A rash on the face of an 8-year-old child. All types of rashes on the face in children with explanations and photos: causes of pimples and methods of treatment. Pathologies of internal organs

The rash is a variety of changes on the skin. This disease most often appears in certain painful conditions. In order to determine the causes of the rash, it is necessary to first understand what types the different types of rashes are classified into.

  1. Patches on small areas of the skin that are pink, light, or another color. The spot cannot be felt.
  2. It may look like a papule in children, which is a small tubercle with a diameter of 5 mm. The papule is palpable and appears above the skin.
  3. A plaque that has a flattened appearance.
  4. The form of a pustule, which is distinguished by a limited cavity with internal suppuration.
  5. A bubble or vesicle with internal fluid and varying sizes on the body.

Below is a detailed description of all possible types of rash on a child’s body with photographs and explanations:

Erythema toxicum

Erythema toxicum on the face, chin and entire body often occurs in newborns. Erythema appears as light yellowish papules and pustules reaching approximately 1.5 cm in diameter. Sometimes red spots appear. The baby's skin may be completely affected or partially affected. Rashes can often be noticed on the second day of a child’s life, which gradually disappear over time.

Newborn acne

The spots are visible on the baby's face and neck in the form of pustules and papules. The root cause is considered to be activation of the sebaceous glands by maternal hormones. In this case, treatment is not necessary, you just need to maintain hygiene. After the acne disappears, the baby is not left with scars and other spots.

Prickly heat

Some types of rashes primarily form in summer and spring. Since the release of sweat gland components is very difficult in the warm season. As a rule, rashes appear on the head, face and in the diaper rash area. looks like spots, pustules and blisters. Skin requires constant care.



Also called neurodermatitis. Many children suffer from this disease, but the symptoms can be completely different, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. As a rule, the disease is accompanied by eczema, runny nose, and asthma. Dermatitis appears in the form of red papules with liquid inside. In this case, the child feels itching, especially at night. Dermatitis appears on the face and cheeks, and also slightly on the extensor parts of the limbs. The skin peels off and becomes noticeably thickened.

Children under one year old suffer atopic dermatitis without consequences. However, if there is a hereditary predisposition, the disease can enter the chronic phase. Then the skin needs to be regularly treated with special products with a moisturizing effect.


In children, due to individual intolerance to drugs and food, allergic reactions may occur. An allergic rash can vary in size and spread throughout the body or on the face, as well as on the limbs. The most unfavorable effect of such an allergic rash is itching - the whole body itches unbearably.

An allergic reaction may occur. Occurs when interacting with certain foods or medications. It is difficult for the child to breathe because the larynx is blocked. In this case, swelling forms in the legs and arms. also considered an allergic form of rash. It may occur due to certain foods, pills, as well as due to an allergic reaction to the sun or cold.

Infectious rash

What are the most common causes of rashes in a child? Typically, these are viral or bacterial infections, which are divided into types. Photos of them can be easily found and viewed on the Internet.

Erythema infectiosum

Erythema infectiosum is caused by parvovirus B19, which is transmitted by airborne droplets. The most common symptoms of the disease may be low fever, redness and the appearance of spots on the face, as well as on the body. The incubation period of the rash in a child ranges from 5 days to one month. Headaches and a slight cough are quite likely. The rash is especially pronounced on the extensor parts of the limbs and on the feet. Children with this disease are not contagious.

Sudden exanthema

Herpes infection type six can cause, otherwise called sudden. Children under two years of age are susceptible to this disease. The infection is transmitted by airborne droplets from adults. The incubation period can last from a week to two. This is followed by a prodromal period, which is not very pronounced. The child feels unwell, the throat turns red, the eyelids swell, the lymph nodes increase in size, and the temperature rises. Children are capricious and may experience seizures.

After a few days, the temperature drops and a small rash appears on the body, which in appearance resembles pink spots, they can be felt. After a couple of days they become invisible and gradually disappear.

Chicken pox

Chicken pox, otherwise known as chickenpox, is a viral disease that is similar in structure to herpes. A large number of children under the age of 15 suffer from this disease. Chickenpox is transmitted through the air. The latent period reaches three weeks. Before the rash appears, the child may have a headache and pain in the abdomen.

Rashes appear on the face and body in the form of initially red spots that turn into single-chamber vesicles. The liquid in the vesicles is initially light, but after a while becomes cloudy. The nature, structure and shape of this rash can be seen in the photo. As a rule, blisters on the skin become crusty. Then new rashes appear with a further increase in temperature.

