Tale of Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf - Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf - Russian folk tale

The prince left the gray, inconspicuous building in very upset feelings, one might even say in despair. Despair resulted in angry spitting and unintelligible muttering, in which the hated names were thickly sprinkled with profanity; to put it simply, Ivan swore, but, as an intelligent person, he tried not to inadvertently splash the bitterness accumulated in the publishing offices at innocent passers-by. Among whom, by the way, there could be determined individuals, capable of responding to a random word with a non-accidental jab.

In any case, before sitting down on a bench in a nearby public garden, the Tsarevich glanced sideways at his neighbor, reducing both the intensity of the words he was saying and their intensity.

“Damn what’s going on here,” he said with a sigh. – Just some kind of Berendey kingdom, not a civilized country.

Ivanov’s neighbor said nothing, except for a slight shrug. A gesture that, in essence, meant neither approval nor censure. If desired, it could be taken both as a readiness for dialogue and as an attempt to avoid discussing other people's problems. Ivan really wanted to speak out, and best of all, without being too shy in his expressions. For this, at a minimum, a sensitive, understanding, and, if possible, intelligent soul was needed, but where to find such a soul in a city completely indifferent to the Tsarevich.

The neighbor did not look like an intellectual. In any case, he did not fit into the image created, by the way, by someone unknown, with the goal, as Ivan suspected, of discrediting the stratum in the eyes of the people. Ivan himself, by the way, was not a wimp, he never wore glasses, swore masterfully, had a higher education, but was not allowed into power and lost the right to be called the people, and therefore froze between these two powerful layers like a gasket. And the fact that this gasket had wings of creative imagination did not particularly excite anyone. The Tsarevich was not needed by either the authorities or the people; today he realized this with particular clarity, and the question “what to do?”, having lost its social significance, stood before him in all its individual nakedness. Moreover, it has already sharpened to the catastrophic cry of “how to live?”, both in spiritual and material terms. And the neighbor on the bench is most likely a military man. And not even because he is dressed in camouflage, but simply in his pose one can feel the solidity of an experienced man who has seen a lot of things. The figure, by the way, also inspired respect, as did the face, with regular features, but rather tough. The eyes were small and looked at Ivan with curiosity from under a wide, convex forehead.

“Wolf,” the stranger called himself. - And by name and patronymic? – polite Ivan asked. “Wolf is not a surname, it’s a profession,” the stranger responded calmly.

The prince felt a surge of pride: what does a writer’s eye mean! So, at a glance, not everyone can accurately determine a person’s profession. Well, clearly - special forces. Moreover, there is a wolf’s face on the camouflage sleeve. “Tsarevich,” Ivan introduced himself.

- Profession?

The prince laughed. He liked people with a sense of humor. It was alarming, however, that in the stranger’s gray eyes there was not even a shadow of amusement; rather, there was a chill of bewilderment there.

“Last name,” Ivan cleared his throat embarrassedly. – Many people, you know, think that this is a writer’s pseudonym. Journalists even chuckle. But this is really my last name, my mother and father awarded it. I can show you your passport too. What's your name anyway? “Vadim,” the stranger finally called himself. - Seasoned.

- And I’m Ivan. Let’s do it without patronymics and use “you” then.

The Tsarevich really wanted to know: “Skilled”, this is a surname or nickname, but it was awkward to ask, and therefore he decided to postpone clarifying this question until better times. If, of course, the acquaintance continues. In any case, Ivan became interested in the special forces soldier: the man had probably experienced a lot and knew a lot, perhaps it would be possible to extract material from him for a decent book. Well, how much can you write about all sorts of nonsense when real life is literally in full swing two steps away. The Tsarevich was inclined towards realism, editors and publishers pulled him into the swamp of fantasies, citing the needs of the market. Ivan was exhausted in the struggle. And, frankly speaking, my head refused to work in this direction. He wrote worse and worse, and he himself understood this very well.

- “Chronicle of the Berendey Kingdom” is your book, isn’t it? – the seasoned one was curious. “Mine,” Ivan nodded, who, by the way, was pleased that the clearly busy man not only read his book, but also remembered the title. “I want to create something for eternity, but here is the market.”

The seasoned man frowned, and a steely glint appeared in his eyes, which Ivan did not like:

- So you created the ghoul Senya? “Don’t worry your soul,” the Tsarevich waved his hand. - Spit and forget. - I would be glad to, but I can’t. This is my job.

To be honest, the ghoul was not very successful for the Tsarevich - primitive, stupid and bloodthirsty. The ghoul Mikheich was clearly prettier and livelier.

“I wouldn’t say it’s prettier, but it’s more lively, that’s for sure.” I was waiting for you here, Tsarevich. I wanted to consult. - And for what reason? – Ivan was confused. – Explain to me, dear friend, why does your witch need rejuvenating apples? It doesn't look old to you, does it?

No, Seasoned’s humor is all right. It’s true that it’s a kind of humor, but apparently the specifics of the profession leave their mark on a person. Writing affected the Tsarevich. Verka, for example, did not hesitate to express this to his face and, for clarity, twirled her finger at his temple. By the way, Ivan did not consider himself a psychopath, although, of course, there were some shortcomings. But, by the way, if you take the same Verka, then there’s a clinic there. Tsarevich wrote the witch Veronica with his former missus, so he didn’t have to come up with anything special. “There are two corpses on it,” Vadim sighed. “On Verka,” the Tsarevich gasped and immediately caught himself: “Come on, you’re making me nervous, gray wolf, I’m a creative, impressionable person.” Although my ex-wife is a bitch, she is not to the same degree of aggressiveness.

“We’re talking about Veronica,” explained the Seasoned. - And I’m not a Gray Wolf, but a White Wolf. I told you, this is my profession. So why does she need rejuvenating apples?

And the devil knows why the Tsarevich put these apples there. The novel was intended to have a sequel, but the continuation did not work out for Ivan, he spat on it, took up another novel, and it seems that both readers and publishers have already forgotten about this. And Ivan himself, who was sincerely grateful to them for this, was all the more unwilling to return to the plot, which no longer caused anything in it except a headache. But it turns out that there was a reader who reminded the forgetful writer of his debts and, admittedly, reminded him in a very original way. This special forces soldier is clearly not devoid of imagination and a certain amount of artistry. He played everything out like clockwork and even slightly embarrassed Ivan, who was not used to confusing the fictional world with wretched reality.

– I understand that you, as a reader, are curious about how it ended, but, sorry, my creative imagination has dried up.

“But she hasn’t dried up in Veronica.” I'm not joking with you, Ivan Tsarevich. The matter is too serious.

Judging by his face and eyes, he really wasn’t joking. He didn't seem like he was going crazy either. Then what the hell does he want? What kind of corpses can literary characters actually leave behind? Pig nonsense!

“Read this note,” Vadim handed Ivan a piece of paper covered in small, beaded handwriting.

The note was in the style of the ghoul Mikheich, or rather in the style of the writer Tsarevich. And the author of the message says hello not to anyone, but to his creator. -Where did you find the note? - On a corpse.

The Tsarevich even grunted with chagrin: he was in such a mess! Surely some jokers, or even just maniacs, read his unfortunate novel on the occasion and are now venting to their own pleasure. Now the times have come! In nature, the Berendey kingdom.

The prince looked around the small square, which was not too crowded in the afternoon, but did not find anything remarkable, much less unusual. The square is like a square, and the people around are normal: two young mothers pushing strollers along the paths, three old women gossiping about something on a nearby bench. Pigeons also calmly look for something of their own and very important in the sunflower husks, without being frightened by people lazily wandering past. A trolleybus passed by, its horns flashing. So what does the ghoul Mikheich have to do with it, and who needed it anyway?

All children, without exception, like Russian folk tales. Why does this happen? Because they are very kind and cheerful, they teach children from a very early age to distinguish good from evil, instill good qualities, and are very instructive. In Russian fairy tales there are many positive characters who resist the forces of evil.

