A child has a sweetish odor from the mouth of Komarovsky. Child has bad breath. Prevention of odor

Having felt an unpleasant odor from a child’s mouth, many parents simply do not pay attention to it, attributing it to the characteristics of the food that the child consumed. However, such a manifestation can often be the initial signal of certain diseases in the baby related to the functioning of internal organs.

Main causes of odor

There may be several reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor in a child’s mouth:

  • Food, causing the appearance of microbes that have a certain odor. These are some types of juices and drinks, onions and garlic, uncontrolled consumption of sweet foods, corn and cheese. Most often, after the first rinse or brushing of teeth, the pathology disappears without a trace.
  • Child has bad breath may be caused by poor hygiene. If the baby is not accustomed to brushing his teeth after every meal or rinsing the oral mucosa, then he will definitely appear. In addition, at the age of 5-7 years, when teeth are replaced, a large number of bacteria accumulate in the oral cavity. With insufficient oral hygiene, bacteria actively multiply, causing an unpleasant odor. Moreover, you need to watch not only your teeth, but also your tongue. The tongue is cleaned at least twice a day to avoid the appearance of a white coating.
  • Damage to the mucous membrane by fungal infections. A child may develop strong odor from the mouth as a result of a violation of the normal ratio of microorganisms and fungal bacteria. When a fungal infection that penetrates the body disrupts the microflora and there are more bacteria, fungal inflammation appears, and as a result, an unpleasant odor. The manifestation of a fungal infection in the oral cavity is possible when the child has a disease of the mucous membrane, when parents actively use antiseptic solutions to irrigate the throat. The beneficial microflora of the mucous membrane is disrupted and a fungal infection is activated.
  • Mucus in the sinuses. This disease, which is very common in young children, can also be accompanied by bad breath in the child. A sour taste appears in the mouth, which goes away only after brushing or rinsing. The so-called seasonal allergies dry out the mucous membrane, preventing natural moisture from accumulating in the required quantity.
  • Chronic tonsillitis, inflammation of the tonsils and adenoids. Any pathology associated with ENT diseases causes bad breath in a small child. This is due to the fact that the inflamed organs become loose, pathogenic bacteria begin to activate on their surface, and plaque or purulent mucus appears. During illness, parents should take care of oral and nasal hygiene, rinsing and rinsing. The mucus may be purulent in nature, and the smell from the mouth will also acquire a characteristic purulent tint.
  • An unpleasant odor in the mouth occurs in a child if the baby is diagnosed with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Most often, the pathology is caused by gastritis or gastroduodenitis with high acidity, accompanied by sour belching.
  • Another reason could be frequent stress and anxiety in a child When, under the influence of the autonomic nervous system, the production of saliva is disrupted and the oral mucosa becomes dry, pathogenic microflora develops.

But how to explain when, in the absence of all the above reasons, parents still notice the spread of this phenomenon? What else could cause this? It often happens that after experiencing severe stress or fear, a child develops a similar pathology.

The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth: causes

The first signs of increased acetone in the body are its characteristic unpleasant odor. Our body feeds on energy by getting it from glucose. The moment the blood stops carrying the required amount of glucose throughout the body, we begin to look for energy in other sources, including getting it from the accumulation of fat. The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth indicates that a significant proportion of acetone has entered the blood along with the broken down fats. This substance begins to be produced in large quantities and is excreted from the body through urine and saliva.

The smell of acetone from a child’s mouth can be associated with the aroma of pickled apples. This is the first signal that the child is developing a number of diseases associated with intoxication of the kidneys or liver, dehydration, and diabetes.

In this case, the child must be examined for blood sugar levels, make sure that the baby drinks a sufficient amount of fluid, and his body is not dehydrated.

How to rid your baby of bad breath?

The first thing to do is to determine the cause of its occurrence. Parents should consult a dentist if their child has bad breath in the morning: diseases of the dentition, gums or mucous membranes are a common cause.

