Statuses about green eyes. Quotes about green eyes

To the question Quotes about green eyes, please)) asked by the author Julia Glambert the best answer is Eyes. Green eyes.
Turquoise will not replace them,
Emerald will not replace them
Other stones fade here.
Their frankness is so sweet,
They won't be swayed by praise.
You pierced those like an arrow
Who wanted to take sin on the soul.
Eyes like a pool or a net,
And it’s so easy to get into the network,
And before you get into it,

There is a secret in the green eyes.

They have dangerous rays,
Doctors are powerless against them.
He looked and died, on the spot.
Believe me, I experienced it.

There is a fire in my soul from those rays.
Girl with green eyes
He will give me affection and sadness,
She whispers with tender lips,
That she no longer regrets the past,
What is possible in this mortal life,
She's only happy now
She is waiting for ordinary love
And she will appear, believe me!
I'm afraid to scare away her smile,
A flutter of eyelashes - and I’m already in captivity,
I'm going to make a mistake today
And maybe not even one,
I'll be full of passion today
I'll spread my feelings to the heavens
With green eyes I am in complete power,
I will give my all to you...
Girl with green eyes
You come to me in a dream again
And touching tenderly with your hands
You give me tender love.

Reply from Lena Dobrovolskaya-Forever .¦.?[guru]
The devil's green eyes.
You will not find this in the covenant.
The devil has green eyes.
I won’t forget them for anything in the world!
The devil has fire in his eyes.
The fire of hope, strength, creativity.
It seemed to me in his eyes: “Don’t touch me!
I gave my soul to hell to be torn to pieces! "
The devil has green eyes...
A ray of light inadvertently froze in them...
A tear of despair froze in them...
And this Devil was sent to me by God.
"His green eyes"
His green eyes
More tender words excite.
His green eyes...
Like a sea of ​​unfinished dreams...
His green eyes.
I'm drowning in them with joy...
In His green eyes,
Like in a mirror, I love to look...
His green eyes!
I want to see them now.
His green eyes...
And next to them the day is like an hour.
His green eyes...
I can barely breathe next to them...
His green eyes...
I value them very much! .
Arthur Murvanidze
"Your green eyes"
I love your eyes so much
When you look tenderly, clearly,
And even a drop of a tear,
It is not in vain that they are refreshed.
Your gaze leads to the heavens,
I don't understand what's going on
Miracles are happening to me
My soul comes to light.
Your green eyes
They are harbingers of good luck
And the turquoise lights up,
The lights in my soul are different...
Eyes. Green eyes.
Turquoise will not replace them,
Emerald will not replace them
Other stones fade here.
Their frankness is so sweet,
They won't be swayed by praise.
You pierced those like an arrow
Who wanted to take sin on the soul.
Eyes like a pool or a net,
And it’s so easy to get into the network,
And before you get into it,
Think about it! How not to fall apart? !
There is a secret in the green eyes.
No, there is no malice or flattery in them.
They have dangerous rays,
Doctors are powerless against them.
He looked and died, on the spot.
Believe me, I experienced it.
And still, from those very days
There is a fire in my soul from those rays.

“Trouble has green eyes, they won’t forgive, they won’t have mercy, I walk with my head bowed, guilty, hiding my gaze”...
Behind the sparkle of my green eyes are hidden unshed tears.

Reply from Irina Sinyachenko[guru]
Trouble has green eyes...

Reply from Anastasia[guru]
“Because of my green eyes, you call me a witch. You are telling me this for a reason - I took your heart from you.”
“Trouble has green eyes, they won’t forgive, they won’t have mercy, I walk with my head bowed, guilty, hiding my gaze”...
“Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they have chosen.”
“Her eyes were so green that when we met, I only looked into them and realized that she loved me..”
“Blue eye color is somehow naive, brown is ordinary, but green is soulful. You can drown in such eyes.”
[And I still remember her green eyes. Too green.
So green that when she washed off her makeup, I expected the water to turn green(With)]

This page contains Statuses about green eyes, opens this collection - The clock is striking. Everyone. Lec S. E.

The offender is either stronger than you or weaker; if weaker, spare him; if stronger, spare yourself. Lucius Annaeus Seneca (younger)

For any mother, happiness and children are one and the same!

