How to use essential oils and plants to improve sleep. Essential oils for good sleep - lavender comes first


There are many tips on how to deal with insomnia. Here and walks on fresh air, And warm baths for the feet, and pleasant relaxing music. However, if all this does not bring the desired success, you can seek help from aromatherapy and the use of essential oils.

Essential oils for sleep have been used since ancient times.

Experts from the field of Ayurveda never cease to claim that aroma oils and ethers should become common remedies for insomnia, because in terms of the degree of influence they have on the body, they are not comparable with any other drug.

In addition, these are completely natural products that are not harmful to health. Possible contraindications may include only individual intolerance and allergic reactions. In addition, some of them are not recommended for use by women during pregnancy.

How to choose?

Essential oils need to be chosen correctly, based on the problem itself. So, to solve various sleep disorders it is necessary different types products:

  • will help you fall asleep faster: myrrh, and cypress;
  • if sleep is restless, intermittent, or if you are tormented by “nightmares,” then it is better to give preference to lavender, chamomile oil and;
  • when you can't relax after have a hard day, you can use flat-leaved.

Aroma oils can be used externally, for massage, added to cosmetics, used when taking baths, etc., or internally, a few drops half an hour before bedtime.

Massage to improve sleep

Massage using special oils is best done in the evening or just before bed. It is recommended to perform self-massage in the ear area. In this case, any of the listed oils is selected. The composition is applied to the tip of the little finger, which is then gently massaged inner surface ear.

Massage of the feet, temples, etc. is quite effective. Some people prefer facial or collar massage. It is important to understand exactly what type of massage leads to maximum relaxation in your case.

The massage oil recipe is quite simple. The base is sesame, corn or olive oil.. The volume of the base composition is no more than 10 ml. Next, a few drops of essential oil of one or more types are added to it.

Compositions from:

  • geranium – 2, patchouli – 3, chamomile – 4 drops;
  • lavender – 2, myrrh – 1, juniper – 3 drops;
  • chamomile – 3, lavender – 2 drops;
  • rosemary – 1, ginger – 3 drops;
  • basil – 1, lavender – 2, orange – 1 drop.

For a back massage, it is better to choose either lavender. Rose and valerian products also performed well. When performing a foot massage, you can choose rosemary or pine.

Aromatherapy for insomnia

An excellent remedy is aromatherapy for sleep. With its help you can get rid of insomnia once and for all. Plus, it's always nice to enjoy the wonderful aromas of essential oils.

The same oils are used to improve sleep. The difference is that the composition is poured into an aroma lamp, which is placed in the bedroom. It is also possible to impregnate pillows or blankets with a few drops of the substance. IN winter period the oil can be applied to a damp piece of cloth and placed on the battery - aromatic remedy will slowly evaporate, creating the atmosphere necessary for sound sleep.

The most common combinations of oils used in aromatherapy to improve sleep are chamomile and ylang-ylang, or chamomile and lavender.

If the cause of insomnia is excessive nervous tension or irritability, then the aroma of peppermint, as well as jasmine or rose will help you relax. It is allowed to use an aromatic composition of oils: cedar, sandalwood, bergamot, rose. Some people prefer to add another flavor here - basil.

When the cause of sleep disturbances lies in nightmares, it is recommended to use valerian oil in combination with lemon balm and rose. Also, aromatic oils will help cope with unpleasant dreams: petitgrain, dill, lemon balm. They can be used either in combination with each other or separately, refilling the aroma lamp.

Impregnation of pillows

One of the following will help you fall asleep faster the most ancient ways use of aromatic oils. A few drops of the composition are applied to the bed linen or to the pillow itself. For this, the preferred combinations of oils are:

  • cedar, rose and lavender - one drop each;
  • ylang-ylang – 1, lavender – 2, chamomile – 1 drop.

If you are afraid that you will not like the aroma and the pillow will be ruined, then applying the composition to an ordinary handkerchief, which will lie at the head of the bed, will be sufficient.

Oral use

Before taking the oil internally, make sure there are no allergic reactions to its composition. For this method application is better suited . 3-5 drops of the composition are dripped onto a piece of refined sugar and dissolved in the mouth until completely dissolved.