The pediatrician will also help you understand the problem. It is possible that the child will need a number of additional examinations and consultations with other specialists (ENT doctor, gastroenterologist). It is imperative to exclude foci of chronic infection in the child (chronic tonsillitis, dental caries). In many cases, infection from these foci spreads throughout the body, causing more severe pathologies.

If you notice bad breath in a child aged 1-2 years, you need to reduce the amount of sweets your baby consumes. This is especially true for chocolates, cakes and pastries with rich creams. If your baby loves sugar, switch it to honey. This natural product will not only replace candy for your child, but will also eliminate discomfort. At the same time, you can add citrus fruits to your diet - oranges, tangerines and lemons will increase natural moisture, increase salivation and eliminate the problem.

Dr. Komarovsky: what to do if a child has bad breath?

Pay special attention to cases when the child has a fever and bad breath. This is clear evidence that the baby is infected and an inflammatory process has begun in the body. Contact the clinic immediately, since such symptoms indicate the onset of an infectious disease, and you simply cannot do without the help of doctors. You will need to consult a doctor in any case, because only a specialist can establish and prescribe a diagnosis and treatment!

Immediately after birth, the baby has a very pleasant smell. This is due to its “sterility”. The newborn has not yet had time to fully encounter the harmful effects of the environment, so the microflora of his body is clean and ideal. However, with age, parents may notice a rather unpleasant and even repulsive odor from the child’s mouth. This worries many, so let’s look at the causes of this pathology.

Bad breath in a child is a symptom whose cause must be determined.

Bad breath - normal or pathological?

Your baby's breath may smell, especially in the morning, due to dry saliva, accumulation of bacteria in the mouth, or the development of a disease. In the latter case, the smell will be persistent and characteristic. If after morning procedures (brushing teeth and tongue, rinsing) the specific aroma does not go away, the child should be shown to a doctor. The pediatrician will examine him, conduct an examination and confirm or refute his family’s fears.

Why does a healthy child have a strange smell from his mouth? Let's consider the physiological reasons for this phenomenon:

  • consumption of highly sweet, carbohydrate-containing foods or foods with a specific odor (onions, garlic);
  • drying of the nasopharyngeal mucosa and saliva due to excessive physical activity, stress or after sleep;
  • use of drugs that cause odor;
  • a small child may put something in his nose (for example, a piece of washcloth, rubber), which will cause the object to rot and create an odor;
  • hormonal changes during puberty, lack of vitamins, microelements and iodine in the body.

The main causes of unpleasant odor

Bad breath appears at any age and can be associated with rot, iodine, acid, acetone, urine or rotten eggs (we recommend reading:). With the transition to solid food and the appearance of teeth, infants and children over one year old have leftover food in the mouth, which leads to the proliferation of bacteria and fungi in the body. With proper care and oral hygiene, the odor usually disappears unless it is a symptom of a disease.

Let's consider the main causes of pathology:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • diseases of the oral cavity;
  • diseases of the ENT organs;
  • bronchial infections;
  • digestive system disease;
  • damage to the liver, kidneys;
  • diabetes mellitus

Neglect of oral hygiene

The most common cause of morning odor is poor or improper child oral hygiene or the consumption of foods that cause a specific aroma (for example, garlic).

Parents should take control of this issue, as some children neglect oral hygiene. As a result, many microbes appear on the leftover food in the mouth, it rots, decomposes, and plaque forms on the teeth and tongue (we recommend reading:). Caries and bad breath appear.

Diseases of teeth and gums

Bad breath is accompanied by almost all diseases of the teeth and gums:

  • caries;
  • gingivitis (we recommend reading:);
  • stomatitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • tartar, etc.

The child should be taken to the dentist, even if no changes are visible on the teeth. Many pathological processes in teeth begin without damage to the enamel, so examination by a specialist is necessary to exclude or confirm the diagnosis.

