Dream interpretation of seeing a plane crash and explode. Seeing a falling plane from the side

One of the most unusual dreams, which is both frightening and exciting, is the one in which you will see a plane crash. Such a vision is unlikely to be forgotten and left unattended. A dream book will help you find out why you dream of a falling plane.

One of the most unusual dreams, which is both frightening and exciting, is the one in which you will see a plane crash

The meaning of dreams in which you have to watch a plane crash is ambiguous. Most often, they indicate that a turning point is expected in the dreamer’s life. He will be forced to rethink his life and realize the mistakes he has made. It is worth noting that such a shock without the support of friends and loved ones will be quite difficult to survive.

It is quite possible that observing such an unpleasant process in a dream will affect not the dreamer himself, but his loved ones. It is their lives that will be destroyed. It is necessary to offer them your help, not only moral, but also financial. For a person in trouble, these actions will be invaluable; he will definitely thank them for them later, as soon as he has such an opportunity.

To interpret such a dream, you need to remember what emotions it was accompanied by:

  • shock and horror - in real life you will have to cope with your own fears;
  • panic - the plans that were made will not come true, no matter what efforts are made;
  • calmness and a smile – destruction of enemies and victory over competitors.

Plane crash in the dream book (video)

Seeing a plane crash and explode

Seeing a plane crash and explode is not always a bad sign. To interpret such a vision correctly, you need to take into account the circumstances preceding it, the personality of the dreamer himself and the features of dreams:

  • serious negotiations are expected the day before - it is to be expected that the deal will not take place, even material losses cannot be ruled out;
  • to see an explosion - you should not get involved in dubious and risky endeavors. They can lead to loss of position and even bankruptcy;
  • For young people, such a vision promises love passions. It is quite possible that someone will soon confess their feelings, or that the beloved will begin to show them with renewed vigor;
  • an explosion immediately upon falling is news that will entail a number of troubles;
  • fragments fall on the owner of the dreams - serious troubles are expected in the work environment;
  • watch the crash - due to the problems that have arisen, your state of mind will worsen.

Seeing a plane crash and explode is not always a bad sign

If a plane falls to the ground or into water in a dream

People have a wide variety of dreams. In some of them you can watch a plane fall into the water. It also happens that he ends up on the ground. Of course, the interpretation of such dreams will differ significantly.

  1. If in your dreams you have to watch a plane fall into the water, then most likely fate is preparing many trials that you have to overcome on the path to your own success. He definitely needs to cope with the problems that befall the dreamer on his own, without resorting to the help of friends. Of course, this will require titanic efforts, but the sleeper will certainly cope with it. During this period, it is extremely important to devote time not only to work, but also to rest. Too much emotional and physical stress threatens a nervous breakdown.
  2. If a falling airliner fell to the ground, then this dream indicates that the person is overworked and will not be able to complete the work within the deadline. You need to rest and gain strength before you can get back to work.

If a falling airliner fell to the ground, then this dream indicates that the person is overworked and will not be able to complete the work on time

If in a dream the plane crashed on the ground, but did not burn, then this vision indicates the possibility of betrayal on the part of loved ones. It is possible that it will be a business partner. A plan has been brewing in his head for a long time, but the dreamer does not notice it. You should be wary of an unexpected, rather painful blow to the back. The consequences of these actions will be disastrous. Even bankruptcy is not ruled out.

Why do you dream about a plane crashing near your house?

A dream in which you have to watch a plane crash near your house also has a negative meaning. If he fell in the private sector, then the dream indicates the presence of a competitor who is trying with all his might to take the dreamer’s place. Soon an enemy may appear who will be ready to take decisive action just to achieve his goal. You must be as careful and attentive as possible.

If an iron bird fell and exploded near a multi-story building, then you should be wary of a conspiracy in which a large number of people will be involved. For this reason, the dreamer may lose not only material wealth and work, but also respect.

If an iron bird fell and exploded near a multi-story building, then you should be wary of a conspiracy

Such a dream can also symbolize the destruction of a family. If your relationship with your significant other has not been going well for a long time, then it may even be better to start life over with a new leaf.

Burning plane in a dream: interpretation

No matter how paradoxical it may seem, watching a burning plane crash in a dream is a good sign. There comes a period in the dreamer’s life that is most favorable for implementing plans and making vital decisions. Any, even minor changes promise positive changes in life. Problems can only arise if a person is indifferent to everything.

