Modern crowns for chewing teeth. Which crowns are best placed on chewing teeth: materials, properties. Types of dental crowns: which ones are better?

A crown is a microprosthesis that imitates a natural tooth. Such an overlay allows you to preserve that part of it that remains intact. Both front and chewing teeth can be restored in this way, but in the second case, people often cannot decide which crown is better for a chewing tooth. And in general, to understand what is the point of the choice if the crown on the back tooth is still not visible from the outside.

This approach is not entirely correct, since the choice of modern crowns for chewing teeth has its own nuances. Designs for the part of the jaw that is responsible for chewing should primarily solve the problem of protecting teeth from further destruction, as well as helping them to fully function. At the same time, a high level of aesthetics is not very critical. Please note: if a tooth is damaged in the chewing area, you should contact the clinic as soon as possible - this is the only way to save healthy tissue from further destruction and preserve the properties of the tooth.

Types of modern crowns

Modern dentistry offers several types of crowns:

  • Metal: The strongest of all pads, corrosion resistant and durable - can last up to 12 years. Another advantage is that their installation does not require extensive grinding of healthy tissue. The downside is visual imperfection. An allergy to certain types of metals may be a contraindication to installation.

  • Metal-ceramic: also a fairly durable design with a metal frame coated with ceramic enamel. Their service life is about 8 years. The use of ceramics gives the product an aesthetic appearance, but such a crown requires serious grinding of hard tissues. If prosthetics are performed incorrectly or low-quality materials are used, chips may form on the structure after some time.

  • Ceramic: reliable and extremely aesthetic, they are almost impossible to distinguish from natural teeth. But in terms of strength, they are still much inferior to metal ones, and besides, these are expensive structures. That is why they are more often used for teeth in the smile area.

  • Metal-plastic: the most budget option for crowns. Suitable for temporary prosthetics only. Such crowns can provoke inflammation and an allergic reaction, and they darken over time. The maximum service life of such structures is 2–3 years.

The best crowns for chewing teeth

Since the main qualities of chewing teeth are a long service life and the ability to withstand heavy loads, structures made entirely of metal would be optimal here. These are the strongest crowns for chewing teeth. If you are worried that such a crown on the lower chewing teeth or the upper ones will be noticeable when you laugh or yawn, then you can install a metal-ceramic structure. Then the aesthetics of the dentition will not undergo any changes, however, the procedure will be more expensive. Due to their increased fragility, ceramic onlays are not suitable for installation on chewing units.

Only the attending physician can decide which crown to place on a chewing tooth after a detailed study of the medical case and the characteristics of the individual patient’s body, as well as taking into account his financial capabilities.

Installing a crown on a chewing tooth

How are crowns placed on chewing teeth? Installing a crown on chewing teeth can be done in three main ways, and the choice depends on the degree of destruction. If the damage to the coronal part is not so significant, then the affected tissue is treated and a crown is placed directly on it, like a cap. If it is practically absent, then a pin or a more reliable stump inlay is inserted into the root canal of the tooth, onto which an artificial crown is subsequently attached. To install these structures, it is necessary that the tooth root is healthy and firmly fixed in the alveolar process.

Here's how crowns are placed on back teeth:

  1. The doctor examines the patient and sends him for x-ray diagnostics, based on the results of which he determines the treatment plan, clarifies contraindications and wishes.

  2. Sanitation of the oral cavity is carried out: professional hygiene, dental treatment and elimination of inflammation.

  3. The tooth is prepared for the installation of a crown: the pulp is removed (for chewing teeth, depulpation is not always resorted to), processed, the canals are expanded and filled, and ground using special tools.

  4. An impression is taken from the tooth, a plaster model is made in a dental laboratory, and crowns are cast from it. Modern technologies make it possible to manufacture a structure so that it ensures a complete fit of the microprosthesis. If the clinic does not have its own laboratory, then while the permanent crown is being manufactured, the patient is given a temporary overlay that protects against damage and microbes.

  5. Trying on the design. At this stage, it is important that the crown meets all parameters as closely as possible, does not cause discomfort to the patient and completely covers the tooth.