Diseases of the nasopharynx

Bad breath will occur with diseases of the ENT organs

Bad breath may be a consequence of a developing disease of the ENT organs. The main diseases causing pathology:

  1. Acute, purulent or chronic tonsillitis (tonsillitis). As a result of the proliferation of bacteria in the nasopharynx, purulent plugs form on the tonsils, and the tonsils become inflamed. A child with a sore throat feels unwell, has pain when swallowing, and has a fever. Mucus with bacteria accumulates in the throat, which causes a putrid, sour smell.
  2. Sinusitis, acute or chronic rhinitis also causes the appearance of this unpleasant pathology. Purulent mucus flows down the back wall of the nasopharynx, stagnation of snot and pus occurs, so the child smells unpleasant.
  3. Neoplasms and cysts in the throat. This pathology is the most dangerous, since the only symptom may be a putrid odor from the mouth. Often the disease is asymptomatic.

Lung infections

Pulmonary infections affect bronchial secretions, causing mucus production and coughing. This process is very dangerous for children, especially for children under one year old. His lungs are not developed enough to get rid of mucus on their own, so it, along with bacteria, accumulates in the bronchial tree, and an odor appears when coughing. If the problem is not solved, bronchitis and pneumonia develop.

Digestive diseases

When, when communicating with a child, relatives notice that his breath smells sour or rotten, then most likely the baby has digestive problems.

Gastrointestinal diseases are also the cause of bad breath

The appearance of an unpleasant odor may indicate:

  • gastritis;
  • disruption of the stomach;
  • excessive secretion of gastric juice;
  • duodenal disease;
  • neoplasms and tumors in the digestive organs;
  • disruption of the valves in the stomach;
  • poor nutrition.

Liver diseases

The appearance of a sweetish odor from a child’s mouth when exhaling indicates liver disease. If the disease occurs in an acute form, other symptoms also occur: changes in the color of the nails and skin, a yellowish coating on the tongue, itching and rash on the body. These symptoms indicate acute liver failure, disruption of its function and blood flow.

Liver disease is indicated by a sweetish or rotten odor not only from the mouth. Over time, the baby’s skin begins to exude the same aroma.

If additional symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor, who will refer you for tests and an ultrasound. If measures are not taken in time and treatment is not started, the child may fall into a coma.

Kidney diseases

Your child's breath may smell like urine or ammonia. This pathology is associated with:

  • unhealthy diet;
  • taking medications;
  • kidney disease (pyelonephritis, stones, neoplasms).

Kidney function is affected by a lack of fluid in the body. If a child drinks little water and his diet mainly consists of carbohydrate foods, this leads to increased stress on the urinary system. The kidneys fail to cope with their functions, urine stagnates in the body and decay products accumulate, which cause the smell of ammonia.

Diabetes mellitus

For proper functioning of the body, glucose is necessary, which comes from certain foods. The hormone insulin, which is produced by the pancreas, helps it get into the cells. If there is a lack of it, glucose is not transported into the cells, which leads to their starvation.

To avoid bad breath in diabetes mellitus, you must adhere to a special diet

This picture is observed in children with diabetes mellitus, when the hormone is produced insufficiently or is completely absent. This is caused by pathological changes in the pancreas. The reason for this may be heredity. The accumulation of glucose and ketone substances in the blood provokes the smell of acetone and iodine.

Does the appearance of odor depend on the age of the child?

Bad breath can appear at any time in life and does not depend on age. This problem is relevant for both adults and children, and in childhood this pathology is more common. This is mainly due to insufficient hygiene and poor nutrition. Whatever the reason for the odor, the child should in any case be shown to a doctor.

What is the treatment of pathology?

Unpleasant oral odor caused by physiological reasons does not require treatment. Often it is enough to review the child’s diet and quality, limit the consumption of carbohydrate and sweet foods, monitor the amount of fluid consumed and proper oral hygiene. If the smell does not go away after a week, this indicates some kind of disease. This smell will go away when the cause is identified and eliminated. To do this, you should contact a specialist.


