Pythagorean system for improving memory. Effective exercises to develop memory and attentiveness. My sleep has improved significantly

Good afternoon, dear blog readers, pump up your brain. Today’s post is an answer to a question from one of my readers, Alina, who asked what “” is.

To be honest, I don’t know why this exercise is called the “Pythagorean System”; it seems like we first learned about it from the works of this greatest scientist. But this is essentially not important. The exercise is really just great for memory development and we will move on to its description.

Outwardly, the “Pythagorean System” seems very simple, but this is only external. Its implementation requires thoroughness, a certain discipline and strict adherence to detail.

“Pythagorean system” step by step

1. Every day, preferably in the evening, write down in a separate notebook the events that happened to you over the past day. There is no need to write down all events, describe only the main ones. Most importantly, during the description, give an emotional assessment of the events that took place and the whole day as a whole. Those. these will be questions like: “What did you like, what did you not like?”, What gave you pleasure, what did not give you pleasure,” What is worthy of praise, what is not,” and so on.

2. The next day in the morning, review the notes you made the day before.

3. As soon as daily exercises no longer cause you difficulties, you move on to remembering the last two days, i.e. You are already recording once every two days. Then you remember three days, four days, and ideally bring the memories up to seven days. But even though you don’t take notes every day, you should review your notes every morning.

4. You will begin to feel the first results no earlier than in two to four months.

5. After some time, you will develop your own optimal recording regime.

What result will you achieve?

The result of regular exercise “” will be a significant increase in your ability to memorize and activation of your memory. And over time, you will be able to remember what seems to have been forgotten forever.

As you can see, everything looks quite simple. But despite this exercise is very effective.

Stop for a few minutes and remember what you did two days ago. Answers like “watched TV” or “went to work” are not accepted. And if there were no events that day that had a strong emotional impact on you, then you won’t really remember that day. Agree that a person who can easily remember the events of the past week is worthy of attention.

But, like any effective exercise, the “Pythagorean System” has several important points that require close attention.

Important points of the “Pythagorean System”:

1. Entries should not take much time, try to keep them within 30 minutes, recording events only with keywords and sentences.

2. As mentioned above, there is no need to describe the day in detail. It is very important to note the emotional moments. Indeed, along with other factors, the dullness and routine of the days of many of us also affect the quality of memory. By paying attention to your emotions, you can revive and improve your memory.

3. You should write all this down, and not just think it through in your head, this is very important.

4. Reviewing your recordings every morning should become a kind of ritual for you. You must not just read what you have written down, but review and remember.

Typical mistakes when performing this exercise

1. You write on a computer or record on a voice recorder. This is not true. You need to write on paper, this way the maximum effectiveness of this exercise is achieved.

2. Watching every morning is a must. Not just read and not just remember, but read and remember at the same time.

3. Recording little things. You don't need little things, you need emotions. If you describe your feelings in detail, this is normal, but a detailed description of all events is not necessary, you will drown in trifles.

4. Don’t rush, you don’t need to jump into a large number of days at once. Do everything gradually without haste, feeling that immediate ease when taking notes. Naturally, there is no clear time frame; everything is purely individual.

5. Well, probably the most common mistake is “thoughts running wild,” when instead of remembering and writing down, you start dreaming about something. To eliminate this error, records must be kept in a certain form.

Form for keeping records in the “Pythagorean System”
  • highlights of the day (can be in chronological order)

    what was done properly

    that you didn't do your due

    what actions of yours deserve praise and make you happy

    what actions of yours deserve condemnation

    describe the strong emotions you experienced

Here is such a simple and at the same time effective system for developing your memory.

A very simple and effective method of improving memory using the Pythagorean technique. This technique will not only improve memory, but also create a feeling of fullness of life, involvement in the present, and a conscious awareness of current events.

Memory is our ability to store, store and recall pieces of information that we have learned. The power of our memory is the basis of our mind and intelligence.

Imagine if you could remember 50% more of what you learn or be able to remember twice as many names and facts you hear.

By improving your memory, you improve the speed at which you can learn and retain information. Memory building is one of the most important and overlooked components of developing your intelligence.

I place an extremely high value on memory. As a result, I have developed a method of photographic memory, created a training regimen to help increase memory power, and I am constantly looking for new ways to improve my memory.

In my quest to improve my memory, I came across one of the most powerful methods. I have been using this technique every day for a month now.

I don't usually tell my readers about something I've been using for such a short period of time, but my results from using this technique have been so incredible that I feel like I have to talk about it.