In our work, we propose to consider the description of Ivan Tsarevich. We chose this particular character due to the fact that he most often appears on the pages of works not only of Russian folk art, but also in the works of Khudyakov, Afanasyev and other authors.

Who is this

Ivan Tsarevich has been around as a beloved hero since the mid-eighteenth century. Fairy tales with this character are numerous and were written by different authors. Of course, I want to learn more about him and figure out which side he belongs to - dark or light.

To understand this, let's analyze the fairy tales where our hero meets, trace his evolution and draw conclusions. First, let's describe Ivan Tsarevich. He always appears before us in the same guise: a young, fair-haired and very brave young man. Often our character is subject to reincarnation, he is helped by amazing servants, fairy tales with his participation are always full of various trials and adventures. In addition, the hero always has a difficult life. He is forced to go on adventures full of danger in order to fulfill someone's instructions or simply because he was kicked out of his home for some offense.

Looking at the description of Ivan Tsarevich, what he was like externally, little information can be found, but the internal qualities of the hero are expressed in all their glory.


As mentioned earlier, the description of Ivan Tsarevich is the same everywhere. As a rule, he does not know about his real roots. He becomes aware of this only after the end of the fairy tale. His awards:

  • strange animal;
  • marriage to the king's daughter;
  • half a kingdom and so on.

He is always helped by his faithful servants (pike, Gray Wolf, Sivka-Burka and many other characters). He performs all the feats described in fairy tales in order to save a girl who was captured by some villain. Most often, Koschey acts as the enemy of Ivan Tsarevich.

The description of Ivan Tsarevich can be imagined as follows: a fearless, intelligent and brave young man. His image is often found in fairy tales with the following plot: a thief appears in the royal garden, not just any kind, but the Firebird herself. Our hero and his brothers go in search of her. The paths often diverge, but Ivan Tsarevich meets his assistant Gray Wolf, who helps him find not only the bird, but also the bride. Fairy tales always end with the exposure of the evil brothers and a luxurious feast.


Who was Ivan Tsarevich? The description of the hero of the fairy tale regarding the pedigree is presented as follows:

  • son of the king;
  • youngest of three brothers;
  • often, even before his birth, the father promises to give his son away;
  • the most stupid, but good-natured and selfless person;

Although at the beginning the fairy tale presents him unfavorably against the background of his brothers, thanks to his inner qualities he always emerges victorious from all situations.

As a result, he gets such wives as Elena the Beautiful, Vasilisa the Wise or Marya Morevna. The brothers are left with nothing because of their bitterness and cowardice.

Ivan Tsarevich as a negative character

There are also works where our hero is presented as negative. For example, a fairy tale about Ivan, the fisherman's son. In it, Ivan Tsarevich appears to us in the image of an evil and treacherous hero who wants to kill positive characters, take possession of their wealth and take away their reward.

The ending in this case looks something like this: Ivan Tsarevich is disgraced and punished, but not killed. Nevertheless, our hero is remembered from a positive side; this example is an exception that occurs quite rarely.

The plot of fairy tales with our character is almost always the same, only the characters and their names change. Russian folk tales remind children that not only good, but also evil exists on earth. But good always wins.

We are convinced that our hero still occupies the place of a positive character in Russian fairy tales. In his heart he will forever remain a young, kind, strong and brave young man, selflessly helping people in trouble.

Once upon a time there lived a Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; There grew in that garden an apple tree with golden apples.

Someone began to visit the royal garden and steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can track the thief.

The king stopped drinking and eating and became sad. The father's sons console:

- Our dear father, don’t be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

The eldest son says:

“Today it’s my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.”

The eldest son went. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he didn’t track anyone, he fell down on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

“Come on, won’t you make me happy: have you seen the kidnapper?”

- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, and I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went on guard and also slept all night, and the next morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come to go and guard my younger brother. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers’ garden and was afraid to even sit down, let alone lie down. As soon as sleep overcomes him, he will wash the dew from the grass, sleep and away from his eyes.

Half the night has passed, and it seems to him that there is light in the garden. Lighter and lighter. The whole garden lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on an apple tree and pecking at golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The firebird perked up and flew away, leaving only one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

- Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

- Dear father, I didn’t catch him, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This is it, father. Firebird.

The king took this feather and from that time began to drink, and eat, and not know sadness. So one fine time he thought about this Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

“My dear children, if only you could saddle good horses, travel around the world, get to know places, and not attack the Firebird somewhere.”

The children bowed to their father, saddled good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time or a short time. It was a summer day. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell to sleep.

How much or how much time has passed, Tsarevich Ivan woke up and saw that the horse was gone. I went to look for him, walked and walked and found my horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad: where to go so far without a horse?

“Well, he thinks he’s got it, there’s nothing to do.”

And he went on foot. He walked and walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and sat sadly. Out of nowhere a gray wolf runs towards him:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting there sad and hanging your head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me why you went into the distance, where are you going?

— My father sent me to travel around the world to find the Firebird.

- Fu, fu, you won’t be able to reach the Firebird on your good horse at three years old. I'm the only one who knows where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Sit on me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat astride him, a gray wolf, and galloped off - letting the blue forests pass his eyes, sweeping the lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach the high fortress? The gray wolf says:

- Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, don’t be afraid - it’s a good time, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the mansion, on the window there is a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Firebird. Take the bird, put it in your bosom, but be careful not to touch the cage!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall and saw this tower - there was a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird was sitting in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and looked at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, how golden, precious! How can you not take one like this!” And he forgot that the wolf was punishing him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am the son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan Tsarevich.

- Oh, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.

- So, when your bird was flying, it was ruining our garden?

“If you had come to me and asked in good conscience, I would have given her away, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey.” And now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, oh well, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I’ll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad and went to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:

“I told you, don’t move the cage!” Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- That's it, sorry... Okay, sit on me. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long or short does it take them to reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands?

- Climb over the wall, Ivan Tsarevich, the guards are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but be careful not to touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen were sleeping, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was decorated with gold and expensive stones; The golden-maned horse can only walk in it.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am Ivan Tsarevich.

- Eka, what nonsense did you undertake - steal a horse! A simple man will not agree to this. Well, okay, I’ll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a service. The king of Dalmatia has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more sad and went to the gray wolf.

“I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don’t touch the bridle!” You didn't listen to my order.

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- Sorry... Okay, sit on my back.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. They reach the king of Dalmatia. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful is walking with her mothers and nannies. Gray Wolf says:

“This time I won’t let you in, I’ll go myself.” And you go back on your way, I’ll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back the way, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers and nannies. She walked and walked and just fell behind her mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back, and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is walking along the road, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf said to him:

- Get on me quickly, as if we are not being chased.

The gray wolf rushed with Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful on the way back - he missed the blue forests past his eyes, swept rivers and lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach King Kusman? Gray wolf asks:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich became silent and sad?

- How can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I exchange Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf answers:

“I won’t separate you from such beauty—we’ll hide it somewhere, and I’ll turn into Helen the Beautiful, and you lead me to the king.”

Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The gray wolf turned over his head and became exactly like Elena the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted and began to thank him:

- Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they rode on their way.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until the evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful into the bedroom, but just lay down on the bed with her, and looked - a wolf’s face instead of a young wife? The king fell out of bed in fear, and the wolf ran away.

The gray wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:

- What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?

- How can I not think? It’s a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to exchange it for the Firebird.

- Don’t be sad, I’ll help you.

Now they reach King Afron. The wolf says:

“You hide this horse and Helen the Beautiful, and I will turn into a golden-maned horse, you lead me to King Afron.”

They hid Helen the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw himself over his back and turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with the golden cage.

Ivan Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, put Elena the Beautiful on a golden-maned horse, took the golden cage with the Firebird and rode the road to his native side.