From a very early age, it is necessary to instill in your child the habit of caring for his teeth.

To prevent oral odor, the baby must be taught to take care of oral hygiene from the moment of teething. In addition, starting from six months, the baby is given clean boiled water between meals, since at this age the liquid contained in breast milk is no longer enough to maintain water balance.

One-year-old babies' first teeth should be cleaned with a bandage. It is wrapped around a clean index finger, moistened with boiled water and rubbed on both sides of each tooth. If there is plaque on the child’s tongue, it must be removed without pressing, so as not to provoke a gag reflex and not to injure the tissue.

From the age of 2, parents brush their child’s teeth with a toothbrush. A three-year-old child should do this himself under parental supervision. From the age of 10, children can use dental floss (see also:). The child’s diet should include fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and fiber. Parents also need to monitor the amount of clean water the child drinks (not taking into account teas, juices, compotes, etc.). Standards for its use:

Halitosis can appear regardless of age category. If a 1 year old child has bad breath, it may indicate poor oral hygiene. If, after hygiene procedures, the baby’s breath still smells bad, this is a cause for concern. If such a symptom accompanies the child constantly, you should consult a doctor and find out the cause.

The smell from the mouth of an infant should only be milky. If bad breath occurs, the reasons for this may be different, but are mainly associated with poor nutrition of the nursing mother, or with the development of any problems with the digestive organs, or with the development of other diseases in the body. If a baby has a sour smell from the mouth, this may be a signal of increased acidity in the stomach or the development of reflux. It is very important to visit a doctor as soon as possible, since such a symptom is not the norm.

In a baby

Most often, a light sour aroma is felt from the baby's mouth. This is due to the constant consumption of breast milk. Since the digestive system of children of this age is not yet fully formed, a pronounced sour aroma is sometimes felt. This often occurs after a baby burps.

In some cases, such a symptom occurs in the morning, but if it goes away on its own, there is no need to worry. When the digestive system matures, all troubles will go away on their own, and within a period of up to a year, the intestines are populated with opportunistic microflora, necessary for a full digestion process. If the number of pathogenic microorganisms exceeds the number of beneficial ones, dysbacteriosis occurs, which often causes a bad odor and other unpleasant manifestations that accompany the development of the child.

Also, the predominance of pathogenic microorganisms and unpleasant breath are associated with the following factors:

  • weakened immune system;
  • severe hypothermia;
  • lack of adequate nutrition;
  • excessive feeding, when the intestines do not have time to digest food;
  • overwork or fatigue;
  • suffered acute respiratory viral diseases.

In these conditions, there is an active struggle between lactic bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms, and against this background, acidic halitosis occurs from the oral cavity.

It is much more alarming if the symptom remains constantly and does not go away. In this case, you need to consult a doctor, who will determine why the child has unpleasant symptoms and what to do if the child is sick with something.

Other reasons for this symptom in a baby:

  1. Poor nutrition for a nursing mother. For example, if she abuses harmful, spicy foods.
  2. Nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, which causes dryness of the oral mucosa.

The problem can be easily eliminated; the mother should adjust her diet, humidify the air in the room, and use saline solutions to moisten her nose. If dysbiosis is present, treatment is prescribed by a pediatrician.

In a child who is bottle-fed

In children who are bottle-fed, halitosis often occurs as a result of a lack of fluid in the body. Another cause of the problem is disease of the ENT organs. This aroma often provokes a runny nose or sinusitis. Rotting food debris in the oral cavity also causes a problem if proper hygiene is lacking.

Such babies often burp, especially during the first months of life. This may also be accompanied by halitosis. Parents should ensure that the child eats the right amount of formula and avoid overeating.

Lack of proper hygiene

You need to take care of hygiene from an early age. If the necessary procedures are not present, after eating food, bacteria actively multiply in the oral cavity. Hygiene is very important at any age, even if teeth are still missing. In this case, the mouth must be cleaned using a special silicone brush. You can also remove any remaining milk or formula using clean water.

