Sleep: I can’t climb the stairs. Climbing up the stairs - why is this dream? Why do you dream about the Staircase, what does it mean?


I rise up. I get to the top, out of fear of heights I cling to something with a death grip - and wake up. The dream is repeated quite often, with small variations: climbing a mountain, climbing a tree, climbing stairs; necessarily colored; I never fall down, unlike the people who are sometimes nearby. I am 38, gender - female.


Actually, it’s not me, but my husband needs to understand his dreams. But for me it’s just as important as if it were my dreams. He mostly has recurring dreams, annoying ones like this :-). lately, especially often. Here is one of the last “sticky” dreams: a space that is completely filled with intertwining branches. The branches don’t particularly look like branches, they are somehow inanimate. People are climbing along these strange “vine-trees” (the husband is moving and walking horizontally, forward and obliquely, and the rest - in any way). All this happens calmly, without any effort. in addition, these intertwining branches are associated with the husband with American highways, even as if their numbers are known to him (395,495, etc.). Below, under them, the floor is strewn with pebbles, and what is above is unclear. Then the dreamer suddenly realizes that he is able calmly turn it all upside down, and nothing will change. Then he, as it were, puts it into practice, and sees that, indeed, nothing changes. All the pebbles fell down from the top, and everything became the same. The pebbles are also what - it’s strange, small, almost sand, and faceted. All these “dogs/chinks” are almost the same size and shape, and when moving from top to bottom, they fell into people’s bosoms. Then it dawns on the dream that it turns out that top and bottom are relative concepts Moreover, in a dream it seemed very important to him, although in reality this idea about the relativity of everything is not at all new to him. Such a philosophical dream. There were no special emotions, the mood was calm and reasonable.


The dream shows that your husband has reached some kind of existential impasse. Firstly, various kinds of obstacles prevent him from moving freely [the space is completely filled with intertwining branches, they don’t particularly look like branches, they’re somehow inanimate], and secondly, the space itself is limited from above and below, as if pressing on him. He - apparently in reality - tried to look behind the seamy side of his life, to punch a hole in this annoying decoration [suddenly realizes that he is able to calmly turn it all upside down], but this only confused him more [he does this and nothing changes . all the pebbles fell down from the top, and everything became as before. The pebbles were also kind of strange, small, almost sand]. But he clearly understood that he was essentially in some kind of closed space [it dawned on him that it turns out that up and down are relative concepts! Moreover, in the dream it seemed very important to him]. Insight in a dream is an important thing; you need to return to it in every possible way and associate it with its symbolic meaning.
To get out of his sticky dream, your husband will need to abandon all stereotypes (vines) and generally reconsider his life-semantic context. The dream shows that his Inner Potential - quite powerful - is becoming increasingly reconciled with this contextual constraint and is already testing this world for strength [he is able to calmly turn it all upside down].


/these vines are still not entirely limiting... People moved along them/
I agree, although such an impression is still created (“a space that is completely filled with intertwining branches”).

In any case, the correlation with the highway requires decoding. So, in the categories of sleep, the a-highway can, together with a car, a symbol of efficiency in achieving a goal, denote the possibilities of one’s own realization mediated by the environment. If the road is smooth and level, then driving along it is simple and free - that is, move towards your goal. If instead of a highway there are vines, and instead of driving along it in a car it is necessary to move along it with the help of limbs, then this in a certain way indicates external obstacles.


I’ll say right away that I’m now in another country, but I had a dream in my homeland... I really wanted to come here. The dream is like this: “It’s as if my dad and I find ourselves in some strange city, and there’s something like a minaret there, we start climbing up, I climb first, it’s very difficult, I’m crawling with difficulty and dad helps me, the higher the higher more difficult, obstacles all the time, cat. change and become more complex, I can barely stand my ground!!! Then my sister joins us, we crawl up together, but it’s very difficult, then I meet some people hanging on the top incomprehensibly (it’s not far to the top), they say something to me and for some reason I decide that it’s useless to climb further, and we’re going down…” The fact is that my dream has practically come true, I interpreted it, so that first dad will come to this country, then me, then my sister and we will try to stay here, i.e. to catch on, but it is so difficult and there are many obstacles... I have a question, did I do the right thing by telling this dream to the water (I don’t want it to come true, I want to stay behind here). And did I understand him correctly, maybe I understood something wrong... What should I do? I’m 18 years old, I had a dream about a year ago. Gender: female. Thank you.


I put my hands up and really want to go there, I climb up and fall, I climb again and fall. Then a white girl comes up to the stone and the ladder falls down. I climb up and feel happiness! I’m 22.5 years old female (I’m on the verge of divorce and I have a friend who I really like, but he doesn’t know who he is!


I see a building, it has about 5 floors and it is all made of mirror glass. I'm walking up the stairs with my friend. There are offices on each floor. Through the slightly open door I see a woman talking to people. There are travel agency signs on other doors. I climb to the very top and go out onto the roof of the building. And a divine picture appears before my gaze. I see a mountain, it is all covered with greenery. At its foot is the sea. The sea is greenish-blue, clean, transparent. Seagulls fly over the mountain. The wind blows on my face. I stand there and can’t look away. I feel good. My friend comes to the railing, and I tell him - Don’t come closer, if you fall, what will I say? I keep watching for a while. But then I realize that this is HEAVEN. I run into the building and run down as fast as I can, jumping over the railing. I feel that my friend is also running after me. I run up to the last door and realize that this is the exit. I see my hand being pulled towards the handle, but then I wake up. I can't forget this dream. In the evenings I think about what this dream could mean. Most likely, the building I was in was transporting people to new lives. This is not the first time I have seen this building. In the previous dream, I also wanted to get out of it, but unnoticed. I remember in a dream I saw a sunset. I wanted to leave the building, but someone was cleaning there and I couldn’t get through. I really want me to leave the building and walk through the world that I see in my dreams.


This is from a series of recurring dreams. Those. I constantly dream about this particular episode in my life in various variations. And recently it happened again. It’s as if I’m climbing onto some high tower platform above the sea and I have to jump from it. This time there was another peculiarity: I had been on this tower before, but this time it became even higher. In a dream, I was surprised by this and asked some friends standing nearby on the tower whether I had really jumped from such a height before. They nodded affirmatively. I remember how I looked down and tried to imagine how I would fly. That's it this time. Still interesting. Why eternal towers over the sea. Why do you always have to jump from great heights?


The dream speaks of experiencing stress when in contact with nature. I want contact, but I can't achieve it. Any extreme sportsman is always “in nature”, but not “inside” it. Nature kills those who are madly carried away by it and see it as an end in itself. Those who manage to transcend their feverish love truly connect.


Already crawled high into the mountains

and lay down there in a damp gorge,

curled up into a knot

and looking out to sea.

The sun was shining high in the sky,

and the mountains breathed heat into the sky,

and the waves below crashed against the stone...