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When the spots pass, barely visible traces remain, which completely disappear after a week. It is forbidden to scratch the rash, as there may be scars on the skin.

In many children, such a virus can enter the next latent phase and become fixed in the nerve endings. In this regard, herpes zoster appears in the lumbar region. Photos of such a disease can be found on the Internet.

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Meningococcal infection

A bacterium such as meningococcus is often found in the nasopharynx of almost every child, which is the norm. Usually, the infection is not considered dangerous, but under specific conditions, the disease can significantly reduce the quality of life of sick children and move into a more active phase of the disease.

If meningococcus is detected in the blood or cerebrospinal fluid after diagnosis, mandatory antibiotics should be taken in the clinic. If meningococcus enters the bloodstream, sepsis may occur.

This is a disease called blood poisoning. The disease is accompanied by a sharp rise in temperature and nausea. In the first days, growing rashes in the form of bruises appear on the child’s body. Most often, such bruises appear on the area, and scars often form. In some cases, small children with the development of sepsis may experience shock with a fatal outcome. Thus, it is necessary to immediately prescribe treatment after an accurate diagnosis is established, since it threatens negative consequences.


It is considered a fairly common disease, the incubation period lasts up to two weeks. During the week, general weakness and malaise of the whole body continues. In addition, children develop a dry cough, red eyes, and fever. On the inside of the cheeks you can notice small dots of white or gray tint, which disappear after a day. Next, rashes appear on the face, behind the ears, and gradually descend to the chest area. After a couple of days, rashes appear on the feet, and the patient’s face becomes pale.

The rash may be itchy, and often there are bruises at the site of the rash. As soon as the spots disappear, peeling remains, which goes away in just a week. If treatment is not started in time, children may develop otitis media, inflammation of the brain, or pneumonia. During treatment, specialists often use vitamin A, which significantly mitigates the effect of infection.

To reduce the risk of measles, children are subject to universal vaccination. A week after the vaccine is administered, small rashes may appear, which quickly disappear and are considered not dangerous to the health of children.

Rashes of various types appear quite often in children. There can be many reasons for this. A rash on the face can be caused by diseases dangerous to the child or by the most harmless reasons. Only a specialist can determine exactly what exactly caused it to appear.

The child has a rash on his face

Red rash on a child's face

About half of all cases of red rash on a child's face turn out to be erythema toxicum. The reasons for its occurrence have not yet been established. The rashes are red spots and small pustules that appear in the baby after birth. They can be located not only on the face, but also on the entire body. A few days after birth, the rash subsides and disappears without any treatment.

Towards the end of the first month of life, a baby may experience neonatal acne, which looks like a red rash. The reasons for this phenomenon are hormonal changes in the child’s body.

Often red rashes become manifestations of an allergic reaction, prickly heat and improper care of the baby.

Infectious causes of a rash in a child are also possible. The most common diseases, the symptoms of which are red rashes on the face, are chickenpox, sudden eczema, or roseola, scarlet fever, measles and rubella.

Small rash on a child's face

The appearance of a small rash in a child, localized on the face, in the folds of the body, on the bends of the arms, in the neck area, in most cases indicates prickly heat. Its appearance is associated with increased sweat secretion in some places and blockage of the sweat glands. With proper skin care, such rashes disappear after a few days. To do this, you need to bathe the child every day, give him air baths, and maintain hygiene.

Colorless rash on the face of a child

Small, colorless rashes can appear on a child’s skin due to an allergic reaction, infectious diseases, clogged fat glands and other problems.

Young children often have small, colorless or white rashes on the face, mainly on the nose and cheeks. Such rashes are called milia; they do not pose any danger and disappear quite quickly on their own. This rash does not require special treatment.

Among other things, a colorless rash in a child can appear due to fungal infections, disorders of the digestive system, hormonal imbalances, and lack of vitamins.

