They told breast cancer what to do. History of complete recovery from breast cancer. Diffuse breast cancer

At a young age, rarely does anyone think about the potential threat of breast cancer. Only 5% of all breast cancers occur in women under 40 years of age.

Main risk factors:

    Personal predisposition or presence of other breast diseases.

    Genetic predisposition.

    Radiation therapy for a specific genetic defect (BRCA1/BRCA2 mutation).

    Gale Index 1.7% (The Gale Index determines a woman's risk over the next five years by combining factors such as age, genetics, age at first menstrual period and first pregnancy, and number of biopsies).

Some studies have shown that oral contraceptive use led to a small increase in risk compared with those who did not take it. However, other studies do not confirm this information. Researchers are continuing to study the conflicting results of these studies to know definitively whether birth control pills have a link to breast cancer.

What is different about breast cancer at a young age?

Diagnosing breast cancer at a young age (under 40 years of age) is more difficult because breast tissue at this age is denser than in older women. By the time the lump is noticed, cancer may have developed.

In addition, breast cancer at a young age may develop faster and be resistant to treatment. Women with this diagnosis have a modified BRCA1 gene or BRCA2 gene.

Delay in diagnosis leads to problems. Many women ignore warning signs because they believe they are too young to worry about the condition.

Is it possible to prevent breast cancer at a young age?

Although breast cancer cannot be prevented, early detection and prompt treatment can significantly improve the condition and consequences. More than 90% of women diagnosed with early breast cancer will survive.

Awareness of the risks and benefits of diagnosing this disease at an early stage will help avoid irreparable consequences. Women should also know their personal risk factors and be able to discuss them with their doctor.

Should women under 40 get mammograms?

In general, regular mammograms are not recommended for women under 40, in part because breast tissue is denser and less well shielded. In addition, most experts believe that the low incidence of breast cancer at a young age does not justify the radiation exposure and cost of mammography. However, mammograms may be recommended for women with genetic predisposition and other risk factors.

The American Cancer Society recommends regular monthly self-exams. The best time for this is the day before the end of the menstrual cycle. By being familiar with all the normal changes in the breasts, a woman will be able to notice any changes.

In addition to self-examinations, regular clinical examinations are recommended at least every 3 years. Annual mammograms are also recommended starting at age 40.

How to treat breast cancer at a young age?

The course of treatment for breast cancer at any age depends on the stage of the disease, the woman's general health and personal circumstances.

Treatment may consist of surgery, a lumpectomy (removal of the tumor and surrounding tissue), or a mastectomy (removal of the breast).

Radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and/or hormone therapy are also often recommended after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells and prevent recurrence.

Breast cancer also leads to problems with sexuality, fertility and pregnancy after treatment.

Cleveland Clinic

According to statistics, breast cancer is very common in Russia, and among all cancer diseases it ranks first. This female disease mainly occurs in adult women over 55 years of age. But due to environmental deterioration in cities and poor nutrition, breast tumors began to grow younger, and now cases are already occurring in young girls from 30 to 45 years old. Basically, the tumors themselves are benign and can be quickly treated in the first stages.


As with any oncology, scientists and doctors still cannot find the exact cause of the development of malignant neoplasms. But there are several factors that increase the chance of this disease occurring.

Of course, the health of the reproductive system is primarily affected. Are there any disruptions in a woman’s menstrual cycle and how exactly do they occur? How many births there were, and how late they began for the woman. And also the duration of breastfeeding during pregnancy.

Like, a malignant tumor of the mammary gland directly depends on the level of the hormone in the blood, as well as exactly how estrogen itself affects the mammary gland. And the higher the level of the hormone itself relative to the normal value, the higher the chance of getting sick. Let's take a closer look at all the causes of breast cancer.


In the last century, scientists discovered two genes that are responsible for the mutation of breast cancer cells. Therefore, having the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes significantly increases the risk of developing breast cancer.

At the same time, cancer itself appears quite early, from the age of 40. Breast cancer appears in two milk sacs at once. There is a possibility of other tumors appearing in the uterus, intestines or lungs. Several foci and tumors appear throughout the mammary gland.

At what age does cancer most often appear? Typically these are women over 50 who are overweight and have eating problems.

NOTE! Both of these genes also affect male organs and increase the chance of prostate cancer.


Typically, many women with these genes turn to drastic measures and resort to surgery. Removing the mammary glands actually reduces the chance by 95%. There are also those who remove the ovaries, since they are also at risk.

External factors

As with other tumors, malignant female formation is affected by the environment, radiation, irradiation, ultraviolet radiation, nutrition and air pollution with carcinogens and mutagens.

Obesity greatly influences the occurrence of cancer, since the fat layer itself produces a lot of female hormone into the blood, which simply falls in nuclei onto the mammary glands.

Radiation, the general radiation background in the city, when exceeding the norm, greatly increases the risk, since all Alpha, Betta and Gamma rays can change the structure of the DNA of cells, and they, in turn, mutate.

There have been cases when, during radiotherapy to treat another oncology, a woman developed breast cancer and small tumors appeared throughout the area. Fortunately, they were immediately removed before entering the metastasis phase, but the fact itself is there.

Other factors influencing the occurrence of breast cancer:

  1. Incorrect hormonal therapy, when women self-medicate without the knowledge and without consulting a doctor.
  2. If a girl begins menstruation very early before the age of 11.
  3. Menopause in old age.
  4. Nulliparous women.
  5. First pregnancy after 30 years.

As many people know, during menstruation the female body experiences a large influx of estrogen, which puts the mammary gland in danger, but only if menstruation lasts for quite a long time. Simply put, the longer the tarragon peaks, the worse it is.

Do oral contraceptives affect breast cancer? In fact, there is no direct danger or evidence of this. Some doctors say that if used incorrectly before the age of 20, there is a risk of cancer. Some say that together they are dangerous for women. But in some cases, these drugs help the female body. So, if these drugs are used correctly, there is no danger!


Unfortunately, like other types of oncology, chest symptoms do not manifest themselves at first, and stages 1 and 2 are quiet. Cancer itself in the early stages can only be detected by ultrasound or X-ray mammography. This should be done especially for women over 50 years of age and those who are at risk.

First signs

  1. Painful menstruation and sudden mood changes.
  2. Nodular compaction in the chest area.
  3. The nipples retract.
  4. A dimple appears on the chest.
  5. The appearance of orange peel in one area.
  6. Redness in one place.
  7. Ulcers or crusts may appear in one place. This is especially strong in the nipple area.
  8. The tumor can deform the breast, and it becomes different from the second one.
  9. The lymph nodes in the armpit are enlarged, dense and painless.
  10. One breast may be larger than the other.
  11. Pain in one breast outside of menstruation.
  12. First, the patient experiences pain in the joint, and later the entire limb swells.
  13. If malignant neoplasms are close to the surface, then it is easily visible.
  14. Discharge of unpleasant-smelling pus or mucus.
  15. In later stages, the temperature rises. Redness of the entire chest.

If the first 12 symptoms can characterize other diseases, then the latter definitely indicate cancer.

NOTE! If there is at least one of the signs, then you should contact a mammologist or oncologist. Yes, the disease itself most often proceeds very slowly and the tumor is not aggressive in the initial stages, but there are also cases when the cancer developed several months before the last fatal stage.


First of all, the doctor conducts a full examination and finds out what he is dealing with: the size of the tumor, the degree of damage to nearby tissues, the classification of lymph nodes, the level of aggressiveness, the presence of metastases in the blood.

