Symptoms of a lack of estrogen - female sex hormones. Low estrogen levels in women: causes, symptoms and treatment Sex hormone deficiency

The steroid androgen in women is produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands. In a healthy body, synthesis occurs in strict accordance with the formation of the female hormone estrogen. Also, a source of male sex hormone is sexual intercourse, especially accompanied by orgasm.

All causes of low testosterone are divided into endogenous, that is, associated with the pathology of internal organs, and exogenous, arising under the influence of external factors.

Endogenous causes include:

  • Ovarian diseases (cysts, malignant tumors, dysfunction).
  • Breast cancer, which is very often a consequence of ovarian pathology.
  • Endometriosis (overgrowth of connective tissue in the uterus).
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Disorders of the endocrine glands, including diabetes.
  • Obesity.
  • Heredity.
  • Climax. During menopause, the body's production of all sex hormones, including testosterone, is reduced as a response to a decrease in estrogen synthesis.

Exogenous causes that cause a decrease in the synthesis of male hormones in the female body are as follows:

    Sedentary lifestyle. Testosterone is a muscle activity hormone. To synthesize it, the body needs exercise, including strength training, especially if it is low.

    Reference! Excessive involvement in aerobic exercise (running, jumping, aerobics) can also reduce the level of male hormone in the body.

  • Taking medications that cause hormonal imbalance (contraceptives, antimycotics, anticonvulsants).
  • Poor nutrition. Testosterone synthesis is reduced when consuming foods high in magnesium and zinc. Excess sugar and animal fats also have a depressing effect on the production of steroids in the body.
  • The presence of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol lead to disruption of the ovaries and adrenal glands. As a result, a lack of testosterone may occur in the body.
  • Chronic stress, regular lack of sleep, and fad diets can cause disruption of the endocrine system and negatively affect the functioning of the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

    When the body is stressed, the adrenal glands produce an excess of the hormone adrenaline, which suppresses the synthesis of testosterone.

  • Lack of vitamin D, which is actively involved in the synthesis of androgenic hormones.
  • Celibacy, or lack of a full sex life.

Everything in the human body is interconnected. Poor lifestyle can lead to organ dysfunction, responsible for the synthesis of testosterone. On the other hand, physiological disorders provoke a person to create habits that destroy health, creating a vicious vicious circle.

Manifestation of hormone deficiency in the body

Any hormonal imbalance immediately affects a person’s appearance. Testosterone deficiency is no exception. Women react very painfully to the following symptoms:

  1. Formation of excess fatty loose layer in the lower abdomen, arms, neck. Also causing a lot of distress are the “ears” that appear on the sides of the upper thighs.
  2. The skin becomes thin, lifeless and dry, especially on the arms and neck. Creams and procedures aimed at moisturizing the epidermis have a short-term effect.
  3. Intensive hair loss, thinning hair, dry scalp.

If there is a lack of testosterone, cosmetic procedures aimed at eliminating external defects are completely useless.

A decrease in the amount of male hormone in the body does not have the best effect on a woman’s general well-being, since in this case, at the same time The production of the following hormones decreases:

  • serotonin, which is otherwise called the hormone of happiness;
  • dopamine, responsible for cognitive abilities;
  • oxytocin (tenderness hormone), which maintains smooth muscle tone.

As a result, the following symptoms develop:

  1. depression, low resistance to stressful situations;
  2. fatigue, constant fatigue;
  3. irritability, tearfulness for no reason;
  4. deterioration of memory and learning ability. There is a panicky fear of change.

IMPORTANT! Infertility in women of reproductive age can also be associated with a deficiency of the male hormone, since the body's response is a proportional decrease in the synthesis of estrogen, which is responsible for the maturation of eggs in the ovaries.

Women with low levels of free testosterone are characterized by panic attacks, restless sleep, hot flashes and increased sweating.

Most of the male hormone is found in the body in bound form - with globulin and albumin. The complex with the latter is necessary for muscle formation. When testosterone is deficient, levels of the albumin-related hormone also drop, leading to:

  • decrease in muscle mass;
  • decreased endurance;
  • decrease in overall energy state.