The technique not only greatly improved my overall memory, it increased my speed of memory recall/retrieval, helped me sleep better, and even subconsciously made me more aware in everyday life.

The best part of this technique is that it is very easy and only takes 5 minutes a day.

Impressive Improvement of Your Memory Using the Pythagorean Technique

Am I correct in assuming that the name of Pythagoras is well known to you?

This is because the person behind this memory building technique also invented one of the most famous theorems in mathematics.

Before we dive into technology, let's touch on its founder, Pythagoras.

Pythagoras of Samos

Pythagoras of Samos was born in 570 BC and has been called the father of philosophy and the inventor of geometry.

So why is his name so familiar to everyone? Remember the Pythagorean theorem? (A^2 + B^2 = C^2)?

The Pythagorean Theorem was one of Pythagoras's most revolutionary, innovative, and widespread achievements.

In addition to mathematics and philosophy, the ancient Greek placed great importance on the construction and storage of his memory.

To train and sharpen his memory, he used the same technique that I am going to teach you today.

Pythagorean memory technique

The technique is actually quite simple. Every evening before you go to sleep, remember everything that happened that day in as much detail as possible.

The exercise is like a mental video recording. You visualize yourself, through your own eyes, experiencing every moment of your day.

Start the moment you wake up. What was the first thing you saw? Was this your significant other? Watch? Next, what was the first thing you did? Have you worn your wedding ring? A pair of slippers?

After you imagine your morning, continue to visualize the events of the day in sequential order. What was the first thing you saw when you left your house? Who was the first person you spoke to? Did this person tell you anything important or interesting?

It is important to follow in sequential order. You shouldn't go from breakfast to lunch and then jump back to your morning run. It will be difficult at first, but the more you practice this technique, the better it will become.

Go through your entire day and visualize every detail you can. Essentially, that's all.

Difficulties at the beginning

When you first start using this technique, you will be amazed at how little you actually remember.

My first few times, I could only remember basic events, such as how I woke up, how I went to work, how I got home, had lunch, and unusual events, such as how I ran to meet my old friend.

If you can't remember many details at first, don't be discouraged. I noticed a significant improvement only on the third day.

Pythagoras' original memory technique

I would like to note that this is an adapted version of the Pythagorean Memory technique. The way I explained above was not exactly the way Pythagoras originally did it.

The main difference is that Pythagoras and his followers would use this technique in the morning when they woke up, rather than before going to bed.

After trying both methods, I actually prefer doing this before bed. There are several reasons why:

    Usually when I wake up I want to start my day. It's tough to do something that's relaxing when you're excited to get your day started.

    My alarm clock wakes me up every morning. I'm usually pretty tired, and when I get up, I have to make an effort to pull myself out of bed. If I did this technique in the morning, I would simply fall back into sleep, and as a result, I would sleep much longer than I would like.

    The Pythagorean Memory Technique has improved my sleep almost as much as it has improved my memory. Not only does it help me fall asleep, but it helps me fall into deeper sleep.

For these reasons, I strongly prefer to do this before I go to bed, but try both methods and see which you prefer.

Amazing benefits of technology

I'm not exaggerating when I say that this technique has changed my life.

In some ways, improving my memory has enormously increased my quality of life. This happened after just a month of using the equipment.

1) My general memory has improved significantly

Not only can I remember more of what happened during the day, I have a much easier time remembering information like people's names or birthdays.

2) My memory retrieval speed has increased

You know the information, it's in your head, but you have to stop and think to remember it? Memories that are on the tip of your tongue. The name of a restaurant that you recently passed, or who won the Super Bowl three years ago. After just a month of technology, my brain can retrieve these pieces of information much faster.

3) My sleep has improved significantly

First of all, I began to fall asleep much faster. I'm a pretty cerebral guy, so when my head hits the pillow, there's still a ton of stuff running through my brain. This makes it quite difficult to fall asleep.

Before I started using the Pythagorean technique, it took me an hour or more to fall asleep. With her, I'm out in ten minutes.

As I said above, not only do I fall asleep faster, I also fall into deeper sleep.

4) Makes me more aware

I know it sounds a little sentimental, but living in the moment, not thinking about yesterday and not worrying about tomorrow is really very important.

Using this technique, I am more present in every moment of my day. I think this positive side effect comes from a subconscious attempt by my nocturnal persistent memory to recall details.

Being more present in the present is one of the best side effects of the technique.

5) Helped me appreciate every day

Time and life move quickly. By summarizing your day every evening, you realize how much you accomplished that day. It really helps put things into perspective and appreciate your day that much more.


This technique has greatly improved my quality of life.

