Contemporary literary magazines. Literary magazines of Russia. New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree

Magazine "Neva": St. Petersburg.

The Neva magazine has been published since 1955. Its pages published works by such famous domestic authors as M. Zoshchenko and M. Sholokhov, V. Kaverin and L. Chukovskaya, L. Gumilyov and D. Likhachev, A. Solzhenitsyn and D. Granin, F. Abramov and V. Konetsky , the Strugatsky brothers and V. Dudintsev... A number of works published in Neva were awarded State Prizes (V. Dudintsev, V. Bykov). It was “Neva” that introduced readers to “The Great Terror” by Robert Conquest and Arthur Koestler’s novel “Blinding Darkness.” Here V. Dudintsev’s novel “White Clothes” was first published. And today the magazine remains true to the traditions of St. Petersburg literary periodicals. On the pages of Neva, the reader will always find modern prose and poetic selections from both famous literary masters and those who have yet to gain popularity. “Prose and Poetry”, “Modern History”, “Publicism”, “Criticism, Essays”, “Petersburg Book Writer” - under these headings both works of art and strictly documentary evidence are published, dedicated to bright and dramatic destinies and significant historical events, as well as unique archival finds.


Friendship of peoples

Editorial board of the magazine "Friendship of Peoples": M.

The only literary, artistic and socio-political monthly magazine in Russia, covering and supporting a single cultural space created over many decades by the efforts of artists and cultural figures from all countries that were part of the former Soviet Union. The magazine publishes: new works of writers and poets from Russia, near and far abroad countries; topical essays that analyze the most pressing problems of our time - national, social, religious, cultural and moral; literature reviews and critical articles.



JOURNAL OF LITERATURE, ARTS, SCIENCE AND SOCIAL THOUGHT. Among the authors of “Fringes” over the years were such writers and poets as A. Akhmatova, L. Borodin, I. Bunin, Z. Gippius, Yu. Dombrovsky, B. Zaitsev, N. Lossky, A. Kuprin, V. Soloukhin , M. Tsvetaeva, O. P. Ilyinsky.


Let's read together. Navigator in the world of books

Let's read together: M.

"LET'S READ TOGETHER. Navigator in the world of books" is a monthly magazine for the mass reader, helping to navigate the sea of ​​modern literature. Each issue contains about 100 reviews of new books of the month on various topics; stories about the best children's and teenage books; articles about the life and work of writers; news of the book world; interviews with famous writers; riddles of words and quotes; literary quiz.



Eclectic magazine is the first project of the ART-ALLIANCE publishing house. ECLECTICism is a reflection of the fragmentation of our life, the diversity and mixture of styles, ideas, and views in the modern world. Eclecticism is in our sense of beauty and the constant desire to find its opposite, in the search for the meaning of life and the ability to live one day at a time, the thirst for new experiences and attachment to old places. Eclecticism is that we walk through contradictions in order to become the authors of our lives, get away from stereotypes and create something of our own. The eclectic mosaic of each day adds up to a large whole - a way of life, which includes a way of thinking, a way of acting.


Russian thought

Scientific, literary, artistic, social and political magazine. Published since 1991. The central printed organ of the International non-governmental public organization "World Russian Council", the International monarchical organization of the EIV of Paul the Second "Russian Imperial House", the International scientific public organization "Russian Physical Society".


Eastern collection

Our magazine is the only popular science illustrated periodical that tells about the culture, history and religion of the peoples of the East. The motto “A magazine for everyone who is interested in the East” defines our creative principle: scientific reliability and novelty of the material combined with a popular form of presentation. The founder and publisher of the “Eastern Collection” is the Russian State Library. The light of book wisdom emanating from its vast collections is captured on the magazine pages. Scientific assistance to the publication is provided by the editorial board. Our magazine contains historical stories and cultural essays, written monuments and travel essays, reviews of Internet resources and color illustrations, collages of Pashkov’s house framed by an oriental landscape and poems by Russian poets on oriental themes. The world of the East for us, residents of Russia, is also our world. Two-thirds of the country is in Asia, many of the peoples of the East are native Russians. Traditional religions in Russia are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism. We can say that knowledge of the East for us at the same time is self-knowledge, acquisition of the cultural heritage and history of our own country. We make the East accessible to everyone who is interested in it.


Aristeas: Classical Philology and Ancient History

Russian Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Science: M.

