How is vascular dystonia treated? The age-old question: is VSD curable? Psychosomatic cause of VSD

A common neurological disorder that affects both the human psyche and autonomics is vegetative-vascular dystonia. For many decades, experts have been looking for an answer to the question of how to treat VSD in order not only to prevent its consequences, but also to get rid of unpleasant symptoms forever. A unified treatment regimen has not been developed, but complex treatment allows patients to improve their quality of life.

Since the autonomic nervous system consists of two departments - the sympathetic and also the parasympathetic, the development of VSD is based on the discord between these structures. Therefore, the symptoms may be dominated by pressure surges, tachycardia, or increased digestive juices, bradycardia, and dizziness.

When the autonomic nervous system is disrupted, the emotional sphere of people suffers - anxiety, suspiciousness, fear of death at the time of crisis. It is difficult to convince a person that he does not have severe internal diseases - after all, he feels various pathological changes in himself.

The following factors can provoke attacks of VSD:

  • intrauterine fetal hypoxia;
  • severe stress;
  • excessive physical/intellectual overload;
  • previous neuroinfections/traumatic brain injuries;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • abuse of alcohol and tobacco products;
  • features of the human constitution.

If the true cause of VSD cannot be established, then experts speak of the pathology as an idiopathic disorder.

Types of dystonia

The variety of symptoms of VSD does not allow for a timely correct diagnosis. In addition, people themselves, in an effort to get the necessary answer, visit different doctors who prescribe them a variety of examinations.

Directly depending on the predominance of the disorder in one or another part of the autonomic system, it is customary to distinguish the following types of dystonia:

  1. The hypertensive variant is characterized by excessive vascular tone, as well as sharp increases in blood pressure. People complain of constant headaches, rapid heartbeat, as well as increased fatigue and hot flashes. Changes in the color of the integumentary tissues are observed - their hyperemia, or marbling, excessive sweating. There may be episodes of fluctuations in body temperature.
  2. According to the hypotonic variant, symptoms of vascular insufficiency predominate, since their tone is significantly reduced. Characteristic is a persistent decrease in tonometry numbers - below 100/60 mmHg. Symptoms of circulatory disorders such as weakness, fatigue, dizziness and fainting predominate. In addition, people are bothered by cold extremities, bluish skin on distant parts of the body, and excessive sweating.
  3. Manifestations of VSD of the cardiac type are heart pain. They do not have clearly defined symptoms - they can occur in different parts of the chest and vary in intensity and duration. Often complaints are described as burning, unbearable pain throughout the heart in combination with interruptions in its functioning. At the same time, objective examinations, for example, an ECG, do not reveal any abnormalities. During treatment, relief comes from taking sedative drops - Corvalol, Valerian.

However, most often, people experience a mixed version of VSD - a failure of both the sympathetic and parasympathetic departments, with many symptoms of their damage. Therefore, experts cannot definitively answer whether vegetative-vascular dystonia can be treated. Much depends on the timeliness of seeking medical help and the severity of clinical signs.


There is no single standard for how to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia. Most neurologists are of the opinion that taking medications only aggravates the situation - a person needs to radically reconsider his lifestyle. If you find and eliminate the provoking factors, you will be able to cure VSD without pharmaceutical drugs.

However, in order to make the patient feel better, symptomatic therapy is carried out. So, with high blood pressure, antihypertensive drugs are prescribed. Or, on the contrary, if a person is prone to hypotension, tonic medications are recommended. Sedatives help eliminate nervous excitability, preferably using herbal raw materials - valerian, hawthorn, or motherwort, lemon balm.

Most often, not a single doctor will tell you how to cure VSD once and for all. In severe cases of pathology, they resort to the help of anxiolytics, antidepressants, and psychocorrectors. In order to improve blood circulation in the brain and in the area of ​​internal organs, courses of medications such as those that expand and accelerate blood flow can be prescribed.

All medications are prescribed for VSD on an individual basis, after careful analysis of information from diagnostic procedures and exclusion of other causes of deterioration in well-being. Whether it is possible to cure VSD forever, the doctor explains to the patient in a personal conversation, after the basic treatment measures have been completed.