And King Afron ordered a gift horse to be brought to him and just wanted to mount it - the horse turned into a gray wolf. The Tsar, out of fear, fell where he stood, and the gray wolf took off running and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

Ivan Tsarevich dismounted from his horse and bowed to the ground three times, respectfully thanking the gray wolf. And he says:

“Don’t say goodbye to me forever, I’ll still be useful to you.”

Ivan Tsarevich thinks: “Where else will you be useful? All my wishes are fulfilled." He sat on the golden-maned horse, and again he and Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird, rode off. He reached his homeland and decided to take a break. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers ran into him. They traveled to other lands, looked for the Firebird, and returned empty-handed. They arrived and saw that everything had been obtained from Ivan Tsarevich. So they agreed:

- Let's kill our brother, all the spoils will be ours.

They made up their minds and killed Ivan Tsarevich. They sat on a golden-maned horse, took the Firebird, put Elena the Beautiful on the horse and frightened her:

- Don’t say anything at home!

Ivan Tsarevich lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere a gray wolf came running and grabbed the raven and the crow.

- You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will release your little crow.

The raven, having nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little raven. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on Tsarevich Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

- Oh, I slept soundly!..

“You slept soundly,” says the gray wolf. “If it weren’t for me, I wouldn’t have woken up at all.” Your brothers killed you and took away all your loot. Hurry up and sit on me.

They galloped in pursuit and overtook both brothers. Then the gray wolf tore them to pieces and scattered the pieces across the field.

Ivan Tsarevich bowed to the gray wolf and said goodbye to him forever. Ivan Tsarevich returned home on a golden-maned horse, brought the Firebird to his father, and his bride, Elena the Beautiful, to himself.

Tsar Berendey was delighted and began to ask his son. Ivan Tsarevich began to tell how the gray wolf helped him get his prey, and how his brothers killed him while sleepy, and how the gray wolf tore them to pieces.

Tsar Berendey grieved and was soon consoled. And Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, and they began to live and live without sorrow.

Alternative text:

— Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Tolstoy.

— Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Afanasyev.

Dear friend, we want to believe that reading the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” will be interesting and exciting for you. And the thought comes, and behind it the desire, to plunge into this fabulous and incredible world, to win the love of a modest and wise princess. The plot is simple and as old as the world, but each new generation finds in it something relevant and useful. Folk legend cannot lose its vitality, due to the inviolability of such concepts as friendship, compassion, courage, bravery, love and sacrifice. With the virtuosity of a genius, portraits of the heroes are depicted, their appearance, rich inner world, they “breathe life” into the creation and the events taking place in it. The desire to convey a deep moral assessment of the actions of the main character, which encourages one to rethink oneself, was crowned with success. An important role for children’s perception is played by visual images, of which this work abounds, quite successfully. The fairy tale “Ivan the Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” should certainly be read for free online not by children alone, but in the presence or under the guidance of their parents.

Once upon a time there was a king Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; There grew in that garden an apple tree with golden apples.

Someone began to visit the royal garden and steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can track the thief.

The king stopped drinking and eating and became sad. The father's sons console:

- Our dear father, don’t be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

The eldest son says:

“Today it’s my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.”

The eldest son went. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he didn’t track anyone, he fell down on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

“Come on, won’t you make me happy: have you seen the kidnapper?”

- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, and I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went on guard and also slept all night, and the next morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come to go and guard my younger brother. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers’ garden and was afraid to even sit down, let alone lie down. As soon as sleep overcomes him, he will wash the dew from the grass, sleep and away from his eyes.

Half the night has passed, and it seems to him that there is light in the garden. Lighter and lighter. The whole garden lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on an apple tree and pecking at golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The firebird perked up and flew away, leaving only one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

- Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

- Dear father, I didn’t catch him, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This is it, father. Firebird.

The king took this feather and from that time began to drink, and eat, and not know sadness. So one fine time he thought about this Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

“My dear children, if only you could saddle good horses, travel around the world, get to know places, and not attack the Firebird somewhere.”

The children bowed to their father, saddled good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time or a short time. It was a summer day. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell to sleep.

How much or how much time has passed, Tsarevich Ivan woke up and saw that the horse was gone. I went to look for him, walked and walked and found my horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad: where to go so far without a horse?

“Well, he thinks he’s taken it - there’s nothing to do.”

And he went on foot. He walked and walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and sat sadly. Out of nowhere a gray wolf runs towards him:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting there sad and hanging your head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me why you went into the distance, where are you going?

— My father sent me to travel around the world to find the Firebird.

- Fu, fu, you won’t be able to reach the Firebird on your good horse at three years old. I'm the only one who knows where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Sit on me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat astride him, a gray wolf, and galloped off - letting the blue forests pass his eyes, sweeping the lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach the high fortress? The gray wolf says:

- Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, don’t be afraid - it’s a good time, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the mansion, on the window there is a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Firebird. Take the bird, put it in your bosom, but be careful not to touch the cage!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall and saw this tower - there was a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird was sitting in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and looked at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can you not take one!” And he forgot that the wolf was punishing him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am the son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan Tsarevich.

- Oh, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.

- So, when your bird was flying, it was ruining our garden?

“If you had come to me and asked in good conscience, I would have given her away, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey.” And now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, oh well, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I’ll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad and went to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:

“I told you, don’t move the cage!” Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- That's it, sorry... Okay, sit on me. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long or short does it take them to reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands?

- Climb over the wall, Ivan Tsarevich, the guards are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but be careful not to touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen were sleeping, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was decorated with gold and expensive stones; The golden-maned horse can only walk in it.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am Ivan Tsarevich.

- Eka, what nonsense did you undertake - steal a horse! A simple man will not agree to this. Well, okay, I’ll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a service. The king of Dalmatia has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more sad and went to the gray wolf.

“I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don’t touch the bridle!” You didn't listen to my order.

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- Sorry... Okay, sit on my back.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. They reach the king of Dalmatia. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful is walking with her mothers and nannies. Gray Wolf says:

“This time I won’t let you in, I’ll go myself.” And you go back on your way, I’ll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back the way, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers and nannies. She walked and walked and just fell behind her mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back, and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is walking along the road, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf said to him:

- Get on me quickly, as if we are not being chased.

The gray wolf rushed with Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful on the way back - he missed the blue forests past his eyes, swept rivers and lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach King Kusman? Gray wolf asks:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich became silent and sad?

- How can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I exchange Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf answers:

“I won’t separate you from such beauty—we’ll hide it somewhere, and I’ll turn into Helen the Beautiful, and you lead me to the king.”

Here they hid Elena the Beautiful in a forest hut. The gray wolf turned over his head and became exactly like Elena the Beautiful. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Kusman. The king was delighted and began to thank him:

- Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they rode on their way.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until the evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful into the bedroom, but just lay down on the bed with her, and looked - a wolf’s face instead of a young wife? The king fell out of bed in fear, and the wolf ran away.

The gray wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:

- What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?

- How can I not think? It’s a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to exchange it for the Firebird.

- Don’t be sad, I’ll help you.

Now they reach King Afron. The wolf says:

“You hide this horse and Helen the Beautiful, and I will turn into a golden-maned horse, you lead me to King Afron.”

They hid Helen the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw himself over his back and turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with the golden cage.


Ivan the Tsarevich, the Firebird and the Gray Wolf

The king stopped drinking and eating and became sad. The father's sons console:

Our dear father, don’t be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

The eldest son says:

Today is my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.

In the morning the king asks him:

Come on, won't you make me happy: have you seen the kidnapper?

No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, and I didn’t see anyone.

Half the night has passed, and it seems to him that there is light in the garden. Lighter and lighter. The whole garden lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on an apple tree and pecking at golden apples.

Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

Dear father, I didn’t catch him, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This is it, father. Firebird.

