Anti-motion sickness tablets for adults. Remedies for motion sickness for children and adults - description and instructions for use of the drugs. Craftsmen and massage therapists advise

Motion sickness on the road is a consequence of overstimulation of the vestibular apparatus and threatens the manifestation of a number of unpleasant symptoms and poor health. Anti-sickness medications will help you avoid nausea and weakness on the road.

General characteristics and review of drugs

Various groups of drugs, the purpose of which is to relieve unfavorable symptoms and poor health on the road, differ in their spectrum of action and a number of features.


Anticholinergics constitute the most common group of drugs for motion sickness. They mainly affect the parasympathetic nervous system, inhibiting its response to motion sickness.

A significant disadvantage of using such drugs is the high likelihood of adverse symptoms, which include:

  • allergic reactions to one of the components of the group;
  • strong sedative effect, which is expressed in lethargy and difficulty concentrating;
  • increased heart rate;
  • high activity of sweat glands;
  • noticeable decrease in vigor;
  • discomfort in the mouth, dryness;
  • difficulty focusing vision on objects located near or far away;
  • hallucinogenic reactions.

Effective doses of medications are often associated with these common reactions. This is why anticholinergic drugs should be prescribed very carefully.

A typical representative of the species is Aeron. The ingredients of the product are hyoscyamine and scopolamine. The development is applied in 45-60 minutes. before landing.

This medicine for motion sickness is optimal for long journeys by sea. If you need to take a long flight, you should take a new dose of medication.

Drugs that depress the central nervous system and reflexes

These medications have a distinct calming effect. Their use carries the risk of a sudden loss of concentration.

The group includes antipsychotics, sleep aids, and painkillers. The effect of such medications covers the nervous system. Negative effects include muscle relaxation, apathy, and lack of coordination.

Let's look at the main medications that depress the central nervous system.

Relanium (Diazepam) is an analgesic that has broad effects on the nervous system. Not recommended for pregnant girls and nursing mothers.

Medazipam (Rudotel)– a tranquilizer that will help cope with motion sickness during a long journey by car or other means of transport. The medication is prescribed for use in just 1 tablet to effectively relieve symptoms for half a day.

Prazepam will symptomatically eliminate vomiting, weakness and characteristic heaviness, which are caused by monotony in transport.


Universal medications with a wide range of effects that combine a sedative effect and moderate blocking of the parasympathetic nervous system. The advantage of the representatives is their effectiveness, ease of choosing the dosage, and the almost complete absence of undesirable consequences.
Representatives of the following group are the following medications:

  • Bonin;
  • Dramamil;
  • Daedalon.

The active substance of the representatives of the list is dimenhydrenate. The nature of the effects of the drugs makes it possible to use them in children over 1 year of age.


Drugs that will help avoid negative effects when shaking on the road are Caffeine and Sydnocarb. Another remedy is Sidnogluton.

In practice, it is common to combine one of these medications with an anistamine drug. This will not only enhance the effect, but also minimize the risk of side effects, which include:

  • high oxygen consumption;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • arrhythmia;
  • lack of coordination;
  • insomnia and anxiety.

Sidnocarb, like Sidnogluton, contains an identical active substance (sydnocarb). The drugs are more effective than caffeine, which usually complements the main therapy of the nervous system.


Nausea, weakness, apathy and vomiting are the most common symptoms when shaking on any road. To eliminate negative symptoms, the following group of drugs are used: Cerucal, Torekan and Alo-Metoklop.

Focused on stopping the uncontrollable gag reflex. However, representatives of the group are not able to relieve other symptoms.

In addition to eliminating vomiting, Torekan will help to develop gait stability, relieve dizziness and increase the resistance to stress of the vestibular apparatus.

Drugs that accelerate the body’s adaptation to motion sickness

The gradual strengthening of the vestibular apparatus allows you to endure the road with greater ease. Special medications make it possible to activate the nervous system’s resistance to motion sickness. Among them are Eleutherrococcus and Bimethyl.

Drugs that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus

Also, the vestibular apparatus is affected by substances of a separate group. The normal intensity of blood circulation in the vestibular apparatus will maintain resistance to stress. The medicines in this group include:

  • Sermion;
  • Betacherk;
  • Aminalon;
  • Flunarizine;
  • Phenibut and others.

Homeopathic remedies

Homeopathic remedies have become widespread due to their convenient pharmacological form and striking effect. However, out of all the variety, the optimal combination of effectiveness and the presence of side effects is not achieved in all means. The most popular drugs are:

  • Veratrumalbum. The universal effect is to normalize blood pressure, eliminate the gag reflex and fainting. Use half an hour before heading on the road.
  • Vertigohel. It can be prescribed to relieve the characteristic symptoms of motion sickness on the road, as well as for other types of disorders. It is also most effective when applied half an hour before departure.
  • Borax recommended for use when traveling by air;
  • Air-sea designed to eliminate most symptoms of motion sickness. The medication can be used before the start of the journey, during the journey, and also at the end of it.