Androgenic hormones are responsible not only for sexual attractiveness, but also for libido and pleasure from sexual intercourse. At a reduced level, the following develop:

  1. Reduction of secondary sexual characteristics (the mammary glands “shrink”, lose their original shape, pubic hair thins).
  2. Frigidity and lack of libido. In this case, there is complete indifference to sex, even to the point of disgust. In some cases, the symptom may be aggravated by painful sensations during sexual intercourse (dyspareunia), the inability to perform it (vaginismus) and anorgasmia (inability to orgasm).
  3. The male hormone is also responsible for the absorption of calcium by the body. When its level decreases, the microelement begins to be washed out of the bone tissue, which can cause bone fragility and the development of osteoporosis.

    IMPORTANT! In women during the premenopausal period, the condition of their teeth often worsens. This can also be a symptom of critically low testosterone levels in the body.

How do symptoms progress with age?

Testosterone levels in the blood of women begin to gradually decline after puberty. This is considered normal. The first external signs of deficiency in the absence of pathologies of internal organs appear by the age of 40. It is at this age that you need to take care of your hormonal health to avoid the development of the following diseases:

  • osteoporosis;
  • senile dementia (memory impairment and dementia);
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • ischemia of the heart and brain;
  • partial and complete alopecia (baldness).

Testosterone deficiency in older women is programmed by nature. But this process can be reversed using the achievements of modern medicine combined with a burning desire to live and work normally at any age.

A woman’s appearance: signs of the disease

The general impression of a woman with low testosterone is withered and energy-depleted, with a dull look.

The following signs are clearly expressed:

When communicating, he often gets irritated and offended, does not understand the interlocutor well, and has difficulty concentrating on the problem.

To stay in shape at any age, you need to contact specialists who will help harmonize hormonal balance.

Which doctor should I contact?

If at least three symptoms of low testosterone appear you need to visit a therapist and gynecologist. Doctors will conduct an external examination, collect anamnesis, and give directions for tests, including testosterone.

After the examination, medication will be prescribed if necessary. The problem may have to be solved in a team with an endocrinologist, whom a therapist can advise you to contact.

A healthy hormonal balance is a guarantee of excellent well-being and a long creative life. Testosterone is the hormone of progress and inspiration. You can maintain its normal concentration in the body with the help of a healthy lifestyle and professional doctors, whose visit should not be delayed.

Estrogen is the general collective name for 3 types of steroidal female sex hormones of varying degrees of biological activity (BA):

  • estrone (folliculin) E1– controls the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics (uterus and breasts), stimulates the growth of the endometrium;
  • estradiol E2– responsible for external gender conformity, secretion of pheromones, quality of sexual life, functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, cholesterol levels, acid-base balance, calcium absorption and many other processes;
  • estriol E3– improves blood supply to the uterus and promotes the development of mammary gland ducts during fetal ripening.

The level fluctuates naturally depending on the current state of the body (phase of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy) and normally it decreases greatly only(45–50 years old). At other times, a sharp drop in hormone levels indicates health problems.

Estrogen deficiency (hypoestrogenism) – in most cases occurs due to inhibition (decay) of ovarian function, producing most of the sex hormones.

As well as pathological disorders in the functioning of the adrenal cortex, thyroid gland or pituitary gland, which develop under the influence of negative factors:

  • grueling strength loads, including professional sports training;
  • lack of physical activity (physical inactivity);
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and drugs;
  • strict diet with low fat and iron intake, unbalanced diet;
  • sudden jumps in body weight in any direction;
  • improper use (self-prescription) of hormonal drugs;
  • long-term treatment with gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) antagonists, antidepressants or nootropics;
  • bad heredity;
  • irregular sexual relations;
  • malignant process of tumor development;
  • course of radiation or chemotherapy of the pelvic organs;
  • surgical removal of the uterus with appendages, resection of the ovaries;
  • prolonged depressed psycho-emotional state, nervous tension, depression.