My dear children, if only you could saddle good horses, travel around the world, get to know places, and not attack the Firebird somewhere.

How much or how much time has passed, Ivan Tsarevich woke up and saw that the horse was gone. I went to look for him, walked and walked and found my horse - only gnawed bones.

“Well, he thinks he’s taken it - there’s nothing to do.”

And he went on foot. He walked and walked, tired to death. He sat down on the soft grass and sat sadly. Out of nowhere a gray wolf runs towards him:

Why, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting there looking sad and hanging your head?

How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me why you went into the distance, where are you going?

My father sent me to travel around the world to find the Firebird.

Fu, fu, you won’t be able to reach the Firebird on your good horse at three years old. I'm the only one who knows where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Sit on me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat astride him, a gray wolf, and galloped off - letting the blue forests pass his eyes, sweeping the lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach the high fortress? The gray wolf says:

Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, don’t be afraid - it’s a good time, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the mansion, on the window there is a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Firebird. Take the bird, put it in your bosom, but be careful not to touch the cage!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall and saw this tower - there was a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird was sitting in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and looked at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, what a golden, precious one! How can one not take one!” And he forgot that the wolf was punishing him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am the son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan Tsarevich.

Oh, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.

So, when your bird flew, it ruined our garden?

And you would have come to me, asked in good conscience, I would have given it away, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey. And now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, oh well, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I’ll give you the Firebird with the cage.

I told you, don't move the cage! Why didn't you listen to my order?

Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

That's it, I'm sorry... Okay, sit on me. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long or short does it take them to reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands?

Climb over the wall, Ivan Tsarevich, the watchmen are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but be careful not to touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen were sleeping, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was decorated with gold and expensive stones; The golden-maned horse can only walk in it.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

Whose are you, where are you from?

I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Eka, what nonsense did you undertake - steal a horse! A simple man will not agree to this. Well, okay, I’ll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a service. The king of Dalmatia has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don’t touch the bridle! You didn't listen to my order.

Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

I'm sorry... Okay, sit on my back.

This time I won’t let you in, I’ll go myself. And you go back on your way, I’ll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back the way, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers and nannies. She walked and walked and just fell behind her mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back, and ran away.

Get on me quickly, as if we are not being chased.

The gray wolf rushed with Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful on the way back - he missed the blue forests past his eyes, sweeping rivers and lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach King Kusman? Gray wolf asks:

What, Tsarevich Ivan fell silent and became sad?

How can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I exchange Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf answers:

I won’t separate you from such beauty - we’ll hide it somewhere, and I’ll turn into Helen the Beautiful, and you lead me to the king.

Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until the evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful into the bedroom, but just lay down on the bed with her, and looked - a wolf’s face instead of a young wife? The king fell out of bed in fear, and the wolf ran away.

What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?

How can I not think? It is a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to exchange it for the Firebird.

Don't be sad, I will help you.

You hide this horse and Helen the Beautiful, and I will turn into a golden-maned horse, you lead me to King Afron.

And King Afron ordered a gift horse to be brought to him and just wanted to mount it - the horse turned into a gray wolf. The Tsar, out of fear, fell where he stood, and the gray wolf took off running and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

Don’t say goodbye to me forever, I’ll still be useful to you.

Ivan Tsarevich thinks: “Where else will you be useful? All my desires are fulfilled.” He sat on the golden-maned horse, and again he and Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird, rode off. He reached his homeland and decided to take a break. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers ran into him. They traveled to other lands, looked for the Firebird, and returned empty-handed. They arrived and saw that everything had been obtained from Ivan Tsarevich. So they agreed:

Let's kill our brother, all the spoils will be ours.

Don't say anything at home!

Ivan Tsarevich lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere a gray wolf came running and grabbed the raven and the crow.

Fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will release your little crow.

The raven, having nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little raven. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on Tsarevich Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

Oh, I slept soundly!..

“You slept soundly,” says the gray wolf. “If it weren’t for me, I wouldn’t have woken up at all.” Your brothers killed you and took away all your loot. Hurry up and sit on me.

They galloped in pursuit and overtook both brothers. Then the gray wolf tore them to pieces and scattered the pieces across the field.

Ivan Tsarevich bowed to the gray wolf and said goodbye to him forever. Ivan Tsarevich returned home on a golden-maned horse, brought the Firebird to his father, and his bride, Elena the Beautiful, to himself.

Tsar Berendey was delighted and began to ask his son. Ivan Tsarevich began to tell how the gray wolf helped him get his prey, and how his brothers killed him while sleepy, and how the gray wolf tore them to pieces.

Tsar Berendey grieved and was soon consoled. And Ivan Tsarevich married Elena the Beautiful, and they began to live and live without sorrow.

The daughter of a czar - czarevna (tsarevna), the sonof a czar - czarev ich (tsarevich).

THE FIRE BIRD (The tale of Ivan Tsarevich, the Firebird and the gray wolf)

In a far away land a thief was stealing golden apples which had the power of bestowing youth and beauty from Tsar Berendey`s magic Garden. The guards of the Tsar were unable to stop this, for as hard as they tried, the thief always got away. None of the guards could even see this thief. The Tsar was frustrated for he needed the golden apples for himself, as he was married to a very beautiful young Queen.

The only person who spotted the thief was the Tsar’s son, Prince Ivan Tsarevich. As the night came upon the Garden, the young Tsarevich hid under a water bucket and listened closely to every sound around him. At dawn, the Prince almost fell asleep, but the silence was broken by a magical being. The Prince pulled the water bucket up slightly so he could just see through the thin opening. And there it was; The Fire Bird.

In the depth of night the Fire Bird would fly into the garden with its feathers blazing with a silvery of golden sheen. Its eyes were shining like crystals and would light the place as brightly as a thousand burning fires. The Tsarevich crawled up to the unsuspecting bird, and rushed to grab it by the tail.

The next day Prince Ivan told his father the old Tsar, about the Fire Bird. He showed his father the only feather he had managed to get from the Bird’s tail. As the Bird was too smart and flew away. From that day on the Tsar was obsessed with the idea of ​​capturing the Fire Bird for himself. In order to find the Bird he sent his three sons on a journey to another Kingdom.

Ivan Tsarevich’s adventure begins when after a long day’s ride he falls asleep, only to awake in the morning and find his horse gone. Wondering through the woods he meets a gray wolf who confesses that he ate the horse.

The Prince warned by the Gray Wolf to take only the bird, and not the cage, takes the cage as well and triggers an alarm. Captured by Tsar Afron, he is told that in order to have the Fire Bird he must pay for it with the Horse of the Golden Mane, which is in possession of Tsar Kusman.

The Gray Wolf carries Ivan to Kusman’s palace and advises him to acquire the horse but not the bridle. Once again the Prince is tempted by the gold and diamonds in the bridle, so he ignores the advice. He again becomes captured by Kusman, who now says he will only give him the horse in exchange for the fair Princess Elena, who was residing with Tsar Dalmat.

This time the wolf does the work himself and seizes Elena. He brings her back to Ivan and the Prince falls in love with her. The wolf offers to trick Kusman by assuming Elena’s shape and also to trick Afron too by assuming the form of the horse.

Ivan returns, with Elena, the horse and the Fire Bird, however when the wolf leaves him he is ambushed and killed by his brothers.

The wolf then returns and revives him with the Waters of Life and Death, the brothers are banished, and Ivan Tsarevich meets Tsar Berendey to tell his tragic story. When the Tsar’s grief fades, the Prince marries Elena the Fair and they lived happily ever after.


Russian folk tale processed by A.N. Tolstoy:

Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf

Russian folk tale

Once upon a time there lived a Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was called Ivan.

And the king had a magnificent garden; There grew in that garden an apple tree with golden apples.