Non-drug therapy

In order to mitigate the negative symptoms of VSD, a person should resort to the help of alternative medicine. First of all, we are talking about nutrition correction. The diet involves excluding semi-finished products from the diet, as well as canned food and coffee-containing drinks and products. You will have to limit fatty and heavy foods, smoked foods and seasonings - all of them have a stimulating effect on the vegetative-vascular system.

Moderate physical activity strengthens the body - it trains the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, improves the flow of oxygen to tissues. Doctors call suitable sports for VSD such as swimming, running, or cycling. You can resort to home gymnastics with the basics of yoga.

In case of VSD, acupuncture courses are relevant. The impact on energy meridians will improve blood microcirculation and calm vegetation. However, acupuncture should only be performed by an experienced specialist. While physiotherapy methods have become widespread. Traditionally, the physical factors of light, heat, and water are used. Methods such as electrosleep, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis with medicinal solutions of bromine and potassium have proven themselves to be excellent. A massage will improve your well-being - attention is paid to the cervical spine and collar area.


Many people know that preventing a disease is much easier than getting rid of it later. Therefore, in order not to treat VSD, you should take care of its prevention in advance. Especially if there have already been cases of such a disorder in the family, for example, on the female side of the mother or grandmother.

You can overcome VSD by following simple rules:

  • adjust physical/intellectual stress;
  • introduce more vegetables and various fruits into the diet;
  • observe drinking regime;
  • take an annual vacation - go on vacation, travel out of town;
  • ensure a good night's rest - in a ventilated, cool room;
  • avoid stressful situations.

Of course, autonomic dysfunction, if it has formed, can remain with a person for life. However, it is better to ask your doctor in advance how to get rid of VSD and whether it can be defeated.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD, or neurocirculatory dystonia) is a very common problem that modern people have to face. This is a combination of emotional and mental disorders with autonomic disorders (from the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, and genitourinary systems). Treatment of VSD is a complex process that requires an individual approach and constant correction. Modern methods of treatment include lifestyle modification, changing the approach to professional activities, correction of psycho-emotional disorders, and the use of medications in accordance with developed syndromes. To implement the entire treatment complex, a neurologist, therapist, or psychologist (psychiatrist) may be required.

Basic treatment methods

First of all, before starting treatment, it is necessary to exclude other diseases of various organs and systems that can give symptoms identical to those of VSD. Only after a reliably established diagnosis can treatment begin.

The modern view on the elimination of VSD syndrome consists of the simultaneous use of a complex of medicinal and non-medicinal effects, with the latter playing a leading role. Treatment methods for VSD include:

  • correction of the psycho-emotional sphere;
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle;
  • modification of work activity;
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • spa treatment;
  • drug therapy.

Correction of the psycho-emotional sphere

“All diseases are from nerves,” - this statement could not be more accurate when it comes to vegetative-vascular dystonia. In most cases of VSD, some psychological factor is “to blame”; its elimination promotes recovery. When determining the history of the disease, patients almost always independently indicate where “it all started.” Overload at work, conflicts with co-workers or at home, problems in personal life, chronic stress - some of the above is necessarily present in the life of a patient with VSD. But the patient does not always understand the importance of eliminating the psychological cause; usually there is simply a statement of fact and nothing more. It is important to convey to the patient the need for a different view of the problem. A person must realize that his reaction to stress creates the preconditions for the occurrence of pathological symptoms (manifestations of VSD), and that it is necessary to reconsider his attitude to the situation. If the conflict cannot be resolved on our own, or the patient is unable to change his attitude to what is happening, then the help of a psychotherapist is required. There are a great many methods of psychotherapy that can help a patient with VSD: methods of suggestion and auto-training, elements of psychoanalysis with keeping a “health diary”, art therapy, Gestalt therapy, cognitive therapy, behavioral therapy, training in relaxation methods. What will be most effective is decided individually in each specific case.
The patient needs to know that all symptoms of VSD do not pose an immediate threat to life, that nothing threatens his life. Sometimes awareness of the “harmlessness” of symptoms helps to cope with the fear that accompanies VSD.
If possible, it is necessary to create a positive environment around the patient. This is facilitated by rational recreation, trips to nature (to the forest to pick mushrooms, fishing, just walks in the park, etc.). Having a hobby will only help normalize your psycho-emotional state. Sports activities are advisable.

Healthy lifestyle

Walking in the fresh air and playing sports help in the treatment of VSD.

