How long do guinea pigs live? Life expectancy of guinea pigs at home General health

There is a stereotype that the lifespan of an animal depends on its size: the smaller the animal, the shorter its carefree life. However, guinea pigs can live more than 10 years.

Where does a guinea pig live longer - in the wild or in a cage?

This is an encyclopedic question to which there is no clear answer for 3 reasons:

  • lifespan depends not only on living conditions: heredity and accidents influence in the same way as living conditions and the presence of enemies in the wild;
  • a caring owner can extend the lifespan due to good care;
  • In the wild, natural selection of guinea pigs occurs: individuals remain that are less sick, run away faster and adapt better.

Parents who buy animals for children are interested in how long guinea pigs live at home, because the pain of losing a beloved pet is extremely stressful for a child. Life expectancy depends on the breed and care.

How long do guinea pigs of different breeds live?

Animals of different breeds live different numbers of years. Breeds formed in the wild underwent natural selection: only the strongest individuals survived. Therefore, such rodents live up to 10-12 years.

We suggest comparing the life expectancy of different breeds of guinea pigs using the table:

How to extend the life of a guinea pig

It is generally accepted that those varieties of guinea pigs that have been bred through selective breeding live less. The reason is that breeders were not interested in the health of their pets, but in the length, texture of the coat, its color - aesthetic characteristics. But numerous owners are willing to argue, because life expectancy depends not only on heredity:

  • Conditions of detention: hairless animals can live for ten years due to careful care: if the owner monitors the air temperature, then there is a lower risk of getting sick from hypothermia or heatstroke. The litter is regularly changed and the cage is washed out - the likelihood of infectious and viral diseases is reduced.
  • Nutrition: A balanced diet is important so that the pig does not lose weight or gain weight. You also need to take into account the characteristics of the breed and the time of year. Hairless guinea pigs need food to maintain their body temperature, so grains are important. The beauty of a long and curled coat depends on vitamins - emphasis on vegetables. In winter, the animals need more energy, so they are fed more densely. In summer, the density of the diet is reduced by 10-15%: food takes longer to digest due to the fact that the pets are warm.

  • Diseases: The danger is not in the diseases themselves - it is important to notice the first symptoms in a timely manner. Therefore, close contact with the guinea pig, games and stroking help to determine in time that the animal is unwell.

There is a lot of information on the Internet that the life record for a guinea pig is 15 years. But nothing is said at all about how this was achieved. And the whole secret is that she was scrupulously looked after. Want your guinea pig to live longer? - Bookmark this site so that useful articles are always at hand.

Many pet owners are concerned about how long their pets should live and what care they require to increase their lifespan. The answer is often not so obvious and requires a detailed explanation, especially in relation to guinea pigs.

At home Guinea pigs live on average from 5 to 7 years. Thus, their lifespan is longer than other popular pet rodents such as rats, mice and hamsters, which rarely live longer than 3 years. However, there are a number of factors that influence how long a guinea pig will live. Depending on the breed, treatment and feeding, she can live more than 10 years, and the existing the record is a whopping 14 years and 10 and a half months. In the wild, guinea pigs have a shorter lifespan, only from 1 to 4 years, but, in fact, thanks to selection, they differ significantly from domesticated ones.


Although breed is less of a factor in life expectancy than the care the pig receives, some breeds tend to live longer. For example, Skinny guinea pigs live an average of 6 to 8 years, while Longhaired guinea pigs, on the other hand, live a little shorter, averaging 5 to 6 years.

Diet and feeding

The care your guinea pig receives is the most important factor in increasing its lifespan, and a major part of care is providing it with a healthy and balanced diet. For example, alfalfa-based pellets are not recommended for adult guinea pigs. But, at the same time, they are well suited for feeding growing and pregnant guinea pigs, as they contain a large amount of calcium. Granules based on timothy, various herbs, vegetables and fruits are considered more balanced.

Another important element in a guinea pig's diet is vitamin C. Since they cannot produce their own vitamin C, they need large amounts of it in their diet to stay healthy. Vitamin C is found in some types of kibble and in many vegetables such as carrots and lettuce, but it is important to remember that eating too many vegetables in your pig's diet can cause stomach upset. You can also use special vitamin tablets as an additional source of vitamin, but remember that they are not recommended to be dissolved in water.

Additional factors affecting health

Besides food, there are other factors that affect the health and lifespan of guinea pigs. If their cage is too small, they will have little room to run around. With a lack of activity, their muscles will not develop properly, and their overall fitness will be far from healthy. Regular cage cleaning also promotes good health.

