How much water to drink in summer. Life-giving moisture Thick nourishing body oil Tuva, Natura Siberica

In the hot summer you want to drink more than usual. But few people know how much fluid to drink in the heat.

How much water to drink in summer

Modern girls are aware that no diet will work properly if you do not drink the prescribed 1.5-2 liters of water per day. But what to do in the summer, when you want to drink constantly - increase the amount of fluid consumed? No matter how it is! The same 1.5 liters of clean still water is on the agenda.

Everyone knows that the human body mostly consists of liquid, which means that any deviation from the norm is fraught with consequences. There is a simple formula: 40 ml of water for every kg of weight, which means that for 60 kg of weight there are approximately 1.5 liters. And all the talk about the fact that in the summer due to the heat we lose a huge amount of moisture through the skin and therefore in order to maintain the water-salt balance we need to drink as much as possible is a common misconception.

Swelling under the eyes in the morning and on the legs in the evening, prolonged runny nose, increased secretion of the sebaceous glands of the skin, headaches at the slightest weather fluctuations, fairly long menstruation (up to 7 days) - all these are signs of excess fluid in the body. But you can’t do without water at all. Due to a lack of fluid, the blood can thicken, and this also threatens serious health problems.

In addition, no matter how much you want to cool down faster, in the heat you should not drink cold drinks and indulge in ice cream: when the body adapts to the heat, it involuntarily loses its resistance to cold, and this threatens with colds.

Sweet drinks and juices from packages will not quench your thirst at all, on the contrary, they will only strengthen it, because, in addition to sugar, they usually contain taste enhancers and many harmful chemical compounds that will not help the body cope with the heat. If you drink juices, then only freshly squeezed ones. However, you shouldn’t get carried away with them either: all freshly squeezed juices are quite concentrated, and the body doesn’t need an increased amount of vitamins either.

Hurray: mineral water with gas is not prohibited in the summer heat - it quenches thirst well due to carbon dioxide, which helps the liquid to be absorbed faster.

So, what in the end, besides water, can and should be drunk in the summer?

How much water to drink in summer

You already understand how much liquid you should drink in the heat. Now all that remains is to find out what exactly you need to drink? After all, the drink is different. For example, coffee removes fluid from the body, and therefore a glass of water is required for one cup of this aromatic drink: this is done in many southern countries, for example, in Turkey and Greece - a glass of cool water is always served with a cup of coffee. But in hot weather it is better to give up coffee altogether or drink it only in the morning, so as not to increase the stress on the heart. And, of course, not forgetting about water throughout the day.

As paradoxical as it may sound, in hot weather it is best to drink hot tea. Why? Cold drinks do not quench thirst, because they are absorbed into the body no earlier than 20 minutes after consumption, and all this time the person is thirsty. It’s either hot: they immediately quench thirst, and at the same time stimulate sweating, and, as you know, the evaporation of sweat, if the air temperature is above 33 degrees, is the only way to release heat to the environment, preventing overheating of the body. In addition, green and black teas contain useful macro- and microelements, which includes potassium, which is especially necessary in the heat. A hot decoction of dried fruits, without sugar, can replace tea - such a decoction is also rich in potassium.

We should also talk about the amazing overseas drink - mate, which was extremely loved by the Indians for its beneficial properties. Mate can be drunk both hot and cold. We can talk about the benefits of this drink for a long time: mate contains almost all the vitamins and substances necessary to maintain normal life. In addition, mate is an excellent property for strengthening the immune system and treating diseases of the nervous system. It has an excellent tonic effect, but is not addictive and improves sleep. Truly a magical drink!

Another wonderful drink is rooibos tea, which also came to our latitudes from distant southern lands. Even pregnant newborns can drink Rooibos, which immediately indicates its maximum benefits and absolute safety. This drink is a great alternative to green tea or coffee. Rooibos infusion is very pleasantly refreshing when cold in the heat and even the next day does not lose its taste and beneficial properties.

