Combination of death tarot cards with others. The meaning of the Tarot card is Death. Tarot card Death combined with some of the minor arcana

So we have come to the most mystical, gloomy and disturbing card of the Tarot deck - Death, the meaning of which we will consider in today's article. Some beginning tarot readers are subconsciously afraid of this Arcanum and the events that it brings into our lives. But is his appearance always a bad sign? To understand this, we will need to look in detail at the archetype of Death. Let's begin our journey.

General description of the card, plot and meaning in the layout

Before we announce the meaning of the 13th Tarot card, let’s look at its image in different decks. Rider-Waite has a gloomy horseman with a skull hidden under his hood instead of a face. Under the hooves of the rider there are dying people and only one, still living man in rich clothes, folded his hands as if begging to spare him. With this drawing, Waite apparently wanted to show that before death all people are equal. In the Tarot Thoth is a skeleton with a scythe, as in many other modern decks. Some authors depict Death in a very abstract way. For example, in the Haindl Tarot on the thirteenth Arcana we see an image of a huge peacock's head - a symbol of immortality in many cultures, and a bony hand rising from the depths of the sea. What all these cards have in common is an archetype that reminds humanity that nothing lasts forever under the Moon.

Key words and ideas of the card in the layout

If we try to determine the meaning of the Tarot Arcana Death, the following phrases will come to mind first:

  • The end of something
  • Death
  • Saying goodbye to something
  • Transformation
  • Transition to a new state
  • Irreversible event
  • Crisis stage

The meaning of the card Death in an upright position

The traditional meaning of the 13th Arcana of the Tarot, oddly enough, is associated, first of all, not with physical death, as many mistakenly think, but rather with the process of rebirth. Death is not just the end, but also the simultaneous beginning of something new, it is a transformation into a new form, rebirth. When this card appears, some important stage of a person’s life usually ends, some inevitable event occurs, which at first is most often perceived negatively. This is due to the fact that a person gets used to being the master of his life, but in the face of death he becomes weak and helpless, since it destroys all his plans without asking. Understanding the archetype of Death is very important for the correct interpretation of the thirteenth Arcana. This card should not be classified as exclusively negative, because after the end of the old, something new always begins.

The meaning of the card in an inverted position

The meaning of the inverted Death of the Tarot is also associated with the process of dying, the end of something, however, in this case, a person either intensely resists the changes that come into his life, or, on the contrary, tries to complete something that, in general, should not be completed. Under this card, some long-term painful processes often take place, similar to prolonging a trip to the dentist during a severe toothache.

Video about the meaning of the Death card

The meaning of the Arcana Death in love scenarios

Understanding the principle of operation of this gloomy card, you can easily understand what the meaning of Tarot Death will be in a relationship.

Straight position

The traditional meaning of Tarot Death in love is the end of some important stage. Under this card, there is usually a destruction of long-term love relationships, a breaking of old ties, for example, the final deliverance from an unrequited feeling that has tormented a person for years, the transition of a couple to a new important stage. If we consider the meaning of the Tarot Death card in relationships in the context of transformation, then it becomes clear that events such as the decision to formalize an official marriage after several years of marriage (the death of a civil marriage and at the same time the beginning of a new life stage), pregnancy and birth can occur under the Arcanum. child (the old life ends and a completely new one begins, in which the spouses become not just a couple, but already parents) and other similar situations. This also includes divorce, which turns two people connected by marriage into free ones.

Inverted position

Under a reverse card, basically the same thing happens as under a straight card, but there are two possible options here. If we perceive the meaning of the reversed Tarot Death in relationships as the necessary completion of something, then we can say that the person who received this card strongly resists future changes, for example, refuses to understand that the marriage is hanging by a thread and is trying with all his might to save it , although it’s high time to get a divorce and make way for a new, free life. As a result, we get a long, painful process that does not bring relief to anyone, but only aggravates the already not very pleasant state of both spouses. Reverse Death can also describe clinging to hopeless relationships, when, for example, it is extremely clear that the chosen one is not destined for you, but you still stubbornly do not want to break the connection with him.

The second option for reading the inverted Arcana is a persistent attempt to finish what should not leave your life. For example, a desperate desire to get a divorce, although your spouse is actually your real other half, the desire to have a child from a completely unsuitable person (here by “dying” we mean the end of a childless life) and other situations that we try to transform on our own. In this case, the arrival of the 13th Arcana seems to say to a person: “Stop, think, stop! You are cutting off absolutely the wrong connections!”

The meaning of the card in health layouts

The Major Arcana of Death, which appears when divining health, usually frightens a person very much, because its appearance is most often associated with physical death. But will the card really communicate about death?

