Methods of using ammonia. Ammonia: use in everyday life. Useful tips Using ammonia

Are ammonia and ammonia the same thing? They are widely used in various areas of human activity. Some people believe that ammonia is ammonia, but in reality this is not at all true, as any chemist will prove to you. In this article you will learn what ammonia and ammonia are, and what the difference is between them.

History of ammonia and its use in chemistry

How is ammonia made? Ammonia salt was known to the Romans from very ancient times. The Romans collected deposits of this substance in the territory of ancient Libya near the Temple of Amun.

Ammonia, a form of ammonium chloride, was of great importance to Muslim alchemists as early as the 8th century. The first mention of this substance is found in the treatises of the Arab chemist Jabir ibn Hayyan, as well as in the works of European alchemists of the 13th century - when this element was mentioned by Albertus Magnus.

Ammonia was used not only for certain rituals, but also to change the shade of plant-based dyes. Vasily Valentin proved in the 15th century that NH4Cl can also be obtained by reacting ammonium chloride with alkaline substances.

A little later, ammonium chloride began to be obtained by distillation of the horns and hooves of cattle (oxen), and the neutralization of the resulting carbonate was carried out with hydrochloric acid. Due to this, the remedy began to be called “spirit of deer antler.”

History of ammonia

Ammonia was first discovered in 1774 by the English chemist Joseph Priestley. The gas he discovered was called “alkaline air”, since the chemist, and at the same time the priest, could not determine the chemical composition. Only 11 years later (in 1785) Claude Louis Berthollet, a famous French chemist, determined the chemical composition of the gas and named it ammonia (NH3).

There are two versions as to why the gas was named that way:

  • one is associated with the name of the god of the ancient Egyptians - Amon;
  • the second - with a similar-sounding oasis in the region of northern Africa - “Ammon”.

According to the first version, people who worshiped the god Amon sniffed ammonia during the ritual.

Important! The chemical formula of ammonia is NH4Cl. When heated, it releases ammonia, which is why the gas with the chemical formula NH3 is called ammonia.

According to the second, in the oasis of Ammon, which is located at the crossroads of caravan routes, due to the presence of a huge number of pack animals, their waste products accumulated. In hot climates, urea tends to quickly decompose and release a gas called ammonia.

Which of the two versions is reliable and correct is unknown to this day.

What are ammonia and ammonia?

Even judging by the history of its occurrence, ammonia and ammonia are 2 different substances. The most important difference between these two chemical compounds is that under the same conditions they have a different state of aggregation:

  • ammonia is a liquid;
  • ammonia is a gas that liquefies at a temperature of -33 C.

Important! Both substances have a characteristic unpleasant odor.

Many people believe that ammonia is simply a solution of ammonia in water. For household needs, this is often how it is obtained, but the real process of forming ammonia from ammonia is longer and has two stages:

  1. Ammonium hydrate is formed from ammonia.
  2. When the resulting hydrate is dissolved with water, exactly the composition that is called ammonia is formed.

Thus, the opinion that ammonia is ammonia is erroneous.

Important! At enterprises where ammonia is used, refrigeration technicians do not particularly bother themselves with complex chemical formulas. They operate very simply: they lower a hose with ammonia into a bucket of water and at the same time receive the amount of ammonia solution they need. The maximum saturation of the solution is determined by ear: as soon as specific clicks begin, that’s it, the gas is shut off, the product is ready.

The difference between these 2 substances is not only in chemical formulas, but also in areas of application. Ammonia is one of the most important products used in the chemical industry. This gas found its application in the following way:

  • Production of ammonia.
  • Construction (included in antifreeze additives).
  • Production of polymers, soda and nitric acid.
  • Fertilizer production.
  • Production of explosives.
  • It is used to maintain stable operation of various household and industrial equipment as a refrigerant.

Important! Ammonia finds its application in a narrower range of areas. Mainly in medicine as an antiseptic, and also in everyday life: many housewives remove stains from clothes of various origins with this solution.

Instructions for use

Ammonia is available in several forms:

  • glass bottles from 10 to 100 ml for external use;
  • 1 ml ampoules (10% aqueous ammonia solution).

Store the drug in dark, cool places. The shelf life of the ampoule is 5 years, bottles - 2 years.

Indications for use of the drug

  • Inhalation - to stimulate breathing, as well as to quickly remove a person from a fainting state.
  • Externally - when treating hands in surgical practice and for disinfecting the skin, to eliminate itching after bites of various insects.
  • Inside - exclusively as an emetic.

Important! Remember that ammonia is not ammonia and cannot be used in the same way. Pure ammonia compounds can cause significant harm to human health.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

When inhaled ammonia, the drug affects the receptors of the upper tract of the respiratory system. In this case, the reflex-respiratory center is involved. The drug also has a reflex effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular tone.

When the drug is taken orally, the vomiting center is stimulated, making it possible to empty the digestive system of toxins.