Folk remedies

Problems with the vestibular apparatus under stress have long been familiar. To eliminate them, folk practice offers a whole list of methods and means.

Most of them are available; they can be used by people of different genders and ages.

  1. On a trip, you should take a container of strong mint tea, supplemented with juice or lemon slices. The drink has a pronounced tonic effect.
  2. When setting off on a journey by sea, you should wrap your hands tightly in bandages. The action will strengthen the vestibular apparatus and counteract motion sickness.
  3. Ginger will also help prevent motion sickness. You just need to take 1 gram before your trip. crushed root of this plant.
  4. During the route, it is recommended to simply chew fresh (dry) tea leaves.
  5. A combination of honey and mint oil will be useful for children and adults. It is worth taking a couple of drops of oil on a small spoon of liquid honey. The therapeutic effect occurs when consuming a small spoon of the composition.

Tablets depending on the circumstances of motion sickness

Certain situations create separate requirements for the composition of medicinal medications that eliminate the symptoms of kinetosis.

On the sea

To normalize well-being on the road to the sea, the following drugs are recognized as the best:

  • Avia-More;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Torekan;
  • Cerukan;
  • Kynedrin;
  • Diazepan (exclusively for passengers).

In airplane

Medicines for motion sickness on an airplane must be purchased and taken in advance. Strengthening the vestibular system during air transport occurs using the following popular means:

  • Borax;
  • Bonin;
  • Avia-More;
  • Flunarizine;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Seduxen;
  • Aeron.

As we can see, tablets against motion sickness on an airplane repeat the list of remedies for motion sickness at sea.

In the car, bus and train

Effective in this situation will be:

  • Bonin;
  • Dramamine;
  • Seduxen;
  • Prapezam (for long trips);
  • Phenibut;
  • Aminalon;
  • Veratrumalbum
  • Petroleum;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Cocculus.

For pregnant

For pregnant women, a special combination of active agents is important and side effects are not applicable. Medicine for kinetosis should not harm the fetus. The following are considered optimal in this situation:

  • Cocculus;
  • Vertichogel;
  • Avia-More;
  • grated ginger root powder;
  • medium strength tea with lemon.

For children

A number of medications for motion sickness can be recommended for children from birth. However, it is worth remembering that the vestibular apparatus of children is in the stage of formation, the timing of which varies individually (on average, up to 4-5 years).

Age-related kinetosis will pass as the vestibular apparatus strengthens. At the age of 1 to 2-3 years, while the vestibular apparatus is not yet formed, you can use the following tablets for motion sickness:

  • Vertichogel;
  • Aminalon;
  • Phenibut.

Anti-sickness tablets are not divided for children and adults, but you need to understand that it is necessary to select the dosage in accordance with the instructions.

If motion sickness does not stop after 3 years, you can continue using the same drugs.

Homeopathic remedies Coculin and Avia-More and Dramamine tablets are added to this list. Although the latter, with the permission of the pediatrician, can be taken from 1 year.

Watch the video in which Dr. Komarovsky talks about what to do to prevent children from getting motion sickness in transport:

Choosing the best pills for the effects of motion sickness

Let's compare medications for motion sickness based on their effects.


One of the best and most universal medicines has a complex vegetotropic effect. Used to quickly relieve seasickness and kinetosis. The only remedy that helps with the feeling of discomfort when entering an air pocket.

Available in the form of granules for a long course of treatment and in the form of tablets or caramel for an urgent solution to the problem.

Use the composition in the form of tablets/caramel an hour before the trip, holding the medication under the tongue until dissolved. It is also possible to re-use every half hour.

Traveling by plane is not always accompanied by the joyful anticipation of a great time. Some passengers feel unwell during the flight. The reason for this is motion sickness. This is a lack of coordination between the vestibular apparatus and the organs of vision. For children, this manifestation is the most painful.

Motion sickness on an airplane

During flight, the body of a person who is in a sitting position constantly moves from side to side. The amplitude of these movements is insignificant. Despite this, it is often enough to cause discomfort.

It happens like this. The cochlea is located in the inner ear. It picks up even minor body vibrations. At this time, the eyes constantly see the same picture. As a result, dissonance occurs in the functioning of the organs of touch and vision. Receptors of the skin, muscles and gastrointestinal tract react to this. Symptoms of motion sickness begin to appear.