So, while escaping the summer heat, drink the right drinks in the right quantities and be confident in your health and beauty.

    AND; and. Liquid, water, dampness contained in something. Droplets of moisture on the glass. The air is saturated with moisture. The ground was saturated with moisture. / Trad. poet. About wine. Life-giving, playing... Encyclopedic Dictionary

    moisture- And; and. a) Liquid, water, dampness contained in something. Droplets of moisture on the glass. The air is saturated with moisture. The ground was saturated with moisture. b) extension; trad. poet. About wine. Life-giving, playful moisture/ha... Dictionary of many expressions

    Throw money into the water, be like dropped into the water, bring it into fresh water, bring it into clean water, get out of the water unscathed, and drown in the water, and burn in fire, go into the fire and into the water, like sink into the water, like water take it into your mouth like two drops of water, like... Dictionary of synonyms

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    life-giving, life-giving, life-giving; life-giving, life-giving, life-giving (book). Strengthening, stimulating vitality, revitalizing. Life-giving air. “The tops of the linden trees... are stained with life-giving rain.” A. Turgenev. ❖ Life-giving moisture (colloquial joke) ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Naß Deutsche Rechtschreibung Änderungen

    Naß- Nass das edle Nass noble moisture (about wine) das erfrischende Nass life-giving moisture (about rain) ... Wörterbuch Veränderungen in der deutschen Rechtschreibung

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    LIVING, oh, oh; flax, flax. Strengthening, revitalizing. F. air. Life-giving springs. Life-giving moisture. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


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Out of the ground came into being
A fountain is a joyful spring.
Shimmering in the May sun,
Humming murmuring motif,
Slipped into a ravine along a wavy stream,
A stream of playful silver.
Having scared away the boogers and bugs,
He meandered among the daisies,
And, intoxicated by the bird's trill,
Went into the flood under the old spruce.

Spring, spring, key... this is the name for the outlet of water that comes out of the bowels of the earth to the surface. Spring water filled with freshness and coolness. Probably the power of the earth is concentrated in them, which overflows to nourish people. Isn’t this a miracle: moisture wanders somewhere in the bowels of the earth, accumulates, gathers strength, and now there is a crystal spring on the surface! Isn’t it nice to find in a clearing, in a ravine, under a mountainside, not a dirty puddle, but clean water? Spring water gives us the pure energy of nature itself.

You say the word “Spring” and immediately imagine an early morning, a quiet forest gorge. Warm rays of the sun break through the openwork foliage of maples, oaks, and birches. It's cool down there. A stream rolls down from the spring like a thin ringing trickle. Washing the dark roots of the trees and playing with the grass, it runs further, gradually turning into a full-flowing beauty - a river or a majestic lake. Few people think that the life of both this river and the lake is connected by an invisible umbilical cord to that small babbling spring that is located under the canopy of trees. So a modest, inconspicuous caterpillar, as if by magic, suddenly turns into a bright, beautiful butterfly.

Motherland, native, spring: it is no coincidence that these words have one common root. Springs are amazing creations that bring us not only fresh, fertile water, but also give us reflections on the strength, history and beauty of our Kugarchin nature.

Everyone knows the attractive power of springs. From the depths of the earth they bring life-giving moisture to the surface. Not a single traveler can pass by without stopping and falling before the crystal, icy water.

Anyone who has tasted the water from the spring at least once will definitely return there to enjoy the amazing-tasting, cold spring water. You want to drink it endlessly, enjoying the unique taste and beauty of the crystal stream sparkling in the sun.

No matter what mood you are in when you come to the spring, having touched the living miracle of nature, you always return from it enlightened with joy and pride for your land.