When your dreams are stronger than your fears, they will begin to come true.

I finally learned what separates a man from an animal: money troubles. Jules Renard

He who wants to have friends must be friendly himself; and there is a friend who is more attached than a brother. Old Testament. Proverbs of Solomon

I was born to turn money into dust...

A person uses his brain at %. And a stranger for everything.

The climate in our country is designed to destroy the enemy.

Remember: all people fall into your destiny for a reason. Some bring happiness, while others bring experience.

Be friends with your conscience...

In every struggle, the more powerful, even if he suffers an insult, still, since he is stronger, seems to be the offender. Guy Sallust Crispus

You don't need to have friends, you need to be friends with friends...

When you are young, obey your elders. Menander

You don’t understand anything in life if you don’t understand why a mother frantically waves to her child on every lap of the carousel, just like he does to her, by the way. W. Tammeus

The soul makes a circle of inevitability, alternately putting on first one life and then another. Pythagoras

Accept the fact that sometimes you are a dove and sometimes you are a statue. Doyle Brunson

If you are trusted, do not deceive even a villain. Hong Zichen

After a vile betrayal there is always a feeling that you are alone in the whole world.

Why is it that a lame person does not annoy us, but a mentally lame person annoys us? Because the lame person realizes that we walk upright, and the mentally lame person claims that it is not he, but we, who are lame. Pascal Blaise

Women's and men's dreams are similar only in that they do not come true due to the fault of the opposite sex.

Judging by my lack of sleep, I am neither a night owl nor a morning person. I'm a crank bear.

Whatever you teach, keep it short. Horace

The ABC teaches that among the consonants there are many deaf ones.

People do not change much, they only play the necessary role for a while for the sake of their interests.

Not being greedy is already wealth, not being wasteful is income. Cicero

It's easy to play with a girl's heart when she loves, but this is the most vile baseness.

The bull walks, sways, sighs as he walks... and suddenly he turns into Nikita Dzhigurda!

You meet a lot of people in life, but only a few of them are worthy. So in the mountains there are a lot of all kinds of stones. There are only a few precious ones.

He who wants to have a friend without faults remains without friends. Bias

Smiling makes your teeth defenseless.

You need to get to know a person very closely to see that he is a complete stranger to you.

Never stop smiling, even when you're sad, because someone might fall in love with your smile.

With an honest husband, the wife herself becomes honest. Sachs Hans

There is nothing more colorless than the character of a spineless person. Jean de La Bruyère

I live now, there will be no second life! So I arrange it the way I want!

It seems to many that our offspring are a beast of burden that is ready to shoulder any load. Disraeli B.

When the owner of the ship, Lampidas, was asked what it was like for him to acquire wealth, he replied: Great wealth is easy, but little money is difficult. Lampid

The alarm clock is annoying in any case: both when it rang and when it didn’t ring...

The rich always learn, and the poor know everything!

Failure to understand the reasons for a woman’s resentment does not relieve a man of responsibility.

A wonderful thing is communication with a sage. Aristophanes

If the world were good place, we wouldn't cry at birth.

The dog barks, the caravan moves on.

A woman needs love, and a man needs a woman. Wolf Vondracek

For everyone who reaches the pinnacle of power, at first the eyes seem to be covered with fog. Publius Cornelius Tacitus

Christ is risen! - just two words, but how much grace there is in them! We are again illuminated with unearthly bliss in your hearts.

There is nothing that cannot be overcome with hard work. Giordano Bruno

The weakness of force is that it believes only in force. Paul Valéry

Every day you need to do something that scares you. Eleanor Roosevelt

Do not follow immoderate desires, but do not suppress all desires. Ancient India, unknown author

Just set yourself achievable goals. Horace Quintus Horace Flaccus

Life is too short to waste it on short relationships.

The surest way to win the love of others is to give them your love. Jean-Jacques Rousseau.

Work, as it were, creates a kind of calloused barrier against pain. Cicero Marcus Tullius

And the final statement in this list of Statuses about green eyes - It is better to be a slave to a loved one than to be free to an unloved one. E. Bern.

Only cheap people name their price! And this gossip behind my back doesn’t bother me... After all, I know that I am truly priceless and it’s only with the look of my green eyes that I sparkle furiously...

