Latest generation anti-herpes tablets and their analogues. Medicine for herpes on the lips in tablets For herpes, inexpensive and effective

Herpes is the most common viral infection; 90% of the population is infected with this virus (HSV type 1). Herpes can affect the skin, mucous membranes, and internal organs. The virus can lie dormant in the body for a long time and manifest itself clinically only when immunity decreases. Rashes most often appear on the lips.

The second most common location is the genital mucosa (genital herpes). A very unpleasant disease is Herpes Zoster (herpes zoster). Herpes pills are not always needed; in most cases, you can get by with local remedies. But sometimes the situation requires an integrated approach.

Basic principles of treatment of herpetic infections

  • The main treatment for herpes is antiviral drugs. They inhibit the replication of viral particles and prevent them from spreading into new cells. However, they do not completely get rid of the virus.
  • For mild herpes simplex and infrequent exacerbations, local treatment (ointments and gels) is sufficient.
  • Be sure to take antiviral drugs at the first manifestations of genital herpes, with frequent relapses (more than 6 per year), as well as with herpes zoster.
  • Antiviral tablets for herpes are prescribed during a relapse to reduce symptoms and duration of rashes (a course of 5-7 days), as well as suppressive therapy to prevent recurrent outbreaks (the duration of such therapy is up to 12 months).
  • The earlier treatment for relapse is started, the more effective it will be. The best result is obtained if you start taking medications for herpes in tablets in the first 24 hours.
  • The doctor should advise which herpes pills are best for a particular patient for the first time; in the future, they can be used independently at the first signs of the disease.
  • In addition to antiviral drugs, various immunomodulators are prescribed. Although the attitude towards them in modern medicine is contradictory, no one denies the activation of the virus when the body’s defenses are reduced.

Antiviral drugs

There are three main drugs that reliably inhibit the replication of the herpes virus. These are acyclovir, valacyclovir and famciclovir.


This is the earliest drug against herpes HSV-1 and HSV-2. It has proven itself to be an effective and safe medicine. Quickly relieves symptoms if treatment is started within the first 48 hours from the onset of the rash. May prevent recurrent outbreaks. The medicine is inexpensive and effective. A package of 20 tablets of 200 mg costs about 50 rubles. There are also 400 mg tablets. The drug is usually well tolerated. Side effects may include nausea, diarrhea, headache, and urticaria. Contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and pregnant women.

Analogues: Zovirax (519 RUR), Virolex, Vivorax, Gerpevir, Acic.

Valaciclovir (Valtrex)

The prodrug, when taken orally, turns into acyclovir. It is characterized by higher bioavailability (42-64% of the drug is absorbed, while for acyclovir it is 10-20%). The drug is more expensive, but more convenient to use. Available in 500 mg tablets. A package of 10 tablets costs 1,150 rubles, a package of 42 tablets costs 3,260 rubles.

Can be used from 12 years of age. Possible nausea, headache, suppression of hematopoiesis.

Famciclovir (Famvir)

Converts into penciclovir in the body. Tablets of 125, 250 and 500 mg. It is mainly used for genital herpes. Cost depending on the dosage and number of tablets: from 1100 (3 tablets of 500 mg) to 4300 (21 tablets of 250 mg) rubles.

Side effects – headache, nausea, allergic reactions.

Brivudine (Zostex, Brivirac)

It is active against the herpes zoster virus. Take 125 mg once a day for 7 days. The drug is expensive; a course of treatment will cost 14,000 rubles. Usually well tolerated. Contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 12 years of age and cancer patients receiving chemotherapy with fluorouracil.

Both acyclovir and the latest generation antiviral tablets for herpes should be prescribed by a doctor. There are many nuances in dose selection, especially in patients with concomitant diseases, as well as immunodeficiency. You should also not give pills to a child without a doctor’s advice.

Local antiviral agents

Remedies for herpes for external use in the form of ointments, creams or gels can be used as independent treatment or in combination with tablets for herpes on the lips, on the body or in the intimate area.

Ointments and creams are rubbed into the rash area 3-4-5 times a day. The most effective drugs in this group are Zovirax and Pencivir, the least effective are Bonafton and Oxolinic ointment.

Treatment regimens for various forms of herpes with antiviral drugs

Type of herpes First episode Relapses
Herpes simplex (on lips)
  • Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times a day 5-7 days
  • Valtrex 1 g 2 times a day for 5 days
Local antiviral ointments up to 5 times a day for 5-7 days
  • Acyclovir 400 mg 2 times a day for 5 days
  • Valtrex 1 g 2 times a day 1 day
Genital herpes
  • Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times a day for 10 days
  • Valtrex 1 g 2 times a day 10 days
  • Famciclovir 125 mg 2 times a day for 7-10 days
  • Acyclovir 200 mg 5 times a day for 5 days
  • Valtrex 500 mg 2 times a day for 3 days
  • Famciclovir 125 mg 2 times a day for 5 days
Herpes zoster
  • Acyclovir 800 mg 5 times a day for 7-10 days
  • Valtrex 1 g 3 times a day 7 days
  • Famciclovir 500 mg 3 times a day for 7 days

Suppressive therapy (prevention of frequent relapses) for genital herpes:

  • Acyclovir 400 mg 2 times a day from 3 to 12 months
  • Valtrex 1000 mg once a day
  • Famciclovir 250 mg 2 times a day up to 12 months

Long-term medications for genital herpes (suppressive treatment) help prevent infection of a partner. Many doctors recommend changing genital herpes pills periodically to avoid developing resistance to one drug.

Medicines that increase antiviral immunity

It is known that the frequency of exacerbations of herpes infection depends on the state of immunity. The stronger the body’s own defense response, the faster it will cope with the disease. With frequent exacerbations, the body can be helped with various immunomodulatory drugs.

It is important to immediately understand that immunomodulatory drugs are only an additional treatment. The main treatment is the herpes tablets and ointments with a direct antiviral effect, listed above (acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir and penciclovir).

The remaining drugs, which are sometimes presented as antiviral and advertised as “the best remedy,” are only immunomodulators and adaptogens, and the world’s attitude towards them is contradictory. This does not mean that they are effective, but for many there is not yet enough data to prove their benefits.

But the decision to strengthen immunity in case of a disease that is the cause of its deficiency seems so obvious. Therefore, such products are very popular among the population. But still, you should not rely only on reviews; any medicine should be prescribed by a specialist. Ideally, such drugs should be prescribed by an immunologist after examining a blood immunogram. If such consultation is not available, you should look for a doctor who has experience using immunostimulants in his practice.

If you decide to strengthen your immune system on your own, choose drugs with a minimum of contraindications and side effects (dietary supplements), so as not to harm yourself.

A large group of drugs with claimed immunostimulating properties are interferons and interferon inducers (a natural protective protein present in our body).

