Creating and editing fonts. How to create a ttf font from scanned images using Fontographer. Create your own handwritten font

Step-by-step instructions, with illustrations of actions, for creating a Cyrillic font in one of the most popular programs for creating fonts, FontCreator.

FontCreator(from English) font creator) is one of the most popular font creation programs developed by High-Logic under Windows.

In my note, I would like to tell you step by step about creating fonts, in particular in the FontCreator program. Without going into too much poetry, let's get down to business.

Using the command: File > New(File > New) – open a window New Font(from English) New Font).

In the field Font family name(from English) font family name) enter, for example: "My Font". For Character set(from English) character set) selects: “Unicode (characters)”. For Font style(from English) font style): "Regular". And for Predefined outlines(from English) built-in circuits): “Don’t include outlines” - which will allow you to create a clean form of silhouettes.

A form will appear in front of you with silhouettes of some symbols, numbers and Latin letters. In order to add Cyrillic you will need to do the following:

Now you can start creating the symbols themselves. In addition to vector editing, using the appropriate tools, FontCreator allows you to create characters from pictures by converting them into a vector image. It is clear that for each symbol you will have to create a separate picture.

Let's get started.

For clarity, I drew a written letter "A". In principle, after scanning this image file can be used for import. Having selected the image of the desired symbol, use the command Tools > Import Image…(Tools > Import Images…) to open the window Import Raster Image(from English) Importing a bitmap).

In the window that opens, click the button Load…(from English) download) and select the appropriate image file. Moving the slider Threshold(from English) threshold) you can control the level of darkening of the image used to generate the outline of the future character. You can also use filters: Smooth Filter(from English) anti-aliasing filter), Erode(from English) blur) - makes the font bolder and Dilate(from English) expand) - makes the font thinner. Import Mode(from English) import mode) it is better to leave “Trace” to convert the image into curves.

WITH Negative(from English) negative) I think everything is clear. So click the “Generate” button.

Having switched to editing mode, clicking twice in a row on the corresponding symbol, all we have to do is correct the irregularities, adjust the size of the symbol and set the indent line. The rest is no longer so important.

Anyone who creates this video will look at their font!

How to create a ttf font from scanned images using Fontographer - Lesson #6

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How to create your own font

FontCreator in Russian - creating fonts

FontCreator is a program that will help you create your own font. If you work with graphics, then unique, beautiful fonts are a must. Any work can be ruined by the wrong font, you also don’t want the font you used in your project to be in a hundred other projects, and sometimes it’s simply impossible to find exactly the font you need - in all these cases, a font creation program comes into play a real savior. FontCreator will even allow you to convert a scanned handwritten font into a digital font. But the easiest way to create a new font is to edit and change the old one.

With FontCreator you will be able to:
create your own TrueType and OpenType font
edit an existing TrueType and OpenType font
import of vector and raster images
fix incorrect font display
creating fonts from a scanned image
Unicode support
make a bold version of the font, etc. and much more.

Language: Russian
Activation: not needed (Portable)
Size: 15.97 MB

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Report on educational practice UP.05

Speciality: 072501 Design (by industry)


Type of practice: UP.05 “Performance of work in one or more professions of workers, positions of employees”

Profession 072500.01 “Performer of artistic and design works”

Completed by the student: Full name

Course, group: 2nd year, D2 Design (Graphic design)

Practice heads: Anisimova G.I., Vorotilina M.N.

Date of defense: _______________ Defended with grade: ___________

Moscow 2016


Place of internship: GBPOU KDPI im. Carla Faberge

Practice goals:

Font part:

1) Creation of a font poster in a given format on the topic: “...”

Artistic part:

2) Creation of a series of products using the decoupage technique / creation of a woven rug / etc.


1) Study different types of fonts

2) Understand the principles of font design

3) Learn to build/write fonts

4) Learn to perform type work in different techniques using different materials (ink, pen with different tips, rapidograph, liner, etc.)

5) Register the rest yourself!

Relevance of this practice for professional activities:

Font part

Your tasks:

1. Give your definition of the terms “Font”, “Alphabet”, “calligraphy”, “typography”, “typeface”

2. Indicate the modern classification of fonts: Antiqua, grotesque, etc.

3. Download and paste information about the anatomy of a letter (parts of letters)

Create a font from scratch in 24 hours

Fill out the technical specification forms for each sheet.