  1. Non-invasive— to put it simply, it is a tumor that does not go beyond the boundaries of its tissue and structure. With early surgery, there is a chance to save most of the breast.
  2. Invasive“This is a different form that occupies an area of ​​several tissues and structures. A more aggressive and dangerous type of cancer.
  3. Squamous cell breast cancer- usually occurs much more often than adenocorcinoma. Mutation of the squamous epithelium occurs.
  4. Adenocarcinoma or glandular breast cancer- degenerates from glandular epithelium. Most often found in the lower chest.

Nodular breast cancer

This type is currently the most common in women over 40 years of age. The tumor is initially located in the upper outer quadrants of the chest. Then the cells themselves grow and penetrate into nearby tissues, muscles, fat and even skin.

Nipple cancer

In another way, this pathology is also called Paget's disease. First, the nipple itself becomes denser, and then increases in size. Later, jams and dry crusts appear. In general, the disease itself is very slow and metastasizes late.

Diffuse breast cancer

This type of cancer grows much faster than the previous one, the tissues themselves are more aggressive, due to which the tumor quickly spreads throughout the entire mammary gland. The breasts grow in size and have severe redness and swelling. True, it occurs rarely in 5% of cases in all breast oncology.

Hormone sensitivity

As we said, breast cancer tumors usually have greater sensitivity to female hormones:

  1. Estrogen -ER+
  2. Progesterone - PgR+
  3. Epidermal growth factor HER+

This means that if you reduce the amount of hormones, and also use drugs that reduce the sensitivity of the tumor itself, you can reduce the growth rate of malignant tissues or even slightly reduce the tumor itself.

But there are also types of cancer that begin to develop without hormonal support and do not react in any way to the amount of female hormones in the blood. Doctors then have to resort to chemotherapy to shrink the tumor. The therapy itself has more side effects.

In general, the stages of breast cancer are very similar to other malignant tumors. Let's take a closer look.

Stage Explanation
Stage 1Cancer cells are located in one tissue structure and do not invade other areas. The tumor is up to 2 cm in size.
Stage 2The cancerous tumor is already beginning to invade neighboring tissues and cells and grow into nearby locations. But the lymph nodes, skin, and adipose tissue are not yet affected. Size up to 4.5 cm.
Stage 3The tumor grows and becomes more than 5 cm and affects the muscles, skin and can grow into the tissue of the intercostal space. The axillary nodes are being affected.
Stage 4There is metastasis to neighboring organs and the other breast. Later, the cancer cells spread primarily to the bones, causing pain in the joints. To the liver when jaundice appears. May affect the ovaries and lungs. If breast and ovarian cancer are combined, doctors may remove the second organ immediately.


First of all, you will need to take a general and biochemical blood test, and in case of any abnormalities, the doctor may require you to donate blood for tumor markers. But this is done extremely rarely, since usually, if a tumor in the mammary gland is directly suspected, the therapist will already send you for examination to an oncologist and mammologist.

This X-ray examination must be done for all women once a year after 50 years of age, for patients at risk once every six months, especially for those who have the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Immunohistochemical diagnostics

Doctors are trying to figure out how tumor cells react to female hormones. If breast cancer itself is hormone-dependent, then certain drugs are prescribed that reduce sensitivity and also reduce the amount of estrogen in the blood.


For older women, this examination is not very suitable, and is usually used in young girls. In the early stages there is a strong error and a chance of not detecting a tumor.

Cytological examination

Using a special device, the doctor takes a tissue sample for examination. Cancer cells have a different structure and based on the study, it is possible to determine how much the tissue differs from normal ones. You can see the aggressiveness and speed of cell growth.

Other studies

It is usually prescribed for later stages of cancer, when there are metastases to other organs, so it is easier for doctors to see the affected area and prescribe a specific type of treatment.


Like any treatment for cancer, the disease depends on the stage of breast cancer and the age of the patient. The earlier breast pathology is detected, the easier it is for doctors to treat breast cancer. Therapy usually aims to remove the tumor and part of the breast, or remove the entire organ. There are quite a few methods of therapy, let's look at everything.

Partial removal surgery

NOTE! The doctor must prescribe additional therapy in the form of radiation in order to kill the remaining cancer cells. When part of a gland or cancer is removed, the healthy halves themselves are stitched together.


You probably already guessed that this is a complete removal of the mammary gland with lymph nodes.


Radiation therapy is a fairly effective method after partial removal of the tumor. The doctor then prescribes radiation therapy to destroy any remaining cancer cells that may later develop into cancer.


It is used both before and after surgery. Before surgery, this therapy helps reduce the size and growth rate, and afterward it is used to destroy the remaining lesions.

Hormone therapy

In older women, the ovaries can be removed so that they do not release excess estrogen into the blood, plus blockers are prescribed that reduce the sensitivity of the tumor to the female hormone.

Use: tamoxifen, exemestane, anastrozole, letrozole.

Palliative care

At stage 4, when the tumor has spread to all corners of the body, it is no longer possible to cure the disease, and doctors are faced with the task of improving the patient’s quality of life, reducing pain, intoxication and the impact on organs of the tumor itself. For this purpose, radiation, chemotherapy, narcotic drugs, and painkillers are used.

Treatment of breast cancer at stage 1

Usually a small part of the gland containing the tumor is removed. Since there is no severe damage to nearby tissues, the operation is usually quite successful with few consequences. If the patient is at risk, radiotherapy is additionally prescribed.

Treatment of stage 2 breast cancer

Here, treatment with drugs is added that reduce the growth rate through hormone blockers. Plus there is chemotherapy before and after surgery. The tumor itself and nearby tissues are removed. After the operation, the patient undergoes constant monitoring for relapses.

Treatment of stage 3 breast cancer

Step 1 is chemotherapy, followed by surgery to partially or completely remove the mammary gland. Step 2 - a complex of chemotherapy and radiotherapy is given.

NOTE! Remember - Early detection of cancer leads to a favorable prognosis and easier treatment.

Rules of conduct after surgery

  1. After the operation you cannot sleep, so it is better to distract the patient with something.
  2. You can get up and walk slowly if possible.
  3. Do not touch the bandage or remove it from the chest.
  4. Be careful with the PVC tube, which carries excess ichor out. It is removed after 8-11 days.
  5. If your doctor recommends chemotherapy or radiation, listen to him as this will kill any remaining cancer cells.
  6. You cannot swim for 3-4 weeks.
  7. The stitches are removed after two weeks.

Postoperative complications

Immediately after surgery

  • Bleeding from wounds
  • Suppuration
  • Lymph secretion
  • Limostasis

Late complications

  • Poor posture due to removal of 1 breast. For this purpose, exercise therapy and a set of various exercises are prescribed that correct this.
  • Postmastectomy defect - after one gland is removed, the woman feels uncomfortable. To do this, an internal implant is installed or a special weight is hung, which helps balance the second breast.
  • When the nipple and areola are removed, they are usually replaced with similar tissue from the labia or the second nipple. Sometimes the tissues themselves are sewn together and the nipple areola is tattooed.
  • Lymphedema of the arm - then the doctor prescribes a series of exercises to reduce swelling and improve blood circulation.


After surgery, the woman usually experiences post-mastectomy depression. At the same time, there is a decline in mood, constant blues, sexual problems due to the absence of one breast. During this period, you definitely need to take courses with a psychotherapist who will help you cope with this stage in your life. Later, an implant will need to be inserted so that the woman feels complete.

In men

It may not be strange, but breast cancer can also affect males. The fact is that some have a rudiment in the form of a mammary gland. It's certainly underdeveloped, but it's there. Typically, breast cancer in men occurs due to gynecomastia. This happens with severe obesity, when there is an excess of female hormones or due to some pathologies.

