Composition of Time Factor: indications and possible side effects, instructions for use of vitamins. Time Factor when planning pregnancy: reviews, instructions for use Time Factor instructions for use 60 tablets

Latest update of the description by the manufacturer 17.10.2016

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Nosological classification (ICD-10)


Set of capsules 1 set
capsule No. 1 (beige color) 530 mg±10%
capsule No. 2 (pink color) 500 mg±10%
standardized plant extracts of ginger root, angelica roots, chasteberry fruits, as well as glutamic acid, tocopherol acetate, rutin, electrolytic iron, folic acid, ascorbic acid, magnesium oxide, indole-3-carbinol, zinc citrate
capsule No. 1 (beige): gelatin; dyes E171, E104, E122; anti-caking agents - amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate
capsule No. 2 (pink): dextrose; gelatin; dyes E171, E122; anti-caking agents - amorphous silicon dioxide; magnesium stearate
content of active substances see table
Component name Contents per daily dose (2 caps.) % of consumption level (2 caps.)

Capsule No. 1

Vitamin E 30 mg 300 1
Rutin 30 mg 100 2
Iron 14 mg 100 1
Folic acid 600 mcg 300 1
Glutamic acid 680 mg 5 2
Gingerols not less than 3 mg -

Capsule No. 2

Vitamin C 120 mg 200 1
Magnesium 60 mg 15 1
Zinc 15 mg 100 1
Indole-3-carbinol 50 mg 100 2
Aucubin not less than 240 mcg -

2% of the adequate level of consumption.

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action- normalizing menstrual function.

Directions for use and doses

Inside, swallow whole with water. For women, in the first half of the cycle - 2 caps. No. 1 (beige) per day with meals, in the second half of the cycle - 2 caps. No. 2 (pink) per day during meals. Duration of taking the kit is 3 months; if necessary, the course can be repeated.

Reception should begin on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding.

General principles of application

For a regular menstrual cycle of 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - in the first phase of the menstrual cycle from the first to the fourteenth day from the beginning of menstruation; daily dose - 2 capsules;

Capsules No. 2 (pink) - in the second phase of the menstrual cycle from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day from the beginning of menstruation; daily dose - 2 caps.

For a regular menstrual cycle of less than 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - from the first day to the middle of the cycle (14 days); daily dose - 2 capsules;

Capsules No. 2 (pink) - from the middle of the cycle until the start of a new menstrual cycle; daily dose - 2 caps. From the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle, you should start taking capsules No. 1 (beige) regardless of the number of remaining capsules No. 2 (pink).

For a regular menstrual cycle lasting more than 28 days:

Capsules No. 1 (beige) - from the 1st day to the middle of the cycle (15 days); daily dose - 2 capsules;

Girls in the modern world experience heavy stress at home and at work, so their health is exposed to additional risk factors that lead to the failure of some systems. Time factor - capsules for women that contain vitamins and nutrients to normalize and maintain the menstrual cycle. The product acts as a prophylactic medication to prevent gynecological diseases. The drug will help the body prepare for this period and get through it easier.

What is Time Factor

This is a bioactive complex that helps alleviate PMS symptoms and normalize the cycle. Time factor vitamins are created from different compositions of biologically active substances that naturally normalize different phases of a woman’s cycle. It is important that the patient takes the pills from the very beginning of her period; she must drink them for 28 days. Saturating the body with useful microelements and vitamins helps alleviate the symptoms of this period.


When purchasing the medicine, you will find capsules of two different colors inside. Each blister contains a certain set of vitamins and useful elements. There are certain rules of administration, which are determined by the composition of each pill. Some of them are beige, the other is pink. The first ones have the following composition:

  • iron;
  • vitamin E;
  • ginger root extract;
  • routine;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • glutamic acid.

Pink capsules contain the following components:

  • zinc;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitex extract;
  • magnesium;
  • indole-4-carbinol;
  • Angelica root extract.

