Symptoms of cancer. The main signs of cancer: how not to miss cancer? 10 signs of cancer

Everyone should know the symptoms of cancer so as not to miss precious time in which they can manage to correct at least something. The statistics are inexorable: the number of cancer patients is growing, and cancer is becoming more common in children. Only one thing can be said with certainty: treatment is successful only in the early stages. Therefore, it is very important not to miss its first, even subtle, signs.

Hello, my dear readers! Svetlana Morozova is with you. There is such a terrible and incomprehensible disease -. It is unknown why it develops, it is unclear how it is diagnosed, but it leads to death and sometimes very painful death. And it is treated only in the early stages, and even then poorly and ineffectively. This is the impression you get if you read a textbook on oncology.

I remember how once a surgeon was giving a lecture and said as an example: “If I rub my hand for several months,” he scratched the fingernail of one hand on the hand of the other. “I’m getting cancer!” “Strange,” I thought. “But my shoes have been rubbing for several years now, but an ordinary callus is forming!” I didn't say this out loud. I was shy. But I firmly learned that cancer is a dark, incomprehensible disease, and medical science knows offensively little about it.

Symptoms of cancer: twelve ominous signs

Despite the specific subtitle, the signs can be quite vague. Depending on the type, oncological diseases can be completely asymptomatic, complicate diagnosis and manifest themselves only in the last stages. But still, if you suddenly see at least one of the following symptoms:

This is a reason to be wary:

  • Deterioration of general condition: fatigue, causeless weight loss (if there were no diets or hard work), decreased resistance, loss of appetite.
  • Increased sweating, especially at night. Patients complain that they literally “wake up in a beam of their own sweat.” This condition can indicate not only oncology, but also some other serious illness, for example, the development of tuberculosis. So, if suddenly strange bouts of sweating occur (if these are not female hot flashes during menopause), then this is a reason to get examined.
  • Increased temperature, fever. This sign does not always happen. But a persistent rise in body temperature within one degree (37-37.5ºС) more often occurs with oncology or AIDS. This is a very alarming symptom.
  • An unreasonable cough (when there was no cold), a hoarse voice, difficulty swallowing, a feeling that something is blocking the throat - this may be a sign of cancer of the lungs, larynx, esophagus and nearby organs.
  • Seals, tumors in the mammary or thyroid gland, testicles, lymph nodes and other soft tissues. All this may turn out to be a malignant tumor.
  • Bleeding. Normally, a person's blood should not flow from anywhere (with the exception of the menstrual cycle in women). If blood is suddenly released when coughing, vomiting, in urine, feces, semen, or between periods in women, this is a reason to suspect a serious illness. If not a malignant tumor, then an ulcer or tuberculosis. You need to see a doctor urgently.
  • Non-healing ulcers and wounds on the mucous membranes. For example, those found during gynecological examinations or in the oral cavity. The latter occur in smokers and can also indicate the beginning of a malignant process.
  • Unhealthy skin color: yellowness, pallor, cyanosis. Sometimes all these signs occur at the same time and the skin takes on an ominous greenish tint. Jaundice means a deterioration in the functioning of the body, which has to process excess toxins from a sick body. Pallor occurs from anemia - blood loss due to bleeding and impaired blood production. Blueness means insufficient work and lungs. Sometimes skin (darkening) or red spots (erythema) occur. It may suddenly arise.
  • The appearance of spots and formations similar to “moles” or warts, as well as the enlargement of existing moles, when the birthmark suddenly begins to grow, change color, becomes rough, itchy or painful - this can indicate skin cancer.

  • Enlarged lymph nodes - axillary, inguinal, submandibular and others. They become dense, painful, and begin to “interfere” with movement. This sign needs to be taken especially carefully - cancer cells often spread through the lymphatic route.
  • Pain. Unfortunately, pain often manifests itself only in the last stages of the disease, when the tumor has already grown and began to put pressure on surrounding organs and tissues. However, in some cases, pain appears quickly, for example, when the bones or testicles are affected in men. Pulsating, coupled with dizziness and the urge to vomit, may be a sign of tumors in the brain.
  • Functional disorders: constipation, diarrhea, heartburn, enlarged liver boundaries - all this can signal an oncological disease of any organ of the gastrointestinal tract: the esophagus or intestines.

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Often patients neglect the noticed changes in their body, expecting them to go away on their own. Other people, on the contrary, put off the visit, afraid to find out “something terrible,” afraid of confirmation of their guess. Some people are embarrassed to “distract” doctors from work or are afraid that they will “start yelling” at them. You need to be able to step through all this and still go to the appointment.

I repeat, the only thing we know for sure about malignant tumors is that treatment is effective only in the early stages

And therefore, overcome your complexes and fears, and go to the doctor without delay. It’s better to make an extra visit than to miss a necessary one, which can still give a chance for recovery!

I hope you never experience symptoms of cancer either in yourself or in your loved ones! And you will be healthy and joyful.

A healthy lifestyle and giving up bad habits will help us prevent terrible diseases.

With this I say goodbye to you.