Important! The cause of the pathology, as a rule, is not one, but several interrelated factors, so before starting to restore the fragile hormonal balance, the doctor must conduct a full examination.

Low level symptoms

In women of reproductive age (16–48 years) manifests itself with both specific and general signs of malaise:

  • loss elasticity and firmness of the skin (turgor), uneven microrelief, formation of deep wrinkles, dehydration and peeling;
  • acne appearance, age spots, moles and papillomas in large quantities (up to 20 pieces in 1 year);
  • deterioration of figure, sagging breasts (mastoptosis), the formation of stretch marks (striae) and congestion in the subcutaneous adipose tissue, i.e. cellulite (lipodystrophy);
  • redistribution of body volumes (massive top, narrow bottom, large belly) and male-type hair growth;
  • uncontrollable hair loss, dullness of color, fragility, dryness and split ends;
  • menstrual cycle irregularities, i.e. irregular periods (once every 2–4 months) or their complete absence (amenorrhea), changes in the quantity and quality of discharge, severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS);
  • frequent illnesses genitourinary system of an inflammatory nature (colpitis, cystitis, vaginitis);
  • atypical discomfort during intimacy and during urination, vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis), incontinence, impaired mobility (contracture) of the genital muscles;
  • decreased performance and self-confidence (self-esteem), loss of a positive moral attitude, lack of sexual desire, insomnia, irritability and unreasonable aggressiveness;
  • sharp changes blood pressure, excessive gas formation (flatulence), pain in the heart and joints, increased heart rate, increased temperature and increased sweating (hot flashes);
  • tooth decay, increased fragility of bones (osteoporosis) and nails.

Reference. The deterioration of a woman’s health can be caused not only by absolute, but also by relative hypoestrogenism, which occurs not due to a real decrease in the amount of estrogen, but due to an increase in the level of progesterone, which disrupts the natural balance of hormones in the body.

In childhood and during puberty, a lack of estrogen is no less dangerous than in adulthood, so it is very important to detect it in a timely manner.

Characteristic signs of hormonal imbalance in adolescence:

  • delayed sexual development (absence of menstrual flow, unexpressed mammary glands, small size of the uterus);
  • frequent fractures, skeletal deformation, tooth decay;
  • a large amount of hair on the face and body (if this is not related to nationality or heredity);
  • shaping a male-type figure, stretch marks on the skin, unreasonable weight gain.

Low estrogen levels after menopause are a natural phenomenon that is considered normal. However, often during this period a woman suffers from a deterioration in her health, so at this age the symptoms of hypoestrogenism also need to be corrected with the help of special therapy.

Diagnosis of shortage conditions

The norm changes throughout life: it depends on age, the phase of the menstrual cycle and the duration of pregnancy.

To determine the total hormone level, as a rule, an indicator of estradiol levels in the blood is used, because in terms of the ratio of biological activity it is significantly superior to other steroids (E1-6: E2-100: E3-1).


Reference values ​​for estrogen content in the body:

Life stage of development of the female body Estradiol level
Childhood before puberty (up to 12–14 years)5–22 18,4–80,8
Reproductive age (15–50 years)
— follicular phase of the cycle (7–13 days)23–139 84,4–510,3
— ovulatory phase of the cycle (14–15 days)83–495 304,7–1817,1
— luteal phase of the cycle (days 16–28)42 –338 154,2–1240,8
Gestational age
— I trimester (1–13 weeks)203–3980 745,2–14610
— II trimester (14–26 weeks)1005–17880 3689,4–65674
— III trimester (27–40 weeks)4353–17600 15979–84609
Postmenopausal period (after 50–55 years)5–48 18,4–176,2

A deficiency of female hormones is diagnosed through venous blood analysis, therefore, before collecting material, it is necessary to adhere to the standard recommendations for this type of research:

  • 1–1.5 weeks in advance - stop taking all medications (if this is not possible, give the doctor a specific list of medications in advance);
  • 5–7 days in advance – avoid sexual arousal and sexual intercourse;
  • 3-4 days in advance - exclude fatty, spicy foods and alcoholic drinks from the diet;
  • 1–2 days in advance – limit intense physical activity (rest more, don’t play sports) and smoking;
  • 10–12 hours in advance - stop eating any foods (drinking is allowed without restrictions).