  6. The crown is fixed with dental cement. Sometimes the installation can take place in two stages: the doctor fixes it for a certain time and monitors the patient. If the result meets the requirements, after a few weeks the crown is permanently fixed. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

How much do crowns for back teeth cost in Moscow?

In most cases, the cost of dental crowns for chewing teeth varies depending on the materials from which they are made. If we talk about how much crowns for back teeth cost, made of metal-plastic, then the price starts from 5 thousand rubles per unit, metal - from 7 thousand rubles. If the structure contains precious metals, then it will be possible to insert a crown on chewing teeth for at least 9 thousand rubles. Metal ceramics will cost the patient from 15 thousand rubles. The price includes an initial examination, X-ray diagnostics, anesthesia, preparation of the tooth for installation of a crown, taking impressions, manufacturing the structure, as well as its calibration and fixation. When discussing with your doctor which crown is best to put on your back teeth, immediately discuss: how much a crown for chewing teeth and its installation costs, and whether additional payment for services will be required (and in what amount). When choosing a clinic, remember that the effectiveness of treatment directly depends on its level and the quality of the dentist’s work.

With the help of crowns, you can restore severely damaged teeth, return them to a beautiful appearance and the ability to chew or bite off food (if we are talking about the front part of the jaw). A well-made structure is no different from a real tooth. What crowns are installed on chewing and front teeth? You will learn about everything in detail below.

Crowns for chewing teeth

Before choosing a material for making crowns, the dentist will need to take into account a number of conditions:

  • If you need to restore and save a damaged tooth from further destruction, you can use metal-free ceramics.
  • For thin walls of teeth that can break during grinding, it is advisable to use metal-ceramics. The chewing load will be distributed onto the metal frame, which will protect the living tooth from destruction.
  • If the patient is limited in funds, the doctor may offer him a metal product.

Expert opinion. Dentist Voevutsky V.V.: “The chewing group of teeth performs an important function - it grinds food. Therefore, if at least one such element is lost or damaged, it is necessary to restore it as quickly as possible so as not to disrupt the quality of chewing food. In this case, crowns make it possible to save tissue from further destruction, restoring chewing function.”

Metal crowns are reliable and durable.

What crowns are best for chewing teeth? To restore the chewing group, you can use both single crowns and . For these purposes, the following types of crowns are used in dentistry:

  1. Metal

In most cases, metal products are placed on teeth, which quickly wear out. Metal crowns are very strong and durable, they last about 10-12 years. To install a metal structure, you do not need to sharpen hard tissue much, unlike the preparation before installing metal ceramics.

But such products do not have a very aesthetic appearance. The cost of metal crowns is quite affordable - about 3-4 thousand rubles.

  1. Metal ceramics

This product is very durable thanks to the metal frame, and also has a natural appearance, as it is covered with ceramic lining. But metal-ceramic structures have one significant drawback: to install them, it is necessary to grind off a significant amount of hard tissue.

  1. Metal-free ceramics

Ceramics is a reliable, durable, highly aesthetic material. The main feature of such products is that they transmit light, so they are almost impossible to distinguish from natural teeth. No metal is used in production. But ceramic crowns are expensive, so most often metal-free ceramics are placed on the front teeth, which are visible when you smile.

  1. Combined designs

This method is used when it is necessary to restore both chewing teeth and those located in the smile area. In this case, more expensive materials are used for the front teeth, and metal or metal-ceramics can be used for the chewing teeth. This way you can save money.

Read also:

Prosthetics of anterior teeth

For front teeth, metal-ceramic or metal-free products are ideal.

In what cases can crowns be installed on the front teeth? This type of prosthetics is used if the root remains intact (for example, a tooth with an intact root that is destroyed as a result). Subsequent restoration can be carried out by one of methods:

  • are carried out, then a pin is installed on their basis. The doctor fixes the crown on top of the pin,
  • the use of a core tab on which the crown is attached.

If a tooth is missing altogether, the crown is attached to a previously implanted implant.

If you can save on chewing teeth by installing metal crowns on them, then with the front teeth the situation is more complicated. The front teeth are visible when talking and smiling, therefore, when replacing them, special attention must be paid to the aesthetics of the materials used to make the crowns.