First of all, you need to optimize your daily routine. High-quality and complete sleep (going to bed at the same time, sleep duration 7-8 hours, etc.), eating at the same time, staying in the fresh air - these are all small but significant factors for successful treatment process for VSD.
It is advisable to give up bad habits. Tobacco smoking and, especially, addiction to alcohol only aggravate existing disorders. Trying to change your attitude to a situation by taking large doses of alcohol is also a false path.
In the presence of chronic foci of infection, their sanitation is indicated (treatment of chronic tonsillitis, caries, etc.). Of course, the presence of any somatic pathology requires treatment by an appropriate specialist.
The diet is also subject to correction. Since with VSD there are always disturbances in vascular tone, such patients are shown foods that help strengthen blood vessels and the heart, rich in potassium, magnesium and calcium salts: buckwheat, oatmeal, nuts, sunflower seeds, apricots, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, rose hips, legumes, dairy products, cheeses, herbs, green tea, honey. When cooking, it is advisable to use unrefined olive and sunflower oils. Juices and compotes are useful due to their high content of vitamins and biologically active substances. The body's fluid intake is optimal at 1.5-2 liters per day. Normalizing your diet and diet also contributes to weight loss.
Moderate physical activity is indicated, but with a positive attitude, i.e. it is necessary to engage in your “favorite” sport (taking into account contraindications). Swimming, yoga, jogging, etc. are most often recommended. relatively calm sports. Moderate physical activity has a positive “training” effect on the cardiovascular system, helps normalize vascular tone, and improves blood flow in organs and tissues.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia (short name VSD ) is a symptom complex of clinical manifestations that are diverse and relate to different organs and systems. VSD develops due to the presence of abnormalities in the functioning and structure of the central and/or peripheral parts of the autonomic nervous system.

This disease is not a separate nosological form, but if VSD is combined with other pathogenic factors, then as a result, a number of diseases with a psychosomatic component may occur. So, as a result of this condition, it is possible to develop arterial hypertension , , coronary heart disease , peptic ulcer and other pathologies. Vegetative changes directly affect the course of some diseases in children. But the presence of certain diseases also aggravates vegetative disorders.

According to statistics, symptoms of vegetative-vascular disease most often appear in children 7-8 years old, although such disorders can appear at any age. The disease requires treatment in approximately one third of cases.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

There are many reasons why autonomic disorders develop. The most important in this case are primary deviations in parts of the autonomic nervous system, which are hereditary and in most cases can be traced through the mother.

Vegetative-vascular dystonia is often formed as a result of perinatal lesions of the nervous system. If the central parts of the autonomic nervous system are damaged, as a result, an emotional imbalance occurs, and children exhibit neurotic and psychotic disorders. The development of VSD provokes various psychotraumatic influences: these can be domestic conflicts, a tense family climate, parental alcoholism, etc. Regular emotional overload, constant , excessive mental stress also causes the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Experts also determine the presence of endocrine , somatic , neurological illnesses, sudden changes in weather conditions, environmental problems, or excessive loads, lack of vitamins and beneficial microelements, or other factors.

Symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia

The symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia are varied. They directly depend on the type of autonomic disorders, that is, on the predominance vagotonia or sympathicotonia .

With vagotonia, children have a variety of hypochondriacal manifestations: they quickly get tired, memory is impaired, the ability to work and study decreases, sleep disorders, fearfulness, and indecisiveness appear.

The patient's air quality decreases noticeably, he tolerates the cold very hard, sometimes feels short of air and chilly. VSD symptoms also include vestibular disorders, pain in the legs at night, nausea, acrocyanosis, sweating, swelling, frequent urination, and allergies.

In the presence of cardiovascular disorders, symptoms of VSD are manifested by bradyarrhythmia, a feeling of pain in the heart, and a periodic decrease in , muffled heart tones.

With sympathicotonia, the patient experiences the following symptoms of VSD: short temper, mood swings, high sensitivity to pain,. Possible coldness of the extremities, paresthesia and numbness in the extremities in the morning. Body temperature may periodically rise and atonic constipation may occur. Increased blood pressure may develop and manifest as cardiovascular disorders.