Using it, you will remember more, recall information faster, sleep better, be more mindful and appreciate each day more. Plus, it's simple, fast and relaxing.

Try this technique for a month and I promise you won't be disappointed.


Read also with us about the technology of memorization using the Ebbinghaus method (interval memorization using cards) - living experience of using this technique

In order to learn a language normally and effectively, you need a good memory, right? Where can I get it if it's full of holes? So read on how you can dramatically improve your memorization. The Pythagorean Method proposed below is the simplest method among the effective ones.

Human memory is the basis of our intelligence and knowledge. “Memory is a brass plate covered with letters, which time imperceptibly smoothes out, unless sometimes renewed by a chisel,” said John Locke.

Surprisingly accurate definition, it’s just a pity that the letters are erased too quickly. But in order to save as much information as possible in a tired head under the armor-piercing rain of life, an infinite number of different techniques are being created. But we chose the simplest among the effective ones. And it was invented not by the author of books on psychology with terminal sclerosis, but by a good guy from ancient times.


Pythagoras of Samos was born in 570 BC. e. History remembers him as a great mathematician, mystic, creator of the religious and philosophical school of the Pythagoreans and, among other things, the inventor of geometry, and not as a man whose pants are equal in all directions. And you remembered it thanks to a bad grade in geometry class. How is it, A squared plus B squared equals C squared? Then it was necessary to answer. In order for the powerful mind to keep all kinds of thoughts and formulas under control, Pythagoras developed a technique that we are going to talk about today. That is, these are not the thoughts of some devil, but of a very authoritative person who, thanks to his activities, has not been out of textbooks for more than two thousand years.

What is the essence of the technique

The technique is actually very simple. Every night before going to bed, remember everything that happened to you during the day, down to minor details like where you left the glass - in the sink or on the table. There can be no trifles in this matter.

Yes, the very idea looks like torture. You need to relive what is often not the most successful day and scroll through the hateful film before the most pleasant procedure of the day - before going to bed. But believe me, other methods are even worse, you have to try and suffer even more. So you won't like them.

Start with the awakening process. What did you see first? Your peacefully sniffling beauty, leaving a drooling lake on your pillow? A pair of slippers? A gloomy cloud in the window? No, we are not interested, we suggest you remember.

And then continue in the same spirit, visualizing everything that comes to mind. Keep in mind that it is important to do this consistently and deeply. Whose hand did you shake first at work, what did the girls in the smoking room talk about, who sat next to you on the subway. At first it will be very difficult, especially to maintain consistency, because thoughts will wander from breakfast to dinner to work. But over time, everything will settle down and fall into place.

At first you will be shocked by your memory. It seems as if only sclerotics remember so little. But after three days, new details will be added to the memories of breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will intuitively try to capture the moment in your head, thereby eliminating problems with memorization.

Pythagoras did it a little differently

In truth, old man Pythagoras and his students used this technique in the morning, not in the evening (or when you sleep there). But to be honest, after trying two methods, we realized that it is many times more effective to scroll through the feed specifically for the coming sleep. Firstly, in the morning you already hate white light, why get upset again.

The alarm clock, the infection, although it rings on schedule, is still not on time. Then I had a strange dream, just from Thursday to Friday. All the deceased relatives with all their ex-girlfriends rubbed the chicken so that a golden egg would fall out of it, and everything happened in Tatarstan, which was very similar to the Thirtieth Kingdom. After such impressions you will not concentrate on anything.

In addition, such rather heavy brain work solves any problems with insomnia. There is no point in starting the day with such tension. It is much more logical to review this “film” at the end of the day. We live in the present, not the past. If the previous day was lousy, then why drag on negative memories with you?

What are the advantages of technology

Technology may not change your life, but only if you don't take it seriously. Generally, a good memory improves quality of life. If you are afraid that negative memories will become firmly established in your brain and will not leave it, relax. The brain has a wonderful property - to get rid of the negative.

But let's return to the method. Is it necessary to list its potential for you and actual advantages for us? Is it necessary, right? Well, let's start with something simple - it will be much easier to remember and record any information, be it names, addresses and a list of products. People will appreciate it.

Secondly, you won’t have to rack your brains, remembering the name of the restaurant you visited 3 years ago in order to recommend it to your loved ones. You know that annoying, needle-like feeling when a name is on the tip of your tongue, but your head is such a mess that you can’t remember it? So, there shouldn’t be any more such uncomfortable situations. Thanks to this technique, the brain reproduces pieces of information much faster.

We have already mentioned sleep. After such a load on the head, you sleep sweeter and fall asleep faster. Some adherents are sure that the quality of sleep thanks to such scrolling becomes much higher.