Depending on the cause of the rash on the child’s face, there are several types of rash:

  1. Toxic erythema. This rash appears a couple of days after the baby is born. The exact mechanism of its development has not yet been established; it is believed that this is one of the manifestations of the child’s adaptation to environmental conditions. The rash is localized on the child’s head, face, chest and arms. The rash looks like red pimples with a dense consistency, in the center of which there is a small gray vesicle. This rash lasts on the skin for several days, after which it goes away without a trace.
  2. Acne of newborns. Such rashes appear approximately 2-4 weeks after birth. The reasons for this rash on a child’s face lie in hormonal changes in the body and the release of mother’s hormones that are still present in the baby’s blood. The rash is small, red, and may contain pustules. Treatment consists of skin care; no special therapy is required. The rash disappears after a couple of weeks.
  3. Rash on the face and other parts of the body can be caused by insect bites. In such cases, mild itching and preservation of the child’s good health and general condition are also observed.
  4. One type of rash on a child’s face is prickly heat. Its elements are small pink pimples. The reasons are increased sweating, hot weather, insufficient care of the baby’s skin.
  5. Allergy. The cause of this type of rash in a child is contact with an allergen, which can be food, care products, household chemicals, vitamins and other preparations, animal hair, dust and other factors. The rash itself does not pose any particular danger, but the presence of a reaction to a certain factor should attract the attention of parents. Allergies can develop and, in addition to the rash, swelling of the lips and eyes, as well as swelling of the internal organs and larynx, can occur, which leads to serious consequences.
  6. Infectious rash. Such rashes are the most dangerous for the baby. Their distinctive feature is the presence of other signs of the disease, such as increased temperature, impaired general condition, lack of appetite, etc. If you suspect an infection, you should call a doctor at home.

Among the infectious causes of a rash in a child, the most common are the following:

  • Chickenpox. This disease affects children of any age. Occurs with increasing temperature. The rashes are represented at the beginning of the disease by spots, and then by small blisters, which over time burst and become covered with crusts. The rash begins on the face, then spreading to the entire body.
  • Roseola. It affects mainly children in the first years of life. The causative agent is the herpes virus. The disease manifests itself as an elevated temperature, after normalization of which rashes appear on the child’s skin, disappearing after about a week.
  • Measles. A rash with this pathology forms only five days after the temperature rises. The elements are quite large and have a bright red color. The face and neck are first affected, then the arms and torso, and lastly the rash appears on the legs.
  • Rubella. It occurs with fever, enlarged lymph nodes and a rash on the arms, torso, face and legs.

A child has a rash on his face, what should I do?

When deciding what to do to cope with a rash on a child’s face, you need to first determine the reasons for its appearance. To do this, you should consult a doctor. Since the rashes are often infectious in nature, it is better to call a specialist home.

Many types of rashes are safe and harmless and go away on their own. The main recommendations for caring for a child who has a rash on the face and body are the following:

  • compliance with hygiene rules, daily washing and bathing;
  • avoiding scratching and secondary infection; to do this, the child’s nails should be cut shorter; infants can wear special cloth mittens on their hands;
  • in the room where the child is located, optimal conditions for temperature and humidity must be maintained;
  • mandatory consultation with a doctor.

Fever and rash on the face of a child

An increase in temperature and the appearance of a rash on the face, especially if other signs of illness are observed, such as diarrhea, nausea, poor health, and others, most likely indicate the infectious nature of the disease. In such cases, you should isolate the child from other people as much as possible and call a specialist home. Before the doctor arrives, you should not try to treat or apply skin rashes. You also need to provide the child with rest and bed rest.

Allergic rash on the face of a child

The causes of an allergic rash in a child are often food, medicines, animal dander, plants, dust, etc. The rashes are usually accompanied by severe itching, so you need to make sure that the child does not scratch them, as this can cause a secondary infection. Even if the nature of the rash is beyond doubt, it is worth visiting a specialist to confirm the diagnosis and consult on treatment.

Treatment of an allergic rash involves eliminating all contact with the allergen. In addition, antihistamines may be prescribed to alleviate the baby’s condition. These include Fenkarol, Diazolin, Claritin and others. Some of these drugs have a strong sedative effect (Tavegil, Suprastin, Diphenhydramine and others); when using such drugs, you need to carefully monitor the child and not leave him alone. There are also special external ointments and gels that relieve itching.

A rash on the face of a child is a fairly common occurrence. Sometimes this is simply a consequence of the adaptation of a still fragile organism to new circumstances for it, but sometimes the rashes are also infectious in nature. The rash can be different: in the form of spots, papules, vesicles, pustules, nodules, etc. In addition to the face, rashes can appear on the head, neck, back and other parts of the body - each disease has its own characteristics.