These include the following:

  • dizziness:
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness;
  • vomiting

The stronger the amplitude of body vibration during flight, the more pronounced the manifestation of these symptoms.

Important! If a passenger decides to sleep a little, this does not mean that he is seasick. This is a simple drowsiness that occurs when traveling on any transport.

If, along with drowsiness and weakness, dizziness and nausea are observed, this is kinetosis (motion sickness or “motion sickness”). This disease affects people with a weak vestibular system. Therefore, they are recommended to take anti-sickness pills on the plane before departure.

If a person has never suffered from illness during a flight, several factors can cause it:

  • unpleasant smell in the cabin;
  • feeling of anxiety (fear);
  • physical and emotional fatigue;
  • shot down air inside the aircraft;
  • presence of carbon monoxide in the cabin.

Each person has their own reason for motion sickness. Therefore, it is better to prevent its symptoms by taking appropriate measures.

Types of tablets for motion sickness

When choosing medications for Kinetosis, you must carefully study the instructions. They may contain agents that will negatively affect the functioning of internal organs. It is better to consult a doctor first. He will prescribe a certain drug so that the flight goes smoothly. The doctor will determine the source of motion sickness symptoms. Based on this, he will select a specific remedy.

Passengers suffering from Kinetosis may be prescribed the following medications:

  • antihistamines;
  • antiemetics;
  • anticholinergic;
  • homeopathic;
  • psychotropic.

At the discretion of the doctor, the patient is prescribed medications to normalize blood circulation. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.


These medications for airplane motion sickness are often prescribed to passengers who must fly several times a month or more often. They contain dimenhydrinate. It is the basis for the production of such drugs:

  • "Bonin" - has a sedative effect;
  • "Dramail" - has antiemetic properties;
  • "Dedalon" - relieves tension in the brain, reduces attacks of dizziness and nausea.
Advice! It is better to consult your doctor before purchasing these medications.

It is necessary to take medicines against motion sickness before departure a few hours or minutes (according to the instructions) and before landing. For children, the dosage is less than for adults. And this must be taken into account.

Antiemetic drugs

If the passenger only experiences nausea, you can limit yourself to the following medications:

  • "Torekan";
  • "Cerucal";
  • "Alo-Metoclop."

They contain metoclopramide. It stops the sensitivity of receptors. Thanks to this, the intestinal muscles are in normal tone. Accordingly, the passenger does not experience dizziness.

Anticholinergic drugs

These remedies for motion sickness on an airplane should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. They cause a number of negative consequences that cannot be dealt with at altitude.

These include the following:

  • increased heart rate;
  • sedation, which manifests itself in decreased concentration and inhibition of actions;
  • activity of the gonads;
  • discomfort in the mouth (dryness or excessive salivation, odor);
  • allergic reactions;
  • apathy;
  • hallucinations.
Important! Taking anticholinergic drugs is almost always accompanied by the manifestation of any of the symptoms. Therefore, they are taken only as prescribed by a doctor.

The principle of their action is a smooth effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. As a result, reactions and manifestations of motion sickness are suppressed.

The most prescribed drug in this line of drugs is Aeron. It is created on the basis of Hyoscyamine and Scopolamine. These substances inhibit the body's reaction to dissonance in the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Homeopathic remedies

They have become widespread due to their pharmacology. The most popular homeopathic remedies that actually reduce the risk of motion sickness symptoms include the following:

  • Borax is the most prescribed drug;
  • "Vertigohel" - relieves symptoms of kinetosis, it is recommended to take it 20-30 minutes before departure;
  • “Avia-sea” - the drug is allowed to be taken before the start of the route and during it;
  • "Veratrumalbum" is effective in stabilizing blood pressure and relieving nausea and the gag reflex.

It is worth considering that not all of them are effective.

Psychotropic drugs

The most popular drugs are Sidnocarb, Caffeine and Sidnogluton. They not only dull the signs of motion sickness, but also have a negative effect on the body.

Side effects of drugs:

  • arrhythmia;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • insomnia;
  • sense of anxiety;
  • cardiopalmus.

Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor before using them.

Drugs to calm the central nervous system and vestibular apparatus

Medicines in this group include antipsychotics, painkillers and drugs for normal sleep. The action of these components is aimed at the functioning of the central nervous system. They help relax the muscles.

Note. These medications have side effects: apathy, impaired coordination of movements.

The most prescribed drugs are:

  • "Medazipam" is another name for "Rudotel". This is a tranquilizer that can quickly relieve the symptoms of motion sickness. Take according to the instructions and as prescribed by a doctor.
  • "Relanium" is the second name for "Diazepam". This is a strong pain reliever. It is not recommended for nursing mothers or pregnant women.
  • "Prazepam" - eliminates weakness, gag reflex and vomiting.