And I still think she’s amazing beautiful eyes. So green that even the cats were jealous as they followed her with their gaze.

- Wow, eyes... - What do you mean? - Green... - Did you like it? – That’s not what I’m talking about... It just seems to me that green tint makes them more mysterious and responsive than all others...

I fell in love with a guy with icy green eyes and a not always smart expression on his face... But he’s the only one who occupies all my thoughts now...

Best status:
People with green eyes seem to me the embodiment of tenderness. They know how to sincerely love and be desperately true to their feelings...

Jump into the pool of my eyes, into the very green, to the depths... And perhaps at the very bottom you will be able to find a rare pearl. Just handle it carefully - this is my soul.

He smells fresh and vanilla, loves to watch movies in funny socks and repeats quotes about love. And she loves dark chocolate and green tea, because it is the same color as his eyes...

And when I cry, my eyes seem to burn with a bright green flame.

- Darling, your green polish doesn’t go with anything! - You're wrong! - And why? - To his eyes...

Your green eyes have captivated my heart for a long time

We are together again)) I love you my green-eyed baby: *I am the happiest)

Look into the eyes for a few seconds, you know how the soul is visible through...

Behind the sparkle of my green eyes are hidden unshed tears.

Mmm, what eyes... -Which ones? - Green... - Do you like them? -Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others...

I am drowning in the azure water of the ocean of your painfully close eyes.

Your green eyes are the color of summer! ABOUT MY EYES!;))

I love my green-eyed boy very much.. but I haven’t seen him for 3 weeks.. I don’t know what to do.. eh! Love..

White skin – White hair – Green eyes - black soul!!!

Don't think I'm not crazy. I'm just sick of the green-eyed boy.

Your eyes are a wonderful green garden. I am glad to be reflected in them...

IN Blue eyes fall in love! And the green ones make people go crazy!

Do you have green eyes? - Yes, what? - Dangerous... - Why? - They say that if you fall in love with a green-eyed woman, you will never stop loving..

Her eyes are green...she is in love...painfully tortured...and maybe for the better..

There is a smile in the soul, a smile on the lips, and only cruel eyes the color of strong green tea that look into the soul...

I will always remember this phrase, I old man said: “Eyes that have never cried cannot be beautiful”

his green eyes... so familiar. I was waiting to meet them, and when I saw them, I drowned until he hugged me - taking away the opportunity to look at them. into his eyes:*

All I need now is the look of your green eyes...

I will not forget your green eyes as long as I live in this world, I will always dream about them and will remember and love them.

I dissolve in your green eyes, in your smile, in your gentle voice, I shudder from your touch...

Her eyes were so green that when we met, I only looked into them and realized that she loved me..

dark-haired, cute, with green eyes...toilet trained...would someone take you in? =)

Those eyes that look deepest into people's hearts are those who cried the most...

You can drown in blue eyes... like in the sea, and in brown eyes you can feel freshness... like on a summer day and only GREEN eyes can be loved without words... with your heart!

I love guys with green eyes and if they are blonde)) just handsome))

Fell in love with green eyes... What a pity that my love is hindered by a yellow ring

A girl with porcelain gray-green eyes, somewhere in them a drop of tenderness is hidden. Yes, and by the way, I believe in love.. on weekends..

That's what everyone says about my happiness brown eyes... Break off my Greens

Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely and passionately. And they are distinguished by their loyalty to the one they chose.

I look into your green eyes... I look and melt, but I won’t take it all back. Yes, proud! Yes, I am like that!

What beautiful green eyes you have... Just like my knees as a child.

We're just playing... We've been falling asleep on different sides of the world for a long time... You're there, I'm here, it's so difficult to meet... But it's already impossible to forget your green eyes! Forgive me, baby, let's play at love... And then different beds Let's run away again!

He goes, tearing yellow sheets, and in his green eyes there is emptiness, because he only needs you, and it doesn’t matter even if you have a cool disposition.

Eyes the color of emerald green moss, sprinkled with rain, forever hidden from sunlight, keeping many mysteries and secrets.

She can spend hours looking at the silent clouds melting in the reflection of her green eyes... She can just say “it’s all over” and leave... Just like that... It’s impossible to hold her...