  • Cycloferon. Interferon synthesis inducer. Available in the form of injection solution, tablets, ointment. It is taken orally once a day according to a specific regimen. The dose depends on age. The price of 20 tablets is 347 rubles.
  • Genferon. Available in the form of suppositories containing interferon alpha 2b. Used to treat genital herpes. The price of a package of 10 suppositories depends on the dosage. On average from 350 to 750 rubles.
  • Viferon suppositories and ointment also contain interferon alpha 2b. Can be used by children and pregnant women. The cost of packing candles is about 350 rubles, ointment is 160 rubles.
  • Kagocel. A Russian-made drug actively advertised as an interferon inducer. When treating herpes, the dosage regimen is 2 tablets 3 times a day for 5 days. The cost of 20 tablets is about 400 rubles.
  • Amiksin. Stimulator of interferon production. Available in tablet form. Apply according to the scheme. Allowed for children from 7 years old. The cost of a package of 10 tablets is about 600 rubles.
  • Allokin alpha. The drug has proven itself well in the treatment of frequently recurring genital herpes. Available in ampoules, administered subcutaneously every other day 3 times. Price – 3500 rubles.
  • Neovir. Available in ampoules. It is administered intramuscularly every other day. Packaging costs from 720 rubles.
  • Epigen intimate. Available in the form of a spray containing glycyrrhizic acid. Used topically for genital herpes. It can also be used externally for herpes on the body. The cost of a bottle is about 900 rubles.
  • Alpizarin, ointment and tablets. Suitable for children from 1 year. Price: ointment – ​​105 rubles, tablets – 180 rubles.
  • Groprinosin. 500 mg tablets; for herpes, take 2 tablets 3 times a day for 10 days. The price of a package of 20 tablets is about 630 rubles.
  • Allomedin gel. It is not a medicine, it is a cosmetic product, but it contains alloferon, a natural analogue of interferon. If you lubricate the rashes immediately after they appear, it effectively eliminates itching, redness, and promotes rapid healing of the epithelium. Price 450 rubles.

Herbal preparations

  • Panavir. A drug with antiviral activity from potato shoots. Available in ampoules, suppositories, ointments, sprays. Pack of 5 candles – 1800 rub.
  • Flacoside. An antiviral agent obtained from the leaves of Amur velvet. Available in tablets.
  • Helepin ointment– Desmodium canadensis bark extract. For herpes, 5% ointment is used for adults, and 1% for children.

Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory and healing properties. When treating herpes on the lips in folk medicine, oils of myrtle, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus, lemon balm, tea tree and some others are often used.

Alcohol tincture of propolis and lubrication of rashes with the juice of garlic and celandine also help well.

Widely known plant adaptogens include ginseng, echinacea, aralia, Chinese lemongrass, and licorice root. They are used internally in the form of infusions, decoctions or alcohol tinctures.

Data Aug 23 ● Comments 0 ● Views

Doctor   Maria Nikolaeva  

Traditionally, local drugs are used in the treatment of herpesvirus. However, for some forms of the disease, systemic medications are prescribed. The modern market offers various anti-herpes tablets, differing in the type of active substance. The list of drugs for treating the disease is selected taking into account the patient’s condition and the strain of the virus.

Antiviral tablets are used to treat herpes less frequently than corresponding ointments. This is explained by the fact that the latter have a local effect on the virus, do not penetrate the bloodstream and do not affect internal organs. Therefore, it is necessary to find out what are the advantages and disadvantages of treating herpes with tablets.


When herpes worsens, comprehensive treatment is necessary. This is especially true in cases where a primary infection has manifested itself. This treatment is provided by effective herpes pills.

Medicines in this group have the following advantages in comparison with antiviral ointments:

  1. Ease of use. If you take the tablets according to the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor, you can quickly cope with even complicated herpesvirus infections.
  2. Complex impact. Ointments suppress viral particles directly in the area where the disease manifests itself. Herpes tablets stop the activity of the pathogen both in the skin and in the blood, preventing the spread of infection throughout the body.
  3. Strengthening the immune system. Some of the latest generation anti-herpes pills stimulate the functioning of defense mechanisms, due to which the body begins to independently fight the virus.

But it is precisely in the fact that the active ingredients of antiviral tablets penetrate the circulatory system that lies the main drawback of such drugs.


When using antiviral drugs in tablet form, it is necessary to take into account the restrictions associated with contraindications. The latter are due to the fact that such drugs have a systemic effect on the body.

The disadvantages of drug treatment for herpes include the following:

  1. Systemic medications affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and liver. are not prescribed for dysfunction of these organs.
  2. Wide list of contraindications. Antiviral treatment with tablets is not carried out during pregnancy and lactation. Also, these drugs are not prescribed to children.
  3. Risk of side effects. Medicines in tablet form are more likely to cause allergic reactions than antiviral ointments.

Drug dosage plays an important role in determining the antiviral therapy regimen. Unlike ointments, uncontrolled use of tablet medications can cause serious complications, including liver and kidney dysfunction.

Acyclovir against herpes

In what cases should you take pills for herpes?

Tablet medications for herpes are prescribed in the following cases:

  • during primary infection of the body;
  • with frequent relapses;
  • with extensive damage to the body (usually with herpes zoster);
  • with non-standard localization of herpes;
  • in cases where there is a risk of infection spreading to internal organs (in immunodeficiency states).

Tablet antiherpetic drugs are prescribed for systemic damage to the body, which occurs when infected with virus strains of types 3-8. Also, sometimes these medications are used at the first signs of relapse of the disease or in cases of severe exacerbation of herpes.

List of the most effective drugs

All antiherpetic drugs act directly on the virus, destroying the cell membranes of the latter. Thanks to this, the process of replication (reproduction) of the pathogen is suppressed, which leads to a rapid recovery of the patient.

More often, pills are prescribed. This medicine is effective against all strains of the virus. In addition to drugs with narrowly targeted (antiviral) action, the following are used in the treatment of the disease:

  • immunomodulatory medications (“Galavit”, “Anaferon”);
  • interferon preparations (“Reaferon”);
  • medications that stimulate the production of natural interferon (Lavomax, Cycloferon).

Interferon is a protein compound that inhibits the activity of viruses. "Reaferon" and other similar drugs are rarely used in the treatment of herpes due to the fact that the effectiveness of drugs in this group in exacerbating the disease has not been proven.


The main drugs used in the systemic treatment of herpes are selected by the doctor. When taking antiviral tablets, certain precautions must be taken. In particular, it is recommended to stop taking medications if side effects occur (from the skin or internal organs).

Choosing the best drugs that provide quick relief from herpes is quite difficult. People react differently to taking pills, which is why periodically it is necessary to adjust the prescribed treatment regimen and replace one medicine with another.

Acyclovir and analogues

If you need effective, inexpensive, but effective antiherpetic tablets, then you should opt for Acyclovir. This drug is available in various dosages (200-400 mg).

A doctor should determine how to take Acyclovir tablets. This is explained by the fact that the dosage of the medicine is calculated depending on the type of virus:

  1. For herpes types 1 and 2, it is recommended to take 800-1000 mg of acyclovir per day. Duration of treatment is 5-10 days.
  2. For Zoster viruses (chickenpox or shingles) and Epstein-Barr, you need to take 2000 mg per day.

Acyclovir: choice of form and drug tolerability, consequences

If treatment of herpes with Acyclovir does not produce results or provokes an allergic reaction, the drug is replaced with Valacyclovir (Valtrex, Valvir). This medicine comes in the form of 500 mg tablets. The active component of "Valacyclovir" is quickly absorbed through the intestinal wall and is excreted from the body within 6 hours.

This drug is taken twice a day for 5 days. The cost of Valacyclovir is about 1,300 rubles (for a blister of 10 tablets) or 3,500 rubles (for 42 tablets).


"Famciclovir" ("Famvir") is a drug of the latest generation, which is available in tablets of 125, 250 and 500 mg. After penetration into the body, the active substance is transformed into penciclovir, which is effective against:

  • herpes types 1 and 2;
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • Epstein-Barr virus;
  • Zoster virus.

The latest generation tablets are also used in the treatment of strains of herpes that are resistant to the effects of acyclovir. The cost of Famciclovir varies between 1200-4500 rubles.

