Modern augmentation mammoplasty. combination of techniques. Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty)

Relevance. About 40% of women dream of breast augmentation. Breasts are the most exciting and intriguing part of a woman's body. This is not just a gift of nature, it is a source of pride, often envy, sometimes admiration not only for women themselves, but also for men who try to stealthily glance at this priceless capital. But, alas, nature is cruel; it does not always equally endow all representatives of the fair sex with equally beautiful forms. Sometimes previously ideal forms lose their attractiveness over the years. The cause of deterioration in breast condition may be sudden weight loss, age-related changes, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Restoring shape without undergoing breast replacement is difficult and almost impossible. What to do? There are several exits. You can ignore this, reconcile yourself, rejoice in the fact that your children and grandchildren are growing up, wear loose-fitting clothes and resort to various feminine tricks when communicating with men. But not everyone agrees with this view of their existence. The most energetic and cheerful women go for a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Women come to see a plastic surgeon with various problems related to breast surgery. In the absence of medical contraindications to plastic augmentation mammoplasty (augmentation is an increase in the size of an organ or tissue), all patients first undergo preoperative planning.

Preoperative planning. On the day of surgery, all patients must be photographed in front, profile and with a 45° turn to the left and right. In an upright position, the patients are measured the distance from the jugular notch, from the midline and from the midclavicular line to the nipples, the thickness and condition of the integumentary tissues of the mammary glands were assessed (if the thickness of the fiber was 1 cm or less, then the prostheses are placed submuscularly), the size and location of the areolas relative to each other friend, the dissection plane is planned. Markings are performed on the mammary glands, incl. The middle and midclavicular lines, the position of the new submammary fold, and the future location of the implants are noted.

Augmentation mammoplasty can be performed three ways(all operations are performed under general anesthesia):

    installation of a prosthesis from the axillary approach - a skin incision is made along the inner edge of the pectoralis major muscle at the border with the scalp; usually the incision does not exceed 3 cm;

    Installation of the prosthesis through submammary access (scar in the fold under the mammary gland) - the incision is made in the existing submammary fold up to 5 cm long; through it a pocket is created either subglandularly, submuscularly, or in 2 planes;

    Installation of the prosthesis through para-areolar access - the incision is made along the lower inner, less often the outer edge of the areola and, as a rule, occupies no more than half the circumference of the areola; if the areola is small, then additionally de-epidermize an area of ​​unpigmented skin in the form of an ellipse up to 1 cm wide.

    Subsequently, dissection of the soft tissue of the mammary gland is carried out through the parenchyma of the gland, perpendicular to the base. Then a pocket for prostheses is formed, which, depending on the condition of the tissue, shape and thickness of the mammary gland, is created under the gland, in 2 planes or under the pectoralis major muscle with the obligatory cutting off of its sternal fusion 3 - 4 cm from below. After hemostasis was completed, an appropriately sized implant was installed into the formed pocket. The dissected edges of the parenchyma are sutured with continuous sutures. The skin is also sutured with intradermal sutures. As a rule, in all cases, a rubber drainage is installed in the formed cavity, which is removed the next day after the operation.

Postoperative period. In the postoperative period, all patients wear a compression bra (for example, Byron or Native) for 1 month. All operated patients are prescribed standard anti-inflammatory, decongestant and analgesic therapy. You are allowed to wash on the 3rd day after surgery. It is allowed to start physical activity after 1.5 - 2 months, and to start everyday activities after a week.

!!! According to most plastic surgeons, the paraareolar approach is the most superior approach for breast augmentation. It is very convenient when placing both anatomical and round implants of any profile. Due to its location, it is indispensable for small augmentations in patients with no visible submammary fold. Using it, you can perform areola displacement to correct positional asymmetry and para-areolar mastopexy (breast lift). The paraareolar approach allows you to perform augmentation from the central part of the mammary gland, easily and accurately create a pocket for the prosthesis in the required plane in all directions with a barely noticeable scar after surgery. In practice, trauma to the mammary gland parenchyma rarely leads to any problems, both clinically and radiologically.

In plastic surgery, augmentation mammoplasty is in high demand. The method helps to increase or restore the size, shape, and contour of the breast to give the bust a flawless appearance. Breast augmentation may be required due to dissatisfaction with one's own appearance, congenital malformations resulting from aging, sudden weight loss, or asymmetry during pregnancy. In any case, plastic surgery allows you to achieve the desired effect, restore ideal body proportions and silhouette harmony.