By resorting to this procedure half an hour to an hour before going to bed, you can improve your sleep and get rid of anxiety.

Baths to improve sleep

Baths with essential oils help you relax and get into a good mood, sound sleep.

  • add to the bath or chamomile at the rate of 5 drops of the substance per 10 liters warm water. Just 15-20 minutes of this procedure will give you a healthy, sound sleep;
  • Benzoin oil is added to water, 5-8 drops per 10 liters. Such a bath will help get rid of anxiety and relieve nervous tension;
  • a combination of lavender and ylang-ylang oils (4 drops of each per 10 liters of warm water with previously dissolved in it sea ​​salt) will not only help you relax, but also improve the condition of your skin.

If you use aromatic oils correctly, the benefits of their use will not take long to arrive.

If you have sleep disorders, you can use essential oils. The necessary effect is provided by massage, inhalation, baths, aromatherapy, internal use natural remedies. Essential oils for insomnia have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system, normalize the emotional background, and allow you to get rid of stressful and obsessive states.

Insomnia can be combated using aromatherapy methods. The method is effective and safe, its implementation allows you to eliminate the disorders present in the body. Development risk side effects, which is accompanied drug treatment, is absent in this case.

Aroma oils are natural remedies that have an exceptional effect on the body positive impact. When choosing them, one must take into account possible contraindications– allergic reactions, individual intolerance, pregnancy. It is useful to combine the use of aromatic oils with walks in the fresh air, listening to relaxing music, and warm foot baths.

Effective means for healthy sleep

Oils that help you sleep include:

The choice of aromatic oils is made taking into account the problem that caused insomnia. This approach always leads to achieving positive result. Various violations sleep can be eliminated by using certain means:

  • to quickly fall asleep, you should use cypress, juniper, mandarin, orange, myrrh or cedar tree oil;
  • if after a busy day you want to relax, vanilla bean will help with this task;
  • when you can't get a good night's sleep because of nightmares or restless sleep, best choice– neroli, chamomile and lavender oils.

How to regain sound sleep?

Healthy sleep is possible by using properly selected natural products. Their effect is enhanced by additional procedures, for example, rubbing in lavender and chamomile oils. Warm aromatic baths also have a calming effect on the body. It is useful to take them daily for 10-15 minutes.

Continuous use of oils cannot exceed two weeks. Trying different options, everyone must find their own means. You should understand that not all disorders can be eliminated on your own; some of them require seeing a doctor.

Getting ready for bed

Closer to night, emotional excitement and any type of activity should be kept to a minimum. It is not recommended to read, eat a large dinner, drink a lot of liquid - all this only hinders healthy sleep. Regular ventilation of the room and wet cleaning, a not too soft bed, and a light blanket will contribute to a better night's rest.

Motherwort, valerian, and other sedatives should not be taken before bed. Their use is allowed in extreme cases. Systematic insomnia is a serious disorder. It is impossible to eliminate it on your own; treatment must be carried out by a specialist.

Ways to get rid of insomnia

Massage, aromatherapy, the use of essential oils, and their use in baths are not all options for improving night rest. It is possible to choose not only the appropriate aroma oil, but also the optimal ways to use it. Everyone has their own method of normalizing sleep.


It is useful to undergo such a procedure ears, collar area, whiskey, feet. Back massage is very useful. Any is suitable natural remedy from those previously listed.

As massage oil a composition of several components is used. Ear massage is performed with the little finger using gentle movements. It is worth determining the appropriate version of the procedure and performing it as necessary.


Aromatherapy is very popular for insomnia. It involves inhaling the pleasant aromas of essential oils. They can be used to impregnate a pillow, blanket, or scarf placed at the head of the bed for adding to the aroma lamp.

In winter, it is allowed to apply a soothing composition to the battery. The resulting vapors promote relaxation and provide quality rest. Great option compositions for aromatherapy - a combination of lavender, ylang-ylang and chamomile oils.

Internal use

With full confidence in the absence of allergies essential oils for sleep they are used not only externally, but also internally. Basically, they take lavender oil (3-5 drops) applied to refined sugar. A piece of sugar is placed in the mouth and sucked until dissolved.