The drug is most effective for herpes zoster and ophthalmoherpes (eye damage). The duration of treatment is determined depending on the complexity of the case and is 7-10 days.

Famvir provides a long-lasting antiherpetic effect. By taking the drug, you can reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease by 80%. The medicine is not prescribed to patients under 18 years of age.


In case of extensive damage to the body (with herpes zoster, exacerbation of the Epstein-Barr virus), it is indicated. The medicine, penetrating the body, stimulates the functioning of the mechanisms that produce interferon. The latter increases the activity of the immune system. Cycloferon also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The drug is available in tablet form (10 and 50 pieces) and costs approximately 200-900 rubles. The medicine is approved for use by children over 4 years of age.

Instead of Cycloferon, Amiksin is often used in the treatment of herperovirus infection. The difference between these drugs lies in the type of active ingredient. "Amiksin" is available in 60 and 125 mg doses. The cost of the drug is 450-900 rubles.

In addition to these immunomodulators, the following medications are used in the treatment of herpes:

  1. "Galavit."
  2. "Imunofan".
  3. "Alpizarin".
  4. "Lycopid".
  5. "Imunomax".

Immunomodulators should be taken only in consultation with a doctor (the drugs can disrupt internal secretion) and simultaneously with antiviral drugs.

Are pills used to prevent herpes?

Taking pills to prevent herpes is prescribed mainly to people with immunodeficiency. Medicines in this group temporarily suppress the activity of the virus. Therefore, after completion of the course of treatment, a repeated relapse of the disease is possible in the presence of predisposing factors. On average, the active components of medications are eliminated from the body in 1-2 days.

To prevent the recurrence of herpetic rashes, you need to take antiviral tablets daily. In this regard, medications are not prescribed to prevent exacerbation of the disease. The only exception to this rule is periods of active spread of colds (autumn - winter). At this time, carriers of the herpevirus can take pills to prevent relapses.

When choosing medications to treat a viral disease, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. Failure to comply with the prescribed dosage leads to a deterioration in the general condition of the body and provokes the spread of infection throughout the body. Also, for herperoviruses, it is not recommended to take antibiotics and herbal medicines.

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Hello dear readers. Now, during the season of colds and viral infections, you can increasingly see people on the streets with a runny nose, colds, and coughs. Today we’ll talk about such a common problem as herpes. Herpes is caused by a viral infection that causes the skin to become covered with small pimples with blisters, which then ulcerate and form a crust. People can often find herpes on their lips. Many do not even try to treat it, because they prefer to endure the itching, pain and inconvenience. When herpes appears, it becomes clear to the patient what kind of problem he has, since the symptoms appear immediately and are very characteristic. The borders of the oral mucosa begin to tingle, which already indicates the onset of the disease. Further, the symptoms become even more characteristic.

If you start taking medications when the symptoms of herpes have just appeared, and the disease is in its infancy, the formation of blisters may stop or even not begin.

But, you need to know what medications you need to use to get rid of herpes on the lips.

Classic scheme for treating and combating herpes on the lips

  • As soon as the primary signs of herpes appear on the lips (these include tingling and itching), antiviral ointment begins to be used.

For those who quite regularly experience exacerbations of herpes, it is better to purchase such drugs in advance and have them with them, especially when traveling, when climatic conditions change and the body is not ready for such changes.

They all have a common principle of action - they contain acyclovir, which kills the virus. The structure of the drug is similar to an element of human DNA, so the virus attaches itself to it, but then dies, unable to function and reproduce normally.

Using the ointment is very simple - you need to spread it with a cotton swab on the area of ​​the rash. Then, periodically, when the old portion of the medicine is absorbed, a new one is added.

Due to the fact that the drug acts quickly and effectively, blisters and ulcers can be eliminated in a short time.

  • If there is a delay in starting treatment for herpes, the next stage is the appearance of blisters and further ulcerations in the area of ​​the corners of the mouth.

In this case, it will take more than one day to remove these problems, since the tissues must recover. They also start taking acyclovir tablets and ointments.

Of course, local remedies are much better than internal ones, since they act directly on the source of inflammation and are not carried with the blood throughout the body.

Even pregnant and breastfeeding women can take acyclovir creams and ointments because they are safe. But in order to cure herpes faster and more effectively, it is better to take pills that work more powerfully.

It is important to consult a doctor before starting treatment, since taking antiviral drugs internally may not always be the right decision.

  • When blisters with herpes begin to open, the peak of the viral disease is observed at this stage, so it will not be possible to cure it quickly.

Sometimes, after subsequent ulcers heal, scars even remain. Therefore, at this stage you need to help yourself as much as possible to get rid of the problem and strengthen your immune system.

In addition to taking antiviral drugs, they begin to use immunoglobulins and vitamins. This will also help avoid infecting others.

Chamomile has a good anti-inflammatory effect, the use of which speeds up recovery.

Pharmacy medicine for herpes - which medicine to choose?

When taking gels, creams, ointments, tablets with varying degrees of effectiveness, the development and reproduction of the herpes virus in the human body is inhibited.

Thanks to this, the number of unfavorable symptoms is reduced until a long-term remission occurs.

You can start taking tablets for herpes from the age of 2 years. But patients should remember that antiviral therapy has many side effects. Thus, fluid may begin to accumulate in the body, forming swelling, and an allergic reaction often occurs.

This means that there must be a clear argument why it is necessary to take antiherpetic drugs in tablets.


The active substance is typically introduced into the virus for its further destruction. For adults, it is enough to take 0.25-2 g of medication to achieve success in treatment.

The number of tablets per day, as well as the duration of treatment, is best agreed with the doctor, who will determine the stage of the disease and the degree of susceptibility of the body to treatment.

If the patient has problems with the functioning of the kidneys or liver, it is worth taking this into account when choosing a dosage.

As for older patients, they are advised to drink a lot of fluids when using this antiviral drug.


If a person has herpes, the doctor often prescribes this drug. It is based on famciclovir, an antiviral drug that quickly enters the bloodstream and is converted there into penciclovir.

This active substance destroys the herpes pathogen. The advantage of the drug is that it can be taken at any time, regardless of meals.

Typically, the patient is prescribed 0.25 g of the substance three times a day. The course of treatment is a week. But some doctors may prescribe a different regimen if the situation differs from the standard one.


A classic antiviral drug that penetrates viral DNA and destroys it. The internal form of the medicine is good because it equally penetrates into all tissues of the body, where it fights the virus.

The course of treatment is usually five days. The treatment regimen is as follows - tablets with a dosage of 0.2 g are taken 5 times a day, that is, every 4 hours. If the patient has a severe form of herpes, the doctor may increase the course of treatment.

Zovirax ointment

This drug acts similarly to the above, but at the local level. Its difference is that healthy cells of the body are not negatively affected.

The ointment in the form of a strip is applied to the infected part of the skin of the lips.

In this case, the frequency of application is 5 times a day. In total, the course of taking the drug is about several days, and when there are no longer signs of the disease, the application of the ointment is continued for another three days in order to destroy the remnants of the herpes virus and eliminate the possibility of relapse.

Zovirax ointment is good because it can be used in extreme cases, even by pregnant women, if necessary.


This product differs from others because it is of plant origin. But it works no worse. The gel is used to have a comprehensive effect on different strains of the herpes virus.

The drug is administered by injection of 200 mcg. Of course, such treatment must be prescribed by a doctor. The product can be used even for pregnant women, but to a limited extent, but it is prohibited for nursing mothers.