As the editor-in-chief of the magazine A.V. writes in the preface to the first issue. Podosinov, “Aristey” maintains and will try to maintain a “high academic level.” The magazine includes articles on philology, history, linguistics, art history, and paleography. In addition, much attention is paid to the history of the Northern Black Sea region, since this area of ​​ancient history most closely connects classical history and Russian history. The journal provides an opportunity for young researchers not only to use the journal as a source of information about the latest trends in Russian classical studies, but also to present their articles to readers. A detailed chronicle of events in the world of classical studies reflects the course of scientific life, includes researchers, especially young ones, in the community of classical studies, and contributes to their successful socialization.


Siberian lights

"SIBERIAN LIGHTS" is one of the oldest Russian literary regional magazines. It has been published in Novosibirsk since 1922. During this time, several generations of talented writers, known not only in Siberia, such as: Vyach. Shishkov and Vs. Ivanov, A. Koptelov and L. Seifullina, E. Permitin and P. Proskurin, A. Ivanov and A. Cherkasov, V. Shukshin, V. Astafiev and V. Rasputin and many others. Among the poets, the most famous are S. Markov and P. Vasiliev, I. Eroshin and L. Martynov, E. Stewart and V. Fedorov, S. Kunyaev and A. Plitchenko. Currently, the literary, artistic and socio-political magazine "Siberian Lights", awarded with certificates of honor from the administration of the Novosibirsk region (V.A. Tolokonsky), regional council (V.V. Leonov), MA "Siberian Agreement" (V. Ivankov) , edited by V.I. Zelensky, worthily continues the traditions of his predecessors. The editors of the magazine are a team of well-known writers and poets in Siberia, members of the Writers' Union of Russia.


"Book Review" and professional application PRO

The newspaper "Book Review" is a twenty-four-page periodical devoted to books, the book business and publishing. The newspaper publishes reviews of new books, reports on current events in literary life, critical reviews, sales ratings, and interviews with writers. Published since 1966, previously once a week, since 2010 once every two weeks. Editor-in-chief – Alexander Nabokov. The newspaper is considered the most authoritative publication in the field of book publishing. Founder of the professional award “Man of the Book” and the anti-award “Paragraph”. The professional application PRO is dedicated to the problems of book distribution and book trading; it also publishes thematic sales ratings, a list of reference copies, and analytical reviews of the book market for specialists.


Questions of philological sciences

Sputnik+: M.

The journal publishes scientific articles by Russian and foreign scientists, applicants, graduate students, and researchers in the following specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission: Russian literature; literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating specific literature or group of literatures); literature of the peoples of foreign countries (indicating specific literature); theory of literature. Textology; folkloristics; journalism; Russian language; languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation (indicating a specific language or language family); Slavic languages; Germanic languages; Romance languages; classical philology, Byzantine and modern Greek philology; theory of language; comparative historical, typological and comparative linguistics; applied and mathematical linguistics; languages ​​of the peoples of foreign countries in Europe, Asia, Africa, the aborigines of America and Australia (indicating a specific language or language family). The magazine has not been published since the 2nd half of 2014


Book Review

The newspaper "Book Review" is a twenty-four-page periodical devoted to books, the book business and publishing. The newspaper publishes reviews of new books, reports on current events in literary life, critical reviews, sales ratings, and interviews with writers. Published since 1966, previously once a week, since 2010 once every two weeks. Editor-in-chief – Alexander Nabokov. The newspaper is considered the most authoritative publication in the field of book publishing. Founder of the professional award “Man of the Book” and the anti-award “Paragraph”.


Bulletin of Irkutsk State Linguistic University

The ISLU Bulletin has been published since 2008. The journal publishes articles by leading scientists from Siberia, the Far East and Russia as a whole on topical issues of linguistic research. The magazine presents an innovative view on the problems of the relationship between language, culture and communication, linguistics of discourse, linguistic reality of cognition. 19

New literature on social and human sciences. Literary criticism: Bibliography. decree.

It is a continuation of the bibliographic indexes “New Soviet literature on literary criticism” and “New foreign literature on literary criticism”. Published monthly. Contains information about domestic and foreign literature on the theory and history of literary criticism, literature of all countries and peoples, folklore, received by the INION RAS library. The publication is intended for use in scientific, educational, bibliographic and reference activities. The index includes information about books and articles from magazines and collections. Each issue is equipped with auxiliary author and subject indexes.