In children, VSD sometimes occurs latently and manifests itself permanently, or after the pronounced influence of negative factors. May occur periodically vegetative crises (paroxysms, vegetative storms). Such conditions can be triggered by emotional overload, severe physical and mental stress, as well as as a result of changes in weather conditions or infectious diseases. The crisis can last several minutes ( short-term crisis), or several hours or days ( long crisis).

In children at an early age, vegetative-vascular dystonia manifests itself with some features. In children of preschool age, vegetative disorders are moderate, with signs of vagotonia. VSD is more serious and severe in patients during adolescence. The symptoms in this case are varied, and paroxysms often develop.

Diagnosis of vegetative-vascular dystonia

To this day, there is no single accepted classification of VSD. Therefore, in the process of diagnosing the disease, a number of points must be taken into account. Thus, experts pay attention to etiological factors, variants of disorders ( mixed , vagotonic , sympathicotonic types), as well as which organs are involved in the process, what is the state of the autonomic nervous system, the nature of the disease and its severity.

When diagnosing vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to take into account whether there were similar cases in close relatives of the patient, and to study the features of the perinatal period. The specialist studies the current state of the autonomic nervous system, determining autonomic tone, reactivity and support for activity. To do this, an analysis of complaints and objective parameters is carried out, information obtained using ECG and cardiointervalography is used.

The patient must undergo consultation with several specialists in different fields. During differential diagnosis, it is important to exclude those diseases whose symptoms resemble the manifestation of VSD. It is necessary to exclude congenital heart defects , rheumatic carditis , , non-rheumatic carditis . If a symptom of VSD is high blood pressure, then it is important to differentiate the disease from arterial hypertension . The occurrence of respiratory disorders, which manifest themselves as and, should be differentiated from bronchial asthma . If the patient is observed, then it should be excluded, first of all, infective endocarditis , sepsis , oncological diseases . If the patient has a pronounced disorder, then mental disorders are excluded.

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

For the effectiveness of therapy, it is important that the treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia is comprehensive, with an individual approach, lasts a sufficient period of time, and the nature of autonomic disorders must be taken into account.

In most cases, non-drug methods are used to treat VSD. The doctor will definitely advise the patient to change the daily routine to a more correct one, avoid physical inactivity, try to constantly give the body normal physical activity, and limit emotional influences. A rational, healthy diet also plays an important role.

In addition, effective methods of treating VSD are special massage, procedures in water, and acupuncture. Depending on the type of autonomic disorders, a specific method of physiotherapy is prescribed.

If the listed methods of treating VSD do not have the desired effect, then the specialist selects a complex of special therapy with medications for the patient. Treatment begins with small doses and is gradually increased to the optimal dosage of drugs.

In the process of treating vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is important to take measures to treat chronic focal infection and associated pathologies.

In the treatment of VSD, the most commonly prescribed sedatives , antidepressants , nootropics , tranquilizers . In combination, it is recommended to take vitamin and microelement medications. Drugs designed to activate cerebral and peripheral circulation are also used.

If the patient develops vegetative paroxysm, then in severe cases, parenteral administration of neuroleptics, tranquilizers, and atropine is prescribed. Drugs are prescribed depending on the nature of the crisis.

Constant clinical monitoring of patients is important, especially for pediatric patients. The examination is carried out once every few months, the regularity is determined depending on the form and severity of the disease. Due to the exacerbation of the disease during the transition seasons - spring and autumn - more frequent examinations may be necessary during this period.

If the disease can be treated in a timely manner, and effective complex therapy is used, then the prognosis for the patient’s recovery is favorable.



Prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia

For effective prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia, it is necessary to apply a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to prevent existing risk factors that may affect the occurrence or exacerbation of VSD.

In order to get rid of the disease or prevent its manifestations, it is important to pay attention to your lifestyle, changing your attitude towards sleep, nutrition, and activity. You should competently alternate periods of intense work and proper rest, change the diet and quality of nutrition for the better, constantly engage in physical exercise or practice a certain sport. Even ordinary daily gymnastics will have a positive effect on the body’s condition. It is important to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air every day, try to avoid stressful situations and strong emotional shocks. Experts recommend learning several relaxation techniques and applying them in critical situations.

An important point for the prevention of vegetative-vascular dystonia is to quit smoking, minimize or completely stop drinking alcohol. At the same time, the condition of blood vessels is normalized by the consumption of vegetables, herbs, fruits, cereals, and seafood.