Popular folk remedies for herpes - TOP 10 remedies

For everyone who has herpes on the lips, the first question is how to treat herpes at home. Traditional medicine offers many remedies that have been proven over the years.

1. Aloe juice

To cure rashes on the lips, you need to get a teaspoon of the juice of this plant and mix it with half the amount of honey.

This medicine is taken once a day immediately before meals. But it is not necessary to prepare this mixture, since it is enough to cut off a slice of aloe and treat the wound with the oozing plant.

To do this, you can attach it to it for half an hour. A few days of such actions, and herpes will be defeated.

2. Earwax

If you lubricate the herpes lesions with your own earwax twice a day, on the 2-3rd day the treatment will begin to produce serious results.

3. Ice cubes

Every day it is necessary to apply ice to the areas of the disease for 15-20 seconds 2-3 times. This will begin to kill the virus, which cannot tolerate cold.

In addition, exposure to ice will dry out the wounds and speed up recovery.

4. Regular salt

Small crystals of table salt can cure herpes if you apply it to the wound several times a day. It is also recommended to leave a salt compress on at night.

To do this, a teaspoon of the substance is diluted in a third of a glass of water, then gauze is soaked in this solution and secured to the wound surface.

5. Toothpaste

A rather unusual method is to treat the damaged part of the lip with a small amount of paste and wait for it to dry.

This usually speeds up the healing process and drying of the sores. Moreover, using the product before bubbles appear prevents their occurrence.

6. Chamomile decoction

The traditional herbal preparation is not only drunk, but also used as a topical remedy. To do this, take a tablespoon of raw material and leave it in a glass of boiling water for half an hour.

Then the broth is filtered and mixed with a tablespoon of propolis tincture in alcohol. The resulting drug is excellent for treating ulcers on the lips and internal use, a tablespoon 2 times a day.

7. Freshly prepared tea

Prepare a strong tea drink and soak a cotton swab with it. Next, apply it to the lip. The procedure is done three times a day until the skin recovers.

8. Paper ash

It is not the powder itself that is used, but an ointment based on it. To do this, take half a spoon of honey, a tablespoon of ash and 3 crushed cloves of garlic. Mix everything and apply to lips three times a day.

9. Garlic and onion

Cut onion or garlic in half, and rub the juice of the plant onto the ulcers on the lips. Due to the unpleasant smell, it is better to do this at night, and then cover your lips with a thin layer of honey.

10. Honey, coffee and flour

The following recipe is known to be effective: 10 g of honey and flour are mixed with 5 g of coffee and 50 g of kefir, add 2 cloves of chopped garlic.

All this is mixed and applied to the wound surface until the resulting ointment dries. After this, apply the substance to the wound again, leaving it for half an hour, after which it is washed off. After a few sessions, the herpes virus will be defeated.

Firing procedure

This is the most dangerous, but effective method. A teaspoon is heated over a fire and applied to the damaged skin. 4-5 sessions are done per day, after which the virus disappears for a long time.

How to treat herpes for pregnant and nursing mothers

During pregnancy, women are more prone to exacerbation of herpes as the immune system becomes significantly weaker. However, it is strictly prohibited to take medications without a doctor’s prescription.

To get rid of the problem, you need to fight in other ways. Thus, women are recommended to follow a certain diet containing a minimum of baked goods and a maximum of proteins, start taking vitamins, and increase the duration of sleep.

In exceptional cases, it is possible to use ointments against herpes, but they must be prescribed by a doctor.

How to speed up the healing of wounds and ulcers with herpes

If herpes is treated, it goes away within 2-4 days. But the disease leaves behind small wounds that will take some time to heal.

To speed up this process, you can apply Kalanchoe juice, aloe, or sea buckthorn oil to the sores. Thanks to their use, within a week there will be no trace left of the wound.

But this applies to cases where all stages of herpes development are allowed. If the infection is suppressed at the very beginning, it will not even be able to manifest itself.

Herpes on the lips affects many millions of people around the world. The virus settles in the body and is almost impossible to destroy.

Periodically, when the immune system is weakened, moments arise when it reminds itself of itself, causing a person to suffer.

To defeat a disease, you need to fight not only its external manifestations, but also its internal ones. Are you looking for how to cure herpes on the lips - quickly? There are a lot of remedies today that help get rid of herpes, but they should be used under the strict supervision of a doctor, and not prescribed to yourself.

Sometimes thoughtless self-medication leads to more disastrous results than the lack of medical care.

At the first manifestations of a herpetic infection on the face, hands or body, people usually immediately turn to various antiviral ointments for help. And this is the right approach - it is quite possible to “drown out” minor rashes with external means. It is enough to lubricate the affected area 4-5 times a day, and within a week the skin will be completely restored..

Taking antiviral drugs orally - in the form of tablets (sometimes injections) - is recommended if:

  • human immunity is greatly reduced;
  • treatment of herpes is not started immediately at the first symptoms;
  • the patient is susceptible to frequent relapses of this infection (which is often observed with the genital type of the virus);
  • herpes has developed on internal organs or in other places inaccessible to the use of ointment.

Ointments penetrate only the superficial layers of the skin and mucous membranes; they are not able to affect the body from the inside. The tablets enter the internal bodily fluids, the active substance is distributed to all areas and provides a stronger effect.

Important! It is worth understanding that due to the internal penetration of antiviral substances, tablets have more contraindications. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are usually prescribed a different form of medication.

What medications for herpes are available in tablets?

Modern pharmaceuticals include a wide selection of antiherpetic drugs. However, not all of them are popular - there are several of the most common and well-known means.


Antiviral tablets, produced in 10 and 20 pieces with a dosage of 200 and 400 mg under the names Acyclovir, Acyclovir Acri, Zovirax, Ciclovir, Vivorax and others. The approximate price for the drug 200 mg is 35-60 rubles, 400 mg is 150-200 rubles.

Used against herpes virus types 1 and 2 for 5-10 days in a standard dosage (800-1000 mg/day) and with an increase in dose for Zoster infection (2000 mg/day) and Epstein-Barr. You should take the tablets after meals with plenty of water.

Main benefits of Acyclovir:

  1. This is the only drug from this group of drugs whose tablets can be prescribed to pregnant women and children.
  2. The most common and well-known - its effectiveness was confirmed for many years before the development of other means.
  3. Classic Acyclovir (with the exception of those produced by individual companies) is the cheapest and most accessible drug of all antiherpetic drugs.

The only disadvantages of these tablets are their low effectiveness against herpes types 7 and 8 and their weak effect on the Epstein-Barr virus. Other drugs are prescribed to treat these diseases.

Valaciclovir (Valtrex)

Valtrex tablets consist of 500 mg of Valaciclovir, another form of Acyclovir that is better absorbed by the body. The package can contain 10 or 42 pieces.

The drug is available only in this form - there are no ointments, ampoules or other similar products with Valaciclovir. Indications for use are the same infections as regular Acyclovir: Valtrex is no different from it in properties. However, there are several advantages compared to the effectiveness and speed of action of the first drug:

  1. Valaciclovir is more convenient to take - 500 mg twice a day, regardless of meal times, while Acyclovir should be taken 4-5 times daily.
  2. The drug is better absorbed by the body and gives faster results - up to 5 days, while Acyclovir takes up to 10.
  3. Taking 1 tablet daily prevents the transmission of genital herpes to a healthy partner.

However, there are also negative differences. The price of the drug is significantly higher - packs of 10 tablets are distributed at 900-1300 rubles. A pack of 42 pieces can cost up to 3,500 rubles. The drug is usually not prescribed to pregnant women and children due to insufficient clinical studies.