When applied to the skin, the drug produces a distracting effect through skin receptors. The drug suppresses the focus of excitation, reduces pain and muscle tension, and relieves tissue spasms. At the site of contact with the drug, skin receptors are activated, which provokes the release of active substances. Thanks to this, vasodilation occurs, the process of tissue regeneration and nutrition is accelerated, and the outflow of metabolites is normalized.


Ammonia is quickly eliminated by the bronchial glands and lungs.

Rules of application

In medical practice, such alcohol is often used to irritate the receptors of the nasal mucosa during fainting, as well as alcohol poisoning. To use the drug correctly, follow the following instructions:

  1. To normalize breathing and bring a person “to his senses” in case of fainting, bring a piece of cotton wool moistened with an ammonia solution to the patient’s nostrils.

Important! Keep the cotton wool no closer than 5 cm from the nose so that there are no burns when the drug comes into contact with the skin.

  1. In case of alcohol poisoning, you can give the victim ammonia to drink, but only in diluted form. Proportions: per glass of water - 5-6 drops.
  2. Use ammonia-anise drops as an expectorant. This combination drug includes ammonia solution, ethyl alcohol and anise oil. Recommended daily dose:
    • For adults - up to 15 drops (no more than 5 drops twice or thrice a day).
    • Children under 1 year - maximum 1 drop, up to 2 times a day.
  3. To induce vomiting, use the drug in diluted form: 5-7 drops of the drug in half a glass of water.

Important! A diluted drug, when taken orally, causes burns to the esophagus.

  1. For hand washing in surgical practice, also use the product in diluted form: 25 ml of the drug per 5 liters of boiled warm water.
  2. An ointment made from ammonia and lanolin in equal quantities is used to relieve unpleasant symptoms after insect bites.


  • Inhalation of vapors from ammonia solution or ammonia in large quantities can cause respiratory arrest and heart rhythm disturbances.
  • If the drug is taken orally in large concentrations, the following symptoms will appear: abdominal pain, intestinal dysfunction, vomiting, convulsions.
  • If an overdose occurs during inhalation, then a runny nose, cough, swelling of the larynx, and respiratory arrest are possible.
  • When used externally, an overdose can cause burns.

Important! The lethal dose of ammonia solution is 10-15 g.

First aid for poisoning:

  1. In case of ammonia poisoning, the victim must be taken to fresh air, the throat, nose, and mouth should be rinsed thoroughly with water. For greater effectiveness, add glutamic or citric acid to the water.
  2. If the drug spills onto an open area of ​​the body, rinse the damaged skin with plenty of water and cover with a bandage. It is not recommended to use any ointments for 24 hours, and then carry out therapeutic treatment in the same way as for thermal burns.
  3. If ammonia, high concentration ammonia, gets into the digestive tract, then rinse your stomach thoroughly. Give the victim a few egg whites, a spoonful of vegetable oil, and a glass of milk. If possible, do an enema.
  4. If ammonia splashes into your eyes, rinse them immediately with running water. After this, apply Vaseline or olive oil to the affected area on the skin and drip 0.5% dicaine solution into your eyes, and if necessary, cover your eyes with a bandage.

Important! In case of poisoning of any degree, contact a medical facility to receive qualified assistance and prevent serious negative consequences from ammonia and ammonia for your health.

Using ammonia in everyday life

Ammonia water is used in gardening and also in everyday life as a universal cleaner. It is used in the fight against aphids, for treating crops in the area against onion flies and for feeding plants. Use ammonia (ammonia) as follows.

Recipe No. 1 - against aphids:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. The drug is diluted in 20 liters of water. The quantity can be changed based on this concentration for the desired volume.
  2. Add a little washing powder to the solution (for better adhesion).
  3. Use the solution to spray plants when fighting aphids.

Ammonia and ammonia are excellent stain removers. Check it out right now by following the tips in the suggested articles.

Recipe No. 4 - cleaning gold

  1. Mix 2 tsp. ammonia with 2 glasses of water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. any detergent.
  3. Place gold jewelry in the cleaning solution for 1-2 hours.
  4. After processing, rinse the products in water and wipe dry with a napkin.

Important! To clean gold, this product can be used in another way:

  • Add 0.5 tsp. ammonia in 100 ml of water.
  • Add 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide and ½ tsp to the solution. liquid detergent.
  • Place the decoration in the prepared solution for 15 minutes.
  • After processing, rinse the gold with water and wipe dry with a napkin.

Recipe No. 5 - cleaning silver

  1. Dilute ammonia with water - proportions 1:10.
  2. Leave the silver item in the solution for several hours.
  3. After cleaning, rinse the silver under water and wipe with a soft cloth.

Important! To regularly clean silver, use a soap solution with a small addition of ammonia.

Video material

Ammonium hydroxide is an important source of nitrogen for all living systems. There is a large amount of nitrogen in the atmosphere (more than 75%), but not many living beings are able to use it, and nitrogen is necessary for the biosynthesis of amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein. We hope that this article helped you appreciate the usefulness, properties and advantages of ammonia.