Many scientific works have been written about the causes of cancer in women. However, the fairer sex still faces this insidious disease, and the number of patients with cancer is only increasing from year to year. Moreover, doctors have not yet succeeded in reducing mortality from cancer, and all because at an early stage, oncology practically does not manifest itself or is disguised as other diseases that women mostly ignore.

However, there is some encouraging news. According to statistics from the American Cancer Society, diagnosing cancer at the first stage gives women a chance to completely get rid of this disease in 88% of cases. The main thing is to pay attention to the first signs of developing oncology. Let's tell you more about them.

10 signs of cancer that should not be ignored

1. Changes in the breast
Women's breasts are most susceptible to the appearance of neoplasms, including malignant ones, and therefore lumps in the breasts should be treated with particular suspicion. You should not take the lump that appears lightly, even if you have recently visited a mammologist and had a breast examination. Special attention should be paid to the nipples. If you experience milky or even bloody discharge, be sure to report it to your doctor. Pay attention to the peeling of the skin of the nipple. It may indicate an illness, which in 95% of cases is a harbinger of an oncological tumor. Finally, rush to the doctor immediately if you notice dimples on your chest, the skin of which resembles the peel of an orange. This is one of the signs of an aggressive form of oncology, which is very soon accompanied by redness, swelling and pain in the chest. When you contact a specialist with your suspicions, be prepared to undergo an ultrasound, mammography, and possibly a biopsy.

2. Bleeding during menopause
Menopause is the period that occurs after the complete cessation of menstrual flow. However, if after the onset of menopause you experience barely noticeable or, conversely, large discharges of blood, be sure to notify your doctor about them. Such discharge may indicate the appearance of a benign tumor, and at the same time may indicate the development of cervical or endometrial cancer.

Women of childbearing age should be no less attentive to their monthly cycle. Any unusual bleeding in the middle of the cycle or the appearance of black blood clots during menstruation should also alert the fair sex. Before the approaching menopause, such phenomena are often attributed to a malfunction of hormones, although the problem may lie in a developing tumor. By ordering an ultrasound and, if necessary, a biopsy, the doctor will identify the existing problem.

3. Bloating
Discomfort and bloating in the abdomen are common complaints of the fairer sex, especially during the premenstrual period. But if bloating does not disappear even after menstruation, or is accompanied by constant constipation, do not be lazy to visit a doctor and identify the problem. Women who endure stomach discomfort or bowel problems for months and do not seek medical attention ultimately risk finding themselves diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Other signs of this insidious disease are aching pain in the lower abdomen, an increased urge to urinate, as well as a feeling of fullness in the stomach with a lack of appetite. An examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound of the stomach, and, if necessary, a blood test can identify the existing disease.

4. Sudden weight fluctuations
If you have gained 3-4 kilograms of weight, this is not yet a reason to sound the alarm. Proper nutrition and exercise will quickly get you back in shape. However, if you are gaining weight even while dieting, it is worth wondering why this is happening. Very often, the reason for unexpected weight gain is associated with a malfunction of the thyroid gland. However, if you are not just gaining weight, but your belly is noticeably enlarged, there is a possibility that ovarian cancer is to blame. Weight gain in this case is explained by the fact that water accumulates in the stomach.

Abnormal weight loss for no apparent reason is no less dangerous. A woman with a normal appetite, who is constantly losing weight, may well develop esophageal cancer, stomach cancer, pancreatic cancer, or even lung cancer. In addition, rapid weight loss can be caused by the same problems with the thyroid gland, and therefore, first of all, the doctor will prescribe a diagnosis of this organ, and then begin an examination of the internal organs for a malignant tumor.

5. Constant fatigue
Every person experiences fatigue from time to time. Fortunately, a short rest and healthy sleep quickly correct the situation, bringing the body into tone. But if fatigue and drowsiness do not go away even after a full sleep and haunts you throughout the day, it is important to figure out what is wrong with the body. Like weight fluctuations, constant fatigue is a sign of impaired production of thyroid hormones, but if the endocrine system is in perfect order, it may well turn out that the cause of this condition lies in developing stomach cancer, colorectal cancer or leukemia (blood cancer). A timely medical examination will allow you to identify the disease at an early stage of development, which means maintaining your health and saving your life.

6. Constant cough
A cough is a sure sign of a cold. But when it does not go away for 3 or more weeks, or streaks of blood appear in the expectorated sputum, there is a reason to visit your doctor. Of course, a prolonged cough can be a sign of a chronic cold or an allergic reaction of the body to an irritant, but in some cases such an unpleasant symptom is the first sign of developing lung cancer. Heavy smokers should pay special attention to this factor, because they are diagnosed with lung cancer 10 times more often than non-smoking women!

7. Rectal bleeding
Many will be surprised, but colon cancer is in third place among the most common cancers in women. Women over 50 years of age face this problem especially often. But the symptoms of a developing malignant tumor are often attributed to hemorrhoids that appeared due to standing work or childbirth. In order to identify an insidious disease in time, make it a rule to visit a proctologist if red streaks or dark blood clots appear in the stool. The specialist will prescribe a colonoscopy procedure, which will help confirm or refute the suspicion of cancer.

8. Unknown discharge
Any vaginal discharge, especially if it is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, should not be ignored. According to doctors, this symptom may indicate the development of an infection, or may be a sign of a malignant tumor in the cervix. In any case, a woman with such abnormal discharge should visit a specialist and undergo an examination, and not hope that the discharge will go away on its own.