This method of combating insomnia is implemented before bed, like other options for eliminating the problem. Sugar with essential oil, taken 1 hour before going to bed, guarantees complete night rest. Anxiety quickly disappears and is replaced by sound sleep.

Relaxing baths

By taking warm water in the evening, you can ensure your daily good rest. There are different recipes, based on the use of several compositions. Usually 4-8 drops of the product are used per 10 liters of water.

It is important that the water is warm, but not hot. The result will be stress relief, relaxation and wonderful sleep. The effect of using baths will not take long to arrive.

Anyone can experience insomnia or sleep disturbance. In most cases the problem is fixed drug therapy, but there is a safer, natural way.

Essential oils used for insomnia for many years. Using the product you can speed up the process of going to bed. It should be noted that not every oil is suitable for the treatment of sleep disorders, because esters have unique properties, so you need to know which broadcast to give preference to.

If a person experiences restless sleep and often wakes up, it is better to choose the following types of oil:

  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • jasmine;
  • cedar;
  • juniper;
  • tangerine;
  • orange;
  • benzoin.

When a person is experiencing anxiety or stress, which makes it difficult to sleep, it is necessary to choose the following oil:

  • ylang-ylang;
  • neroli;
  • roses;
  • incense;
  • Vanilla flatleaf;
  • sandalwood;
  • sweet marjoram.

Soothing baths for children and adults

Taking a bath with ether will ensure sound sleep and eliminate anxiety. The right essential oil will help relieve your child from insomnia.

If you follow certain rules, the aroma bath will help you relax and fall asleep quickly:

  • It is better to carry out the procedure with the lights off; you can place small, unscented candles around the bathroom. Light music and sounds of nature will help you relax faster.
  • In order to fall asleep really quickly, you need to choose an oil with your favorite aroma. Oil can have different effects on human body, so it’s better to choose the ether with the most pleasant aroma.
  • Bathing water should be warm, but not hot.
  • Before adding oil to water, it must be mixed with emulsifiers (milk, honey, cream). Pure oil does not dissolve in water; it can cause burns, allergic reaction in contact with the body.
  • Carry out the procedure for 10 minutes. After bathing, rinse your child clean water. Shampoo, cream, use unscented to cosmetic product did not interrupt the aroma of the oil.
  • After the procedure, wipe the skin dry.

External use of oils

  • Essential oils for sleep can be used externally. You will need to rub 1 drop of oil into your temples and wrists. These points of the body are the warmest and increase blood circulation, so the ether will spread throughout the body much faster. If external use is not suitable, you need to soak cotton wool in oil and place it in or under a pillow.
  • Children, like most adults, often don't want to wake up in the morning. To quickly wake up a child, you can use mint and citrus essential oils. There is no need to apply it to the skin, you just need to inhale a little oil, and the product guarantees quick awakening and vigor.

Precautions when using essential oils

When using essential oils against insomnia, you need to follow some rules:

  • Before using any ether, you must check for allergies to the product. To do this, apply 1 drop of ether to back side hands. If the product does not cause any irritation, then it can be safely used.
  • If ether is used for the first time to combat insomnia, then it is better to use it on the last working day before the weekend. Some esters affect people differently, and when misuse may have the opposite result. As a result, the next morning a person simply will not be able to wake up or will not get enough sleep at all.
  • For people who are conducting an aromatherapy session for the first time, experts do not recommend immediately using aromatic mixtures for treatment. It's better to start with one type of oil.
  • When purchasing oil, you need to be as careful as possible so as not to buy a fake or synthesized product.
  • Please read the instructions supplied with the product carefully to avoid negative impact on the body.

Healing mixtures against insomnia

  • 2 drops geranium, 3 drops patchouli, 4 drops chamomile;
  • 2 drops lavender, 1 drop myrrh, 3 drops juniper;
  • 3 drops chamomile, 2 drops lavender;
  • 1 drop rosemary, 3 drops ginger;
  • 1 drop basil, 2 drops lavender, 1 drop orange.