Ammonia and ammonia are synonyms for the same chemical compound. This is the name of a 10% aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide, a substance with a specific pungent odor. In addition to its widespread use in many branches of medicine, the drug greatly simplifies the life of housewives, helping to save money and time. With the help of a cheap product you can clean mirror surfaces, speed up the growth of plants and restore the lost whiteness of things.

Characteristics of the drug

Ammonia solution (in Latin Liquor Ammonii caustici) is a colorless liquid with an unpleasant odor that disappears in the open air a few minutes after using the solution. Ammonia quickly brings a person to his senses in case of dizziness or fainting. In a hospital setting, an ammonia solution is used to sober up people who have had too much alcohol.

Manufacturers produce ammonia in bottles of 40 and 100 ml. If you purchase a larger container, you can save a lot, since the drug has a long shelf life.

Despite the simplicity of the chemical formula, there is often confusion with the names. Ammonia solution and ammonia are the same thing. Ammonia is a colorless gas with a pungent odor, which under certain conditions takes the form of a liquid.

In everyday life, you can successfully use the therapeutic properties of ammonia, which:

  • stimulates the respiratory center;
  • has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect;
  • warms up and relieves pain in muscles and joints;
  • provokes vomiting in case of poisoning;
  • promotes the discharge of sputum in case of colds and bronchopulmonary pathologies.

Relatives often revive chronic alcoholics with cotton wool soaked in an ammonia solution. But this must be done with caution - the instructions for use warn that you can burn the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and oral cavity. When taken orally to induce vomiting during intoxication, the drug should be diluted as much as possible so as not to aggravate the patient’s poor health.

Ammonia solution should not be used as the main treatment. The maximum healing effect can be achieved by using ammonia as a complex therapy drug. For example, aching joints are treated with special anti-inflammatory ointments, and an ammonia solution is used as a distraction.

Ammonia and ammonia are completely different chemical compounds. When purchasing a drug at a pharmacy, you should correctly pronounce the name of the required medication. Ammonia is ammonium chloride, an odorless, white crystalline powder. It is also sold in the compounding departments of pharmacies. Ammonia (in Latin Ammonii chloridi) has diuretic properties, which allows it to be used in the treatment of cardiac edema. Men often buy powder to remove oxide film from metal surfaces when soldering.

How to remove stains with a pharmaceutical preparation

An effective stain remover is ammonia. Where modern cleaning chemicals fail, ammonia solution shows excellent results. Ammonia has found application in cleaning carpets, upholstered furniture, and outerwear. After application to the surface, the unpleasant odor of the solution quickly disappears, and no trace of grease and oil remains. To remove stains from suede shoes or bags, apply the solution to a cotton pad and moisten the stained area. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated several times until the surface is completely clean.

You cannot use a 10% pharmaceutical preparation for cleansing, as it has an excessively aggressive effect on the tissue. The optimal concentration of solution for removing stains is 2%. To prepare it, add five parts of water to one part of 10% ammonia and shake thoroughly.

You need to dilute the ammonia correctly, and ammonia will clean the surfaces within a few minutes. Unlike household chemicals, it does not form foam, which can be difficult for housewives to get rid of. In order for the stain to disappear after the first treatment, it is necessary to apply a freshly prepared solution to it and lightly rub it into the fabric surface. You can secure the result by washing the clothes in the washing machine as usual.

Cleaning surfaces

Ammonia (ammonia) has the ability to remove dirt from any hard surface. Using a pharmaceutical medicine, you can clean fresh and old stains:

  • window glass;
  • mirrors;
  • kitchen furniture and refrigerator;
  • chandeliers, lamps, sconces;
  • glass and porcelain dishes;
  • sink, toilet, bathtub.

To clean all of the above surfaces, ammonia is used in the form of a 10% solution. Apply it to a sponge and thoroughly treat the contaminated areas. If the stain does not disappear the first time, you can apply the product for 1-2 hours.

Many housewives know how difficult it is to remove old grease from the side walls of a gas or electric stove. And in this case, ammonia will come to the rescue. It is necessary to mix your favorite detergent and ammonia solution in equal proportions, and then apply the resulting mixture to the contaminated surface. After half an hour, simply wash the stove with clean water.

After using ammonia, it is easy to understand the difference between it and household chemicals. The pharmaceutical preparation practically does not leave difficult-to-remove stains on enamel and tiled surfaces. Housewives will not have to take long to remove them using a glass cleaner and a soft cloth. The main thing is not to forget that when cleaning kitchen furniture you need to turn off the gas stove.

Several more ways to use the drug at home

If fungus has appeared in the kitchen or bathroom, then ammonia is an excellent solution to the problem, the instructions for use of which indicate its disinfectant effect. The chemical compound has the ability to destroy mold and prevent its occurrence. To remove dark deposits, moisten a sponge with a 10% solution of ammonia and thoroughly clean the joints between the tiles.

What other uses does the medicine have in everyday life?

  • Removing grease and dirt from combs.
  • Removing plaque from silver and gold jewelry.
  • Destruction of house ants.
  • Treatment of corns and dry calluses.
  • Cleaning irons.

