire. After half an hour, the resulting broth is filtered. To relieve pain during menstruation, you need to take the decoction orally, 1 tablespoon no more than 3 times a day.

You can take a decoction of a mixture of chamomile, valerian and mint. This collection will not only reduce pain during menstruation, but will also relieve stress. One teaspoon of the herbal mixture is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for half an hour. You can take the infusion not only during menstruation, but also in the second half of the cycle.

Treatment of algomenorrhea is often carried out using an infusion of water pepper. The beneficial substances contained in the plant can reduce the intensity of bleeding. In addition, after taking the infusion, the process of gas formation in the intestines decreases. Due to this, the pressure on the uterus is significantly reduced, which allows you to get rid of pain.

It is necessary to take a decoction of water pepper for a long time, from 3 to 6 months. One tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water. The mixture is heated in a water bath and then infused for an hour.

For painful periods, it is useful to make a decoction of nettle leaves. One tablespoon of herb is poured into a glass of water. The mixture must be boiled for 10 minutes. The decoction is filtered and taken orally before meals. It is important to start using this product a few days before the start of menstruation.

There are many ways to get rid of pain. However, it is necessary to treat algomenorrhea only under the supervision of a doctor.

Pain is considered to be a sign of a disorder in any of the body’s functions, a signal of a problem. But there is a natural process during which any discomfort is perceived almost as normal. Most women of reproductive age experience severe pain during menstruation, especially on the first day. For some, their health is so impaired that it is impossible to do normal activities or even just stand on their feet. Some perceive pain doomedly, trying to endure it, others try to find a way to get rid of it. The question of why there is so much suffering in the initial days of menstruation rests on female physiology. This does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to poor health, even if the gynecologist said that there are no pathologies.

Types of pain

For the first time, physical ailments may appear in girls already at menarche or within 1–3 years after the establishment of the ovulatory cycle. Discomfort occurs in the first hours of menstruation or can begin 1–2 days before. The severity and strength of pain symptoms is different for everyone: from barely noticeable to unbearable. Medical specialists usually combine such symptoms with the concept of algodismenorrhea - a disorder of the menstrual cycle. If painful sensations are associated with periodic delays in menstruation due to ovarian dysfunction, they speak of dysmenorrhea.

Menstrual pain can be of a primary nature: it occurs from the beginning of puberty. In such cases, the suffering of the first day is quite difficult to bear: it is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

Secondary appears after a period of relative well-being due to various types of diseases, surgical interventions, neurotic deviations, and disorders in the sexual sphere. In such cases, severe heaviness in the lower third of the abdomen and cramps may be observed.

Why pain is painfully endured on the first day depends on a number of interrelated factors, including fluctuations in hormonal balance, the functioning of the nervous, muscular and vascular systems, and the psychological state of the woman.

Causes of pain

In primary algodismenorrhea, conventionally natural and pathological causes of painful menstruation are distinguished. At the beginning of the next cycle, the uterine cavity, lined with a dense mucous membrane, without receiving a fertilized egg, begins to contract, pushing out unnecessary epithelium. The process is regulated by sex hormones. During this period, the walls and neck of the organ are filled with blood and detached myometrium. Therefore, the first contractions are always particularly uncomfortable. Even with complete well-being, women feel pressure and stiffness in the lower abdomen before menstruation, accompanied by physical fatigue. The following reasons can cause severe pain:

  • increased amount of prostaglandins - pain neurotransmitters in the myometrium;
  • violation of the synthesis of hormones: dopamine, serotonin, adrenaline;
  • lack of minerals and hypovitaminosis;
  • abnormal development of the body's connective tissue;
  • Features of the location and shape of the uterus: deviations, bends, bends, underdevelopment.

Read also 🗓 What to do for painful periods in teenagers

The reason why the stomach hurts severely before menstruation is a hidden neurological disorder, psychological trauma and other conditions of a woman’s mental health that are reflected on the physical level.

Secondary algodismenorrhea always implies the presence of pathologies. Common causes of painful cycle disorders that occur in women after a prosperous period:

  • incorrectly selected contraception, usually an IUD;
  • development of systemic diseases: diabetes mellitus, coronary disease, thyroid pathologies;
  • previous inflammation of the internal genital organs;
  • surgical abortions, therapeutic curettage;
  • growing uterine tumors, endometriosis;
  • nervous or physical exhaustion due to sports.