What crowns are best for front teeth? To restore teeth that fall into the smile line, metal-ceramic or metal-free structures are used. The cost of the latter is much higher, this is due to their high quality and excellent aesthetic characteristics.

Metal ceramics

The frame of such a product can be made of various metals: chrome, nickel, gold, cobalt, platinum. These can be both alloys and pure metals. The most commonly used alloys are “Cobalt + Chromium” and “Nickel + Chromium”, which are highly compatible with oral tissues and are affordable.

Layers of ceramics are applied layer by layer onto a metal frame. After each layer, the product is fired in a special oven at high temperature. As a result, a strong and reliable connection is created between ceramics and metal.

Metal-free crowns

Metal-free structures can be made of ceramics, plastics, porcelain, and zirconium dioxide. A budget option is plastic crowns, but they are used as temporary structures, quickly wear out and lose their attractive appearance.

Porcelain products are used for prosthetics of single teeth. They have good aesthetic characteristics and are quite durable. Porcelain crowns can be made in one of two ways: ways:

Pressed products are much stronger; this manufacturing method significantly reduces the risk of material splitting.

If you decide to install crowns on your teeth, how much such products cost, you will probably be interested in this information. A metal-ceramic crown will cost you approximately 6-7 thousand rubles. Metal-free ceramics will cost more – starting from 13 thousand rubles.

How are crowns installed on front teeth? This process works as follows:

  • the doctor grinds down hard tissue to install the product. This procedure is carried out under local anesthesia (read more about anesthesia methods in dentistry) and requires care and precision, since the quality of the grinding determines how accurately the crown “sits” on the tooth. The doctor makes small protrusions on the enamel near the gums on which the product will rest. This is necessary so that it does not squeeze the gums,
  • The dentist takes an impression and sends it to the laboratory,
  • While the permanent crown is being made, temporary plastic products are usually installed. This is necessary for protection from the influence of the external environment. In addition, ground front teeth do not look very aesthetically pleasing, and temporary structures are very helpful in such a situation,
  • The crown is made exactly according to the impression and taking into account the anatomical features of the patient’s dentition. The color of the material is selected as accurately as possible according to the color of the natural shade of enamel using a special scale,
  • The product is tried on and secured using special cement.

What problems might arise?

Metal ceramics are a durable and aesthetic option for prosthetics of front teeth, but there is one unpleasant point that you need to be aware of. The edge of the gum may darken. This may happen immediately after installation, or it may happen after some time.

Why is this happening? The dark color of the gums is a metal frame showing through the mucous membrane. It all depends on the characteristics of the smile: if gums are visible when smiling, the defect will be noticeable.

Another caveat: if you install only one metal-ceramic crown on your front tooth, it will stand out a little from the rest. This is due to the metal frame, which is visible through the ceramic. If you have several front teeth replaced in a row, this will not be noticeable, since they will all be the same.

The question of which crowns are best placed on the chewing and front teeth is very important, because the material of the structure must withstand all loads for a long time and not deteriorate.

You need to approach your choice intelligently and based on the dentist’s recommendations. We will tell you about the types of crowns and their features to help you decide on the appropriate material.

Types of crowns

The production of crowns is based on different materials, and their choice is based on the patient’s wishes and the doctor’s recommendation. The dentist justifies his choice depending on where the tooth is located. The following list of materials is used:

  • plastic permanent ones - in comparison with other crowns, they are very affordable, however, when heated, the plastic releases harmful substances. Such crowns are suitable only for temporary use while a copy of the tooth is made from a suitable material;
  • for metal crowns choose chrome, gold, nickel, palladium. All these metals are not subject to wear, so they break less than others. The downside is a noticeable tint, for some this is aesthetically unacceptable;
  • composite ones look the same as natural enamel, but their protection is gradually erased during oral hygiene and chewing;
  • porcelain crowns are as close as possible to the appearance of human teeth, but (unlike the previous material) are not as durable. It is recommended to place artificial teeth made of porcelain material in the front part. Due to turning, they will become durable and will not crumble;
  • Porcelain-metal crowns are durable, which is ensured by a double frame. It is made of metal, covered with porcelain on top. Even when a crack appears, there is no danger of injury to the natural tooth. The downside is the fact that light does not penetrate when combining gold with porcelain, so porcelain with zircon is more often used;
  • metal ceramics - as in the previous case, the base is a metal alloy coated with ceramics. Strength increases, and aesthetically, such teeth look better, since they are as close as possible to the natural color of the enamel. However, for the back rows it is better to choose a combination of porcelain and metal;
  • ceramic crowns without metal are quite light and match the shade of natural enamel. Such teeth serve for several years, and then they will need to be replaced. Earlier, replacement will be required if cracks occur;
  • Zirconium dioxide - the alloy is considered the most popular material, recommended by dentists. It has enough advantages - it is possible to vary the color and size, it does not require much grinding of the tooth, the alloy itself is durable and similar to the natural surface. Since no other metal is used, it is not rejected by the body. There are no allergic reactions to the alloy either.

Permanent crowns are always made on the basis of a metal frame, and then covered with either ceramics or porcelain.

What crowns are best for chewing teeth?

Chewing teeth are more susceptible to caries and are destroyed. They bear the heaviest load, which is why they are fitted with prosthetics more often than others. Crowns in this area must withstand all forces, so very strong materials are chosen for molars.

The choice will also depend on how strong the base is – natural teeth. If not only the root, but also the walls are in good condition, then all-metal material is suitable. They will not be noticeable in the back of the jaw, so they are not aesthetically valuable. The dentist will also recommend them for such a feature as pathological abrasion.

If chewing teeth are still visible during conversation, then the aesthetic component must also be taken into account. In such cases, it is recommended to choose zirconium dioxide crowns. Although the price of the structure will be quite high.

Metal-plastic and plastic are much cheaper than the previous option, but both options are fragile materials. They are not suitable for long-term service. Metal ceramics or even solid ceramics are much better suited as they can withstand the load. But you should still take into account that the bite will change. If too hard objects come into contact, there is a risk of chipping or cracking such a tooth.

It is best to listen to the advice of your dentist and compare the recommended material with your own financial capabilities.


The best crowns for front teeth

When a tooth breaks or becomes thinner, it becomes necessary to install crowns on the front teeth. It is very important to take into account the aesthetic component when choosing a certain material, because everyone can see a smile, and it needs to be natural.

  1. Strength.
  2. Natural look.
  3. Allows light to reach natural teeth.
  4. During operation, the color and shape do not change.
  5. Hypoallergenic material.
  6. Biocompatible, unlike metals.
  7. Just give it the desired shape.

You can use metal ceramics on your front teeth; solid ceramics are also suitable. The advantage in this case is the cost, which is an order of magnitude lower when compared with zirconium dioxide.

Aesthetics, reasonable cost, lack of allergies to certain metals and long service life - these factors must be taken into account when selecting a suitable material for future crowns.


Product service life

The lifespan of crowns is affected by the quality of care for them and natural teeth. It is generally accepted that products can serve for 10 years. But this period depends not only on the type of crowns, but also on the individual characteristics of the body. Artificial teeth will have to be replaced earlier than the above period due to frequent inflammatory processes in the body.

The design is covered by a standard warranty from the clinic, lasting 1 year. During this period, the patient can receive free services, i.e., reconstruct the crowns and redo them if necessary.

The material manufacturer sets its service life. This is usually the correct period of serviceability of the structure. But this is true only if the operating rules are observed, which are observed by the patient himself and the dentist installing the crowns.

The service life also depends on what material was chosen for the structure. The shelf life of crowns is as follows:
  • ceramics and porcelain – 10 years;
  • gold – 15 years;
  • metal ceramics – 10 years;
  • metal-plastic – 10 years;
  • plastic and acrylic plastic – 5 years;
  • zirconium dioxide – 15 years;
  • ceramics – 6-7 years;
  • medical steel – 15 years.

Medical steel and gold have a long service life only in the absence of internal pathologies that accelerate the rate of wear of artificial teeth. The design can last longer than its allotted life if it was selected individually, made of high-quality material and regularly looked after.

Video: what to choose – implantation or crowns?