No matter how paradoxical it may seem, watching a burning plane crash in a dream is a good sign

Being inside a falling plane in a dream

Of particular importance are dreams in which the dreamer does not have to observe the action from the outside, but be a direct participant in it. Such dreams indicate that in real life it will not be possible to realize your dreams. Most likely, the picture of the future is too idealized and for this reason its implementation is unrealistic. Man is destined to face reality, look it in the eye and get rid of illusions.

Depending on additional factors, such a dream can be interpreted somewhat differently:

  • managed to jump out - the dreamer is lucky; he is surrounded by extremely loyal and reliable people. You can safely count on the support of your friends even in the most difficult situations. You will never have to learn about such states of the soul as despondency or loneliness;
  • falling to the ground - the sleeper at this moment simply needs a nervous shock in real life. Most likely, he is a sincere, gentle person, blindly trusts those around him and simply does not notice what is happening around him. He is deceived and betrayed, but he does not attach importance to this and takes it for granted. It is worth looking reality in the eye, no matter how unpleasant it turns out to be;
  • death - those who face tragic changes in real life have to see their own death in dreams. Serious problems will arise in business, money will disappear at incredible speed, and serious conflicts will appear in your personal life. Even illness and its death cannot be ruled out;

If you once saw an airplane in a dream, this is almost always associated with hopes for the future and dreams. It turns out that an “iron bird” soaring high in the skies promises the dreamer good and pleasant things, but why do you dream of a falling plane?

Miller's Dream Book

Such a dream predicts various troubles, and even disappointment. Hopes will not come true. The negative meaning of the dream is enhanced if the owner of the plane is the dreamer himself.

Loff's Dream Book

Seeing a plane crash in a dream means that in reality a person has low self-esteem. A plane crash, crash, or explosion may indicate lack of confidence in one’s own abilities and doubts about one’s capabilities.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Having opened it, you will find that seeing a falling plane in a dream is a sign for the sleeper, warning him of an impending disaster. Knowing about possible misfortunes, a person will be able to take measures in advance and be careful.

Vanga's Dream Book

The interpretation of the dream depends on whether you are watching the fall or are a participant in the events. In the first case, if trouble happens, it will bypass you. In the second, problems will appear, but they are completely surmountable.

Dream Interpretation of Felomena

If a plane crashes in peacetime, then the dreamer will have to survive the collapse of his plans. If there is a war in a dream, a person who sees a plane crash may soon experience fear.

It is considered not a very favorable sign to see a crashing plane collide with a house.

If you are simply a witness to a disaster, be prepared for unhappy events. If in a dream debris from a crash is flying at you, intrigue and trouble in the service are possible. When not just one plane, but an entire squadron crashes before your eyes in a dream, such a dream may mean that you are worried that someone will disturb your peace.

Why do you dream about a plane falling and exploding? The sleeper should pay serious attention to his health. An explosion in a dream is a threat to health in reality. If the explosion occurred in the sky, the dreamer’s peace of mind is lost, he needs to take a long rest.

Freud's Dream Book

In reality, someone who watches a falling plane in their sleepy dreams may suffer from someone else’s interference in their life. He needs to limit the attempts of others to give advice and recommendations.

In general, a plane crash is a sign of an anxious state that the person experiencing such a dream experiences. He needs to learn to relax and deal with stress.

And many people dream about airplanes. This article will talk about dreams associated with airplanes and their true interpretation.

Why do you dream of a plane circling in the sky, falling to the ground, bombing from an airplane, pregnant, without wings, white, without a pilot?

Seeing airplanes flying in the sky in a dream may indicate your ambitions, which are so high that not all of them are destined to be realized. You should not make illusory and unattainable plans, which will help you cope with less significant goals, and in the end this will lead to the implementation of planned projects.

Just like seeing an airport, watching a plane crash or seeing one that crashed to the ground, falling on me (on you) or just falling, crashing (seeing it crashed, fell), this means that you have not achieved your goal and that none of your plans will not be implemented in the next week, so it is recommended to leave them for later. Another dream book talks about loss of money and financial collapse.

Watching a plane dropping (throwing, dropping) bombs, with bombs or bombing (bombing) a certain area, you will have to cope with the obstacle separating you from your loved one, including omissions and intrigues of envious people.

Pregnant women will dream of an ordinary plane as a sign of happiness, which is just around the corner, and it can also mean normal relationships in the family.

If it has no wings or only one wing, expect danger.

If it is white, it means that your cherished wish will soon come true and you just have to not scare away your luck.

If there is no pilot, then the efforts made in any matter will have no meaning.