In the wilderness of the forest, in the wilderness of green,
Always shady and damp,
In a steep ravine under the mountain
A cold spring gushes out of the stones.
It boils, plays and hurries,
Spinning in crystal clubs,
And under the branchy oaks
It runs like molten glass.
And the heavens and the mountain forest
They look, thoughtful in silence,
Like pebbles in light moisture
Patterned mosaics tremble.
I. Bunin

Springs of my region
The village of Narbut is spread out freely in the picturesque valley of the Agidel River, surrounded by mushroom oak forests and birch forests full of wild berries.

Just 300 - 400 meters from the village, on the slope of a small mountain Tashmurun, overgrown with sparse forest and bushes, there is a quiet spring, hidden from view, with surprisingly soft, simply “velor” water. It is called “Valishi spring” (Vәlishә shishmәһe). Residents of this small village say that, once upon a time, it was named after one of the local settlers.

The water is clear and does not have any smell or taste. Needless to say, the water is delicious! And what kind of tea - it doesn’t get any better! Indeed, the spring is like pearls. The only pity is that it has a somewhat abandoned appearance and is thoroughly overgrown. There is a place for local enthusiasts - nature lovers - to work.

Near the village of Yumaguzino, 0.5 km, southeast of the residential area, where a herd of domestic animals grazes in the southern zone of the village, a crystal clear spring gushes out of the ground. The water in it is clear and tasty. Type of spring - downward, free-flowing. It’s called “Karatal” (Chernotal). Apparently, there were once thickets of black grass here that surrounded the Karatal spring. Hence the name. And now there is a poplar growing here, planted as a wall in one row.

A spring flows along the slope of a gentle mountain, forming a stream, but closer to the highway it disappears and goes underground. Although in some places on the field you can see soil damp from groundwater. Once upon a time, the “Karatal” spring was so powerful and strong that the stream formed by it often, during spring floods, flooded the gardens of Kalinin, Kooperativnaya, Amineva, Kolkhoznaya, Sovetskaya streets and flowed into the Irtyubyak River.

If you move further south, you can see Mount “Kamatau” (“Kәmәtau”, “kamә” - boat, “tau” - mountain). Crystal clear springs emerge at the foot of the mountain. Apparently, it was precisely because of the numerous nearby springs that people settled in this area long ago, forming the Kamataevsky farmstead (from the name of the mountain).

Now this farm does not exist. In 1987, the last three families moved to Yumaguzino. According to the population census in 1959, there were 15 households here, in which forty people lived, and in 1979 - seventeen households. In this place today only trees make noise.

The springs are also slowly leaving: one of the springs has dried up. But once upon a time it formed a pond where they fished. Other springs are still alive. For example, the spring is Kultymysh (“Goltomosh”), its surroundings are rich in viburnum. Another spring is “Kamatau”, which makes its way at the foot of the mountain and runs down along the pebbles to the bottom of the ravine.

The next key has an interesting name - “Polya Baba”. Associated with the name Polina. A spring flowed near her yard, and the village residents went there to get water. They said: “I’ll go get some water from Poly Baba.” That's how the name stuck with it.

Of course, from the many springs in our area it is difficult to choose the best. Each spring is unique.

Everyone has their own spring. The one to whom you and your peers ran to play as a child, and on a hot summer afternoon greedily drank handfuls of its ice-cold water. The one who was always there, no matter where you were. The one who gave you strength in the most difficult moments. Because for you he is the embodiment of your Earth, your Motherland.

You never tire of being amazed at the wealth and generosity of our land, with which it scatters the living silver of its storehouses. I think that the springs of our area can safely be called one of the seven wonders of the Kugarchinsky district.

And in conclusion, the more you learn about the springs, the more secrets are revealed, the more questions arise. For example, why is spring water called “living”. Indeed, and this is confirmed by life itself, the water of many springs has a healing effect. But why?! Is it because it is very pure, and we are already unaccustomed to it, or because it has a composition, physical structure and magnetic field that is favorable for the body? Is it because, when taking water from a spring, we come into contact with nature and hear the murmur of water? Or maybe due to some other reasons still unknown to us. Why do people, having other sources of water, intuitively gravitate towards springs? Perhaps, in addition to their pristine purity, they also bring us some as yet unknown information. And this is really the key to learning the secrets of not only underground storerooms, but also of man himself.