"Font: Narrow Architectural"

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Technical specifications for the development of the sheet:

"Modular sans font"

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Technical specifications for the development of the sheet:

"Architect's font"

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Technical specifications for the development of the sheet:

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Terms of reference for the development of sheets:


Gothic font"

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Technical specifications for the development of the sheet:

"Title ligature"

Completed by student: Full name

Group: D2

Technical specifications for the development of a type poster with lettering elements

All rights belong to their authors. This site does not claim authorship, but provides free use.
Copyright Infringement and Personal Data Violation

There are hundreds of different fonts freely available on the Internet, including exotic and handwritten ones, but even such an abundance of them will be completely useless if you need a font that imitates your own handwriting. The reasons why such simulation may be needed may vary, but it is not so much a matter of reasons, but rather how to implement it.

It turns out that it is very simple. To do this you need a program High-Logic FontCreator and a little perseverance and patience.

Before moving on to the description of the process, let me say a few words about the process itself. . This program is intended for creating and editing fonts. With it, you can update existing and add new symbols, correct their markup, view and install fonts, fix incorrectly displayed fonts, and convert images to text.

Some useful information

So, install and run the program. Next, in the main menu, select File -> Open -> Font File and open any Cyrillic font, copied in advance to a folder convenient for you. FontCreator will parse and display its contents in an internal window, each cell of which will contain a specific character.

If you double-click on such a cell, the program will open the symbol in a small window with a grid layout with guides.

By grabbing the markers with the mouse, you can change the font size, its height and width, the angle of inclination, as well as the shape of the contours themselves.

As for the guides. There are seven of them in FontCreator: WinDescent, BaseLine, x-Height, CapHeight, WinAscent and two more vertical ones without a name.

BaseLine- reference reference line on which "costs" font.
CapHeight- determines the height of capital letters.
X-Height- determines the height of lowercase letters. The exception is lowercase letters of handwritten fonts, which have at the top "tail". The height of such symbols is determined by the line CapHeight.
Lines WinDescent And WinAscent serve to limit characters that have additional elements, for example, a dash in “I” or a tail in “Ш” or “р”.
Unnamed vertical lines determine the width of the character. It is different for each symbol.

We may not even suspect it, but all these lines are taken into account by text editors, thanks to which the letters in the text do not overlap each other, are not located one above the other, but stand straight, like drilled soldiers on a parade.

Create your own handwritten font

Take a regular sheet of white A4 paper and write on it in a row all the letters (lowercase and uppercase), as well as all the symbols that you intend to use when printing. It is best to write with a black gel pen so that the characters on the sheet are clear and stand out well. Next, scan the sheet into an image format JPEG or PNG. If you have a device that supports stylus handwriting, use it.

Select the symbol in the image and copy the area to the clipboard. Next, go to FontCreator, find the same symbol in the table of cells, double-click it to open it in the editor, select it and press the Delete button, and in its place paste our selected area of ​​the image (in the menu Edit -> Paste) .

The program recognizes the picture and converts it into an editable outline. Now all that remains is to scale the outline so that its top coincides with the line x-Height, if it is a lowercase letter and with CapHeight, if it is a capital letter. Snap to line BaseLine is done automatically. "Tails" letters "r", "y", "V", "b" tie to WinDescent or WinAscent respectively.

To avoid any overlaps and ensure that the handwritten font you created looks natural, drag the right vertical guide to the far right point of the scaled symbol.

Hi all.
Not long ago, in order to be admitted to the exams, we encountered a problem - everyone who had missed classes had to submit essays written by hand. For 1-2 passes 1 essay, 2-5 passes 2 essays, and so on. Each abstract is at least 10 sheets. Finding an abstract on the topic on the Internet is not difficult, but how can you transfer the whole thing to paper with the least effort?Many Russian handwritten fonts were found on the Internet (link). But, after downloading several copies of these fonts, it became clear that no one would believe in the authenticity of what was written, and the teacher could not pass a simple test when he asked to write something in the same handwriting.Therefore it was decided make your own handwritten font. But how to make a font from your handwriting so that no one could distinguish him, and you could calmly demonstrate that it was you who wrote?
The solution has been found - the wonderful program High-Logic FontCreator Professional 9

Handwriting font

We install Font Creator, I think there should be no problems with this.