Straight position

Contrary to popular belief, the meaning of Tarot Death in health in most cases is not at all connected with the direct process of dying, although sometimes the Arcanum actually speaks of the end of life, but only if there are other confirming cards nearby. Usually, serious operations, removal of tumors, amputations, heart attacks, stays in intensive care and other unpleasant events take place under the Death card. The scope of this Arcana also includes evil eyes, damage and other magical interventions.

Inverted position

A reversed card can mean long-term painful processes that a person cannot complete due to his unpreparedness - for example, an unwillingness to undergo surgery, although it is necessary. Sometimes reversed Death can be interpreted as an erroneous operation, for example, an amputation, which in fact could have been avoided.

The meaning of the 13th Arcana in a reading for personality analysis and psychological state

Let's consider the meaning of the Death Tarot card in matters of analyzing a person's character and determining his state of mind.

Straight position

A person with a difficult fate, who often experiences serious losses in life. He, like the Phoenix bird, seems to die and is born again as a completely different person, and so many times throughout his life. State of mind - prolonged depression, stressful experiences associated with the end of an important life stage or sudden unpleasant changes.

Inverted position

A person who desperately does not allow change into his life is a kind of conservative, confident that the old is always better than the new. We can say that this is a person with incredibly strong ties to his environment, lifestyle, and habits. It is very difficult for him to change anything. If we describe a psychological state with a map, it will be aversion to loss, a reluctance to realize that something important needs to be let go in order to move on, depression from which a person cannot or does not want to get out on his own.

The meaning of the 13th Arcana in fortune telling for work, finance, business

It's time to analyze what the Death card means in the Tarot if we are interested in the deck about professional activities and work affairs.

Straight position

The direct map usually shows global changes, for example, dismissal, a radical change of job (when a person leaves one profession for another), bankruptcy or destruction of an established business, a significant promotion or demotion - in a word, everything that greatly changes our lives , taking it to a new level.

Inverted position

Similar to the direct one, but the person seems to be closing himself off from the changes that are already knocking on the door. He doesn’t want to change his life, he’s afraid, so the process can take a long time. Another reverse meaning of Tarot Death in work is cutting off what should not be completed, for example, the desire to quit a good, suitable position, deciding to close a profitable business, retiring too early and other situations that do not go according to fate , but contrary to it, but the person does not understand this.

Meaning in combination with the Major Arcana

Let's see how we can interpret the combination of the Death card with other Tarot cards. First, let's analyze the Trumps.

  • : Playing on contrasts, frivolous attitude towards death
  • : Gain strength to overcome the crisis
  • : Prophetic dreams
  • : The onset of a favorable period after unpleasant, inevitable events, a loss leading to something good
  • : Dramatic changes at work or at home
  • : Funeral, change of spiritual worldview, religion
  • : Changes in personal life
  • : Reconsidering your goals
  • : Pull yourself together in difficult circumstances
  • : Inevitable loneliness, breakdown of social connections
  • : Inevitable change of fate
  • : Make a will
  • : Resist change
  • : Bouncing back after loss
  • Devil: Communication with the other world, black magic
  • Tower: Global life disasters
  • Star: Hope that changes will be for the better
  • Moon: Illness, loss and destruction due to deception
  • Sun: Transformation, rebirth
  • Judgment: Closing Karma, Rise from the Dead
  • World: Summing up

The meaning of the Death card in combination with the Minor Arcana

Novice tarot readers raise a lot of questions when reading combinations of the 13th Arcana with numerical and court cards. We give the most common interpretations.

With the suit of Staves

  • : Transformation of ideas
  • : Clinging to what is passing
  • : Embracing change
  • : Changes at home
  • : End of conflict
  • : It is necessary to change the team
  • Seven: Fruitless attempts to interfere with something or someone
  • Eight: Meaning of the 13th Tarot card with the Eight of Wands - progressive changes
  • : Fear of change
  • : “Putting the last nail in the coffin”
  • : Loss of interest
  • : Loss of pace
  • : Adapt to change
  • King: Change of status

With the suit of Cups

  • : Changes on the love front
  • : Changes in the sphere of personal relationships
  • : Change of environment
  • : Missing opportunities
  • : Irreplaceable loss
  • : Leaving the past
  • : Farewell to illusions
  • : Forced withdrawal
  • Nine: Destroying dreams
  • Ten: Separation, parting, divorce
  • Page: Abortion, frozen pregnancy
  • Knight: Empty Promises
  • Queen: Breaking up with a woman

No card in the Tarot deck scares people more than Death. But this is not a literal death of a person. This could mean the collapse of a project, plan or relationship.