Despite the pungent odor, the best way to eliminate air staleness in a room is ammonia. To do this, moisten several cotton pads with a 10% ammonia solution and place them in different corners of the room. After a few minutes, the smell of the medicine will disappear, and along with it other unpleasant aromas.

The use of ammonia solution in gardening is based on the properties of the drug to accelerate the growth of seedlings and adult plants. In addition, ammonia has a negative effect on the larvae of garden pests. When a chemical compound gets on the hard shells of caterpillars and beetles, the disinfectant provokes their destruction. Ammonia is an excellent fertilizer and root formation stimulator.

The scope of application of ammonia is not limited to cleaning stains and adding shine to mirror surfaces. There are many ways to make housekeeping easier with the help of this pharmacological drug. But you should be careful when working with it. After the solution gets on the skin or mucous membranes, rinse them under running cool water.

In everyday life, ammonia is often used, but they call it both ammonia and ammonia, remaining in full confidence that they are the same thing.

In fact, these are different substances that differ from each other in their origin, state of aggregation and chemical formulas. The only thing that brings these three different substances together is the sharp ammonia smell.

The smell is the same, but the substances are different

In order to be convinced once and for all that ammonia and ammonia are the same thing, it is enough to turn to the history of their origin and look at their chemical formulas.

Ammonia is hydrogen nitride, a gas with a molar mass of 17 g/mol, chemical formula - NH3.

Ammonia or ammonia alcohol is a liquid with the chemical formula NH4OH.

Ammonia is a salt with the chemical formula - NH4Cl.

Origin of ammonia

The history of the discovery of natural ammonia gas has two legends. According to the first legend, near the temple of the Egyptian god Amon, where religious ceremonies were performed, people sniffed a pair of camel excrement, which caused them to fall into a trance. These vapors were called "ammonia".

According to the second legend, in northern Africa, in the area of ​​​​the Ammon oasis, there was an intersection of caravan routes. A huge number of animals passed there, the road was strewn with their feces and abundantly watered with urine, which evaporated and released a gas called “ammonia”.

As for the scientific discovery of a gas called “ammonia,” it dates back to 1785. The chemical formula of the gas, NH3, was determined by the French scientist C. L. Berthollet and named it “ammonia.”

But back in 1774, the English scientist D. Priestley obtained an identical gas, which he gave the name “alkaline air,” but could not determine the chemical composition.

Ammonia (ammonia in Latin) is a colorless gas with a specific odor, lighter than air, chemically active, liquefied at a temperature of -33 C; dissolves well in water, has an alkaline reaction; interacts with hydrochloric acid and forms an ammonium salt: NH3 + HCl = NH4Cl, which decomposes when heated: NH4Cl = NH3 + HCl.

Ammonia is produced in two ways - industrial and laboratory. In the laboratory method, ammonia is obtained by heating alkalis and ammonium salts:

  • NH4Cl + KOH = NH3 + KCl + H2O;
  • NH4 + + OH - = NH 3 + H2O.

In industrial settings, ammonia is first produced in gaseous form and then liquefied into a 25% aqueous solution called ammonia water.

Ammonia synthesis is a very important chemical production, since ammonia is a fundamental element for many other chemical technologies and industries. Thus, ammonia is used in industrial refrigeration units as a refrigerant; is a bleaching agent for processing and dyeing fabrics; indispensable in the production of nitric acid, nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium salts, synthetic fibers - nylon and nylon.

The industrial method for the synthesis of ammonia was invented in 1909 by the German chemist Fritz Haber. In 1918, he received the Nobel Prize for his discoveries in chemistry. The first ammonia production plant was launched in 1913 in Germany, and in 1928 ammonia production was already established in Russia.

Origin of ammonia

Ammonia (Hammoniaci P. Sal) is a salt with the chemical formula NH4Cl (ammonium chloride).

Ammonia is of volcanic origin; found in hot springs, groundwater evaporation, guano and native sulfur deposits; formed when coal seams or debris accumulations burn. It has the appearance of deposits, earthy deposits, crusts or massive skeletal crystalline accumulations, clusters and dendrites.

Pure ammonia is colorless or white, with a glassy sheen. Depending on the impurities present in it, the color can be all shades of yellow, brown, gray, different shades of red, brown.

When heated, ammonia is released from ammonia; it dissolves well in water. The solution has a burning, acrid, salty taste and a pungent ammonia smell.

Ammonia has been known to people since ancient times and was used in ritual ceremonies, in the production and dyeing of fabrics, as well as by alchemists for soldering metals and alloying gold.

In the Middle Ages, they learned to obtain artificial ammonia from the horns and hooves of cattle, which was called the “deer antler spirit.”

Origin of ammonia

Liquor ammonia caustici is its Latin name.

This is a 10% ammonia water solution with the chemical formula NH4OH; colorless transparent homogeneous mixture capable of evaporation; with a specific odor of ammonia, which persists when frozen.

The mention of its use by Eastern alchemists dates back to the 8th century, and by European alchemists to the 13th century. Their notes on the recipes they used have survived to this day.