9. Changes in lymph nodes
Enlarged, hardened and painful lymph nodes are another warning sign that should make you contact a medical center. Swollen nodes under the arms or on the neck may indicate an infection in the body, or may hint at an oncological tumor in the chest or lungs, neck or head. If contacted, the specialist will prescribe a biopsy, which means he will be able to find out about the problem before it begins to worsen.

10. Changes in the skin
The skin is the largest organ on the human body, and therefore it is not surprising that it can warn us about developing oncology. For example, you should be concerned if you discover the appearance of moles and papillomas in places where they have not appeared before. In addition, a sharp growth of a mole, a change in its shape, color, or bleeding from it should prompt you to visit a dermatologist. Also monitor the condition of the mucous membranes in your mouth. Sores on the mucous membrane that do not heal for a long time, especially in people who smoke and drink alcohol, can signal the appearance of oral cancer. The same can be said about the genitals. Persistent damage to these organs is a sign of melanoma and other malignant diseases.


If you notice unusual symptoms, you should not panic. Just consult a doctor and find out the cause of the phenomenon you do not understand. In the vast majority of cases it will not be cancer. And even if doctors give you such a terrible diagnosis, do not despair, you did the right thing by sounding the alarm in time, because early diagnosis of this disease is the key to success in eradicating oncology.

How to minimize your risk of cancer

1. First, find out what cancer diseases your close and distant relatives suffered from. Pay special attention to the organs that have been affected by cancer in your loved ones.
2. Calculate your body mass index (BMI) regularly. Try to keep yourself in shape so that your BMI is not higher than 25. This is a critical indicator beyond which overweight and obesity begin. To prevent this, play sports. By doing this, you will not only “burn” fat, but also promote the production of the hormone estrogen, which reduces the likelihood of breast cancer.
3. Get checked regularly. Starting at age 21, try to get a Pap test once a year, from age 40, have an annual mammogram, and from age 50, have a colonoscopy.
Take care of yourself!

In the overall structure of diseases, oncology ranks second. Cancerous tumors can affect any tissue of the human body. The success of cancer treatment is largely determined by the stage at which the diagnosis was made. Therefore, you should know about the signs of cancer, which will help identify the disease at its earliest manifestations.

We recommend reading:

33 symptoms that will help you suspect oncology

  1. – is one of the signs or pancreas. For a long time, the pain may be insignificant; people and doctors most often associate it with,. However, it is better to undergo an additional examination - FGDS or, which will help clarify the diagnosis.
  2. Drastic weight loss– observed in tumors of almost any localization, but can be considered a leading sign of intestinal oncology. It should not be confused with weight loss as a result of diet or exercise - with oncology, body weight decreases, even if the patient does not make any effort to do so.
  3. Change in skin color, most often jaundice, characteristic of tumors of the pancreas and liver. It occurs due to difficulties in the outflow of bile, an increase in the concentration of bile pigments in the blood, and is often accompanied by severe skin itching. In addition to the skin, the sclera and tongue become jaundiced.
  4. Cough and difficulty breathing– leading signs of lung oncology. At the early stage of cancer, a dry, unobtrusive cough is noted, and as the disease progresses, it becomes annoying and shortness of breath occurs.
  5. Difficulty swallowing– the sensation of a foreign body preventing the swallowing of food and water is a typical sign of cancer of the pharynx or esophagus. As the tumor grows, the patient may stop swallowing altogether.
  6. Heartburn– caused by the ingress of gastric juice from the stomach into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux). It is characteristic not only of gastritis, but also of stomach and duodenal cancer.
  7. Swelling of the face (or upper half of the body). Typical for central, when a growing tumor compresses blood and lymphatic vessels, thereby causing swelling.
  8. – most tumors cause a reaction in regional lymph nodes. At later stages, metastases enter these nodes, which also contributes to an increase in their size.
  9. Increased bleeding– the appearance of bruises and bruises without a sufficient reason may be a sign of blood cancer. With liver tumors, blood clots worse.
  10. Increased fatigue– chronic intoxication causes a feeling of general malaise and severe weakness. These symptoms manifest themselves especially clearly when internal organs are damaged.
  11. The appearance of blood in the stool and bleeding from the anus after defecation– serious signs. There are also benign diseases with similar symptoms, but they can only be distinguished from cancer with the help of rectoscopy or colonoscopy.

  12. Digestive disorders
    – constipation and diarrhea, mainly of a chronic nature, often appear with intestinal cancer.
  13. Difficulty urinating– delay, increase in frequency indicate problems with the prostate and bladder.
  14. – characteristic of cystitis, or sexually transmitted diseases. With prostate tumors in men, this sign is also observed at the base of the penis.
  15. Blood in urine or semen– can appear with cancer of the urinary system: kidneys, bladder, prostate. In women, blood in the urine or spotting from the genital tract not associated with menstruation are signs of cancer of the female genital organs.
  16. Decreased libido: a sign of prostate cancer in men or ovarian and uterine cancer in women.
  17. Swelling of the scrotum and penis– may indicate testicular or penile cancer.
  18. Back pain syndrome. Of course, the main cause of back pain is osteochondrosis or inflammatory diseases of the spine. However, in some cases, pain in the back, difficult to relieve with pills or simple painkillers, may be a sign of metastatic damage to the vertebrae.