Someone began to visit the royal garden and steal golden apples. The king felt sorry for his garden. He sends guards there. No guards can track the thief.

The king stopped drinking and eating and became sad. The father's sons console:

- Our dear father, don’t be sad, we ourselves will guard the garden.

The eldest son says:

“Today it’s my turn, I’ll go guard the garden from the kidnapper.”

The eldest son went. No matter how much he walked in the evening, he didn’t track anyone, he fell down on the soft grass and fell asleep.

In the morning the king asks him:

“Come on, won’t you make me happy: have you seen the kidnapper?”

- No, dear father, I didn’t sleep all night, I didn’t close my eyes, and I didn’t see anyone.

The next night the middle son went on guard and also slept all night, and the next morning he said that he had not seen the kidnapper.

The time has come to go and guard my younger brother. Ivan Tsarevich went to guard his fathers’ garden and was afraid to even sit down, let alone lie down. As soon as sleep overcomes him, he will wash the dew from the grass, sleep and away from his eyes.

Half the night has passed, and it seems to him that there is light in the garden. Lighter and lighter. The whole garden lit up. He sees the Firebird sitting on an apple tree and pecking at golden apples.

Ivan Tsarevich quietly crawled to the apple tree and caught the bird by the tail. The firebird perked up and flew away, leaving only one feather from its tail in his hand.

The next morning Ivan Tsarevich comes to his father.

- Well, my dear Vanya, have you seen the kidnapper?

- Dear father, I didn’t catch him, but I traced who was ruining our garden. I brought you a memory from the kidnapper. This, father, is the Firebird.

The king took this feather and from that time began to drink, and eat, and not know sadness. So one fine time he thought about this Firebird.

He called his sons and said to them:

“My dear children, if only you could saddle good horses, travel around the world, get to know places, and not attack the Firebird somewhere.”

The children bowed to their father, saddled good horses and set off on their journey: the eldest in one direction, the middle one in the other, and Ivan Tsarevich in the third direction.

Ivan Tsarevich rode for a long time or a short time. It was a summer day. Ivan Tsarevich got tired, got off his horse, confused him, and fell to sleep.

How much or how much time has passed, Tsarevich Ivan woke up and saw that the horse was gone. I went to look for him, walked and walked and found my horse - only gnawed bones.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad: where to go so far without a horse?

“Well,” he thinks, “he’s taken it - there’s nothing to do.”

And he went on foot.

He walked and walked, tired to death.

He sat down on the soft grass and sat sadly.

Out of nowhere, a gray wolf runs towards him:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich, are you sitting there sad and hanging your head?

- How can I not be sad, gray wolf? I was left without a good horse.

- It was I, Ivan Tsarevich, who ate your horse... I feel sorry for you! Tell me why you went into the distance, where are you going?

— My father sent me to travel around the world to find the Firebird.

- Fu, fu, you won’t be able to reach the Firebird on your good horse at three years old. I'm the only one who knows where she lives. So be it - I ate your horse, I will serve you faithfully. Sit on me and hold on tight.

Ivan Tsarevich sat astride him, a gray wolf, and galloped off - letting the blue forests pass his eyes, sweeping the lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach the high fortress? The gray wolf says:

- Listen to me, Ivan Tsarevich, remember: climb over the wall, don’t be afraid - it’s a good time, all the watchmen are sleeping. You will see a window in the mansion, on the window there is a golden cage, and in the cage sits the Firebird. Take the bird, put it in your bosom, but be careful not to touch the cage!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the wall and saw this tower - there was a golden cage on the window, and the Firebird was sitting in the cage. He took the bird, put it in his bosom, and looked at the cage. His heart flared up: “Oh, how golden, precious! How can you not take one like this!” And he forgot that the wolf was punishing him. As soon as he touched the cage, a sound went through the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Afron.

King Afron became angry and asked:

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am the son of Tsar Berendey, Ivan Tsarevich.

- Oh, what a shame! The king's son went to steal.

- So, when your bird was flying, it was ruining our garden?

“If you had come to me and asked in good conscience, I would have given her away, out of respect for your parent, Tsar Berendey.” And now I’ll spread a bad reputation about you throughout all the cities... Well, okay, if you do me a service, I’ll forgive you. In such and such a kingdom, King Kusman has a golden-maned horse. Bring him to me, then I’ll give you the Firebird with the cage.

Ivan Tsarevich became sad and went to the gray wolf. And the wolf to him:

“I told you, don’t move the cage!” Why didn't you listen to my order?

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- That's it, sorry... Okay, sit on me. I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. How long does it take for them to reach the fortress where the golden-maned horse stands?

- Climb over the wall, Ivan Tsarevich, the guards are sleeping, go to the stable, take the horse, but be careful not to touch the bridle!

Ivan Tsarevich climbed into the fortress, where all the watchmen were sleeping, went into the stable, caught a golden-maned horse, and coveted the bridle - it was decorated with gold and expensive stones; The golden-maned horse can only walk in it.

Ivan Tsarevich touched the bridle, a sound spread throughout the fortress: trumpets sounded, drums beat, the guards woke up, grabbed Ivan Tsarevich and led him to Tsar Kusman.

- Whose are you, where are you from?

- I am Ivan Tsarevich.

- Eka, what nonsense did you undertake - steal a horse! A simple man will not agree to this. Well, okay, I’ll forgive you, Ivan Tsarevich, if you do me a service. The king of Dalmatia has a daughter, Elena the Beautiful. Kidnap her, bring her to me, I will give you a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich became even more sad and went to the gray wolf.

“I told you, Ivan Tsarevich, don’t touch the bridle!” You didn't listen to my order.

- Well, forgive me, forgive me, gray wolf.

- That's it, I'm sorry... Okay, sit on my back.

Again the gray wolf galloped with Ivan Tsarevich. They reach the king of Dalmatia. In his fortress in the garden, Elena the Beautiful is walking with her mothers and nannies. Gray Wolf says:

“This time I won’t let you in, I’ll go myself.” And you go back on your way, I’ll catch up with you soon.

Ivan Tsarevich went back the way, and the gray wolf jumped over the wall - and into the garden. He sat down behind a bush and looked: Elena the Beautiful came out with her mothers and nannies. She walked and walked and just fell behind her mothers and nannies, the gray wolf grabbed Elena the Beautiful, threw her over her back, and ran away.

Ivan Tsarevich is walking along the road, suddenly a gray wolf overtakes him, Elena the Beautiful is sitting on him. Ivan Tsarevich was delighted, and the gray wolf said to him:

- Get on me quickly, as if we are not being chased.

The gray wolf rushed with Ivan Tsarevich and Elena the Beautiful on the way back - he missed the blue forests past his eyes, swept rivers and lakes with his tail. How long or short does it take them to reach King Kusman? Gray wolf asks:

- What, Ivan Tsarevich became silent and sad?

- How can I, gray wolf, not be sad? How can I part with such beauty? How will I exchange Elena the Beautiful for a horse?

The gray wolf answers:

“I won’t separate you from such beauty—we’ll hide it somewhere, and I’ll turn into Helen the Beautiful, and you lead me to the king.”

- Thank you, Ivan Tsarevich, for getting me a bride. Get a golden-maned horse with a bridle.

Ivan Tsarevich mounted this horse and rode after Elena the Beautiful. He took her, put her on a horse, and they rode on their way.

And Tsar Kusman arranged a wedding, feasted all day until the evening, and when he had to go to bed, he took Elena the Beautiful into the bedroom, but just lay down on the bed with her, and looked - a wolf’s face instead of a young wife! The king fell out of bed in fear, and the wolf ran away.

The gray wolf catches up with Ivan Tsarevich and asks:

- What are you thinking about, Ivan Tsarevich?

- How can I not think? It’s a pity to part with such a treasure - a golden-maned horse, to exchange it for the Firebird.

- Don’t be sad, I’ll help you.