Nowadays, they are obtained industrially and in simple household ways:

  • industrially, synthesis is carried out from the gaseous state of hydrogen, nitrogen and air using certain catalysts, and then an aqueous-alcohol solution is obtained, which has a pungent ammonia odor;
  • a simple household method is based on diluting 25% ammonia water to a 10% solution.


The scope of application of ammonia and ammonia alcohol is wide; it is used in almost all spheres of human activity, from technological processes to medicine and household needs.

Application of ammonia

Ammonia is widely used as a refrigerant in various household and industrial equipment.

It is one of the most important products used in the chemical industry . In particular, it is used in production:

  • ammonia;
  • additives in building materials for use in frosty conditions;
  • polymers, soda and nitric acid;
  • fertilizers;
  • explosives.

Using ammonia alcohol

Ammonia alcohol is used in medicine and in everyday life.

Medical use is indicated in the following cases:

Use in everyday life is to degrease and clean various household utensils.

Alcohol solution at the rate of 2 tsp. for 2 glasses of water and 1 tbsp. l. Any dishwashing detergent can perfectly clean silverware, silver and gold jewelry (items with pearls cannot be cleaned with ammonia, it will become gray and cloudy). To do this, place silverware or jewelry in the solution, hold for 1 to 2 hours, then rinse in water and wipe dry.

It removes blood, urine and sweat stains from wool, silk and lycra well. A 50% solution is used as a stain remover. In concentrated form, it can remove pencil marks on clothes.

From carpets, furniture upholstery and car covers, you can remove heels with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. pure ammonia and 2 liters of hot water. To do this, you need to clean the dirt and let it dry. If necessary, you can clean it again.

Window glass, mirrors and earthenware can also be cleaned with a solution of 1 tbsp. l. pure ammonia and 3 tbsp. water. The surface will be clean and shiny.

Ammonia water 1 tbsp. l. mixed with 4 liters of water, you can clean off stone deposits in the bathtub and washbasin. To do this, you need to clean them with a solution and then rinse them with hot water.

Alcohol can be used in gardening to combat onion flies and aphids, and also as a fertilizer for garden and indoor plants in acidic soil conditions.

Impact on humans

When using ammonia and ammonia, you must remember: that these are highly toxic substances and when using them, the dosage should be strictly observed and adhere to the rules of use.

If you intend to use ammonia, you must purchase it exclusively in pharmacies and carefully read the attached instructions for use “Ammonia solution. Instructions for use."

Exceeding dosages can cause poisoning and serious health problems, as well as chemical burns. The rooms where it is used must be well ventilated.

In addition to being toxic, ammonia vapors are explosive. This occurs when they are mixed with air in a certain proportion, so when working it is necessary to follow special safety rules when working with explosives.

The first symptoms of poisoning may be:

  • the appearance of red spots on the face and body;
  • rapid breathing;
  • general excitement.

Further signs of poisoning development are:

  • the appearance of acute pain in the chest;
  • convulsions;
  • swelling of the larynx;
  • spasm of the vocal cords;
  • muscle weakness;
  • circulatory disorders;
  • semi-fainting state, up to loss of consciousness.

When ingesting ammonia water in excess doses, the following may occur:

  • diarrhea with false painful urges; burn of the esophagus, stomach and initial parts of the intestines;
  • cough, watery eyes, drooling, and sneezing;
  • reflex cessation of breathing;
  • vomiting with the smell of ammonia;
  • taking ammonia alcohol in an amount of 10 to 15 g. threatens death.

If a person has an individual intolerance to the smell of ammonia, then even a slight ingestion of it through the respiratory tract or inside can immediately lead to the most unfavorable consequences.

If a person has a skin disorder on the body in the form of weeping ulcers, eczema or dermatitis, then the use of lotions can lead to an even more extensive allergic reaction and burns of the skin.

First aid for poisoning

If the first signs of poisoning by these substances occur, it is necessary to immediately begin providing first aid to the victim.

First aid measures include the following:

In case of more severe forms of poisoning, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

Ammonia alcohol is required in first aid kits in first aid kits and should be on hand at the right time.

How much can it cost in pharmacies? The answer is very inexpensive. Buy it, use it, but be extremely careful.

Attention, TODAY only!


Many medical products can be used for both medicinal and household purposes, for example, a solution of ammonia is often used to destroy pests or to clean leather furniture upholstery. In addition, this substance can be used to treat garden plants, use it to feed cucumbers, and also when cleaning silver, gold, and plumbing items.

What is ammonia

An aqueous solution of ammonia or ammonia (NH4OH, ammonia hydroxide or monohydrate) is a clear, colorless liquid with a pungent odor, which is used as a medicine and for household needs. In large quantities, NH4OH is poisonous, but a small dose of the drug can be used as a stimulant and irritant. The main use of alcohol is medicine. It can be used to revive a person who faints; surgeons use it to treat their hands before surgery. In addition, this drug has found wide application in cosmetology.