  19. Headache
    . Sometimes it is the only sign of a brain tumor, especially if the pain is one-sided and difficult to treat.
  20. Nipple discharge– can appear with breast cancer, which occurs not only in women, but also in men. Along with the discharge, the patient may experience breast tenderness.
  21. Strange moles and irregularly shaped age spots– one of the forms of melanoma or basal cell skin cancer.
  22. Fever– prolonged, sluggish hyperthermia (fever) without other signs of infection is observed in 30% of patients with oncology.

  23. Lumps in the chest
    in women are signs of breast cancer. You need to be especially wary of the combination of lumps and nipple discharge. In this case, you need to urgently contact a mammologist or surgeon.
  24. Pathological changes in skin appendages – nails and hair: dull hair with a tendency to fall out, as well as dystrophic changes in nails (separation, fragility) indicate an active tumor process in which the skin, nails and hair simply do not have enough nutrients.
  25. Dysfunctional bleeding– bleeding from the vagina, not associated with menstruation, is observed with uterine cancer and ovarian cancer.
  26. Fainting– one of the signs of a brain tumor. The combination of fainting and convulsions allows us to speak with even greater confidence about a brain tumor.
  27. Swelling on the limbs– a lump on the lower leg, thigh or shoulder can occur due to malignant bone tumors (osteosarcomas). Very often, pathological fractures are also observed - even a slight blow to the bone can lead to its fracture.
  28. Memory disorders. In young people, decreased intelligence, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness may occur with brain tumors.
  29. Decreased appetite– observed in most cancers. By the way, pathological weight loss in cancer patients is also associated with a lack of appetite.
  30. Sweating– a sharp change in the usual moisture content of the skin is observed in a number of neuroendocrine tumors.
  31. Tides– a feeling of heat in the face or throughout the body can occur not only in women during menopause, but also with some tumors of the endocrine system.
  32. Mood swings– a sharp change in the emotional background is typical for head tumors and for some hormone-producing tumors in women.
  33. A sharp decrease in vision, loss of fields - can occur with tumors of the optic nerve and some structures of the central nervous system.

Important: If any of the above symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor. It is quite possible that there is absolutely nothing to fear, and these symptoms are just manifestations of another more harmless disease. But ignoring this advice often comes at a cost. Malignant processes that are not noticed in time end in death! For more information about the early symptoms of cancer, watch this video review:

Signs of oncology love to masquerade as symptoms of other diseases, so a cancer diagnosis can only be ruled out after a thorough examination. It is not for nothing that foreign experts recommend that people over the age of 30 undergo an annual preventive examination.

Gudkov Roman, resuscitator

Discussion (44)

    Hello, 31 year old woman, has children, stage 2 varicose veins. I am worried about constant fatigue, pain in the legs (due to varicose veins), joints, back, neck, head. Lack of mood. The work is sedentary, I don’t play sports, I don’t have any bad habits. Who should I contact and what could go wrong?

  1. Hello! Please tell me what is the best way to detect cancer in general. That you can take a test or go through something to see if your stomach is there or not. My father had kidney cancer and it was removed. Now I have a panicky fear that cancer may also appear somewhere. I have chondrosis and neuralgia. And often there is an unpleasant feeling in the stomach, as if there is a fever and the back feels like it’s on fire. On the right in the area there is an almost unpleasant sensation, as if something is pulling. I recently had an ultrasound of my abdomen along with my kidneys and they said everything was fine. I had an MRI of the head a year ago and an MRI of the neck half a year ago. Everything is fine. Now I would like to look inside the abdomen and chest or what tests to take so that I don’t cause myself unnecessary headaches. Please write what to do and where to start. Thanks in advance.

  2. Hello! Age 28 years, have not given birth. I do not have any visible neoplasms, the symptoms that worry me are constant ailments caused by something unknown, increased fatigue, low performance, lethargy, prolonged deep sleep. Periodically there are pains in the back, in the arms, lying in one position for about 5 minutes the arms go numb, this has never happened before, I went to an orthopedist, the diagnosis was scoliosis and osteochondrosis. I also wanted to note that the resulting wounds and cuts began to heal much more slowly, I’m not sure if this is normal. My grandmother and mother have cancer in their family (lung cancer, breast cancer). Tell me what kind of examination needs to be done to rule out this disease?!

  3. Hello. After pregnancy (1.5 years have already passed), my nails have become very brittle, lately I have often been feeling tired, I don’t feel any pain, my memory has deteriorated greatly - I can talk, but then it just slips out of my head what the conversation was about, it’s hard to remember what happened in the previous ones days, there is a decrease in vision for a few minutes, after the computer, a strong decrease in libido. Previously, they diagnosed VSD (in the cervical region, the spine is slightly rotated because of this, blood flows poorly to the upper part of the head. Half a year ago they found a large erosion. My immunity has become weak, even though I take vitamins, it can be difficult to breathe. What is the reason? Who should I go to? I'm 20.

