Articles about plastic. Questions of plastic surgery. Rhinoplasty for medical reasons

Interview with Dr. Krysin about his secrets and know-how in plastic surgery

In 2016, the Medapharm portal named Dr. Dmitry Krysin the best surgeon of the year for buttock surgery and leg surgery, and also asked Dmitry Viktorovich many interesting questions about his work and the unique approach, thanks to which the doctor became very famous.

Dr. Dmitry told the portal that gluteoplasty and cruroplasty account for 70% of my operations today, and he has been performing them since 2000. The doctor studied according to Brazilian methods and uses exactly the same implant installation methods as doctors in Brazilian clinics. Dmitry Viktorovich says the following about his know-how: “I perform a cruroplasty operation in 20 minutes, a gluteoplasty in 40-50 minutes. Each of my movements during the operation is verified, there is nothing superfluous. If you look from the outside, you may get the impression of lightness Michelangelo said that there is nothing easier than making a piece of marble and cutting off what is unnecessary. However, all my methods, which make it possible to carry out these complex interventions so quickly and easily, as you yourself noticed, are the result of many years of painstaking work. they place anatomical implants in the lower legs. I also started with this, but after a few years I saw that the implant subsequently began to contour and I had to replace them. I was able to conclude that the use of this technique was ineffective only after 5-7 years of operations. I have now completely abandoned the use of anatomical implants for lower leg prosthetics. Now I am installing symmetrical implants. Anatomical implants can only be used in cases of severe asymmetry, which happens extremely rarely. I also make an incision exclusively along the line of the natural fold in the popliteal fossa. While even the Brazilians themselves make the incision lower, after which the scar remains noticeable. No less important is where to open the fascia of the leg, vertically or horizontally. It is also important what suture material to use to suture it, how to care for the fascia after surgery, I use, for example, Donatti sutures. Some surgeons still do not understand where to make the incision when performing gluteoplasty, so that it is subsequently invisible and quickly heals. And it must be done from the anus to the sacrum, in the intergluteal fold. The rest is banal ignorance of anatomy. After all, this is a very difficult area, where large vessels are located, the sciatic nerve is as thick as a finger, and they must be very carefully avoided. In this case, it is important to place the implant as deeply as possible so that it does not contour, highlighting and separating the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus muscles. To do this, you need to go to the deepest layer possible, avoiding all vessels and arteries. Equally important is the correct selection of the implant. A number of companies produce round implants for the buttocks and legs, but I will never undertake to install them. I would like to ask who compiled the size scale for them? It is obvious to me that they will be contoured with any, even the most elaborate and careful installation. The width and height of the projection of implants must be chosen very carefully. It is also worth noting the problems of suture healing. Poor blood supply to these delicate areas, innervation, leads to frequent suture divergence. For example, I solved it with the help of a certain suture material, which I use in my practice, as well as with the help of dressings, during which I use special ointments and solutions. But all the secrets are very individual, they are the results of many years of practice, and I cannot give them out in detail, as you understand." In the interview you can also find out Dmitry Krysin’s opinion about the “newfangled” lipofilling technique, tips on how to avoid contouring implant, as well as why he chose his profession and direction.

Five main reasons for women to have plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is gaining more and more momentum every day. Now changes in appearance with the help of a scalpel are available not only to stars, but also to quite earthly girls.

Why do girls decide to undergo plastic surgery? What are their main motives? Dmitry Viktorovich answered these questions to the Aestheticmedicine portal: In the first place, of course, is the desire to please the opposite sex. Every woman knows the desire for change. And here plastic surgery often comes to the rescue. Many girls believe that as soon as they change the shape of their nose, get liposuction or beautiful breasts, everything in their life will change - they will find the man of their dreams and numerous fans will appear. The idols of girls, whose social networks are full of photographs of fashionable hotels and stunning haute couture dresses, do not hide the fact that they resort to the help of plastic surgeons. And a scheme works in the fans’ heads: from plastic surgery to fame and wealth. A tribute to fashion also plays an important role. Nowadays, flat beautiful tummies and chiseled cheekbones are in fashion. To look no worse than others, girls decide to undergo plastic surgery - this means that they are trendy and in demand. “I don’t care about the reasons,” Dmitry Viktorovich tells the portal, “why girls decide to have plastic surgery, it’s their right and their desire. But I talk to each of my potential patients. It happens that a beautiful girl with a twist wants to go under the knife in order to lose her individuality, or a beauty with interesting shapes dreams of a slender figure without an ounce of fat. During the conversation, I can understand the motives and, if I see that plastic surgery will harm my potential patient and ruin her individuality, I will try to weigh the pros and cons in front of her.

Male plastic surgery – a modern trend

Taking care of your own body, the desire to look good and young - today this has already become a trend. A successful person is determined, among other things, by how he looks. Of course, more women still turn to us, but men today are not at all rare guests of a plastic surgeon, Dmitry Krysin told the Aestheticmedicine portal.

Men want to look good, they want to be happy with their appearance. After all, good appearance is both part of a successful image and a feeling of youth and health. Of course, among male patients, the driving force for decision-making is often not so much aesthetic dissatisfaction in the literal sense, but rather problems of a delicate kind. Such as, for example, erectile dysfunction or dissatisfaction with the size, length or thickness of the penis. And it’s simply wonderful that modern aesthetic medicine allows us to successfully cope with these difficulties and gives men self-confidence and happiness in their personal lives. But the “gentleman’s set” of plastic surgeries is not limited to this. Men also come with the goal of making beautiful buttocks. But what if many consider the breasts to be the sexiest part of a woman’s body, but in men, in the opinion of many, it is the elastic buttocks. Men also have aesthetic disadvantages associated with sagging and lack of volume in the gluteal area. And the gym doesn’t solve the problem here. Another type of male plastic surgery is improving the shape of the legs, which do not always acquire athletic shape even with regular sports activities. There is also breast surgery for the stronger sex. True, its essence is fundamentally different from what female patients want. Men, on the contrary, want to remove excess tissue in this area, and sometimes introduce an implant, the purpose of which is to give the chest area an athletic profile. Representatives of the stronger sex also resort to abdominoplasty (abdominal correction) and liposuction. Dmitry Krysin also told the portal that today men are happy to get rid of protruding ears or an aquiline nose, undergo eyelid surgery and facial tightening. There has been nothing reprehensible about this for a long time. Some men also turn to a surgeon because of severe natural or trauma-induced aesthetic defects or intimate problems, but there are also those who simply want to prolong their youth and improve their appearance. If a man is not satisfied with something in his appearance and prevents him from living fully and with pleasure, he should put aside his complexes and go for a consultation with a surgeon. Today, most aesthetic problems can be successfully solved, and it doesn’t matter what gender you are.