People are often interested in the question in what situations ammonia is used and what ammonia is. The chemical compound hydrogen nitride, or ammonia, is a colorless gas with a pungent odor. It is obtained at high temperature using a catalyst from air nitrogen and hydrogen. When water is added, a solution of ammonia is obtained. Ammonium hydroxide or ammonia tincture has a pungent odor and has a strong alkaline reaction. The composition of ammonia includes 10% aqueous ammonia solution.


Many people mistakenly believe that ammonia, ammonia, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide are similar substances, but this is not so. Some of the drugs may have the same smell, although the chemical formula and method of preparation are different. The alcohol in question, unlike ammonia gas, is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. This substance has the formula: NH4OH. It is rare to find another one like this - NH3∙H2O. This notation is used for a 10% solution.

What is the difference between ammonia and ammonia

The main difference between NH4OH and hydrogen nitride is their initial aggregative state. Ammonia is a colorless gas that liquefies at -33 degrees Celsius. Ammonia is a liquid that is often called ammonia solution. The difference between the substances is their area of ​​application. Ammonia is the main product used in the chemical industry. This gas is often taken:

  • in the production of alcohol;
  • as a refrigerant to maintain the operation of industrial and domestic systems;
  • for the production of fertilizers, polymers, nitric acid, soda;
  • during construction;
  • for the manufacture of explosives.

Ammonia monohydrate has a narrower use, mainly as a medical antiseptic. In addition, the solution is often used by housewives to remove stains from clothes, to clean gold and silver, and as food for garden and indoor plants. The main similarity of these products is that they can smell unpleasant due to the high content of ammonia salts.

Properties of ammonia

During the breathing process, ammonia hydroxide vapors enter the body, and the substance actively begins to interact with the trigeminal nerve, while reflexively stimulating the respiratory center. A concentrated solution can cause colliquation (dissolution, softening) of microbial cell proteins. The remedy is also often used as an ambulance to induce breathing and bring a person out of fainting. In addition, ammonia solution:

  • when used externally, improves tissue regeneration, dilates blood vessels, stimulates the outflow of metabolites;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • has an irritating effect on skin exteroceptors;
  • block the flow of pain impulses from pathological foci;
  • provokes local release of kinins, prostaglandins;
  • affects the activity of the heart and the tone of the vascular walls;
  • reduces hyperalgesia, muscle tension, spasms, providing a distracting effect;
  • when the drug is inhaled, blood pressure increases;
  • suppresses foci of excitation;
  • promotes rapid release of sputum;
  • influencing the vomiting center, increases excitability;
  • oral administration in small doses stimulates the secretion of glands.


Ammonia solution is often used as medicine and for household needs. In medicine, the drug is used to relieve fainting and stimulate breathing. For insect bites, apply lotions with the product; for neuralgia, rub the sore spot. Alcohol is used externally to disinfect doctors' hands before surgery. The instructions for use of the drug indicate that the dose of the substance should be selected individually, based on the indications.

Use in everyday life

Ammonia water is useful for removing stains from upholstered furniture and clothing. To clean your favorite item, textile shoes or upholstery, you need to combine a couple of teaspoons of the product with a glass of water and pour the resulting solution onto the stain for a few minutes. Then rinse with cool water. The smell will quickly dissipate and the stains will disappear instantly.

Ammonia monohydrate also works well when removing cockroaches. To do this, add a little product to a bucket of water when washing the floor, furniture and walls (about 1 tsp per liter of water). The pungent smell will drive away uninvited guests, especially if the procedure is done once a week. To prevent your outdoor recreation from being spoiled by mosquito and midge bites, you need to take an ammonia solution with you and spray it around. After this treatment, insects will no longer bother you.

An ammonia solution is also suitable for cleaning silver, gold items, and plumbing items. To get rid of unpleasant black plaque, you need to take water, tooth powder, ammonia monohydrate in a ratio of 5:2:1. Next, the product should be wiped with a soft cloth or gauze soaked in the solution. After this, rinse with water and wipe dry. Jewelry with precious stones and pearls should not be cleaned this way.

For indoor flowers

The use of ammonia solution for plants is based on its high nitrogen content and the absence of ballast substances. The drug in diluted form is an ideal fertilizer for home flowers. To prepare the simplest fertilizer with NH4OH, you need to dissolve one tablespoon of the substance in three liters of water. The resulting solution must be watered at the roots of the plants. If home flowers are affected by aphids, you need to take them out to the balcony and spray them with a solution of fifteen milliliters of alcohol, three liters of water and two drops of shampoo.

In the garden

Ammonia solution is an indispensable assistant in a summer cottage. The drug is often used to replenish nitrogen deficiency and as a preventive measure for diseases of trees, plants, shrubs, and berries. To feed you need 4 liters of water and 50 ml of solution. Plants should be watered with this composition from the moment of planting until the end of June. The product also perfectly repels mosquitoes, aphids, and midges. The farm uses only a technical solution of 25% alcohol.

Ammonia is an excellent fertilizer for plants. Shrubs will respond to the solution with a good harvest: plum, cherry, blackberry, raspberry. The substance must be used to increase growth during the flowering period. Cabbage, zucchini, onions, pumpkin, peppers, potatoes, and eggplants consume the most nitrogen. There are crops that need nitrogen in moderation: cucumbers, tomatoes, beets, garlic, corn, gooseberry and currant bushes.