Tarot Death is a powerful card that foreshadows collapse

Death represents the endless cycle of life.

Symbolism of the Death card

Death Tarot is a card that depicts Death himself riding a white horse, with a black and white flag. The harbinger of death is presented in the form of a skeleton. The armor she wears indicates that she is invincible. The horse on which the harbinger of doom rides is white - this is the color of purity. Death is the final method of purification. All things are born fresh, new and pure.

The banner that Death carries has a black background, indicating the absence of light. The white rose is an outline of beauty, purification and immortality. In the background of the card is the rising sun, a sign of immortality.

The sun seems to “die” every night, but is reborn every morning. Two pillars guard the gate to the sun, symbolizing the knowledge necessary to gain immortality.

The boat in the background is the ferry that transports souls across the River Styx.

The background is neutral, gray, again showing the impartiality of Death.

The card is ruled by Scorpio and the number is 13, sacred to the Goddess as there are thirteen moons in a year.

The boat in the background symbolizes the crossing of the River Styx

Alternative map image

There is also an alternative, slightly modified image of the map.

Under a gray-blue sky, on a pale white horse, a green skeleton in black armor. A dead body is visible below him; a crown has fallen from the corpse. A small child and a teenage girl kneel at the hooves of a marching horse, making no attempt to resist their fate.

The bishop, dressed in richly decorated robes, prays, but from the viewer's point of view, he is in the path of the horse. The horse's bridle is leather and decorated with skulls. In his right hand, the skeleton holds the reins and keeps the horse in front. In his left hand he carries the mast. Its flag is black with a white five-petalled flower.

In the distance is a lake or sea with a large warship, its giant sail appears as a small speck. The sun sets on the far right side of the map. It is ideally located between the two watchtowers shown on the map of the Moon.

In the scene depicted in this picture, people are dead or dying. Even prayers don't seem to help. The triumphal flag should be planted like a flower on a grave, cold and colorless.

A long-distance warship reports that the smallest incident in our past leads to the current state. The horse's leg is raised in a slow march along a certain path, so no mercy should be expected.

Alternative image of Death in tarot

Interpretation of the appearance of the map

This Tarot card, despite its terrifying appearance, has a simple interpretation:

  • The sun has not yet completely left the horizon. This is a sign that the widespread changes surrounding a person provide some opportunity. Changes that cannot be stopped, but can be used to your advantage.
  • The sky is gray, not black. Black sky tarot cards are the ones that give no way out. Gray sky is neutral. The powerful and constant changes that occur can negatively affect a person, or they can leave everything unchanged. The change that this painting symbolizes is on the way.
  • The skeleton looks outward, but not directly at the viewer. This signals a definite ending, an absolute transition and the elimination of much of the past. This is the death of the way things were, but the person will live to be part of the new order of things.

Among the shuffled deck, the Death Tarot card is the one that no one wants to see, despite the fact that it is not always interpreted correctly.

The most important thing to remember about the card is that the 13th Arcana of the Tarot represents the decline of business, relationships, but not the death of the person being told fortunes. Death, when combined with other tarot cards, can have completely different meanings.

Tarot Death does not foretell the death of a person

Meaning in past, present and future positions

Tarot reading is divided into sections: past, present and future. Here the map of the earth influences the point of view from which it will be interpreted. It is much better if death occurs in the previous position. This indicates that the person has gone through a painful change associated with loss and inability to do anything. Whether it is a childhood scar or recent troubling events, this card emphasizes that everything is in the past. It may be the concrete foundation upon which a person's present situation rests.

In its current position, the Arcana of Death indicates that the person is making every effort to cope with changes in his life. Lovers are at the stage of separation or under severe pressure. It also means that you need to worry about your work and not be distracted by other problems, obsessions about money will become a matter of concern.

In Tarot cards, when faced with this Arcanum, it is important to remember that it is impossible to fight death. The power of this card is invincible. For lovers, this means it's time to think about letting each other go.

The future position tarot card meaning is ironic because everyone is going to die sooner or later. For lovers in the near future, this may be an indicator of the approaching death of a strong relationship. In the position of the future, this picture has the power to influence the work aspect of life. Those who have their own business should check its security. You may want to read new information on business websites to make sure the company is economically stable.

The power of the Death card cannot be overcome

Frequently encountered card combinations

In Tarot, several cards in a deck interact in such a way that they have the power to influence each other.

Death is a powerful card. It is difficult to mitigate the absolute changes it brings, but when combined with other elements it can provide specific clues about where changes will occur and how they may affect a person.

The Empress card is most closely associated with Death. The Empress represents abundance, and Arcana thirteen represents distress. When they are together, the changes will have disastrous consequences.