Which breast implants are best to choose?

Breast correction surgeries are performed every day all over the world. In addition to the choice of surgeon, a good result of mammoplasty largely depends directly on the choice of implants. Dmitry Krysin spoke in his interview with the Prof Medicine portal about which breast implants are best to choose.

For example, today most doctors opt for implants filled with a cohesive gel, which does not flow. This means that even if the capsule ruptures, the gel does not flow out of it and does not enter the body. And the risk of such a leak, thanks to the multilayer shell and high barrier protection, is practically reduced to zero. Such features of modern endoprostheses allow manufacturers to give them a lifetime warranty. And another important advantage is that the latest generation of implants are very natural to the touch. Today, preference is given to endoprostheses not with a smooth, but with a textured surface, which ensures better survival and fixation, and also minimizes the risk of fibrous contracture (due to which the breast can become excessively hard and the implant capsule can become deformed). about which of the women which shaped implants would be more suitable - some round, some anatomical.

Wide and strong: male intimate plastic surgery

Female intimate plastic surgery has long been a popular and widely discussed topic; many surgeons are involved in it. However, not everyone specializes in male intimate plastic surgery.

Considering that more than 40% of men on the entire planet are not satisfied with the size of their dignity, the potential for popularity of this operation is growing. Dmitry Krysin told the Medapharm portal in an interview that the final development of a man in physiological terms (including the shape and size of the penis) ends at 25 years old. Noting that the normal length of the penis is considered to be in the range of 7–10 cm in a calm state, in an excited state – 14–16 cm. The thickness of the male dignity in an erect state ranges from 3–5 cm. But for those who are not satisfied with their size, it is already possible do not remain silent, but instead of continuing to put together complexes, turn to a plastic surgeon. Lengthening and thickening operations are not at all complicated manipulations. .

Is it worth getting plastic surgery, all the pros and cons

Repeated plastic surgeries associated with dissatisfaction with the primary intervention

What are the most common requests from patients in this area? How possible is their successful solution?

If complications arise after the operation or you are not satisfied with the established volume of the implant, then you go to the same surgeon to correct it. But when do they look for a new doctor for correction? Complex complications after cosmetic interventions or the lack of professionalism of the first operating doctor can sometimes cost the patient a pretty penny, and not all complex complications can be corrected. .

What is cruroplasty and what size of implants should I choose?

The shape of the lower leg is determined genetically, and the anatomical structure does not allow the lower leg to grow and change due to physical activity.

Special silicone implants installed in the calf muscle casing correct natural deficiencies. Properly selected endoprostheses visually add the desired volume and convexity, and correct the curvature of the legs. Contrary to everything that the Internet is full of, Dr. Krysin reports that cruroplasty is the only procedure that solves such aesthetic problems of the legs as asymmetry and false curvature. The history of the operation, what types of shin implants there are, what needs to be taken into account when choosing implants, as well as about the rehabilitation period after the operation and what to expect from it.

Endoscopic incisions in plastic

Nowadays, when advertising plastic surgery, the trend “No-suture technique” and “Endoscopic incisions” is gaining more and more popularity. In this regard, Dr. Dmitry Viktorovich Krysin told the Estetmedicina portal about what it really is.

But in fact, this is not a discovery or a novelty at all, but the very method that has been used by qualified surgeons with many years of practice and for a long time.

When it comes to plastic surgery, many immediately imagine expensive surgical operations that the famous and rich resort to to preserve their beauty. There is some truth in this, since the most common operations performed today in this area are nose correction and breast augmentation. But it is worth noting that plastic surgeons were true innovators and the development of this industry went far beyond aesthetics.

1. The name has nothing to do with plastic

The origins of plastic surgery techniques date back to the 16th century, when Italian physician Gaspare Tagliacozzi, copying techniques described in an Indian manual approximately 1,000 years earlier, successfully reconstructed a patient's damaged nose using tissue taken from the inside of the patient's forearm.

The term "plastic" was first used to describe these methods in 1837 - 18 years before plastic and resin were invented. The term comes from the Greek word "Plastikos" (molded, sculpted). Specialists in this industry were initially much more focused on reconstructing deformed or damaged body parts than on cosmetic correction.

By the mid-19th century, advances in anesthesia and sterilization made more daring procedures possible. However, throughout this time, plastic surgery was not officially recognized as a branch of medicine, despite its obvious potential.

2. Anthology of breast augmentation

The first successful breast augmentation was also reconstructive rather than cosmetic surgery because the patient had a large tumor and part of her left breast was removed. German surgeon Vincenz Czerny used a large lipoma, a fatty benign tumor, from a patient's back to reconstruct her breasts. This happened in 1895, and surgeons spent the next 70 years trying to come up with a material for commercially viable breast implants.

Paraffin, sponge soaked in alcohol and beeswax - whatever was used. It wasn't until the early 1960s that Houston surgeon Frank Girow first tried a silicone implant.

3. How it all began

While the aforementioned advances in anesthesia and antisepsis allowed plastic surgeons to perform complex procedures as early as the early 1900s, the industry only blossomed during the First World War. As new types of explosives and weapons emerged, thousands of soldiers were returning home with injuries that had literally never been seen before.

It was at this time that plastic surgery began to rapidly develop, largely thanks to the London doctor (New Zealander by birth) Harold Gillies, who today is considered the father of modern plastic surgery. Detailed records have recently been discovered of more than 11,000 procedures performed on more than 3,000 soldiers over eight years between 1917 and 1925, including groundbreaking skin and muscle grafts that had never been performed before. Since antibiotics did not yet exist, each operation was associated with a serious risk of infection.