Now they reach King Afron. The wolf says:

“You hide this horse and Helen the Beautiful, and I will turn into a golden-maned horse, you lead me to King Afron.”

They hid Helen the Beautiful and the golden-maned horse in the forest. The gray wolf threw himself over his back and turned into a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich took him to Tsar Afron. The king was delighted and gave him the Firebird with the golden cage.

Ivan Tsarevich returned on foot to the forest, put Elena the Beautiful on a golden-maned horse, took the golden cage with the Firebird and rode the road to his native side.

And King Afron ordered a gift horse to be brought to him and just wanted to mount it - the horse turned into a gray wolf. The Tsar, out of fear, fell where he stood, and the gray wolf took off running and soon caught up with Ivan Tsarevich.

“Now goodbye, I can’t go any further.”

Ivan Tsarevich dismounted from his horse and bowed to the ground three times, respectfully thanking the gray wolf. And he says:

“Don’t say goodbye to me forever, I’ll still be useful to you.”

Ivan Tsarevich thinks: “Where else will you be useful? All my wishes are fulfilled." He sat on the golden-maned horse, and again he and Elena the Beautiful, with the Firebird, rode off. He reached his homeland and decided to take a break. He had some bread with him. Well, they ate, drank spring water and lay down to rest.

As soon as Ivan Tsarevich fell asleep, his brothers ran into him. They traveled to other lands, looked for the Firebird, and returned empty-handed. They arrived and saw that everything had been obtained from Ivan Tsarevich. So they agreed:

- Let's kill our brother, all the spoils will be ours.

They made up their minds and killed Ivan Tsarevich. They sat on a golden-maned horse, took the Firebird, put Elena the Beautiful on the horse and frightened her:

- Don’t say anything at home!

Ivan Tsarevich lies dead, crows are already flying over him. Out of nowhere, a gray wolf came running and grabbed the raven and the crow.

- You fly, raven, for living and dead water. Bring me living and dead water, then I will release your little crow.

The raven, having nothing to do, flew away, and the wolf held his little raven. Whether the raven flew for a long time or for a short time, he brought living and dead water. The gray wolf sprinkled dead water on Tsarevich Ivan's wounds, the wounds healed; sprinkled him with living water - Ivan Tsarevich came to life.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state there lived a king named Vyslav Andronovich. He had three prince sons: the first was Dimitri Tsarevich, the second was Vasily Tsarevich, and the third was Ivan Tsarevich. That Tsar Vyslav Andronovich had a garden so rich that no other state had it better; in that garden grew various expensive trees with and without fruits, and the king had one favorite apple tree, and on that apple tree all golden apples grew. The firebird got into the habit of flying into Tsar Slav’s garden; she has golden feathers, and her eyes are like oriental crystal. She flew into that garden every night and landed on Tsar Vyslav’s favorite apple tree, picked golden apples from it and flew away again. Tsar Vyslav Andronovich was very upset about that apple tree, because the firebird plucked many apples from it; why he called his three sons to him and said to them: “My dear children! Which of you can catch the firebird in my garden? Whoever catches her alive, during my lifetime I will give half of the kingdom, and after death, all of it.” Then his princely children cried out unanimously: “Dear sir, father, your royal majesty! With great joy we will try to catch the firebird alive.”

On the first night, Tsarevich Dimitri went to guard the garden and, sitting down under the apple tree from which the firebird was plucking apples, fell asleep and did not hear how that firebird flew in and plucked a lot of apples. In the morning, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich called his son Dimitri the Tsarevich to him and asked: “What, my dear son, have you seen the firebird or not?” He answered his parent: “No, dear sir! She didn’t arrive that night.” The next night, Tsarevich Vasily went into the garden to guard the firebird. He sat down under the same apple tree and, sitting for an hour the next night, fell asleep so soundly that he did not hear the firebird fly in and pluck the apples. In the morning, Tsar Vyslav called him to him and asked: “What, my dear son, have you seen the firebird or not?” - “Dear sir-father! She didn’t arrive that night.”

On the third night, Ivan Tsarevich went into the garden to keep watch and sat down under the same apple tree; He sat for an hour, two and three - suddenly the whole garden lit up as if it had been illuminated by many lights: a firebird flew in, sat on the apple tree and began to pluck the apples. Ivan Tsarevich crept up on her so skillfully that he grabbed her by the tail; however, he could not hold it: the firebird escaped and flew, and Ivan Tsarevich had only one tail feather left in his hand, which he held on very tightly. In the morning, as soon as Tsar Vyslav woke up from sleep, Ivan Tsarevich went to him and gave him the feather of the firebird. Tsar Vyslav was very pleased that his youngest son managed to get at least one feather from the firebird. This feather was so wonderful and bright that if you brought it into a dark room, it would shine as if a great many candles had been lit in that chamber. Tsar Vyslav put that feather in his office as something that should be treasured forever. Since then, the firebird has not flown into the garden.

Tsar Vyslav again called his children to him and said to them: “My dear children! Go, I give you my blessing, find the firebird and bring it to me alive; and what I promised before, then, of course, the one who brings the firebird to me will receive.” Dimitri and Vasily the princes began to have a grudge against their younger brother Ivan Tsarevich, so that he managed to pull out a feather from the firebird’s tail; They took their father’s blessing and the two of them went to look for the firebird. And Ivan Tsarevich also began to ask his parent for a blessing. Tsar Vyslav told him: “My dear son, my dear child! You are still young and unaccustomed to such a long and difficult journey; Why do you need to leave me? After all, your brothers went anyway. Well, what if you leave me too, and all three of you don’t return for a long time? I am already old and walk under God; If during your absence the Lord God takes away my life, then who will rule my kingdom instead of me? Then there may be a riot or disagreement between our people, and there will be no one to calm them down; or the enemy will approach our areas, and there will be no one to control our troops.” However, no matter how much Tsar Vyslav tried to hold Ivan Tsarevich, he could not help but let him go, at his persistent request. Ivan Tsarevich took his parent’s blessing, chose a horse for himself and set off, and rode without knowing where he was going.

Driving along the road, whether close or far, low or high, soon the tale is told, but not soon the deed is done, he finally arrived in an open field, in green meadows. And in an open field there is a pillar, and on the pillar these words are written: “Whoever goes straight from this pillar will be hungry and cold; whoever rides to the right will be healthy and alive, but his horse will be dead; and whoever goes to the left will himself be killed, but his horse will remain alive and well.” Ivan Tsarevich read this inscription and rode to the right, keeping in mind: although his horse will be killed, he himself will remain alive and in time he can get himself another horse. He rode for a day, two and three - suddenly a large gray wolf came out to meet him and said: “Oh, you are a goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! After all, you read, it is written on the pillar that your horse will be dead; so why are you coming here? The wolf uttered these words, tore Ivan Tsarevich’s horse in two and walked away to the side.