When the first tooth appears, hygiene measures must be thorough. You should not think that baby teeth will fall out along with caries, and the molars will be healthy. The condition of the permanent teeth directly depends on the condition of the baby teeth. If you have any problems with your teeth or gums, you should contact a pediatric dentist, who will take the necessary measures, cure caries and other possible diseases.

Possible diseases

The appearance of halitosis may indicate possible diseases in the body. An unpleasant symptom can be caused by dysfunction of the digestive system, liver problems, or diseases of the ENT system. To determine the cause, you should visit a pediatrician, dentist, or otolaryngologist. Only a doctor can determine why such a symptom appeared and eliminate it.

The most common diseases of the respiratory system, which are accompanied by the appearance of halitosis, are:

  • exacerbation of tonsillitis - inflammatory process on the surface of the tonsils, other throat diseases (laryngitis, sore throat, pharyngitis, tracheitis);
  • runny nose, swelling of the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx;
  • inflammatory process in the paranasal sinuses – sinusitis;
  • otitis – inflammation of the ears;
  • otomycosis - infection of the ears by fungus.

When a child is gradually introduced to complementary feeding and other foods other than milk or formula are introduced into the diet, the digestive system may react with bloating, upset, constipation and halitosis. Therefore, when adding new foods to your baby’s diet, you should introduce them gradually, keeping intervals between each of at least two weeks. In some cases, impaired saliva production also causes an unpleasant odor. You should not ignore such a sign; it is better to consult a doctor, determine the cause, and, if necessary, undergo treatment.

When to contact a specialist

If a baby has bad breath, in many cases it is associated with breastfeeding or formula feeding. This condition in a newborn is associated with frequent regurgitation. If halitosis is persistent and accompanied by other symptoms (nausea or vomiting, stomach pain, frequent crying and restlessness of the baby, constipation or diarrhea, ear pain, nasal congestion), it is recommended to visit a specialist.

How can the doctor help?

If a one-year-old child has bad breath, treatment is carried out depending on the problem detected. The dentist will treat tooth decay and other oral diseases. An otolaryngologist will treat otitis media, runny nose and throat diseases. A gastroenterologist will treat pathologies and inflammatory processes in the digestive organs. If it smells sour after regurgitation, this is normal; this symptom will go away on its own after changing the baby’s diet.

What can you do at home?

You can eliminate bad breath by cleaning your mouth. If it stinks, we regularly clean the baby’s gums, tongue and inner surface of the cheeks with a special silicone brush, and after teething, daily hygiene should become mandatory.

Elimination of a bad odor in a child can also be done using products approved for this age (there are special children's rinses that can be used to wipe the gums and tongue by dropping a small amount onto gauze or a piece of cotton wool).

The importance of breastfeeding

Bad breath in a 7-month-old baby, if he is breastfed or formula-fed, is normal. But only if such a symptom appears in a child under one year of age after feeding or regurgitation. It is very important to continue breastfeeding for the baby as long as possible, since the baby receives a large amount of nutrients along with milk. Health and nutrition are dependent on each other.

An unpleasant odor in a baby can be eliminated by cleaning the baby's mouth. The expectant mother should eat properly throughout her pregnancy to avoid possible diseases in the future. It is important to ensure normal humidity in the room, if necessary, purchase an air humidifier, and ventilate the room in which the child is located as often as possible. Maintain drinking regime.

Every mother is sensitive to the health of her child, so any changes in his condition cause her concern. And one of these changes in the child’s body is the appearance of bad breath.

Causes of bad breath in children

Normally, a large number of different microbes are present in the oral cavity. Some of them are called conditionally pathogenic, i.e. does not cause the development of disease in a healthy body. The second part is non-pathogenic, which does not cause the development of pathology under any conditions. Both are in balance with each other. However, various factors such as stress, fasting, fatigue, hypothermia, frequent colds, various disorders in the immune system, and medications cause disruption of this balance. And then the conditionally pathogenic flora begins to activate and causes the development of changes in the oral cavity.