4. Plastic surgeon and car safety

Debates regarding the safety of cars have been going on literally since their appearance. In 1935, Readers' Digest published a publication entitled "Sudden Death." Author Joseph C. Furnas mainly wanted to shame negligent drivers. However, based on this article, Detroit plastic surgeon Claire Streit sent specific recommendations to Chrysler in 1937 regarding safety improvements: rubber buttons instead of steel, rounded door handles, etc.

5. Plastic surgery and organ transplantation

Although most people think of transplant procedures as not directly related to plastic surgery, they use many of the same techniques, such as reconstruction and replantation of nerves and tissue. The first successful organ transplant (kidney transplant) was performed by renowned plastic surgeon Joseph E. Murray in 1954. At that time, Murray was already widely known for his successful treatment of patients suffering from burns and various facial deformities.

Dr. Murray subsequently became famous throughout the world and it was he who helped develop the first generation of immunosuppressants in the 1960s. In 1990, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work.

6. The first successful hand transplant is the merit of a plastic surgeon

Dr. Warren Breidenbach, director of reconstructive and plastic surgery at Arizona State University, is considered the world's leading authority on hand transplantation. In 1999, he became the first surgeon to successfully perform such an operation.

Patient Matthew Scott had lost his arm in an accident 14 years earlier, and they reattached him with the dead man's arm, and he learned how to use it. Previous attempts (the first dating back to 1964, when immunosuppressive drugs were in their infancy) had resulted in the patient's immune system rejecting the donor arm. Since 1999, Warren Breidenbach has already carried out 85 such operations.

7. ‘Medical tourism’ and plastic surgery

Many people often travel for expensive procedures, including plastic surgery, to countries where the cost of healthcare is more regulated by the government. For example, in countries such as Mexico and Brazil, so-called “medical tourism” is no longer something new. Recently, Dubai and Thailand are also gaining popularity in this regard. In 2013 alone, Thailand generated a whopping $4.3 billion in revenue from foreigners seeking medical care.

8. A lift that does not require surgery

New York plastic surgeon Doug Steinbrech offers facelift procedures without direct surgery. This is achieved thanks to a special device that slowly stretches the skin over three hours (of course, this is done under anesthesia).

Although stitches are still eventually necessary, the treatment lasts only 5 days and costs only $35,000. Another New York City doctor, Doris Day, also demonstrated non-surgical methods that use ultrasound instead of traditional liposuction.

9. Male plastic surgery

Most people tend to think of surgery for cosmetic purposes as a purely feminine “hobby.” But recently, data shows that from 1997 to 2014, the number of men using cosmetic procedures increased by a whopping 273 percent.

10. Face transplant

In 2012, Baltimore plastic surgeon Eduardo Rodriguez performed the most extensive face transplant in history. His patient was Richard Norris, who attempted suicide in 1997 with a shotgun blast to the face. He had to undergo an almost complete face transplant. Although the result was a little strange, compared to what it was, it is a phenomenal achievement. Rodriguez has since repeated his achievement once again when, in 2015, he gave a new face to firefighter Patrick Hardison, whose face was completely destroyed in a fire.

October 23, 2011 Women's dreams of a harmonious combination of facial and figure beauty are often associated with breast enlargement. It is generally accepted that men are attracted to large, toned and firm breasts, which, however, is confirmed by research by modern American statisticians.

Abdominoplasty - abdominoplasty

October 11, 2011 Tummy tuck, also called abdominoplasty, is one of the most common types of plastic surgery. It is important for many women and men to restore beauty and youth to their body. Plastic surgery will help them with this; Israel will be the best place to carry out such an operation. It is worth saying that the cost of abdominoplasty is often lower than other techniques.

Brachioplasty - hand skin plastic surgery

October 11, 2011 Brachioplasty, along with lipoplasty and liposculpture, is one of the types of hand plastic surgery, used, however, much less frequently than the last two. The use of brachioplasty is limited to the area of ​​the arm from the shoulder to the elbow, that is, the place that visually ages most quickly, where the skin, muscles and ligaments are under constant stress.


October 11, 2011 A popular and very effective method of plastic surgery in the fight against fat deposits - liposuction - is considered one of the safest and gentlest on the body. The essence of the method is suction through small incisions of adipose tissue using hollow needles and pumps attached to them. According to statistics, liposuction can reduce a patient’s weight by no more than 3, maximum 4, kilograms, that is, it is not a method of combating excess weight.

Ear plastic surgery - otoplasty

October 11, 2011 Ear plastic surgery – otoplasty – is a branch of plastic surgery that deals with the correction, improvement and restoration of the shape and size of the auricle. Mainly, otoplasty deals with cartilage tissue, which makes up the frame of the ear, and to a lesser extent with skin tissue.

Breast surgery - examples and statistics

October 11, 2011 It is no secret that plastic surgery is developing more and more throughout Europe. But still the most popular operation is breast surgery. And this situation has persisted for a quarter of a century. The breasts are tightened, reduced and enlarged. Psychological studies have shown that it is common for women to strive to change their appearance. Why not change your breasts?


October 11, 2011 Many people believe that a facelift is necessary for women around fifty years of age. But this is not entirely true. The skin can lose elasticity and sag not only with age, but with strong and rapid weight loss. And deep expression wrinkles appear quite early. All these skin problems will age you in advance.


October 10, 2011 Over time, some people experience problems associated with the aesthetics of their eyelids and eyebrows. And here a wonderful technique called blepharoplasty will come to the aid of everyone. The concept of plastic surgery of the eyelids and eyebrows, or blepharoplasty, refers to a certain set of plastic surgeries associated with the correction of the lower and upper eyelids, in order to eliminate wrinkles on the eyelids, as well as to eliminate bags formed under the eyes.


October 10, 2011 If necessary, the best option for nose correction is rhinoplasty, a new and advanced technique for solving this problem. Nose surgery – rhinoplasty is also a solution to the problem of correcting the shape of the nose for both ordinary people and celebrities.

Lipofilling of face and lips

October 10, 2011 Lipofilling of the face and lips provides an excellent opportunity to restore youth to the skin, create a beautiful facial contour, and an incomparable silhouette for the body. It is also called contour liposculpture, or lipografting, that is, fat transfer.

Which celebrities had their breasts done?