When Death and the Hermit appear together, the lovers will have to face a feeling of disappointment. In combination with the Tower, it indicates that a person should not worry about subsequent changes, since he will not be able to change anything anyway.

In combination with the Moon card, it indicates that such strong changes will come into a person’s life that it will be very difficult for him to survive them, he will be morally crushed. This combination can also be interpreted as changes for the better; people will be able to quit smoking or move to a better part of the city.

Death and the Knight of Pentacles is a very ambiguous combination. In this combination, the transformational nature of the Death card is set in shape and direction by the Knight of Pentacles. Death always shows some kind of ending, often unwanted and sometimes unexpected. The Knight of Pentacles gives insight into what happens after the end and what the next stage will be. The Knight of Pentacles signifies pragmatism, realism, methodicalness, as well as mission and purpose.

Some cards have a strong effect on the meaning of Death

Other possible combinations

When other cards appear, such as the Four of Swords, you should be wary of an illness that can be fatal.

In combination with Lovers, they foretell a sexual experience that brings a person closer to God. This can also be interpreted as the end of a relationship or business partnership. With Strength are a harbinger of the end of friendly relations.

Death and the Hermit speak of an immediate change in thinking due to another person's insight. Self-awareness at a higher level of thinking.

Together with the Wheel of Fortune, they indicate the imminent end of what is about to happen. This is a change for the better. The cards indicate that fate is preparing a better path in life for a person. In combination with the Hanged Man, it prophesies a change in perspective on a situation that is coming to an end. Love fortune tellers can completely understand why the relationship had to end.

Death and Peace - the end of an era.

In combination with the Five of Swords - the end of the fight. This will happen by mutual agreement of the parties.

Combination with the Ten of Pentacles indicates the end of family relationships.

Tarot Death affects the meaning of adjacent cards

Meaning of the card in the upright position

People tend to take the meaning of this card too literally. Death can also be one of the most positive cards in the deck. It symbolizes the end of a certain phase or aspect of life, which can lead to the beginning of something much more valuable and important. You need to close one door to open another. You should leave the past behind and be ready to embrace new opportunities.

If one refuses to make these changes, a person may experience pain, both emotional and physical, but if he uses his creative imagination and visualizes new possibilities, then serious success awaits him.

Death indicates a time of significant transformation, change and transition. Any changes during this period should be welcomed as a positive, cleansing, transformative force in life.

Death and the clearing of limiting factors can open the door to a broader, more enjoyable experience in life.

The card contains elements of sudden and unexpected change. A loss can be a series of surprises that end a period of turmoil or problems.

Finally, Death is a sign that you need to learn to let go of unhealthy attachments in your life to pave the way for a more fulfilling life with deeper meaning and meaning. This element of the Tarot teaches you to let go of a worn out and outgrown lifestyle and move forward. This is a map of change.

Reversed card meaning

Death is transformation and new life, and it indicates the need to let go of the past.

Reversed Death reflects that a person is on the verge of major changes, but for some reason he is resisting these changes. The person may be reluctant to let go of the past or not know how to make necessary adjustments in their life. As a result, life has come to a standstill and the person feels stuck in limbo.

Everyone may be afraid of the new, not be sure that the time has come for changes, but the Death card suggests that it is time. Don't stop there, change your life for the better.

"Die and be reborn, rise and pass away"

When this card appears in a reading, it may frighten you if you do not know the symbolism well. Major Arcana Tarot card Death should not be perceived only from the dark side, it does not always mean the end of everything and everyone. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Tarot card Death most often speaks of a deep internal transformation that the questioner will experience.

Description of the map

The card depicts a horseman with a banner in his hand, in the center is the Mystical Rose of Life - the “platform of the universe”, and the Sun of Immortality is also present. The thirteenth card among the Major Arcana depicts a skeleton in armor.

The image serves as a reminder of the perishability of the human shell, which at the same time is its foundation. Sometimes the skeleton seems to mow down human body parts that have sprouted from the ground after sowing. This picture is not shown on all maps.

The skeleton is the final stage of decomposition of the body. The Power of Nature transforms all living things to the foundation of every being's structure. A skeleton on a horse is often perceived as one of the horsemen of the Apocalypse.

The flower on the banner is the Mystical Rose, a symbol of eternal life and love. The shining Sun is a symbol of rebirth, coming new life and immortality in general. The river visible to us symbolizes changes in future life, impermanence and unpredictability. The river is the border between our world and the world of shadows.

Towards the beginning of a new day, Death is coming, just like the Pharaoh's boat, going to the east. On some cards she is depicted on a white stallion, dressed in armor, trampling with her hoof: a child, a bishop, a king and a young maiden.