Application in medicine

Ammonia solution is often used to revive a person and in case of fainting. In addition, the use of ammonia in medicine is possible for:

  • poisoning (food, alcohol, toxic);
  • neuralgia;
  • insect bites;
  • headache, toothache;
  • hangover;
  • myositis;
  • joint pain;
  • otitis;
  • nail fungus.

Ammonia monohydrate has also found wide application in cosmetology. If you use the substance together with glycerin, it will be an excellent remedy for dry skin of the legs, elbows, and hands. A lotion based on these ingredients helps to quickly restore softness and get rid of cracks. The product is also excellent for treating hair; it can be used as a rinse after using shampoo. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of alcohol in a glass of warm water.

Instructions for use

To revive a person who has fainted, you need to pour a little ammonia solution onto a cotton swab and bring it to your nose at a distance of 5 cm. Close inhalation of the product is prohibited, because this can cause a burn to the nasal mucosa. If you are bitten by insects, you need to apply lotions. To use the drug to induce vomiting, you should take ammonia in ampoules, pour 10 drops of the drug into 100 ml of warm water and give it to the patient to drink orally. For a wet cough, the doctor may prescribe inhalations, but only through a special device.

Rules of application

Ammonia solution is a toxic substance, therefore, if used incorrectly, a reflexive cessation of breathing and a stomach burn may occur (when taking the undiluted drug). As a rule, the drug is used inhalation, topically and orally. In surgical practice they wash their hands. With prolonged exposure to the drug on the body, necrobiotic and inflammatory changes in tissues may occur.

Before using the substance, you should carefully read the instructions or consult a specialist. If the container with the drug is accidentally damaged, you should quickly open the window and ventilate the room. In case of contact with mucous membranes and eyes, rinse the affected areas with plenty of running water and seek help from a doctor.

Ammonia for acne

Ammonia solution is an excellent remedy for oily facial skin, which is prone to acne and blackheads. It can be used for washing. In this case, you need to dilute half a teaspoon of the substance with a glass of warm water. In addition, problem areas can be wiped with ammonia hydroxide solution with a concentration of 1-2% using a cotton swab.


When using ammonia hydroxide in medicine or for the home, you must be careful and use personal protective equipment. In addition, you must follow the rules:

  • if possible, applying the substance to plants should be done with a mask and rubber gloves;
  • alcohol must not be mixed with other active substances;
  • People suffering from vegetative-vascular dystonia should not use the drug;
  • if the undiluted solution gets inside, you must immediately drink a lot of water, induce a gag reflex and seek help from a doctor;
  • The drug should be stored in closed places;
  • Avoid contact of ammonia hydroxide with facial skin;
  • The composition should be diluted in the air or in a well-ventilated area.


Many people are often interested in how much ammonia costs in a pharmacy? As a rule, the average cost of the drug ranges from 13 to 60 rubles. It is bottled in 40 ml bottles. Ammonia can be found commercially under the name 10 percent ammonia solution. The substance can be sold wholesale and retail. Large deliveries are carried out in tons. It is recommended to store the product in a cool place. On the shelves of pharmacies in Moscow you can find the solution at the following prices:


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Chemical properties of ammonia solution - formula, use in everyday life, medicine and gardening

Ammonia is a colorless gas with a very strong odor. It is part of various compounds, each of which has its own name.

  • when molecules of ammonia (gas) and water interact, a compound is formed - ammonium hydrate;
  • an aqueous solution of ammonium hydrate is ammonia (the word “alcohol” in this case means “spirit” - “spirit” “gas”).

Ammonia in medicine

In medicine, a 10% ammonia solution is used and is often produced under the name “ammonia”. Therefore, if a pharmacy offers you ammonia instead of ammonia, know that it is the same thing.


The solution is clear, has a pungent odor and evaporates quickly. Therefore, the container must be tightly closed.


Ammonia is a respiratory stimulant, local irritant, antiseptic and disinfectant.

Indications for use:

  • fainting (syncope) and collapse - to stimulate breathing;
  • toxic effect of alcohol - to stimulate vomiting;
  • surgical practice - for hand disinfection (method of S. I. Spasokukotsky and I. G. Kochergin);
  • neuralgia, myositis - pain relief;
  • insect bites - as a distraction and disinfectant.


  • externally - for eczema, dermatitis, skin diseases;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • children's age - up to 3 years;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • epilepsy.

Ammonia 10% (the instructions for use warn) also has some side effects:

  1. You should not breathe ammonia fumes for a long time; this can lead to headaches, symptoms of intoxication (nausea, vomiting) and respiratory arrest.
  2. Do not use undiluted orally, as this may cause poisoning and burns to the digestive system.
  3. When used externally, irritation, burns, and an allergic reaction may occur. In this case, it is necessary to stop contact with the drug and rinse the skin and mucous membranes with plenty of clean water.