Well, and, oddly enough, the most important thing. It would seem that if the technique is aimed at improving memory, then what could be more important than that? And the fact that thanks to her you begin to appreciate your life and every moment you live more. By paying attention to the little things, it’s easier for you to understand what is harmful to you and what is beneficial.

Again, looking at your routine from the outside, you realize how ugly and ineffective the schedule you live is. It becomes clear how to make it more convenient. And since our life consists of little things, you very quickly begin to realize the value of every moment.

There is an understanding that everything in this life matters - from a bottle thrown into a trash can to the aggressive screech of a car horn that wakes you up early in the morning. After this, you begin to treat yourself and others with increased attention.

The well-known ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras, in addition to his studies in the field of mathematics and physics of solid and liquid bodies, has recently become known as a member of the secret organization of the Great Initiates.

One can have different views on the version of the existence of such an organization, but the fact of the existence in the past of unique technologies that are now lost leaves no doubt. Moreover, this applies to both the construction of pyramids in Egypt or the creation of an iron pillar in India, as well as knowledge about the work of thinking and memory.

We became aware of one of these secret methods in the past thanks to the deciphering of one of the manuscripts of Pythagoras. An amazingly simple method that does not require virtually any equipment or training equipment and can significantly improve memory from almost any starting level.

Before going to bed, it is recommended to mentally scroll through your memory the entire day, from morning to evening. Three to five minutes, no more, are allotted for the entire exercise. After a month of daily (or rather, nightly) exercises, the technique changes somewhat. We need to remember not only today’s past day, but first yesterday, then today. After another month, you need to remember three days in a row. In this way, recollection is extended to seven days. After seven months of such training, memory is truly distinguished by enviable mobility and accuracy of recall.

It would seem, what could be simpler? If it works so well, why isn't this method taught in first grade?

This question - why this or that ingenious method is not taught from the first grade of school - I hear constantly in my trainings. In 30-50 minutes, people learn the pictogram method, which allows them to memorize a page of poetry from two or three readings without cramming - why isn’t this taught from the first grades? Or memorizing texts using background memory cards, thanks to which even poor students begin to understand and memorize texts perfectly - why isn’t this taught in school? Why don’t they provide a method of redundancy that allows you to freely memorize paragraphs of text word for word after two readings?

Sometimes they tell me - well, good, otherwise you will be left without a job! Everyone's memory will be simply magnificent!

I think that this is not very good, and therefore I constantly conduct on-site seminars for school teachers on the latest, simple and effective memorization methods. And since 2007, the “Comprehensive Memory Development” program began working, designed to train at least 200 qualified specialists in the development of holographic memory in the shortest possible time.

At the same time, people come to my classes not only with a bad memory, but also with a very good one, since the modern flow of knowledge, without special thinking skills, becomes difficult for even excellent students to master.

Now again about the technology that has come to us from the great Pythagoras. When mastering the skill of holographic memory, I recommend, from the very first day of setting up a hologram, to scroll through the entire past day in the evenings. But not just anyhow, but on the left beam, at a distance corresponding to the recalled time.

You smoothly bend your left hand in an arc in the direction of the time ray, bend your palm with straight fingers like a screen and begin on this screen to remember how today began. Then you simply move your palm closer and closer to your face, gradually reaching the present moment.

In my practice of developing phenomenal memory, there were cases when memory developed so much that people freely recalled any day of their life. It did not matter what day you need to remember - a month or a year ago. Similar cases of the development of phenomenal memory in the “School of Eidetics” are described by I. Yu. Matyugin.

It is characteristic that people who have developed such extraordinary abilities have not previously trained their memory. And yet, every day and every hour of their life was preserved in the memory of each of them. It is known that in a state of deep hypnotic trance, most people can also remember any day of their life. It turns out that every day and every hour is stored in our memory. Try to translate this gigantic amount of information into computer language - after all, not only a video image is stored, but also sounds, bodily sensations, smells and tastes. Moods, thoughts, and desires are stored in memory. I think it's not just a matter of the combination of interneuronal connections.

With the discovery of the method to which this book is devoted, the development of memory to the phenomenal level has been greatly simplified. At the same time, as soon as the horizons opened, for some reason there were much fewer people who wanted to develop their memory to a phenomenal level. With children the situation is much simpler. Their brains can develop much faster than adults' in almost any direction.