It is advisable to come to the laboratory early in the morning (7–11 o’clock) 20–30 minutes before the appointed time, so that excessive stress, including emotional stress, does not distort the result obtained.

Reference. At home, hormonal imbalance can be detected by measuring the temperature inside the vagina immediately after waking up (basal). Normally, it should not be more than 37°C: the maximum permissible fluctuations are 0.2–0.3°C in any direction; exceeding these indicators indicates the presence of deviations.

How to influence the normalization of hormonal levels?

The hormonal system reacts very sensitively to any changes in the body, so in order to stabilize estrogen levels, first of all, You need to normalize your lifestyle and health:

  • maintain a proper daily routine(at least 8 hours of sleep at night, daily physical activity, proper rest);
  • balance the content of useful components(vitamins, micro- and macroelements) and nutritional value (KBZHU) your diet;
  • eliminate bad habits(smoking, taking drugs) and minimizing the consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • try to avoid stress and psycho-emotional stress, learn to restore mental balance (do auto-training, yoga, creativity, aromatherapy, etc.);
  • be active regular sex life with a regular partner;
  • treat in a timely manner all disturbing ailments, do not allow diseases to become chronic and do not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription.

Reference. Many foods (soybeans, beans, tomatoes, all types of cabbage, red and black grapes, eggplant, olives, carrots, mint, sage, flax), the consumption of which will also help avoid the development of hypoestrogenism.

Methods for treating the consequences of hypoestrogenism

In matters of conservative treatment of estrogen deficiency, official medicine adheres to the principle“less is more.”

Therefore, in the vast majority of clinical cases non-natural analogues are prescribed hormone, a, in which the active component has a new, more active chemical structure.

Drugs prescribed for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) for absolute hypoestrogenism:

Active ingredient Release forms Name of drugs
17-β-estradiol (estradiol)ointment for external useDermestril, Klimara, Menorest, Proginova, Estraderm, Estrimax, Estrogel, Logest, Yarina, Lindinet
solution for intramuscular administration
nasal drops
coated tablets
transdermal therapeutic device (subdermal implants)
estriolvaginal creamOvestin, Ortho-ginest, Estrovagin, Estriol, Estrocad
suppositories (candles)
coated tablets
estronecoated tabletsFemara, Estron
ethinylestradiolcoated tabletsMicrofollin (forte), Ethinyl estradiol
conjugated estrogens (estrogens conjugate)coated tabletsPremarin, Presomen, Hormoplex, Estrofeminal
polyestradiol phosphatelyophilisate (in powder form) for the preparation of solution for intramuscular administrationEstradurine
estradiol valerate (oestradioli valeras)coated tabletsProginova, Klimonorm, Klimen Indivina, Divisek, Divina

If the cause of the deficiency is an excessive level, i.e. there is relative hypoestrogenism, then the doctor prescribes the following: Clomiphene, Tamoxifen, Mifepristone.

Important! The names of medicines are presented for informational purposes only. Taking hormonal medications without consulting a specialist can lead to irreversible consequences, including the development of malignant neoplasms.

In addition to the main therapy that replenishes estrogen in women, you can pay attention to methods of alternative (traditional) medicine:

  • 2 tbsp. l. raspberry leaves + 1 tbsp. l. field mint + 300 ml of boiling water – leave for 30–40 minutes and drink 150 ml 2 times a day, morning and evening;
  • 1–1.5 tbsp. l. hop cones + 200 ml of boiling water – boil for 20–30 minutes over low heat and drink 50 ml 4 times a day after each meal;
  • 2 tbsp. l. nettle leaves + 200 ml of boiling water – leave for 15–20 minutes and drink 100 ml 2 times a day before meals;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sprouted ground broccoli seeds + 500 ml flaxseed oil - keep for 7-10 days in a cool, dark place and take 1-2 tbsp. l daily on an empty stomach;
  • 1 tbsp. l. plantain seeds + 1 tbsp. l. mantle seeds + 300 ml of boiling water - boil for 10-15 minutes over low heat and drink 100 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Using home methods to correct estrogen levels also requires consultation with a specialist, because despite their apparent safety, they can significantly affect a woman’s hormonal levels.