And along the gorge, in darkness and splashes,

the stream rushed towards the sea,

rattling stones...

Covered in white foam

gray-haired and strong,

he cut a mountain

and fell into the sea,

Howling angrily.

Suddenly in that gorge,

where Already curled up,

Falcon fell from the sky

with a broken chest,

in the blood on the feathers...

With a short cry he fell to the ground

and beat his chest

in impotent anger

oh hard stone...

I got scared and crawled away quickly,

but soon realized that the life of a bird

two or three minutes...

He crawled closer

to the broken bird,

and he hissed right into her eyes:

- What, are you dying?

- Yes, I'm dying!

answered the Falcon, taking a deep breath.

- I lived a wonderful life! I know happiness!

I fought bravely! I saw the sky...

You won't see him this close!

Oh, you poor thing!

- Well, what about the sky? empty place…

How can I crawl there?

I feel great here...

warm and damp!

So I answered the free bird

and chuckled in his heart at her

for this nonsense.

And so I thought:

"Fly or crawl,

the end is known:

everyone will fall into the ground,

everything will be dust..."

But the brave Falcon suddenly perked up,

stood up a little

and led his eyes along the gorge...

Through the gray stone

the water was dripping,

and it was stuffy in the dark gorge

and it smelled rotten.

And the Falcon shouted with anguish and pain,

gathering all my strength:

- Oh, if only I could go to heaven

get up at least once!..

I would have pinned down the enemy

and he would choke on my blood!

Oh, the joy of battle!..

And I thought:

"Must be in the sky

and it's really nice to live,

since he moans like that!

And he offered to the free bird:

“And you move to the edge of the gorge

and throw yourself down.

Perhaps wings will lift you up

and you'll live a little longer

in your element."

And the Falcon trembled

and, shouting proudly,

went to the cliff

sliding his claws through the slime of the stone.

And he came up, spread his wings,

sighed with all my heart,

His eyes flashed and he rolled down.

And myself, like a stone,

sliding over the rocks

he fell quickly

breaking wings, losing feathers...

The wave of the stream grabbed him

and, having washed the blood, clothed it in foam,

ran off into the sea.

And the waves of the sea with a sad roar

hit a stone...

And the corpse of the bird was not visible

in the sea space...

Lying in the gorge, I thought for a long time

about the death of a bird, about passion for the sky.

And then he looked into that distance,

that always caresses the eyes

a dream of happiness.

- What did he see, the dead Falcon?

in this desert without bottom and edge?

Why do people like him

dead, they confuse the soul

your love of flying into the sky?

What is clear to them there?

But I could find out all this,

soaring into the sky at least for a short time.

Said and done.

Curled into a ring,

he jumped into the air

and a narrow ribbon flashed in the sun.

Born to crawl -

can't fly!

Forgetting about it, he fell on the stones,

but he didn’t kill himself, but laughed...

- So that’s the beauty of it

flying into the sky!

She is in decline!..

Funny birds!

Not knowing the earth, yearning for it,

they aim high in the sky

and seek life in the scorching desert.

It's just empty.

There is a lot of light, but there is no food there

and there is no support for the living body.

Why pride?

Why reproaches?

Then, so that

cover up the madness of your desires

and hide your worthlessness behind them

for the work of life?

Funny birds!..

But they won’t deceive you anymore

their speeches me! I know everything myself!

I saw the sky...

I took off into it, measured it,

knew the fall, but did not break,

but I only believe in myself stronger.

Let those

that they cannot love the earth,

live by deception.

I know the truth.

And I won’t believe their calls.

Creation of the earth - I live by the earth.

And he curled up on a stone,

proud of myself.

The sea shone, everything was in bright light,

and menacing waves

They fought on the shore.

A song thundered in their lion's roar

about a proud bird,

the rocks trembled from their blows,

The sky trembled from a menacing song:

We sing glory to the madness of the brave!

The madness of the brave -

here is the wisdom of life!

O brave Falcon!

In battle with enemies

you bled...

But there will be time -

and drops of your hot blood,

like sparks will flare up

in the darkness of life

and many brave hearts will light up

crazy thirst for freedom, light!

Let you die!..

But in the song of the brave

and strong in spirit

you will always be

a living example,

a proud call

to freedom, to light!

We sing a song to the madness of the brave!


I have been dreaming about it very often for many years in different versions. There are always some fragile and shaky structures (thin rusty water pipes and fire escapes, very tall wooden structures (like building ones with a cross in the middle), elevators with a floor made of wooden planks without walls and ceilings, rising to a VERY high height of 18-20 floors), sometimes absolutely fantastic, on which I always rise up. As an interesting example: I dreamed that the house in which I lived before my marriage was captured by aliens. The entrances were all walled up with cement, and the exits were made in the form of narrow gray pipes. At first I watched from a hiding place, managed to remain undetected, then I decided to get inside to save my relatives, that’s where that terrible elevator was. While going up the elevator, I broke out in a cold sweat, but I understood that I couldn’t go back or stop, I endured it and moved on. In the cracks under your feet you can see the bottom of the shaft at a great height, although in real life the house is twelve stories high... With wooden platforms: I dreamed that I was in a huge public dining room. Food must be taken from tall cabinets (maybe 8-10 meters), for this there are special wooden platforms on wheels. I approach the food, reach out, the platform tips over... I slowly fall, I feel panic, my palms are wet and cold. On the way, I grab the rusty thin pipes on the tiled walls, they break, I fly down... I don’t remember further. I never dream of the falls themselves (because I wake up in horror) or they are miraculously avoided. Just yesterday I dreamed that I found myself on the same platform on the street, climbing up the stairs. Then this ladder slowly fell, to my horror. I’m sitting, waiting for someone to pass by so I can ask for help. As soon as this happens and the savior begins to approach the place of my imprisonment, the wooden platform slowly lowers so that I can get down myself (at the same time I feel dizzy, it begins to seem that the platform has never been so high and I have a problem with my head). I refuse help, relief, I feel like a fool for bothering the person in vain. Now I clearly understand that when I fall, I am always afraid to reveal my fear of strangers, although in my life I honestly say that I am terrified of heights. Although, this is probably not connected, since it happens very rarely and is immediately forgotten by me. About myself: Muscovite, 26 years old, married, higher education, I’ll soon start getting a second one, I really want children, I’m planning to. I associate all this with my lack of self-confidence when communicating with other people, although no one ever notices this. I learned to win over people, and at my last job I was loved by everyone. Since childhood, she was under strong pressure from her mother, a strong-willed and despotic woman. Until the age of 18, I was under a “glass cap”; at that age I found myself on the subway for the first time... Now I’ve been happily married for five years.