September 12, 2010 Plastic surgery is popularly considered the favorite “fun” of stars, and, above all, film actresses, both Hollywood and others, as well as famous pop stars. However, celebrities are often forced to change the size and shape of their bodies by severe necessity. After all, appearance is part of their image, which contributed to their transformation from the most ordinary, well-known people.

Operations Anesthesia Prices Photo Video Contacts

What is general anesthesia? There are many questions about this, and even more confusion. Of course, there is a classification of types of anesthesia, and one can argue for a long time which type and method should be classified as one or another type of anesthesia - general, local, regional, etc. All this is needed for medical students and scientists, and for...

Patients often ask: “Which anesthesia is better!? Give it to me!” The answer is - anesthesia, which your personal anesthesiologist is fluent in, the main thing is that it is safe for health and life! And, of course, each type and method of pain relief, like surgery, has its own specific indications and contraindications. And this is dictated...

Patients often ask: “Is it possible to drink alcohol before surgery, for example, mammoplasty, before anesthesia?” “How does alcohol affect anesthesia (“will you take anesthesia or not?”, “how will it work?”)″." When can you start drink alcohol after anesthesia...

At the beginning, I would like to decide that it is more correct to call local anesthesia rather than “local anesthesia.” The word "anesthesia" refers to the name (definition) of general anesthesia, although the correct name is general anesthesia. Because anesthesia, as such, is only one of the methods (types) of anesthesia (pain relief) and it is associated with...

On the Internet you can find a lot of advice on how to enlarge your breasts using traditional methods. Among such bad advice is a list of products that supposedly can help you grow breasts up to size ten. So let's look at why this is not the case. Products with estrogen The size of the mammary glands is related to hormonal levels...

Modern medicine is constantly evolving, offering new options for improving people's health and beauty. Breast implantology is no exception. The implants that are used today have a number of advantages: aesthetics: implants look as natural as possible; biocompatibility: implants take root without any side effects...

There are many factors that make up the image of a beautiful woman, but many men will agree that beautiful, firm female breasts are what attracts them the most. But nature does not always give women what they want, so they have to look for options to correct the situation. This is how women get to see a plastic surgeon...

Today you can find a huge number of products and drugs that promise quick results in breast enlargement. But what is hidden behind these promises, and is there any sense in using gels and creams? More on this later. The average breast enlargement gel has approximately the same composition. Composed...

According to official medical statistics, about 500 thousand women annually suffer various kinds of complications in attempts to enlarge their breasts using traditional and medicinal methods. Due to various kinds of speculation and fears, women prefer to swallow dubious pills and apply creams rather than consult a professional doctor. Exists...

Mastopexy is an operation during which the patient’s breasts are lifted and, if necessary, their symmetry is restored. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, takes two to three hours, and requires a stay in the hospital for a week after the operation. Immediately after discharge, the rehabilitation period begins, by which...

Mammoplasty requires a certain period of recovery. The specialist who performed the operation always gives his patients recommendations for a correct healing process. Breasts after surgery require special support, as sagging can stretch the sutures and affect the final placement of the implant. To prevent this from happening...

Before going under the surgeon’s knife, each patient must undergo a series of tests and examinations to eliminate any risks and identify possible contraindications for the operation. At the preliminary consultation, the doctor will tell you in detail about all the tests and give you directions. 1. Blood test You must provide...

Breast augmentation, like any other operation, gives rise to a lot of myths that cause unfounded fears among patients. Women are afraid not only of complications after surgery, but also of the process itself. We decided to help you by telling you the whole truth. The implant will definitely cause complications No, the implant will not harm your health if...

After breast augmentation, the implant is positioned above its natural end position. The implant descends after the muscle relaxes. Prolapse is important not only from an aesthetic point of view, but also from a medical point of view, since it means that the recovery process is successful. Most often, the implant is located high during submuscular...

Macromastia is one of the problems associated with abnormal breast size. In this case we are talking about excessive volume. This deficiency occurs due to too accelerated development of adipose and connective tissue. Overdeveloped mammary glands not only cause inconvenience, but also affect the health of their owner. Happening...

Prominent ears are a congenital abnormality in the shape of the ears. It manifests itself as an increased angle of distance of the ear from the head, which is why the ears look enlarged and protruding. In fact, with this deviation, the ears usually have the same shape and size as normal. This phenomenon occurs in almost half of children, equally in boys and...

Good afternoon, dear girls! My name is Elena Izmailova. My colleague, Maxim Aleksandrovich, told me that the site receives a lot of questions about cosmetological techniques and other issues related to non-surgical methods of increasing breast size, and as an expert in this field, I cannot help but respond after everything I’ve read...

Silicone breasts evoke a lot of emotions and discussions, both positive and negative. There are many opinions not only regarding the operation itself, but also the material. What is silicone, and what exactly might you not know about silicone breasts? What is silicone and is it safe? Silicone is a compound of silicon and hydrogen....

Like any other operation, breast surgery requires a rehabilitation period. During rehabilitation after mammoplasty, complete healing of the breast tissue occurs. The implant “settles in” in the new place, is fixed and placed in the place where it will eventually be located. The swelling goes away from the chest, and then blood circulation normalizes....

Micromastia is an abnormally small size of the mammary glands; it can be either a congenital defect or an acquired one. Among the causes of micromastia there are: genetic predisposition; hormonal disorders; weight changes; age-related involution. Usually, before the operation, a whole range of tests is carried out...

Almost every girl is waiting for the magical moment of the birth of a child, imagining all the pleasant troubles associated with this event. But, unfortunately, after the birth of a baby, a woman is faced with inexorable changes in her body, which affect almost everything. And what suffers most is the female breast, which immediately loses its shape and tone...

Beautiful breasts are very important for any woman. Unfortunately, nature itself decides who to reward with toned, beautiful breasts and who to deprive. In addition, the appearance of the breasts can be affected by many factors, ranging from weight loss to the biggest test - pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. Modern...

Technologies are constantly rushing forward, and media headlines are full of sensational statements about the latest achievement of scientists. On this basis, many buyers are attracted to the “magical” new products in cosmetology. One of these pseudo-magical inventions can be called breast enlargement cream. Most manufacturers...