What to do if a rash suddenly appears on your baby’s face? First of all, you need to determine what the cause is, because in some cases the rash goes away on its own, while in others, on the contrary, drug treatment is required.

Associated symptoms are fever, sore throat, cough, runny nose. From the gastrointestinal tract - abdominal pain, weak appetite. Nausea and vomiting may occur. The rash may appear at the beginning of the disease, but it happens that it appears, on the contrary, at its last stage. The most common childhood diseases, one of the symptoms of which are rashes:

  • infectious erythrema (accompanied by a slight increase in temperature and cough, large spots with a lighter center);
  • chicken pox (rashes are blisters filled with clear liquid, in medical terminology they are called vesicles);
  • measles (the rash first appears on the face and behind the ears, then spreads throughout the body);
  • rubella (multiple rashes that spread throughout the body and last a maximum of 5 days);
  • meningococcal infection (the rash has a star-like shape and is localized on the face and elbows);
  • vesiculopustulosis (pustules ranging in color from white to yellow usually appear on the back, arms and legs, chest, neck, rarely on the face and head);
  • roseola (children under 2 years of age are susceptible to this disease. The rash is pink and lasts about 5 days);
  • scarlet fever (children over 3 years of age are most susceptible to it; associated symptoms are malaise and severe sore throat).


Associated symptoms are lacrimation, sneezing, itching. If an allergic rash is accompanied by swelling of the skin around the eyes and mouth, this may indicate the development of Quincke's edema, which is very dangerous. This disease can lead to suffocation, so call a doctor immediately when the first signs appear.

Allergens can be not only plant pollen, animal hair and food, but also components of formula for artificial feeding, as well as some medications and vaccinations, and even lactose contained in breast milk.

In case of allergies, it is necessary to exclude contact with the allergen and give the child a sorbent drug: Smecta, Filtrum, Zosterin-Ultra or activated carbon

Disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system

The rash may be the result of subcutaneous hemorrhage. This may occur due to impaired vascular permeability or an insufficient number of platelets - cells that are responsible for normal blood clotting (this is often a congenital feature). The pathology can be expressed as a small red rash in the form of dots or large bruises of various shades. The spots are localized throughout the body: on the face and neck, on the arms and legs, on the back.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules

If a baby is over-wrapped, left in a dirty diaper or in wet diapers, spots may appear due to diaper rash. Most often they occur in the groin and armpits, but can also be localized in the folds of the neck. To prevent this from happening, regularly bathe and wash your child, give him air baths, giving the skin a chance to dry, and use special baby powder.

Pathologies of internal organs

Often, a rash reflects disturbances in the functioning of any body system. This may be a symptom of a disease of the pancreas, kidneys, intestines, liver, or nervous system. In this case, only a pediatrician can understand what’s wrong.

Hormonal instability

The hormonal background of babies is still developing, so rashes caused by this very reason are not uncommon. They look like small pimples and are localized on the cheeks, neck and back.

Reactions of the newborn's body of an adaptive nature

Immediately after birth, the baby may develop a rash as a reaction to a change in surrounding reality. This could be toxic erythema (multiple red pimples, dense to the touch) or so-called newborn acne (small bright red rashes with pustules in the center, only on the face). The latter disease is extremely common and occurs in 1/5 of all infants. Both of these phenomena are harmless and go away on their own. Eritrema - after 2-4 days, acne - after a few weeks.

An infant may experience what is called toxic erythema of the newborn. It does not pose any danger and is a normal reaction of the body to a new environment.

First steps when a rash is detected

  1. See your doctor. If your baby has a rash, it can be a symptom of a variety of diseases. Under no circumstances should you make a diagnosis or prescribe medication on your own. This is dangerous for the child's life.
  2. Try not to touch the affected areas of the skin, make sure that the child does not scratch them to prevent infection from entering the wound. And of course, you cannot open blisters or tear off scabs.
  3. Before seeing a doctor, do not treat the rash with anything, especially with dyes such as brilliant green. This will prevent the doctor from making a correct diagnosis. You should not use not only alcohol-containing preparations, but also fatty creams.
  4. Don't bathe your baby. In water, the infection will spread to healthy areas of the body. The exception is heat rash; in this case, bathing the baby, on the contrary, is recommended. It is advisable to use chamomile or chamomile infusions for this. They are great for soothing delicate skin.
  5. Provide the patient with plenty of fluids and ensure that the child is not constipated. It is not recommended to feed him generously, as in this case the body will spend energy on digesting food rather than fighting infection.
  6. Monitor the general condition of the child: is he active or, conversely, looks weak, is there tearing, is he crying or is he sleeping soundly. This information will be useful to the doctor when making a diagnosis and prescribing treatment.