Before Death, the bishop quietly prays, calling on the Gods, the young maiden, turning away her face in contempt, shows the incompatibility of death and youth, the king’s dress, spread out nearby, reminds that even power and wealth have no power over death. One child perceives it naturally, without fear or prayer, realizing that it is the sum of everything.

General meaning of the Death card

Tarot card Death means the end of something for the birth of something else, definitely something new. Initially, there is a feeling that Arcanum has a negative meaning, as most people imagine. The card is rather favorable, since it promises liberation, although it will be accompanied by suffering and grief.

Natural resolution of the situation is the main meaning of this card. Death is a sunset, after which comes the all-healing blossoming of new life. Interpretations of Death have always been viewed in a positive way: light at the end of the tunnel, movement from bad to good, getting rid of unnecessary things, freedom, transformation.

The death of Tarot promises inevitable changes. Everything goes on as usual, nothing lasts forever, what you start will end sooner or later. The living will become inanimate and turn to dust. Changes and transformations are frightening with instability. Life is reaching a new level and it is completely unclear when it will again take its final, unchanging form. The end of what is happening, the cycles are completed, the allotted time has expired, what was previously created is destroyed. Death serves as the foundation for renewed efforts and a new long life, sweeping away and dissolving everything in its path.

At the same time, where there is an end, there is always the beginning of the unknown. Death is like a gateway to a new life, the passage of which is inevitable. At first, the destruction of the past promises little change for the better. The inevitability of the process seems like an exceptional end without a future, however, this is not the case at all. Other cards can open up interpretations of what will happen in the future.

It is extremely rare that a card really means mourning, grief, death. In special cases, especially if the situation really involves the possibility of such an outcome, Death communicates humility and preparation for the inevitable.

If you are not afraid of quick and radical changes, the Death of the Tarot has a positive meaning in your case. It is often difficult and difficult to let go of the dear, beloved, familiar, valuable, but, nevertheless, you are required to have humility in understanding the inevitability of this transformation process.

Any life changes promise anxiety with their unknown. Nothing can ease the trials of Death. There is also reason to associate the meaning of the Arcanum with the complete renunciation of one’s own “I”, the victory of a person over himself in the form of rebirth into something else.

Often the questioner is able to experience lightness from the fact that something that has outlived its usefulness will finally sink into oblivion and become part of the past. Death is the complete absence of life. There may be cases when the questioner, on the contrary, is tormented by the bitterness of loss, but in any case, the time has come to cross the limit. It is useless to cling to the past; Death shows everyone powerlessness in the face of inevitability.

The Death Tarot card gives you the opportunity to independently abandon the current, familiar, but lost meaning, exclaiming “Finally, it’s over!”, allowing something new to enter into the free space. The changes that Death promises are profound and inevitable.

One way or another, she is never wrong. If the card appears in the reading, it’s time for transformation, letting go of the past, then so be it. Serious changes of this kind are rarely negative, they are like a breath of fresh air, you can’t help but rejoice at them.

One stage of life gives way to another, this is what the Death Tarot card speaks about, the meaning reminds that everything begun must be resolved by ending. Life changes and the questioner himself changes. The most important thing is to find common sense when interpreting the meaning of the Arcanum in relation to the question asked. The main meaning of the card is that the current situation is coming to an end. As a rule, the Thirteenth Arcanum brings good news to those who corresponded in spirit to the Hanged Man (experienced weakness, powerlessness, despair, crisis).

Personal Description

A person cannot escape the feeling of the inevitability of the end of existence. A feeling of loss of stability due to a change of job, separation from a partner, moving away from home, emptying your wallet. The inevitable result of a habitual way of life. The very line that is the absolute boundary between the past and the future.

Positive traits

The soul longs for change. The old personality remains in the past, nothing is eternal, the time has come to change yourself. The birth of a new personality with a new understanding of life, new thoughts, feelings, values. Only the soul will remain unchanged.

The essence of this card is that power through “evil” that creates good, which in reality can inspire a person to completely change himself, give energy for spiritual development, and give the strength to say goodbye to the past forever in the name of the future. The only and immortal thing in us is the soul, which passes from one incarnation to another.

Death can add new colors to the life process and give it new meaning. Frequent reflection on the web of events allows us to see the influence of the past on the future that replaces it. The card does not at all mean a state of eternal despondency and a tendency to sadly evoke pity from others.

It often characterizes inimitable, unique personalities of extraordinary beauty with a unique lifestyle. Such a person may be well-mannered and not inclined to attract much attention to himself. Extraordinary in his actions, decisions, heavy personality. This is a person of strong character, capable of making joyless changes in the lives of other people.