In case of illness, the owner should immediately contact a veterinarian. It is also recommended that guinea pigs be weighed weekly, as weight loss is the most common and common symptom of a disease or disorder. Besides weight, other symptoms may include shortness of breath, heavy breathing, sneezing, lethargy, diarrhea, and blood in the urine. Prompt attention to these types of health problems will certainly increase your pig's possible lifespan and allow him to reach his full potential.

Guinea pigs have long been popular as pets. What living conditions do animals need for a healthy and comfortable existence, and what is their life expectancy, we will discuss in this article.

To what age do they grow?

Guinea pig cubs grow quickly and gain weight; at about the fourth week the baby can be taken home. Already at 5 weeks of age, pets can weigh 500 g, height is approximately 19 cm. The animal actively grows and gains weight up to 15 months, growing up to 25–29 cm. A rodent is considered young and full of strength until the age of four.

Did you know? The guinea pig genome contains 64 chromosomes, while humans have 18 fewer chromosomes.

How long do they live at home (in captivity)

The life expectancy of the future ward is important, especially if it is purchased for a child. No parent would want to cause psychological trauma to their child, and the death of a pet can provoke it.

Average duration

On average, subject to all conditions of maintenance and care, Guinea pigs live 6–8 years.

Longevity records

Under ideal conditions, a rodent can live 10 or 12 years. The Guinness Book of Records records a case of longevity of 15 years, but you should not rely on records. It is better to pay attention to breeds that have a long lifespan, as well as other factors.

What affects the lifespan of guinea pigs

Let's consider the factors influencing the lifespan of wards.

  • hairless skinnies and baldwins - from 5 to 8 years;
  • Abyssinian - up to 6 years;
  • smooth-haired - up to 8 years;
  • Royal Rex - up to 7 years;
  • long-haired - up to 7–8 years.
  • spacious cage;
  • absence of drafts;
  • compliance with the temperature regime (+17–22 °C);
  • toys for physical activity;
  • cleanliness in the home;
  • hygiene procedures.

Important! An important condition for a long and healthy life of a furry pet is regular examination by a veterinarian and vaccinations.

  • high-quality food for rodents;
  • availability of dry and succulent food;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • availability of clean and fresh water.

Important! Rodents need to grind their teeth from time to time; for this they are provided with a mineral stone, as well as branches of fruit bushes.

How to find out the age of guinea pigs

It is difficult to determine the age with an accuracy of up to a month; you will have to rely on the honesty of the breeder from whom the dog is purchased.
To distinguish a young individual from an old one, pay attention to the following factors:

  • activity- young animals show interest in literally everything and are constantly on the move;
  • dimensions- the average height of adult individuals is 27–29 cm, weight - 700–1000 g (female), 1000–1800 g (male);
  • coat condition- clean skin without signs of combing and shiny, soft, lump-free hair is characteristic of young animals up to four years of age (provided there are no diseases), receding hairlines and bald spots indicate old age;
  • teeth- young animals have snow-white teeth, sharp, even, they can gnaw through large and hard pieces of food, old animals are distinguished by yellow teeth, often unevenly ground;
  • claws- here they pay attention to examining the hind paws: in young animals the claws are smooth, sharpened, in older individuals the claws can be curved and blunt.

Did you know? During excavations in South America, in Peru and Ecuador, statues of guinea pigs were discovered, which confirmed the theory that the Mochiko people worshiped these animals.

How long can you leave it?

There are situations when it is impossible to take your pet with you. Questions arise: is it possible to leave him, for what period of time, will the ward be able to do without water and food. Let's figure it out.

Without water

There is a version that when eating succulent food, the animal receives enough moisture and can easily do without a container of water. In most sources describing the rules for caring for a guinea pig, as well as in the opinion of veterinarians, water should always be present. As for succulent food, it must be fresh, that is, roughly speaking, just picked and cleaned.

No food

The digestive system of guinea pigs is designed in such a way that:

  • firstly, food entering the tract is laid out in layers;
  • secondly, it is not digested immediately, but over long hours;
  • thirdly, animals lack peristalsis, that is, the natural movement of food to the exit channel.

For these reasons, the rodent must constantly chew something, so that each incoming lump of food pushes through the one already consumed. Fasting is contraindicated for these animals.

In conclusion: the life expectancy of your pet depends on your willingness to care for him, not to be lazy in cleaning his home on time, providing proper healthy nutrition, as well as active pastime.

The guinea pig, or cavy, can be seen in many homes. This pet takes up little space, is quite easy to care for and is not picky about its diet. How long guinea pigs live in captivity depends on how properly to care for them and what to feed them, what living conditions are created and how to maintain health.

What does life expectancy depend on?

A domesticated rodent with a funny appearance in the wild can live no more than 8 years. Most often, the life expectancy of guinea pigs, which is affected by the presence of life-threatening enemies in the natural environment, malnutrition and infectious diseases carried by wild rodents, does not exceed 5 years.