  4. Good afternoon. I am tormented by intercostal neuralgia, but we cannot find its main cause. (there were no injuries or serious illnesses, there were no serious changes or inflammations on the X-ray, blood tests were within normal limits, there were no tomography scans in the city) Treatment provides relief for a while, but the pain comes back again and again, and attacks with shorter and shorter time intervals . Does it make sense to test for tumor markers? Or what kind of specialist should you consult with (do scans, tests?) (by the way, my closest relatives have cancer (aunt), diabetes (mother), vascular disease (grandmother died of a stroke))

  5. Good afternoon. The child had all his lymph nodes inflamed, plus a pimple appeared on his head; it soon turned into a sore that began to rot. A dermatologist has been unable to make a diagnosis for half a year. I pull out the rods of pus from my head. What could it be?

  6. Good afternoon. Mom had sinusitis, a polyp in the nasal area was removed, and some foreign substance was found in her head.
    Lately he has been feeling very bad. Vomiting, dizziness, cannot stand on his feet. Constant headaches. My grandmother (mother's mother) had stomach cancer. She died unfortunately. My mother and I went to all the doctors and took tests, but no one detected oncology. What to do how to be

  7. Hello, I am 17 years old, a few days ago a lump appeared on my neck in the form of a ball, the size of a walnut. My throat hurts, it’s hard to swallow, I feel chilly, and I feel constantly tired. Today I noticed a small brown spot on my shoulder that hurts when I press on it. Please tell me what this could be and what is the likelihood that it is melonoma. I am very afraid of oncology, my heredity is normal, I have no bad habits. Thank you very much in advance.

  8. Hello! My father has stage 4 inoperable colon cancer and is 80 years old. Skin metastatic manifestations appeared. Paleative care is provided. Pain is relieved with morphine. But the skin manifestation is more worrying, as it interferes with movement and causes great discomfort. Antiseptic dressings are changed. I wanted to ask you about ichthyol ointment. Is it possible to apply it in this case? There is NOTHING written on the Internet about the use of ichthyol for skin metastases. Maybe everything is ambiguous, but he has nothing to lose, maybe he should try? Thank you!

  9. Good afternoon please tell me, otherwise the doctors say that if it doesn’t bother you too much, it will go away on its own. The temperature has been 37-37.2 for about 3 months, I had a general blood test (deviation neutrophils 40, lymphocytes 44, monocytes 12.6, leukocytes on the verge of 4.76), cytomegano antibodies - negative, HIV - negative, Epstein Barr - negative. In principle, I don’t feel any discomfort; sometimes I have a stomach ache. Tell me what could be wrong, or where to get tested?

  10. Hello, please tell me, they found metastases in my mother’s liver, but the lesion itself was not found. She had pain in the liver area, but now she doesn’t, but a very strong bulge appeared on the right side under the shoulder blade, the pain was like a drilling. Maybe she doesn't have cancer? The symptoms all point to cancer. Poor appetite, yellow skin, weight loss, vomiting.

  11. Hello, please tell me what this could be. Hair falls out profusely for about six months, acne on the body and face does not go away.

  12. Hello, dear doctor. Tell me what could be causing my condition: my temperature has been high for more than a year, 37.3-37.4. I took urine and blood tests and biochemistry tests several times, everything was fine. I did an MRI of the brain, no abnormalities, everything is normal, only there is a subarachnaid cyst, they said it’s not scary. In the summer, due to stress, I began to experience urinary retention, that is, there is urine inside, the bladder is already bursting, but I cannot get it out, as if there was a lock there. This lasted a week, during which time I again took urine and blood tests, everything was normal, they also did an ultrasound of the bladder, kidneys and everything - everything was fine, well, after a week it passed, I began to urinate normally. But in December I suffered severe stress, and now in January, the 5th month begins - I can’t urinate, the urine may linger for a day, I’m already suffocating, it’s full, but I can’t urinate. And for 5 months now I have been holding my breath, the air seems to be squeezed down, and only then the urine comes out a little bit. There is no way she will get out without holding her breath. That's the problem. I no longer have the strength to hold my breath. And the urge is generally frequent, every 15-20 minutes. I had a repeat ultrasound of all the lower organs, everything was perfect. I had a course of treatment with a neurologist, she treated me with pills and an IV for a month. But not the slightest change.
    Tell me, please, what is this connected with? More precisely, I understand that it’s nerves, but how can I start urinating normally? What to do? What do you recommend? Help, please, I have no strength anymore.. :(

  13. Hello, this is the third week, every day after lunch the body temperature rises to 37.5-38 degrees, it all started with severe throbbing headaches in the back of the head, which lasted 2-3 days. Blood and urine tests are good. During the second week I took Cogacil, the temperature went away, but after 3-4 days it returned again. I did an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity, the spleen is enlarged, there is a suspicion of pancreatitis, the liver is normal, and the kidneys too. Blood tests for hepatitis and HIV are negative. I suspect a herpes simplex virus, but there is nothing on the skin. What to do, what could happen?

There are a number of symptoms that are characteristic of the development of any type of cancer. If cancer is detected at an early stage of development, it can be cured. It is important to monitor your body, understand what condition is considered normal for it, and if deviations occur, consult a doctor.