Breast augmentation is an operation that is NOT performed on girls under 18 years of age! Due to the characteristics of female puberty, such operations are recommended after 18 years of age. Until this age, the body continues to grow and develop sexual characteristics. Interfering with such an important process can bring a number of negative consequences. Operation...

Beautiful and toned breasts are good and beautiful, even better when they go along with a toned figure. But, unfortunately, losing weight often leads to the fact that the breasts not only lose their shape, but also significantly decrease in size. In this context, the issue of breast enlargement arises. There are many different ways that help...

Going under the surgeon's knife is scary for many people, regardless of their gender and age. Although more and more women are choosing such a simple and short path to the desired beauty. Plastic surgery for breast augmentation is probably one of the most popular in the whole world. And no wonder, in just a couple of hours of surgery and not too long a period...

Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at improving the contour of the abdomen. Most often, this operation is performed in conjunction with liposuction. The operation takes no more than five hours (depending on the degree of complexity) and is performed under local anesthesia. The classic approach to surgery involves performing a long transverse...

Canthopexy is a plastic surgery aimed at correcting sagging lower eyelids. In addition, it can change the shape of the eyes. Canthopexy can be used not only as an aesthetic operation, but also based on medical indications. An eyelid lift can significantly refresh your appearance, restoring youth and beauty. The effect of...

Every woman pays special attention to her breasts. After all, healthy and well-groomed breasts make you feel like a real lady. Having beautiful breasts, you can wear a fashionable tight-fitting outfit and a modern swimsuit on the beach and feel feminine and attractive. Therefore, absolutely any young lady, noticing any flaws in her chest,...

Mammoplasty (breast plastic surgery) is a surgical operation performed to enlarge or reduce the breasts and restore the shape of the mammary glands after a mastectomy. Indications for mastectomy: breast cancer; breast sarcoma; purulent process with gangrene of most of the mammary gland. Is it worth doing...

Plastic surgery is in great demand among women seeking perfect beauty. One of the most popular surgeries is breast augmentation. In this case, the initial parameters of the bust are not important at all. Modern technologies make it possible to achieve breast enlargement by 1, 2 and even 3 sizes. Also plastic surgeons...

Abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery with a very difficult rehabilitation period. The fact is that it covers a fairly wide area - the abdominal area, which takes the body a lot of time to restore. The patient stays in the hospital for 1-3 days. The length of stay in the clinic depends on the complexity and scale of the operation, as well as...

Patients who decide to improve their appearance and refresh their eyes with the help of blepharoplasty are always interested in the rehabilitation process and its duration. This question is one of the main ones for potential patients who are still just thinking about the possibility of surgery. Related questions also arise. How long will it take to leave...

In the 21st century, plastic surgery has reached unprecedented heights, helping more and more people cope with physical disabilities, both congenital and age-related, resulting from injury or disease. However, along with its popularity, this branch of medicine has become overgrown with a large number of myths, one of which we...

Many people are concerned about the scars that remain after abdominoplasty, but thanks to the introduction of modern technologies, specialists have managed to minimize this disadvantage. A truly competent surgeon will do everything possible to ensure that the scars after abdominoplasty are practically invisible. The algorithm of actions in this case is sufficient...

Installation of breast implants is a modern operation with minimal health risks. However, this intervention may have some complications, including implant rupture. According to statistics, such a nuisance happens no more often than 4% of women. Is breast implant rupture dangerous? Implant rupture does not pose a risk to life...

Non-surgical eyelid surgery helps restore an open, light look, making the face much younger and more attractive. Using this technique, without the use of a surgical scalpel, it is possible to get rid of drooping eyelids, small and large wrinkles, and bags under the eyes. In terms of effectiveness, non-surgical eyelid lifting is often compared to...

As people age, fatty tissue shifts under the skin and tissue atrophy is observed. This causes a decrease in the convexity of the cheeks, the appearance of spots on the skin (pigmentation), and the formation of depressions or bags under the eyes. Methods for eliminating age-related changes in the eyelids Using modern blepharoplasty methods, the doctor can...

Mammoplasty, like any other plastic surgery, leaves stitches after breast implantation or breast lift. How to care for stitches after mammoplasty? Let's try to figure it all out. Incisions during mammoplasty The way breast lift stitches and scars will look depends on the type of incision that is performed for...

Since the development of plastic surgery, its main directions have been mammoplasty and body shape correction. Only in the 21st century did plastic surgeons come up with a way to perform liposuction and breast augmentation at the same time. This operation was called breast lipofilling. The peculiarity of this operation is...

One of the most popular types of blepharoplasty in our time is considered to be Asian eyelid surgery or “Singapuri”. The purpose of this operation is to correct the shape of “Asian” eyes to bring them closer to the “European” appearance. With the help of proper blepharoplasty of Asian eyelids and removal of overhanging skin folds -...

For many years, standard blepharoplasty has been one of the most popular facial plastic surgeries. The essence of the surgical intervention is to excise excess fatty tissue of the eyelids and tighten the skin. For many years, this operation has been in demand among pop stars. Blepharoplasty made it possible to refresh the look, make it...

Liposuction is a surgical procedure aimed at removing excess fat tissue from the human body. Most often, liposuction is performed by women who have tried all methods of figure correction, including diets, physical activity, massages and cosmetic procedures. Women also undergo liposuction after childbirth and lactation. As we know...

Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery is a relatively new operation among all plastic surgeries aimed at correcting aesthetic defects. Very often, congenital drooping eyelids (ptosis) or the presence of epicanthus make the gaze less expressive. The only effective way to correct the shape of the eyelids is blepharoplasty. However,...

Aesthetic ear plastic surgery is a simple plastic surgery aimed at correcting congenital cosmetic defects of the auricle. As children with congenital protruding ears, many suffered from offensive nicknames from classmates, which caused significant psychological discomfort. Nowadays otoplasty operations are successfully performed both for children...

Rhinoplasty is one of the most popular plastic surgeries, which allows you to effectively correct the aesthetic imperfections of the nose. One of the types of nose surgery is rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose. This surgical intervention allows you to increase the attractiveness of a person’s face, make the contour harmonious and...