You should be wary of green eyes; you never know what they might be lying about.

Where are you looking?? -Into the sky.-And what did you see there?-His unimaginably beautiful eyes are bluish-green..

there is melancholy in her soul, and a smile on her face, her green bottomless eyes hide the fact that at night she dreams of fake laughter, but a real tear.

Just once you look into those beautiful green eyes... you won't be able to live without them...

Numerous brown-eyed ones simply intoxicated me for a while, rare blue-eyed ones intoxicated me for a month, but this green-eyed one captivated my heart for the rest of my life...

I really love my dark green-eyed prince in a black Audi))

She is walking down the street. Her fluffy long hair the wind plays, passers-by look into her incredibly beautiful green eyes, snowflakes play on her long thick eyelashes. All the guys are ready to kill each other for her. And he’s the only one who doesn’t care.

Today he looked at me with his green eyes, and everything inside me broke...

this beloved and unforgettable aroma of your perfume... this forever learned and painfully familiar number... these gray-green are charming...but you are only my most beloved friend...

An invitation to flirt is written with your eyes.

The longer you look into honest eyes, the more difficult it is to tear your gaze away from the mirror.

Deeper than the ocean, purer than a drop of dew, more evil than a hurricane, your eyes, the wind carries away sadness and I’m not afraid of anything when I look into your eyes.

Large, slightly slanted eyes drawn up to the temples, green as the first grass...

Then someone wrote: “I don’t drink green tea, it doesn’t match the color of my eyes.” But my eyes are blue, so what should I do now?

He only recently saw her, and looking into her green eyes he saw her soul, yes, exactly her soul, completely open to him.

After all, she didn’t even like him... but his green eyes captivated her... he played enough and left... and she... and she is quietly dying... now... without him...

Green eyes are fire bright stars in the night there is a flicker, a gentle half-tone of passion and silent adoration...

Green eyes are found in fools or crazy people.

Your friends sighed for me, their girls were resting. My green eyes only always frightened you! Yes, I am a witch, yes I am evil, but there are others. Just know, my dear, that you made me like this...

[...under the anesthesia of his green eyes I fall into euphoria...]

Statuses about green eyes - Green eyes are cold, as if carved from impenetrable stone.

Statuses about eyes. People have been trying to unravel the meaning of green eyes for many centuries; at one time green eyes were considered an attribute exclusively of witches, at other times - of brave knights. And what do her (his) eyes hide?

and one of my friends has eyes different colors... one is brown, the other is green =D and the other changes)) there are gray, brown, blue and emerald green))

The poison of yours is strongest in your eyes, the green eyes in which the light of my soul has gone out.

Now it’s hard to believe that I once looked into his beautiful green eyes, felt his warm breath, warmed my hands with his warmth, and was simply happy...

A girl with green eyes, She will give me affection and sadness, She whispers with tender lips, That she no longer regrets the past, That it is possible in this mortal life, She is happy only now, She is waiting for ordinary love And it will appear, believe me!

Looking into Your Gentle Green Eyes and Tasting Your Look, I'm Immersed In Lung condition Euphoria And Ecstasy...

you recognize his gait: his hands are always in his pockets... you recognize his smile: two dimples on his cheeks... you recognize his eyes: green with long eyelashes... you recognize his amazing phrase: “beloved wife!”

Crocodile Gena opened a grocery store, Cheburashka comes and asks: -Gen, sell me 300g of salt. -I only have 1 kg each, let me show you the rash? -Fuck yourself, you green lizard!

his gray-green eyes burned through my heart..

there is melancholy in her soul, and a smile on her face, her green bottomless eyes hide the fact that at night she dreams of fake laughter, but a real tear.

Green eyes. Why not a business card?

Eyes speak more than words, so when it hurts, we turn away.

Because of my green eyes, you call me a witch, you’re telling me this in vain, I can really do magic...

And next to her is the one who knows no resentment and betrayal... The one who will be there, even if there is no one else besides her... Tenderness and loyalty in green eyes...

My life is divided, I cannot say what my green eyes say.

Prostitutes are used for cars and money. And I'm falling for green eyes...

Your misfortune will have my green eyes...

-Have you seen her eyes? - Well, yes, I saw it. Green, so beautiful... - And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, the bastard...