Multiple bites from fleas, bedbugs, and mosquitoes are often mistaken for a rash.


Treatment of any kind of rash should be prescribed by a pediatrician, since what is recommended for one disease is strictly prohibited for another. It is better to call a doctor at home so as not to infect people on public transport and in the clinic, because Most infectious diseases are easily transmitted by airborne droplets.

After analyzing the clinical picture, the pediatrician will prescribe treatment, which will include medication and home care. If the doctor recommends cauterizing the pustules, this can be done with a cotton swab dipped in a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. In other cases, for example, if it is miliaria, on the contrary, cauterization with alcohol-containing solutions is prohibited. The main principles of care are regular bathing in a bath with the addition of a decoction of string, chamomile or yarrow and air baths. If you have allergies, you need to protect your baby from potential allergens as much as possible. You may need to change the type of powder or fabric softener you use. Your doctor will help you find out what the body’s reaction might be. Clues will be the appearance of the spots and where they spread.

Any parent, seeing that a newborn or even a month-old baby suddenly has something on their face, will worry. But a rash is not always a reason to worry. In some cases, this is a natural reaction of the child’s body to external factors, which goes away on its own over time. However, in any case, you should consult your doctor. He will tell you what exactly caused the rashes and how to get rid of them, and will also give the mother useful recommendations for caring for the baby.

Many parents face this problem. Correct and timely diagnosis and treatment will allow you to get rid of the disease that has arisen.

Causes of rashes on the face

Do not forget that rashes on a child’s face indicate the general condition of the body, so you should find out what is the cause of the rash. Most often, the occurrence of a rash reflects the condition of internal organs, such as the intestines, kidneys, liver, and pancreas. The cause may be a food allergy, a change in the environment, an infectious disease, a change in air temperature, or a disorder of the autonomic nervous system. In newborns, the cause of the rash may be poor nutrition of the mother during pregnancy or during breastfeeding.

Types of rashes on the face of a child

  • Erythema toxicum neonatorum is a rash that occurs a few days after birth. It is a consequence of the adaptive reaction of the child’s body to extrauterine environmental conditions. In addition to the face, this rash occurs on the chest, scalp, and limbs. The rash appears as dense red pimples with gray blisters in the center. It is not dangerous and goes away within 2-4 days.
  • Acne of newborns. Occurs in the first days of a child’s life due to the first hormonal imbalance. The rash is bright red, small, with pustules in the center of the pimple. It only covers the face in the area of ​​the forehead, nose, and chin. It does not require treatment, it goes away in 2-3 weeks, in exceptional cases – in a few months.
  • Insect bites. They are characterized by pink or reddish spots on the face and other parts of the body. This rash is accompanied by mild itching, the general condition does not worsen, the child continues to run and play. If no allergic reaction is observed due to the bite, then no treatment is required. In case of severe itching and redness, an antiallergic agent, for example, suprastin, should be given. Bites can be treated with fenistil gel, which will relieve irritation and swelling.
  • Miliaria is the most harmless and less painful rash. It appears as small pink pimples that stand out slightly above the skin. In newborns it occurs on the back, neck, chest, and rarely on the face. In this case, normal body temperature is observed. This rash appears mainly in infants due to lack of body care. To combat heat rash, the child must be washed with soap and dressed in clean underwear. You can use talcum powder or powder. In order to avoid such a problem in the future, you should follow basic hygiene rules: make sure that the child does not sweat, does not overheat, take care of the cleanliness of diapers, bathe, adding chamomile, celandine, mint, and string to the water. Miliaria is not contagious and does not affect overall health.
  • Allergic rash. It appears in the child several hours after the allergen enters the body. Spots appear, similar to nettle burn marks, and itching begins. An allergic rash occurs in the form of nodules on the knees, elbows, and forearm. There may be swelling of the eyes, lips, internal organs, larynx, and Quincke's edema.