  1. On a clean white sheet of paper we write all the numbers, letters of the Russian and English alphabet, as well as special ones. symbols.

  1. We scan (preferably) or photograph the resulting alphabet.

  2. In Paint, Photoshop or any other graphic editor, open our scanned (photographed) alphabet.

  3. Launch the installed Font Creator:

  • Click file (File) - new (New) or Ctrl + N

  • We give a name to our font from handwriting ( my-fonts. ru ), check Regular and Don’t include outlines (for a blank outline of silhouettes).

  • A window appears with silhouettes of signs, English letters and some other alphabet. Now let's add the letters of the Russian alphabet:

1. Click Insert in the top line and select Characters.

2. A table appears in front of you with the letters and symbols of your font from your handwriting; scroll to the bottom of the table to the letters of the Russian alphabet.

3. Select the letter “A” and click Add, then select “I” and also click Add.

4. In the same way, add the letters “Ё”, “е” and letters from other alphabets you need.

5. In the “Add these character…” field, change the comma to the dash between $0410-$044F.
6. As a result, in the Add these character... field it should be written like this: $0410-$044F,$0401,$0451

7. Click Ok.

Russian symbols and all the letters and signs you added appear in your template.

We delete all the characters we don’t need (except for the first four, they are system ones).

Now let's add our scanned (photographed) alphabet to the Font Creator program:
If you haven't opened it yet, then it's time to do so.
In the graphic editor, select the first letter and copy ( Ctrl +C) in Font Creator, select this letter and click insert ( Ctrl + V)

We continue to copy and paste all the letters into place. As a result, we have the following picture.

Now you need to correct all the characters; to do this, double-click on the square with your letter. A window opens with red dotted lines and the letter you selected

Let's figure out why they are needed:
The lowest line 1 (Win Descent) is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, y, shch, z, r, d) everything below this line will not be printed.
Line 2 (Baseline) is the support line of each letter. All letters must be located on this line.
Line 3 (x-Height) - maximum height of small letters.
Line 4 (CapHeight) - the maximum height of large letters, numbers, as well as the letters “c”, “d”, “b”.
Line 5 (WinAscent ) - the upper limit of characters, everything above this line will not be printed.
The left (6) and right (7) vertical lines determine how the letters of your font will touch each other. If you want the letters to touch each other as in the manuscript, move the letter close to the left one (6), and move the right one (7) onto the letter so that it licks slightly beyond the line.

We adjust all the letters to the lines, otherwise the font characters will be positioned haphazardly and, accordingly, it will not be beautiful.An example of the arrangement of different letters:

Well, that's all. Install your font, launch a text editor, find your font and enjoy using it. How to install a font.

If you are too lazy to do everything described above and want to get a professionally made font from your handwriting, we are waiting for your orders on our website

In this topic I will tell you in detail (step by step) how to make your own font.
To create your own font, you will need FontCreator 5.6 (there may be another version).

Font Creator can be downloaded from the website - http://HotSoft.Net.Ru (installer along with the serial number in a rar file). The password for viewing files is the name of the site - HotSoft.Net.Ru.
After installing the program, enter the serial number - the program works!

Next step:
- Click create a new font (New)
- Give a name to your font (for example Moy_shrift), check the box for Unicode, Regular and Don’t include outlines (for a blank silhouette form).
- A panel with silhouettes of punctuation marks and English letters appears in front of you. You need to insert Cyrillic alphabet into it. We proceed as follows:
1. Click Insert in the top line and select Characters.
2. A table of characters of the first font in your database appears in front of you; for convenience, in the Fonts line, select the Arial font.
3. Then scroll through the pages of the table using the Block→ button.
4. We find Russian letters, rejoice!!!
5. Look at the index of the first letter A (I have $0410) in the Selected Character field
6. Look at the index of the letter I (I have $044F)
7. In the Add these character... field, enter these numbers (example $0410-$044F).
8. Click Ok.
9. Your template has been updated with the corresponding Cyrillic silhouettes.
10. You can also separately insert the characters you are interested in (Ё, ё, etc.)