You can take these medications only as prescribed by a doctor.

There are also medications that normalize blood circulation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus. This group includes “Betacherk”, “Sermion”, “Phenibut”, “Aminalon”, “Flunarizin” and others.

How to prepare for a flight

If there is no other way to get to your destination other than by plane, you need to properly prepare for the flight. Initially, you need to adjust your diet. A week before departure, it is not recommended to consume fatty foods, alcohol and carbonated drinks.

It is better to completely give up sweets (chocolates). They can be replaced with mint or citrus candies. It wouldn't hurt to take such a simple treat on the plane. It will help cope with the gag reflex.

Drinking should be plentiful. You can drink green and black teas, natural coffee, citrus juices. A person should drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water daily.

It is not recommended to eat food 1-2 hours before departure. It will not have time to digest, which will cause even greater irritation of the intestinal mucosa. You can take dry herbal teas with you on board. The flight attendant will help brew them if necessary. They will relieve symptoms of motion sickness and also stabilize the functioning of the nervous system.

A few days before departure you need to visit your doctor. He will prescribe the necessary medications for motion sickness.

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A large number of people are facing the problem motion sickness Therefore, for them, traveling in public transport almost always becomes a real challenge. According to statistics, approximately 20% of adults suffer from motion sickness.

Motion sickness, as a rule, occurs only when a person is in transport. The reason for the development of motion sickness symptoms lies in the special reaction of the vestibular apparatus to multidirectional accelerations that occur when moving in a vehicle. After all, when moving in a vehicle, there is movement in a straight line and rocking from side to side. The vestibular apparatus adapts poorly to such multidirectional movements, not absorbing them, but, on the contrary, creating a “rolling” effect. It is in such cases that a person can get motion sickness. People whose vestibular apparatus is able to neutralize the effects of multidirectional accelerations do not suffer from motion sickness in transport.

After the end of the movement, the symptoms of motion sickness go away on their own and do not require any special treatment. In other words, motion sickness is a variant of the physiological reaction of the human body to moving in space on any vehicle.

Motion sickness in a vehicle is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lethargy;
  • pale skin;
  • cold sweat;
  • feeling of discomfort in the abdomen;
  • increased salivation.
In order to eliminate these symptoms, special pharmacological drugs are used, which are included in one group called motion sickness remedies.

Remedies for motion sickness - classification with examples of drugs

Anti-motion sickness medications have the ability to suppress the development of unpleasant symptoms that develop when moving in a vehicle. A wide range of pharmacological drugs belonging to different groups have the ability to suppress the symptoms of motion sickness. That is why the classification of anti-sickness medications is based on the drugs belonging to certain pharmaceutical groups.

So, today, remedies for motion sickness include drugs from the following pharmacological groups:
1. Anticholinergic drugs that reduce the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system. This group includes the drug Aeron.
2. Drugs that depress the central nervous system and reflexes. This group includes Diazepam, Medazepam AVD, Prazepam, Rudotel, Relanium, Seduxen, Elenium.
3. Antihistamines. This group includes Bonin and Dramamine.
4. Psychostimulants. This group includes Caffeine, Sydnocarb, Ephedrine, Sydnogluton.
5. Antiemetics. This group includes Apo-Metoklop, Tserukal, Torekan.
6. Drugs that accelerate the body's adaptation to motion sickness. This group includes Bemitil and Eleutherococcus.
7. Drugs that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus. This group includes Betaserc, Microzer, Preductal, Sermion, Stugeron, Cinnarizine, Flunarizine, Aminalon, Picamilon, Phenibut, Kenidril.
8. Homeopathic medicines, which include Vertigohel, Veratrumalbum, Cocculus, Borax, Petroleum and Avia-More.
9. Dietary supplements, which include Ginger in capsules.

Remedies for motion sickness in transport - general characteristics and review of drugs

Let us consider separately the rules for the use of each drug, as well as the general characteristics and mechanism of action of all drugs belonging to the same pharmaceutical group.


Anticholinergics are the main remedies for motion sickness. Their mechanism of action is inhibition of the parasympathetic nervous system. However, anticholinergics in dosages that eliminate motion sickness lead to the development of no less uncomfortable side effects, such as:
  • dry mouth;
  • dizziness;
  • dysfunction of the eye adjustment for distance and near vision;
  • increased heart rate;
  • sweating disorder;
  • decreased performance;
  • sedative effect;
  • hallucinogenic effect;
  • allergic reactions or hypersensitivity to anticholinergics.
All of these side effects make it difficult to widely use anticholinergics as a means for motion sickness.