So, during individual lessons with Kirill, whose memory did not want to improve at all, I suggested that the parents shift the emphasis in their learning. Along with the further development of memory, I taught the boy superlearning ability. Interestingly, before the sixth lesson, the child showed virtually no noticeable improvements in memory. Along with the skill of superlearning, over the next four lessons the boy not only learned to memorize much better, but also to remember, down to the page numbers, the drawings he had previously seen and partly the text in textbooks, seeing it all almost like in a photograph.

Human memory is the basis of our intelligence and knowledge. “Memory is a brass plate covered with letters, which time imperceptibly smoothes out, unless sometimes renewed by a chisel,” said John Locke. Surprisingly accurate definition, it’s just a pity that the letters are erased too quickly. But in order to save as much information as possible in a tired head under the armor-piercing rain of life, an infinite number of different techniques are being created. But we chose the simplest among the effective ones. And it was invented not by the author of books on psychology with terminal sclerosis, but by a good guy from ancient times.

Pythagoras of Samos was born in 570 BC. e. History remembers him as a great mathematician, mystic, creator of the religious and philosophical school of the Pythagoreans and, among other things, the inventor of geometry, and not as a man whose pants are equal in all directions. And you remembered it thanks to a bad grade in geometry class. How is it, A squared plus B squared equals C squared? Then it was necessary to answer.

In order for a powerful mind to keep all kinds of thoughts and formulas under control, Pythagoras developed a technique that we are going to talk about today. That is, these are not the thoughts of some devil, but of a very authoritative person who, thanks to his activities, has not been out of textbooks for more than two thousand years.

What is the essence of the technique
The technique is actually very simple. Every night before going to bed, remember everything that happened to you during the day, down to minor details like where you left the glass - in the sink or on the table. There can be no trifles in this matter. Yes, the very idea looks like torture. You need to relive what is often not the most successful day and scroll through the hateful film before the most pleasant procedure of the day - before going to bed. But believe me, other methods are even worse, you have to try and suffer even more. So you won't like them.

At first you will be shocked by your memory. It seems as if only sclerotics remember so little. But after three days, new details will be added to the memories of breakfast, lunch and dinner. You will intuitively try to capture the moment in your head, thereby eliminating problems with memorization.

Pythagoras did it a little differently
In truth, old man Pythagoras and his students used this technique in the morning, not in the evening (or when you sleep there). But to be honest, after trying two methods, we realized that it is many times more effective to scroll through the feed specifically for the coming sleep. Firstly, in the morning you already hate white light, why get upset again. The alarm clock, the infection, although it rings on schedule, is still not on time. Then I had a strange dream, just from Thursday to Friday. All the deceased relatives with all their ex-girlfriends rubbed the chicken so that a golden egg would fall out of it, and everything happened in Tatarstan, which was very similar to the Thirtieth Kingdom. After such impressions you will not concentrate on anything.

In addition, such rather heavy brain work solves any problems with insomnia. There is no point in starting the day with such tension. It is much more logical to review this “film” at the end of the day. We live in the present, not the past. If the previous day was lousy, then why drag on negative memories with you?

What are the advantages of technology
Technology may not change your life, but only if you don't take it seriously. Generally, a good memory improves quality of life. If you are afraid that negative memories will become firmly established in your brain and will not leave it, relax. The brain has a wonderful property of getting rid of the negative. But let's return to the method. Is it necessary to list its potential for you and actual advantages for us? Is it necessary, right? Well, let's start with something simple - it will be much easier to remember and record any information, be it names, addresses and a list of products. People will appreciate it.

Secondly, you won’t have to rack your brains, remembering the name of the restaurant you visited 3 years ago in order to recommend it to your loved ones. You know that annoying, needle-like feeling when a name is on the tip of your tongue, but your head is such a mess that you can’t remember it? So, there shouldn’t be any more such uncomfortable situations. Thanks to this technique, the brain reproduces pieces of information much faster.

We have already mentioned sleep. After such a load on the head, you sleep sweeter and fall asleep faster. Some adherents are sure that the quality of sleep thanks to such scrolling becomes much higher.

Well, and, oddly enough, the most important thing. It would seem that if the technique is aimed at improving memory, then what could be more important than that? And the fact that thanks to her you begin to appreciate your life and every moment you live more. By paying attention to the little things, it’s easier for you to understand what is harmful to you and what is beneficial. Again, looking at your routine from the outside, you realize how ugly and ineffective the schedule you live is. It becomes clear how to make it more convenient. And since our life consists of little things, you very quickly begin to realize the value of every moment.

There is an understanding that everything in this life matters - from a bottle thrown into a trash can to the aggressive screech of a car horn that wakes you up early in the morning. After this, you begin to treat yourself and others with increased attention.