Such people, largely due to their insight, are always in the right place at the right time. A person has a special gift of seeing himself and those around him; it is impossible to hide the motives of his actions from him; he sees the inevitable ending of events. If such a person ends up somewhere, it means he is in the right place, although others, due to the discomfort caused, tend to think otherwise.

Negative traits

Often a person is deprived of the ability to live life joyfully. Such people are professionals at leaving, changing everything, crushing, refusing. As a rule, a person’s profession is dangerous for himself and for others, and there is always the possibility of death in it. This person is always on his own, he is a closed person without connection to the world and others.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

This is an excellent card. Death brings about the complete destruction of the past for the birth of the future. Life and death are two sides of the same coin. The value of life can only be perceived through the prism of death. It is death that makes life so unique, so priceless. We enter Life through the gates of Death.

It revives the true personality, changing it to a natural, real state. Anyone who felt the breath of Death in the back, was able to truly feel its destructive cold, can appreciate all the multifaceted beauty of life. Only Death destroys everything artificial. She is the Great Energy of transforming everything that is outdated, exhausted, into something reborn for new achievements. Death in the Tarot deck is resurrected without killing.

Living your own destiny as yourself in the present is possible only if you are free from attachment to the past. Only by losing everything completely can you gain freedom. The shackles of fear of loss are automatically replaced by the fullness of life, where you can swim in its waters, enjoying the moment.

From time immemorial, immortality has been an object of desire. Mortals sought to find the “living water” that gives eternal life. Immortal gods, on the contrary, became mortal in order to experience the taste of life. Thanks to death, a person is able to experience a range of emotions.

Death is the middle of the road in the chain of the Major Arcana of the Tarot. It signifies the power of the reborn. Do not be afraid of the changes predicted by the card. The collapse of illusions is often for the better. In fact, for the sake of this, the forces of spiritual development are applied.

When we encounter metamorphoses, we see how the soul reveals itself. This is a certain stage of development, which is possible to go through provided that you completely abandon your own past “I”. Death says: “Forget your life, whatever it may be, and forget yourself in this life, whoever you are. Everything is in the past from now on.”

When we are confronted directly with Death, we are heartbroken and deeply depressed after the loss. At this moment, her impulse destroys her sense of herself. We feel like we are wandering through all the circles of hell, life takes on a shade of madness.

However, after the experience, we begin to appreciate and feel our own strength. The spirit, strengthened after the tragedy experienced, opens its wings and rapidly rushes into a bright future, a feeling of strength and dignity firmly settles inside. It is these feelings that arise after a feeling of loss, weakness and inability to survive what was destined.

Unlike the Ten of Swords, which promises an unnatural end, the thirteenth lasso represents the legal end, the one that is destined from above. The lasso speaks of the time of separation.

But this card cannot be personified with bitter events and suffering alone. She talks about unusual spiritual growth, movement in the right direction. The experience you have experienced will give everything a positive meaning and will take you to a completely new level of the flow of being.

Death reminds us that we are created from dust, into it and

In some situations, the Death card drawn is the best of all possible options.

let's transform. Both the noble and the rich and the poor could not free themselves from the dance of death. Having gone all the way from the First card to the Thirteenth, all the masks fall off and the husk, having cleansed the precious core, dies off by itself, the purified core acquires incredible, true beauty.

It is largely thanks to the Death card that the number thirteen, symbolizing danger and misfortune, acquired such significance. Fear of uncertainty, the beginning of future changes, often clouds reason, and a person is not able to see opportunities that can radically change his life.

The card in a positive sense denotes abundance, the time of harvest, and at the same time losses, sacrifices. At such moments, a person expands his own understanding of existence, reaps what he has learned, and moves to the next stage of development.

Therefore, we should not become attached to anything, especially to the past. The human ego, not wanting to part with what previously belonged to it, tries in vain to keep everything it has with itself. In turn, this attitude makes the very idea of ​​transformation into something new meaningless.

Everyone is subject to death. Earthly power is not capable of granting liberation from it. Previously, people perceived death tragically only when the family line ended on one of them. There was a belief that the soul is capable of passing through gender, like a gift from one to another. In those days it was obvious, life followed life, like the months of the season.

Life and death exist thanks to each other, prolonging the eternal cycle of death and rebirth. Where there is life, there will always be death and where death comes, life will also come. Death in many religions is interpreted as a kind of transition and is a fleeting moment, while life is eternal after the transformation of existence.

There are things for which we can never prepare our minds. We feel their inexorable approach and at times we try to resist these events, not realizing that change is inevitable.