Famciclovir (Famvir)

Famvir tablets are available in three dosages of Famciclovir - 125, 25 and 500 mg. The package can contain 7, 10, 14, 20, 21, 28, 30 and 40 pieces. In the body, the drug is converted not into Acyclovir, like Valtrex, but into Penciclovir. However, its action is aimed at combating the same herpes viruses.

The advantages of this antiviral agent:

  • selective activity (does not affect healthy cells);
  • suppression of Acyclovir-resistant strains of herpes;
  • improvement in postherpetic neuralgia (after herpes zoster);

The disadvantage of Famvir is its high price. For a package of the drug you will have to pay from 1200 to 4500 rubles, depending on the number of tablets and the manufacturer’s brand.

Famciclovir is most often prescribed for type 3 herpes and ophthalmic herpes, since it is most effective against it. The dosage is 250 mg 3 times a day or 500-750 - 2 times a week or 10 days. For herpes simplex (labial or genital), taking 250 mg three times for 5 days is enough. Relapses are treated with a dosage of 125 mg.


These tablets consist of a low-modular interferon inducer - that is, they promote greater activity of the immune system. How does the drug differ from the above?

  1. This is not a separate antiviral agent, but an immunomodulator.
  2. The action of Cycloferon is aimed at improving the functioning of the body’s natural defense so that it itself fights herpes infection.
  3. The properties of the tablets also include anti-inflammatory properties.
  4. When treating herpes, the drug must be taken according to a special regimen: 4 tablets per day for 2 days in a row, then 3 times every other day and, finally, another 5 times every 3 days.
  5. The drug can be prescribed to children from 4 years of age.

The drug is available in 10 and 50 pieces per package. The estimated cost of 10 tablets is 160-200 rubles. , 50 – 750-900 rub.


Amiksin tablets act similarly to Cycloferon - they stimulate the immune system. However, the active ingredient in them is different - tilaxin. The drug is available in dosages of 60 and 125 mg, in packages of 6, 10 or 20 pieces. On average, for 10 tablets of 60 mg you need to pay 450-600 rubles, 125 mg - 800-900 rubles.

The drug is domestically produced and is very popular in Russian clinics. Effectively suppresses the activity of the herpes virus and enhances the production of antibodies to it.

The drug should be taken before meals. Treatment regimen for adults: 2 days in a row, 1 tablet of 125 mg, then another 8-18 tablets every other day. Children are prescribed only after reaching the age of 7, but Amiksin is completely contraindicated for pregnant women.

Traditionally, both Cycloferon and Amiksin are prescribed in combination with antiviral tablets Acyclovir, Famciclovir and others. Combined treatment gives much better results and reliably prevents relapses.

Herpes tablets are a group of antiherpetic drugs used to treat herpes virus infections of different localizations. Let's look at the most effective medications, indications for their use, possible side effects and other features.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers many tablet drugs that effectively treat herpes. Although no medicine eliminates Herpes simplex 100%. This is due to the fact that the pathogen hides in the nerve cells of the human body. Antiherpetic drugs reduce the duration of the disease, alleviate painful symptoms (itching and burning at the site of the rash) and the general symptoms of this disease, that is, headache, general weakness and fever.

They are used not only for treatment, but also to prevent relapses. Medicines with immunomodulators are especially effective. Medicines increase the body's resistance to the virus and have antiherpetic functions.

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Treatment of herpes with tablets

It is impossible to completely get rid of herpes in the body, so taking pills is a way to prevent relapses and exacerbations, that is, to protect the body from dysfunction that arises due to the presence of the virus. Treatment of herpes virus infection has two directions: taking antiviral drugs and antiviral therapy with immunotherapy.

Herpes tablets are considered a local therapy. Tablet preparations, like ointments, eliminate only part of the painful symptoms and speed up the healing process. The most effective treatment is considered to be one that uses drugs with different mechanisms of action on the virus. If the tablets are taken at the first signs of the disease, when the characteristic rash has not yet appeared, then this helps prevent the disease. With frequent relapses, patients are prescribed prophylactic pills for several months.

  • Treatment is carried out with both antiviral and immune system restoration agents. Immune modulators together with antiviral agents work much more effectively and quickly eliminate Herpes simplex.
  • After entering the stomach, they dissolve and release the active substance. After this, the active components are absorbed into the general bloodstream and distributed to all organs and tissues.
  • The antiherpetic drug penetrates the cells in which the virus lives and blocks its replication. Pathogens are destroyed by the drug and cells of the immune system. The virus no longer multiplies and infects surrounding cells.
  • These medications must be taken with extreme caution, as they belong to a very serious group of pharmacological drugs that have many contraindications and side effects. Therefore, they can be taken only with the permission of a doctor, with strict adherence to the instructions.

Tablets for herpes on the lips

These are medicines that are effective in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases caused by Herpes simplex. Herpes on the lips is more common than on other parts of the body. There are four stages of disease development. At the first stage, a slight burning and itching occurs in the lip area; after a couple of hours, the symptoms become more painful. In the second stage, a small blister and swelling appears on the lip. At the next stage, the bubble turns into a wound, which progresses and infects other areas of the lips. At the last stage, the wound becomes covered with a crust and completely disappears after a few days.

Herpes on the lips can occur due to contact with an infected person, colds, stress, menstruation, injuries, pregnancy, hypothermia and other provoking factors. If you do not use tablets and ointments, then the herpes will go away on its own in 10-12 days, but this time will pass in constant discomfort. However, after complete healing, small scars may remain on the lips. To prevent this from happening, use herpes pills.

This dosage form on the lips helps to quickly eliminate the first signs and prevent relapses. Two types of drugs are used: antiviral drugs and drugs with immunotherapeutic effects.

  1. Antiviral drugs
  • Zovirax is effective in the first stage of the disease and can be used for prevention. The composition includes the active ingredient acyclovir.
  • Acyclovir - helps treat infections of different localizations, is a concentrated medicine.
  • Famvir is one of the most effective antiherpic drugs. If taken at the first stage, it will prevent the subsequent development of Herpes.
  • Valtrex – used for herpes on the lips and genitals. It is used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent.
  1. Immunomodulators
  • Anaferon - used in complex therapy of the virus, can also be used for prevention.
  • Isoprinosine - when taking it, there is no need to take antiviral tablets. The drug contains an active component - inosinpranobex, which eliminates painful symptoms at any stage.
  • Galavit – relieves swelling and inflammation caused by the virus. It is recommended to use at the first symptoms.

In addition to the medications described above, there are other methods that help eliminate inflammation on the lip. We are talking about traditional medicine methods. The easiest way to get rid of Herpes simplex is to sprinkle a pinch of salt on your lip. The procedure is recommended to be carried out throughout the day until the symptoms disappear completely. Another option for therapy without tablets is to dip a teaspoon in hot water or tea, wait a couple of minutes for the spoon to warm up, and apply to the affected area. The procedure must be repeated 5-6 times during the day.

Tablets for genital herpes

Used for rashes, both on mucous membranes and on the skin. Genital or genital herpes is a dangerous and common disease that can be easily contracted. The causative agent of the lesion is Herpes simplex. It affects both men and women, regardless of age. Rashes appear in the anus, perineum, mucous membranes, and external genitalia.

Its danger is that the pathogen weakens the protective properties of the immune system, causing damage to internal organs and the brain. A person can be a carrier for a long time and not know about it. Doctors distinguish between primary and recurrent genital herpes. The effectiveness of treatment of the first form completely determines recovery and the risk of transition to the chronic form.