Doctors explain which signals from our body cannot be ignored so as not to miss the development of cancer.

1. Painful sensations.

In the initial stage, it is not pain, but a feeling of discomfort in a certain organ: burning, squeezing, etc. In oncological practice, the term “pain” rather than “pain” is more acceptable, since tumors in the initial stages develop painlessly, and then sensations appear that are not always perceived by patients as pain.

For example, the feeling of a “foreign body behind the sternum” with esophageal cancer or a feeling of discomfort with stomach cancer. Overfilling of the organ with contents - in case of cancer of the stomach, the left half of the colon - leads to a feeling of fullness, bloating, and release from it leads to complete relief. Pain can be an early sign of several tumors, such as those of the bones or testicle. Most often, however, pain is a symptom of a common process.

2. Fast weight loss.

The tumor forces the body to produce substances that disrupt metabolic processes, causing a person to lose weight within a few months. A cancerous tumor releases waste products into the blood, which causes signs of intoxication (poisoning) of the body, such as nausea, loss of appetite, etc. In addition, the tumor consumes a relatively large amount of nutrients, which, along with loss of appetite, leads to weakness and weight loss.

Most people with cancer experience weight loss at some point during their illness. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​may be the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lung.

3. Constant weakness.

Intoxication of the body due to cancer causes weakness and anemia. Fatigue can be an important symptom as the disease progresses.

However, fatigue and weakness can occur at an early stage, especially if the cancer causes chronic blood loss, which occurs with colon or stomach cancer.

4. Fever.

The immune system, suppressed by the tumor, reacts with an increase in temperature. Almost all cancer patients develop a fever at some stage of the disease.

Less commonly, an increase in temperature can be an early sign of cancer, for example, with Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis).

5. Shortness of breath, cough, hoarseness

The so-called chest symptoms of cancer are cough, shortness of breath and hoarseness. Of course, they can be caused by infections, inflammation, and other diseases and ailments, but in some cases such signs indicate lung cancer. If you have been experiencing shortness of breath and cough for more than two weeks, consult a doctor immediately. You should also see a specialist if you see blood in your sputum.

Hoarseness is often caused by laryngitis. This disease means inflammation of the larynx. However, in rare cases, hoarseness is an early symptom of laryngeal cancer. If such ailment has been tormenting you for more than two weeks, go see a specialist.

6. Changes in the condition of hair and skin.

Due to metabolic disturbances, external changes also occur.

In addition to skin tumors, some internal cancers can cause visible skin signs such as darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), redness (erythema), itching, or excess hair growth.

7. Presence of a neoplasm.

In the vast majority of cases, cancer manifests itself as the formation of a tumor. It could be something resembling a lump, lump, ulcer, wart, mole, etc.

How does skin cancer manifest? Many people who have numerous moles on their bodies think about this. Let's try to answer this question.

A type of this disease is melanoma. As a rule, it manifests itself with a change in the appearance of the skin. Sometimes it seems that you have a new large mole. However, melanoma can also form in an existing mole. That is why it can be extremely difficult to distinguish benign from malignant formations.

You should consult a doctor immediately if your moles exhibit the following signs:

  • asymmetry (moles are usually even and symmetrical, but melanomas are not);
  • uneven edges;
  • a color atypical for a mole (if moles, as a rule, have a brown tint, then melanomas are brown with black, pink, red, white and even bluish);
  • large size (moles usually do not exceed 6 mm in diameter, melanomas - more than 7 mm);
  • crusting, itching, bleeding: melanomas can bleed, become crusty, or itch (these symptoms of skin cancer are not common, but should not be forgotten).

If any marks appear on the skin that do not go away for several weeks, if you notice the above-described signs of melanoma, then consult a doctor immediately.

If you notice a tumor anywhere on your body, consult a doctor immediately. It’s very good if you can tell exactly how long ago you had it, whether it’s bothering you, and whether it’s increasing in size. Very often, cancerous tumors are completely painless.

It is extremely difficult to recognize a tumor of oncological origin by touch. However, if the doctor suspects that you have a malignant neoplasm, he will refer you to the right specialist for further examination and testing.

It should be taken into account that if swelling and bumps appear in your body quite often, then most likely they are not malignant.

However, not all tumors are malignant or cancerous. One of the main signs of a cancerous tumor is its gradual and steady increase. Almost all tissues and organs can be affected by tumors.
(There are cancers without tumor formation, for example, blood cancer.)

8. Pathological discharge.

Many cancerous tumors are characterized by pathological discharge: purulent, bloody, etc.
The first and earliest symptom of uterine cancer is uterine bleeding.
The appearance of blood from the genital tract at menopausal age, when a woman has stopped menstruation for 1 - 1.5 years, is a moment that forces all the necessary research to be carried out to resolve the issue of the presence or absence of a cancerous tumor.
Bleeding that occurs after sexual intercourse is highly suspicious for cervical cancer.

The second symptom of uterine cancer is discharge. At first, the discharge may be watery, liquid, not very abundant, even when there are no irregularities in the menstrual cycle and there is no bleeding during menopause. But later an admixture of blood joins them, the discharge becomes ichorous, the color of meat slop, with a sharp unpleasant odor. This type of discharge indicates that the tumor has begun to disintegrate.