Breast augmentation with implants is one of the most popular plastic surgeries among women. Among the professional community, surgical breast augmentation is called endoprosthetics. You can change the size of your breasts by installing implants with silicone gel: endoprostheses have undergone numerous tests and...

Breast lift with implant augmentation is a plastic surgery that allows the surgeon not only to change the shape and volume of the mammary glands, to tighten sagging breasts, but also to change the size of the areolas. The aesthetic result of mastopexy becomes possible only thanks to two techniques: changing the position of the nipple-areolar complex...

Endoscopic abdominoplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at correcting body lines in the waist and sides, as well as removing excess fat deposits. Endoscopic plastic surgery is a gentle method of surgical intervention, since it does not involve making abdominal incisions in the skin. Removal of fat...

It’s easy to achieve beautiful proportions and shape of the buttocks - just contact a plastic surgeon for lipofilling of the hips and buttocks. This is a plastic surgery during which a person’s fat emulsion is transferred from one area to another, thereby causing a double correction of the figure: excess fat deposits from problematic...

Every year, along with the popularity of plastic surgery for breast augmentation, the number of surgical interventions during which the surgeon either replaces or removes breast implants increases. Despite the fact that the technique of mammoplasty is quite simple and uncomplicated for an experienced plastic surgeon, many women remain dissatisfied...

How many admiring glances every woman receives from men, just by opening her cleavage a little. However, not all ladies naturally manage to boast of large breast size: some simply do not have enough breast volume, while others have an asymmetrical breast shape. Helps correct these aesthetic defects of the mammary glands...

Plastic surgery, which is performed using endoscopic equipment, has recently enjoyed enormous popularity. This is due to the fact that thanks to this surgical technique, the trauma to the mammary glands during surgery is reduced. Endoscopic breast augmentation is performed through small punctures on...

Potato nose is a fairly common reason why women and men turn to a plastic surgeon for help. This aesthetic flaw gives its owner a large number of complexes and psychological discomfort. Therefore, many people ask the question: what to do if your nose is a potato? The answer is simple - get a rhinoplasty...

Every woman who plans to undergo breast augmentation surgery asks a lot of questions, including: how long does the surgery last, what anesthesia is used during correction, what implants does the plastic surgeon use. There is also a question of interest regarding access to the surgical field during...

Septoplasty is a plastic surgery aimed at correcting a deviated nasal septum. If we compare septoplasty and rhinoplasty, the first operation is performed solely for medical reasons, while the second in most cases is for aesthetic reasons. Today, it is common among plastic surgeons...

Today, not every representative of the fair sex can boast of beautiful breasts. Over the years, the mammary glands begin to sag, their elasticity decreases and stretch marks appear. As a result, mastoptosis develops. What is the best thing to do about this? Only a breast lift will help restore your breasts to their previous position. Reasons for omission...

Where is the best place to have blepharoplasty? This question is often asked by patients when deciding which clinic and in which city to undergo an eyelid lift. It is worth paying special attention to the choice of a plastic surgeon, because the final result of aesthetic surgery depends on this. What are the recommended criteria for choosing a clinic...

Eyelid correction is a special procedure that can be used to tighten the upper or lower eyelid. With age, certain physiological changes occur due to the fact that the skin gradually loses collagen, becoming less elastic. Plastic surgery or correction of an overhanging eyelid is a surgical intervention...

Many women dream of improving their bust shape. In some cases, correction is necessary. This condition is called mammary ptosis. Correcting defects in female breasts is very simple by ordering plastic surgery at Dr. Osin’s clinic. Qualified surgical intervention is painless, does not carry serious risks, and most importantly...

Breast augmentation surgery occupies a leading position in the field of cosmetic surgery. Nothing upsets a woman more than small or ugly (from her point of view) breasts. Women with large busts feel more confident, attract attention, and are popular with men. Modern medicine is capable of introducing...

Mammoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to change the shape, reduce or enlarge the breast. This type of operation requires lengthy preparation for any woman. There are such types of mammoplasty: augmentation - to enlarge the mammary glands; mastopexy - breast lift; reduction mammoplasty...

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that requires serious preparation. There are a number of restrictions that must be observed in order for rehabilitation to take place without health complications. Mammoplasty - restrictions after surgery To prepare for surgery, you need to stop taking medications, alcohol and smoking,...

The eyes are the window to the soul, which is why blepharoplasty is one of the most exciting operations in the field of plastic surgery. How the patient will feel psychologically depends on the results of upper and lower eyelid surgery. If complications arise after blepharoplasty, this forever leaves an imprint on the person’s fate. But...

Blepharoplasty is a plastic surgery that allows you to restore the youth of the periorbital area, make the patient’s gaze more open and expressive, and make the face young and rested. The result of surgical correction of the upper and lower eyelids depends on several factors: the experience and qualifications of the plastic surgeon who...

Playing sports, exhausting physical activity and exercise, diets are not a panacea for the accumulation of fat deposits in the so-called trap places: on the stomach, on the sides, on the chest. Therefore, more and more often people who are overweight are resorting to plastic surgery services. If earlier women sought to undergo liposuction, then...

Liposuction is a plastic surgery that allows you to “pump out” fat from problem areas of the face and body using modern equipment. The surgical procedure allows both women and men to achieve ideal body proportions, get rid of excess fat and simply increase their self-esteem. What is the price...

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that is aimed at changing the shape or size of the mammary glands. This aesthetic operation is the most popular in the field of plastic surgery, since only a few women have beautiful breasts from birth. Breast augmentation is a safe surgical procedure, but only...

Thread lifting, or thread reinforcement, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure during which the doctor inserts biocompatible threads into the tissues of the face or neck. They create a unique and powerful frame that prevents sagging skin. According to reviews of thread lifting of the face and neck, this method of correction is...

A facelift with mesothreads, or threadlifting, is a non-surgical facelift procedure performed by experienced cosmetologists using thin threads. The threads are installed subcutaneously, which creates a reliable frame of the skin that prevents it from sagging. 3D mesothreads consist of polydiaxone - completely biocompatible with human soft tissues...

A short-scar facelift is a plastic surgery that acts as a good alternative to the classic circular facelift. This is a new lifting technique that allows, as a result of surgical correction, to achieve the patient’s natural appearance. This plastic surgery is suitable for young patients aged 30 to 45...