Pharmacological action

This dietary supplement (BAA) consists of natural components that have a mild effect on the body. The composition of each type of pill has an effect on hormonal balance; a competent combination of the properties of the components in the drug provides the necessary result. The components of the beige capsules of the medication have the following pharmacological effects:

  1. Folic acid. It has a positive effect on metabolic processes, hematopoiesis, and helps normalize the hormonal balance in the ovaries. An indispensable element during pregnancy and the desire to conceive a child, it prevents pathologies during the formation of the neural tube of the embryo.
  2. Vitamin E is known for helping protect progesterone from being destroyed. The element improves the condition of skin cells, mucous membranes, hair, and nails.
  3. Rutin. This element has a strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels and prevents bleeding.
  4. Iron. This component is a component of the proteins myoglobin and hemoglobin, which ensure adequate tissue respiration. Women who suffer from heavy menstruation often experience iron deficiency, which creates the need for additional intake of this component.
  5. Glutamic acid helps improve redox processes and blood circulation in the body. It has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, hormonal balance, and participates in the normalization of the disrupted cycle.
  6. Ginger root extract. The composition contains a standardized amount of gingerols, which have mild anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, and immunomodulatory effects.

Pink capsules have the following beneficial effects due to their composition:

  1. Magnesium is necessary for the correct functioning of the nervous system. The component suppresses spasms, has a calming effect, and reduces pain during the menstrual cycle.
  2. Vitamin C. Takes part in the formation of sex hormones, strengthens cell membranes, increases susceptibility to gestagens from the uterine mucosa.
  3. Zinc. Reduces the amount of acne and inflammation, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Supports the functioning of the endocrine and nervous system.
  4. Sacred vitex extract. This component contains a standardized amount of aucubin, which reduces elevated prolactin levels. This fact helps restore the normal duration of the luteal phase.
  5. Indole-3-carbinol. Prevents pathological tissue growth, prevents endometrioid cysts, fibroids, endometrial hyperplasia. It has a positive effect on a woman’s body when there is a hormonal imbalance.
  6. Angelica root extract. The component ensures the supply of organic acid, normalizes the secretion of progesterone, and has a mild antispasmodic effect.

Release form

You can buy time factor tablets in an online store or pharmacy; the drug is available only in this pharmacological form. The package contains two 2 capsules - beige and pink. The first are available in 530 mg, the second - 500 mg. Inside you can find 6 blisters of 10 tablets each, capsules of 5 pieces each. in two rows, the middle is divided by perforation.

Indications for use

The medication is not included in the group of drugs and always acts as an adjuvant in the treatment of pathology using complex methods. The reasons for using the drug, as a rule, are the following indications:

  • pregnancy planning;
  • with increased prolactin;
  • pronounced and vivid premenstrual syndrome, PMS, including breast tenderness, engorgement, mood swings, swelling;
  • menstrual irregularities: irregular periods, heavy bleeding, excessive pain.

When planning a pregnancy

If you want to get pregnant, you can use the medication as an additional vitamin therapy. The components supplied with food are not always enough for the full operation of all systems. The medication contains only natural micronutrients and antioxidants, which helps to normalize the phases of the cycle, adjust hormonal levels, and relieve a woman of pain.

For successful conception, it is recommended to take at least 3 courses of the drug (3 packages) in compliance with all instructions and recommendations for use. You need to take capsules every day without breaks. You should start taking pills from the first day of your cycle from the first blister with beige capsules. These pills are taken in 2 pcs. per day (5 days). Pink tablets should be taken 1 pc. (9 days), the third blister is used in the same way as the 2nd. The last plate is also taken 2 capsules for 5 days.

Instructions for use Time Factor

The medication begins on the first day of the cycle. The tablets are swallowed whole, do not need to be chewed, and should be washed down with cool water (warm water may partially dissolve the capsule, which will leave an unpleasant taste in the mouth). The course of treatment recommended by the manufacturer is 3 months. The decision to re-prescribe is made by the attending physician. How to take time factor with a regular 28 day cycle:

  • 2 beige tablets No. 1 at a time daily for the first 14 days;
  • 2 pcs. per day once pink color from 15 to 28 days.

For a cycle of less than 28 days, the drug dosage regimen is as follows:

  • Days 1-14 – beige capsules No. 1 2 pcs. once;
  • from the 15th day - pink once, 2 pcs.

Dose for cycles longer than 28 days:

  • for the first 15 days, take 2 beige tablets once;
  • then 2 pink capsules once every day.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

The maximum therapeutic effect is achieved when using the drug without interruption. However, the time factor during pregnancy is categorically contraindicated; it cannot be used during breastfeeding. The healing properties of the drug are not stated, but angelica root can cause miscarriage and heavy bleeding. In addition, there is no need to normalize the cycle during pregnancy, and other medications can be a source of vitamins.