Now you have the choice of creating your own font.
I currently know the two most famous options for creating fonts:
The first one is handwritten;
The second is processed English.

Handmade is done in two ways:
The first one is drawn in Photoshop (for example) by hand and EACH LETTER is saved as a separate graphic file.
The second method is to write all the letters by hand on paper in your handwriting and scan them into a computer, and then open them in Photoshop (for example), separate them from each other and save them as a separate file. An example in the figure.
Figure 1 - letter B

After you have saved each letter, and also saved all the punctuation marks, all the English letters and something else, you click on the silhouette of the letter you want to create with the right mouse button.
Then select Import image.
In the Import image section, you click on the Load button.
In the next window, you open the folder in which you saved the written letters (it is advisable to name the pictures with letters by the corresponding names, the picture with the letter B, call it “B”, etc.)
An image of this letter will appear on the right side of the window. Click Open.
If you don’t see your letter in the Import image panel, don’t be alarmed, it’s there. Just move the sliders of the left window back and forth and it will appear.
Now it needs to be generated.
In the Threshold field, you adjust the darkness of your letter (gradient from white to black).
You can also determine the remaining fields at random. It all depends on the depth of your creativity.
After we stumbled upon the sweetness, click on the Generate button.
So your letter appeared where it was needed! Rejoice!!!

When you have had enough fun, let’s move on to the most important moment. The moment that influences how your letter will come into contact with the others (its surrounding).

Double-click on the square with your letter (the square in which the silhouette of this letter used to be).
A lined window opens in front of you. Don't be scared by the large number of red dotted stripes, they will all come in handy.
For convenience, expand the window to full screen.
Let's start with two main lines - left and right. (most likely when you open the window they will stand together to the left of your letter). Click on the small black triangle at the top right of the lines and move the right line to the right, and leave the left one in place.
These two lines show the maximum approximation of the side letters to the one you are currently making.
Tip: do not place the right line very close, keep a distance, otherwise your letters will climb on top of each other.

The lowest line is the maximum limit for letters with a tail (ts, y, shch, z, r, d) the maximum length of the tail.
The second line from the bottom is the support line of each letter. If your letters stand differently on this line, then everything will dance in Word.
The third line from the bottom is the height of small letters.
The fourth is the height of large letters, numbers, as well as the letter “c”, and for some it may be “d” and “b”.
And the fifth line from the bottom is the edge line of the top line. (in my opinion :))

And so, step by step, you create your own font.
Easy, but long and monotonous.
Oh, by the way, don’t forget to save this font and drop it into the font folder through the Toolbar, then to be safe, restart your computer, open Word and type in your own letters.
Don’t be afraid if your letters are not so beautiful and evenly positioned the first time, you can open your font in Font Creator at any time and change anything.

Processed English
It's the easiest thing... I think so.
For example, you downloaded an English-language font called, for example, “Cezanne,” but you are upset by the fact that this font is in English, and you really wanted to type in Russian with these beautiful letters.
We proceed as follows:
- Create a new template with silhouettes of English and Russian letters (as described above).
- Open the Cezanne font in Font Creator and carefully drag the letters and numbers into the places of the pale silhouettes without confusing them.
- Have the English letters been replaced?
- Have the numbers been replaced?
- Great, now we’ll make Russian letters.
- Insert the corresponding English letters instead of Russian silhouettes: A, B, C, E, T, Y, U, O, P, H, K, X, M
- Instead of the letter I, you can insert the English R and display it in the editor (in a box) window.
- Instead of the letter G - English L
- And so as far as your imagination allows you.
Tip: In many cases, the English letter I helps a lot. Twist it, twirl it, cut it, or even draw the entire alphabet with it.
- And this way you won’t calm down yet.

I think that's all.
If you have any questions, write here (in the magazine). I'll help as much as I can.
Best regards, SOK.

Everything for art!!!

Are you tired of the daily monotony of using regular fonts? Or maybe you have some creative ideas for your own font and its style? If yes, then we want to tell you that since you are confident and creative enough, it’s time to start visiting free sites where you can bring all your font-related ideas to life. Yes, that's right, there are plenty of resources online for graphic designers where you can design and design your own fonts. In the future, you can use them in your own projects or share them with others. It's worth noting that there is a huge demand for new and exciting types of fonts right now. Believe me, the graphic world simply needs talented font developers, and if you are good at it, then you can also earn extra money from it.