At the same time, the tumor itself grows very quickly and is very aggressive. Mucus and pus may be released from the nipple in the final stages. The treatment of this pathology is very difficult.


Carcinoma is detected at stages 2 and 3. The tumor is not aggressive and grows slowly at the very beginning. That is why the survival rate varies from 50 to 70% on average for all cases.

  • 1 Degree – 90%
  • 2 Degrees – 70%
  • 3 Degrees - 35%
  • 4 Degrees - 5% of women live another 5 years.

Breast cancer prevention

  • Women over 55 years old should see a mammologist every year.

I got sick in 2013. Before that, I had already treated my mother for six years for the same diagnosis - breast cancer. The doctor warned me that I was at risk; I knew that I had to pay especially close attention to my health.

Every four months I was examined and thought that I was ahead of the curve, I thought that even if I found something, it would be at an early stage... But cancer is an insidious thing that is very difficult to catch. It does not manifest itself in any way in the early stages.

When I found out about the diagnosis, I was mentally prepared for it, but it was still stressful. While doctors choose treatment tactics, you are between heaven and earth. You are waiting for the verdict: is the cancer operable, do you have a chance... The doctor told me that it is operable.

There are many methods, depending on the stages and types of breast cancer. Someone begins to be treated with radiation therapy, then surgery, then chemotherapy. For some people, the tumor is slightly reduced with chemotherapy, then it is removed, and then radiation is prescribed. Some people undergo chemotherapy for a whole year to shrink the tumor, only then it is removed and radiation is prescribed. The methods are different even with the same diagnosis, because everyone’s body is individual. It is not at all necessary that everyone undergoes surgery-radiation-chemo in exactly the same order as I did. Everyone has their own way.

It is necessary for the doctor and the patient to be allies. Of course, the patient, having learned about the diagnosis, begins to rush around, look for information on the Internet, listen to the advice of incompetent people... The role of the doctor is very important here. Only when doctors are willing to spend enough time to convey all the nuances to the patient can the treatment process proceed normally.

Mona Frolova,

I didn't know who to turn to for help. I was very scared, I pulled myself out of despair, I found out everything about the disease myself. But it helped me that I had experience in treating this disease with my mother. I thought it would be very difficult for other people experiencing this for the first time. And around the same time, the idea of ​​creating a volunteer organization that would unite people fighting this disease first arose.

Natalya Loshkareva

Chemotherapy is constant drips of very powerful poisonous liquids that kill both good and bad indiscriminately. They kill everything. My hair is falling out completely and I feel terribly sick. I just lived in the bathroom and toilet for five days. After the fifth day you begin to come to life a little - you find yourself able to drink a little or even eat an apple. With chemistry, you understand that you are being poisoned. But, unfortunately, there is no other treatment against cancer. More than 100 years - and nothing was invented!

Now the principles of treating patients, especially hormone-dependent cancer, have changed significantly. Non-toxic tableted hormone therapy is prescribed for a long time. Sometimes for years. At the same time, patients can lead a normal, full-fledged lifestyle.

Mona Frolova,

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Clinical Oncology, Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

Chemotherapy is a very, very difficult ordeal. Friends and family must be supportive. It is impossible to cope alone.

I did not allow myself to relax, because my mother was still undergoing treatment. I had to encourage her with my example. Sometimes I cried, I wanted to feel sorry for myself, but I had strong motivation. I was energized by my husband and daughter, who said: “No, we won’t let you go, we want you to be with us.” My friends also supported me. In the hospital people came to see me all the time. I knew that I had to move on, I had already entered this battle, I had made a decision, since I had the operation, now I will do everything that the doctors say. But during chemotherapy, I also had moments when I wanted to give up. It hits you very hard at night, you think that life is pain, it’s easier to just take everything and leave it.

Treatment should not be more severe than the disease. We must not only prolong life, but also maintain its quality for the patient. And fortunately, such opportunities exist today. Now new drugs are appearing, so-called targeted drugs, that is, drugs with targeted action. Unlike traditional chemotherapy, they only target molecular damage in the tumor.

Mona Frolova,

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Clinical Oncology, Federal State Budgetary Institution Russian Cancer Research Center named after N. N. Blokhin, Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

When I went to see my chemotherapy doctor, I saw her separate stack of case reports. One day I asked who these people were. She replied that these were the patients who came, underwent one course of chemotherapy and never returned; it is not even known whether they are alive or not. I was shocked: “How? Don't you call them? Don’t you recognize it?” The doctor answered me: “They have no motivation. Some people's husbands have left them, others' children have already grown up and are living separately. Women aged 40-50 who are faced with cancer do not have the strength to endure all these trials. There’s nothing stopping them, unfortunately, we’re so busy that we don’t call them.”

Breast cancer (carcinoma)– the most common malignant tumor of the mammary glands.

The disease is characterized by high prevalence. In developed countries it occurs in 10% of women. European countries are leading. The lowest prevalence of breast cancer is observed in Japan.

Some epidemiological data on breast cancer:

  • most cases of the disease are registered after the age of 45 years;
  • after 65 years, the risk of developing breast carcinoma increases by 5.8 times, and compared with a young age (up to 30 years) it increases by 150 times;
  • most often the lesion is localized in the upper outer part of the mammary gland, closer to the armpit;
  • 99% of all patients with breast carcinoma are women, 1% are men;
  • Isolated cases of the disease in children have been described;
  • the mortality rate for this neoplasm is 19–25% of all other malignant tumors;
  • Today, breast cancer is one of the most common tumors in women.
    Currently, there is an increase in incidence throughout the world. At the same time, in a number of developed countries there are downward trends due to well-organized screening (mass examination of women) and early detection.

Causes of breast cancer

There are a large number of factors contributing to the development of breast carcinoma. But almost all of them are associated with two types of disorders: increased activity of female sex hormones (estrogens) or genetic disorders.

Factors that increase the risk of developing breast cancer:
  • female gender;
  • unfavorable heredity (presence of cases of the disease in close relatives);
  • the onset of menstruation before 12 years or their end after 55 years, their presence for more than 40 years (this indicates increased estrogen activity);
  • absence of pregnancy or its occurrence for the first time after 35 years;
  • malignant tumors in other organs (uterus, ovaries, salivary glands);
  • various mutations in genes;
  • the effect of ionizing radiation (radiation): radiation therapy for various diseases, living in an area with increased background radiation, frequent fluorography for tuberculosis, occupational hazards, etc.;
  • other diseases of the mammary glands: benign tumors, nodular forms of mastopathy;
  • the effect of carcinogens (chemicals that can provoke malignant tumors), some viruses (these aspects are still poorly studied);
  • tall woman;
  • low physical activity;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • hormonal therapy in large doses and for a long time;
  • constant use of hormonal contraceptives;
Different factors increase the risk of developing breast carcinoma to varying degrees. For example, if a woman is tall and overweight, this does not mean that her likelihood of getting the disease greatly increases. The overall risk is formed by summing up various reasons.

Typically, malignant tumors of the mammary glands are heterogeneous. They are made up of different types of cells that multiply at different rates and respond differently to treatment. Because of this, it is often difficult to predict how the disease will develop. Sometimes all the symptoms grow rapidly, and sometimes the tumor grows slowly, without leading to noticeable disorders for a long time.

First signs of breast cancer

Like other malignant tumors, breast cancer is very difficult to detect at an early stage. For a long time the disease is not accompanied by any symptoms. Its signs are often discovered by chance.