Aeron– the main anticholinergic drug used as a remedy for motion sickness. Contains scopolamine And hyoscyamine. Optimal for use in case of sea and air sickness. It is best to take 1 - 2 tablets half an hour - an hour before boarding a plane or boarding a ship. After 6 hours, if necessary (for example, when continuing a flight or being on a ship), you should take another Aeron tablet.

If Aeron has not been taken beforehand, then you should take 1 - 2 tablets when symptoms of motion sickness appear. After this, if necessary, Aeron can be taken 1 tablet twice a day. Do not exceed the maximum permissible doses of Aeron, which are 2 tablets per dose and 4 tablets per day.

Motion sickness medications that depress the central nervous system and reflexes

This group of drugs for motion sickness includes sleeping pills, antipsychotics with a sedative effect and a number of tranquilizers. Representatives of this group are Diazepam, Medazepam AVD, Prazepam, Rudotel, Relanium, Seduxen and Elenium. The listed drugs act on the entire central nervous system, so effective doses against motion sickness are often identical to sleeping pills or sedatives.

Today, these drugs are not used to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness because they have too strong and indiscriminate effects, as well as serious side effects, such as decreased blood pressure, muscle relaxation, drowsiness, depression and impaired coordination of movements.

However, anti-motion sickness medications from this group are used as effective drugs that help withstand long-term stress on the vestibular system. For example, during prolonged storms, or prolonged and strong shaking in an airplane, helicopter, etc.

Let's look at a brief description of the drugs and the rules for their use to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness.

Diazepam or Relanium is a tranquilizer with a wide spectrum of action. In most cases, Diazepam is well tolerated by people, but it may cause drowsiness, fatigue, weakness and dizziness. The drug should not be used during pregnancy, breastfeeding, myasthenia gravis or hypersensitivity to it.

Medazepam or Rudotel is also a tranquilizer from the daytime group. The drug is widely used to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness during prolonged stress on the vestibular system, for example, during long sea voyages or air travel, as well as long car trips. Medazepam selectively suppresses the activity of brain centers that are responsible for the development of nausea and dizziness. Usually the drug is taken orally, 1 tablet twice a day, during the entire period of motion sickness.
Prazepam is a tranquilizer and is indicated to relieve symptoms of nausea, vomiting and dizziness caused by prolonged motion sickness, for example, on long-distance trains, sea cruises and long road trips. To eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, Prazepam is taken three times a day - half a tablet in the morning, half a tablet at lunch and a whole tablet in the evening.

Rudotel (Sibazon) contains medazepam as an active ingredient. The name Sibazon is a medicine produced by a Tomsk pharmaceutical plant. The drug perfectly relieves the symptoms of motion sickness without changing the mental and physical functions of the body, that is, without causing a pronounced sedative effect. Rudotel is taken during prolonged training, when it is necessary to maintain good reaction and high performance. To relieve symptoms of motion sickness, Rudotel is taken half or a whole tablet 1 – 2 times a day.

Seduxen contains diazepam as an active ingredient. Available in the form of tablets, which are used to eliminate nausea and vomiting that occurs during motion sickness. Optimal for use during motion sickness in transport, or during long-term travel.

Elenium is a potent drug from the group of benzodiazepines. The drug is used exclusively to relieve severe symptoms of motion sickness in people who do not need to be prepared to perform various duties. For example, cruise ship passengers, etc.


Antihistamines have a moderate effect on the central nervous system, suppressing the symptoms of motion sickness by combining a sedative effect with the effects inherent in anticholinergics. Antihistamines block the transmission of nerve impulses to the vestibular apparatus, which are carried out using a secondary transmitter - histamine. The following antihistamines are used as anti-motion sickness drugs: Bonin, Dramamine, Dramamil and Daedalon. These anti-sickness medications are well tolerated and cause virtually no side effects. Sometimes people who are highly sensitive to antihistamines may develop dry mouth, drowsiness, or a feeling of heaviness in the head.

Bonin Sold in chewable and extended-release tablet forms. That is why, to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, the drug is taken once a day. The first dose of Bonin (25 mg) should be taken one hour before traveling in a vehicle so that the medicine has time to be absorbed into the blood and begin to act. Then the drug must be taken once a day, 25 mg, throughout the entire period of movement in vehicles.

Dramamine, Dramamil and Daedalon contain the same active substance - dimenhydrinate. Most often, Dramamine is used to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, which has a pronounced effect and does not provoke side effects. The drug can be used to combat motion sickness in children starting from the age of 1 year. In this case, the dosage of Dramamine depends on age:

  • Children 1–6 years old take a quarter or half of a tablet once a day;
  • Children 7–12 years old take half or a whole tablet once a day;
  • Adults and adolescents over 12 years of age take 1–2 tablets once a day.
The maximum daily dosage of Dramamine is 8 tablets.


