Structural organization of the cell. Comparison of the characteristics of plant and animal cells The composition of an animal cell is absent

Even in the same organ there can be cells that are different from each other. But no matter how much human cells vary, they always consist of protoplasm, a nucleus and a shell. The membrane of plant cells consists of substances that differ from the substances of their protoplasm. The discovery of the cell made it possible to establish unity in the structure of all living beings - plants, animals, humans. An example of this is the white of a chicken egg. Proteins are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur and some other elements. Cellular carbohydrates are a group of compounds that include starch and sugar. In the human body they are represented by animal starch, or glycogen, which is found in the muscles and liver. However, they consist of the same elements as bodies of inanimate nature.

Many key differences between plants and animals originate in structural differences at the cellular level.

Animals vs plants

They have true nuclei where the DNA is located and are separated from other structures by a nuclear membrane. Both types have similar reproductive processes, including mitosis and meiosis. Animals and plants require energy to grow and maintain normal cellular function through the process of respiration. The differences between an animal cell and a plant cell presented in Table No. 1 are supplemented by some common features.

Animals differ from plants primarily in the structure of their cells. Animals, unlike plants, feed on ready-made organic substances, i.e. they are heterotrophs. 2. What do animals and plants have in common? General: this is the ability to grow, reproduce, feed, etc. Differences: in the type of nutrition (plants are autotrophs, animals are heterotrophs), in the ability for active movement.

The structure of plant and animal cells. Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

The structure and functioning of plant and animal cells have much in common.

Common features of plant and animal cells:

1. Fundamental unity of structure.

2. Similarities in the occurrence of many chemical processes in the cytoplasm and nucleus.

3. The unity of the principle of transmission of hereditary information during cell division.

4. Similar membrane structure.

5. Unity of chemical composition.

animal cell

plant cell

A plant cell differs from an animal cell in the following structural features:

1) A plant cell has a cell wall (wall).

The cell wall is located outside the plasmalemma (cytoplasmic membrane) and is formed due to the activity of cell organelles: the endoplasmic reticulum and the Golgi apparatus. The basis of the cell wall is cellulose (fiber). Cells surrounded by a hard shell can absorb the substances they need from the environment only in a dissolved state. For this reason, plants feed osmotically. The intensity of nutrition depends on the size of the plant body surface in contact with the environment. For this reason, the body of plants is more divided than that of animals.

The existence of hard cell membranes in plants determines another feature of plant organisms - their immobility, while in animals there are few forms that lead an attached lifestyle.

2) Plants have special organelles in their cells - plastids.

The presence of plastids is associated with the peculiarities of plant metabolism and their autotrophic type of nutrition. There are three types of plastids: leucoplasts - colorless plastids in which starch is synthesized from monosaccharides and disaccharides (there are leucoplasts that store proteins or fats);

chloroplasts - green plastids containing the pigment chlorophyll, where photosynthesis occurs;

chromoplasts that accumulate pigments from the group of carotenoids, which give them a color from yellow to red.

3) In a plant cell there are vacuoles bounded by a membrane - the tonoplast. Plants have a poorly developed system for excreting waste; therefore, substances unnecessary for the cell accumulate in vacuoles. At the same time, a number of accumulated substances determine the osmotic properties of the cell.

4) There are no centrioles (cell center) in a plant cell.

Similarities indicate the proximity of their origin. Signs of difference indicate that the cells, together with their owners, have gone through a long path of historical development.

Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

All organisms with a cellular structure are divided into two groups: prenuclear (prokaryotes) and nuclear (eukaryotes).

The cells of prokaryotes, which include bacteria, unlike eukaryotes, have a relatively simple structure. A prokaryotic cell does not have an organized nucleus; it contains only one chromosome, which is not separated from the rest of the cell by a membrane, but lies directly in the cytoplasm. At the same time, it also records all the hereditary information of the bacterial cell.

The cytoplasm of prokaryotes, compared to the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells, is much poorer in structural composition. There are numerous smaller ribosomes than in eukaryotic cells. The functional role of mitochondria and chloroplasts in prokaryotic cells is performed by special, rather simply organized membrane folds.

Prokaryotic cells, like eukaryotic cells, are covered with a plasma membrane, on top of which is a cell membrane or mucous capsule. Despite their relative simplicity, prokaryotes are typical independent cells.