I wake up with my heart beating furiously, in a cold sweat... The dream is exhausting - it repeats itself with enviable frequency. I dream that I am walking up the stairs in a house. We dream of houses that are completely different - from skyscrapers to five-story panel buildings. The higher I go - and I need to go to the very top floor - the worse the stairs become. It becomes narrower, the concrete is crumbling, its metal frame is visible. She crumbles underfoot. In my life I have always been very afraid of heights. And when the last flight remains to my final goal, I cannot rise. And if I try, I start falling from a height.


In fact, the staircase personifies mental activity, since thought divides space into segments or steps and “wants to put everything on the shelves.” On the other hand, the ladder is rightly compared to the teeth of a gear to indicate the mechanical nature of logical operations. Walking up a ladder in a dream means being under the control of a machine. The machine only creates the appearance of achieving the final goal, the truth, but in fact it alienates a person from himself. This alienation is symbolized by falling from a height.


There are four of us, my wife and I and a married couple we know. Geographically, somewhere in Siberia, the area is swamps and hills - flat on top and steep edges. It feels like we are on a hike, all in army camouflage, but we don’t have any things with us. We are just rising from the lowlands to the hills, along a sandy cliff. My wife's friend goes first, she is almost at the top. She wears a perfectly clean and ironed uniform, buttoned up with all the buttons, a belt, an army cap and stiletto sandals. Well, right now on the podium to demonstrate the army uniform, but there’s not enough stack. Following her, halfway up the climb, is my wife. All exhausted, without a headdress, hair disheveled, sweaty. The sleeves of the jacket are rolled up, the jacket itself is unbuttoned halfway. The camouflage is dirty, the legs, up to mid-thigh, are wet. There are some torn and dirty sneakers on my feet. Behind her, at the very beginning of the climb, are me and my friend’s husband. I don’t see what we look like, because... I feel like I’m paralyzed (well, as it happens in a dream, I can’t move or speak at all), and my friend’s husband is carrying me. I only see his sweaty and unshaven cheek. A friend’s husband says, turning to his wife: “Why did you drag us down this road?” “But it’s so romantic,” his wife replies, “and if it’s hard for you, then leave him, we don’t need him anymore anyway.” Then we continue to climb, and the women disappear from sight - I see only a sandy slope. When my friend’s husband lifts me higher, I see my wife staggeringly following her friend along the edge of the cliff. Suddenly the edge of the image collapses and my wife, along with it, falls down. My friend’s husband rushes there and throws me so that I see my wife, and she is already chest-deep in the quagmire, facing me, with horror on her face, but she doesn’t even try to escape, she stands calmly. I try to move or say something, but I can’t. But I hear my friend’s husband doing something nearby. And, suddenly, the absolutely calm voice of my wife’s friend: “Don’t do this, I won’t carry her.” You had to watch where you were going. And if something happens to me, who will carry me? I look at my wife, and a quagmire is already approaching her mouth, and she is silent and does not move at all. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I woke up. the end.


Bright sunny day. I climb to a small but almost vertical peak. Not a rock. Someone (a boy) pulls his sleeve and on the left I see trampled steps. I climb to the top quite easily. In the place where I would rise, there lies a snake. I'm not afraid, just surprised. I'm going forward. Trees ahead. I see a crocodile lying ahead. Sleepy. Green, but covered in clay. It lies like a log obstacle. I walk over calmly. I'm moving on. I wake up.



Climbing a mountain is a process of rebuilding yourself. At the same time, repressions disappear, that is, true natural impulses gain strength. In this case, you need to bypass the braking grid (snake) and avoid outbursts of destructive aggressiveness (crocodile). At some stage of self-realization you cannot do without a man.


Climbing a mountain is a process of rebuilding yourself. At the same time, repressions disappear, that is, true natural impulses gain strength. In this case, you need to bypass the braking grid (snake) and avoid outbursts of destructive aggressiveness (crocodile). At some stage of self-realization you cannot do without a man.


Before going to bed, I intend to visit the city of my childhood. There I find myself in a dream. I'm walking up the street. And its climb is very steep. I feel like my strength is running out. And then there are the old women sitting on chairs right on the street, preventing us from walking, and even laughing at us. I reached the phone. booths I climbed in there with a show off and needed to call, and there was a little dog sitting there, whining so sadly. I asked. -I lost my owner, or something. Silent. I take it under my arm and begin to look for the owner. Then I remember that this dog is a housekeeper, like a wardrobe maid. She has the keys to offices, shops and entrances. I'm talking. - Go open the information desk. Maybe they know where your master is. The information desk says that the dog is in the same phone number. booths and lives with the owner. We return to that booth, and there the secret passage is open. We go there, there is a healthy guy in a vest, like a boatswain, sitting, smoking Belomor and eating ice cream. He saw his dog, was delighted, and kissed her. To celebrate, he dumped us a big pile of “ice cream” (he had a whole pile of this “ice cream” piled up behind him). To celebrate, he invites me to go tandem skiing in a nearby park. I agree and we set off on a tandem hike. On the way, the boatswain remembers that he forgot to paint the tandem with white paint and is very upset about this. But then we see two guys with a bucket of white paint hurrying after us. One is screaming. - They forgot to paint it. But they pass by. They're laughing at us. We are not offended, we continue our trip to the park. It's not far from the slides in the park. But then my part of the tandem breaks off and I drive onto the wrong track. I'm sliding down a snowy hill. and then a healthy dog ​​rushes at me, barking. I grab the gun and hit the dog with the gun. Then I see a shotgun in the dog’s paws. - Hands up! Don `t move! The dog has me at gunpoint. I carefully throw the drin aside. Girls dressed in warm fur coats approach the dog, their cheeks are red from the frost, steam is coming from their mouths. The girls look at me like I’m a bandit. I continue to stand with my hands raised.


Absolutely true about the fact that the “city of childhood” is closed.

I started making a "dream mapping" suggested by "dream hackers" based on the city of my childhood. And every time before going to bed I began to express my intention to visit this place. That's why I started dreaming about him more often. But there really is nothing to catch there. I felt this especially clearly in the dream “Desert Market”.

Thanks for the interesting comments.


Mom dreamed that we were climbing up the elevator shaft. There are others who climb the same way. We get out to the site. There are money tables with food, a mini-dining room. Mom sees some girls at the tables using their fingers to pick out meat from the soup and eat it. Mom turns away in disgust. In her dream, I’m terribly hungry and take some soup for myself (in real life I absolutely don’t eat soups and borscht). Mom notices a net with vegetables and thinks that when we get up and reach the goal, she will cook borscht and does not agree to eat soup. Mom also decided to feed me thoroughly and went to demand the “second”.