Ballad of the Spring
As a man is born a spring,
His birth is also great.
And also the call of his first cry,
And his heart also beats.
He is young and daring, making his way,
He is kind and generous to anyone along the way
There was no darkness in his soul
And he hurries forward, hurries to grow.
And now it’s no longer a weak trickle,
Having arched our chest, we will not reflect
It turned into a mad stream
Broad in the shoulders and who can compare with him.
Knocking down everything that I met along the way,
Rolling boulders in my bosom,
He didn’t notice how cloudier he became
And the night glow of the moon became dim -
The path is not close,
He mumbles and licks the hair,
Lazily drags the accumulated dregs
And dirty foam splashes onto the cliffs.
And I would be glad to get up and sleep under the warm mud,
Quietly warm up in the swamp sunshine,
But it doesn’t let him become a swamp
Its origins are the beating heart -
Break that connection
Kill the spring within yourself,
And your life will instantly become a swamp.
V. Shirokov

Few people know that there are attractions very close by. Although, perhaps this is for the best, because everything that human civilization touches sooner or later turns into a garbage desert. I would like this not to happen to our springs.

Letting out an incomprehensible grunt, Petrovich fell out into the corridor. Ivonyuchkin looked out of his office and grumbled:

Did you drink some kind of rubbish again?

He took in the life-giving moisture... just a little... Romych invented...

Ivonyuchkin hurried to the laboratory.

Sidoruk! You are a worthless comrade and friend! Your friend, Petrovich, is dying, drinking himself to death, and you calmly watch... I will be forced to throw him out. And since this will happen by your grace, if you don’t figure something out urgently, you’ll both end up on the street!

When the sobered and melancholy Petrovich looked at Sidoruk, he found his friend assembling some kind of apparatus. For some time, silently, gathering wrinkles on his forehead, he watched the work. And suddenly he beamed:

Romych, you are a genius!

I've known for a long time. - Is this for Life-Life Moisture?

Exactly! Look how smart he is! Special composition. We will drink as much as we like, but there will be no hangover or other remnants. It’s not like the Chief, a mosquito won’t erode your nose...

However, experiments with the new product dragged on. Petrovich, tasting the next batch of swill, invariably grumbled:

The taste is not the same! Not enough buzz...

He treated rejected portions without respect. And although Romych forced them to drink the entire manufactured product, helping with this as much as possible, he managed to either drop the pliers into a jar of the drink or spill it on the laboratory stool.

Soon Roman began to be tormented by disturbing premonitions. It seemed to him that someone was constantly watching him on the sly with an unkind, cold, intent gaze. The pliers were lost somewhere. And someone clearly entered the laboratory at night, despite the strong bars on the windows and the metal door: Roman’s favorite three-legged high stool ended up anywhere, but not where Sidoruk invariably left it - not at his desk.

Sidoruk tried to catch the thief. At night he would sneak up to the door to the laboratory and listen. Noises, creaks, rustling could be heard from the room. But as soon as the door was opened and the light was turned on, everything went quiet, and the room invariably turned out to be empty. Although the chaos reigning in it said that someone had just been here.

Having once again found his stool at the window behind the curtain, the enraged Sidoruk kicked him into place. But when he raised his leg for the next blow, the insidious Stool, deftly dodging, delivered a strong treacherous blow to Romych’s shin.

From pain and surprise, Sidoruk, howling wildly, fell to the floor, while his left hand fell under the laboratory table. And immediately something sharp-toothed and predatory grabbed hold of Romina’s fingers, forcing him to let out a heartbreaking scream. Pulling his hand out from under the table, Sidoruk recognized with horror the monster that had grabbed his hand as the Pliers that had disappeared the other day. Blood flowed down my fingers...