According to their structure, the cells of all living organisms can be divided into two large sections: non-nuclear and nuclear organisms.

In order to compare the structure of plant and animal cells, it should be said that both of these structures belong to the superkingdom of eukaryotes, which means they contain a membrane membrane, a morphologically shaped nucleus and organelles for various purposes.

Vegetable Animal
Nutrition method Autotrophic Heterotrophic
Cell wall It is located outside and is represented by a cellulose shell. Does not change its shape Called glycocalyx, it is a thin layer of cells of protein and carbohydrate nature. The structure can change its shape.
Cell center No. Can only be found in lower plants Eat
Division A partition is formed between the daughter structures A constriction is formed between the daughter structures
Storage carbohydrate Starch Glycogen
Plastids Chloroplasts, chromoplasts, leucoplasts; differ from each other depending on color No
Vacuoles Large cavities that are filled with cell sap. Contain a large amount of nutrients. Provide turgor pressure. There are relatively few of them in the cell. Numerous small digestive, some contractile. The structure is different with plant vacuoles.

Features of the structure of a plant cell:

Features of the structure of an animal cell:

Brief comparison of plant and animal cells

What follows from this

  1. The fundamental similarity in the structural features and molecular composition of plant and animal cells indicates the relationship and unity of their origin, most likely from unicellular aquatic organisms.
  2. Both species contain many elements of the Periodic Table, which mainly exist in the form of complex compounds of inorganic and organic nature.
  3. However, what is different is that in the process of evolution these two types of cells moved far away from each other, because They have completely different methods of protection from various adverse influences of the external environment and also have different methods of nutrition from each other.
  4. A plant cell is mainly distinguished from an animal cell by its strong cell wall, consisting of cellulose; special organelles - chloroplasts with chlorophyll molecules in their composition, with the help of which we carry out photosynthesis; and well-developed vacuoles with a supply of nutrients.

The main components of a plant cell are the cell membrane and its contents, which are called protoplast. The shell is responsible for the shape of the cell and also provides reliable protection from external factors. An adult plant cell is different the presence of a cavity with cell sap, which is called a vacuole. The cell protoplast contains the nucleus, cytoplasm, and organelles: plastids, mitochondria. The nucleus of a plant cell is covered with a double-membrane membrane that contains pores. Through these pores substances enter the core.

It should be said that the cytoplasm of a plant cell has a rather complex membrane structure. This includes lysosomes, the Golgi complex, and the endoplasmic reticulum. The cytoplasm of a plant cell is the main component that participates in important life processes of the cell. There are also non-membrane structures in the cytoplasm: ribosomes, microtubules and others. The main plasma, in which all the organelles of the cell are located, is called hyaloplasm. A plant cell contains chromosomes that are responsible for transmitting hereditary information.

Special characteristics of a plant cell

The main distinctive features of plant cells can be identified:

  • The cell wall consists of a cellulose membrane.
  • Plant cells contain chloroplasts, which are responsible for photoautotrophic nutrition due to the presence of chlorophylls with green pigment.
  • A plant cell contains three types of plastids.
  • The plant has a special vacuole cell, with young cells having small vacuoles, and an adult cell being distinguished by the presence of one large one.
  • The plant is able to store carbohydrates in reserve as starch grains.

The structure of an animal cell

An animal cell necessarily contains a nucleus and chromosomes, an outer membrane, as well as organelles located in the cytoplasm. The membrane of an animal cell protects its contents from external influences. The membrane contains molecules of proteins and lipids. The interaction between the nucleus and organelles of an animal cell is ensured by the cytoplasm of the cell.

The organelles of an animal cell include ribosomes, which are located in the endoplasmic reticulum. Here the process of synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids occurs. Ribosomes are responsible for protein synthesis and transport.

The mitochondria of an animal cell are bounded by two membranes. Animal cell lysosomes contribute to the detailed breakdown of proteins into amino acids, lipids into glycerol, and fatty acids into monosaccharides. The cell also contains the Golgi complex, which consists of a group of defined cavities that are separated by a membrane.