Mostly infants experience allergic rashes, so a nursing mother needs to carefully monitor her diet and changes when introducing new foods. Allergic rashes can also occur from medications and vaccinations. If the rash spreads, you must immediately abandon the source of the allergen. No special treatment is needed; the doctor may prescribe antihistamines - suprastin, tavegil. Allergens, as a rule, are:

  1. components of milk formula or food products for a nursing mother. The formula should be changed or the mother should exclude the product that causes the allergy. This rule applies to infants. If older children have allergies, they will have to identify the allergenic product and exclude it from the diet;
  2. medicines. Allergies are identified strictly individually; if a rash appears, you should consult a doctor;
  3. plant pollen. During intensive flowering of plants, you should go outside as little as possible,
  4. animal fur. Contact with animals should be avoided.
  • Infection is a more dangerous source of rash on a child’s body. To distinguish an allergic rash from an infectious one, you should measure the child’s body temperature. At elevated temperatures, an infectious disease can be judged. The presence of pimples from 2 to 10 mm also indicates that the child has an infection. If you have an elevated temperature, a small red rash on your child's face, or severe itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Infectious diseases

Scarlet fever is a disease of infectious origin. It affects mainly children over three years of age. Symptoms are: pinpoint rash, similar to semolina, appearing on the face, in the groin folds, armpits, abdomen, elbows, vomiting, headache, high fever, sore throat, with severely inflamed tonsils.

The main danger of scarlet fever is complications of the heart and kidneys. To do this, you must strictly follow your doctor's instructions. Mostly antibiotics are prescribed.

Measles is an infectious disease with a distinct rash that rises above the skin. Pimples first appear on the face and behind the ears, then spread throughout the body. Symptoms of the disease: fever, red eyes, cough, runny nose, photophobia. When spots appear, the child begins to feel better. Pigmentation remains after the rash, but disappears completely over time. Measles is dangerous due to complications: pneumonia, bronchitis, meningoencephalitis. To avoid consequences, you should take medications regularly and drink a lot. With this disease, it is necessary to properly ventilate the room and avoid direct sunlight.

Chickenpox (varicella) is an infectious disease that causes pimples, which are blisters filled with clear liquid. They can appear on various parts of the body: arms, legs, neck, stomach. The bubbles burst quite quickly, then a crust forms, which does not come off for a long time.

The incubation period lasts from one to three weeks. At first there are few acne, but then they form in geometric progression. The rash lasts about five days.

The main thing is to prevent skin contamination. Otherwise, microbes can quickly settle in place of the burst bubbles, and then suppuration may appear. Therefore, to avoid unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to lubricate the blisters with brilliant green 1-2 times a day until the crust completely falls off.

Chickenpox is a common contagious disease among children. If a child gets chickenpox, he usually remains immune to it for life.

Rubella is an infectious disease that manifests itself in the form of a rash similar to scarlet fever and measles. In this case, rashes appear all over the body and last from two to five days. Main symptoms: slightly red throat, low temperature, in rare cases, the submandibular and cervical lymph nodes become inflamed. The rash is similar to scarlet fever (small) and measles (large), hence the terms “scarlet fever” and “measles rubella”. The rash appears randomly on the body and lasts two or three days, in rare cases up to five days. Children tolerate this disease quite easily.

If symptoms appear in a child, it is necessary to consult a doctor for a correct diagnosis and treatment.

Meningococcal infection is the most dangerous. This disease is easily treated, but it can sometimes lead to blood poisoning and meningitis, which in turn can lead to brain damage. The rash appears in the form of irregularly shaped stars on the face and elbows. Symptoms: fever, headache, chills. At the slightest suspicion of this disease, you should immediately consult a doctor, as the consequences are very dangerous.

Vesiculopustulosis is a purulent-inflammatory skin disease that can be caused by various pathogens (Escherichia coli, staphylococcus, streptococcus and others). It manifests itself in the form of pustules, which are small blisters of white or yellowish color on the neck, chest, back, arms, legs of the child, rarely on the head. Gradually, the pimples burst, leaving crusts on the skin.

Once such rashes are detected, you should immediately consult a doctor. An infection with fluid from burst blisters quickly spreads throughout almost the entire body. You should very carefully remove the pustules with cotton wool and alcohol, and cauterize the wound with brilliant green or a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Treat the skin around the pustules with alcohol. It is prohibited to bathe a child during illness, as the infection is spread by exposure to water.

  • Dermatitis. In this case, the rash appears around the mouth, then spreads to the whole body. First, bubbles appear, and later they burst. Then the skin begins to peel off. In this case, the doctor prescribes an antihistamine.