We offer you a list of 10 free resources with tools to help you get creative and create new creative fonts.

Bird Font is an online tool for creating and editing vector graphics. The service offers import and export settings for True Type Font (TTF), Embedded OpenType Font (EOF) and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). On the site you can explore many possibilities and tools for creating various vector images. The most popular among them are curve orientation, contextual linking substitution, kerning, object rotation, background change and much more.

The site is designed specifically for creating fonts and offers an effective platform for their design. The resource will be useful for enthusiasts who like to experiment with fonts and create new types. With FontStruct, you can create fonts using various geometric shapes, such as tiles or brick mesh. In addition, here you can find ready-made new types of fonts. Fonts created with FontStruct are called FontStructions and can be installed or loaded into a True Type Font (.ttp) file. They can also be used in Photoshop, Mac/Windows applications or on websites and blogs. This is a site that is really worth checking out.

Glyphr Studio is a font design and editing program and tool that offers many interesting features. On Glyphr Studio, you can create your own character ligatures and glyphs using various vector editing tools such as pen and pointer. One of its signature benefits of the service is the import of SVG code from Inkscape and Illustrator. The tool offers dual screen mode for easy designing and editing. Among other things, Glyphr Studio supports font files such as True Type Font (TTF), Embedded OpenType Font (EOF), and Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) font files.

The site is a browser-based tool for designing and editing bitmap fonts. The service allows you to download or upload fonts to their gallery in a True Type Font file.

MyScriptFont is a great online tool for creating vector fonts based on your own handwriting. All you have to do is download the template in PDF or PNG format and then print it. Next, write the text in it by hand, scan it and upload it to the website (the program supports JPG, PNG, PDF and other formats). You can also use Paint to write text. Unlike other similar tools, MyScriptFont allows you to view and download your handwritten font in Open Type and True Type formats for free. Handwritten fonts can be used in graphics programs, greeting cards, logos, personal letters and more.

FontForge is an online platform for creating free fonts. It has an easy to use user interface and a built-in program for comparing different fonts. With FontForge, you can create and edit fonts in a variety of formats, including PostScript, SVG, True Type, Open Type and more. Also, at your service is the full text of the textbook, which helps in professional training in creating fonts.

FontArk is what every font designer is looking for. Access to the service is only free for a limited time, but it is actually worth taking advantage of. FontArk is a browser-based program and generation of font tools with a built-in fluid grid system. FontArk's design and editing tools are what sets the site apart from its contemporaries. It offers users in real time, several glyphs, tools for editing characters and designing fonts, as well as logos. Moreover, it offers many other features and supports multiple languages. is another great tool for converting handwritten text into vector fonts. The site has an extensive set of ready-made characters classified into categories such as ligatures, math and punctuation. The tool offers glyphs and symbols from various languages: Japanese, German, Turkish, Hebrew, Spanish and others.

You can create fonts or upload and modify your own using the custom tools on Fontastic. The service offers several features such as adding or changing colors, adding shadows, changing zoom, and syncing across multiple devices. The site also contains a huge collection of vector icons that can be used for implementation in any of your design projects. They are sorted into several categories for complete convenience.

This service can be called an ideal place for professional font designers and just amateurs. The service has more than 20 parameters that allow you to experiment with built-in glyphs. Also here you will find several editing and design functions, which will be expanded in the future.

A few more resources you might find useful: is a free online tool for adding styles and visual effects to create a visually appealing font for an advertisement, flyer or website.– free online font file converter.

Font Squirrel is a free online resource with a collection of web fonts that are licensed for commercial use.


Now you know that designing your own fonts is very easy if you have the right resources. For do-it-yourselfers and hobbyists, these resources are useful for learning practical skills such as kerning, adjusting curves, learning structural variations, and glyph packaging.

Design is a vast ocean, growing every day. New types of fonts are created daily, either every day or by making custom changes to existing fonts. Fonts enhance the visual appeal of textual content and that is why designers are constantly looking for new font styles to make their work as fresh and innovative as possible.