Your green-eyed one, with eternally cold palms...

I want to wake up next to you, look tenderly into your green eyes, hold your hand and know that you will always be by my side.

Green eyes will show shades of grassy emerald, and their calm light...

Green eyes - fire... Signaling us about something secret... Calling - but saying “Don’t touch me!” Alluring, powerful and frightening...

Happiness... Waking up from your kisses, feeling the gaze of your beloved green eyes... And knowing that you are only mine. I love you!

Looking just once, for a moment, into these green eyes, you will understand that you can fall in love with them without memory.

green eyes, snow-white smile, dimples... I live in your dreams..))

I look into your green eyes... I look and melt, but I won’t take it all back. Yes, proud! Yes, I am like that!

Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose.

They say that “You can like gray eyes... you can fall in love with blue eyes... and only brown ones can drive you crazy!” I just have one question... - What should I do with the green ones?

green eyes, dark hair, beautiful smile, cheerful laughter, lips in a bow, cute jokes, cold hands, boiling blood, affectionate phrases, pure soul!

I want a lot of green gouache like your eyes... to paint all the wallpaper in the house and die of happiness...))

An Italian should be tanned, black-haired with green eyes, and you are pathetic fakes))

And they parted: the girl in her dreams, and the guy with sadness in his green eyes. He remembered her tender lips, the warmth, her smile, and her beauty. He remembered her unobtrusive laughter, and her eyes, clear eyes, expressive sparkle.

Your green eyes, the colors of summer

God, how I adore green-eyed brunettes. Well, you can have blondes, but the main thing is that they have green eyes!

And everyone still remembers my green eyes. Too green... so green that when I wash off my makeup, everyone expects the water to turn green...

green eyes are the most beautiful)

God, how I adore green-eyed brunettes. Well, you can have blondes, but the main thing is that they have green eyes!

Have you seen her eyes? -Well, yes, I saw it. Green, so beautiful... -And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, the bastard...

There is a laugh in the soul, a smile on the lips, and only cruel eyes the color of strong green tea that look into the soul..

Your beautiful green eyes. They look sadly in my direction. What a pity that I can’t hug you. At least I gave you my soul...

Friday. More recently, this day was associated with passion, joy, and your green eyes. And now with a mug of hot coffee and a monitor screen.

hmm... my friend has the color of autumn (gray-blue), the guy has the color of spring (green-blue), my friend has the color of chocolate (dark brown), and I have the color of childish surprise. conclusion: my life is shit..

When you don't take your eyes off a woman, she becomes prettier before your eyes.