Independent methods of dealing with rashes

If a rash occurs, the following measures must be taken: ensure that the child drinks plenty of fluids, make sure that he is not constipated, and do not overfeed, otherwise the body will spend extra energy on digesting food, which will help weaken it in the fight against the disease. It is worth especially carefully monitoring the child’s diet and changes in his well-being. If a rash is detected, consult a doctor, as self-diagnosis is excluded.

Rashes on a child’s face, including around the eyes, nose, cheeks, etc., are a fairly common occurrence that can be caused by several reasons. The area, symptoms and their nature of the rash in children can help identify it.

A rash is a skin reaction that can make the skin red, swollen, and blotchy. In children, including infants, it can occur on the face, chest, abdomen, groin, scalp, back, neck, legs and other parts of the body.




Facial rashes can be caused by a condition known as impetigo. This is a superficial skin infection caused by Staphylococcus bacteria. It is often found around the nose of babies, but can also appear on other areas of the body.

According to Emedicinehealth.com, "rashes are more common in warmer months." Medical experts have also linked it to secondary infections, eczema, poison ivy reactions, insect bites or abrasions.

Some of the symptoms of impetigo include small blisters, which then form red, open patches on the affected skin. The condition may be accompanied by itching. Although this disease is rarely serious, it is highly contagious.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis)

Atopic eczema (atopic dermatitis)

This is a dermatological disease that is common in many children and is accompanied by dry and itchy skin. The most affected areas of skin in children are the face, neck, back, elbows and knees. Often the skin clears up in adolescence and the disease goes away forever; less often it persists into adulthood. “Eczema cannot be cured, but it can be controlled with the right treatment.” .

Symptoms of the disease include dry, itchy, red and cracked skin, which can sometimes be accompanied by discharge. In addition, it is known that a red rash on a child's face can be associated with genes. Once infected with eczema, a child/infant may be susceptible to skin infections and allergens.

Fifth disease (erythema infectiosum)

Fifth disease

Fifth disease is a viral infection that is most common in infants, but can also affect people of any age. It is usually accompanied by a bright red rash on the baby's cheeks.

This is usually a mild infection that clears up in about two weeks. If a child gets sick with erythema infectiosum, he will develop immunity for life.

The condition, although not common, can be very severe in some people, especially those who suffer from blood disorders, have a weak immune system, or have infections.

Chicken pox

Varicella (chickenpox)

Nhs.uk explains that “chickenpox is a common disease that mainly affects children and causes a patchy, itchy rash.” Many children suffer from this condition at some point in their lives. It can also be contracted by adults who were not ill in childhood.

Although it is not usually a serious illness and goes away within a few weeks, it can be very serious in children with weak immune systems.

Its symptoms include red, raised patches on the face or chest that gradually spread to other parts of the body. Blisters, scabs, and crusts also appear during the course of the disease. Chickenpox is a highly contagious infection.

Acne vulgaris

Acne vulgaris

Acne can be caused by many factors. Excess sebum production combined with excessive shedding of dead skin cells can lead to clogged hair follicles.

This clogged follicle is a good environment for Propionibacterium acnes, to which the body responds by sending white blood cells to fight it, resulting in acne in children.

Acne is common on the face, neck, chest and back, i.e. where a large number of sebaceous glands are located. It appears as black or whiteheads, which can be very severe if infection is present.



Milia are small white spots that usually appear on a child's face, especially on the cheeks, chin, forehead, around the eyes and nose. They usually appear as raised bumps with a smooth texture.

The rash usually appears a few weeks after birth, as young babies' sebaceous glands are still developing. The condition usually improves after about six weeks, otherwise you will need to see your doctor again for treatment.

Erythema toxicum

Erythema toxicum

This is a common skin condition that newborns can experience (affecting almost half of them). This disease appears on the skin as red spots, which are accompanied by small yellow or white pustules in the middle. A baby may develop this rash about 4 days after birth. This can happen on any part of the body, including the baby's face.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever is a disease caused by an acute streptococcal throat infection that manifests itself as a red, rough rash starting on the face and neck and accompanied by a high fever and sore throat. From the face and neck, the rash may spread to other areas of the body.

After about six days, the condition goes away, and the baby's skin begins to peel off. An examination by a doctor is necessary to determine the presence of streptococcal infection. The best cure in this case is the use of antibiotics.