Ivan Tsarevich Velmi lamented for his horse, cried bitterly and went on foot. He walked all day and was incredibly tired and just wanted to sit down to rest, suddenly a gray wolf caught up with him and said to him: “I feel sorry for you, Ivan Tsarevich, that you were exhausted on foot; I’m also sorry that I killed your good horse. Good! Sit on me, on the gray wolf, and tell me where to take you and why?” Ivan Tsarevich told the gray wolf where he needed to go; and the gray wolf rushed with him faster than a horse and after a while, just at night, brought Ivan Tsarevich to a stone wall not much high, stopped and said: “Well, Ivan Tsarevich, get off me, from the gray wolf, and climb through this stone wall.” wall; there is a garden behind the wall, and in that garden the firebird sits in a golden cage. Take the firebird, but don’t touch the golden cage; If you take the cage, you won’t be able to escape from there: you’ll be caught immediately!” Ivan Tsarevich climbed over the stone wall into the garden, saw the firebird in a golden cage and was very seduced by it. He took the bird out of the cage and went back, but then changed his mind and said to himself: “I took the firebird without a cage, where will I put it?” He returned and as soon as he took off the golden cage, suddenly there was knocking and thunder throughout the entire garden, for strings were brought to that golden cage. The guards immediately woke up, ran into the garden, caught Ivan Tsarevich with the firebird and brought him to their king, whose name was Dolmat. Tsar Dolmat was very angry with Ivan Tsarevich and shouted at him in a loud and angry voice: “Shame on you, young man, for stealing! Who are you, and what lands are you from, and what father are you son of, and what is your name?” Ivan Tsarevich said to him: “I am from the kingdom of Vyslav, the son of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich. Your firebird got into the habit of flying into our garden every night, and plucked golden apples from my father’s beloved apple tree, and ruined almost the entire tree; That’s why my parent sent me to find the firebird and bring it to him.” “Oh, you young man, Ivan Tsarevich,” said Tsar Dolmat, “is it better to do as you did? If you came to me, I would give you the firebird with honor; and now will it be good when I send out to all states to announce about you how dishonestly you acted in my state? However, listen, Ivan Tsarevich! If you do me a service - you go to distant lands, to the thirtieth state, and get me a golden-maned horse from King Afron, then I will forgive you for your guilt and give the firebird to you with great honor; and if you do not perform this service, then I will let all states know about you that you are a dishonest thief.” Ivan Tsarevich left Tsar Dolmat in great sadness, promising him to get the golden-maned horse.

He came to the gray wolf and told him about everything that King Dolmat had told him. “Oh, you goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! - the gray wolf said to him. “Why did you disobey my words and take the golden cage?” “I am guilty before you,” Tsarevich Ivan said to the wolf. “Okay, be it so! - said the gray wolf. - Sit on me, on the gray wolf; I’ll take you wherever you need to go.” Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf's back; and the wolf ran so quickly, like an arrow, and he ran for a long time, or for a short time, finally running into the state of King Afron at night. And, having come to the white-stone royal stables, the gray wolf said to Ivan Tsarevich: “Go, Ivan Tsarevich, to these white-stone stables (now the guard grooms are all fast asleep!) and take the golden-maned horse. Only here there is a golden bridle hanging on the wall, don’t take it, otherwise it will be bad for you.” Ivan Tsarevich, entering the white stone stables, took his horse and went back; but he saw a golden bridle on the wall and was so seduced by it that he took it off the nail, and had just taken it off when suddenly there was thunder and noise throughout all the stables, because there were strings attached to that bridle. The guard grooms immediately woke up, came running, caught Ivan Tsarevich and took him to Tsar Afron. King Afron began to ask him: “Oh, you goy, young youth! Tell me which state you are from, and whose father’s son you are, and what is your name?” To this Ivan Tsarevich answered him: “I myself am from the kingdom of Vyslav, the son of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and my name is Ivan Tsarevich.” - “Oh, you young man, Ivan Tsarevich! - King Afron told him. - Is this an honest knight's deed that you did? If you came to me, I would give you the golden-maned horse with honor. Now, will it be good for you when I send out to all states to announce how dishonestly you have acted in my state? However, listen, Ivan Tsarevich! If you do me a service and go to distant lands, to the thirtieth state, and get me the princess Elena the Beautiful, with whom I have long fallen in love with my soul and heart, but cannot get it, then I will honestly forgive you this guilt and the golden-maned horse with a golden bridle I'll give it back. And if you don’t perform this service for me, then I will let all states know about you that you are a dishonest thief, and I will write down everything that you did wrong in my state.” Then Ivan Tsarevich promised Tsar Afron to get Princess Elena the Beautiful, and he himself left his chambers and wept bitterly.

He came to the gray wolf and told everything that happened to him. “Oh, you goy, young youth, Ivan Tsarevich! - the gray wolf said to him. “Why did you disobey my words and take the golden bridle?” “I am guilty before you,” Tsarevich Ivan said to the wolf. “Okay, be it so! - continued the gray wolf. - Sit on me, on the gray wolf; I’ll take you wherever you need to go.” Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf's back; and the wolf ran as quickly as an arrow, and he ran, as if to say in a fairy tale, for a short time and finally ran to the state of Princess Helen the Beautiful. And, having come to the golden lattice that surrounded the wonderful garden, the wolf said to Ivan Tsarevich: “Well, Ivan Tsarevich, now get off me, from the gray wolf, and go back along the same road along which we came here, and wait.” me in an open field under a green oak tree.” Ivan Tsarevich went where he was told. The gray wolf sat down near that golden lattice and waited for the princess Elena the Beautiful to go for a walk in the garden. In the evening, when the sun began to sink much further to the west, which is why the air was not very hot, Princess Elena the Beautiful went to the garden for a walk with her nannies and the court noblewomen. When she entered the garden and was approaching the place where the gray wolf was sitting behind the bars, suddenly the gray wolf jumped over the bars into the garden and grabbed the princess Elena the Beautiful, jumped back and ran with her as fast as he could. He ran into an open field under a green oak tree, where Ivan Tsarevich was waiting for him, and said to him: “Ivan Tsarevich, quickly sit on me, on the gray wolf!” Ivan Tsarevich sat on him, and the gray wolf rushed them both to the state of King Afron. The nannies and mothers and all the noblewomen of the court, who were walking in the garden with the beautiful princess Elena, immediately ran to the palace and sent in pursuit to catch up with the gray wolf; however, no matter how much the messengers chased, they could not catch up and turned back.

Ivan Tsarevich, sitting on a gray wolf with the beautiful princess Elena, loved her with his heart, and she loved Ivan Tsarevich; and when the gray wolf came running to the state of Tsar Afron and Ivan the Tsarevich had to take the beautiful princess Elena to the palace and give it to the tsar, then the Tsarevich became very sad and began to cry tearfully. The gray wolf asked him: “What are you crying about, Ivan Tsarevich?” To this Ivan Tsarevich answered him: “My friend, gray wolf! How can I, a good fellow, not cry and not collapse? I have loved the beautiful princess Elena with my heart, and now I must give her to King Afron for a golden-maned horse, and if I don’t give her up, then King Afron will dishonor me in all states.” “I have served you a lot, Ivan Tsarevich,” said the gray wolf, “I will do this service too.” Listen, Ivan Tsarevich: I will become the beautiful Queen Helen, and you take me to King Afron and take the golden-maned horse; he will respect me as a real princess. And when you sit on a golden-maned horse and ride far, then I will ask King Afron to go for a walk in an open field; and when he lets me go with the nannies and mothers and all the court noblewomen, and I will be with them in the open field, then remember me - and I will be with you again.” The gray wolf uttered these words, hit the damp ground - and became the beautiful Queen Helen, so there is no way to know that it was not her. Ivan Tsarevich took the gray wolf, went to the palace to Tsar Afron, and ordered the beautiful princess Elena to wait outside the city. When Ivan Tsarevich came to Tsar Afron with the imaginary Helen the Beautiful, the king rejoiced in his heart that he had received such a treasure that he had long desired. He accepted the false princess, and handed the golden-maned horse to Ivan Tsarevich. Ivan Tsarevich mounted that horse and rode out of the city; He took Elena the Beautiful with him and went on his way to the state of King Dolmat. The gray wolf lives with King Afron for a day, two and three instead of the beautiful princess Elena, and on the fourth day he came to King Afron to ask to take a walk in an open field in order to break his fierce melancholy and sadness. As King Afron said to him: “Ah, my beautiful princess Elena! I’ll do everything for you, I’ll let you go out into the open field for a walk.” And he immediately ordered the nannies and mothers and all the court noblewomen with the beautiful princess to go for a walk in the open field.