Symptoms that require immediate medical attention:

  • pain in the mammary gland that has no apparent cause and persists for a long time;
  • feeling of discomfort for a long time;
  • lumps in the mammary gland;
  • changes in the shape and size of the breast, swelling, deformation, the appearance of asymmetry;
  • deformation of the nipple: most often it becomes retracted;
  • discharge from the nipple: bloody or yellow;
  • changes in the skin in a certain place: it becomes retracted, begins to peel or wrinkle, its color changes;
  • a dimple, a depression that appears on the mammary gland if you raise your hand up;
  • enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit, above or below the collarbone;
  • swelling in the shoulder, in the area of ​​the mammary gland.
Measures for early detection of breast cancer:
  • Regular self-examination. A woman should be able to properly examine her breasts and identify the first signs of a malignant neoplasm.
  • Regular visits to the doctor. It is necessary to be examined by a mammologist (a specialist in the field of breast diseases) at least once a year.
  • Women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo regular mammography, an X-ray examination aimed at early detection of breast cancer.

How to properly examine your breasts yourself?

A breast self-examination takes about 30 minutes. It needs to be done 1 – 2 times a month. Sometimes pathological changes are not immediately felt, so it is advisable to keep a diary and note in it the data and your feelings based on the results of each self-examination.

Examination of the mammary glands should be carried out on days 5–7 of the menstrual cycle, preferably on the same days.

Visual inspection

This should be done in a warm, bright room with a mirror. Undress to the waist and stand exactly in front of the mirror so that you can clearly see your breasts. Relax and even out your breathing. Please note the following points:
  • Are the right and left mammary glands located symmetrically?
  • Is one mammary gland enlarged compared to the other (it is worth remembering that normally the sizes of the right and left mammary glands may differ slightly)?
  • Does the skin look normal, are there any suspicious areas with a changed appearance?
  • Do your nipples look normal?
  • Have you noticed anything else suspicious?


Feeling the breast can be done in a standing or lying position, whichever is more convenient. If possible, it is better to do this in two positions. The examination is carried out with your fingertips. The pressure on the breasts should not be too strong: it should be enough so that changes in the consistency of the mammary glands can be felt.

First, one mammary gland is felt, then the second. Start from the nipple, then move your fingers outward. For convenience, you can palpate in front of a mirror, conditionally dividing the mammary gland into 4 parts.

Points to pay attention to:

General consistency of the mammary glands - has it become denser since the last examination?

  • the presence of compactions, nodes in the gland tissue;
  • presence of changes, seals in the nipple;

The condition of the lymph nodes in the axillary region - are they enlarged?

If changes are detected, you must contact one of the specialists:
Self-examination can detect not only breast cancer, but also benign neoplasms and mastopathy. If you find something suspicious, this does not mean the presence of a malignant tumor. An accurate diagnosis can only be established after examination.

For the purpose of early diagnosis of breast cancer, women over 40 years of age are recommended to undergo three studies annually:
  • Mammography – X-ray images of the breast. Identify existing compactions in the tissue. The modern method is digital mammography.
  • Determination of the level of female sex hormones - estrogens. If it is high, there is an increased risk of developing breast cancer.
  • Tumor marker CA 15-3 is a substance produced by breast carcinoma cells.

Consultation with an oncologist for the treatment of breast cancer

Symptoms and appearance of different forms of breast cancer

Nodular form of breast cancer A painless, dense formation is felt in the thickness of the mammary gland. It can be round or irregular in shape and grows evenly in different directions. The tumor is fused with the surrounding tissues, so when a woman raises her arms, a depression forms on the mammary gland in the corresponding place.
The skin in the area of ​​the tumor wrinkles. In later stages, its surface begins to resemble lemon peel, and ulcers appear on it.

Over time, the tumor causes the mammary gland to increase in size.
The lymph nodes are enlarged: cervical, axillary, supraclavicular and subclavian.

What does nodular breast cancer look like?

Edema-infiltrative form This form of breast cancer most often occurs in young women.
Pain sensations are most often absent or mild.
There is a compaction that occupies almost the entire volume of the mammary gland.


  • breast lump;
  • redness of the skin with jagged edges;
  • increased skin temperature of the breast;
  • no nodes are detected during palpation.
What does erysipelas-like breast cancer look like?
Armored cancer The tumor grows through all glandular tissue and fatty tissue. Sometimes the process goes to the opposite side, to the second mammary gland.


  • reduction in size of the mammary gland;
  • limited mobility of the affected mammary gland;
  • thickened skin over the lesion with an uneven surface.
What does armored breast cancer look like?

Paget's cancer A special form of breast cancer, occurs in 3–5% of cases.


  • crusts in the nipple area;
  • redness;
  • erosions – superficial skin defects;
  • weeping nipple;
  • the appearance of shallow bleeding ulcers;
  • nipple deformation;
  • Over time, the nipple is completely destroyed, and a tumor appears in the thickness of the mammary gland;
  • Paget's cancer is accompanied by metastases to the lymph nodes only in late stages, so the prognosis for this form of the disease is relatively favorable.
What does Paget's cancer look like?

Breast cancer grades

The degrees of breast cancer are determined according to the generally accepted TNM system, in which each letter has a designation:
  • T – state of the primary tumor;
  • M – metastases to other organs;
  • N – metastases to regional lymph nodes.
Degree of tumor process
Main Features
Tx The doctor does not have enough data to assess the condition of the tumor.
T0 No tumor was detected in the mammary gland.
T 1 A tumor having a diameter of no more than 2 cm in its greatest dimension.
T 2 Tumor having a diameter of 2 to 5 cm in greatest dimension
T 3 Tumor larger than 5 cm.
T 4 A tumor growing into the chest wall or skin.

Nx The doctor does not have enough information to assess the condition of the lymph nodes.
N 0 There are no signs indicating the spread of the process to the lymph nodes.
N 1 Metastases in axillary lymph nodes, in one or more. In this case, the lymph nodes are not fused to the skin and are easily displaced.
N 2 Metastases in the axillary lymph nodes. In this case, the nodes are fused to each other or to surrounding tissues and are difficult to move.
N 3 Metastases in parasternal lymph nodes on the losing side.

M x The doctor does not have data that would help judge tumor metastases in other organs.
M0 There are no signs of metastases in other organs.
M 1 Presence of distant metastases.

Of course, only a doctor can classify a tumor to one stage or another according to the TNM classification after an examination. Further treatment tactics will depend on this.

Classification depending on the location of the tumor:

  • breast skin;
  • nipple and areola (skin around the nipple);
  • upper inner quadrant of the mammary gland;
  • lower inner quadrant of the mammary gland;
  • upper outer quadrant of the mammary gland;
  • lower outer quadrant of the mammary gland;
  • posterior axillary part of the mammary gland;
  • The location of the tumor cannot be determined.

Diagnosis of breast cancer


Diagnosis of malignant breast tumors begins with an examination by an oncologist or mammologist.

During the examination, the doctor:

  • will question the woman in detail, try to obtain the most complete information about the course of the disease, the factors that could contribute to its occurrence;
  • will examine and palpate (feel) the mammary glands in a lying position, standing with arms lowered and raised.

