Dreaming of buying a skirt. Why do you dream about a skirt? Interpretation of dreams about a white, red, green skirt, why you dream of trying on, buying, choosing a skirt if a woman dreams of a skirt

If an unmarried young woman dreams of a long white skirt that she puts on herself, romantic adventures and an acquaintance with a wonderful person await her soon.

Mutual sympathy will develop into a romance, but there is a high probability that the relationship will be fleeting and will ultimately lead to separation and emotional coldness.

If, despite all attempts to harmonize the union, discord is inevitable, try to do without reproaches and accusations. Maintain a friendly, benevolent attitude towards each other, then breaking the connection will not leave an unpleasant aftertaste in your soul.

I dreamed of a long red skirt

Why do you dream of a long red skirt? The near future will bring a whirlwind romance and passionate meetings. A real emotional and sensual explosion awaits you, which will bring a powerful charge of energy and a surge of strength. It’s as if wings will grow behind your back.

The meaning of the dream may not be related to relationships with the opposite sex: sometimes it promises a significant event in other areas of life. In any case, it will be something extraordinary, bright and pleasant.

Try not to rush headlong into an adventure. It is worth thinking about the possible consequences, weighing the pros and cons. Caution will save you from disappointments and bitter regrets in the future.

Why do you dream of a long floor-length skirt?

A dream in which you are wearing a long, floor-length skirt is a warning. There is a great risk that a person from your close circle is manipulating you for personal gain and trying to win you over to his side.

To avoid dependence on a dishonest person, do not make serious decisions based on the opinions of others. First of all, use common sense and focus on your own goals.

Long skirt with a slit according to the dream book

A long skirt with a slit in a dream can have several meanings. If the item of clothing looks beautiful and attracts admiring glances, and you do not feel awkward in your movements, the plot promises the implementation of long-standing plans and new projects.

Take advantage of this favorable period to implement the most daring and original ideas. Your activity will bring great profits. In addition, you will gain valuable professional experience and confidence in your own abilities.

If the skirt restricts movement or looks aesthetically unattractive, the dream indicates impending troubles and obstacles on the way to achieving your plans. You will have to make every effort to overcome them.

In the current situation, excessive persistence may be unnecessary. Listen to your inner feelings and premonitions. It may be worth temporarily going into standby mode and watching events unfold.

Dream interpretation long skirt

A long skirt does not suit every woman, and therefore the image you see probably hides some kind of secret. Many dream books give their own interpretations, which cannot always be compared with the dreamed picture, and therefore it is so important to analyze every detail that seems unimportant. It’s not difficult to understand why you dream of a long skirt, the main thing is to follow simple and understandable rules.

What to expect in the future?

According to the popular dream book, a long skirt symbolizes the desire to hide something from other people or protect yourself from someone. But one should not dwell only on these very pessimistic interpretations. For a comprehensive decoding, you will need characteristics of color, sensation and many other factors that are partially forgotten after waking up.

General provisions

Seeing yourself in a long dress in a dream means feeling the need for protection. The dream interpreter presents good news, according to which, even in the event of an emergency, close people will come to the dreamer’s aid, and everything will end well.

The main thing is not to pay attention to the little things, but to continue working on the problem. Was there a slit on the long skirt? This feature cannot be ignored:

What color was it?

For a sleeping person, the fact of what color the skirt was worn will be extremely important.


If your clothes are black, it means that in real life you will face some tests for which you will not be able to prepare. Dream interpreters recommend relaxing and understanding that your efforts will lead to success.

According to another interpretation, the black wardrobe detail that the woman dreamed about reflects her constant desire to hide her innate sexuality. The sleeping beauty must understand herself and understand what mistakes she makes.


I dreamed of a white wardrobe item

Why do you dream of a red skirt? Most likely, the dreamer feels the need for a passionate partner who could realize all her wildest fantasies. If a representative of the stronger half of humanity saw such a dream, it means he feels the need to possess such a woman. The main thing is to move from words to action, and not just dream. The darker the shades, the sexier the nature. The sleeping person will have to meet a new person who can share his passion.


The white skirt is not as popular, unlike the options described above, but it also needs to be interpreted correctly. The dream interpreter foretells the receipt of important news or a letter. If you couldn’t immediately find out the details, then the most interesting things may pass you by.

According to another interpretation, a clean skirt in a dream is a symbol of harmony and balance, and therefore the image seen reflects an improvement in affairs on the love front. If you see any spots, it means that unforeseen difficulties will appear on the way to your goal.

The dream interpreter advises the sleeping person to find a quick solution, preventing further deterioration.

Material well-being

To obtain a more accurate interpretation, the dreamer must remember the condition of the skirt.


Old or out-of-fashion dream clothes

You may dream of wearing a maxi, symbolizing marriage to an influential and accomplished man. He will not only satisfy all needs, but also give everything that the woman lacked. However, the dream book is forced to disappoint, since the man will not be with you for long, and changes will soon begin, and not the most rosy ones.


If the dreamer just took the dreamed outfit out of the packaging, it means that in reality she is destined to win a big jackpot. The dream book advises you to properly manage the resources received and increase your capital, instead of spending it.