Psychostimulants that have an anti-motion sickness effect include Caffeine, Sidnocarb and Sidnogluton. The combination of psychostimulants with antihistamines, drugs that depress the central nervous system and reflexes, as well as anticholinergics leads to a pronounced anti-sickness effect while maintaining normal mental and physical activity. This means that if you want to get a pronounced anti-motion sickness effect without side effects such as depression of central nervous system functions, you need to combine medications as follows:
1. Caffeine + Dramamine or Bonine.
2. Caffeine + Rudotel or Prazepam or Medazepam.
3. Caffeine + Aeron.
4. Sidnocarb or Sidnogluton + Dramamine or Bonin.
5. Sidnocarb or Sidnogluton + Rudotel or Prazepam or Medazepam.
6. Sidnocarb or Sidnogluton + Aeron.

Isolated use of psychostimulants (without antihistamines, anticholinergics and drugs that suppress the central nervous system and reflexes) to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness can provoke a number of side effects, such as:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • heartbeat;
  • increased heart demand for oxygen;
  • attacks of angina pectoris;
  • violation of a critical approach to assessing circumstances;
  • violation of complexly coordinated movements.
Let's look at the main psychostimulants that are used as anti-motion sickness drugs.

Caffeine by itself has a slight anti-sickness effect. However, caffeine is used mainly in combination with drugs from other groups to eliminate their suppressive effect on the central nervous system and maintain good performance. If, while using any other anti-sickness medications, a person develops a disturbance in the functioning of the heart (drop in pressure, blue extremities, etc.) or cerebral circulation (headache), then caffeine should be taken to eliminate these symptoms.

Sidnogluton and Sidnocarb are essentially the same drug, since the active substance in both drugs is sydnocarb. Sidnocarb has a more pronounced anti-sickness effect compared to caffeine.

When using Sidnocarb or Sidnogluton as the only remedy against motion sickness, you should take 10 mg in the morning, then another 10 mg every 4 hours. The total daily dosage should be 50 mg. That is, during the day you can take 5 times 10 mg of Sidnocarb. If Sidnocarb is used in combination with other anti-motion sickness drugs, then the single dosage increases to 30 mg, and the daily dosage - to 150 mg.


To eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, the drugs Torekan, Apo-Metoclop and Cerucal are mainly used. These drugs block the functioning of the vomiting center in the brain, so it is advisable to use them when motion sickness is accompanied by severe or uncontrollable vomiting. Unfortunately, antiemetics do not relieve other symptoms of motion sickness, and may, on the contrary, even increase their severity. Let's consider the properties and rules for using antiemetics to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness.

Apo-Metoclop, Metoclopramide and Cerucal contains metoclopramide as an active ingredient. Used to eliminate nausea and severe vomiting that develops against the background of motion sickness.

Torekan contains thiethylperazine as an active ingredient. Torekan has a pronounced anti-motion sickness effect, eliminating nausea, vomiting, dizziness and gait disturbance, as well as increasing the stability of the vestibular apparatus. Torekan is taken 1 tablet 1 – 3 times a day, as needed.

Drugs that accelerate the body’s adaptation to motion sickness

Training the vestibular system will help reduce your susceptibility to motion sickness. The effectiveness of such training can be significantly increased by pharmacological drugs that accelerate the body’s adaptation to motion sickness. The following drugs in this group have the most pronounced effect: Bemitil and Eleutherococcus. The use of these medications will increase resistance to motion sickness within 1–2 weeks of training, and the effect will last for a long time.

Bemitil has a pronounced effect on the vestibular apparatus, significantly increasing its resistance to motion sickness after a short course of training. For a good effect, Bemitil should be taken 1 tablet 1 hour before and 2 - 3 hours after training.
Eleutherococcus is an extract of a medicinal plant. For training the vestibular apparatus, it is taken according to the following scheme:
1. On the day of training, 30 minutes before the start, drink 1 teaspoon.
2. On the days between workouts, take 30 drops 2-3 times a day.

Remedies for motion sickness that normalize microcirculation in the cells of the vestibular apparatus

Drugs in this group eliminate the cause of motion sickness and at the same time normalize the stability of the vestibular apparatus. However, these drugs should be taken in long courses (3–4 months) to achieve a sustainable effect. Today, the following drugs from this group are used to eliminate motion sickness:
  • Cinnarizine (Vertizin, Stugeron, Cynarin);
  • Flunarizine;
  • Preductal;
  • Sermion;
  • Betaserc (Mikroser);
  • Aminalon;
  • Picamilon;
  • Phenibut.
Let's consider the rules for using the listed drugs.