Ivan Tsarevich rode along the road with Elena the Beautiful, talked with her and forgot about the gray wolf; and then I remembered: “Oh, is my gray wolf somewhere?” Suddenly, out of nowhere, he stood in front of Ivan Tsarevich and said to him: “Sit down, Ivan Tsarevich, on me, on the gray wolf, and let the beautiful princess ride on a horse with a golden mane.” Ivan Tsarevich sat on a gray wolf, and they rode to the state of King Dolmat. They drove for a long time or a short time, and when they reached that state, they stopped three miles from the city. Ivan Tsarevich began to ask the gray wolf: “Listen, my dear friend, gray wolf! You have served me many services, serve me the last one, and your service will be like this: can’t you turn into a golden-maned horse instead, because I don’t want to part with this golden-maned horse.” Suddenly the gray wolf hit the damp ground - and became a golden-maned horse. Ivan Tsarevich, leaving the beautiful princess Elena in a green meadow, sat on a gray wolf and rode to the palace to Tsar Dolmat. And as soon as he arrived there, Tsar Dolmat saw Ivan Tsarevich riding on a horse with a golden mane, he was very happy, immediately left his chambers, met the prince in the wide courtyard, kissed him on the sugary lips, took him by the right hand and led him into the chambers white stone. For such joy, King Dolmat ordered a feast to be created, and they sat down at oak tables, behind broken tablecloths; They drank, ate, amused themselves and had fun for exactly two days, and on the third day Tsar Dolmat presented Tsarevich Ivan with a firebird with a golden cage. The prince took the firebird, went outside the city, sat on a golden-maned horse with the beautiful princess Helena and rode to his fatherland, to the state of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich. The next day, King Dolmat decided to ride his golden-maned horse in an open field; ordered him to be saddled, then sat on him and rode into an open field; and as soon as he enraged the horse, he threw off King Dolmat and, still turning into a gray wolf, ran and caught up with Ivan Tsarevich. “Ivan Tsarevich! - he said. “Sit on me, on the gray wolf, and let the princess Elena the Beautiful ride on a horse with a golden mane.” Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf, and they set off. As soon as the gray wolf brought Ivan Tsarevich to the place where his horse was torn apart, he stopped and said: “Well, Ivan Tsarevich, I have served you quite faithfully and faithfully. It was at this place that I tore your horse in two, and brought you to this place. Get off me, from the gray wolf, now you have a golden-maned horse, so sit on it and go where you want; and I am no longer your servant.” The gray wolf uttered these words and ran to the side; and Ivan Tsarevich wept bitterly for the gray wolf and went on his way with the beautiful princess.

How long or short did he ride with the beautiful princess Elena on a horse with a golden mane and, not reaching his state twenty miles away, he stopped, got off his horse and, together with the beautiful princess, lay down to rest from the heat of the sun under a tree; He tied the golden-maned horse to the same tree, and placed the cage with the firebird next to him. Lying on the soft grass and having amicable conversations, they fell fast asleep. At that very time, the brothers of Ivan Tsarevich, Dimitri and Vasily Tsarevich, traveling to different states and not finding the firebird, returned to their fatherland empty-handed; they accidentally ran into their sleepy brother Ivan Tsarevich with the beautiful princess Elena. Seeing a golden-maned horse on the grass and a firebird in a golden cage, they were greatly seduced by them and decided to kill their brother Ivan Tsarevich to death. Dimitri Tsarevich took his sword from its scabbard, stabbed Ivan Tsarevich and chopped him into small pieces; then he woke up the beautiful princess Elena and began to ask her: “Beautiful maiden! Which state are you, and which father is your daughter, and what is your name?” The beautiful princess Elena, seeing Ivan Tsarevich dead, was greatly frightened, began to cry bitter tears and said in tears: “I am the princess Elena the Beautiful, and Ivan Tsarevich, whom you put to an evil death, got me. Then you would be good knights if you went with him into an open field and defeated a living one, otherwise you killed a sleepy one and what kind of praise would you get for yourself? A sleepy person is as good as dead!” Then Dimitri Tsarevich put his sword to the heart of the beautiful princess Helen and said to her: “Listen, Helen the Beautiful! You are now in our hands; we will take you to our father, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and you tell him that we got you, and the firebird, and the golden-maned horse. If you don’t say this, I’ll put you to death now!” The beautiful princess Elena, frightened of death, promised them and swore with all that was sacred that she would speak as she was told. Then Dimitri the Tsarevich and Vasily the Tsarevich began to cast lots: who would get the beautiful princess Elena and who would get the golden-maned horse? And the lot fell that the beautiful princess should go to Vasily the Tsarevich, and the golden-maned horse to Dmitry the Tsarevich. Then Vasily Tsarevich took the beautiful princess Elena, put her on his good horse, and Dmitry Tsarevich sat on the golden-maned horse and took the firebird to hand her over to his parent, Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and they set off.

Ivan Tsarevich lay dead in that place for exactly thirty days, and at that time a gray wolf ran at him and recognized Ivan Tsarevich by spirit. I wanted to help him—to revive him, but I didn’t know how to do it. At that same time, the gray wolf saw one raven and two crows who were flying over the corpse and wanted to go down to the ground and eat the meat of Ivan Tsarevich. The gray wolf hid behind a bush, and as soon as the crows descended to the ground and began to eat the body of Ivan Tsarevich, he jumped out from behind the bush, grabbed one of the crows and wanted to tear it in two. Then the raven descended to the ground, sat down at a distance from the gray wolf and said to him: “Oh, you goy, gray wolf! Do not touch my young child; because he didn’t do anything to you.” - “Listen, Voronovich! - said the gray wolf. “I will not touch your brainchild and will let you go safe and sound when you have served me: fly to distant lands, to the thirtieth state, and bring me dead and living water.” So the raven said to the gray wolf: “I will do this service for you, just don’t touch my son with anything.” Having uttered these words, the raven flew and soon disappeared from sight. On the third day, the raven flew in and brought with him two vials: one containing living water, the other containing dead water, and gave those vials to the gray wolf. The gray wolf took the bubbles, tore the little crow in two, sprinkled it with dead water - and that little crow grew together, sprinkled it with living water - the little crow perked up and flew. Then the gray wolf sprinkled Ivan Tsarevich with dead water - his body grew together, sprinkled it with living water - Ivan Tsarevich stood up and said: “Oh, how long have I slept!” To this the gray wolf said to him: “Yes, Ivan Tsarevich, you would sleep forever if it weren’t for me; after all, your brothers cut you down and the beautiful princess Helen, and the golden-maned horse, and the firebird they took with them. Now hurry to your fatherland as quickly as possible; your brother, Vasily Tsarevich, will marry your bride today - the beautiful princess Elena. And so that you can get there as quickly as possible, you better sit on me, on the gray wolf; I’ll carry you with me.” Ivan Tsarevich sat on the gray wolf; the wolf ran with him to the state of Tsar Vyslav Andronovich, and whether long or short, he ran to the city. Ivan Tsarevich got off the gray wolf, went into the city and, arriving at the palace, found that his brother Vasily Tsarevich was marrying the beautiful princess Elena: he returned from the crown with her and was sitting at the table. Ivan Tsarevich entered the chamber, and as soon as Elena the Beautiful saw him, she immediately jumped out from behind the table, began kissing him on the sugar lips and shouted: “Here is my dear groom, Ivan Tsarevich, and not the villain who is sitting at the table.” ! “Then Tsar Vyslav Andronovich stood up and began to ask the beautiful princess Elena what it meant, what was she talking about? Elena the Beautiful told him the whole true truth, what and how it happened: how Ivan Tsarevich got her, the golden-maned horse and the firebird, how his older brothers killed him sleepily to death and how they frightened her so that she would say that they got it all. Tsar Vyslav was very angry with the princes Dmitry and Vasily and put them in prison; and Ivan Tsarevich married the beautiful princess Elena and began to live with her amicably, amicably, so that one could not remain without the other for even a single minute.