The meaning of the Death card in various layouts

For career and work

The Death card can serve as an indicator of projects that will certainly fail. Even if you try to fight to the end, making titanic efforts, pulling the project to the desired result, the investments and efforts spent may turn out to be disproportionately large when compared with it.

For those for whom everything is stable in their professional direction, the card warns of an unpleasant completion of what they started. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons in advance in order to save at least something so that you have the opportunity to survive difficult times.

In this situation, you may need to think about changing the direction of the project, or abandoning it completely. The card that appears can be interpreted as advice to close an existing company, if it is relatively small, by opening a new one in another location, or to re-register (rename).

Death is good when everything goes wrong, or you are busy with a not very pleasant project, or you are in a crisis situation. In this case, it promises a quick resolution of all problems. The map seems to cut off paths without a future that lead to nowhere.

Often the situation itself shows which outcome is most realistic. The Thirteenth Arcanum helps to make sure of this one hundred percent. If the questioner was tormented by doubts about making a decision about changing jobs, changing activities, changing business partners and other similar situations, the card says to leave everything in the past. How painful or painless this will be will be revealed by other cards in the layout.

For finances and property

Change of position, loss of job, source of income, collapse of the enterprise, change of residence. Global change in financial situation. This could be a decrease in income. If there are difficulties in choosing between two professions, then it is worth tipping the scales in favor of the one where it is possible to balance between life and death. You should be prepared for financial difficulties.

However, if a positive card is located nearby, the meaning of the Thirteenth Arcana changes in a positive direction. The card promises the end of a difficult or unstable financial situation. You can be sure that any project or contract will bring success, and in the near future there will be a decent reward for all your work.

For love and relationships

Death Tarot meaning in relationships indicates their instability or complete collapse. Sometimes there is a painful breakup or the absence of a permanent partner. May indicate a fatal beauty or a heartbreaker.

Death grants freedom in those relationships that have outlived their usefulness. This is a typical divorce card in cases where the relationship has lost its meaning. The rupture can be either mild or painful. But you shouldn’t drag things out, or cut ties abruptly, as this can cause even greater trauma.

According to this Arcanum, it is better to part as friends, especially if other cards do not contradict this. You should thank your partner for everything given to you during the relationship. If the questioner was tormented by the question of how to get a divorce, then the Death that fell means that it will be possible to leave the collapsed marriage in the past, start all over again and build life from scratch.

For health status

The card is unfavorable in health predictions. There is a high probability of removal of the diseased organ or tumor. May indicate heart attacks, as well as chronic and incurable diseases, the result of which is death.

But, despite the name, Death extremely rarely predicts physical death to the questioner, even if he or his loved ones are in a coma or suffer clinical death, they will be able to return to reality after emerging from this state.

In most cases, Arkan diagnoses depression and melancholy. At this time, it is necessary to use more relaxing practices. This will help you gain harmony, cope with stressful situations, and survive unpleasant moments. Sometimes a card is an indicator of damage done to the questioner.

You should let the passing become the past. Free yourself and your life from unnecessary trash, throw away as much as possible, even if the result is only a skeleton. Give up your old way of life, destroy old stereotypes. You should not try to save what is leaving by any means.

The meaning of a reversed card

Death in the Tarot reversed speaks of reluctance or, even worse, complete resistance to change. All sorts of attempts to delay the inevitable end aggravate the ongoing changes, making them unbearable and martyr-like. A state when a person falls into a time trap, where all actions are slowed down, feelings are heightened, hell is experienced over and over again.

According to the inverted Death, we are afraid to part with the way of life we ​​live or with those unsuccessful relationships that at times begin to seem not so painful. Reluctance to solve a problem definitively makes it extremely difficult or overwhelming.

When we refuse to embrace change out of fear of loss, we set ourselves up for prolonged pain and suffering, thereby preventing ourselves from growing further. The inverted Thirteenth Arcana speaks of a state of weakness, passivity, pain, ineffectiveness, and emotional distress regarding something.

Torment and torment are brought by inverted Death. It portends stagnation or complete inaction. Predicts fear of change, lack of progress in business, long-term changes and associated stress, worries and troubles. If there are good cards nearby, it foretells slow progress in life in a good direction. The reversed card serves as a hint for those who are trying to destroy something that should not be destroyed.

Combined with other cards

How is Death interpreted in combination with other cards:

  • With the Jester - a risky undertaking;
  • With the Priestess - a bad sign;
  • With the Emperor - financial crisis, business collapse, collapse of the company;
  • With Strength - a forced need to let go of something, give up something under pressure;
  • With the Hanged Man - futile attempts to save the departing;
  • With the Tower, the power and speed of the impact of transformative forces increases. The combination can foreshadow accidents and injuries.