Instrumental diagnostic methods

Diagnostic method Description How is it carried out?
Mammography– diagnostic section that deals with non-invasive(without cuts or punctures) by examining the internal structure of the mammary gland.
X-ray mammography X-ray examination of the breast is carried out using devices that generate low-intensity radiation. Today, mammography is considered the main method for early diagnosis of malignant breast tumors. Has an accuracy of 92%.
In European countries, X-ray mammography is routinely performed on all women over 45 years of age. In Russia it is mandatory for women over 40 years of age, but in practice not everyone has it.
X-ray mammography best detects tumors measuring 2–5 cm.
An indirect sign of a malignant neoplasm is a large number of calcifications - accumulations of calcium salts, which contrast well in photographs. If they are found to be more than 15 per cm 2, then this is a reason for further examination.
The study is carried out in the same way as conventional radiography. The woman is naked to the waist, leans against a special table, places the mammary gland on it, after which a photograph is taken.
X-ray mammography machines must meet the requirements set by WHO.
Types of X-ray mammography:
  • film– use a special cassette with film on which the image is recorded;
  • digital– the image is recorded on the computer, and can later be printed or transferred to any medium.
MRI mammography MRI mammography is the examination of the mammary glands using magnetic resonance imaging.

Advantages of MRI mammography over X-ray tomography:

  • there is no x-ray radiation, which negatively affects tissues and is a mutagen;
  • the opportunity to study metabolism in breast tissue, conduct spectroscopy affected tissues.
Disadvantages of magnetic resonance imaging as a method for diagnosing malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands:
  • high cost;
  • lower efficiency compared to X-ray tomography, inability to detect calcifications in the gland tissue.
Before the examination, you must remove all metal objects from yourself. You cannot take any electronics, as the magnetic field generated by the device can damage them.

If the patient has any metal implants (pacemaker, prosthetic joints, etc.), you need to warn the doctor - this is a contraindication for the study.

The patient is placed in the apparatus in a horizontal position. She must remain stationary throughout the entire study. The time is determined by the doctor.
The result of the study is digital images that show pathological changes.

Ultrasound mammography Ultrasound examination is currently an additional method for diagnosing malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, although it has a number of advantages over radiography. For example, it allows you to take pictures in different projections and does not have a harmful effect on the body.

Main indications for the use of ultrasound diagnostics for breast cancer:

  • observation over time after the tumor was detected during X-ray mammography;
  • the need to distinguish a cyst filled with fluid from dense formations;
  • diagnosis of breast diseases in young women;
  • control during biopsy;
  • the need for diagnosis during pregnancy and lactation.
The technique is no different from conventional ultrasound. The doctor uses a special sensor that is applied to the mammary gland. The image is broadcast on the monitor and can be recorded or printed.

During an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands, Doppler sonography and duplex scanning can be performed.

Computed tomomammography The study is a computed tomography scan of the mammary glands.

Advantages of computed tomomammography over x-ray mammography:

  • the ability to obtain images with layer-by-layer sections of tissue;
  • the possibility of clearer detailing of soft tissue structures.
Disadvantages of computed tomomammography:
The study does not reveal small structures and calcifications worse than X-ray mammography.
The study is carried out in the same way as a regular computed tomography. The patient is placed on a special table inside the device. She must remain motionless throughout the entire study.

Biopsy– excision of a fragment of breast tissue followed by examination under a microscope.
Needle biopsy The accuracy of the method is 80 – 85%. In 20–25% of cases, a false result is obtained. A fragment of breast tissue for examination is obtained using a syringe or a special aspiration gun.
The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.
Depending on the thickness of the needle, there are two types of puncture biopsy:
  • fine needle;
  • thick needle.
The manipulation is often performed under ultrasound or x-ray mammography guidance.
Trephine biopsy Trephine biopsy of the mammary glands is performed in cases where it is necessary to obtain more material for research. The doctor receives a piece of breast tissue in the form of a column. Trephine biopsy is performed using a special instrument consisting of a cannula with a mandrel into which a rod with a cutter is inserted.
The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. The surgeon makes an incision in the skin and inserts a trephine biopsy instrument through it. When the tip of the incisor reaches the tumor, it is pulled out of the cannula. Using a cannula, a column of tissue is cut and removed.
After receiving the material, the wound is carefully coagulated to prevent the spread of cancer cells.
During research in the laboratory, it is possible to determine the sensitivity of tumor cells to steroid hormones (which include estrogens). This helps with further choice of treatment tactics.
Excisional biopsy Excision is the complete removal of the tumor and surrounding tissues. The entire mass is sent to the laboratory for testing. This makes it possible to detect tumor cells at the cut border and study the sensitivity of the tumor to sex hormones. The surgeon removes the tumor and surrounding tissue during surgery. Thus, excisional biopsy is both a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure.
Stereotactic biopsy During a stereotactic biopsy, samples are taken from several different locations through a single needle. The procedure is similar to a regular needle biopsy. It is always carried out under the control of x-ray mammography.

The needle is inserted into a certain place, a sample is obtained, then it is pulled, the angle of inclination is changed and it is inserted again, this time in a different place. Multiple samples are obtained, which makes the diagnosis more accurate.

Laboratory methods for diagnosing breast cancer

Study Description Methodology
Determination of tumor marker CA 15-3 in the blood (syn.: carbohydrate antigen 15-3, carbohydrate Antigen 15-3, cancer Antigen 15-3) Tumor markers are various substances that are detected in the blood during malignant neoplasms. Different tumors are characterized by their own tumor markers.
CA 15-3 is an antigen located on the surface of the mammary gland ducts and secreting cells. Its content in the blood is increased in 10% of women with early stages of breast cancer and in 70% of women with tumors accompanied by metastases.

Indications for the study:

  • diagnosis of cancer recurrence;
  • monitoring the effectiveness of treatment;
  • the need to distinguish a malignant tumor from a benign one;
  • assessment of the spread of the tumor process: the higher the level of tumor marker in the blood, the more tumor cells are present in the patient’s body.

For the study, blood is taken from a vein. You must not smoke for half an hour before the test.
Cytological examination of nipple discharge If a woman has discharge from the nipple, it can be sent for laboratory testing. When examined under a microscope, tumor cells may be detected.
You can also make an imprint of the crusts that form on the nipple

When examining nipple discharge under a microscope, cells characteristic of a malignant tumor are revealed.

Breast cancer treatment

Breast cancer treatment methods:
  • surgical;
  • chemotherapy;
  • hormone therapy;
  • immunotherapy;
  • radiation therapy.
Combination treatment using two or more methods is usually carried out.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the main treatment for breast cancer. Currently, oncologist surgeons are trying to perform less voluminous interventions, to preserve breast tissue as much as possible, supplementing surgical methods with radiation and drug therapy.

Types of surgical interventions for breast cancer:

  • Radical mastectomy: complete removal of the mammary gland along with fatty tissue and nearby lymph nodes. This type of operation is the most radical.
  • Radical resection: removal of a sector of the mammary gland along with subcutaneous fat and lymph nodes. Currently, surgeons increasingly prefer this particular surgical option, since radical mastectomy practically does not prolong the life of patients compared to resection. The intervention must be supplemented with radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
  • Quadrantectomy– removal of the tumor itself and surrounding tissues within a radius of 2–3 cm, as well as nearby lymph nodes. This surgery can only be performed in the early stages of the tumor. The excised tumor is necessarily sent for a biopsy.
  • Lumpectomy– the smallest operation in terms of volume, during which the tumor and lymph nodes are removed separately. The surgical study was developed during the National Breast Surgical Supplementation Project (NSABBP, USA) studies. The conditions for the intervention are the same as for quadrantectomy.

The extent of surgical intervention is chosen by the doctor depending on the size, stage, type and location of the tumor.

Radiation therapy

Types of radiation therapy depending on timing:
Name Description
Preoperative Intensive short-term courses of radiation are carried out.