In captivity at home, guinea pigs live much longer with proper care and adequate nutrition - on average up to 15 years.

Cases have been recorded where a domestic rodent lives 20-25 years.

Among the main factors that influence how many years guinea pigs live are:

  • breed line,
  • genetic diseases,
  • adherence to diet,
  • complete care, supporting the immune system with vitamin complexes,
  • timely contact a veterinarian for qualified help in case of emerging health problems,
  • adherence to the vaccination schedule,
  • rational breeding use.

It would be advisable to choose a pet from competent professional breeders who will give you the opportunity to get acquainted with the family tree of previous generations. This will allow you to find out about the predisposition of the breed line to genetically transmitted diseases, which sellers in a regular pet store will not be able to tell you.

Breed influence

Modern breeders have bred more than 80 varieties of cavy, each of which, in the process of breeding, undergoes the procedure of crossing with its relatives. This process does not always have a positive effect on the quality of health of rodents and often perpetuates unnecessary genetic diseases that affect how long a guinea pig lives.


The bred rodent, deprived of fur during the process of crossing, is included in the main risk group and lives the least and in terms of life expectancy pleases its owners. Together with the external characteristics fixed in the selection process within one species, these hairless rodents have received weakened immunity and do not live long.

In rare cases, the first hairless kavias reached an average of 4 years of life.

The maximum number of years that a hairless cavy lives does not exceed 6 years, and this is subject to all the basic rules for keeping and caring for the rodent.

Woolly kavias

Those breeds whose skin is covered with protective hair live much longer than their hairless relatives. So:

  • Abyssinians and Curlies, fastidious in their care and prone to various diseases, can live up to 7 years,
  • smooth-haired representatives of the Dalmatian and Satin lines will delight owners for about eight years,
  • agoutis, Peruvians, rexes, alpacas, with excellent health, along with teddies and selfies, live the longest and in many cases are ready to celebrate 10-year anniversaries.

Impact of diseases

How long a cavy can live in your home, even if it is a long-livers by breed, largely depends on the diseases carried by the rodent. The most dangerous diseases that threaten the life and health of a small pet:

Most of the above diseases are caused by improper maintenance and improper care of the rodent and appear in many cases due to neglect of the animal’s condition and poor diet.

Seemingly common health disorders in rodents can shorten the lifespan of a guinea pig, depending on subsequent complications and the severity of the disease, from one to three years.

Among the common causes of death of rodents are injuries they receive due to jumping, falling, or due to careless handling of household members. Even if the animal can be saved, the anesthesia it endured during surgical interventions shortens the actual life span of the cavy.

Impact of content quality


For home living, Kavia will need a fairly spacious cage, which is placed away from heating radiators and heating devices, where there is no access to direct sunlight. Even if the animal’s cage is quite large, it requires daily walking, since active movement has a beneficial effect on the balanced functioning of all the animal’s organs.

In warm summer months, fresh air is beneficial for kavias. Caring owners walk their charges on special harnesses.


An important factor when keeping a rodent to increase its life expectancy is the ambient temperature and the absence of drafts. A room that is too cool and the wind blowing through the walls of the apartment can cause colds and deterioration in the health of your rodent.

It is especially important to maintain the necessary warmth for breeds that lack fur. The room where the cage with the rodent is located must be at least 22’-25’.


Excessive dry air adversely affects the quality of the skin of hairless kaviyas, causing flaking and cracking, and affects the condition of the coat of other breeds, making it dull and leading to unseasonal shedding.

Excessive humidity also adversely affects the health of your pet, as it leads to the development of fungal skin diseases.


Compliance with the vaccination schedule for breeds with weak immunity is one of the preventive measures on which the health of the rodent and, accordingly, its life expectancy largely depend. However, some breeds are able to resist various diseases, and owners are in no hurry to vaccinate, providing their pets with sufficient proper care.

For healthy breeds, it will be enough to treat them against fleas and ticks and carry out prophylaxis against intestinal infections.


Taking warm baths and frequent water treatments is a real stress for a guinea pig. Therefore, if you want your pet to live as long as possible, try to wash your rodent as rarely as possible, it is better not to do this at all. In addition, after a forced bath, the guinea pig's fur needs to be thoroughly dried, and this is quite difficult to do, but it is necessary, since the risk of a cold will remain.

Influence of nutrition

How long a guinea pig will live in your home also depends on what you feed it. A balanced menu, which should include complete nutritional components, helps you live a long time without illnesses or health problems.

When planning a nutritious diet for your rodent, it is worth remembering that guinea pigs are herbivorous rodents.

What to exclude

You can extend the healthy life of your rodent by excluding from its menu:

  • all dairy products,
  • all meat and fish products, as well as poultry,
  • sweet and fatty, salty and spicy.