Let's look at the main symptoms, when they appear, you need to consult a doctor and start taking pills.

  • The virus goes through an incubation period, which can last from three days to a month. After this, reddish rashes appear on the skin and itch. In addition to rashes, the patient has a headache, fever, and general ailments.
  • After a couple of hours, the rashes turn into blisters filled with infected fluid. After 3-4 days, the vesicles burst and ulcers form in their places, which cause acute pain. In addition, the patient suffers from itching and burning in the affected genital area.

In men, genital herpes appears on the inner and outer layers of the foreskin, coronal sulcus and scrotum. In some cases, rashes appear in the anus and on the body of the genital organ. In women, Herpes blisters are localized on the labia minora and majora, in the perineum and vaginal mucosa, and on the cervix. Acyclovir is used to treat the first symptoms.

Treatment begins with diagnosis and testing. Having found out what form of genital herpes you have, the doctor draws up a treatment plan. To date, there is no drug that completely destroys the pathogen in the body. But modern means allow you to keep it under control and eliminate painful symptoms. As a rule, patients are prescribed: Acyclovir, Famvir, Flacoside, Valtrex, Epigen-Intim, Alpizarin and others. These are the most common and most effective drugs from the antiviral group. They suppress both internal and external signs of genital herpes. You can also use topical products: ointments, gels, creams.

After a course of therapy, prophylaxis is mandatory. Patients should maintain personal hygiene, avoid casual sexual contact and strengthen the protective properties of the body's immune system. It is also recommended to get an anti-herpes vaccination, which will prevent relapses.

Herpes pills on the body

These are drugs for the treatment and prevention of painful skin lesions. Herpetic rashes on the body are called herpes zoster, which appear when the chickenpox virus (Herpes simplex type 3) is activated, affecting the nerve nodes and roots of the spinal cord. Characteristic rashes appear on the body. As a rule, Herpes zoster affects elderly patients or people with weakened immune systems.

The disease is much more severe than on the lips, genitals or face. With herpes on the body, not only the skin is affected, but also the nerve endings. The patient suffers from high fever and severe pain in the areas of the rash. The complex of therapeutic measures for the disease must be comprehensive, since this form has not only severe symptoms, but also dangerous consequences.

  • The main stage of treatment is taking antiherpic drugs, both orally and intravenously. Patients are prescribed: Acyclovir, Zovirax, Virolex, Valtrex. Injectable: Alpizarin, Tetrahydroxyglucopyranosylxanthene.
  • Therapy should also include treating the affected areas of the skin with special ointments and creams: Bonafton, Panavir, Depanthenol, Alpizarin, Viru Merz Serol.
  • It is strictly forbidden to use glucocorticosteroids and hormonal drugs to treat Herpes on the body. Therefore, check with your doctor about the medications he prescribes and carefully read the instructions for the medicine.
  • For pain relief, medications with acetaminophen or icecaine are used, as well as antipyretics: Naproxen, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol and others.
  • Another important stage in the treatment of herpes in the body is strengthening the immune system. For this, immunomodulators are used: Cycloferon, Polyoxidonium and others. In addition, it is necessary to carry out vitamin therapy with vitamins B, E, C and A.

Do not forget that timely comprehensive treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. After a course of therapy, pain may remain on the body, which persists for 2-3 months. This is due to sensory disturbance due to Herpes simplex and neuralgia. In the chronic form of the disease, pain persists for a longer time.

Herpes zoster tablets

They are used for complex forms of pathology that affect large areas of the skin. The choice of medication depends on the degree of exacerbation of the herpes virus infection, the presence of concomitant diseases and other lesions of the body. Today, there are many different drugs that are used to treat Herpes zoster, its exacerbations and complications. Such medicines include: antivirals, antibiotics, vitamins and immunostimulants, painkillers, local antiseptics. Acyclovir is particularly effective. Effective in the treatment of all forms of herpetic lesions of various localizations.

In addition to Acyclovir, herpes zoster is treated with: Valaciclovir, Famvir, Erazaban, Panovir, Zovirax and others. Medicines prevent the spread of the virus from diseased cells to healthy ones. Treatment with pills is much more effective than the use of ointments, gels and creams. But ointments help protect healthy skin from associated diseases.

Analgesic therapy, which is combined with antiviral therapy, is also mandatory. Since Herpes zoster causes severe pain. For treatment, antidepressants, anticonvulsants are used and symptomatic therapy is carried out.

Pills for herpes on the nose

They help get rid of herpetic infections that affect the mucous membranes and skin of the nose. The disease causes swelling and hyperemia of the skin. Most often, Herpes appears on the nose and lips, accompanied by high fever and general ailments. The peculiarity of the virus is that it penetrates the genomic apparatus of the cell and completely rebuilds its functioning. After this, the disease spreads and attacks healthy cells one by one.

The first symptoms of herpes virus infection appear 5-7 days after infection. Blistering rashes appear on the nose, the skin turns red, and swelling appears. Without proper therapy, the blisters burst and form multiple erosions, which after a couple of days merge into a common wound. After 1-2 days, the wound becomes scarred and heals, as a rule, leaving no scars or scars.

Treatment should be carried out comprehensively, under the supervision of an immunologist or infectious disease specialist. It consists of the use of antiviral and antihistamine drugs. For a speedy recovery, immunomodulators and adaptogens are used, which accelerate the healing of affected nasal tissues.

  • Groprinosin, Inosine Pranobex, Isoprinosine - combine antiviral and immunomodulatory properties. As a rule, patients are prescribed 2 pieces 4 times a day, the duration of therapy is selected individually for each patient.
  • Virolex, Gerpevir, Zovirax, Acyclovir - the active substances penetrate infected cells and prevent their replication. It is recommended to take 200 mg, 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days.
  • Valacyclovir, Valtrex are new generation drugs that are highly effective and have a rapid therapeutic effect. Patients are prescribed 500 mg, 1-2 times a day, course duration is up to 10 days.
  • Famvir, Famciclovir - retain their therapeutic properties for 12 hours after use, which makes it possible to effectively destroy a viral infection. It is recommended to use 250 mg, 1-2 times a day, for 5-10 days.

Please note that all the drugs described above have contraindications for use and side effects. Therefore, you can take pills for herpes on the lip only after consulting your doctor. Since it is impossible to completely get rid of herpes virus infection, and constant use of pills is dangerous for the normal functioning of the body, there are preventive methods to prevent the development of the disease.

  • If you already have cold sores on your nose, keep the skin around the rash clean. Do not touch the bubbles or try to remove them under any circumstances. This will slow down their healing and increase the risk of pathogenic infection.
  • If you use ointment to speed up healing, apply it with a disposable cotton swab or a special spatula, which must be washed after each use.
  • Do not use cosmetics to cover up Herpes. This will lead to herpetic rashes appearing in adjacent areas of healthy skin. If the rash causes severe itching, ignore it and do not scratch the wounds.

Herpes on the nose is accompanied by frequent relapses, which, with the right set of treatment measures, appear less and less often. Please note that if Herpes simplex occurs more than three times a year, this indicates a pronounced decrease in the protective properties of the immune system or a serious illness. To do this, it is necessary to regularly prevent viral infectious pathologies and strengthen the immune system.

Indications for use

Indications for use are based on the symptoms of the lesion and the course of the disease. Herpes virus infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, skin-to-skin contact, blood transfusion or organ transplantation. Herpes can enter the child's body from the mother, which indicates intrauterine infection. Externally, the lesion looks like a blistering rash on the skin and mucous membranes. The rashes are accompanied by itching and burning, which makes it possible to diagnose the disease and draw up the correct course.