Rehabilitation after a facelift is a fairly long process, which is accompanied by inconvenience and discomfort for patients. After all, a facelift is a full-fledged surgical operation that should only be performed by an experienced and qualified plastic surgeon. Recovery after a circular facelift will be faster and...

Every woman, regardless of her age, dreams of having beautiful, toned breasts of ideal shape and size. Unfortunately, not all women have such a bust from birth, so plastic surgery will help achieve the ideal in this matter. Mammoplasty is an operation in the field of aesthetic surgery, during which the doctor performs...

Today, for patients who want to change the shape or size of their nose, plastic surgeons offer 2 methods of surgical correction: open and closed rhinoplasty. The main difference between these two methods is access to the surgical field. If with a closed nose job the surgeon makes incisions on the mucous membrane, then with an open technique...

Breast lift without implants is a plastic surgery that allows a woman’s bust to be restored to an aesthetically attractive appearance and beautiful shape. This operation will be a real salvation for a woman if she is unhappy with her breasts and experiences psychological discomfort. Causes of breast drooping What causes...

Rhinoplasty of the nasal hump is a plastic surgery that allows you to correct the shape of the nose, make it smooth and beautiful. A hump is a small bony protrusion that greatly changes the proportions of the face, disrupting its harmony. How is the operation aimed at removing the hump performed, how long does the rehabilitation last - look for answers in...

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that is aimed at changing the shape and size of the mammary glands. The technique of breast surgery has been refined to the smallest detail and is recognized as a fairly safe operation. However, despite this, there are contraindications to breast surgery, which involve surgical intervention...

Mammoplasty is a plastic surgery that imposes some restrictions on every woman after surgery. One of them is a ban on physical activity. This restriction also applies to sports activities. Why can’t you exercise after breast augmentation? Exercising after...

Facelift is an effective breast lift technique. Modern cosmetology offers a large number of hardware and injection methods for facial rejuvenation, improving contours and clarity of the oval. But facelifting exercises do not lose their popularity among women. But are they as effective as the Internet says? What is it...

Suturing a wound is the final stage of any plastic surgery. The appearance of the skin where surgery was performed depends on how well the plastic surgeon applies them. This also applies to operations on the chest - if the suture material is applied carelessly and inaccurately, then there are risks of formation...

A lower facelift or lower third lift is a plastic surgery that eliminates age-related skin changes in the form of drooping cheeks and nasolabial furrows. As a result of a facelift of the lower third of the face, the natural contour of the face and neck is restored, which allows for a lasting rejuvenation effect. Indications for...

A midface lift is a plastic surgery during which the surgeon tightens the skin and soft tissue in the area between the lower eyelid and the nasolabial triangle. It is this operation that women often turn to a surgeon for, since the middle part of the face is more susceptible to age-related changes than others due to involvement in...

Anesthesia during plastic surgery operations is a necessary element. What type of anesthesia will be chosen - general, local or combined, the medications used and the duration of their effect must be determined by the anesthesiologist after conducting appropriate examinations. How is...

Statistics show that women who want to change their breasts want to enlarge them by 1-3 sizes and at the same time get reliable results without harm to health. Today, various methods are known that result in breast enlargement. List of methods for breast enlargement and their characteristics: Special complexes of physical...

Only experienced doctors who have sufficient knowledge and experience are allowed to perform breast augmentation operations. The strict selection of doctors involved in the field of plastic surgery is due to the desire to bring this field to a new level and improve statistics on successfully performed operations. As soon as a woman finds...

Situations where a plastic surgeon's patient requires revision otoplasty are not considered unique. Often a new operation is required due to the low qualifications of the doctor who performed the first otoplasty, or due to the fault of the person himself, who forgot to follow the surgeon’s instructions. There are other, objective reasons. Most often, repeated otoplasty...

During the recovery period after ear plastic surgery, the patient needs increased care and protection of the skin of the auricle. Therefore, he cannot do without a special compression bandage. Rehabilitation after ear surgery: early recovery period Rehabilitation after otoplasty is a very important period in life...

60% of girls and women are not satisfied with the size of their breasts, believing that sizes 1 or 2 are not beautiful and attractive. How to get out of this situation? Decide on mammoplasty! But here you need to prepare for the fact that there is a risk of certain complications. They may be associated with unqualified actions...

Blepharoplasty has long been entrenched in the list of the most popular plastic surgeries on the face. It allows you to get rid of such common problems as bags under the eyes and drooping eyelid skin, as well as eliminate wrinkles. Age-related skin changes are inevitable for any woman. Elasticity is lost, small and large...

Many patients, turning to a plastic surgeon for help, expect miracles. But modern plastic surgery methods have their limitations. For example, blepharoplasty is not able to eliminate absolutely all age-related changes. This must be taken into account so as not to be disappointed with the result. If the patient expects that after blepharoplasty...

Otoplasty or aesthetic plastic surgery of the ears is indicated for asymmetry or damage to the ears, external defects after accidents or burns (for example). Many patients, having decided to undergo the procedure, worry whether the operation will damage their hearing organs. This misconception is based on a misunderstanding of the anatomy of the auricle. The hearing organs themselves, including...

Capsular contracture is the formation of a fibrous membrane around implants, the so-called. fibrous capsule. The reason is the protective function of the body, which reacts to any foreign body by forming a layer of fibrous tissue around it. The normal thickness of this layer, which does not require any treatment, is tenths...

Breast augmentation surgery, as a rule, does not cause any difficulties for professionals, but there are factors that can lead to complications. We are talking about poor preparation of the patient and the latter’s concealment of details about the state of his health and lifestyle. Every representative of the fair sex, when deciding to undergo surgery, must be...

Breast size is the most important question asked at the appointment. Whatever type of intervention is chosen - reduction, increase, lifting - the result always depends on what size the woman wants to get. It should be remembered that shape and volume are very individual parameters. It is impossible to say for sure that such and such volume...

Breast replacement is a surgery to replace breast implants. According to research, the majority of women who have undergone augmentation mammoplasty claim that they are satisfied with the result, feel more charismatic, attractive and would undoubtedly agree to repeat the operation again. But, unfortunately, not always...