Goals of preoperative radiotherapy for breast cancer:

  • Maximum destruction of malignant cells along the periphery of the tumor in order to prevent relapses.
  • Transfer of a tumor from an inoperable state to an operable one.
Postoperative The main goal of radiation therapy in the postoperative period is to prevent tumor recurrence.

Sites that are irradiated during postoperative radiation therapy:

  • the tumor itself;
  • lymph nodes that could not be removed during surgery;
  • regional lymph nodes for the purpose of prevention.
Intraoperative Radiation therapy can be used directly during surgery if the surgeon tries to preserve as much breast tissue as possible. This is advisable at the stage of the tumor:
  • T 1-2;
  • N 0-1;
  • M0.
Independent Indications for the use of gamma therapy without surgery:
  • inability to remove the tumor surgically;
  • contraindications to surgery;
  • patient's refusal to undergo surgery.
Interstitial The radiation source is brought directly to the tumor. Interstitial radiation therapy is used in combination with external beam therapy (when the source is located at a distance) mainly for nodular forms of cancer.

Purpose of the method: deliver as high a dose of radiation as possible to the tumor in order to destroy it as much as possible.

Areas that may be exposed to radiation:
  • the tumor itself;
  • lymph nodes located in the axillary region;
  • lymph nodes located above and below the collarbone;
  • lymph nodes located in the sternum area.


Chemotherapy– drug treatment of breast cancer, which uses cytostatics. These drugs destroy cancer cells and suppress their proliferation.

Cytostatics are drugs that have numerous side effects. Therefore, they are always prescribed strictly in accordance with established regulations and taking into account the characteristics of the disease.

The main cytostatics used for malignant tumors of the mammary glands:

  • adriblastine;
  • methotrexate;
  • 5-fluorouracil;
  • paclitaxel;
  • cyclophosphamide;
  • docetaxel;
  • xeloda.
Combinations of drugs that are usually prescribed for malignant tumors of the mammary glands:
  • CMF (Cyclophosphamide, Fluorouracil, Methotrexate);
  • CAF (Cyclophosphamide, Fluorouracil, Adriablastin);
  • FAC (Fluorouracil, Cyclophosphamide, Adriablastin).

Hormone therapy

The main goal of hormonal therapy is to eliminate the influence of female sex hormones (estrogens) on the tumor. The techniques are used only in the case of tumors that are sensitive to hormones.

Hormone therapy methods:

Method Description
Spaying After removal of the ovaries, the level of estrogen in the body drops sharply. The method is effective in a third of patients. Suitable for ages 15 – 55 years.
“Medicinal castration” with drugs:
  • Leuprolide;
  • Buserelin;
  • Zoladex (Goserelin).
Medicines suppress the pituitary gland's release of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which activates the production of estrogen by the ovaries.
The method is effective in a third of women aged 32 to 45 years.
Antiestrogenic drugs:
  • Toremifene (Fareston);
  • Tamoxifen;
  • Faslodex.
Antiestrogens are drugs that suppress the functions of estrogen. Effective in 30% - 60% of women aged 16 to 45 years.
Medicines that inhibit the aromatase enzyme:
  • Arimedex (Anastrozole);
  • Femara (Letrozole);
  • Amema (Fadrozole);
  • Lentaron (Formestan);
  • Aromasin (Examestane).
The aromatase enzyme takes part in the formation of steroid hormones, including the female sex hormones estrone and estradiol. By inhibiting aromatase activity, these drugs reduce estrogenic effects.
Progestins (gestagens):
  • Provera;
  • Megeys (Megestrol).
Progestins are a group of female sex hormones that interact not only with their own receptors on the surface of cells, but also with receptors intended for estrogens, thereby partially blocking their action. Medicines containing progestins are prescribed for people aged 9 to 67 years and are 30% effective.
Androgens are preparations of male sex hormones. Androgens suppress the production of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), which activates the production of estrogen in the ovaries. The method is effective in 20% of girls and women aged 10 to 38 years.

How does a doctor choose breast cancer treatment tactics?

A treatment plan for breast cancer is developed individually.

Features that a doctor should consider:

  • size of the tumor;
  • the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes;
  • germination into neighboring organs, presence of distant metastases;
  • laboratory data characterizing the cellular composition and degree of malignancy of the tumor.

What traditional treatment methods can be used for breast cancer?

Modern treatment methods provide good prognosis for most women with malignant breast tumors. Thus, when starting treatment at stage I, about 95% of patients live longer than 5 years. Many experience full recovery.

Traditional methods are not able to provide an effective fight against the tumor process. Self-medication delays a visit to the doctor. Often such patients turn to a specialist when there are already distant metastases in the lymph nodes. However, 70% of patients do not survive for 3 years.

The only right decision for a patient with suspected breast cancer is to see a doctor as early as possible, carry out diagnostics and, if necessary, begin treatment in an oncology clinic.

Start here -

. "Cherry wanted to tell the world about GNM"

January 2005: I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer ( metastatic breast cancer), grade 3 (out of 1-3 possible) stage IV (out of possible 0 - IV) in my left breast. This disease is diagnosed as chronic and the average life expectancy from the moment of diagnosis is 2 years.

My lungs were covered in tumors, the largest of which measured 4 cm (2.5 inches). Based on this diagnosis, the doctors estimated that I only had about 4 months to live.
Only about 1% of patients with this diagnosis survive beyond 5 years. Traditional medicine has not been able to discern what separates these 1% from the rest. I believe that I will be part of this 1%, and I also believe I know why.

Take a deep breath and take a break.


After you have been diagnosed with cancer, take a moment to accept the news and process it. Resist the temptation to react immediately out of fear of what standard medicine has told you.Many patients are shocked by this news and perceive it as a death sentence. Don't fall victim to the shock of this kind of diagnosis and don't confirm their predictions. They don't have all the answers, and almost everything they know is based only on clinical observations and statistics. Please don't take this as disrespect. These doctors are good people with their own belief systems derived from their knowledge and experience.
Very little has changed regarding how cancer is treated since 1950. Doctors diagnose any type of cell growth as cancer. They will tell you that “this disease was aggressive in your body, you should treat it just as aggressively.” Don't allow yourself to be afraid and give immediate consent to treatments that are not well thought out and are not suitable for your body and spirit.
This disease of your body did not appear overnight. It took some time for this program to installin your body for this “impostor cell” to grow and become large enough to be detected.
Don't buy into the illusion of illness. Life is just a dream. You are what you believe. What you say is what your mind believes to be true. Your Spirit controls your mind and your body. Trust your Spirit.Be careful what you believe or who you choose to believe. Trust yourself and your feelings (“I can feel it in my gut!”) more than anyone or anything else. You have to make decisions and your first decision is that “you have decided to live.”

Become knowledgeable

If you want to use traditional medicine for treatment, you have the right to know what is happening in your body according to their standards.

Explore all questions to understand your​​diagnosis, what the “grade” and “stage” of cancer means, and what type of cancer doctors diagnosed. See recommended treatments for your cancer type and survival projections. Do an internet search for alternative healing methodologies and treatment options, etc.

Success Study

Reach out to others, your family and friends to find those who have recovered from this disease. Find out the path they chose for their healing. Explore these options, explore them, and make a conscious decision for your own path.


Take responsibility for your path to healing.

Once you've considered all your options, work with your chosen doctor to set up your
regimen to meet your physical and emotional needs. If you are uncomfortable with the doctor you have chosen, if you decide to integrate your healing, find someone who will work with you.