The magazine "Moscow" is one of the oldest "thick" literary and artistic magazines. Published since 1957. In 1966–1967 he published M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita”. In 1989–1990 - “History of the Russian State” by N.M. Karamzin. The magazine's policy is based on the magazine's fundamental non-involvement with any political forces and its Orthodox-state orientation. Today, against the backdrop of fruitless political improvisations, it is precisely this programmatic position that looks more serious and more thorough than the policies of many publications that hastened to “join” or “close ranks” with the political trends that arose in this darkest of times in Russian history. Our reader is a citizen of Russia of any nationality and religion, who has realized or has always known the rightness and morality of the existence of the Russian state with the name “Russia”.



Detective stories, science fiction, action-packed novels, prose of modern authors, essays about great artists and the fate of the masterpieces they created, materials about bright, fateful events in Russian and world history, publications of the best but forgotten works of Russian prose, incredible and amazing facts and phenomena of the world around us .

Email: [email protected](editor-in-chief Boris Markovsky)


Literary almanac of the Kharkov poetry club “Aval”. Publishes poetry, short prose, translations, criticism, journalism, and reports from literary festivals. Language: Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian (without translation).

Editor-in-chief: Ekaterina Derisheva.

E-mail: [email protected]

"Lamp and Chimney"

Lamp and Chimney is a Russian literary and artistic magazine published in Moscow since 2011, 4 times a year. The volume of the magazine is 240-280 pages.

The publication publishes formatted and non-format literature of all genres, trends, trends, and schools. The authors of the magazine are famous writers, critics, teachers of higher educational institutions, researchers, as well as aspiring authors writing in Russian.

Magazine Applications:

Vremya LD is a discussion club in which materials for broad discussions are published in real time. The application reviews works of fiction, journalistic, literary and popular articles on a daily basis. The best materials are selected for printed editions of the Lamp and Chimney magazine.

LD Avangard is a special supplement, a section in the paper edition “Lamp and Chimney”, occupying up to 1/5 of the total number of pages of the magazine. The annex publishes avant-garde (or modernist) literature. The website for the LD Avangard application has been created and is operational.

Editor-in-Chief - German Arzumanov.


Online magazine, Chicago.

Created for creative people and those who have something to say. If you consider yourself one of these, send us your works, we will definitely consider them and publish the best ones. These can be stories, poems, paintings, photographs, magazine articles - anything that will bring pleasure not only to your close friends, but also to those you do not yet know.

E-mail: [email protected]


A monthly literary and journalistic magazine published since 1991 with a total circulation of 50,000 copies. It combines a variety of genres - fiction, criticism, historical essays, political essays, reviews.

"Educational program"

Literary almanac.

We continue to adhere to the “paper” version of the update - a completely new issue is published every month. As for editorial policy, while we welcome all new authors, we reserve the right to carefully select their works.


Literratura is a weekly digital magazine publishing works by the most prominent representatives of modern Russian literature.

You can write and send manuscripts to us. However, according to established tradition, you will not receive any reviews and perhaps even a sane answer. We publish the best, but each of them was once a beginner and became what they are only because of their belief in what they do.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary newspaper"

Socio-political and literary newspaper.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary Russia"

“Literary Russia” publishes the ethnopolitical and literary-art magazine “World of the North”, the almanac “Litros”, which contains the works of modern Russian writers, as well as the “Literary Russia Library” - bibliographic reference books, monographs, prose books.

"Literary studies"

Literary critical publication.

The magazine focuses primarily on publishing materials related to the modern literary process. We will also be happy to receive analytical articles about online literature, as well as about contemporary literature from Russian regions (including St. Petersburg) and Russian abroad.

Email: [email protected] , [email protected]

"Literary news"

The printed organ of the Union of Writers of the 21st Century and the Union of Writers of Russia. A newspaper about writers and for writers, as well as for all readers interested in culture.

Email: [email protected]

"Literary European"

The only monthly literary and journalistic magazine in Russian in Europe. Organ of the Union of Russian Writers in Germany. Russian authors are participating not only from Germany, but from France, the USA, Denmark, the Czech Republic, Finland, England, and the Baltic countries. The magazine covers the problems of modern Russian literary and social life in Europe and other countries. Prose, poetry, journalism, reviews, humor, topical materials. The authors are mainly representatives of the 4th wave of emigration.