Prices for augmentation mammoplasty

Moscow offers many options for aesthetic transformation of the figure. The leader among surgical intervention techniques is breast plastic surgery. The cost of procedures varies significantly depending on the level of the aesthetic medicine center, the qualifications of the doctor, the technologies used in the work, and the type of consumables. Plastic Surgery Clinic Dr. Vasilenko offers the optimal ratio in the price-quality category:

High professionalism of the staff, increased attention to the needs of patients, excellent basic training and experience are our distinctive features. They allow us to provide certified augmentation mammoplasty services in accordance with the most stringent European quality standards.

Who is a candidate for augmentation mammoplasty?

There are a number of factors why women decide to transform their appearance. Breasts are considered the main sign of female attractiveness, so special attention is paid to them. Augmentation mammoplasty is performed for the following reasons:

  • Anxiety or low self-esteem of a woman due to small breast size;
  • Loss of volume, elasticity of the mammary glands after childbirth, lactation;
  • Breast lipodystrophy or lack of adipose tissue due to pathological changes in the body;
  • A sharp weight loss changed the shape of the bust, negatively affecting its volume characteristics;
  • Congenital or acquired asymmetry of the mammary glands, when one breast is smaller/lower than the other.

Breast augmentation surgery is performed by surgically inserting silicone implants. The prostheses are placed either in the anterior plane of the pectoral muscle or behind it. More often, access is carried out submuscularly (under the pectoralis major muscle). The technology for augmentation mammoplasty is determined by the operating doctor after a thorough examination and comparison of the patient’s expectations with existing indications.

Safety of the procedure, operation

For the vast majority of patients, the surgery is safe and involves minimal side effects. The success of surgery lies in well-chosen prostheses approved by regulatory authorities and quality control institutes. During surgery, general anesthesia is used in combination with local sedation so that upon awakening the patient does not feel acute discomfort. You should not be afraid of the materials on which the implants are made. This is a thick, viscous gel filler packaged under a seven-layer intact silicone shell, which does not leak even when these shells are cut.

The plastic surgeon makes incisions in those places where the scars will subsequently be invisible from the outside. This is the fold under the breast (submammary), the area around the nipple (periareolar) or the armpit (transaxillary). The gold standard in plastic surgery is the circumferential approach along the lower semicircle of the areola, which is mainly used in our clinic. Less commonly, an incision is made under the breast in cases of small areola diameter and large implant volume and in some other cases. The operation lasts 1-2 hours. The rehabilitation period passes quickly, the patient experiences tension and pain for several days (as after significant physical activity), the pain syndrome is easily relieved with medication. The patient remains in the clinic for 24 hours after the operation under the supervision of a doctor and, after bandaging, is discharged. 3-4 days of home rest is recommended. A month after the operation, physical rest and wearing compression garments are required. It is recommended to increase the load on the pectoralis major muscle (when installing an implant under the arm) in dosage increments 2.5-3 months after surgery.

Methods for installing breast implants

Types of implants

The choice of implant is determined by the doctor based on breast anatomy, body type and desired transformations. The patient's lifestyle, personal preferences, and the recommendations of the plastic surgeon also play a role. Breast implants are medical devices with a hard silicone shell that is filled with elastic silicone gel. The implants are thoroughly tested, researched and verified by independent doctors to ensure safety. The size of a breast implant is measured in cubic centimeters depending on the volume of filler. Implants are distinguished from each other by their internal contents and size, as well as:

  • Texture - the implant shell can be smooth or textured;
  • Shape - can have a round profile or anatomical (teardrop, narrowed shape);
  • Profile - the depth of the implant from the base to the highest point (low, medium, high);
  • Diameter is the width of the implant measured through its base.

Adult women of any age can get implants. The FDA (American Bureau of Health Products) recommends the use of prostheses when the breasts are fully developed and developed. After installation, it is important to have your breasts assessed regularly by a mammologist.

Contraindications to the procedure

Like any surgery, breast augmentation has a number of contraindications. The absolute criteria by which an operation cannot be performed include the following factors:

  • Acute somatic diseases (pathologies of the cardiovascular, bronchopulmonary, genitourinary, endocrine systems), exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Oncological lesions of the body, cancer anomalies, tumors of unknown etiology;
  • Infectious processes of a systemic nature (tuberculosis, syphilis and others);
  • Blood diseases that affect the blood's ability to clot (for example, hemophilia)

Relative contraindications, in which plastic surgery may not be performed in all cases, include:

  • ARVI, flu, severe cold in the recent past, recovery from which has not yet occurred;
  • Therapeutic courses, during which medicinal formulas are used that change the properties of the blood, disrupting the balance of the immune system;
  • Diseases of the skin in the chest area, armpits, areas intended for implantation.