Experts also advise not to neglect daily contrast showers, which effectively protect against “problems” in the autonomic nervous system.

Diet, nutrition for vegetative-vascular dystonia

List of sources

  • Autonomic disorders: clinical picture, treatment, diagnosis / A.M. Wayne [et al.]. - M.: Medical Information Agency, 2000;
  • A.V. Kuchanskaya "Vegetative-vascular dystonia" Ed. S.N. Popova. - M.: “Physical Education and Sports”, 1998;
  • Vein A.M., Voznesenskaya T.G., Golubev V.L. and others. Diseases of the autonomic nervous system//M., Medicine, 1991.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD) is a disorder of the autonomic nervous system and human psyche. How to treat VSD depends on the individual characteristics of the development of the disease. The priority is not drugs, but non-drug therapy methods. Let us consider the features of each treatment in more detail.

What treatment is needed

Medicines for vegetative-vascular dystonia play a supporting role.

It is non-drug methods of therapy that come to the fore, namely, conducting psychotherapeutic sessions, a work and rest regime that must be observed, limiting the impact of factors that provoke attacks, and carrying out activities that harden the body.

Since autonomic dysfunction develops primarily in the main systems of the body, for example, in the endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular, the first symptoms appear in these areas. In the event that panic attacks during VSD prevent a person from leading a normal lifestyle and worsen its quality, reduce ability to work, medications are prescribed that help eliminate unpleasant symptoms.


In the treatment of VSD, drugs are used that help eliminate general pathological disorders and those that act symptomatically. As a rule, an appointment is made:

  • sedatives;
  • tranquilizers;
  • antidepressants;
  • nootropic drugs;
  • adaptogens;
  • vitamin complexes.


Sedative (or sedative) drugs help normalize the activity of the autonomic nervous system and correct a person’s emotional background. At the same time, the general condition improves and the ability to work increases. Other benefits of such medications include:

  • increased irritability and aggression disappear;
  • insomnia and daytime dizziness disappear;
  • drugs allow the heart vessels to relax, relieving their spasm;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • the drugs have a rapid therapeutic effect, reducing the risk of severe attacks.

Most of these drugs contain only herbal ingredients, which only increases their safety and effectiveness. The only negative is that the calming effect is less pronounced than in those products that are based on synthetic substances.

Valerian is an excellent budget remedy that can be used for VSD

Vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is accompanied by symptoms of a mental disorder, can be cured with such remedies as Valerian (drops, tablets), Passion flower, Passionflower, St. John's wort tincture, motherwort herb.


Tranquilizers, which have a more powerful therapeutic effect than sedatives, perfectly cure the symptoms of VSD. It’s worth noting right away that only a specialist doctor should prescribe them, because tranquilizers can cause side effects and have contraindications for use. It is for this reason that taking them on your own is not recommended.

Tranquilizer drugs help regulate the activity of the autonomic nervous system, normalizing the psychopathic state, eliminating neurosis, panic syndrome, anxiety syndrome, restlessness, increased irritability, and emotional instability. They are prescribed when it is necessary to restore the body after severe emotional shock, stress or depression.

An improvement in the general condition occurs within 5–10 minutes after taking the drug, but the overall duration of the effect is short – up to 2–3 hours. You can cure VSD forever in this way by carrying out treatment in courses of 2–3 weeks. If this rule is ignored, unpleasant symptoms may reoccur over time.

So, how to treat VSD? Such tranquilizer drugs as Phenazepam, Madazepam, Lorazepam, Gidazepam will come to the rescue. The new generation of drugs can be called Atarax and Afobazol. It is not recommended to stop taking any drug abruptly, but rather do it gradually. Otherwise, you may experience unpleasant withdrawal symptoms.


VSD can also be treated at home with antidepressants, the active substances of which ensure the normalization of metabolic processes in the autonomic nervous system. These are necessary for severe attacks of VSD and accompanying symptoms.

The first positive results are visible only 2-3 weeks after starting to take the pills and only if they are used systematically. To enhance the effectiveness of antidepressants, it is recommended to take tranquilizers in combination.

The total duration of treatment with any antidepressant is no more than 6 months.