You should be aware that standard medicine "skews" the statistics a little. More and more people die from cancer than are cured from the disease. Response to standard treatment: Heart attacks, blood clots and infections are just some of the possible side effects and risks from treatment. When people die from these “side effects,” doctors say they died from natural causes, not from cancer or treatment.
The reaction to a medical diagnosis voiced to you can kill in itself - it can lead to the idea that you will die anyway and fulfill the doctors' prophecy.
With the information I was able to gather, I chose my path of treatment. If orthodox medicine tells you that you only have a short period of time to live, how do they determine that for you? They project their “best guesses.” Since I started my treatment, no one has been able to tell that I am facing a health threat.
You don't have to feel sick, look sick, or be sick. Take the time to prepare yoursthe body to your own path to healing. Regardless of your religious or spiritual beliefs, you need to change yourdiet so that it also helps in healing your body. Your body is a temple for your spirit. Healing your body and spirit requires that you respect both.
You will make some mistakes, as I did, based on your knowledge at one time or another. Continue to be open to what is revealed to you and make your
choosing whether this is what is right for you or not.
From March 2005 to April 2006 - standard medical treatment was carried out - biological therapy and chemotherapy.
According to traditional medicine:
- my type of cancer has what is known as HER2 factor (HER2 is a protein that may influence the growth of cancer cells ).
- cancer “coats” itself with protein to camouflage itself.
- This fast growing formApocrine Advanced Breast Cancer
- A biological therapy known as Herceptin has been used to treat cancer.
- theoretically, Herceptin attaches to cells with HER2 so that white blood killer cells can identify them as "hostile", attack them, and kill them.
The doctors wanted me to receive serious combinations of chemotherapy. The side effects of these drugs are debilitating. I decided to only receive Herceptin since it was advertised as a cure for my type of cancer.

My lungs cleared by the fall of 2005, but the mass of the tumor in my chest increased. My oncologists were puzzled as to why my lungs seemed to respond to treatment but my breasts did not. I was told that I should have done more to fight the disease. I made the decision to add Navelbeine chemotherapy, and additional alternative ozone treatment (tumor shots) to “kick start” the process. You should be prepared for doctors to tell you the standard phrase “cancer is aggressive to your body - you must be aggressive to cancer.” They want to load your body even more with chemotherapy to speed up the process. I decided not to do this.
Instead of doing chemotherapy every 3 weeks, I asked to split the treatment into 3 and do the treatment every week. I have a friend who was diagnosed with lung cancer - a lesser degree than what I had at the time. He accepted a "chemo load", experienced a severe allergic reaction, a heart attack, and died less than 2 months after diagnosis. The disease did not kill him - the “treatment” did.

A New Beginning - German New Medicine (GNM)

“We should not forget that recovery is caused not by the doctor, but by the sick person himself. He heals himself with his own powers, just as he walks with his will, or eats, or thinks, breathes or sleeps.” Georg Groddeck

April 2006: I learned about German New Medicine (GNM) through my alternative doctors. In early May 2006, I traveled to Montreal with one of my doctors to attend a GNM seminar taught by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D.
GNM truly turns all of our previous paradigms about our approach to disease and medicine upside down and could leave pharmaceutical companies without their business and revenue. GNM proves that Mother Nature makes no mistakes, and that there is a biological reason for every type of cancer, as well as other diseases, and how the body is programmed to heal itself.
This new concept spoke to me immediately. From the very beginning of this problem, despite what the doctors told me, I always believed that I would survive, I felt that it was in my heart. I truly believed in my body's ability to heal itself and wanted to believe in that above all else. Additionally, I believed that this disease was caused by an effect outside my body that was affecting my health.
Dr. Hamer, founder of the German New Medicine, proved that all diseases, including cancer, are caused by emotional shock that catches us by surprise. It affects our brain, psyche, and organ at the same time. This creates a lesion in an area of ​​the brain that correlates with the specific type of shock and then transmits the message to the appropriate organ.

I was able to link my illnesses to a certain shock that had occurred in my life. It is during the “active state of conflict” that the tumor grows. In the case of breast cancer, it is a matter of "nest conflict", in which the woman herself actually creates more cells in the breast to produce more milk (even if she is not breastfeeding), since in nature this is the way a woman resolves her conflict through producing more milk to provide for members of their "nest". In the case of lung cancer, the tumor is caused by a “fear of death conflict.”
Standard medicine defines any growth (proliferation) of cells as cancer, although this, as Dr. Hamer discovered, is a programmed biological response for survival. Yes, we are "spiritual beings having our own human experience", but, we must not lose sight of the fact that our spirit is encased in an animal body with an animal nature and biological pre-programming.
One must acknowledge one's conflict(s) - then go through "conflict resolution." Once you have resolved your conflicts, your body enters the healing phase, where the body's own bacteria, in particular those created only for this purpose - degrade and disintegrate tumors.
I was able to track all the events in my case. I identified my “conflicts”, ways to resolve them, and discovered that I am currently in the healing stage.
I'm right-handed. My breast cancer in my left breast started with a "nest conflict" involving my family members. These were several conflicts:
- my mother was diagnosed with lung cancer;
- my son received a DUI ( drunk driving?) and he moved to another state ( my child was threatened and he left the “nest”);
- my dog ​​died ( many people consider their pets as members of the family or nest).
GNM helped me determine that a mastectomy was an unnecessary, cruel, and callous operation. Women with breast cancer don't need to lose their breasts!!! Breast cancer is not life-threatening. When you hear about a woman who “succumbed” to breast cancer, she did not die from that disease. She died either from the effects of her treatment or from exhaustion of her body due to the treatment.
Chemotherapy and radiation do not “cure” cancer. Why couldn’t my oncologists explain why my lung cancer “responded to treatment” and disappeared completely, but the tumor in my breast continued to grow and did not respond to any treatment? Why does cancer respond in one part of my body to chemotherapy treatment but not in another? It was because my body healed itself of lung cancer because I was able to resolve the conflict of mortal fear that caused it. But I have not yet resolved the conflict that caused breast cancer.

Interesting note - a chemotherapy drug is expected to be approved by the FDA today ( US Food and Drug Administration), however, it only requires that the drug company can prove that the drug shrank tumors within one month. That's it!
GNM dispels the myth of "metastasis" as an unproven medical theory. My lung cancer was caused by a “death fright conflict” that I was able to resolve almost immediately. My body was able to heal itself from lung cancer because spiritually I am not afraid of death..

According to GNM, surgery is only necessary when the tumor interferes with the functioning of the organ. Breast cancer is not “life-threatening.”
Often the disease is only discovered when the body is already in the healing phase - because you experience pain, inflammation, fever, etc. when the tumor is already decomposing. You experience extreme fatigue and weakness during this period because your body is devoting all its energy to the healing process. The most difficult part of healing is the so-called “epileptic crisis”. At this moment of crisis, I experienced an excruciating headache, fever, dizziness, etc.
The main thing is that you understand the healing process of the body and that you do not panic when these processes take place and do not interfere with them. Allow the processes to flow and heal you.
GNM explains why people who have never smoked get lung cancer; why people who have never drank get cirrhosis of the liver; why is it that people who live their lives where they drink, smoke, live in excess of any kind and are attacked by "cancer causing chemicals" are never sick in their lives. This explains why when doctors prep some people who had previously been diagnosed with cancer for surgery, the tumor somehow miraculously “suddenly” disappeared or became encapsulated. This is because cancer is not caused by anything other than this initial emotional "shock", and the body wants and has the ability to heal itself.
In April 2006, I internally accepted the paradigm of the German New Medicine, I chose this path to healing. I truly believe in my body's ability to heal itself. I stopped my ozone therapy in March 2006 and my chemotherapy treatment in April 2006. I continued to work with alternative medicine doctors to help my body heal. I stopped everything that could kill or inhibit the bacteria in my body to work on breaking down the tumor.
It's a difficult path. People and society are shocked when you don't do chemotherapy or radiotherapy. People have been trained to believe what orthodox medicine has told them about cancer and have a hard time taking this new medicine.