Normally, children who are breastfed should smell of milk from their mouth, because... At this age, lactic bacteria are actively working in the body, which suppress the development of harmful microflora. Older children also should not have any bad or specific smell from their mouth, and when it suddenly appears, you need to analyze the situation and try to understand why this is happening.

If your child does not suffer from any chronic diseases, do not rush to sound the alarm. Even healthy children may periodically experience altered breathing. This happens due to the following reasons:
- eating certain foods with a strong smell (garlic, onions, radishes, some juices, cabbage). Often this smell accompanies the child the next day;
- incorrect, unbalanced nutrition. Eating large amounts of protein foods promotes putrefactive processes, because it takes a long time to digest in the stomach. Abuse of large amounts of carbohydrates (fruits, grapes, legumes) leads to fermentation processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
- hard cheese, when digested, causes the formation of sulfur compounds, which are released with exhaled air;
- excitement and emotional stress cause a decrease in salivation and the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
- the child’s reluctance to brush their teeth well and regularly;
- the formation of plaque, which occurs when food particles are retained in the folds of the mucous membrane of the tongue and tonsils, and as a consequence the development of putrefactive microbes;
- sweet foods cause the growth of bacteria in the oral cavity, which have a specific odor.

How to get rid of bad breath

If the parents and the child wish, these factors can be easily eliminated. To do this, you need to eliminate or reduce your consumption of sweets. If you are not allergic to bee products, it is useful to use honey instead of sugar. At the same time, you need to give your child more vegetables and fruits. Apples and carrots are especially good; they cleanse the mucous membrane of the tongue and gums and increase salivation.

Oral care is very important for fresh breath. You need to brush your teeth and tongue at least 2 times a day, and preferably after each meal. During the day, rinse your mouth after eating with boiled water or infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, calendula). Teach your child to use dental floss, which cleans the interdental spaces well. For older children, allow them to use special, alcohol-free mouth rinses. During times of serious anxiety, suggest drinking more fluids. These recommendations will help rid your child of bad odor within a few days.

Diseases accompanied by bad breath

If all the conditions are met, and bad breath still persists, you need to consult a doctor to look for more serious causes. To do this, you should determine and be able to describe to the doctor the characteristics of the smell, its similarity to a certain substance. This will help the doctor guess in which body system the failure occurred. For example, some diseases are characterized by specific symptoms:

The smell of rotten eggs from the mouth with inflammation of the stomach, peptic ulcer
sour smell when stomach contents reflux into the esophagus, with increased stomach acidity
putrid odor in diseases of the esophagus and inflammation of the stomach with low acidity
the smell of acetone in diabetic patients
ammonia odor in children with kidney disease
sweetish smell of raw liver in liver diseases
the smell of boiled cabbage or manure in children with hereditary metabolic diseases

If we talk about the causes of pathological breath, there are many others.

This may be facilitated by the presence of adenoid vegetations in a child - growths of lymphoid tissue in the nasopharynx and its chronic inflammation. Mucus accumulates on their surface, which has an unpleasant purulent odor. Enlarged adenoids prevent the free passage of air into the airways through the nose, so the child begins to breathe through the mouth. The mucous membrane of the oropharynx easily dries out and then becomes injured.

Past or current diseases of the throat and oral cavity (sore throat, stomatitis, pharyngitis), as well as acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract, are accompanied by the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Dental caries, gum inflammation, and fungal infections in the oral cavity are often the cause of altered breathing. Normally, the mucous membranes of the human body contain a fungus of the genus Candida, which under certain conditions causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. This happens in the oral cavity as well. A white coating appears on the lips, gums, and tongue, which has a specific odor and contributes to unpleasant sensations.