In women over 40 years of age, perplexed, they have recently become pregnant, so the beginning of menopause may manifest itself.

Pain on the first day

Since every woman’s body is individual, pain on the first day of the next menstruation begins and proceeds differently. A characteristic clinical picture: a gradual increase in discomfort 10–12 hours before the appearance of discharge. The syndrome develops as a series of successive contractions and pains in the abdominal cavity. The pain can be felt as stabbing, singing, burning, tugging, and radiate to the rectum, bladder, hips, and mammary glands. The following symptoms are also noted:

  • The initial degree of algodismenorrhea is tolerated as a slight discomfort: the pain is quite tolerable, does not require drug relief, and gradually disappears within 1–2 days. Women do not pay attention to the trouble or simply relax more.
  • At moderate levels, it is no longer possible to live with pain. Contractions or cramps in the abdomen begin even before menstruation, and in the first hours of discharge they become unbearable. Almost always, health problems occur with autonomic and neurological symptoms: severe irritability, sweating, tremors in the limbs, numbness.
  • In severe cases, the first signs of pain appear several days before menstruation; at the beginning of the cycle, the woman is forced to lie in bed all day due to excruciating pain and complete inability to perform any actions. Frequent accompanying symptoms: severe tachycardia, heavy sweating,... Recovery may take several days after menstruation.

How to relieve pain

Tolerating even a “natural” deterioration in well-being is very harmful to the nervous system. This can lead to the development of depression, neuroses, and significantly complicates life. If the first day is not a consequence of a tumor or other organic lesion, you need to resort to medication. It is useful to start taking painkillers not at the beginning of the cycle, but a day before the expected discharge. Drugs based on paracetamol, ibuprofen, and drotaverine help relieve pain during menstruation. Painkillers that combine several active ingredients are more effective. For example, Trigan-D, which contains an analgesic and antispasmodic. Usually, using the appropriate remedy helps alleviate severe pain.

If the pills do not help or their effect is insignificant and short-lived, you can try physiological methods. The day before the start of menstruation and on the first day, it is recommended to drink more diuretic liquids: lightly brewed tea, decoctions of parsley, dill seeds, elecampane root, currant compote. This will promote better resorption and removal of swelling. Additionally, you can apply dry heat to the stomach and lower back: a heating pad, a bottle of hot water. Some people find relief from severe cramps not by heating the abdominal wall, but by cold. It is not advisable to use ice; it is enough to place a towel soaked in cold water on the lower abdomen.

For more tips on how to reduce period pain, talk to your gynecologist.

Pain treatment

If the first painful day of the menstrual cycle is not associated with health problems, is not accompanied by delays, the discharge has a normal appearance - without massive blood clots and pus, therapy does not involve any specific methods. Treatment of pain in this case consists of timely prevention of symptoms and their maximum relief:

  • It is recommended to choose a suitable painkiller. For each woman it is different: one is helped by Ketanov, Ibuklin, another by No-Shpa, Trigan-D or Nise.
  • If your health allows, on the first day of your period you need to walk more - movement promotes better discharge of edema, myometrium and mucus.
  • It is useful to perform special relaxing stretching exercises and yoga asanas.
  • A light massage of the abdominal wall helps, which you can do yourself: with your palms for 1–2 minutes. stroke and rub the abdomen clockwise.

Every month women have their period. Nobody likes this period, and some look forward to it with fear because of the terrible cramping pain. There are times when a representative of the fairer sex is forced to stay at home and call an ambulance because she feels terrible. What causes severe pain during menstruation, how to prevent their occurrence and relieve cramps if they have already appeared, you need to know in order to be able to help yourself before visiting a doctor.

Why does my lower abdomen hurt?

Dysmenorrhea- These are pains in the lower abdomen that accompany menstruation. They arise due to the fact that within a month the epithelium grows in the uterus, to which the embryo will attach after fertilization, and if this does not happen, the body gets rid of it through bleeding. Doctors have found that it is impossible to get pregnant on the first day of the cycle.

During menstruation, a woman experiences slight malaise, discomfort in the abdomen and fatigue. However, this does not prevent her from adhering to the usual rhythm of life. If your critical days are very painful and your cycle is irregular, then you need to consult a gynecologist.