If you have a contraindication to plastic surgery sessions, visit an appropriate specialist. Only an experienced doctor can give an accurate opinion regarding the upcoming operation. The list of tests is given by the plastic surgeon at the preliminary consultation.

Postoperative recovery after breast surgery

After the breast augmentation procedure, you will need 3-4 days to regain any compromised comfort. You will remain under doctor's supervision for 24 hours, although if there are no negative reactions, you may be allowed to go home on the day of surgery or the next day. Avoid exercise for 4 weeks while you recover. For up to 4-6 weeks, the patient constantly wears compression garments, which eliminates swelling and stabilizes the implants. You are taking specialized medications, and the doctor is giving you recommendations on how to quickly restore your strength.

The operation has a number of potential dangers. These include capsular contracture and implant deformation. Some patients experience temporary nipple numbness for several weeks. This condition is reversible.

Your doctor will tell you how to prepare for surgery. He refers the patient to laboratory screening (blood tests, urine tests - general, coagulation tests, clinical), fluorography, ultrasound. A couple of weeks before the day of the operation you need to refrain from smoking and alcoholic beverages.

If you decide to enlarge your breasts, come to Dr. Vasilenko. You will certainly like professional methods, prostheses from the world's leading suppliers, convenient service and reasonable prices. And the result acquired over time will make your dream of a beautiful body come true.

ask a question to a specialist

Women are often dissatisfied with any part of their body. They pay special attention to the breasts, which always attract the eyes of the opposite sex. Thanks to modern medicine, women have the opportunity to enlarge their breasts to the desired size using augmentation.

What is augmentation mammoplasty


Augmentation mammoplasty is an operation aimed at enlarging the female breast through the installation of endoprostheses, which are filled with gel and silicone.

Implants add volume, make it possible to correct the shape of the bust, and remove asymmetry.

In order for the breasts to look natural after surgery, a qualified specialist will advise the appropriate size so that it is in harmony with the rest of the proportions of the figure.

This video will tell you what augmentation mammoplasty is:


Augmentation mammoplasty is considered the most popular type of plastic surgery in the world. Breast enlargement is carried out through the introduction of silicone gel implants.

  • To perform the operation, specialists use the following types of prostheses: prostheses filled with silicone gel.
  • Such implants have a silicone shell and filler; hollow fillable.
  • They have a silicone shell, which is usually filled with saline solution; mixed (2, 3 chamber).
  • They have silicone gel inside and a shell with saline solution on the outside; dentures with cohesive gel

(this filler is soft, jelly-like).

  1. When performing breast augmentation surgery, access is carried out in one of three ways: Submammary
  2. . The cavity for the prosthesis is formed under visual control. This method is considered the most popular and safe. The postoperative scar is camouflaged in the submammary fold. Axillary
  3. . The incision is made along the lower pole of the areola. Axillary

. For manipulation, an incision is made in the armpit area. This method is popular when installing round implants under the muscle.

Endoscopic augmentation mammoplasty can also be used. The essence of the procedure is to perform small punctures of the dermis in areas such as submammary and axillary.

  1. Implants are placed in the following ways: Under the connective membrane. The implant is placed inside the space between the gland tissue and the muscle. Experts note that this method ensures ideal fixation of the breast shape.
  2. Submuscular location. The implant is placed inside the space under the pectoral muscle. The advantage of this method is the preservation of the natural shape of the gland. The implant is almost invisible, but heavier and longer lasting.
  3. Subrandular location. The implant is placed between the gland tissue and the muscle. The result is very attractive and natural. Not used for thin gland tissue.


Surgery for breast augmentation is indicated in the following cases:

  • asymmetry;
  • age-related changes in the shape of the glands;
  • desire to enlarge breasts that are small from birth;
  • breast sizes are disproportionate to the body;
  • aplasia (absence of mammary glands);
  • bust deformation after pregnancy, weight loss, breastfeeding;
  • hypoplasia (insufficient breast volume). Underdevelopment of the mammary glands can be observed on one or both breasts;
  • recovery after complete/partial removal of one/both mammary glands.