For treatment, acyclovir-containing drugs and immunotherapy are used that suppress Herpes simplex. Main indications for use: eliminating the first signs of blistering rashes, eliminating the inflammatory process, cleansing the skin. Medicines must be taken at the first symptoms; in some cases, vaccination is used to prevent herpes. When significant foci of inflammation appear, patients are prescribed antiseptics and drying ointment preparations.

Release form

The form of drug release is selected by the attending physician and depends on the stage of development of the disease, the location of the rash, the age of the patient and other characteristics of the body. For prevention and therapy, tablet forms of drugs that effectively affect the virus are used.

When herpes is localized on the genitals, mucous membranes or extensive damage to the skin, ointments and solutions are used for external application. In some cases, vaccination is used. The patient is injected with Herpes so that the body develops immunity.


Pharmacodynamics are the processes that occur with a drug after it enters the body. Let's look at pharmacodynamics using Valtrex as an example. It contains the active ingredient valacyclovir, which is an effective antiviral agent. Once in the body, valacyclovir is converted into acyclovir and valine, which are specific inhibitors of herpes viruses. This helps the body fight infection at the cellular level.

Resistance to Herpes simplex is associated with a deficiency of viral thymidine kinase. In some cases, reduced sensitivity appears due to Herpes strains with a disrupted structure. The drug effectively relieves pain if the drug is used for herpes zoster or genital herpes. When used for preventive purposes, Valtrex reduces the number of possible relapses and protects the body from other viral infections.


These are the processes of absorption, absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion of a drug. Let's look at these processes using Valtrex as an example. After oral administration, valacyclovir is effectively absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 54%, and the maximum concentration is observed 2 hours after use.

When distributed, Valtrex binds to plasma proteins by 15%, which is a rather low figure. The drug is excreted by the kidneys, in the form of urine and metabolites. When taken by patients with renal failure, the half-life is approximately 14 hours. With herpesvirus infection in patients with HIV infection, the pharmacokinetic characteristics do not change. The dosage of Valtrex is selected by the attending physician individually for each patient.

Use during pregnancy

The use of herpes pills during pregnancy is possible only with the permission of the attending physician. Herpes during pregnancy occurs due to hormonal changes in the mother's body and the influence of unfavorable external factors. The disease can affect the lips, nose, body and even the genitals. In this case, the most dangerous is Herpes of the genital form, which complicates the course of pregnancy and disrupts the normal development of the fetus. Without proper treatment, genital herpes leads to miscarriage and other pathologies in the child. The disease occurs in 30% of pregnant women and in 3% of cases leads to pathological consequences.

  • Antiherpetic tablets, as well as ointments and creams are used. Acyclovir is effective and can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor, as it can negatively affect the development of the fetus. Foscarnet or Penciclovir may be used.
  • To speed up the healing process, it is recommended to use natural remedies that do not have a pathological effect on the development of the fetus. For these purposes, sea buckthorn and rosehip oil are used. Excellent immunostimulants are B vitamins, echinacea, eleutherococcus and ginseng. The course of therapy should last at least 3 weeks. Moreover, if Herpes appears in women during the prenatal period, doctors perform a cesarean section to prevent infection of the fetus when passing through the birth canal.

Herpes can cause missed abortion. In this case, fetal development stops in the first trimester. The main cause of the pathology is the presence of Herpes simplex in a woman. In some cases, it causes infection in newborns. Infection occurs in the last months of pregnancy, infection occurs through the placenta, through the birth canal and through contact of the newborn with contaminated instruments or through mother's milk. To treat herpesvirus infection in newborns, antiviral drugs are used, which save the lives of 50% of infected infants.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use are based on the composition of the drug. The main contraindication is individual intolerance to the active and additional components. Many medications are prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation, as well as for herpes virus infection in pediatric patients.

Prescribed with extreme caution for patients with renal failure and severe and clinical forms of HIV infection. If the drug is taken simultaneously with nephrotoxic drugs, then consultation with a doctor is required to prevent side effects.

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Side effects

Side effects occur when the drug is used by patients with contraindications or when the recommended dosage is not observed. Many drugs are well tolerated and do not cause side effects. But allergic skin reactions, headaches, gastrointestinal disorders, general weakness and increased fatigue may appear.

In rare cases, they cause an increase in the content of bilirubin, urea and creatinine in the blood serum, which leads to an increase in the activity of liver enzymes. If intravenous solutions are used for treatment, then when they enter the subcutaneous fatty tissue, severe burning and itching appears. When using ointments, after application to the skin, local allergic reactions are possible, which disappear after discontinuation of the medication.

Names of tablets for herpes

The names are represented by a wide group of antiherpetic drugs that allow you to quickly and effectively eliminate a viral disease. Modern drugs are chemicals that treat Herpes, but have contraindications, side effects and other application features, so they cannot be used without a medical prescription.

  • Acyclovir

The most effective remedy for herpes virus infection of any form and any location. Available in the form of tablets and ointments. The active substance of the drug works at the cellular level and blocks the replication of Herpes simplex. It is recommended to drink 4-5 times a day for 5-7 days.

  • Valaciclovir

Its principle of action is similar to Acyclovir. Helps against shingles, herpes on the lip, nose and genital herpes of various forms. Take it only as prescribed by a doctor, one piece for 3-5 days.

  • Herpferon

A combined drug that consists of the active ingredients acyclovir and interferon. Used during exacerbation of the disease, the duration of therapy should not exceed 7-10 days.

  • Famciclovir

Medicine of the latest generation. After entering the body, it suppresses HSV-1 and HSV-2. Effective against herpes virus infection of any form and location.

  • Foscarnet

Suppresses viral cells and prevents their reproduction. The product contains phosphorus, which makes Foscarnet toxic, which can only be used with a medical prescription.

In addition to the drugs described above, they use: Metisazone, Brivudine, Ribamidil. The drugs have a different mechanism of action, but have an antiviral effect. As a rule, they are prescribed only if the patient has developed resistance to more effective drugs.


Acyclovir has a selective effect on Herpes. Acyclovir is prescribed for infections of the skin and mucous membranes affected by Herpes simplex types 1 and 2, as well as primary, secondary and genital. Effective in preventing relapse of the virus in patients with normal immune systems and immunodeficiency. Effective in therapy for patients with HIV infections, AIDS, after bone marrow transplantation. Acyclovir helps with chickenpox and Herpes zoster.

  • The dosage is selected individually for each patient and depends on the form of the disease and the characteristics of the patient’s body. It must be taken after meals with plenty of water.
  • Contraindicated for use in case of individual intolerance to acyclovir and excipients. The product is not recommended for use during pregnancy and lactation. Use with extreme caution for renal failure, neurological disorders and dehydration.
  • It is well tolerated, so to date there have been no reported cases of overdose. Acyclovir can cause side effects, which manifest themselves as: gastrointestinal disorders, headache, general weakness, drowsiness, allergic reactions. Dispensed only with a doctor's prescription.

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Valtrex is effective against herpes zoster, genital, primary, recurrent and labial herpes. Used for recurrent infections of the skin and mucous membranes that are caused by a virus.