Is it possible to get pregnant with low blood pressure?

Estrogen necessary for successful conception, maintaining pregnancy and fetal development.

Its low content (less than 12–190 ng/l) can lead to the inability to get pregnant at all or to serious problems in the first trimester, both for the expectant mother and the child:

  • threat of spontaneous abortion (fetal rejection);
  • damage to the placenta, which in most cases ends with its detachment;
  • “freezing” of embryo development or the presence of genetic abnormalities;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems of the fetus;
  • uterine bleeding.

Deficiency at a later date may cause post-maturity child and difficult delivery (weakness of labor).

Maintaining hormonal balance in the body – one of the main priorities in a woman’s life, because a lot depends on him: her beauty, well-being, sexual attractiveness and, most importantly, the opportunity to become a mother. Therefore, it is very important to monitor your health and consult a doctor in a timely manner.

The causes of estrogen deficiency and ways to restore it - these issues should be kept under control by every woman.

Estrogen performs several important functions in the body, for example, it affects the rhythm of the heart, regulates the process of conception and pregnancy, is responsible for the absorption of calcium and bone growth, and, very importantly, the amount of this sex hormone in the body even determines the appearance of a woman .

The amount of estrogen in the body and the portrait of a woman

If a woman has in her body more than enough estrogen, then she has a rather feminine appearance, she has large breasts, she is active, has high sexual activity and a deep chest voice. In such women it is usually pronounced.

If everything in a woman is in moderation: medium-sized breasts, average libido, feminine shape and voice, and her mood on the eve of menstruation is even and without changes - then, most likely, the owner of this golden mean has average estrogen level.

But a lack of estrogen in the body is typical for women with undeveloped breasts, a teenage figure, and a high-pitched voice. They usually have reduced libido, and their mood before menstruation is extremely unstable.

Why is estrogen deficiency dangerous?

Estrogen is rightly called the hormone of youth and beauty. When its level in the body drops, a woman begins to age quickly. Thus, a lack of estrogen is a harbinger of menopause. But the problem is that a drop in estrogen in the body can occur much earlier than the average time it occurs - this is about 45 years.

With a lack of estrogen, the brain suffers greatly: mental activity decreases, memory problems appear, and the risk of atherosclerosis and hypertension increases. In addition, gastrointestinal disorders are common, the skeletal system suffers, and, of course, the female genital organs, up to the formation of tumor processes, etc.

That is why it is important for a woman to understand the causes of estrogen deficiency and know how to restore it. This will help avoid many problems at the initial stage of their occurrence.

Causes of estrogen deficiency

Hormonal imbalance can occur due to many factors: heredity, sudden weight loss, long-term use of antidepressants, stress, hormonally active tumors, as well as alcohol and smoking abuse.

It is also important to understand that the body is a holistic, balanced system, so not only the level of estrogen in the body is important, but also the balance of the hormonal system as a whole. Therefore, even if you suspect (or are even sure) that the root of the problems that have arisen is precisely the lack of estrogen, do not rush to self-medicate - only a qualified doctor can prescribe hormonal therapy. Start by visiting a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Reader Questions

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Ways to restore estrogen

We have found out the main reasons for the lack of estrogen, now let’s look at the main ways to restore it. What can modern medicine offer, and what can you personally do?

Hormone replacement therapy

Special medications containing synthetic estrogens will help to quickly increase the level of female reproductive organs. However, you need to know that this potent remedy has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.

Thus, hormone replacement therapy has been used for quite a long time to eliminate symptoms and helps women prolong youth and maintain satisfactory physical and mental condition.