I climb the mountainside, heading towards my home. Suddenly I see streams of water flowing towards me. I'm afraid that my old leaky Adidas shoes will get wet and I try to avoid powerful streams. There is general panic in the city, people are fleeing as best they can. I’m already near the house, but a military man is blocking my way. - You can’t go there, it’s already dangerous there. Try to get to the house using a detour. I’m going around, but my work colleagues come towards me and say that the roads there are also blocked. We board either a ship or an ark that towers above the city. There, the guide tells a group of tourists about the sights of the city. And this is against the backdrop of general panic. In the middle of the deck there is an area fenced off with cloudy glass. Rich people in chic clothes and tuxedos are sitting there, devouring delicacies. I'm hungry, but I can't find the entrance to the restaurant. I see dryers hanging on the deck, I want to tear off one dryer and eat it, but I’m afraid that they will notice my theft. Then I remember that a group of survivors and I were walking through deserted, sun-scorched hills. The sun is burning, we are thirsty. I see the fire of burning Jerusalem in the distance. A few days later I dreamed of a flood again. Again the city was flooded with water. We, several people, are saving ourselves on the roof of the house. We have blankets and some food. While we’re having a snack, we see that the water seems to have subsided. And then suddenly a huge wave surged. The water rose sharply, washing away our last remaining belongings.


If I had this dream, I would know exactly what it meant for me.

A flood is a confusion of feelings, psychic energy bursting out that overwhelms you. You are climbing a mountain - you want to escape from somewhere, you strive to be higher, to achieve something. The fact that all areas are cut off by streams of water and panic reigns in the city indicates that your subconscious is rebelling against new goals or priorities. You want to get home—you want to find some kind of wholeness.

Entering the ark-ship towering over the city - I think, the desire to break away from the city and the water, to escape (fear of poverty?). The guide calmly talks about the sights, while the city is overwhelmed by streams of water - you realize that by whoever is at the top and saved himself doesn’t care about everyone else. Another explanation: someone imposes the idea that in order to get into the ark (to be saved), one must learn “napleism.” BUT you want to go where the rich feast. They are behind dark glass (you don’t understand their “nature” and essence and don’t know how to get there). Hunger is an internal exhaustion, possibly due to internal dialogue (ambivalence?) due to the fact that you cannot go back and go to the rich people and get enough. That's why you end up in the desert. The fire of Jerusalem - I don’t know what Jerusalem means to you, I can only assume that it is disappointment in religion.

Repeating the plot is a signal of something important. (I had such dreams before extreme stress, so for me they indicated a serious overstrain of the nervous system). For me, the desert always meant pre-depression, so when I dreamed of it, I tried to pull myself out of apathy. So far it's working :)

In general, the dream shows that you have no idea or little idea how to achieve your goal, and this is why you are nervous. You need to increase your self-esteem - and everything will work out


Again everything is very similar. I got into MLM. I have a suspicion that this is a scam. I am faced with a choice: to trust the employees in the structure and continue to agitate people to join the company, or to abstain for now. Because of these suspicions, I have not been able to sleep normally for 2 days. The bourgeoisie chewing behind a murky wall is the elite in the structure (presidents, leaders, etc.), who, being at the top, skim off all the cream from “who should be followed by example.” But I feel that I can’t reach them, the walls are too cloudy (unclean deeds). An attempt to return home (to stop with this matter) is interfered with by the employees (they try to assure that everything is in order). Excursion on the ark - given the critical situation that has arisen, people continue to be fooled. Drying on the deck - the desire to collect at least something from this “business”. In the second dream, these pitiful remnants are washed away by the wave of the flood. I lived for several years in Jerusalem, where I got involved with bad companies, swindlers. We siphoned money from banks through fraud. I barely managed to get my feet out of there. From the total catch I got a pitiful remnant. So Jerusalem could mean shenanigans here, or retribution for shenanigans. The dream with pigs is about the same thing. I work like “Papa Carlo” on this structure, I feed these pigs. A tall sign with the names of elite clubs again says that I’m unlikely to get anything from their pie.


Feels like a summer weekend. Some kind of resting place for the townspeople. I see a wooden structure like a tower, it is quite old and dilapidated - the unpainted boards are broken in places. I go up to the top, here someone is moving from the platform to the left, there is something else there, someone is going down the hill... I stood at the railing, looking around. Next to me, 2 girls of primary school age are playing with 2 dolls, placing them on a small platform made of wood adjacent to the piers (1x0.4 m), crumpled pieces of paper lie nearby, and from some movement of the girl, a rectangular piece of plywood flies down. As I follow her, I see something else lying around below. I tell the girls: “Since you are playing here, then clean up,” and I look at the pieces of paper. Then I descend from this structure, walk, and see townspeople walking. For some reason, I have the feeling that here I can meet K. (I mentioned him in a dream about the Japanese). Then I’m in a forested park area, I sit down somewhere, there’s a birch tree to my left and I see something dry next to me, I pull, a branch breaks off, I move it to my right, then I take the stump from which it fell off and put it there - dry can be burned. I’m sitting reclining, feeling that somewhere in a recess under a canopy or in a hole or something (in reality, under a blanket with my head) a fox and a fox cub are running towards me, running over me with their paws. The little fox lays down on me, I hug him with my arms and look. An adult fox runs away. The son approaches (I think) and extends his hand to the little fox. I say: “Be careful, he’s wild” (he might bite), and the little fox actually somehow reacts to his outstretched hand. Then I walk with the little fox in my hands through the forest park, birch trees on the left, and pass through some gates. I’m going, there are still people coming with me. I see that people are surrounding the fox in a semicircle, I say: “Leave it alone, don’t touch the fox, she has a fox cub. Let them live and multiply. If there are a lot of birds, then in the fall, issue shooting licenses and shoot as many as necessary.” At the same time, I see that somewhere behind me there are two plump women, apparently employees of the ministry (department in this area), looking at each other - they say she’s speaking correctly.


First we see images of dilapidated wooden towers. (Tower is a morality that hinders development). There are children on the tower doing useless things and playing with dolls. The heroine of the dream here acts as an exemplary guardian of morality: she demands that the girls collect garbage, then saves a fox from being lynched by a crowd, and talks with government employees. As for the image of the fox, it, like the dog, “talks about the relationship with the mother, which is usually negative.” The mother fox makes the most of her role, where the child (the little fox in her hands) is predetermined to become a hostage in her games.


Considering that a dream is a reflection of what is happening now, what is happening...On the weekend before, I was in a friend’s garden, i.e. the fact that I am relaxing there, helping in some way around the garden, things that are useless to me (playing with dolls)? And the moralizing is that here I am not completely free to choose what to do, i.e. “Since I’m here, I should help with something, for example, tidy up”? Benefit for mother and child - I don’t understand here, apparently a balance of interests of the parties is supposed?