The presence of blood in sputum and feces can occur with both small and large disintegrating tumors. Constant irritation of the mucous membrane of the stomach, intestines, and bronchus by a tumor can lead to increased secretion of mucus. The addition of an infection changes the nature of the discharge.

9.Disturbances in the digestive tract

A sign of changes in the functioning of the digestive tract is the presence of blood in the stool. It is usually bright red or dark. The presence of fresh, scarlet blood is a sign of hemorrhoids.

A symptom of cancer may be a change in the frequency of the digestive tract (constipation or diarrhea) for no apparent reason. Also, sometimes there is a feeling of insufficient cleansing of the intestines after stool. Some patients experience pain in the rectum or abdomen.

When interested in the types of tumors and the question of how to recognize them, it is important to remember that changes in stool do not always indicate the development of oncology. The reasons may lie in changes in diet, anxiety, or taking medications. If your stool does not return to normal within a few weeks, you should consult a doctor to rule out a dangerous disease.


Any bleeding for no apparent reason is a sign of a malfunction of the internal organs. This is a good reason to go to a specialist.

Bleeding from the rectum can be a sign of hemorrhoids, but also one of the symptoms of cancer of the internal organs.

If a woman has a malignant tumor in the uterus or cervix, bleeding may occur between menstruation or after sexual intercourse. If bleeding is observed in women after menopause, then she urgently needs to consult a doctor.

Blood in the urine may be a symptom of bladder cancer or kidney cancer. However, the cause of this phenomenon may also be an infection. Contact your doctor if you notice bloody discharge in your urine. By the way, you should take into account that sometimes urine turns pink due to the presence of dyes in food. This can happen if the day before you ate, for example, beets.

If when you cough, sputum comes out with blood, then the reason for this is a serious infectious disease. Sometimes this is a sign of lung cancer. Blood in vomit can signal stomach cancer, however, the cause of this phenomenon can also be an ulcer. Therefore, the exact answer to the question is how to identify cancer- you need to contact a specialist.

Nosebleeds and bruising are rare symptoms of cancer. Sometimes these signs are a consequence of leukemia. However, people suffering from this disease also have other, more obvious signs of cancer.

What to do if you have alarming symptoms?

If you suspect that you have even a few symptoms, you should first contact a therapist. Sometimes symptoms are ignored due to the fact that a person is frightened by the possible consequences and refuses to see a doctor, or considers the symptom to be insignificant. Common symptoms such as fatigue are often not associated with cancer and therefore often go unnoticed, especially when there is an obvious cause or when they are temporary.

However, such symptoms cannot be ignored, especially if they exist for a long period of time, for example, weeks or there is a negative trend.
Only a specialist can assess your condition and prescribe adequate treatment. Only a doctor can direct you to undergo x-rays, tests, etc.

If the doctor suspects cancer, he will direct you to do a biopsy, tomography, and also advise a specialized specialist. If the doctor decides that the cause of your illness is of a different nature, then in any case he will be able to help you cope with your ailments, and faster than if you were treated on your own.

Based on materials from RBC-Ukraine,,,

Please note: the presence of any of these signs does not necessarily indicate the presence of cancer.
And, conversely, the absence of these signs, or the inability to detect them, does not mean that there is no cancer...

PS. Cancer is a disease that can affect any organs and tissues of the human body, the clinical symptoms of which are characterized by great diversity and depend on many factors: localization (location) of the tumor, its histological form (structure), growth pattern, prevalence of the process, age and gender of the patient , the presence of concomitant diseases.

“There are no absolute diagnostic symptoms (what the patient feels) or signs (changes that may also be noticeable to others), so diagnostic tests must ultimately involve taking tissue samples and examining them under a microscope (biopsy), as this is the only way to prove the presence of cancer."

Any modern woman is well aware of the need for the most careful attention to her health. The development of some malignant tumors is asymptomatic, which significantly complicates the timely detection and effective treatment of a dangerous disease. Not all of us are aware of the first symptoms of cancer in women, and if you discover them, you should immediately consult a doctor. We invite you to find out what symptoms you need to pay attention to in order to identify a dangerous disease in time.

Symptom 1. Bleeding after menopause

Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting a woman’s body, not only during the reproductive period, but also after menopause. Gynecologists unanimously consider the appearance of bloody discharge during this period to be one of the most obvious, and most importantly, dangerous symptoms, indicating the likelihood of developing cervical cancer. Any woman needs to remember that bleeding that appears a year after the last menstruation is a reason for an urgent visit to a gynecologist, since in this case, success in treatment can only be achieved if the initial stage of the disease is detected in a timely manner.

Symptom 2. Uncharacteristic discharge between periods

It should be noted that various types of discharge in women of reproductive age, which are observed during the period between menstruation, are also very alarming “bells”. A woman needs to visit a gynecologist and undergo the necessary tests if it occurs.

1. spotting that appears after sexual intercourse;

2. bleeding between menstruation;

3. menstruation, the duration of which is from 10 to 12 days and is accompanied by pain;

4. watery discharge, which may contain ichor.