  • They say that “You can like gray can fall in love with blue eyes...and only brown ones can drive you crazy!” I just have one question... - What should I do with the green ones?
  • Green eyes - fire... Signaling us about something secret... Calling - but saying “Don’t touch me!” Alluring, powerful and frightening...
  • The poison of yours is strongest in your eyes, the green eyes in which the light of my soul has gone out.
  • I look into your green eyes... I look and melt, but I won’t take it all back. Yes, proud! Yes, I am like that!
  • Your beautiful green eyes. They look sadly in my direction. What a pity that I can’t hug you. At least I gave you my soul...
  • -Mmm, what eyes... -Which ones? - Green... - Do you like them? -Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others... -
  • She can spend hours looking at the silent clouds melting in the reflection of her green eyes... She can simply say “it’s all over” and leave... Just like that... It’s impossible to hold her...
  • An Italian should be tanned, black-haired with green eyes, and you are pathetic fakes)))))
  • Everyone says my happiness has brown eyes... Break off my green eyes
  • You should be wary of green eyes; you never know what they might be lying about.
  • Large, slightly slanted eyes drawn up to the temples, green as the first grass...
  • -Have you seen her eyes? -Well, yes, I saw it. Green, so beautiful... -And I saw in them how she cries at night because of you, the bastard...
  • God, how I adore green-eyed brunettes. Well, you can have blondes, but the main thing is that they have green eyes!
  • Green eyes are found in fools or crazy people.
  • Your green eyes have captivated my heart for a long time
  • There is a laugh in the soul, a smile on the lips, and only cruel eyes the color of strong green tea that look into the soul..
  • Green eyes are cold, as if carved from impenetrable stone.
  • And I still remember her green eyes. Too green. So green that when she washed off her makeup, I expected the water to turn green.
  • Green eyes - fire, bright stars twinkling in the night, gentle half-tone passion and silent adoration...
  • Looking just once, for a moment, into these green eyes, you will understand that you can fall in love with them without memory.
  • Because of my green eyes, you call me a witch, you’re telling me this in vain, I can really do magic...
  • What beautiful green eyes you have... Just like my knees as a child.
  • Behind the sparkle of my green eyes are hidden unshed tears.
  • Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose.
  • Green eyes. Why not a business card?
  • Her eyes are green...she is in love...painfully tortured...and maybe for the better...
  • Green eyes will show shades of grassy emerald, and their calm light...
  • Prostitutes are used for cars and money. And I'm falling for green eyes.....
  • Your eyes are a wonderful green garden. I am glad to be reflected in them. ... -
  • Quotes about green eyes - She liked his eyes - their irises consisted of orange and green specks, surprisingly distinct in sunlight. (Ian McEwan)
  • Your trouble will have my green eyes...
  • They say that gray eyes they might like it... they might fall in love with the blue ones... and only go crazy over the brown ones... I have one question: what should I do with the green ones? :)
  • She is walking down the street. The wind plays with her fluffy long hair, passers-by look into her incredibly beautiful green eyes, snowflakes play on her long thick eyelashes. All the guys are ready to kill each other for her. And he’s the only one who doesn’t care.
  • Women's eyes are always beautiful, no matter what color they are.
  • Green-eyed people are tenderness itself. They always love sincerely, passionately and are distinguished by their loyalty to those they choose.
  • Friday. More recently, this day was associated with passion, joy, and your green eyes. And now with a mug of hot coffee and a monitor screen.
  • - Mmm, what eyes... - What kind? - Green... - Do you like them? - Not really! They are just a little more beautiful and kinder than others...
  • There is a smile in the soul, a smile on the lips, and only cruel eyes the color of strong green tea that look into the soul...
  • She can spend hours looking at the silent clouds melting in the reflection of her green eyes... She can simply say “it’s all over” and leave... Just like that... It’s impossible to hold her...
  • I'm not crazy... I'm just a sick brown-haired guy with green eyes)))
  • God, how I adore green-eyed brunettes. Well, you can have blondes, but the main thing is that they have green eyes!
  • - And your eyes are similar. - How? After all, I have brown ones, and he has green ones... - They are equally in love.
  • The poison of yours is strongest in your eyes, the green eyes in which the light of my soul has gone out.
  • And I still imagine her stunningly beautiful eyes. So green that even the cats were jealous as they followed her with their gaze.
  • Look into her green eyes And what will you see then? Love that does not warm her... A dream that she does not believe in, Or ordinary melancholy, which sometimes kills...
  • People with green eyes seem to me the embodiment of tenderness. They know how to sincerely love and be desperately true to their feelings.
  • Because of my green eyes, you call me a witch, you’re telling me this in vain, I can really do magic...
  • Jump into the pool of my eyes, into the very green, to the depths... And perhaps at the very bottom you will be able to find a rare pearl. Just handle it carefully - this is my soul.
  • White skin – White hair – Green eyes – Black soul!
  • She smells like rain and caramel, watches movies in funny slippers and quotes phrases about love. She loves tea and milk chocolate, is crazy about green eyes and good fairy tales.
  • Her eyes were so green that when we met, I only looked into them and realized that she loved me.
  • He smells fresh and vanilla, loves to watch movies in funny socks and repeats quotes about love. And she loves dark chocolate and green tea because it is the same color as his eyes...
  • Green eyes. Why not a business card?
  • Your eyes are a wonderful green garden. I am glad to be reflected in them...
  • And when I cry, my eyes seem to burn with a bright green flame.
  • A girl with green eyes... dreamy, beautiful, sincere, playful... loves coffee, vanilla dreams, rain, spring and that romance that she misses so much...
  • Behind the sparkle of my green eyes are hidden unshed tears.
  • Girl with green eyes, you resemble a dragonfly. You and I don’t yet know ourselves, That I will take you away from everyone.
  • Your green eyes are the color of summer!