Description of the Tarot card "DEATH"

The thirteenth Arcana of the Tarot cards, Death, speaks not only of death, but also of the beginning of a new life. The allegory of this card is the end of the person you used to be. In fact, this is what you deserve and sacrifice for. Perhaps a new life will begin now, different from your past existence.

General meaning and interpretation of the Tarot card “DEATH” in layouts

Direct card position

The Death card indicates that another stage of life is coming to an end. There is a death of the old, the outdated and exhausted. You have serious changes ahead that can radically change your whole life; one stage gives way to another. Such major changes are rarely negative in themselves. They are like a fresh breath of air, and you can’t help but be happy about them. Death is a parting, a farewell, an end. Thus, she turns out to be a harbinger of the new, the future. This end is natural, we have been waiting for it for a long time, because it is liberation, although accompanied by grief and pain. This card symbolizes a natural ending, indicating that the time has come to part with someone or something. So, it is completely in vain to associate it with grief alone. Or, on the contrary, they consider it only the beginning of something new, not understanding the meaning of the symbolism of Death, as the beginning and the end at the same time, as the bitterness of parting and the joy of expectation.

Reversed card position

In an inverted position, Death symbolizes fear of change, stagnation, slow changes in life and associated problems and troubles. A person resists change and cannot let something new into his life; he lives by inertia.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card in fortune telling for work, business and career

Direct card position

Here the thirteenth Arcanum most often means the end of current activities. The card recommends finally saying goodbye to the job or position to which you are so accustomed, to internally free yourself from them in order to prepare for the new things that lie ahead. However, we should not rush things - we need to give ourselves some quiet time to take stock and ask ourselves whether we have accomplished everything we should have.

Reversed card position

In this position, Death reports that no changes should be expected - everything will continue as before. You should not change your job now, even if you are not satisfied with it.

Meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card in health layouts

Direct card position

The card indicates an unstable condition, a possible progressive disease. If a person is seriously ill, then the appearance of this Arcanum in fortune-telling may mean that a crisis will soon come. Physical death as such can only be foreshadowed in the presence of other negative cards.

Reversed card position

The crisis is over, recovery is ahead. In some cases, may report depression and loss of energy.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card in fortune telling for love and relationships

Direct card position

Indicates the final stage of a relationship, in which partners or lovers have received from each other everything they could get. This in most cases means separation, a break in the relationship. At the same time, you need to understand that the relationship has outlived its usefulness, and the question of forcibly breaking it off or waiting for its natural disintegration depends on the specific situation. If the relationship is not broken, then it goes into the dead stage, in which people hinder each other in the development of their own souls.

Reversed card position

In this position, the card indicates that the relationship has either reached a dead end or is in need of renewal.

The meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card in layouts for personality assessment

Direct card position

Describing a personality, the card speaks of a person who can easily part with the past and is on the verge of change.

Reversed card position

May indicate a person who is depressed or seriously ill.

Meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card as a card of the year

This year will mark an important stage in your life. Something will pass or end, something will lose its former meaning or form, and you will have to say goodbye to it in order to make room for something new. Therefore, it is better to let go of something that no amount of effort can hold on to. Finally, try to get rid of bad or harmful habits, free yourself from what no longer benefits you. The Death card says that the more consciously and easily you part with the past, the faster something new can appear in your life. If you feel sorry to part with the past, or if the future seems too uncertain to you, then you should just be patient a little, because these are normal human feelings, and they do not need to be strongly suppressed or carefully disguised.

Work and finances. Here “Death” most often foreshadows the end of your current activities. The card recommends saying goodbye to the position or work to which you are accustomed, to internally free yourself from them in order to prepare for the new things that lie ahead. However, don't rush things, give yourself time to calmly take stock and ask yourself if you did everything you should have.

Personal relationships. The card speaks of the end of the next stage in the development of a relationship, which most often means parting with a former partner. Even if it is very painful, it cannot be avoided.

State of health. In this area, the card predicts a complete restoration of health, restoration and recovery, which will give a new attitude towards life and oneself.

Top card tip. Say goodbye to your past in order to build a new life on a different level.

Meaning and interpretation of the “DEATH” card as a card of the day

Today something will pass or go away for you. You may be glad that “it” is finally over, or you may be sad to say goodbye to something that once meant so much to you. In any case, be prepared to say goodbye to the past. Do not try to save or revive it. Let it go from you, and then you will experience a feeling of liberation and relief.

Advice from the DEATH card in fortune telling

Be prepared for drastic changes in your life, they can completely change your worldview and make you a completely different person. This is a necessary process in life, and you need to experience it in order to cleanse yourself of everything unnecessary.