In a sense, the human psyche resembles the structure of an atom. Just as an electron can be either a “separate point” with coordinates in an orbit or a complete presence, simultaneous at all points, so can a person. He can be “here and now”, in this garden, with this shovel in his hands. Or it can be everywhere, in its entirety, in all worlds and galaxies, in all dimensions, in all times. It can also be in all other people. To be in oneself means to be in the whole. Presence in the body is the place of the greatest intensity of presence (realization) in the coordinates of space and time. But sleep is a moment of the whole. One moment of sleep can be equal to ten years of life, and sometimes in a dream you can experience more than one life from beginning to end. A dream episode such as children playing with dolls may indicate mistakes from yesterday, but it may also indicate a mistake in the last year of life, as well as the fact that this mistake is still being hatched in the project. For a flying electron, its own localization is not so important, as long as the flight proceeds normally, without deviation. Looking back at the dream, we also level our flight: “whether the subject moves in a way that is consistent with or contrary to his own nature, his own identity.” Images of parents and children (foxes and cubs) are perhaps the most critical point at which for most of us a crisis of mental, somatic, and social reality occurs. If we talk about the balance of interests for mother and child, then I can give birth to a child so that he can fly freely, or I can give birth to a child to receive maternity capital or so that he will take care of me in old age. In short, as I want, he, the poor fellow, will fly. And as long as my power over him is as strong as an atomic bomb, he will see specific images on this topic in his dreams. And this may not at all depend on which garden my child cultivated the beds in yesterday. While I am his mother, he is still small and stupid, and this happens to him right now or outside of any time.


It’s still difficult for me to understand and digest all this... “Here and now” as an act of presence is more or less clear to me. To be everywhere—this seems to me to be somewhere in the realm of “samadhi” experience. Of course, there is a crisis in my life, I am thinking about new plans for how and what to earn money, what to do, and I am learning about opportunities. Regarding mother and child: indeed, I remember that as a child I heard from my parents: when we get old, there will be someone to treat us. At the same time I thought: Aha! Wait a minute! Fuck you! I really need it!


Once upon a time, I read something like this phrase from Carnegie: Never do to others as you do not want to be treated to you. Since then I have been wondering if I...if with me...etc. It turns out I’m afraid of being rejected, abandoned.


On the site I accidentally found an interpretation of a dream about a fox as a lie or fantasy, written by Yaroslav and compared it with what happened the day before the dream: I read one of the dreams here on the site and it seemed to me that the person in the dream was describing me as an apartment and the characters in the dream: I really dream of being a photographer, stained glass and a transparent wall are my fantasies. And a teenage girl is how I feel as a woman. I was interested in such a coincidence, if I saw myself from the outside. About the glass wall - I once saw on TV an architect’s house, the walls of which were mostly glass and sliding, when you open such glass you find yourself immediately in the garden

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Staircase and what does it mean:

Seeing a ladder in a dream means happiness and wealth; broken stairs - to losses or worries; to see and walk on many stairs - beware of clouding your mind.

Climbing the stairs means profit and success in business, getting a promotion due to hard work. Going down the stairs means loss, loss of hope for successful progress in business.

Walking endlessly up and down the stairs is a sign of painful doubts. If at the same time you stumble, it means that there is a secret enemy in your environment who will be the reason for the collapse of your endeavors.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream of a Staircase in a dream?

A dream about a ladder that was placed so that you could climb up suggests that your energy and prudence will lead you to prosperity in the business sphere.

A dream in which you climb stairs always promises prosperity and boundless happiness.

Falling down the stairs means despair and unsuccessful transactions for people involved in trading; For a farmer, this dream is a sign that his harvest will be spoiled.

A broken ladder promises failure in any business.

If you dream that you are going down the stairs, then your wishes will not come true, and your affairs will be upset.

Getting out of imprisonment or captivity using a ladder means that success awaits you, despite the obstacles on the way to it.

If you feel dizzy when climbing stairs, then most likely, when you take a new position, you will become arrogant and domineering.

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian

Why did you dream about climbing the Stairs?

Staircase up - climb it - go to success.

Why do you dream of a staircase going up - it can also mean sexual desire. Be social with your partner, get to know yourself.

Idiomatic dream book

What do you dream about stairs for?

“Move up the career ladder” - promotion, if upward; “bring down the stairs” - rudely drive away; “go down (descend) down” - failures, troubles.

Great dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

A staircase in a dream symbolizes moving upward; Thanks to your abilities and energy, you will occupy a high position in business circles. Climbing the ladder means prosperity and boundless happiness. A broken staircase symbolizes the complete failure of all your endeavors. If you managed to escape from captivity or prison using a ladder, success will await you as a result of risky actions.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about stairs?

Staircase - Deception, betrayal, promotion; climbing up it means successful things, fame, promotion; go down - get a reward // failures, torment; to fall is bad; with broken steps - enemies.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about a Staircase, what does it mean?

Climbing up the stairs - developing the mind and intuition. Going down means delving into the secrets of your soul. A special symbol is endless stairs. This is a search for your place in life, uncertainty of plans. Climbing the stairs - good luck and promotion await you. Going down the stairs means losing respect, confidence, position.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Stairs - In a building, climbing the stairs - climbing in life through luck, success; to go down - failure; steps - possibilities; the steps are broken - enemies, ill-wishers.

Freud's Dream Book

Why did you dream about the Staircase?

Ladder - A fairly transparent symbol that represents your life. If you see yourself in a dream running up the stairs, then you should be more careful and attentive towards loved ones. Currently, you are too popular with the opposite sex, and this is due to various reasons - your career and social growth, increased self-confidence. But be that as it may, you should not forget those with whom you shared the difficulties of your life.

If a woman in a dream sees a man at the top of the stairs, and a man sees a woman, then this indicates that the dreamer has long known the person with whom he wants to have a closer relationship, but does not dare to carry out what he wants. Apparently, some social restrictions interfere with this; you shouldn’t take them into account - happiness is much more expensive than conventions. If you dream that you are quickly going down the stairs, then such a dream speaks of the habit of making too high demands on a partner or someone who claims to take his place, and about possible difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex.

Falling down the stairs - you will experience severe disappointment in a person in whom you were one hundred percent confident. If you have a wonderful sexual relationship from which you feel complete satisfaction, then you should not give it up.

Psychoanalytic dream book of Samokhvalov

If you dream of a Staircase, what does it symbolize?

Social ladder. Stairway to Heaven. Movement up and down is sexual intercourse, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of the Staircase from your dream

Staircase - An obvious sign of career advancement; life's descent or ascent. Steps – opportunities; steep - relief is close; a stepladder is a near success; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

Ancient French dream book

Why do you dream about stairs, interpretation:

If in a dream you are climbing the stairs, the dream foreshadows failure, loss of spirit, and frustration in business. If you go down the stairs, it is likely that you will soon find the key to your success. If you fell down the stairs, this is a bad sign; in the next dream book you can find out a different interpretation.

If you dreamed of a ladder or stepladder, someone's ingratitude will upset you and will be the cause of many of your failures. If you dreamed that you were climbing the steps to the gallows, this is a sign that many of your plans will collapse, and your actions can lead to disastrous consequences.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Why did you dream about the Staircase?