Even if you have repeatedly heard that your friends or acquaintances’ periods are always long and painful, you should not think that this is the norm for you too. In any case, the best solution would be to make sure that you are healthy by undergoing an examination by a specialist.

The presence of discharge may indicate that there is an initial stage of cancer of the appendages, endometrium or cervix, although it may also be a sign of hormonal imbalance or an inflammatory process. However, the real cause of the discharge can be identified by taking a test (smear) for cytological examination.

Symptom 3. Changes in the breast or nipple

Breast cancer is one of the most dangerous oncological diseases, the success of treatment of which also depends on timely diagnosis. Experts recommend learning how to conduct breast examinations yourself. By doing this on a certain day of the menstrual cycle, a woman gets the opportunity to notice the slightest changes and consult a doctor if any deviations from the norm are detected.

The reasons for visiting a mammologist or gynecologist are:

1. spider veins or age spots on the chest;

2. changed shape of the nipple or the entire breast;

3. the appearance of a compaction (not even painful);

4. flaky skin of the nipple, changed color of the areola (if this is not due to breastfeeding or pregnancy);

5. appearance of discharge from the nipple;

6. any changes in “relief” - for example, the appearance of dimples;

7. increased temperature of the mammary gland or a certain area of ​​it.

Symptom 4. Any type of change or discomfort in the genital area

The way the female body works is that any uncomfortable condition that occurs in the labia area, which cannot even be fully called painful, should not be ignored.

Of course, the feeling of itching or other types of discomfort can be caused by anything, an allergic reaction to a new intimate hygiene gel, or some kind of infection. Nevertheless, if the condition does not go away and even worsens, we immediately go to the doctor.

It is the growing state of discomfort, the appearance of irritation, and changes in the appearance of the skin that can be a symptom of cancer of the genital organs.

Symptom 5. The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen

The occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen, which is in no way related to menstruation, is one of the signs that may indicate the development of ovarian cancer. This disease is quite difficult to identify, since its initial stages are not accompanied by any characteristic symptoms. Therefore, when

1. pain in the middle or lower abdomen;

2. urinary disorders;

3. urine leakage;

The woman has reason to worry. Of course, each of these signs does not mean anything, however, if these symptoms not only do not go away, but also intensify, there is a reason to seek advice.

Symptom 6. Sustained increase in body temperature

We all know very well that an increase in body temperature indicates the occurrence of an inflammatory process, this is how the body tries to protect itself from pathogenic microorganisms. However, if the temperature rises, but at the same time:

1. there are no signs of colds or infectious diseases,
no chronic diseases that can become acute have been identified;

2. This fact also serves as a reason to consult a doctor. A sign of oncology is a prolonged increase in body temperature, which does not fall for one to two weeks even when taking antipyretic drugs.

Symptom 7: Persistent and progressive digestive problems

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract that become chronic may be a sign of the development of colorectal cancer. This is first of all:

1. attacks of nausea;

2. decreased or lack of appetite;

3. tendency to constipation or diarrhea;

4. presence of blood in the stool.

You should not think that the occurrence of these problems is a clear symptom of cancer. However, the totality of problems and their persistent nature indicate the need for examination and appropriate tests. In any case, with such symptoms you need qualified help from a specialist.

Symptom 8. Sudden change in body weight

One of the indirect signs of the development of a malignant tumor can be considered a sharp decrease in body weight. If you have not changed your usual lifestyle, are not trying to adhere to a strict diet and are not working out to the point of exhaustion in the gym, but at the same time your weight has dropped sharply, you should undergo a serious examination. This phenomenon is typical for the late stages of cancer, when the presence of a tumor affects the course of metabolic processes, depriving the body of nutrients and leading it to a state of complete exhaustion.

Occasionally, with cancer, body weight can increase sharply.

Symptom 9. A sharp increase in abdominal volume

The particular insidiousness of this symptom for women is that this fact does not cause any particular concern, especially if it occurs during menopause. Women tend to explain such changes in their figure by some completely natural reasons, for example, a change in metabolic rate caused by hormonal imbalance.

However, an enlarged belly may be a consequence

1. tumor growth;

2. accumulation of inflammatory fluid;

3. stretching of intestinal loops caused by constant bloating.

This means that a significant increase in waist size, as well as sudden weight loss, which occurs without the influence of external factors and lifestyle changes, requires consulting a doctor. If you are in doubt about choosing a specialized specialist, it makes sense to visit a family doctor who will prescribe you a comprehensive examination.

Symptom 10. Increased fatigue and loss of strength

Of course, if after a busy day at work, a trip on public transport and a “final run” of shopping, you return home feeling tired, this is quite normal. However, a sharp increase in fatigue, a feeling of constant weakness and lethargy may indicate a progressive cancer disease. This phenomenon is due to intoxication of the body and lack of nutrients. This symptom can be considered especially alarming if it is observed in combination with other symptoms of a malignant tumor.

So, here is a list of the main signs indicating the likelihood of developing a malignant neoplasm. Of course, each of the listed symptoms may well be caused by other reasons. However, this is exactly the case when you should not put off visiting a doctor, especially if you experience several of the described signs at once.

Of course, we should not forget about the prevention of cancer: giving up bad habits, eating healthy, and, of course, regular preventive examinations with a doctor.

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