Contraindications when using sleep oils

You need to use aromatic oils with caution, because they have some contraindications:

  • esters are not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • You can treat children with essential oils only after consulting a doctor;
  • hypotension – direct contraindication to the use of the product;
  • diabetes mellitus excludes the use of esters;
  • oils cannot be used for cancer;
  • epilepsy attacks exclude the use of ethers;
  • aroma oils should not be used by people suffering from asthma;
  • individual intolerance is a direct contraindication to the use of oils;
  • people with excessive sensitive skin You should choose esters carefully so that they do not leave a burn.

Essential oils will help strengthen and improve sleep. The product has been used for many years to treat insomnia.

If you use the oil correctly and do not exceed the dosage, there will be no side effects, and your sleep will be healthy and sound.

For a long time, people have used plant aromas to calm and improve sleep. In the East aromatic incense treated the beds. Avicenna recommended for better sleep inhale the aroma of fresh chamomile flowers. In Ukraine, pillows were stuffed with thyme grass.

Pillows with herbs

Herbal pillows with herbal mixtures selected for the treatment of various diseases, including insomnia, can be found on sale. But you can make them yourself. To do this, you need to stock up on fragrant plants. The composition of the collection for a good sleep may include leaves of male fern, noble laurel, hazel (hazel), mint, geranium, oregano, rose petals, lavender herb, thyme, hop cones, juniper. If you collected herbs yourself, then remember that the plants must be dried very quickly, avoiding overdrying, and stored in cloth bags.

Here are some plant combinations for stuffing pillows:

1. Laurel and fern 1:1.
2. Laurel, fern, hops 1:2:3.
3. Fern, hops, laurel, mint 3:2:2:1.

Small herbal pillows can be placed on heating radiators in winter to scent the air in the bedroom. Can be hemmed under a regular pillow for several months. Or you can simply place 2-3 small pillows at the head of the bed. You can do without pillows, because they are soothing and hypnotic effect has the aroma of dry valerian root or laurel sprigs, which should be placed at the head of the bed.

Essential oils

Essential oils of lavender, orange, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, rosemary, hyssop, basil, juniper, lemon wormwood, and neroli can improve sleep. These oils should be used before going to bed. They can be added to the bath, used for massage biologically active points, aromatize the room (5-10 drops depending on the size of the bedroom), add to the already mentioned aromatic pads. Possible options compositions of essential oils (in drops): 1) orange, lavender, neroli, rose or ylang-ylang - 4 each, sandalwood - 3; 2) neroli, sandalwood, ylang-ylang - 2 each, lavender - 4. If desired, you can change the combination of oils by adding essential oils of orange, bergamot, grapefruit, and also change the dosage down.


Before going to bed, to relieve general stress at the end of the working day, you need to take a bath with the addition of 5-7 drops of a mixture of lavender, lemon, rose in a ratio of 2:1:2 or rose, orange, fir, sandalwood, lemon in a ratio of 2:2: 1:1:1.


If you don't feel like taking a bath, then have a relaxing massage with aromatic oils. To prepare massage oil, add to 100 ml vegetable oil-basis 20 drops of one of the above two mixtures or a mixture of the following oils: 4 drops each of sandalwood, orange and lemon, 2 drops of geranium, 6 drops of lavender.

Air aromatization

At for various reasons insomnia

If you are emotionally agitated and cannot fall asleep for a long time, place filter paper near your bed and apply 3-4 drops of a mixture of rose, sandalwood and lavender essential oils in a 2:1:1 ratio. You can drop 1-2 drops of ylang-ylang or lavender oil directly onto your pillow.

Essential oils of rosemary, lavender, lemon, patchouli, and ylang-ylang will help relieve nervous tension and irritation. For baths and massages, use the following mixture of essential oils (in drops): rosemary - 4, lavender - 2, lemon - 2. Composition (in drops) for aromatizing the room: lemon - 2, patchouli - 2, ylang-ylang - 1, lavender - 2.

In case of stress and overwork, essential oils of lavender, geranium, basil, lemon wormwood, orange, sage, ylang-ylang, neroli, bergamot, rosemary will come to the rescue.

A mixture of essential oils for bath (in drops): lavender - 3, neroli - 2, rose - 1, bergamot - 2; or lavender - 4, lemon - 3, geranium - 1.

In stressful situations good action inhales essential oils from the bottle.