Why do you dream of a plane taking off, in the water, crashing into a house, exploding, in which you are flying, an accident, burning, making a loop, for a girl

A plane taking off (at takeoff) or taking off in it, as well as flying on it, will indicate that your ambitions are beyond the limits, which does not allow you to present yourself competently and achieve your goal.

Landing on the water (on the water, drowning) - you are destined for unexpected results of your journey or trip.

A plane crashing into a house, its fall, or seeing it crash (fall) into the house is a sign of an illness that will appear suddenly and will be a serious test for you.

Exploding (explosion) indicates that your illusory hopes are doomed to failure. An emergency landing of an airplane indicates that you will soon have to make a decision that will determine what your life will be like in the future. For a girl or woman, a plane in the night sky indicates that she will find her betrothed in the coming days.

Flying on an airplane without any visible problems indicates the need to creatively approach problem solving. , which means you need to become bolder in your actions and show strength of character.

A burning plane that is burning becomes a symbol of the beginning of a favorable life period for you, during which it will be easy to implement your plans. If he makes a dead loop, then conflicts will begin in your social circle.

What does it mean if you dream of flying on a plane, a plane landing, traveling (driving), a fighter plane, a helicopter, made of paper, a parachute

Flying on an airplane dreams of changes in life, and entrepreneurs dream of good luck in business.

If he lands, lands (landed, landing) or in a dream you see a plane landing, then all your plans can be realized in the next couple of weeks.

Traveling means a business trip or trip awaits you.

Fighters can be harbingers of rapid events that will burst into your life like a whirlwind and turn everything upside down.

If you dream of a helicopter, it means that your main business will be successful in its completion.

A paper plane means your dreams are unrealistic.

Seeing a parachute in a dream is a sign of an imminent illness, the consequences of which will not be simple for you, and without the support of loved ones it will completely break you.

Why do I dream of a plane that cannot take off, shoots, flying over the house, flying towards me, low over my head, for a man

If it does not take off, then do not wait for the completion of the planned activities.

Shooting from an airplane means meeting an interesting person or an old acquaintance.

If it flies over a building or house, then good news awaits you.

If it flies towards me, it means there will be serious problems in relationships with the opposite sex, relatives, dad and mom.

Flew overhead - expect danger from where you don’t expect it.

For a young guy or man, such a dream will indicate that he will find his soul mate.

Why do you dream about an airplane according to Miller’s dream book?

According to Miller, such a dream will mean a journey in which it is easy to realize your dream or meet a person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life.

Why do you dream of a small plane, on the ground, on the runway, on the road, falling into the water (sea), crashed, jet

Small planes indicate difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex or spouse.

An airplane standing on the ground indicates an opportunity to advance in your plans or career, but there are obstacles that cannot be overcome without outside support.

It’s about to take off, which means we need to start preparing to receive guests who will arrive from afar.

If you stand in the path of a plane taking off, then in reality you will begin to protest because of the injustice you see, and the outcome of the protest will entirely depend on your desire to achieve what you want.

A crashed or crashed plane symbolizes a refusal to fulfill previously existing plans, which will entail troubles and litigation with superiors. A low-flying plane speaks of your shortsightedness.

Jet will tell you that your trip will be faster than planned.

Why do you dream about an airplane in Vanga’s dream book?

If you become a pilot, you will have the opportunity to command or control people on or off the job. You must understand that in such a situation you will have to bear responsibility for everyone, so the work will not be the easiest. If you are in the cabin and are an ordinary passenger, then you will have a calm and measured life without incident.

Why do you dream about the Juno plane?

Such a dream will speak of high ideals that you want to strive for and the achievement of which depends only on you and the efforts you put in. He also says that you will be able to achieve new heights and will enter previously unexplored paths, wandering along which you can find success.

Why do you dream about an airplane according to Freud?

Why do you dream about an airplane? According to Freud, we are talking about close relationships, their frequency and perversity. In his understanding, the degree of wear and tear of an airplane in a dream will speak of the ability to love with another person, and the ability to take off has a corresponding meaning in reality, applicable to love joys.

Why do you dream about the plane not crashing, war, military, driving, the rumble (noise) of the plane, being late (to be late, I’m late), waiting

A large (huge) plane that avoided a collision is an expectation that can be realized the way you would like it to be.

War has a very clear meaning, which involves “military action” in relations with the people around you.

Military aircraft with a dive or a loop are symbols of a disagreement with comrades. If you fly or fly on a faulty “iron bird”, in reality you will have problems due to your mistake or poor preparation.

To drive means that you will be able to control your destiny and everything that will happen around you.

Forgetting a plane ticket is not good, because without it you will not be able to realize your plans.