What could they have missed?

Wearing a new maxi and looking chic will bring admiration in men’s eyes and the envy of girlfriends. Of course, such a dream can be interpreted literally, since such clothes reveal a woman like a flower revealing its petals.

The female interpreter advises to give up emotional conversations with your friends if your hobby begins to develop into something serious. You have to value budding relationships because they can quickly be destroyed.

The dreamed outfit often reflects the love adventures that the sleeping lady so desires. Apparently, she has been hiding her true qualities from other people for a long time. You should wear what you want and let others experience unforgettable emotions from your appearance.

The style is the main thing in the interpretation of a dream about a black skirt. After all, according to dream books, this item of women’s clothing can promise love passions, torment, and a happy relationship with a romantic partner. In a word, there are many versions, and in order to understand why you dreamed about a black skirt, you must remember in the morning the maximum number of dreamed details and details.

Don't rush into an amorous relationship!

In general, a black skirt in a dream is a warning that a love relationship will not yet bring happiness to the dreamer. Alas, the dream book predicts only disappointments and tears from an unsuccessful romance.

You shouldn’t fuss, try to get a new gentleman (lover) as soon as possible, if your feelings for the old one haven’t cooled down yet, the dream book recommends to the lady who saw herself in a black skirt in a night fantasy. It’s wiser to take a break for now, be alone, “clean your feathers,” and collect your thoughts.

Short skirt. Why is she dreaming? Besides, you need to keep your eyes open for new acquaintances. The dream book suggests that excessive gullibility can cause material losses and other troubles caused by strangers trying to gain trust.

For the young lady, this dream has a different meaning: the girl, out of naivety, allowed an experienced womanizer, a heartless hero-lover, too close to her, taking his advances at face value.

Lacy joys

Good luck in love will accompany the sleeping woman - this is what a black lace skirt means in a dream.

A lady who wore a lace skirt in a dream should, upon awakening, prepare for an exciting romantic adventure that will evoke a lot of strong emotions and leave pleasant memories. Most likely, you will have a rendezvous with your loved one.

Male and female

A wedding is coming soon - this is what a dream about a black skirt promises for a single man, a young man. But for a married man, this image predicts a quarrel with his wife.

Why does a woman dream about this piece of clothing? Moreover, she is somewhat complex and indecisive. In vain, the dream book says, it’s time to realize your most secret dreams, global plans, to do what you have long wanted.

Fantasies of fashion designers

Every woman has a black skirt. But the style and cut of the model may be different. This is what can significantly affect the interpretation of the dream.

For example, a feminine model dreams of a period of falling in love, a romantic mood. Pretentious, too elegant suggests that the sleeping woman often lies and is a hypocrite. A skirt consisting of several tiers indicates that in real life there are difficulties in relationships. They are extremely confused and already burdensome.

A skirt with flounces and frills can be seen by frivolous ladies at night. The flared one indicates the dreamer’s high self-esteem.

Did you notice the ruffled skirt while you were sleeping? Get ready for a responsible task, a difficult assignment. A strict style of skirt in a dream is a harbinger of a serious relationship, a long-term romance. But a simple cut is a sign that your partner will turn out to be a boring bore.

Miller's version

American psychologist Gustav Miller suggests that a black maxi skirt is a sign that the dreamer, tormented by temptations and shameful thoughts, will be able to overcome them. Which he won’t regret later.

About the meaning of length

Distrustful and suspicious young ladies often see long styles of black skirts in their dreams. Dreamers try to isolate themselves from the outside world, fearing responsibility. However, such behavior can affect the image. People will think of the sleeping person as a strange, unsociable person, which can negatively affect both their personal life and their career. Therefore, try to be more open-minded and cheerful, the dream book advises.

A skirt is a very important and integral part of a woman's wardrobe. It gives confidence to women and attracts the attention of men.

Skirts are made from a wide variety of fabrics and all kinds of shapes, so every woman can choose a skirt according to her figure and taste. But I wonder what the skirt is for in dreams? Moreover, as the dream book says, a skirt can be dreamed of not only by women, but also by men and even children. What do such dreams prophesy to us? Let's figure it out.

Feminine look

There is an opinion that a skirt in a dream carries hidden erotic connotations. This is directly related to those parts of the body that are hidden underneath. But we should not forget that in a dream absolutely all the details matter, otherwise the interpretation will not be complete. Therefore, try to remember the length of the skirt, its color and shape, in general, absolutely everything. Now let's begin the interpretation.

A long skirt is a symbol of your sanity, that is, you keep your secret desires and thoughts under control, not allowing them to be flaunted in front of society. In other words, in life you wear a certain mask of a modest, decent girl, without actually being one. But you hide your true essence somewhere deep in your soul.

If the skirt in a dream is very long, namely to the floor, it means that now you are at your best. You always take care of yourself, your health and your words, play sports and self-development, which arouses the admiration and respect of others. Also, long skirts can mean the dreamer’s security and represent support from family and friends in reality.