Try this unusual bath. Dissolve 5 g mummy in 0.5 l boiled water. Pour water at a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius into the bath and pour the mummy solution into the water. Add 3-4 drops of rose, 2 drops of lavender and 3 drops of fir essential oils to the bath. The duration of the bath is 15–30 minutes after work and the next morning. The course of treatment is 20 baths every other day.

Massage oil - add a mixture of essential oils (in drops) to 50 ml of vegetable oil: lavender - 5, bergamot - 3, rose - 3, rosemary - 3.

Be careful: essential oils may cause an allergic reaction or individual intolerance. Therefore, before using them, it is advisable to conduct a tolerance test.

Quite often there are publications about the benefits of essential oils. In particular, many aromatics can influence the quality of our sleep. But not all of them - in positive side. What smells will relieve us of insomnia, and which ones, on the contrary, should be avoided? Let's turn to the recommendations of aromatherapy specialists.

Lavender scent

Experts say that the aroma of lavender stimulates special alpha waves in the brain, which allow a person to relax and fall asleep quickly. Moreover, he will sleep peacefully, without waking up in the middle of the night.

Smell of vanilla

The smell of vanilla, although it seems quite “aggressive,” actually gives a feeling of peace and security, relieves fatigue and overwork.

Linden scent

Has a mild calming effect. It is good to inhale its scent just before going to bed.

Melissa scent

The aroma of lemon balm is useful for those who have experienced stress during the day. After all, after stressful situations We often cannot fall asleep for a long time. This smell will help you get back to normal and go to bed without any problems.

Mint flavor

Famous sedative. Having inhaled the aroma of mint, you will sleep peacefully and deeply.

The smell of geranium

The scent of geranium is soothing nervous system and not only strengthens sleep, but also helps get rid of nightmares.

For those who have difficulty falling asleep, we can recommend the oil orange, cedar, tangerine, juniper, myrrh And cypress. Oil will help with restless sleep lavender, neroli, chamomile And incense. Oil Vanilla flatifolia will promote complete relaxation.

But it’s better not to use these scents before bed.

Jasmine is an irritant

The scent of jasmine sends beta waves to the brain, which irritates the nervous system and arouses painful sensitivity. As a result, we may find it difficult to fall asleep and may also become upset at the slightest thing.


The smell of grapefruit makes sleep restless. In addition, it can cause feelings of fear during sleep and contribute to nightmares.

Lemon invigorates

The lemon scent itself is not harmful, but it is more invigorating than calming. It is better to inhale it in the morning after sleep to quickly perk up.

How to use aromatic oils?

There are special aroma lamps into which oil is poured. Nowadays there are also scented candles on sale in various scents. By the way, after lighting, the smell of such a candle may not dissipate for a long time.

You can also drop oil on a regular light bulb. When it lights up, the room will be filled with ethereal vapors. You can drip aroma oil onto clothes, carpets, sofas, and other objects, but this is not always appropriate, and such a smell can disappear quite quickly.

However, not everyone likes to use essential oils. Can also be brewed fragrant herbal teas . Say, mint or lemon balm will give a result completely similar to what would happen if you used the oil of these plants. You can also place bags of herbs on your pillow - they can not only have a positive effect on sleep, but are also good for health. So, mint protects against headaches...

You should be careful with indoor flowers. If you have difficulty breathing at night, have nightmares, or have a headache the next morning, pay attention to whether there are strong-smelling flowers in the room. Remove them, and if everything goes well, then it’s because of them.

You should not leave bouquets given by someone in the room overnight. Many flowers emit a “thick” aroma that is harmless during the day, but literally turns into poison at night. And it’s good if the matter is limited only to insomnia or headaches! Strong floral odors may well cause breathing problems or heart attack. Therefore, at night it is better to place flowers in the kitchen or in a room where no one sleeps. In this case, it is advisable to open the window.

Remember that any smell is completely material molecules of a substance that, when inhaled, enter our body. , emitted by plants, have organic nature and affect our organs accordingly. And at all not sure what nicer aroma, the greater the benefit it will bring to our health. It may be the other way around. So it is better, before using any odorous product, to find out more about its properties.