Considering the fact that all antidepressant drugs have not yet been fully studied by researchers, the exact mechanism of their effect on autonomic dysfunction has not yet been established. This can be explained by the complex symptom complex that occurs with the development of dystonia. Despite this, the drugs have been and continue to be used in the treatment of VSD, because as such, an alternative to them has not yet been found.

VSD can be cured once and for all with tricyclic antidepressants such as Teperin and Amitriptyline. The tetracyclic type of drugs includes Lerivon, Ludiomil, Pyrazidol. The group of antidepressants also includes the following drugs: Zolofort, Paroxetine, Cipralex, Prozac, Remeron, Venlafaxine, etc.

You can take antidepressants at home, but only after they are prescribed by your doctor. In the selection process, the severity of the disturbed mental state, the general condition of the patient and other important factors are taken into account.

Nootropic drugs

Vegetative-vascular dystonia of the brain can be treated with drugs such as nootropics, the active substances of which affect the higher integrative functions of its cortex. With the help of such tools you can improve concentration and memory. General malaise and depression disappear as well as headaches and dizziness. Most often doctors prescribe:

  • Glycine (provides an improvement in brain metabolism, but there is a ban on its simultaneous use with other drugs used in the treatment of dystonia);
  • Piracetam (treats many neurological and psychological diseases, but in the case of vegetative-vascular dystonia it has many conflicting reviews; prescribed for VSD of a mixed type);
  • Noofen (has antihypoxic and antiamnestic effects; the drug is used for hypotonic dystonia).

Neurocirculatory dystonia can also be treated with a drug such as Actovegin, released in the form of a solution for injection.

Adaptogens and vitamin preparations

Adaptogen drugs are of purely plant origin, have a general strengthening and tonic effect, help improve the immune system and improve mood. Often such drugs are prescribed in combination with vitamin preparations. It is immediately worth noting that adaptogens should not be taken if you have high blood pressure. Examples of remedies include Doppelgerz with ginseng, Pantocrine, Antistress formula, which are prescribed for vegetative-vascular dystonia of any type.

Complivit, a magnesium-based vitamin complex, helps reduce the symptoms of VSD

Vitamin preparations are important for every person, regardless of the presence of such pathology in the body. On pharmacy counters you can find many products for this purpose that act both therapeutically and prophylactically. By replenishing the required amount of potassium and magnesium in the body, you can reduce irritability, anxiety, and increase your ability to work. Preparations containing the following microelements: Magne B6, Magnelis, Magnerot, Asparkam.

You can take vitamin complexes that contain other beneficial substances. In addition to normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, vitamins will help strengthen the immune system and increase its resistance to infectious diseases. This may be Complivit, Supradin, Neuromultivit, etc.


Many people are interested in the question of whether VSD can be cured with psychotherapeutic sessions. This technique is quite effective, but only if a person turns to a specialist at an early stage of the development of vegetative-vascular dystonia.

The main goal of therapy is to restore the balance of a person’s mental strength, normalize mental balance. The doctor’s task is to find the main cause of the disturbance in the emotional state that caused the unpleasant symptoms, and to teach the person to manage it.

A psychotherapist or psychologist can help get rid of the symptoms of VSD

Breathing exercises, contrast showers, relaxing massage and some psychological influence techniques are actively used. The latter include:

  • psychoanalysis (a specialist finds out the cause of psychological disorders and tries to eliminate it by suggestion);
  • behavioral analysis (the cause of dystonia is sought in a person’s present life, and not in the past, and is eliminated by changing the attitude towards it);
  • Gestalt treatment (the doctor explains and inspires the person that there is a main and a secondary thing in his life, and the causal situation that caused the psychological disorder is precisely the second option);
  • hypnosis (during the therapy, a person is put into a light trance).

The psychotherapist also explains to the person how to cope with the attack that has occurred. In any case, there is no need to panic, because the pathology is not life-threatening. If possible, it is necessary to go out into the fresh air, remove and unfasten restrictive clothing items (tie, buttons, etc.). You can lie down, but only so that your head is below the level of your feet. This will help ensure blood flow to the brain. You can treat with folk remedies, for example, a solution of components such as Valocordin, tincture of peony, valerian, hawthorn, taken 0.5 tsp each.

It is difficult to say how long the disease lasts. It all depends on the mood of the patient himself. In any case, although vegetative-vascular dystonia is not dangerous to health, you should not abuse home treatment. Who, if not a specialist, can correctly prescribe the most effective treatment.