Most people are not willing to endure what the body requires to go through in order to heal itself. Because God gave me the strength to endure and trust in my body's ability to heal itself, I still have my breasts and have not had to endure the serious side effects of standard medicine treatments..

Regardless of the time it took for tumors to grow, people want the treatment to be quick - remove the tumor from my body, cut it out, expose it to radiation, without any reasonable analysis of the possible consequences. I refused radiation when it was offered to me. Just behind my left breast is my heart and my lungs. No one could guarantee me that the radiation would not affect these vital organs. I knew about a woman who had this radiation and what damage she received - she died from complications..

I experienced blood loss through the tumor and therefore from dangerously low blood hemoglobin levels. I believe that chemotherapy has negatively impacted my bone marrow's ability to produce hemoglobin.
I experienced a high fever. Most people, when they experience a fever, want to take a pill to stop it. Fever is your body's way of fighting the problem. We should not interfere with the body's program for self-healing.
Starting in August 2006, three months after stopping chemotherapy and allowing my body to do what it was biologically programmed to do, the tumors began to decompose. At first the lump in my chest was hard as a rock. I noticed that it was starting to soften. Then I noticed an unpleasant discharge on my bandage. Previously I had only experienced clear breast discharge. Most people would assume it was an infection and see a doctor to stop it. I realized that it was bacteria that were decomposing the tumor in my body.
This must have taken some time as the tumor grew for about a year and a half to its size of 11cm x 8cm. I will continue to document my progress towards healing my body.
We have no statistics or studies regarding those cancer patients who have undergone radiation or chemotherapy. We only have data on the dead. There are many stories of people being “miraculously” cured. A true miracle is a body that has been designed to perfection. Their bodies healed themselves.
This illness has been an inconvenient, annoying experience and a blessing. I was one of the lucky ones. I am a survivor of treatments that kill more cancer patients than the actual disease. I did not allow doctors to “mutilate” my body. I am still living, 1 year and 9 months since diagnosis. I didn't let the disease take anything from me. I learned so much about health and nutrition, and I grew spiritually and emotionally. I am now a better person in every way.

This is my chosen path - the path of German New Medicine.
(Cherry TrumpowerSeptember 12, 2006 )

February 2, 2007 at 11:11 pmCherry Trumpower died at the age of 55. According to her doctor, “her lungs cannot support her vital functions.” Our gratitude goes to my husbandCherry, who gave us permission to publish the storyCherry, saying: "Cherry wanted to tell the world about German New Medicine."


"I'm now cancer free!"

. .
I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 1998 - at the time it was stage 1. Before I did any research on my own, I was scared by my oncologist surgeon and rushed to have surgery. She recommended a lumpectomy and complete removal of the axillary lymph nodes. I agreed to have the tumor removed, but not the lymphectomy (there were too many horror stories about lymphedema). Against the advice of my oncologist, I refused all adjuvant therapy ( adjuvant therapies), because my research showed that they were not effective and most likely did more harm than good. I tried dozens of alternative treatments over the ensuing years, but my cancer progressed to stage IV. I had ulcers and suffered so much blood loss that I needed blood transfusions. About 4 years ago, I agreed with the doctors and began to receive radical treatment methods - radiation, which were much stronger than what is usually given for breast cancer. When the procedures were completed, I expected that my radiation oncologist would want to see me to evaluate my condition, but I was never called in for a single visit. I do, however, have monthly meetings with my GP. A year after my radiation treatment, I asked my GP why I had never been called in by the radiation oncologist. He stared at me and then after about 10 seconds asked, “You really don’t know?” I replied that I had no idea, and he calmly replied: “Well, you shouldn’t be alive already.” I was stunned. My response: “Well, that just wasn’t an option for me!”
Soon after my radiation treatment I learned about German New Medicine and resolved my emotional conflicts. That's when I started to heal. I am now cancer free! My current health problems are related to radiation therapy. I am finally almost healed from massive, painful skin ulcers that were caused by radiation. The radiation also caused moss teeth to decay at an alarming rate. I have already lost 3 teeth. My thyroid gland was also damaged by the radiation. I gained 80 pounds in 6 months and discovered that I now have hypothyroidism.
According to GNM, all illnesses occur due to emotional trauma (with the exception of illnesses caused by malnutrition, poisoning, mechanical injuries, etc.). To cure cancer, you must find the cause (the conflict) and resolve that conflict. During the healing phase, the body's own bacteria will degrade and break down the tumor. In German New Medicine there is no such thing as metastasis; new cancers are caused by new injuries. For example, some types of breast cancer can be caused by the death of a child, separation conflict. In GNM, so-called “breast cancer metastases” will not be caused by the breast cancer itself, but may be caused by secondary trauma, often due to the shock of the diagnosis.
Please check out . There are other testimonials about recovery from breast cancer, for example, a certificate Cherry Trumpower (above) is particularly persuasive, and who, by the way, was a patient of one of my alternative doctors. Cherry Trumpower put herself through a lot of suffering from conventional treatments before she was introduced to GNM. She was already completely cured of breast cancer when she died of respiratory complications from routine medical intervention - and it had nothing to do with cancer.

I can say quite a lot of good things about German New Medicine! I implore you, anyone reading this or who is suffering from cancer, please take the time to learn more about this and incorporate it into your healing strategy.

“Within 4 weeks, the swelling in her breasts was significantly smaller.”

For the past 18 years I have lived mainly in Thailand and I am married to a Thai woman. Since we were unable to have children ourselves, we have an adopted child. Last year I had to stay in Germany for eight months, which caused a lot of tension between me and my wife. However, this was the only possible solution because I had a lot of things to do in my homeland. Among other things, I was finally able to attend a GNM lecture and participate in a workshop. I have been familiar with the German New Medicine for about four years now and I am completely convinced of its effectiveness.

About 4 weeks ago, my wife complained of pain in her left breast and allowed me to feel the swelling she had been feeling for several days. She realized that she had to go to the doctor immediately to clarify the situation. With great patience, I explained the Special Biological Program (SBS) for breast cancer to her and by doing this, I was able to remove her fear. Then we racked our minds in search of any conflict that might have been responsible for this tumor.
Since my wife is right-handed, we knew it must be a mother/child conflict. Before I left for Germany, we decided that since my wife's mother had kidney problems, my wife would bring her to us and help her change her poor unhealthy eating habits. It was a huge success because... improvements began immediately.
However, after a good four months of staying at our house (in August) with my wife, her mother decided to return home, where she returned to her normal diet. My wife could not come to terms with her mother’s decision, and for some time she could not overcome herself and begin to communicate with her. This was the right decision, because in this way she was able to distance herself from the acute conflict and resolve it. Therefore, it was not strange that her symptoms appeared by January/February.
4 weeks after our conversation, my wife noticed that the swelling in her breast was significantly smaller and that the pain was less after just 2 weeks. She was delighted with this turn of events. Today the tumor can barely be felt, and she believes it will soon disappear completely.
It is unimaginable what would have happened if she had turned to traditional medicine (oncologist). First she would go into diagnostic shock, and then the inevitable “therapy”!
I am eternally grateful that I understand German New Medicine quite well and have already had the chance to experience the positive aspects of this invaluable knowledge.
I am confident that GNM will be a big part of what will soon lead to significant changes in our world, changes leading to a more humane future.
Herman Krause