Release form

The solution is available in bottles of 10, 40, 100 ml and in ampoules of 1 ml. The bottles must be tightly closed and do not allow the smell of ammonia to escape.

If you purchased ammonia in ampoules, the instructions for use will differ only in the way you open the container: you need to wrap the thin neck of the ampoule with a piece of cotton wool and then break it, applying a little force.

Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

The effect of ammonia on the human body

When used correctly, ammonia solution has a positive effect.

  • when applied to the skin, it has a vasodilating effect, improves tissue regeneration, suppresses the source of the pathological process, reduces muscle tension, vascular spasm, pain (distracting effect).
  • when inhaling the vapors of the drug, it stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor centers.
  • when taken orally (diluted), it increases the excitability of the vomiting center and provokes vomiting.

Help for insect bites

Ammonia is very suitable for relieving pain from insect bites. The instructions for use explain this by the fact that it activates substances that block pain impulses from receptors to the brain.

Therefore, it is often prescribed for insect bites to relieve unpleasant itching and sometimes significant pain at the site of the bite.

It is necessary to use a 10% ammonia solution. Instructions for use are quite simple:

  • moisten a piece of cotton wool in the solution and apply to the bite site for a few minutes;
  • If an allergic reaction or pain occurs, remove the cotton wool with the solution and rinse the skin area with clean water.

Effect of ammonia on fainting

Even in a dissolved state, ammonia evaporates quickly, and its odor appears immediately after opening the bottle.

The surprisingly rapid effect of ammonia vapor on the human condition is explained by the fact that when inhaled, this substance enters the mucous membranes, penetrates inside and irritates the nerve endings. This leads to respiratory excitement and is manifested by rapid breathing and increased blood pressure.

That is why ammonia solution is most often used in medical practice to revive a fainting person. After all, this condition is characterized by decreased blood pressure and respiratory depression.

Help for fainting

Fainting can happen completely unexpectedly to anyone. It occurs during prolonged exposure to a stuffy room, blood loss, decreased blood pressure, certain diseases, and severe nervous shock.

Therefore, it is advisable to always have ammonia on hand. The instructions for use recommend that in case of fainting, lightly moisten a piece of any fabric or cotton wool (gauze, handkerchief) in an ammonia solution and bring it to the victim’s nose for literally 1-2 seconds - no longer.

This almost always immediately brings the victim to consciousness and simplifies the provision of subsequent medical care, if necessary.

Ammonia for alcohol poisoning

Sometimes, if you drink too much alcohol, provoking vomiting helps alleviate the condition. However, a person is not always able to evoke the corresponding reflex. Then an ammonia solution can be very useful. The instructions for use usually do not contain detailed information in this case. However, doctors recommend doing the following:

  • for moderate alcohol intoxication, add 2-3 drops of ammonia solution to a glass of water;
  • in case of severe alcohol intoxication, increase the number of drops of solution per glass of water - 5-6 drops.

The victim must drink this water, and then his gag reflex will work. Even if this does not cause vomiting, it will help quickly bring the person to his senses and simplify further assistance. Treatment must be supplemented with plenty of drink in the form of strong tea, coffee, fermented baked milk or kefir. It is also recommended to rub the victim’s temple with ammonia solution (ammonia) - this will clear his mind.

as a remedy for binge drinking

It is quite difficult for a person who has been on a drinking binge for a long time to come to his senses. To help him with this, you can use ammonia. The instructions for use of the drug do not officially provide recommendations in this regard. This method is rather folk, but effective.

However, dosages should be strictly adhered to to prevent side effects that ammonia can cause. The instructions for use describe them in detail (they are also presented to your attention in the article).

So, after prolonged drinking, a person should be given the following remedy to drink: 10 drops of ammonia solution per glass of water. This drink should be given three times a day.

Ammonia for neuralgia and myositis

How else can ammonia solution be useful? The instructions for use contain information about the treatment of neuralgia and myositis, but the details of its implementation are not described.

These recipes are varied and are typical mainly for traditional medicine. There is no need to describe them all. Usually it all comes down to lotions and compresses (applications), which contain ammonia.


Neuralgia is characterized by muscle pain caused by inflammation, pinched or irritated nerve endings.

In case of illness, ammonia can be used in the form of lotions and compresses. The solution should not be used undiluted. It is better to mix ammonia with water, oil or cream in a ratio of 1:5, where 1 is an ammonia solution (ammonia).

This method is intended, rather, to relieve pain rather than for a complete recovery. After all, the causes of neuralgia can be very different: from a cold to injury.

In any case, if a burning sensation or other uncomfortable sensations occur, you should stop the procedure, remove the compress and rinse the skin with water.


Myositis is inflammation of the muscles. The main symptom is pain at the site of inflammation: in the neck, shoulders, chest, back or hip.

(ammonia solution), as well as for neuralgia, helps reduce pain in this condition. This treatment is considered symptomatic and not primary.

Compresses are applied to the sore spot, containing 1 part of ammonia and at least 5 parts of another component (water, oil, decoction, cream).

Before carrying out such treatment, you should consult your doctor.