The staircase provides access to the heights of life or to the hard-to-reach values ​​of this world. We often dream about falling down the stairs. In any case, a central component of ladder interpretation is the acquisition of special, albeit precarious, access to necessary values. Such access is often accompanied by loss of access or luck. If you find yourself in a situation where you cannot do without a ladder, then you may be short on funds. We acutely feel how dependent we are on gravity and how limited we are in our ability to rise high.

If dreams do not provide the opportunity to take off, then a ladder is the only way out.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Ladder - Life path. Leading upward to prosperity, implementation of plans and achievement of goals. Down to deterioration of the situation, dismissal. If you go deep down, then there is a danger of reaching the state of a “homeless person” and sinking. Broken obstacle on the way. If you pass, the obstacles will be overcome. This dream should mobilize your strength. Round the difficult path. Everything will work out easily, but you need to take advantage of the opportunities and not miss the right moment.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

Stairs, steps - Going up - success, going down - failure; broken steps - obstacles, enemies, ill-wishers.

Ancient dream book

I had a dream - Stairs

Stairs - To see in a dream foreshadows elevation and the acquisition of respect; ascending it portends great glory; to leave it means torment and labor; Moreover, this dream foreshadows the road.

Intelligent dream book

Why do you dream about the Staircase?

To see a staircase - Happiness, wealth, success; leaving it is a loss; climbing it means labor; broken staircase - loss or care; Seeing a lot of stairs and walking on them is clouding the mind.

Why dream of a Spiral Staircase - A spiral staircase in a dream foretells you a difficult, circuitous path to your goal.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Spiral staircase - With difficulty, in a roundabout way, you will reach your goal.

Rope ladder - A difficult task will not end badly.

Staircase - Climb it - your pride will be satisfied; to go down - you are paid with ingratitude; standing under the window - beware of thieves; carry - you will help others; fall down the stairs - passion makes you careless; stairway to heaven - everything goes according to your intentions.

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Interpretation according to the saint:

Staircase - Going up - success, achieving a goal - going down - loss, humiliation

Psychological interpreter Furtseva

According to the dream book Staircase

  • As a rule, a dream about a staircase opens up great prospects.
  • If in a dream there is an image of an endless staircase or steps hiding behind the clouds, it is interpreted as the unattainability of the goals that the dreamer sets for himself. You will not be able to reach the desired heights due to your arrogance.
  • Dreaming of a rope ladder? She encourages the sleeper to be more attentive to his loved ones. You should not place excessive hopes on people you are not confident in.
  • If you dreamed of a spiral staircase, in reality you can take on responsibility, which will be a difficult test for you.

Romantic dream book

What do you dream about stairs for?

  • If one of the spouses dreamed of a rapid descent from a height, then his relationship may go wrong in the near future.
  • A woman who dreamed that someone else was climbing the steps in her house needs to be wary of her rivals.
  • You dream of a shaky wooden staircase - you didn’t notice problems in the family, but tenderness and a sense of unity have left your relationship.
  • For a young girl to fall down the stairs in a dream - a warning that the man who offers you his hand and heart may not be who he claims to be.

It is also important what day of the week you saw this dream. From dream books you will only get contradictory, scattered interpretations. We will try to give you the most complete, coherent interpretation of what you happened to see in a dream.

Exterior view of the staircase

It is her appearance that, as a rule, is of great importance for the interpretation of a dream:

  • A dream where you climbed an iron ladder, a fire ladder, for example, or the ladder of a high-rise crane, foreshadows your progress towards your intended goal, which will be fraught with certain difficulties. That is, a triumphant takeoff is not your story. If you saw such a dream from Monday to Tuesday, and this is a day of Mars, then to achieve your goal you will have to fight, maybe even in the literal sense of the word.
  • Climbing a steep ladder means that you have set your bar too high, setting goals for yourself that need to be achieved. But if you see such a dream on the night of Mercury - from Tuesday to Wednesday, then your chances will greatly increase. You will be able to achieve what you want at great expense, but very quickly.
  • The concrete staircase in the entrance, in your dreams, symbolizes the narrowness of your framework, which you have defined for yourself, if a man dreamed about this. Your freedom of action is severely limited by either your husband or your parents - if you are a woman. In both cases, it is worth getting rid of restrictions, and you are guaranteed to take off in your career.
  • A wooden ladder with a broken step, along which you cautiously climb up, tells you that your ambitions are not destined to come true due to your low self-esteem. With this dream, your subconscious wants to bring you out of a state of uncertainty and fears about the future. Reconsider your behavior. You can do much more than you used to think.

The way you climb the stairs

No less important for the interpretation of a dream is the way a person climbs the stairs. What does it mean to dream of climbing up the stairs in a dream, with a heavy burden on you?
hands or with a child:

  • If in a dream you were able to walk up the stairs easily and freely, then such a dream foretells you that your level of well-being will soon rise. Finance will flow into your home from sources you expect and unexpected. If you see such a dream on the night from Saturday to Sunday, on the day of the Sun, then it will happen very soon.
  • Running up the stairs means that you will soon be promoted, and you will bypass your current boss. The appointment will be unexpected for everyone, but not everyone will be happy. You should be wary of competition. Those running up the career ladder are always trying to trip them up.
  • A woman climbing up the stairs with a child in her arms in a dream can have no doubt that this is a prophetic dream for both her and her child. It means that her child is destined for a high purpose, but he will rise high thanks to her dedicated work. Her main purpose in life is to become a springboard for her own child.
  • To dream that you are climbing a rope ladder with difficulty, trying to rise higher, foretells heavy responsibilities that will fall on your shoulders. This could be taking care of sick relatives or having to pull a friend out of a serious scrape. All this will hinder your career growth. But for spiritual growth this is a huge bonus.

Location of the stairs

The location of the stairs is of no small importance. The interpretation of the dream largely depends on its location:

  1. A staircase leading up high in the mountains, on the slippery steps of which you are afraid to take a step, tells you that in your upward movement, you miscalculated somewhere and took the wrong path. You are in danger. It is worth analyzing and understanding at what point this happened. Reconsider your growth strategy and start over from here, but make adjustments.
  2. Climbing up a rickety stepladder means getting involved in an enterprise that is not worth a penny. You will waste time and gain nothing in return.
  3. To dream that you have climbed the main palace stairs is a sign of great luck in your entire future life. This is a serious zigzag of luck. Such a dream cannot be spoiled by even the most unfavorable sign. Wherever a person went before this dream, everything is reset to zero. A new countdown to a happy life begins.

When you are trying to interpret a dream in which you are walking up the stairs, take into account your emotional state. Fear suggests that you are not ready to take off in your life, but it can be overcome. The ease with which you overcome the steps suggests that you are ripe for change. The joy of moving up promises you great luck. Interpreting dreams is excitingly interesting, just don’t forget to use your intuition.