It’s not for nothing that there is an opinion: the longer the skirt, the longer the courtship will last. Men love mystery in women, and what could be more of a mystery than a long skirt? She hides everything, and a man has to figure out what makes a woman even more desirable and sexy.

But if you dreamed of a plain skirt, pay attention to your appearance. This is most likely a sign that you are not as attractive to your partner, and this can have a negative impact on the relationship.

A short skirt has the opposite meaning. You are too open and can become a victim of deception or betrayal at any moment. Therefore, follow these tips:

  • Don't trust people you don't know.
  • Do not be led by feelings and desires; the man you like should not have access to your heart, wallet and home in the very first days.
  • Don’t tell even your closest friends and relatives details of your personal life.

Also, a short skirt in a dream shows that in reality there are no close people near you whom you could trust and turn to for help. And if at the same time she is also, get ready for the fact that you will have to independently resist the attacks of others, gossip and slander. But God does not give us trials that we cannot cope with, so you were given these trials in order to become stronger.

There is another interpretation of the dream about skirts. Perhaps you will soon have a love affair, and a short skirt is a symbol of the frivolity of this relationship.

Blue, white, light blue - choose any one for yourself

When wondering what a skirt is in a dream about, pay attention to its color, as this is important. A red skirt predicts an increase in vitality and energy for the dreamer, as well as an excellent mood. And positive-minded, smiling people have always attracted the attention of others, so get ready for an unexpected acquaintance, but your relationship will not go beyond hot flirting. It’s not for nothing that the color red has always symbolized passion, and long, strong relationships cannot be built on passion alone.

But if you are a family man and don’t plan to have affairs on the side, then a red skirt in your dream promises unexpected joy in the near future. For men, this dream speaks of an insane desire to own a specific woman.

Let's look again at the dream book, a white skirt symbolizes the sincerity of feelings in a couple, since people have always associated this color with purity and innocence. Those who see a new white skirt will have a long, tender, pure relationship.

Don't be alarmed if you dream of a black skirt. For many, this color evokes unpleasant associations associated with mourning. But in a dream, as in life, this is not always the case. This dream with a black skirt speaks of upcoming difficulties, through which you will become stronger and know your capabilities.

The condition of the item of clothing also matters. So, a new skirt promises a bright streak in your life. Good luck will accompany you in everything, long-standing problems will be resolved, and relationships with others will improve. This is also a great time to express yourself at work and make new useful contacts.

Trying on someone else's skirt in a dream means taking on the burden of another person's problems. In addition, quarrels with people, unnecessary worries and troubles are possible. But buying a new skirt, and, accordingly, trying it on, means that good news or an event awaits you soon.

A black skirt in a dream is interpreted as a versatile symbol. The dream book states: this is a harbinger of material losses, a warning against hasty romantic relationships. But sometimes a vision promises happy love. Its style will help clarify why such a symbol is dreamed of.

Avoid romantic relationships for now

The dream of a black skirt seems to warn: now it is better to avoid romantic relationships, as they can bring regrets and disappointments. Sometimes a vision promises sadness.

Seeing yourself in a black skirt in a dream means: you should not enter into a new love affair if the memories of the previous breakup are still fresh. It’s better to pause, reflect, let go of emotions.

Why do you dream when it is short? The dream book warns: material losses are possible if you place unjustified trust in someone. Pay more attention to new acquaintances and their suggestions.

Another interpretation of the dream about a short skirt is also possible: the girl let a certain man get too close to her, but this should not have been done.

New hobby ahead

Did you dream about lace? The dream book promises: your love will be happy.

Also, the plot in a dream about a lace black skirt says: you should not suppress your sexuality. Better understand your needs and desires so that life brings satisfaction and joy.

Why do you dream of putting it on yourself? The dream book states: the dreamer expects a new hobby, a surge of emotions, pleasant memories. The vision also foreshadows a date with your loved one.

Make your dreams come true

For a young man to see a black skirt promises a quick marriage. For a married man - a quarrel with his wife.

It signals to a woman in a dream: the sleeping woman is afraid to admit something to herself. However, now is just the right moment to do this, to try to bring to life exactly what you like.

What style did you dream about?

  • beautiful, feminine - for a romantic mood;
  • overly elegant - there is a certain amount of hypocrisy and lies in the relationship;
  • multi-tiered - intricate relationships that are already burdensome;
  • too fluffy, with flounces, frills - the current relationship is not very serious;
  • flared - you have a big conceit;
  • corrugated - a difficult task lies ahead;
  • strict - a serious romance lies ahead;
  • too simple a style - boredom, despondency with a partner.

Miller's Dream Book: Be prudent

Why do you dream of a long black skirt? This means: in reality, thanks to prudence, you will overcome your secret, and perhaps even shameful desires.

With effort, you will achieve excellent results.

To see a long one in a dream - the sleeping woman is too distrustful, suspicious, she wants to protect herself from the outside world in order to avoid responsibility. However, distrust and rejection of the world around her will prevent the implementation of her plans and will characterize the dreamer as an unsociable woman. You need to be more sociable - then you will be able to achieve the desired results faster.