Pros of hormone replacement therapy:

  • prevents the development of depressive disorders;
  • prevents development;
  • helps normalize the functions of the endocrine glands;
  • brain function improves (memory, concentration, etc.);
  • restores collagen production;
  • regulates heart function, heart rate and controls blood pressure.

Disadvantages of HRT:

Among the side effects of using HRT, and even impaired liver function, an increased risk of thromboembolism. However, the most dangerous consequence of long-term hormone therapy can be the development of cardiovascular diseases.

Therefore, we emphasize that this type of therapy should be prescribed only by a specialist and take into account all indications and contraindications.

Use of phytoestrogens

Estrogens can be found in many plants; by the way, they regulate their growth and development. They are called phytoestrogens. They are found in many products available for daily consumption: soybeans, legumes, grains, all types of nuts and various varieties of cabbage, beer, dairy products.

Add phytoestrogens to your daily diet and this will be the best prevention for a variety of diseases, but do this only after consulting a specialist, since in some cases phytoestrogens can even block the natural hormone estrogen.

Female hormones are special substances on which not only the course of processes associated with childbirth depends, but also the general health of a woman. From the very beginning of sexual development, estrogens influence the formation of the figure, the condition of the skin and other signs that determine the visual attractiveness and even the character of a woman. With age, when the body ages and reproductive function weakens, symptoms of estrogen deficiency appear. In some cases, to eliminate emerging ailments, it is enough to maintain normal hormonal levels.

  1. Estradiol, which predominates in a woman’s body, from the period of puberty until the onset of menopause. It is produced mainly in the ovaries, and also (in small quantities) in the adrenal glands, adipose tissue, and liver.
  2. Estrone is the main estrogen during postmenopause. Its main source at this time is adipose tissue. In women of reproductive age, it is produced in the follicles, liver and adrenal glands. In the second phase of the cycle, along with progesterone, it participates in the processes of preparing the body for pregnancy.
  3. Estriol - synthesized by the placenta during pregnancy.

The production of these substances is directly related to the content of pituitary hormones in the body - FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) and LH (luteinizing hormone).

Functions of estrogen in a woman’s body

Sex hormones ensure the functioning of the reproductive system, and also participate in the synthesis of proteins and other components necessary for the development of various tissues and the normal functioning of organs. Thanks to their effects, pathological processes in the body are prevented.

Health deterioration during menopause (the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases, osteoporosis, genitourinary disorders and other specific signs of aging) occurs as a result of a significant decrease in the concentration of estrogen in the blood.

They are necessary to carry out the following processes:

  • stimulating the development and functioning of the genital organs and mammary glands;
  • implementation of cyclic processes of endometrial renewal in the uterus, its normal growth and rejection during menstruation;
  • development of the body according to the female type (breast growth, roundness of shape due to the deposition of adipose tissue, lack of hair on the face, chest and abdomen, elasticity and softness of the skin);
  • regulation of blood clotting, so that in a healthy woman, menstruation does not turn into bleeding (heavy and too long periods are always a sign of pathology);
  • proportional bone development;
  • ensuring the normal condition of blood vessels, preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques by regulating fat metabolism;
  • regulation of water-salt metabolism;
  • absorption of nutrients from food, necessary for the growth and renewal of cells of various tissues, including dental, nail and mucous membrane tissue.

Note: It has been observed that women develop alcohol, nicotine and drug addiction faster than men due to the fact that a small portion of estrogens are produced in the brain and act on the corresponding centers. Normal levels of these hormones improve memory, mood, and learning ability.

Video: The role of female sex hormones in the body

Symptoms of insufficient estrogen production

If, as a result of any pathology, the production of estrogen changes, this leads to disruption of various body systems, deterioration of health, and also affects the woman’s appearance. The lack of these hormones in the body of a young girl leads to disturbances in the development of the uterus and ovaries, which subsequently affect fertility. If their level decreases after the onset of puberty, then the girl’s breasts may become smaller. The cycle is disrupted, and menstruation may stop completely.