There are several other causes of bad breath:

To find out the cause of bad breath, first of all you should contact a pediatrician, who will talk with the mother and child, carefully examine the second and draw up an examination plan, during which it will become clear whether the child has a particular pathology. The examination should include blood, urine, stool tests, ultrasound of internal organs, and consultations with specialists.

Pediatrician S.V. Sytnik

Greetings, dear readers. This article will be of interest to anyone who has children of any age - from infants to teenagers. Today's topic of discussion is the child.

Many of us have probably at least sometimes noticed that the baby’s breath is no longer fresh. In some cases, even regular teeth brushing does not help. What is the reason for this and how is it eliminated? Perhaps your child is sick with something and needs specialist help? Let's not get ahead of ourselves and start studying the issue in order.

Why does the smell appear?

The answer “I ate something wrong” and “I didn’t brush my teeth well” is unlikely to satisfy everyone. Especially those parents who monitor nutrition and hygiene. Therefore, we list the key reasons for the appearance of bad breath in a child. There aren't many of them.

  1. The simplest option is dryness of the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Monitor the humidity level in the room and the amount of liquid consumed.

  2. Some types of food themselves have a pungent odor or are food for bacteria, the waste products of which are the source of such “flavors”. This includes garlic and onions, cheeses, corn, fish and canned goods, even some types of juices. If a child is addicted to sweets and cookies, and other sources of carbohydrates, this leads to a massive proliferation of pathogenic flora on the mucous membranes and surfaces of the teeth.
  3. Lack of oral hygiene. Children do not like to brush their teeth, and if they do it, it is not as good as required. Bacteria also collect on the tongue and between the teeth. Parents should pay attention to this important point.

  4. Fungus. Almost everyone has it, but in the normal state of the immune system it cannot actively reproduce. With any inflammation and infections, the process gets out of control of the body and leads to fungal infection of the mucous membranes. It is accompanied by a specific smell.
  5. Bacterial. The surface of the tongue is a cross between the surface of a highway and the surface of a tire of a car driving on it. That is, there are irregularities, pits, cracks, as well as many papillae that react to temperature, taste and other parameters of food, water and even air. This uneven surface accumulates food particles and therefore requires regular cleaning. If this is not done, they begin to break down under the influence of salivary enzymes. Essentially, the first phase of digestion begins. During the process, characteristic odors are released.

  6. Mouth breathing. As we know, it is normal to inhale and exhale through the nose. When you breathe through your mouth, this leads to drying out of the mucous membranes (see point one).
  7. Mucus in the sinuses.
  8. Tonsillitis (inflammation of the tonsils). It may be infectious or develop due to food debris getting stuck on the tonsils.

  9. Increased acidity, other problems in the gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Stress and fears. They also lead to drying out of the mucous membranes.
  11. or permanent teeth. Often the process is accompanied by gum inflammation. At this time, bacteria are especially active.

  12. When using some medications, an odor may also appear. For example, during treatment with antibiotics, neutral flora dies and a fungus or other microorganisms resistant to the drug may develop.

Interestingly, infants usually do not have such problems. This is due to dietary habits. There are a large number of lactic acid bacteria in the baby's mouth. They prevent pathogenic microorganisms from multiplying. Therefore, if a child’s bad breath appeared at the age of one year or even earlier, it is worth paying attention. This cannot be the norm.

Video - Bad breath

Some parents pay attention to the appearance of a similar symptom. He explains it simply. There are 10 hours between brushing your teeth (say, at 9:00 p.m.) and waking up at 7:00 a.m. No one (no matter what is written in the advertisement) can guarantee that bad breath will not appear in the morning.

This time is enough for the bacteria to restore their numbers. When they break down proteins, they release sulfur in the form of volatile compounds. This is what leads to such an unpleasant effect. If little saliva is produced and the mucous membrane dries out, this speeds up the process.

Video - Why does a child have bad breath?

Bad breath in a child - how to treat?

So we come to the logical question - what to do if a child has bad breath?