Injured molars and premolars are a common problem that every second person faces sooner or later. – a denture, through which you can restore severely damaged teeth, return them to their original appearance and the ability to chew food normally. The durable, high-quality structure is indistinguishable from a real tooth. Patients often ask specialists which crowns are best for chewing teeth. Let's consider this point in more detail.

There are many. When discussing with a dentist which crown is best to place on chewing teeth, you should immediately clarify several points: the cost of the crown, the production time and conditions for its installation (whether grinding of teeth is required or not), possible additional payment for services. Also, it is worth paying due attention to the choice of clinic, since the effectiveness of treatment depends on the professionalism of the orthopedic dentist.

The cost of structures directly depends not only on the prosthetic technology used, but also on the raw materials used. For example, the average cost of metal crowns in Moscow is about 8,000 rubles, and metal-plastic crowns are 6,000 rubles. and from metal ceramics - 9000 rubles. You can save money if you replace it with an all-metal structure, in which case there will be no need to grind the teeth. Doctors often recommend a design that contains precious metals. The cost of such products is at least 10,000 rubles. The indicated cost includes not only the manufacture and installation of a crown, but also the preparatory stages: initial examination, x-ray diagnostics, taking impressions and anesthesia.

Products are conventionally divided into 2 main groups: fixed and removable. With the help of the former, it is possible to restore the functionality of molars and premolars without affecting sensitivity. Products from the second group are used in the absence of several teeth. Let's take a closer look at what crowns are placed on chewing teeth.

Metal crowns

They are considered one of the strongest and most reliable products. Most often they are placed on teeth that are subject to wear. They are characterized by a long service life and ease of wearing, and have good biocompatibility. To install metal products, it is not necessary to heavily grind healthy tissue, which is a great advantage. The following types of structures are distinguished:

  1. Based on precious metal alloys. Gold is not used in its pure form because it is short-lived. Most often they resort to its alloys. Also, silver-palladium alloys are popular.
  2. Based on alloys of other metals. The most common metals are steel and cobalt. They can last a long time and withstand chewing loads well.

It is prohibited to use structures made of different metals at the same time. This is due to the appearance of galvanic syndromes, which lead to the appearance of a metallic taste. The main disadvantage of such products is their low aesthetic qualities. But since molars and premolars are not part of the smile zone, this deficiency is not of great importance. A contraindication to the installation of these crowns is the possibility of developing allergic reactions. Metal structures have affordable prices.

Metal ceramics

When choosing which crown to place on a damaged chewing tooth, you should carefully consider metal-ceramics. These designs are characterized by reliability due to the metal component of the structure, but at the same time they have a beautiful appearance, since they are covered with a layer of ceramics. In terms of aesthetics, they are second only to metal-free ceramics. Significant advantages include the inertness of the ceramic coating towards various substances in the oral cavity.

As in the situation with the previous type, such structures can be made from precious and base metals. Platinum or gold are most often used. Due to the yellowness of the material used, such products look quite natural. The main disadvantage of metal-ceramics lies in the preparatory stages for installation - grinding of healthy hard tissues (a significant part) is required. Also, the hardness of the structures can lead to abrasion of teeth - antagonists made from the softest materials. After a few years, gum atrophy occurs, which leads to the appearance of a dark stripe.

Metal-free ceramics

Such structures have high aesthetic properties; they are almost impossible to distinguish from real teeth, since they transmit light. The following materials can be used for manufacturing:

  • Porcelain. Despite its high aesthetic qualities, this material is quite fragile, so it is not advisable to place it on molars and premolars;
  • Zirconium dioxide (ZrO 2). This is an optimal high-tech material that is characterized by absolute biocompatibility and does not provoke the development of allergic reactions;
  • Aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3). This material is most often used for front teeth, since it is not highly reliable, but is characterized by high aesthetic qualities and is not prone to darkening.

Ceramic crowns are the most expensive products, so they are most often formed on the teeth that form the smile zone. In terms of strength they are second only to metal structures, but they are also durable.


A crown for a chewing tooth made of metal-plastic is a budget option. It is short-lived and suitable only for temporary prosthetics. Affordable types of metals (for example, cobalt or nickel) and alloys are used as the metal base. Often, such prostheses provoke the appearance of allergic reactions, irritation and activate the inflammatory process. After just a few months, the material may darken. Since such crowns are fragile, they are rarely used on molars and premolars.