Similarities between plant and animal cells

The characteristics that are similar between plant and animal cells include the following:

  1. Similar structure of the structure system, i.e. presence of nucleus and cytoplasm.
  2. The metabolic process of substances and energy is similar in principle.
  3. Both animal and plant cells have a membrane structure.
  4. The chemical composition of the cells is very similar.
  5. Plant and animal cells undergo a similar process of cell division.
  6. Plant cells and animal cells have the same principle of transmitting the code of heredity.

Significant differences between plant and animal cells

In addition to the general features of the structure and vital activity of plant and animal cells, there are also special distinctive features of each of them. The differences between the cells are as follows:

Thus, we can say that plant and animal cells are similar to each other in the content of some important elements and some vital processes, and also have significant differences in structure and metabolic processes.

Cell structure.

1. ATP synthesis is carried out in:

a - ribosomes

b - mitochondria

in - lysosomes

g - EPS

2. Ribosomes are cell organelles responsible for:

a - breakdown of organic substances

b - protein synthesis

c - ATP synthesis

g - photosynthesis

3. The Golgi apparatus is responsible for:

a - transport of substances throughout the cell

b - rearrangement of molecules

c - formation of lysosomes

d - all answers are correct

4. What components do mitochondria NOT contain:

a - DNA

b - ribosome

c - folds of the inner membrane (cristae)

g - EPS

5. Chloroplasts are organelles:

a - containing chlorophyll

b - having their own DNA molecule

c - carrying out photosynthesis

d - all answers are correct

6. Double-membrane organelles include:

a - nucleus and Golgi Complex

b - nucleus, mitochondria and EPS

c - mitochondria, plastids and nucleus

d - plastids, nucleus and lysosomes

7. Leukoplasts are:

a- colorless plastids

b - cell energy stations

c - colored plastids

d - organelles of animal cells only

8. Towards single-membrane organelles include:

a - plastids and EPS

b - mitochondria and Golgi apparatus

c - vacuoles and nucleus

d - ER, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles

9. Only plant cells are characterized by:

a - cell wall made of cellulose, plastids, mitochondria

b - ribosomes, plastids, large vacuoles

c - ER, Golgi apparatus, plastids

d - plastids, cell wall made of cellulose, large vacuoles

10. Passive transport through the membrane includes:

a - diffusion

b - pinocytosis

c - phagocytosis

g - potassium-sodium pump

11. Lysosomes are organelles that:

a - carry out photosynthesis

b - contain enzymes that break down organic substances

c - synthesize proteins

d - synthesize ATP

12. Membrane available:

a - only in plants

b - for all cells

c - only in animals

d - in bacteria and plants

13. Eukaryotes include:

a- bacteria and viruses

b - plants and animals

c - plants, animals and fungi

g - bacteria, plants and animals

14. The cell nucleus is responsible for:

a - ATP synthesis

b - storage, transmission and implementation of hereditary information

c - synthesis and transport of substances

d - storage of genetic information and ATP synthesis

15. An animal cell does not contain:

a - mitochondria

b - chloroplasts

c - ribosomes

g - core

16. The smooth endoplasmic reticulum carries out:

a - transport of carbohydrates and lipids

b - protein transport

c - ATP synthesis

d - transport of water and mineral salts

17. Mitochondria and plastids are similar to each other because:

a - have a single-membrane structure

b - have DNA, ribosomes and can divide

c - participate in photosynthesis

d - contain chromosomes

18. Non-membrane organelles include:

a - ER and Golgi apparatus

b - ribosomes and centrioles

c - plastids and centrioles

d - mitochondria and ribosomes

19. Granular endoplasmic reticulum:

a - transports lipids

b - participates in the synthesis and transport of proteins

c - transports carbohydrates

d - participates in the synthesis and transport of carbohydrates and lipids

20. Centrioles are organelles that:

a - participate in cell division

b - are part of the cell center

c - have the shape of cylinders

d - all answers are correct

21. How does water get into a cage?

a – through hydrophilic channels of protein molecules and through the bimolecular layer of lipids of the cell membrane

b – due to active transport

c – due to phagocytosis

d – due to pinocytosis

22. What organelles are absent in the cells of higher plants?

a – mitochondria

b – chloroplasts

c – Golgi complex

d – centrioles

23. What organelles are capable of converting the energy of sunlight into the energy of chemical bonds with the formation of organic matter?

a – mitochondria

b – chloroplasts

c – lysosomes

d – Golgi complex

24. Label the components of an animal cell