In adulthood, a lack of female hormones estrogen can lead to vaginal dryness (impaired production of mucus that protects its surface from damage). The result of this is the appearance of a chronic inflammatory process in the vagina. A decrease in the production of mucus, which creates a plug in the cervix that protects the internal genital organs from infection, leads to the occurrence of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages. Vaginal dryness causes painful sexual intercourse and weakened sexual desire.

If the level is greatly reduced, then a woman cannot become pregnant even in the absence of other abnormalities in reproductive health. A decrease in estrogen levels affects a woman’s psycho-emotional state, which leads to causeless changes in mood and the appearance of depression. The condition of the skin worsens, dryness appears, and red spots form. Hair becomes brittle and dull, and hair loss increases. The structure of the nail tissue changes, teeth are destroyed.

Pain in bones and joints bothers me. Osteoporosis occurs due to insufficient absorption of calcium. The body's thermoregulation is disrupted, resulting in hot flashes with increased sweating. Memory deteriorates, absent-mindedness appears.

Hormone deficiency is indicated by the appearance of warts or several moles in a woman over a short period of time (for example, 15 new moles appear within 1 year). With such hormonal disorders, a woman experiences fluctuations in blood pressure, a feeling of constant fatigue, sleep disturbance, and cardiac arrhythmia.

All these signs are especially evident during menopause, when they are the norm. But due to hormonal imbalance, they also occur in young women. Menstrual irregularities (cycle irregularity, painful periods) are a characteristic symptom of estrogen deficiency at a young age. After 40 years, irregular periods are a natural phenomenon, indicating the gradual completion of reproductive processes in the body.

Addition: The presence of individual signs of abnormalities does not always indicate hypoestrogenism. Pathological conditions of the body also arise for other reasons, so a hormone test is required to confirm the lack of estrogen in the body.

Video: The influence of estrogen on a woman’s appearance and mood

Causes of estrogen deficiency

The main reason for an abnormal decrease in hormone levels is a disruption in their production in the ovaries. This may occur as a result of the following factors:

  • age-related changes in the structure of the ovaries;
  • inflammatory and tumor diseases of the uterine appendages;
  • disruption of the pituitary gland, leading to a decrease in the production of FSH and LH.

Diseases of the liver, thyroid gland, and too active sports (gymnastics, ballet, swimming, figure skating) can contribute to a decrease in the level of female sex hormones. As a result of heavy physical activity, a woman’s body increases the production of testosterone, the male sex hormone, which suppresses the production of estrogen.

The presence of bad habits also leads to suppression of the production of female hormones. Male-type changes occur in the body: the figure becomes angular, the voice becomes rougher. Poor nutrition has a negative impact on estrogen production. Cholesterol is involved in the synthesis of female hormones. If foods containing it are completely excluded from the diet (for example, a woman adheres to a purely vegetarian diet), then the production of hormones may be insufficient.

Estrogens are synthesized with the participation of enzymes that include iron. Therefore, a decrease in the level of these hormones contributes to the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia. Fasting or an unbalanced diet leads to a decrease in the amount of fatty tissue in the body, and due to this, the content of estrogen decreases. This is exactly what happens with anorexia.

Sometimes the level of sex hormones is influenced by a hereditary factor, for example, the presence of Turner syndrome, in which a woman has short stature, poorly developed external signs of femininity, and no menstruation.

To confirm the diagnosis of estrogen deficiency, a blood test is performed to determine the content of estrogen and follicle-stimulating hormone. If there are signs of gene abnormalities, chromosomal testing is prescribed.

Treatment for estrogen deficiency

Treatment methods depend on the woman’s age and the cause of hormonal imbalances. First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the pathologies that caused the violation.

It is recommended to improve your diet by including plant foods containing phytoestrogens (legumes, flaxseed oil, cabbage, meat, coffee and others). To replenish the supply of useful substances, synthetic multivitamin complexes containing iron and other necessary elements are prescribed. Hormone replacement therapy drugs are also used.

Such treatment is necessarily prescribed in cases where there is a violation of sexual development, there are no periods, during early menopause, after surgical removal of the ovaries, and when obvious signs of osteoporosis occur. This method is often used to relieve the symptoms of severe menopause. Hormonal drugs are used in the form of tablets, patches, gels, vaginal suppositories, and subcutaneous implants.