How to choose the right crowns for chewing teeth?

Since molars and premolars do not fall into the smile zone, aesthetic qualities are not a decisive factor in the selection of material for structures. The main qualities that materials should be characterized by are strength and long service life. Based on this, crowns for chewing teeth can be made of metal-ceramics or alloys of precious and base metals.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! It is worth noting that non-precious materials can cause allergic reactions.

If there is no allergy, then the best option is designs based on ZrO 2. At the same time, when selecting crowns, a number of additional factors are taken into account:

  1. In this situation, if it is necessary to restore and preserve an injured tooth from subsequent destruction, it is recommended to use metal-free ceramics.
  2. If you have limited funds, you can install an affordable metal structure.
  3. If the patient’s teeth have thin walls that can break during grinding, then preference should be given to metal-ceramics. In such a situation, the chewing load will be evenly distributed on the metal frame, which will protect the tooth from destruction.

How long will crowns last?

The service life of crowns directly depends on the quality of their care, compliance with all specialist recommendations and the force of the load on the tooth. Over time, structures can “wear out” and lose their original properties. Below is a table with the main types of crowns and service life.

Features of crown care

Compliance with personal hygiene rules extends the life of crowns and preserves the attractiveness of your smile. When installing a single crown, cleaning is sufficient using a toothbrush, floss and toothpaste. When installing a bridge, hygiene is more difficult because there are intermediate parts where food debris accumulates. In order for the products to last for a long period of time, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • use mouthwash after every meal;
  • to increase cleaning efficiency, you should use special miniature brushes and irrigators, with which you can easily clean out food debris from hard-to-reach places;
  • minimize the consumption of coloring products (coffee, tea, chocolate, spices); they negatively affect the color of metal-ceramic structures;
  • no smoking; prolonged contact with resins causes darkening of the structure;
  • do not chew hard objects (for example, nuts);
  • remove removable structures at night and clean them of dirt;
  • visit a dentist’s office and inspect dentures at least once every six months.

What problems can arise with crowns on chewing teeth?

What crowns are best for chewing teeth? In most cases, dentists recommend using metal ceramics on both molars and premolars, as well as on the front teeth. This is the most durable and attractive type of prosthesis.

Oksana Shiyka


Important! The only drawback is the possibility of darkening of the gum edge. This defect may appear immediately after installation of the structure or after a certain period of time.

The cause of the defect is a metal frame protruding through the mucous membrane. The visibility of the defect depends on the specifics of the person’s smile. If the gums are visible while smiling, then this flaw will be very noticeable.

Losing a molar is an unfortunate situation that many people face. Modern dentistry offers several options for prosthetics, but before making a choice in favor of one of them, it is worth finding out what to install on the chewing teeth. And also what are the main advantages and disadvantages of each type, their service life and cost.

A crown is a special orthopedic device that imitates a natural tooth. In this way, hard tissue can be restored, not only in the front row, but also in the back. Although patients often do not know which crowns are best for chewing teeth, because such a design performs an important physiological function of the jaw, which is why the choice should be taken responsibly. Aesthetic characteristics are not so important, the main thing is that the prosthesis is durable and can function normally.

When choosing an artificial element, it is taken into account how badly the molar is damaged. It happens that a dentist can restore it with a simple filling material; this is much cheaper and faster. But if the defect is significant, then it is impossible to do without installing a prosthesis.

When choosing a prosthesis for a molar, you need to select elements that can withstand high loads, since their main function is chewing. They should also have a long service life.

The best inexpensive option may be metal products, since they are the most durable. In any case, the orthopedic dentist will decide which crown to place on the chewing tooth, and only after a complete diagnosis of the oral cavity and the characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as his financial capabilities.

Types of crowns for molars

Modern dentistry offers a wide choice. But to understand which crowns for chewing teeth are better, it’s worth considering each option in more detail:

Metal - this type is the most durable. The product does not corrode and has a service life of 12-15 years. An important factor is that during turning a minimum amount of healthy tissue is removed. The main drawback is visual imperfection. In addition, metal often causes allergic reactions, so such dental devices are contraindicated for some patients.