Betaserc and Microzer contain betahistine as an active substance. It is necessary to take the drugs 1 - 2 tablets three times a day, for 3 - 4 months without breaks.

Preductal improves the functioning and adaptability of the vestibular apparatus. The drug is taken 1 tablet three times a day for 3 months.

Sermion allows you to eliminate motion sickness after 2 – 3 months of regular use of the drug. To treat motion sickness, take 1 tablet three times a day, before meals.

Stugeron (Cinnarizine) in order to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, it is necessary to take 25 mg (1 tablet) three times a day for 2 to 3 months. Cinnarizine is suitable for the prevention of motion sickness during air travel and travel on water transport. To do this, take 1 tablet of Cinnarizine half an hour before the start of the trip, then, if necessary, take another tablet 6 to 8 hours later.

Flunarizine its therapeutic effects are similar to Cinnarizine, but its effect is more pronounced and stronger. Therefore, in order to eliminate motion sickness, Flunarizine is taken 1 tablet 30 minutes before the start of the trip. Or drink for 2 - 3 months, 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Aminalon or Picamilon in order to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness, take it within three days before the planned trip. In this case, children take 0.25 g three times a day, and adults take 0.5 g also three times a day. You can take Aminalon immediately before traveling on public transport, 0.25 g for children and 0.5 g for adults. Usually the drug is well tolerated by adults and children, but sometimes sleep disturbances, dyspepsia, a feeling of heat and pressure surges develop. In this case, you can reduce the dose by half.

Phenibut is a very effective anti-motion sickness agent for one-time and occasional use. It is recommended to take Phenibut 1 - 2 tablets 1 hour before the trip, or when the first signs of motion sickness appear.

Kinedryl is a combination drug that contains moxastine and caffeine as active ingredients. Kinedril has an anti-sickness effect 15 minutes after administration, which lasts for 2 hours. The drug is great for eliminating the symptoms of motion sickness on a train, car, bus, plane, ship, etc.

Adults should take 1 tablet of Kinedryl 1 hour before the start of the trip. If the trip is long enough, the drug is taken again every 3 hours, 0.5 - 1 tablet. In this case, the maximum daily dosage is 3 tablets.

If you were unable to take Kinedryl before the trip, you can take two tablets at once when the first signs of motion sickness appear. Then, every 2 hours, take another half of the tablet until the end of the trip.

Dosages of Kinedril for children depending on age:

  • 2 – 6 years – take a quarter of a tablet an hour before the trip, and then every three hours until the end of the trip.
  • 6 – 15 years – take a quarter to a half tablet an hour before the trip, and then every three hours until the end of the trip.
  • 15 – 18 years old – take half or a whole tablet an hour before the trip, and then every three hours until the end of the trip.

Homeopathic remedy for motion sickness

Today, among homeopathic remedies there is a wide range of drugs that can be used to eliminate the symptoms of motion sickness. Let's look at the most commonly used and most effective drugs.

Vertigohel is a drug that can eliminate dizziness, nausea and vomiting, which are caused not only by motion sickness, but also by other serious diseases. Vertigoheel is recommended to take 1 capsule half an hour before the trip. The capsule should be kept under the tongue until completely absorbed.

Veratrumalbum Suitable for people who, as a result of motion sickness, are prone to pressure surges, dizziness, freezing sweat, nausea or fainting. The medicine is taken 1 tablet half an hour before the trip, dissolving it under the tongue.

Cocculus Suitable for people who experience dizziness, headache and nausea when moving in space, and even when watching moving objects. The medicine is taken 1 tablet half an hour before the trip, dissolving it under the tongue.

Borax Ideal for eliminating motion sickness on an airplane. The medicine is taken 1 tablet half an hour before the trip, dissolving it under the tongue.

Petroleum effective for eliminating motion sickness in gasoline-powered vehicles (cars, buses, etc.). The medicine is taken 1 tablet half an hour before the trip, dissolving it under the tongue.

Avia-More is a homeopathic preparation of three components designed specifically to combat motion sickness. Avia-More should be taken 5-7 granules under the tongue, half an hour before the trip, if necessary during the trip, or at the end of it.

Folk remedies for motion sickness

Traditional methods of combating motion sickness are based on the use of various natural ingredients, primarily food products, so they can be used by all people, regardless of age and existing diseases. Let's look at the most popular folk recipes for motion sickness.

Ginger. One hour before the trip, take 1 g of ginger root powder. And for the trip itself, you need to take ginger caramel with you. If a person feels nauseous, then it is enough to eat caramel.