Types of pain during menstruation

There are two types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary.

Primary occurs within two years from the beginning of the girl’s first menstruation in her life. It is not associated with any pathologies, and the pain is natural and occurs due to the expulsion of an unfertilized egg from the ovary. This type of malaise usually disappears after the first birth. With primary dysmenorrhea, the cycle does not go astray, but remains normal and regular.

Secondary, or as it is also called, acquired dysmenorrhea, occurs due to diseases and changes in the genital organs. It appears more often in women over 30 years of age and is accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia, tachycardia and vegetative-vascular abnormalities (excessive sweating, dizziness).

If the unpleasant sensations do not change over the years, then such dysmenorrhea is called compensated. If the pain only intensifies with age, then, accordingly, it is decompensated.

Types of associated ailments

In addition to nagging pain in the genital area, menstruation may be accompanied by:

  • Discomfort in the heart.
  • Severe headaches or migraines.
  • Fatigue quickly.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the eye area.
  • Sleep disturbance.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Irritability and depressed mood.
  • Swelling.
  • Mood swings.
  • Pain in the lower back.
  • Dizziness, nausea and vomiting.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Breast pain or tenderness.
  • Constipation, diarrhea or other abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract.

Severity of dysmenorrhea

There are 4 types of pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation:

Causes of menstrual pain

Menstrual pain can occur due to the following factors.

  • Incorrect location of internal organs, in particular the uterus.
  • Formed adhesions and scars after artificial termination of pregnancy (abortion).
  • Heredity.
  • Constant psycho-emotional stress.
  • Lack of iron, calcium and magnesium in the body.
  • Hormonal imbalances.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Installed intrauterine device.
  • Ectopic pregnancy.
  • Sedentary and inactive lifestyle.
  • Inflammation in the pelvis.
  • Diseases such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis.
  • Formation of cysts or polyps in the uterus.
  • Sexually transmitted infections.

If the sensations do not interfere with the girl’s normal activity, then there is no need to worry and draw hasty conclusions. If the spasms interfere very much and cannot be tolerated, then you need to consult a specialist.

Treatment of dysmenorrhea

When medications no longer help get rid of terrible symptoms and a woman is forced to give up all her duties for several days every month, then an examination by a gynecologist is vitally important.

Most of the medications your doctor will prescribe are aimed at reducing the amount of prostaglandins produced and thereby reducing the contractions of the uterus that cause attacks.

The doctor may prescribe low-dose hormonal drugs - oral contraceptives. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs and antispasmodics will also have an effect.

Some time before the onset of menstruation, the doctor prescribes complex medications that include iron, calcium, magnesium and vitamins. You need to drink them in advance so that by the beginning of the cycle the necessary microelements accumulate in the body and have the desired effect.

Electrophoresis and UHF provide pain relief and warming. These procedures will help relieve pain, but it is also better to start them in advance.

Treatment at home

If menstruation is regular, the pain is tolerable and there is no need to reconsider your schedule, then you can alleviate the patient’s condition at home in the following ways:

  • Lie down for a while in the fetal position (on your side with your legs tucked in).
  • Stand under a warm shower, which will relax your muscles and dilate your blood vessels.
  • Massage the abdomen in a clockwise circular motion and massage the lower back.
  • Attend a yoga class or do some exercise at home (rotate your body in different directions, bend over).
  • Take an antispasmodic or pain reliever.
  • Before and after menstruation, take baths with sea salt for about 20 minutes. During cramps, apply compresses from it to the lower abdomen.
  • An ice pack for 15 minutes will help relieve tension and reduce bleeding.
  • Drink mint and chamomile tea several times a day.
  • If there are no contraindications, you can rub a solution of essential oils into the lower abdomen and sacrum: 5 drops of sage and yarrow and 50 ml of St. John's wort.

For prevention, doctors advise doing yoga and swimming, which relax the muscles. You should not overwork, be very nervous and drink alcohol, especially during and before menstruation. Limit your intake of bloating foods and sugary foods. But chocolate, on the contrary, will help the production of endorphins. It is best to lead a healthy lifestyle and get rid of the causes of pain during menstruation than to suffer and treat their consequences in the future.