First, inspect his mouth. Look at the condition of your teeth. Perhaps he has developed caries and smells from the hole into which food has managed to clog.

Make sure there is no white coating on the inside of your cheeks or tongue. Check the condition of your gums. When they become inflamed, similar symptoms are also possible. What to do in this case? Rinse with chamomile and sage. You can use soda, but it can also cause dry mouth. As you can see, in some cases treatment may not be required.

Eliminate sweets and sugar for a while. It can be replaced with honey, and sweets and cookies with fresh fruit. After every meal, you should brush your teeth or at least rinse your mouth. There are special children's rinses containing antibacterial components in doses acceptable for children.

Review of the 5 best children's mouth rinses:

Miradent Used to indicate dental plaque. This helps children figure out where to brush their teeth especially carefully. Apply mouthwash before brushing your teeth. The product is not medicinal, but only helps children learn to brush their teeth
Lakalut for children Allowed for use by children from 8 years old. The content of foaming components prevents the leaching of calcium and helps strengthen teeth. Prescribed for the treatment of ginginitis and the prevention of caries. Should be used after tooth extraction
Gum Junior The product prevents calcium leaching and strengthens gums. The composition does not contain fluoride, has a chewing gum taste, copes well with plaque on teeth and is safe for health when swallowed. Prescribed for children over 7 years old
Pasta Del Capitano The liquid has a mint flavor and is specially designed for rinsing the mouth of children over 6 years old. The composition contains zinc, which has an antibacterial effect, slowing down the appearance of plaque, fluoride and calcium salts that protect teeth from caries
32 Pearls A modern technological product for additional oral care for children aged 3 years and older. The composition contains a rich set of plant components that carefully and safely take care of children's teeth and gums.

There may be toxins in the body that are not excreted in the urine. The child’s parents are advised to check the child for problems in the endocrine system, liver, and kidneys. If the symptom is associated specifically with disorders of the excretory function, after they are eliminated, the smell will disappear.

Bad breath in a child - photo

Pay attention to the general condition. Gas formation may have increased and bloating may have appeared. If problems arise in a child who can already talk about his feelings, ask if he has heartburn, nausea, or bitterness in his mouth.

If the cause is, then it is quite possible that it arose against the background of another infection in the child’s body. For example, it often accompanies rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, and various diseases caused by the herpes virus.

To eliminate bad breath in a child, you need to cure the underlying disease. It is also extremely important that the body receives the required amount of nutrients. For example, glucose. Without it, the process of breaking down stored fats begins, which is also accompanied by the appearance of an ammonia smell.

Which doctors should I go to? First of all, the dentist and therapist. The dentist will rule out diseases of the gums and teeth. The therapist will be able to find out whether the symptom is associated with diseases of the internal organs, prescribe tests and refer to specialists - ENT, gastroenterologist, hepatologist, nephrologist or endocrinologist.

When you have a detailed blood test, blood sugar levels, hormone levels and other data, you will be able to understand what caused it.

Be sure to teach children to breathe through their nose. Monitor the air humidity level in the room where the child sleeps. If the air is dry, put a bucket of water, hang wet sheets, or buy a simple humidifier.

Table. Moisturizing the mucous membrane - step-by-step instructions.

Steps, photoDescription of actions

If possible, reduce the room temperature. Due to exposure to dry air, the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth necessarily dry out. Reduce the temperature to somewhere around 15-16 degrees at least at night.

Buy the humidifier we just talked about. Among other things, a humidifier improves the air quality in the room, reduces the concentration of dust in it, and makes it more beneficial for the child. At the same time, do not forget about periodic cleaning of the device - this way it will work more efficiently.

Use saline sprays. They prevent the mucous membrane from drying out and also cleanse the nasal cavities.

Make your child drink more fluids. Thanks to this, drying out of the mucous membrane can be prevented. The minimum amount of water (for an adult) is eight glasses every day.

Take care of oral hygiene, dental condition, and proper nutrition. This is the best prevention of unpleasant odors!