People diagnosed with VSD are often interested in the prospects for treatment. The pathology is curable, but no specialist can give the exact timing. The process depends on the reasons that provoked it, the clinical picture and the conscientiousness of following medical instructions. If the patient is careless about the problem, more time may be required or the results will be unsatisfactory.

What is VSD?

The diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” can be deciphered as a chronic disease that begins in childhood and, under the influence of provoking factors, actively manifests itself in people 20-40 years of age. In medical practice, the disease is not considered separately, since it is a collection of various symptoms that are inherent in individual pathological abnormalities.

In short, VSD means a dysfunction in the regulation of internal processes of homeostasis, which leads to changes in tone in blood vessels and blood flow in body systems. There is a deviation in pressure readings, heart rate, as well as the functioning of the bronchi, digestive and excretory departments. This condition occurs in 80% of people, but representatives of the fairer sex are more often affected by the disorder.

Reasons influencing the development of pathology

You can recover from VSD only by identifying the factors that upset the balance, both physical and emotional. These include:

The disease can develop in a person due to constant lack of sleep.
  • Heredity. If family members have been diagnosed with vegetative-vascular dystonia, then the deviations affect young children and teenagers.
  • Psychological environment. It appears in childhood, when the child goes through psycho-emotional stress.
  • Hormones. In this case, adolescents and women during menopause suffer, but relief from the problem comes with stabilization of hormonal levels.
  • Dream. If lack of sleep continues for a long time, it weakens a person’s nervous state, which automatically leads to VSD.
  • Addictions. People who try to drown out stress and relieve tension with the help of bad habits are particularly susceptible to influence.

Symptoms characteristic of the disorder

VSD has a wide range of clinical manifestations, but doctors have identified key ones that can be observed in all patients. Thanks to these signs, you can quickly establish the nervous basis for the onset of the disease. These include:

With this pathology, people may experience dizziness.
  • Anxiety. At times, a person has panic attacks that they cannot overcome on their own.
  • Coordination. Vascular problems caused by vegetative-vascular dystonia lead to frequent dizziness and imprecise movements.
  • Weakness. A person feels a constant malaise, which is not explained by the presence of pathologies.
  • Pressure. The indicators are often lower than usual, but sometimes an increase in blood pressure levels is observed.
  • Temperature. With VSD, sharp changes in indicators occur, which leads to poor health.

Is it possible to get rid of VSD completely?

People who have been diagnosed with a disorder are often tormented by the question of the duration and success of the treatment process. The fight against a problem begins with establishing the true cause that caused it, as well as the number of clinical manifestations that a person has encountered. However, the doctor cannot predict the period of complete relief, since this is an individual process, and for everyone it occurs using different methods.

A person will be completely cured of VSD if he follows medical instructions and changes his habits.

How to cure VSD?

Features of dietary nutrition

There should be more vegetables on the menu of such people.

The development of VSD is directly affected by poor vascular tone, which leads to impaired blood flow to the brain. However, vitamin deficiency and lack of microelements play an important role in this case. Therefore, you can combat the problem by taking a course of vitamins, which will give noticeable results in just a couple of weeks. If desired, you can adjust your diet, which will speed up the healing process. To do this, you need to enable in the menu:

  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • meat and fish (low-fat);
  • honey, nuts.

Do medications help fight the disease?

Complex therapy, which includes a number of medications, helps to cure VSD. Doctors often prescribe mild sedatives to relieve tension and bring a person back to normal. However, in case of acute attacks of anxiety, they may resort to psychotropic drugs. Depending on the clinical picture, medications may be prescribed to improve digestion, normalize heart rate and blood pressure.

Is it possible to cure a disease by adjusting your lifestyle?

Treatment of VSD first begins with a review of lifestyle. The doctor will give advice that should be followed:

Yoga classes will help you get rid of tension.

  • Develop a routine. You should get up and go to bed, and eat food at the same time. This will provide stability to the body and regulate nervous tension.
  • Breathe fresh air. The best options for relieving tension are swimming and yoga. They help normalize breathing and tone the muscle complex.
  • Eliminate stress. It is necessary to identify and limit the influence of all irritants, and not to get carried away with antidepressants.