Urticaria (urticaria) is a flare-up of a pale red, bumpy rash that appears suddenly in any area of ​​the body, including the face, lips, tongue, throat, etc. According to Skinsight.com, hives “are a common skin condition with itchy bumps (from pink to red) that appear and disappear on any part of the skin.”

Hives can be mild or chronic and can be caused by a variety of factors, such as certain medications, bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, environmental allergies, exposure to heat, cold, water, ultraviolet rays, or pressure, among other factors.

Systemic conditions and diseases

Various conditions can affect a child's body, resulting in a rash. Conditions such as lupus, autoimmune disorders and nutritional deficiencies are among the conditions that can lead to rashes in a newborn.

For example, autoimmune diseases often cause rashes on the cheekbones. To control them, stronger treatments or remedies should be used.

Other reasons

As we already mentioned, many factors or conditions can lead to this problem, including:

  • Herpes simplex virus
  • Folliculitis
  • Flat wart
  • Phlegmon
  • Insect bites
  • Drug rash
  • Keratosis follicularis
  • Nevus (mole)
  • Rubella
  • Keloids
  • Molluscum contagiosum
  • Seborrheic eczema
  • Poison ivy, oak and sumac
  • Psoriasis
  • Sudden exanthema or roseola
  • Vitiligo
  • Shingles.


The symptoms of baby rash can vary depending on the severity, size, shape, etc. Some may be mild while others may be acute or chronic. But they always depend on the reason.

Some of the symptoms can be treated effectively at home, but more severe ones will require medical intervention. Here are the common symptoms that occur along with the rash:

  • Red spots
  • Small red dots on the skin
  • Flat dry white spots
  • Itchy pink or red bumps
  • Liquid-filled blisters.

A rash on a child's face may also be accompanied by more serious symptoms, such as:

  • Cough
  • Constipation
  • Fever
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Cry.

If such accompanying symptoms are observed, you should consult a doctor immediately to prevent the rash from worsening or spreading to other areas. It should be noted that some symptoms can be life-threatening.

Diagnosing a rash can be a little tricky due to the fact that there are many triggers that can be localized or generalized (resulting in rashes throughout the body).

Itchy rash

A rash on a child's face accompanied by itching can lead to sleepless nights for parents and the child. This may cause the child to scratch at the broken skin, causing the infection to spread and worsen the condition.

Here are some of the causes of rashes that are accompanied by itching sensations in the baby:

  • Eczema
  • Hives
  • Ringworm
  • Allergic reactions
  • Milia
  • Impetigo.

There are many home remedies you can use to relieve itching in babies. The best ones include cold compresses, antihistamines, and others. You should consult a dermatologist for more serious treatment.

Treatment and prevention

Treating rashes in children is a difficult task. You need to ask yourself the following questions:

  • What is the child's general condition?
  • Is the rash localized or generalized?
  • Are there other symptoms of illness?
  • When did the rash appear?
  • Was there any treatment being carried out at the time the problem occurred?
  • Has your baby been exposed to any allergens, such as certain foods, soaps, or skin care products?
  • How severe is the rash?

These questions will help determine the most effective treatment measure.

Antiseptic/antibacterial treatments

Local therapy may be necessary to treat skin infections that cause the rash to spread. If topical medications are not enough, oral medications can sometimes also be used.


Antihistamines are ideal for treating allergic reactions. They are especially effective in relieving itching.

This type of medication is best used before bed as it may cause drowsiness. Antihistamine creams should be avoided because they can irritate babies' skin, especially if it is sensitive.

Cold compresses

This is a very good remedy for treating itching and swelling. However, caution should be exercised when using it. It is necessary to moisturize your child's skin after using cold compresses.

Folk remedies

Below are some effective home remedies to treat your baby:

  • Coconut oil
  • Aloe vera
  • Lemon juice
  • Tea tree oil
  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Egg white.

Folk remedies can be effective for mild or moderate manifestations of the problem; in severe conditions, you should definitely contact your pediatrician to prescribe stronger medications.


Some causes of rash in newborns are preventable, but not all. So, below are some of the methods that can be applied to prevent the child from suffering:

  • Avoid using products with harsh chemicals, such as soaps, detergents, perfumes, which can irritate the skin
  • Do not put tight clothes on your baby to avoid irritation.
  • Moisturize your baby's skin to soothe and soften it