Stairs and steps that appear in dreams symbolize career growth, development in any direction, steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal. What does it mean to go up or down stairs in a dream? How is vision interpreted? Dream books help you understand these issues.

Climbing stairs: interpretation

Dream books are similar in one thing - a staircase is a symbol of the path of life, the rise and fall of a person, both in terms of relationships and in the financial sphere. A detailed forecast can be made only taking into account the dreamer’s gender, his feelings in the dream, as well as the details of the dream.

Climbing stairs in a dream in most cases means a person’s desire for something, working on himself and his own capabilities. Conversely, falling or going down the stairs foreshadows negative situations that may arise in the near future.

Dream Interpretation from "A" to "Z"

Dreaming of climbing up the steps of a spiraling staircase signifies a difficult, exhausting task. The dreamer will have to make an effort to achieve what he wants. However, his work will end in success, which he will enjoy for a long time. Running away from someone constantly stuttering and falling means insurmountable obstacles. A person should abandon his plans, since the fulfillment of his desires can cause him irreparable harm.

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and experience shortness of breath and heaviness? If the dreamer felt discomfort while getting up, then he will have to work on himself for a long time. It will be difficult for him to give up habits that destroy his life, but attempts to change himself for the better will be crowned with success.

Climbing up the stairs in a dream with a company of loved ones means help from relatives. Now, more than ever, the sleeper needs support, and only relatives can provide it. If in dreams they are dissatisfied with something, argue or quarrel with the sleeping person, this means that only thanks to sound criticism will he be able to fulfill his dream.

Seeing yourself going down the stairs portends a loss of patience in some matter. The person will give up and stop moving towards the intended goal. A feeling of dizziness and weakness in a dream when looking down from the top step means a manifestation in reality of a weak character, an inability to stand up for oneself.

Family dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are climbing a staircase leading to the sky - to the successful implementation of plans. Going down the steps into a dungeon with no end in sight means that in order to become more successful, a person needs to take serious risks. Soon you will have to make a choice: stay in a stable position, so to speak, in your comfort zone, or risk everything you have and become happier.

In a dream, climbing a ladder and then falling from it because one of the steps has broken means frustration and disappointment in one’s own actions. The dreamer will not be satisfied with the work done and will plunge into depression. Also, falling in a dream warns that you should not succumb to temptations and commit rash actions - this can harm relationships with your loved one, relatives, and business partners.

Dreams are often abstract rather than clear and simple. Falling, descending, rising, running - all this can be seen in a dream. Climbing up the stairs with measured steps means calm and rapid progress of affairs; obstacles on the way to the goal will be easily overcome. A dream in which a person escapes persecution by running up the stairs predicts a successful way out of a difficult financial situation.

Climbing a steep staircase with crooked and wobbly steps in a dream is a warning of danger. The risk will not be justified; the sleeper will suffer losses in a seemingly successful business.

Women's dream book

What does it mean to climb stairs in a dream and then fall? Falling from the top step upside down is a symbol of the fact that the sleeping woman will soon be turned by a passionate feeling, an irresistible attraction, the result of which will be gossip and gossip. There is no need to mindlessly get involved in a relationship with a man - this can lead to loss of trust and respect from friends and relatives.

Climbing stairs with a man in a dream means help that your lover will provide. You can rely on him, he will support his woman in any situation. If a lady has a dream about how she goes upstairs to see an acquaintance, then in reality there is some kind of connection or attraction between them. Soon their mutual sympathy will develop into a strong relationship.

A quick descent from the stairs indicates that the sleeper is overly demanding in choosing a life partner. You should lower the “bar” a little and endlessly go up and down the stairs in a dream - to the emergence of a painful dilemma, uncertainty in vital issues.

A dream in which the dreamer stumbled while climbing the stairs warns of enemies and envious people lurking under the guise of friends. They will stop at nothing; their plans can cause serious harm to the plans of the sleeper.

Modern dream book

A modern interpretation will help you understand what the dream means. Climbing the stairs, feeling the desire to quickly reach the highest step, means the following: the dreamer’s capabilities will allow him to occupy a higher position. The authorities will appreciate the intelligence and erudition of the sleeper. Descent from the stairs, during which a person feels relief, foreshadows the revelation of secrets that are inaccessible to others.

If you dreamed of walking on a wobbly staircase, then in reality you will be able to defend your rights in a quarrel with colleagues, and also show resistance to temptations. Sitting down to rest on the steps while ascending means an imminent vacation, which the dreamer has been waiting for so long.

Watching someone come down the stairs promises success at work. One of the dreamer's colleagues (companions) will fail, which will force the authorities to pay attention to the dreamer.

Climbing up a wooden tree means solving complex problems. A person will find a simple way that does not require special expenses. Climbing a spiral staircase in a dream suggests that the future life of the sleeper depends entirely on his actions. How he carries out the task entrusted to him will greatly influence his destiny. Walking along the stone steps portends success, but only if a person uses an original approach to accomplishing any task.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

If, during the ascent, the steps under the sleeper unexpectedly broke off and he fell, then in reality misfortunes and health problems await him. Slipping on the steps means tricks from your competitors. The dreamer should beware of risky ventures.

Climbing stairs in a dream, lined with a path or carpet, means good luck in reality. Fate will be favorable to the sleeper. Watching the crowd go up the stairs and back down is a sign of the long-awaited finding of peace and stability in life. Such a dream may indicate a person’s desire to start a family.

Freud's Dream Book

The desire to overcome steps as quickly as possible in a dream speaks of a desire to attract the attention of a loved one. The sleeper is ready to make every effort to achieve reciprocity from the object of passion, but his attempts will be in vain until he learns to accept his partner for who he is and becomes more sensitive.

Seeing yourself from the side running up the steps means that close people need the attention of the sleeping person. He should not forget about those who supported and protected him on the way to achieving his goal, otherwise he risks being left alone with his problems.

Falling down the stairs promises a waste of energy, rash actions that can lead to conflict with relatives. Also, the fall has a different interpretation: the sleeper will be disappointed in one of his friends.

Trying to climb a broken ladder means hopelessness, a hopeless situation, suffering and loneliness.

Gypsy dream book

Climbing through a window is a sign of a love adventure that may end in marriage. However, the dreamer should be careful and not let the new lover (beloved) get too close.

Climbing stairs made of gold foreshadows meeting good-natured and pious people. They will help the sleeper realize his plans. If in a dream a person walks along copper or iron steps, then in reality he will have fun. Climbing the silver ladder is a sign of betrayal by a loved one, which the sleeper will learn about in the near future.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Falling head over heels from the stairs in a dream foreshadows a conflict situation for a person. There is a high danger to his health here. You should beware of unplanned meetings and trips.

Climbing the steps of a spiral staircase indicates that the dreamer will not be able to achieve success soon. He will have to work hard to achieve his plans. In financial matters, too, not everything is smooth: the dream warns that the business the sleeper has taken on will not soon pay for itself.