The drone of an airplane indicates the fact that problems are already very close to you.

Not catching the plane, I was late, in a hurry or you were late, being late - all this symbolizes transformations in your life and not for the better. For example, they may be fired from work or expelled from the institute. If you managed to make it, but there were difficulties, then you will overcome all the obstacles that stand in the way of your goal.

If you are waiting for him in a dream, it means that you will not have initiative in any matter.


Why do you dream of a toy plane, falling out, low-flying, faulty, flying, shot down, burnt out, old?

If it was a toy or a fairy-tale carpet airplane, then you will have a new addition to your family.

Going on a trip on a small plane or seeing many planes flying means the desire to travel or you will have the opportunity to get a business trip.

Falling out to new problems, low-flying means a quick solution to accumulated problems, and a faulty one means dreams are not fulfilled.

Dreaming of flying means a pleasant journey will soon take place. Confused to the point that plans would simply collapse, but warmed by this warning and hint of the presence of envious people.

Taking off on an old plane in a dream indicates problems in intimate relationships.

Why do you dream about an airplane ramp, jumping, hijacking, black, private, being at the controls

If you saw a gangway in a dream, then the trip will be successful. A jump symbolizes injury or illness, and a theft speaks of the many dangers that you will encounter in reality.

You can only explain why you dream of a falling plane using a modern dream book. Air transport seen in a dream can promise a forced trip. You will most likely have to go on a trip as part of your job. This trip will not bring much joy; on the contrary, it will only be associated with troubles and worries. Seeing an aircraft crash in the sky is a sign of unforeseen danger. It will appear at the moment when you least expect it.

If you dreamed about a falling plane several times, then this is a clear signal that all hopes will collapse. Plans will not come true and goals will not be achieved. For a young unmarried girl, such a dream is a sign that the planned marriage will not take place.

The most common interpretations

Quite a lot of dream books explain why planes fall in dreams. Often after such a dream a person experiences a feeling of anxiety and restlessness. And, in most cases, such feelings are not in vain. Flying inside a cabin in a dream means prosperity and numerous successes both in your personal life and in business. The crash of a flying giant, on the contrary, promises only hardships and all sorts of problems.

The scale of the plane crash is also important. The crash of a giant airliner, accompanied by explosions and a large column of fire, portends major troubles. Dealing with them will not be so easy.

Flying in a falling plane in a dream means completely losing control of the situation in real life. Don't try to take control of events. Despite all the efforts made, the idea will fail miserably.

If a business person constantly dreams of a falling plane, he should prepare for serious troubles in business. The dream book warns about the machinations of competitors or envious people. The dreamer will not be able to control the situation. In some cases, a company or enterprise may even go bankrupt.

The dream book also explains why people who are far from business and conquering career heights dream of a falling plane. In this case, such a night plot warns of a breakdown in plans. For example, a pre-planned trip to the theater or to a presentation may not take place. Or for any other holiday. Don't get too upset about this. Such a small disappointment will be forgotten quickly enough.

A few more explanations

What such a plot comes to in a dream also depends on the state of affairs in reality. For example, if you have a business or personal meeting and the day before you saw a falling plane in a dream, it will not go very well. Such a night vision before the wedding predicts an unhappy family life. Perhaps, before formalizing the relationship, you should once again think carefully about everything and analyze it?

Seeing yourself in a dream during a car crash with your lover means difficulties in relationships. Misunderstandings and arguments can even lead to a painful breakup. Getting through it will not be easy for both partners. Most likely it will take a long time. One of the dream books deciphers such a dream as advice to refrain from any flights in the near future.

If an airbus leaves a mark when falling in a dream, one should expect betrayal of a friend or adultery. Also, as the dream book says, you can experience a severe loss. It is possible that you will need the help of a psychologist.

To find out why you dream of a plane falling into the water, you need to turn to a modern dream book. According to this source, a dream may indicate your great lack of confidence in your own abilities.

According to Miller’s dream book, a falling plane indicates that very soon in reality you will receive important news that will seriously affect your entire current life.

A dream in which aircraft are present is considered more good than bad. Basically, they foreshadow the implementation of grandiose plans, the transformation of a cherished dream into reality. However, is it good for a person to dream that a plane crashed? The dream book will help you find the answer to this question if the dreamer is able to remember the night vision in detail. So, what to expect from such a nightmare?

The plane crashed: Miller's dream book

Not all dream books deal with scenes of night dreams in which airplanes are present. Not surprising, since they were invented relatively recently. Fortunately, many reference books are still able to tell you what a dream portends in which a plane crashed. Miller's Dream Book is one of them.