Metal-ceramic ones are also distinguished by their durability. They have a metal frame, which is covered with several ceramic layers on top. This design can last about 8-10 years if the rules of care are followed. It is the top coating that makes these crowns aesthetically pleasing. But installation requires serious grinding of the teeth. Products made of metal ceramics are most often subject to chips and cracks, especially if the manufacturing technology was not followed or the installation was carried out incorrectly.

Ceramic crowns are reliable and highly aesthetic. The products are extremely difficult to distinguish from real teeth. But in the chewing function, they are inferior in strength to metal elements. This design is most often installed on the incisors to improve the appearance of the smile area. They can be destroyed by chewing load.

Metal-plastic prostheses are the most budget-friendly, but such elements can only be used temporarily. The fact is that this type of prosthetics, when worn for a long time, becomes the cause of inflammatory processes and allergic reactions. In addition, they are dyed, so that after a short period of time they will darken. This design can last a maximum of 3 years.

To prevent the crown from standing out, you can choose a more expensive material - zirconium dioxide. In this case, it will be possible to make the dentition more aesthetically pleasing. But it is not recommended to install ceramic ones, as they are too fragile and will not be able to function correctly and for a long time under chewing load.

When choosing crowns for molars, you must first of all be guided by the determination of the strength of the bridge, since it will take a fairly large load when chewing, and only after that pay attention to aesthetics.

Stages of prosthetics

For conventional prosthetics, teeth that have a living root are suitable, which should adhere well to the alveolar process.

The entire further procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. The orthopedic dentist begins prosthetics only after the patient has undergone X-ray diagnostics, and based on the results of the image, he draws up a rough plan, taking into account the client’s wishes and existing contraindications.
  2. Then the specialist carries out sanitation of the mouth, which includes professional cleaning and relief of inflammation.
  3. After this, they begin to prepare the tooth: its pulp is removed, depulpation is performed if necessary, a filling is installed in the canals and prepared using special equipment.
  4. As a rule, while the product is being manufactured, the patient is fitted with a temporary plastic prosthesis so that he can lead a normal life. This design also helps protect treated hard tissues from various injuries and microbes.
  5. At this stage, the specialist makes impressions, which are transferred to the dental laboratory, where the technician, based on this impression, makes a plaster model, and they will use it. Using new technologies, it is possible to produce a prosthesis that will fit perfectly and cause absolutely no discomfort.
  6. You have to try it on, and the design must meet all the parameters, completely envelop the tooth, not press, and not cause pain or discomfort.
  7. The artificial crown must then be cemented into place using dental cement, but is usually secured to a temporary base first to ensure that the crown meets all of its specifications.

After the prosthesis is installed, you must periodically visit your doctor. Regularly undergo examinations and carry out professional hygiene, then the crown will last much longer.

Each orthopedic device is created using its own technology. The manufacturing process depends on several factors, namely:

  • individual characteristics of the mouth;
  • material;
  • method of attaching the product to the molar.

If it is necessary to replace several teeth at once, a bridge-like prosthesis is created, onto which artificial elements are attached. On average, the production of such structures takes approximately 10 days. How long such a dental device will last depends entirely on the material.

Features of care

Only full compliance with hygiene requirements can extend the life of artificial elements and maintain their visual appeal. If only one crown is installed, then it is cared for like all the others, that is, cleaned twice a day, using a brush, paste and dental floss. In the case where there is a bridge in the oral cavity, a more thorough procedure is performed, since food debris accumulates in the intermediate parts.

  • after each meal, rinse the mouth with special means;
  • cleaning will be more effective if you use small toothbrushes, as well as use an irrigator that allows you to penetrate even the most inaccessible places;
  • limit the consumption of foods that can stain the surface of the crowns: coffee, strong tea, some spices and chocolate;
  • give up nicotine: tobacco smoke and tar cause darkening of the surface of the product;
  • give up solid foods, nuts, seeds - they provoke chips and microcracks.

Do not forget about regular visits to the dental clinic - a specialist must examine the artificial prosthesis. Only in this case can you keep your smile dazzling and your teeth snow-white.