Side effects

Dietary supplement time factor time factor belongs to the group of biological additives and is not regarded as a full-fledged medicine. It is sold in a package with an annotation, but you do not need to write out a prescription for it. The main provoking factors for side effects are personal intolerance to the components of the drug or an increased (allergic) reaction. At the first sign of side effects, you should stop taking the medication.


  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • alcohol consumption;
  • intolerance to components.

Time factor is a drug that delicately normalizes the menstrual cycle at all its stages, eliminates unpleasant symptoms, and is also a valuable source of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for a woman’s health.

One Time Factor package contains 4 records with different compositions. And each blister contains many biologically active substances that are intended for a specific phase of the menstrual cycle.

Composition Time factor

As was said, each of the 4 blisters with Time Factor tablets has a different composition. Blister No. 1 is designed to normalize the menstrual phase of the monthly cycle. It contains folic acid, iron, rutin, glutamic acid, ginger extract.

Blister No. 2 of the drug Time Factor is intended for use in the proliferative phase of the monthly cycle. It contains nicotinamide, folic and glutamic acid. And also broccoli extract.

At the beginning of the secret phase of the cycle, you need to take Time Factor vitamins from the third blister. They contain vitamin C and E, as well as angelica extract.

And at the end of the secret phase of the monthly cycle, you should take blister capsules No. 4. It contains magnesium, zinc, sacred chasteberry extract and ginkgo extract.

How to take Time Factor?

Time Factor should be taken consistently and regularly, every day for 28 days, without breaks between blisters. Capsules from the first blister should be taken from the 1st day of menstruation for 5 days, 2 capsules per day. Second blister - 1 capsule for the next 9 days. And blister No. 3 - also for 9 days, 1 capsule. Treatment is completed by taking capsules from 4 blisters - 2 capsules per day for 5 days.

If your monthly cycle is longer than 28 days, then you need to take a break after taking capsules from the fourth blister before the start of a new menstruation and start taking capsules from blister No. 1 again. If, on the contrary, the monthly cycle is shorter than 28 days, you need to start drinking capsules from blister No. 1 at the onset of menstruation, regardless of whether you have drunk all the capsules from the fourth blister.

The entire course of treatment should be at least 3 months. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Time factor - contraindications

According to the instructions, the drug is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to its components, during pregnancy and lactation. Thus, the time factor and pregnancy are incompatible things. Time factor has no other contraindications.

Does Time Factor help you get pregnant?

When planning pregnancy, the time factor plays the role of maintaining vitamin balance in the body. It complements nutrition, which does not always contain sufficient vitamin and mineral levels. It contains only natural antioxidants and micronutrients, thanks to which all phases of the menstrual cycle are normalized, pain disappears, and a woman’s hormonal background comes into order.

By ensuring a regular menstrual cycle, Time Factor helps reduce the risk of infertility. This drug helps the body prepares for pregnancy, creating favorable conditions for (fertilization).

Thus, Time Factor is a good way to prepare a woman for pregnancy, while being absolutely natural and harmless. However, this only applies to the preparation period. If pregnancy occurs, the drug should be stopped.

General strengthening dietary supplement for women.


Blister No. 1 - iron, folic acid, glutamic acid, rutin, ginger extract.

Blister No. 2 - nicotinamide, folic acid, glutamic acid, broccoli extract.

Blister No. 3 - vitamins C, E, angelica root extract.

Blister No. 4 - magnesium, zinc, chasteberry extract, ginkgo biloba extract.


V-Min+ (Russia)

Pharmacological action

The components included in the dietary supplement normalize the various phases of the menstrual cycle.

Side effect

No data available.

Indications for use

As a biologically active food supplement - an additional source of vitamins C, E, niacin, folic acid, iron, zinc, magnesium, a source of flavonoids, for women of reproductive age to normalize the menstrual cycle.


Individual intolerance to product components, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Directions for use and dosage

Taking the drug should start on the 1st day of the menstrual cycle, which corresponds to the 1st day of menstrual bleeding.

The course of admission is 28 days.

Blister No. 1 – 2 capsules per day, starting from the 1st day of the menstrual cycle for 5 days.

The total duration of treatment is 28 days.

If necessary, the reception can be repeated.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is more than 28 days, you should take a break from taking capsules until the start of the next menstrual cycle and start taking the second package from blister No. 1.

If the duration of the menstrual cycle is less than 28 days, from the 1st day of the new menstrual cycle you should start taking capsules in blister No. 1, regardless of the number of capsules remaining in blister No. 4.


No data available.


No data available.

Special instructions

Not a medicine.