Miller's Dream Book

Dreams in which a person tries to get out of a dark mine, basement, or room into the light using a ladder speak of an unwillingness to be oneself, a lack of acceptance of one’s own “I.” The sleeper wants to change for the better.

If a person in a dream goes down the stairs and does not see the end of it, then to get answers he should turn to his past. The experience he acquired a long time ago will help in solving today's problems.

Breaking steps in a dream means your opponents will lose. They will be powerless before the favor of fate towards the sleeper. A person can safely begin to implement plans.

A dream in which a person climbs a ladder predicts an imminent long business trip. But don’t worry: the trip will end happily and will bring a positive attitude and significant benefits.

Loff's Dream Book

Climbing the moving steps of the stairs means great success, inexplicable luck. Influential people will help the sleeper: they will provide assistance and material support. Going down an escalator in a dream warns that a person may soon lose everything due to his own recklessness. There is no need to neglect the advice of experienced people - only they will help you save yourself from unexpected losses.

Finding yourself in a place where you need to climb a ladder, but there is none anywhere, means you are in dire need. Soon a person will need a round sum of money. Another interpretation says that the sleeper will find himself in a hole of debt, from which he can only get out thanks to someone close to him.

A broken ladder, along which the sleeper endlessly climbs and, breaking down, falls, and then repeats everything in a circle, dreams of an impending dangerous illness. You should be more careful about your own health.

It is good for dreamers who are sick to get up in a dream. This is a sure sign of a speedy recovery. For everyone else, dream books promise achievements through hard work. To understand why the action in question is dreamed of, it is necessary to take into account various details of the plot.

Opinion of Medea's dream book

Did you dream that you were climbing stairs or up a mountain? The dream book promises easy overcoming of obstacles and hope for better times. Getting up in a dream also symbolizes an improvement in your material and social situation and the fulfillment of a desired dream.

What does the modern combined dream book think?

Why do you dream about this plot according to this dream book? In a dream, this is a symbol of renewal. But remember: what you do now will become a solid foundation for the future. Try to make every effort at the current stage, and then the goal will be achieved without much difficulty.

Answer from the psychoanalytic dream book

Did you dream about having to climb somewhere? In a similar way, development is reflected in a dream, both on the spiritual and material levels. The symbols of ascent are always the same: ladder, mountain, rope, elevator, etc.

Why do you dream if you are lucky enough to take the elevator? In real life, you want to come into closer contact with a famous person. The ascent by cable car reflects the prospects associated with the abandonment of old and the acquisition of new values.

Interpretation of the general dream book

The dream book is sure: everything for which the specified action is dreamed of marks renewal, revival, and the finding of hope. The same plot conveys in a dream the movement towards the right goal, as well as the possibility and features of the implementation of the plan.

Did you dream that you were lucky enough to take to the air? In real life, wealth will fall on you. But the dream book advises caution: money is another test.

Have you ever seen yourself climbing a steep wall, and suddenly a window opens before your eyes? This means that you are ready to take a risky action. At first you will encounter some difficulties and regret your action, but later everything will work out and even end in victory.

It’s good to get up easily and effortlessly in your sleep. The dream book prophesies: circumstances will work out in the best way. Why do you dream of a difficult and burdensome climb? Prepare for tough times and lots of problems.

Why climb stairs or steps in a dream?

Did you dream that you had to climb stairs? You are destined for prosperity and good luck. This same vision promises bright prospects after a period of doubt and hardship. Another interpretation of the dream indicates a desire to gain knowledge, develop unusual abilities, and generally reflects the desire to learn the secret meanings of existence.

If while climbing the stairs you experience an attack of dizziness in a dream, then the respect, wealth and honors that have fallen on your head will literally deprive you of your sanity. The worst thing is if you dreamed that the stairs collapsed while you were climbing it. At a minimum, you will be disappointed, or at maximum, a complete collapse of life.

Why dream if you had to climb the steps, making mechanical movements, without thinking? Such an image is rather negative and symbolizes in a dream a situation in which nothing depends on the dreamer, literally submission to fate.

What does it mean to dream about taking the elevator?

Did you dream about going up an elevator? You will quickly achieve your desired goal, get rich and take a worthy position. Sometimes this is not an indication of obligatory future events, but only of the desire to receive the benefits of life. Moreover, you rely not so much on yourself as on outside help.

It's good to take the elevator relatively quickly. This is a symbol that you will receive a promotion at work. Did you dream that the elevator was literally crawling in your sleep? Things and events will develop rapidly; if it takes off, then, on the contrary, it will be slow and difficult.

There is another interesting interpretation of sleep. Why dream that you had to take the elevator according to him? In real life, you intend to hide the truth from others in order to protect a loved one. Alas, your noble deed will not be appreciated. Those around you will judge you, and the one for whom all this was started will not notice your “heroism.”

What does it mean to climb a mountain on foot?

Did you dream that you were lucky to easily climb the mountain? In reality, the happiest and most successful episode in life is coming. If the climb in the dream was moderately difficult, then success will come only through persistent and painstaking work in the chosen field. Why do you dream that you are a rock climber and decide to climb a sheer cliff? You have a great desire to change your life, and you will certainly achieve your new goal.

Rise into the sky at night

Why do you dream about a real staircase to heaven? If you climbed it at night, then rest assured: in the future you will be guaranteed sensational success. It’s good to rise into the sky, see the light ahead and feel elated. Spiritual rebirth manifests itself in a similar way. Even if in a dream you experienced unconscious fear, this is a sign that extraordinary abilities are awakening in the depths. Sometimes a vision marks anticipation before the discovery of some important secret.

Getting up in a dream - examples with interpretation

To get a complete decoding of the dream action, you should definitely take into account exactly where you happened to rise in the dream, as well as the sensations that accompanied the rise.

  • climb a pyramid, including an Egyptian one - travel, pleasant impressions, gaining knowledge
  • to the top floor - regret about a stupid idea
  • on a pedestal, podium - revealing talent, abilities
  • on the scaffold - a pleasant surprise
  • into the sky on a balloon - an unsuccessful attempt at change
  • on the roof - unreasonable fears, concerns
  • on a tree - help a loved one
  • taking the elevator is a chance to improve your situation
  • on the escalator - pleasure, relaxation, idleness
  • along the fire escape - confident achievement of the goal
  • up the ladder - a fright that will cause fun
  • by cable car - improving the financial situation
  • by car - broad prospects, new goals
  • along the ramp to the plane - successful execution of the assigned task
  • on a rope ladder - pride will ruin life
  • on a tightrope - tough competition
  • rise easily - prosperity, movement without barriers
  • with some tension – resistance to imposed changes
  • going up and down - searching for oneself, meaning, work, etc.

Why do you dream if it’s very difficult to get up? This means that you are tired of life, do not want to do what is entrusted to you, or some task will be fraught with great difficulties.