There are a number of contraindications to breast correction. Therefore, no matter how much a woman wants to improve her bust shape, she must first think about her health. Contraindications to mammoplasty include:

  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • age (under 18 years of age the operation is not performed, because the mammary glands have not yet fully formed);
  • lactation period;
  • mental illness in a complex form, also;
  • blood clotting disorders (when anticoagulants such as aspirin and others are taken);
  • infectious diseases.

There are also a number of relative contraindications:

  • foci of fibrous nodes inside the breast;
  • excess weight;
  • chronic hepatitis;
  • autoimmune diseases (, rheumatism);
  • atherosclerosis of the lower extremities ();
  • (compensation period).

Mastopexy and AM

Sometimes doctors combine mammoplasty with mastopexy. Mastopexy is a breast correction and lift. The operation consists of excision of excess tissue, returning the nipple-areolar complex to its normal position.

Difficulty categories

When performing a combined operation, the doctor, after lifting, begins to form a pocket for the implant. This is usually done by making additional incisions under the breasts. The doctor chooses a surgical approach depending on the initial condition of the breast (shape, size, degree of ptosis) and the planned result.

If a lift is performed during surgical plastic surgery, the operation looks like this:

  1. Incision in the mammary gland.
  2. Excision of a dermal flap;
  3. Redistribution of tissues.
  4. Transfer of the nipple-alveolar complex to the desired location.
  5. Reducing the size of the areola (if necessary).
  6. Application of postoperative sutures.

Breast lift can be performed using the following types of access:

  • periareolar. An incision is made along the upper contour of the areola. He is like a crescent moon. The nipple is not cut off, it is moved to a higher position. Scars after this type of access are almost invisible;
  • circular. An incision is made around the areolas. The type of access is used to move 2 cm or more, while large volumes of skin are excised;
  • vertical. One incision is made around the areola, the second incision goes down to the inframammary fold. The skin flap is excised and the nipple is moved much higher. After surgery, they may remain;
  • T-shaped. An incision is made around the areola, the second incision is made from the center of the gland to the base in the area of ​​the inframammary fold, the third incision is made horizontally in the inframammary fold. It is used for pronounced ptosis and severe changes in breast shape. This method is the most traumatic with a long rehabilitation period.

Carrying out the operation

On the day of surgical breast augmentation, the patient must undergo preoperative planning. At this time, performs the following actions:

  • assesses the thickness and condition of tissues. Marks the mammary glands;
  • takes photographs of the breasts (in profile, frontal view, 45 degree turns);
  • disinfection of the operated surface.

Before the procedure, the patient is given general anesthesia. It is performed in different ways:

  • intravenously;
  • endotracheal.


To reduce the risk of development, specialists at medical centers will definitely refer the patient to undergo the following studies:

  • fluorography;
  • hepatitis test;
  • blood sugar test;
  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands;

If a woman’s clinical health allows for surgery, she should stop taking medications with salicylates and hormonal contraceptives 2 weeks before the procedure. A week before mammoplasty is necessary, because nicotine reduces the healing of sutures and weakens the body.

This video shows very clearly how the operation occurs:


The augmentation mammoplasty procedure is represented by the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Anesthesia.
  2. Performing markings.
  3. Antiseptic treatment.
  4. Making cuts.
  5. Separation of subcutaneous tissue and soft tissues.
  6. Formation of a tunnel, a pocket for a prosthesis.
  7. Implant location.
  8. Stitching of soft tissues.
  9. Cosmetic suture application.
  10. Installation of drainage necessary for the release of physiological fluid, preventing stagnation inside the created cavities for implants.
  11. Fixation of the breast with pressure bandages.

The duration of the entire operation is 1-2 hours. The duration of the procedure is influenced by the method of access and placement of the implant.

They are discharged from the hospital after 1–3 days. For the first day, the patient must remain in bed, and it is forbidden to raise his hands to his head.


General instructions

After discharge from the hospital, the woman can return to her normal life. She is allowed to shower and engage in moderate physical activity. On an individual basis, the doctor prescribes drugs with the following effects:

  • decongestant;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • anesthetic.

The results of the procedure should be assessed after 6–9 months. By this time, the scars are already invisible, and the results are clearly visible.

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must follow simple instructions:

  • , swimming pool, solarium.


It is necessary to balance the diet in order to increase immunity and shorten the duration of the rehabilitation period. After surgery, it is recommended to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber and proteins:

  • fruits;
  • lean meat;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • greenery.

Pain in the area of ​​the mammary glands will bother the woman in the first couple of days after surgery. The reason for its appearance is tissue injury during mammoplasty. The intensity of pain is influenced by a number of factors.