Hormonal therapy is carried out only after a thorough examination of hormones and general health and is prescribed exclusively by a doctor, since improper use of such drugs can cause serious complications (the development of cardiovascular diseases, the formation of tumors).

Estrogen is an active hormone that is responsible for the development of genital organs in the female body. Lack of this hormone leads to infertility. Normal hormonal levels contribute to the formation of a proportional figure without fat deposits and other flaws.

Features of the hormone

Estrogens come in several types, including estrone and estradiol. Lack of estrogen can lead to the development of certain uterine diseases:

  • fibroma;
  • cyst;
  • tumors;
  • fibroids.

Estrogen is produced by reproductive cells and adrenal glands. This hormone is also secreted in girls (in small quantities). Symptoms of estrogen deficiency in women are associated with the underdeveloped skeleton of the child and the slow development of the genital organs. In this case, the first menstrual cycle may occur at 17-18 years of age (normally 13-14 years of age).

When girls reach puberty, of all the hormones, estrogen begins to work first. It promotes the growth of hair under the arms and pubic area, responsible for the formation of the mammary glands, knees and other body structures. When this hormone is released, a girl’s figure is normally formed by the age of 20. Under its influence, the uterus enlarges and the menstrual cycle begins.

Estrogen deficiency in the body of a mature woman is a serious problem. Signs of estrogen deficiency in this case are associated with insomnia, moodiness, pain in the lower abdomen during menstruation, stretch marks, etc.

As for pregnant women, estrogens are found in the placenta and are produced in large quantities. Their lack leads to the cessation of the monthly cycle. With significant production of this hormone, skin hair growth and increased growth on the limbs are observed. For the normal functioning of the female body, gynecologists recommend regular examinations.

Doctors' warning

Symptoms of estrogen deficiency in the female body manifest themselves individually. Often the breasts sag, there is a loss of strength and pressure changes. In this condition, there is a high risk of cataracts, heart attack, osteoporosis and other ailments. Doctors include the following reasons for the lack of this hormone:

  1. Hypovitaminosis.
  2. Menstrual pause.
  3. Fast and dramatic weight loss.

Doctors identify several simple means to increase estrogen levels in the female body, including the use of hormonal drugs. Often the woman refuses to accept. This is due to the high likelihood of weight gain. However, this factor depends on the dosage. In the absence of pathologies that are associated with the inability to become a mother, the dosage of this drug will be insignificant. In this case, the patient will not gain weight.

Oral contraceptives are often made on the basis of hormones identical to those of women. Regular use of such drugs helps to keep the hormone in question normal. Doctors prescribe vitamins to women and girls, including Tocopherol. They should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor.

In medicine, estrogen can be increased by sticking a special patch. It must be worn for 30 days. You can eliminate the symptoms of estrogen deficiency with the help of nutritionists. Experts in this profile recommend that women change their behavior and eating style by eating foods containing plant estrogens.

Initially, it is recommended to determine the level of this hormone in the blood. If minor deviations in the menstrual cycle (including general malaise) are detected, you should seek help from a gynecologist. Symptoms of estrogen deficiency can be eliminated through proper nutrition. These hormones are found in large quantities in the following foods:

  • legumes;
  • yogurt;
  • dairy products.

Nutritionists recommend eating 20 g of butter and 50 g of cheese every day. All women who prefer vegetarian food suffer from a lack of estrogen. This is due to the fact that fish and meat contain a significant amount of estrogen. Carrots and cabbage are considered useful vegetables.

Every day, nutritionists recommend drinking 1 tbsp. green tea. For this purpose, medicinal fees are used. If there is a lack of estrogen, the hog uterus is contraindicated. This plant significantly reduces the level of this hormone in the female body.

Self-medication is not recommended. If symptoms of deficiency of the hormone in question are identified, then you need to seek help from a doctor. The specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment, including medications and traditional recipes.