The door swung open and a frightened Petrovich flew into the laboratory.

What's happened? Are you alive, Roman?

Don't let him in! Hold it! Catch! Bake it! - Sidoruk yelled.

But it was already too late. The Stool, hiding by the door, had already jumped out into the corridor and the cheerful clatter of its wooden legs died down in the courtyard.

With difficulty, with joint efforts, they freed Roma's fingers, marched in a solemn march, holding the rebellious Pliers in blacksmith's pliers, to the toilet in the yard and drowned the criminals.

It's all your fault! - Sidoruk itched, carefully pressing his bitten hand to his chest. - It was you who filled the Stool with Life-Living Moisture, you dropped the Pliers into the vessel with it! Because of your fault, I may end up with blood poisoning. The rusty pliers were lying around who knows where...

The stool is missing. No one saw him except the KAMAZ driver, who claimed that he crashed into a telegraph pole because a large white stool crossed his path. But the traffic cops still didn’t believe him, since the driver was pretty drunk.

...In the autumn, while walking through a nearby forest, Sidoruk and Petrovich saw a strange tripod tree.

I’ve calmed down... in freedom... - Roman said melancholy.

But the Pliers didn’t seem to reconcile themselves. They adapted to their new environment and painfully, until it bled, they pulled at the soft spot of Ivonyuchkin, who was unaware of the events that had taken place, and who was peacefully crouched in the latrine. And now, in a thirst for revenge, he spends an hour every day with a fishing rod in this room, changing baits in vain. The cunning pliers don’t bite...

WATER is a real mystery. It combines both simplicity and complexity. Each molecule has only three atoms: two hydrogen, one oxygen. Yet scientists don't fully understand how these molecules work. But what is absolutely clear is that without water there would be no life.

By weight, all living things are 80 percent water. Water is the best solvent in the world. It is capable of transporting dissolved oxygen, carbon dioxide, salts, minerals and many other substances important for life.

The importance of water for the human body does not require additional comment. However, debate continues about whether tea, coffee, milk, juices, etc. can replace it. And there is no consensus about the use of water itself. How much should I use it? Which one exactly?

To maintain vital functions, the average person should consume 3-4 liters of fluid per day. But of this volume, 1.5-2 liters should be clean drinking water. Is it possible to replace it with another liquid? It is possible, but only for an absolutely healthy person.

Let's think a little:

  • Milk- a most valuable product, but a food product. In addition, milk is contraindicated for some people, and some simply cannot tolerate it.
  • Coffee and tea traditionally loved by many, but not recommended for a very wide range of diseases. Plus, tea and coffee dry out the body.
  • Natural juices and nectars. Prepared from a concentrate of the pulp of fruits, berries or vegetables. No matter how much their quality is extolled by manufacturers, they are still restored with the same water. All the same, they contain or may contain preservatives, food coloring, sugar or sweetener and other additives. And therefore, they cannot be recommended unconditionally to everyone.
  • Freshly squeezed juices. They are certainly useful, but vitamins and provitamins, which are easily absorbed by the body, can cause hypervitaminosis diseases and type 2 diabetes. Natural fruit acids are contraindicated for persons with diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Most juices are contraindicated for people suffering from chronic skin diseases, allergies, etc.

It turns out that water is irreplaceable. This is a universal remedy for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary system, and removing waste, toxins and salts from the body.

A person can survive without food for two months, without water for no more than two days.

I would like to end this article with the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery: “YOU, WATER, HAVE NO TASTE, NO COLOR, NO SMELL, YOU CANNOT BE DESCRIBED, YOU ARE ENJOYED WITHOUT KNOWING WHAT YOU ARE... YOU ARE THE BIGGEST WEALTH IN THE WORLD” . Therefore, drink enough of this life-giving moisture and be healthy!