The famous psychologist, who created one of the most famous “guides” to the world of night dreams, claims that a falling plane in a dream does not bode well. In reality, the dreamer will face a serious problem, he may even end up in If in his nightmare a person controls a falling aircraft, in reality his attempts to take control of his life will most likely fail. He may also have annoying responsibilities that will create problems for him for a long time.

Is the dream prophetic?

People who are planning to take an air trip soon may be seriously scared when they see it crash. A dream book (almost any one) will help them get rid of fear, which can even make them refuse to travel. The compilers of such reference books are unanimous that such a nightmare is only a manifestation of the fears that disturb the sleeper, who experiences horror in reality at the thought of the upcoming flight. There is no semantic load in it at all.

Why dream of a crashed plane if the dreamer is about to fly, which does not frighten him at all? It is possible that recently a person who saw such a nightmare heard about the plane crash or watched its consequences on TV. Even a movie with a similar plot can cause a dream in which a plane crash appears. Therefore, such a dream should not be considered prophetic; it does not foretell the fall of an air transport with the “owner” of the dream on board in reality.

Who's on board

What details should a dreamer remember in whose nightmare the plane crashed? The dream book recommends reproducing the plane crash in the memory of the participants. If the “owner” of the dream himself was on board, serious problems await him in real life. It is unlikely that a person will cope with them on his own, so he should think about who from his environment is able to provide support and help with wise advice.

A nightmare in which an air transport crashes with strangers on board or the participants in the plane crash cannot be seen at all is warned of a lesser danger. The dreamer will face minor difficulties that he will be able to overcome on his own. The dream book also considers another plot related to strangers. Did the plane crash in front of the person (“the owner” of the dream) when he was at the airport waiting for his own flight? The dreamer expects the collapse of his plans, since he does not show the proper initiative.

It’s bad if friends or relatives become victims of a plane crash in a dream. In the near future they will find themselves in a difficult situation, and the dreamer will not be able to help them. Also, people who were in a crashed aircraft in a dream can become seriously ill in real life.

When you have a dream

What should you do if on the eve of your wedding a person dreams that a plane crashed? In this case, the dream book advises you to think about the advisability of getting married and make sure of the sincerity of your partner’s feelings. Such a plot does not bode well; family life can quickly disappoint the “owner” of the dream and turn out to be joyless. It can also promise unexpected obstacles that will interfere with the marriage.

The dreamer is not recommended to ignore a nightmare in which a crashing plane appears if he sees it on the eve of an important meeting. In this case, you should not count on a favorable outcome of the event; there is a high probability that the deal will fail. Unfortunately, a person will not be able to prevent this.

If a falling aircraft appears in the dream of an entrepreneur who intends to invest in a new project, he should reconsider. It is possible that the dream warns of the unprofitability of an investment and promises significant financial losses.

Airliner wreckage

In his nightmare, the dreamer may not see the air transport falling, but only find debris indicating that the plane crashed. The dream book in this case predicts serious financial troubles. Monetary losses may be due to the fact that the “owner” of the dream has entrusted the management of his funds to unreliable people. Financial disaster can be avoided if a person manages to regain control of his money.

Nightmares in which airplane debris falls directly on the dreamer are also not uncommon. This suggests that in real life a person misses one opportunity after another, therefore, he should be more active if he strives to achieve success.

The dream book also considers other subjects. Seeing a crashed plane, the wreckage of which is burning, means that the dreamer’s cherished dream will remain a dream, no matter what efforts he makes to make it come true.

Preventing a disaster

What other situations related to the crash of an airliner are considered in the dream book? The plane fell but did not crash - another possible nightmare plot. If the catastrophe was prevented by the sleeper himself, being the pilot of a falling vehicle, in real life he will be able to defeat all competitors. It is also possible that the dreamer develops an illness that he can successfully cope with.

How else will the dream book help? The plane falls, but does not crash without the participation of the dreamer - such a plot suggests that a person will be able to get out of a difficult situation thanks to a lucky chance and the help of other people.

Other stories

The modern dream book also considers such a situation as the crash of an airliner as a result of a terrorist attack. Such a nightmare can be caused by events occurring in the world if they frighten the dreamer in real life. It can also be regarded as a warning about the appearance of an enemy who can seriously harm a person and ruin his reputation.

If a person refuses to board an aircraft or is late for a flight, and then learns about a plane crash, then such a dream can hardly be classified as good or bad. It is likely that in the near future the dreamer will face a difficult choice, and the decision made will completely change his fate.