The insatiable desire of the female half of humanity to maintain their attractiveness and beauty for as long as possible has become an effective incentive for the rapid and comprehensive development of the cosmetology industry and plastic surgery. Today, representatives of the fair sex are offered many opportunities not only to prolong their youth, but also...

The desire to make their breasts more beautiful and firm often forces women to resort to strange methods. Some increase their consumption of cabbage, others insist on hop cones, and others spend money on “miracle” creams. All this does not bring the desired results, and sometimes ends in poisoning and skin burns....

Preparation for any surgical intervention necessarily includes the patient undergoing a comprehensive laboratory and clinical examination. Its goal is to identify any contraindications (chronic and acute diseases), as well as detect any risks that could cause serious complications during the operation. Besides,...

When it comes to plastic surgery, many immediately imagine expensive surgical operations that the famous and rich resort to to preserve their beauty. There is some truth in this, since the most common operations performed today in this area are nose correction and breast augmentation. But it is worth noting that plastic surgeons were true innovators and the development of this industry went far beyond aesthetics.

1. The name has nothing to do with plastic

The origins of plastic surgery techniques date back to the 16th century, when Italian physician Gaspare Tagliacozzi, copying techniques described in an Indian manual approximately 1,000 years earlier, successfully reconstructed a patient's damaged nose using tissue taken from the inside of the patient's forearm.

The term "plastic" was first used to describe these methods in 1837 - 18 years before plastic and resin were invented. The term comes from the Greek word "Plastikos" (molded, sculpted). Specialists in this industry were initially much more focused on reconstructing deformed or damaged body parts than on cosmetic correction.

By the mid-19th century, advances in anesthesia and sterilization made more daring procedures possible. However, throughout this time, plastic surgery was not officially recognized as a branch of medicine, despite its obvious potential.

2. Anthology of breast augmentation

The first successful breast augmentation was also reconstructive rather than cosmetic surgery because the patient had a large tumor and part of her left breast was removed. German surgeon Vincenz Czerny used a large lipoma, a fatty benign tumor, from a patient's back to reconstruct her breasts. This happened in 1895, and surgeons spent the next 70 years trying to come up with a material for commercially viable breast implants.

Paraffin, sponge soaked in alcohol and beeswax - whatever was used. It wasn't until the early 1960s that Houston surgeon Frank Girow first tried a silicone implant.

3. How it all began

While the aforementioned advances in anesthesia and antisepsis allowed plastic surgeons to perform complex procedures as early as the early 1900s, the industry only blossomed during the First World War. As new types of explosives and weapons emerged, thousands of soldiers were returning home with injuries that had literally never been seen before.

It was at this time that plastic surgery began to rapidly develop, largely thanks to the London doctor (New Zealander by birth) Harold Gillies, who today is considered the father of modern plastic surgery. Detailed records have recently been discovered of more than 11,000 procedures performed on more than 3,000 soldiers over eight years between 1917 and 1925, including groundbreaking skin and muscle grafts that had never been performed before. Since antibiotics did not yet exist, each operation was associated with a serious risk of infection.

4. Plastic surgeon and car safety

Debates regarding the safety of cars have been going on literally since their appearance. In 1935, Readers' Digest published a publication entitled "Sudden Death." Author Joseph C. Furnas mainly wanted to shame negligent drivers. However, based on this article, Detroit plastic surgeon Claire Streit sent specific recommendations to Chrysler in 1937 regarding safety improvements: rubber buttons instead of steel, rounded door handles, etc.

5. Plastic surgery and organ transplantation

Although most people think of transplant procedures as not directly related to plastic surgery, they use many of the same techniques, such as reconstruction and replantation of nerves and tissue. The first successful organ transplant (kidney transplant) was performed by renowned plastic surgeon Joseph E. Murray in 1954. At that time, Murray was already widely known for his successful treatment of patients suffering from burns and various facial deformities.

Dr. Murray subsequently became famous throughout the world and it was he who helped develop the first generation of immunosuppressants in the 1960s. In 1990, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his pioneering work.

6. The first successful hand transplant is the merit of a plastic surgeon

Dr. Warren Breidenbach, director of reconstructive and plastic surgery at Arizona State University, is considered the world's leading authority on hand transplantation. In 1999, he became the first surgeon to successfully perform such an operation.

Patient Matthew Scott had lost his arm in an accident 14 years earlier, and they reattached him with the dead man's arm, and he learned how to use it. Previous attempts (the first dating back to 1964, when immunosuppressive drugs were in their infancy) had resulted in the patient's immune system rejecting the donor arm. Since 1999, Warren Breidenbach has already carried out 85 such operations.

7. "Medical tourism" and plastic surgery

Many people often travel for expensive procedures, including plastic surgery, to countries where the cost of healthcare is more regulated by the government. For example, in countries such as Mexico and Brazil, so-called “medical tourism” is no longer something new. Recently, Dubai and Thailand are also gaining popularity in this regard. In 2013 alone, Thailand generated a whopping $4.3 billion in revenue from foreigners seeking medical care.

8. A lift that does not require surgery

New York plastic surgeon Doug Steinbrech offers facelift procedures without direct surgery. This is achieved thanks to a special device that slowly stretches the skin over three hours (of course, this is done under anesthesia).

Although stitches are still eventually necessary, the treatment lasts only 5 days and costs only $35,000. Another New York City doctor, Doris Day, also demonstrated non-surgical methods that use ultrasound instead of traditional liposuction.

9. Male plastic surgery

Most people tend to think of surgery for cosmetic purposes as a purely feminine “hobby.” But recently, data shows that from 1997 to 2014, the number of men using cosmetic procedures increased by a whopping 273 percent.

In 2012, Baltimore plastic surgeon Eduardo Rodriguez performed the most extensive face transplant in history. His patient was Richard Norris, who attempted suicide in 1997 with a shotgun blast to the face. He had to undergo an almost complete face transplant. Although the result was a little strange, compared to what it was, it is a phenomenal achievement. Rodriguez has since repeated his achievement once again when, in 2015, he gave a new face to firefighter Patrick Hardison, whose face was completely destroyed in a fire.

However, in order to look good, it is not at all necessary to go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. So, you can do it at home using our tips.