  • The dosage is selected individually for each patient. Thus, when treating the herpes zoster form, patients are recommended to take 2 pieces of 500 mg, 3 times a day for 7 days. Valtrex is contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to the active and auxiliary substances.
  • Side effects occur in all organs and systems. As a rule, Valtrex causes severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, anaphylaxis, and dizziness. During pregnancy, it can only be used when the benefit to the mother is much more important than the potential risk to the fetus.
  • In case of an overdose of Valtrex, patients experience hallucinations, loss of consciousness, nausea, and vomiting. If such symptoms appear, you should seek medical help.


Famvir is active against herpetic viruses, varicella zoster virus, cytomegalovirus and Epstein-Barr viruses. Acts at the cellular level, suppressing the replication of viral DNA. It is very rarely addictive, therefore it is active against various forms of herpes virus infection.

  • The main indications for use of the drug: Herpes zoster, chickenpox, primary infection with Herpes simplex, therapy and prevention of any viral herpetic infections.
  • Side effects of Famvir cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, in rare cases, jaundice, hallucinations, allergic rash and drowsiness. Contraindicated for use in case of hypersensitivity to its components, during pregnancy and lactation, viral diseases in pediatric patients. In case of overdose, Famvir causes nausea and acute liver failure.

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Directions for use and doses

The method of administration and dose are selected individually for each patient. Before prescribing a particular drug, the doctor diagnoses the herpetic infection and prescribes tests. Let's consider the method of administration and dose using Acyclovir as an example.

Acyclovir is taken orally for the treatment of infectious lesions of the skin and mucous membranes caused by Herpes. Effective in the prevention of certain diseases in patients with immune system disorders. If infections are caused by Herpes simplex, patients are advised to take 1 piece 4-5 times a day. For preventive purposes, take 1 piece 3-4 times a day. For Herpes zoster, patients are prescribed Acyclovir with a dosage of 800 mg, 4-5 times a day, course duration is 5-7 days.

Prevention of herpes with tablets

Prevention of herpes with tablets is especially important during the onset of cold weather. Since it is during this period that you can catch Herpes or a cold, which provokes the appearance of a herpes virus infection. For prevention, it is recommended to take the same medications that are used for medicinal purposes, only with a lower dosage. This will maintain the protective properties of the immune system and stop the further development of the infection.

Antiherpic ointments help prevent the onset of the disease: Acic, Gerpevir, Acyclovir and others. They only need to be used when the first symptoms of the disease appear. Various medicinal lotions and solutions, like Fukortsin, also help in prevention. The appearance of Herpes is a reason to pay attention to your health condition. In addition to taking medications, you need to eat right, give up bad habits and maintain personal hygiene.

There are a number of rules that must be followed in order not to become infected with Herpes simplex and not infect your loved ones, consider them:

  • If you have a cold sore, wash your hands after each contact with the affected area of ​​skin. Use only personal hygiene items and keep them separate from others.
  • If you have genital herpes, you must completely avoid sexual intercourse. After using the toilet, do not forget to disinfect the toilet seat, as the virus survives on plastic for up to 4 hours.
  • If you have previously had genital herpes, but today there are no external signs of the disease, then you must use condoms during sexual intercourse. This is necessary in order to protect the partner from infection.
  • To relieve symptoms, avoid touching blisters and sores on the skin. Keep your hands and nails clean, and do not wear tight clothing, as poor air circulation will cause skin wounds to take longer to heal.

There are myths about herpes infection that arise because people do not know how to prevent the virus and protect themselves. Let's look at the main misconceptions about herpes.

  1. You can't catch herpes - in fact, it's the other way around. Herpes infection is transmitted by airborne droplets, sexual contact and contact with an infected person.
  2. Many people believe that Herpes is a kind of manifestation of a cold. But in fact, it is an independent disease that appears under stress, hypothermia, exacerbation of chronic pathologies and decreased immunity. Another erroneous assumption is that its appearance indicates that the cold has passed. This is not true - this indicates that the immune system has lost ground and the virus is attacking the body.
  3. The disappearance of external signs of the disease means that the disease has passed. This is not so, after the rash disappears, the virus remains in the body, but in a dormant state. You can become infected with it not only if there are rashes, but also if the infection gets on microtraumas and mucous membranes.
  4. A condom completely protects against genital herpes - contraception reduces the risk, but does not provide a 100% guarantee of recovery. Infection can occur through uncovered areas of skin or through defects or deformation of the condom.
  5. The ideal treatment is to cauterize the wounds with iodine or alcohol. Remember, cauterization does not affect the activity of the virus, but can lead to injury to the skin and mucous membranes. It is better to take a herpes pill or apply an antiseptic ointment or antiherpetic agent to the affected areas.
  6. Some patients mistakenly believe that Herpes is a completely safe disease that only affects the skin or mucous membranes. This is not so, it ranks second in mortality among viral infections, the first is occupied by ARVI. The herpetic virus is integrated into the genome of nerve cells, because of this, a rash appears on the nerve endings and causes severe pain.

Since there are nerve endings throughout the body, herpes can appear on any organ or area of ​​the body. Due to a decrease in the protective properties of the immune system, it can appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, cornea, conjunctiva of the eye, internal genital organs, lymph nodes, kidneys, and liver. If the brain is damaged, the disease leads to the patient's death or disability.


Acyclovir is used to prevent relapses. Very often, herpesvirus infection appears in the presence of provoking factors - stress, menstruation, hypothermia. In order to protect against relapses of the virus, it is recommended to take Acyclovir. This will help reduce the incidence of the disease and strengthen the protective properties of the immune system. For prevention, it is recommended to take 3-4 pieces during the day, and the duration of use should not exceed five days.

Herpes tablets are represented by a wide group of antiviral drugs and agents to increase the protective properties of the immune system. Timely use of these medications helps prevent the development and promptly stop a viral infection. They are used to prevent herpes infection and reduce the frequency of its relapses. You should only take the pills as prescribed by your doctor, as many of them can cause serious side effects. And remember, a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and basic hygiene are the best way to protect against Herpes.

  • Valtrex should be prescribed with extreme caution in high dosages simultaneously with drugs that have a similar principle of action. When used simultaneously with immunosuppressive drugs used after organ transplantation, the level of the active substance Valtrex in the blood plasma increases. Valtrex and other drugs that affect kidney function are also used with caution.
  • Storage conditions

    Storage conditions correspond to the rules for storing other antiherpetic drugs. They must be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight and children. Storage temperature should not exceed 30°C.

    If storage conditions are not observed, the medicine loses its medicinal properties. Please note that any medicines, especially tablets, must be stored only in their original packaging. If, due to improper storage, the tablets have changed color, crumbled or acquired an unpleasant odor, they must be discarded.

    The given cost is average and depends on the volume of the active substance, the manufacturer and the pharmacy chain in which the drug is sold. Many of the medications described above are available only with a doctor's prescription.

    The best pills for herpes

    These are drugs that are highly effective and have a high therapeutic effect. Optimal therapeutic therapy for herpesvirus infection consists of a complex of drugs with both antiviral and immunostimulating effects. Effective medications should act immediately after use, providing analgesic, antispasmodic and antiviral effects. The best antiviral drugs are Acyclovir, Famciclovir and Valaciclovir. Among the immunostimulants, it is recommended to take Timalin, Cycloferon and Echinacea.

    • Prescribed only after examination and establishment of the form of herpetic infection. A professional doctor knows that drugs have different mechanisms of antiviral action and have certain contraindications and side effects.
    • If the disease is started to be treated at the first stage, this helps prevent further development of the disease and its relapses. It is also important to fully adhere to the treatment course and not skip medications.
    • In order to prevent relapses of the disease, antiviral drugs and agents are used to strengthen the protective properties of the immune system.