Marine method. Sailors advise wrapping your wrists tightly with elastic bandages before going to sea. This will create pressure at a certain point, which will suppress motion sickness. If symptoms of motion sickness nevertheless appear, you should, without removing the bandages, press your fingers on the point directly above the earlobe.

Mint tea with lemon. Brew tea at the rate of: 1 teaspoon of crushed mint leaves per 1 cup of boiling water. Prepare the required amount of tea and take it with you on your trip. During the trip, periodically drink mint tea with a slice of lemon.

Dry brewed green tea It will save you from motion sickness if you chew it throughout the trip.

Mystical way. It is necessary to cut two strips of adhesive tape of the same length and stick them in the shape of a regular cross on the navel so that the middle of the cross is located clearly above the umbilical hole.

Wine with salt. Immediately before the trip, you need to drink a glass of dry red wine diluted with salt water in a ratio of 1:5. That is, for 100 ml of wine you will need 20 ml of salted water. Prepare salt water in the ratio: 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of water.

Honey with mint oil. This recipe is suitable for children. Prepare a mixture of honey and mint oil in advance, and when signs of motion sickness appear, give the child one spoonful of the mixture. So, for 1 teaspoon of honey you need 2 drops of peppermint oil. Mix everything well. After the child swallows a spoonful of honey with mint oil, give him a drink of cool water.

The best remedy for motion sickness

Today there is a whole range of effective remedies against motion sickness. However, choosing the best remedy must take into account the individual characteristics of a particular organism. This means that there are drugs with excellent anti-motion sickness properties, as well as drugs with less pronounced effects. However, among the line of the most effective anti-motion sickness agents, you need to choose the best one directly for yourself by trial. To do this, it is worth trying all the drugs once, and choosing the one that has the most pronounced and stable anti-sickness effect on the body of this particular person.

From the point of view of doctors and pharmacists, the drugs with the most pronounced anti-sickness properties are the following:

  • Cinnarizine;
  • Phenibut;
  • Aeron;
  • Bonin;
  • Dramamine;
  • Torekan;
  • Aminalon and Picamilon;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Medazepam, Prazepam, Rudotel and Seduxen - to eliminate motion sickness during long trips and travel, for example, during storms and long flights.

Remedies for motion sickness at sea

Today, the following medications are optimally used against motion sickness at sea:
  • Aeron;
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Diazepam (Relanium, Seduxen) for long-term use, provided there is no need to perform critical work (that is, can only be used by passengers);
  • Medazepam (Rudotel, Sibazon) and Prazepam are used for prolonged storms;
  • Avia-More;
  • Veratrumalbum;
  • Vertigohel;
  • Quinedryl;
  • Aminalon (Picamilon);
  • Cinnarizine;
  • Torekan;
  • Cerucal.

Remedies for motion sickness on an airplane

The following medications are most effective against motion sickness on an airplane:
  • Aeron;
  • Seduxen;
  • Medazepam (Rudotel, Sibazon) – for long flights;
  • Avia-More;
  • Borax;
  • Cocculus;
  • Bonin;
  • Torekan;
  • Flunarizine;
  • Phenibut;
  • Kinedryl.

Remedies for motion sickness in the car, on the bus and on the train

The following medications are good for motion sickness on trains, cars and buses:
  • Prazepam - for long trips by train and car;
  • Seduxen – long car trips;
  • Medazepam (Rudotel) – for long trips by train or car;
  • Bonin;
  • Dramamine;
  • Flunarizine;
  • Aminalon;
  • Phenibut;
  • Kinedryl
  • Veratrumalbum;
  • Petroleum;
  • Cocculus;
  • Vertigohel.

Motion sickness remedy for pregnant women

Pregnant women are more likely than other categories of people to suffer from motion sickness. But the selection of drugs for pregnant women must be carried out with special care so that the drug does not have a harmful effect on the child. Currently, the following medications for motion sickness are approved for use during pregnancy:
  • Avia-More;
  • Vertigohel;
  • Cocculus;
  • Mint tea with lemon;
  • Ginger.

Motion sickness remedy for children

Very often, children from the age of 1.5 to 2 years are susceptible to motion sickness, which is explained by the fact that children are developing the vestibular apparatus, which is extremely sensitive and unstable. Typically, the vestibular apparatus is fully formed and becomes stable by 4–5 years, so upon reaching this age, motion sickness often goes away on its own. In some children, the age of physiological motion sickness can last up to 7–12 years. The timing of the formation of stability of the vestibular apparatus is individual, and is largely determined by genetic factors. However, during the period when the child is sick, it is necessary to alleviate his condition without waiting until the vestibular apparatus is fully formed.

So, the following anti-sickness medications are suitable for children:

  • Dramamine (Dramamil, Daedalon) – can be used from 1 year. The drug should be drunk half an hour before the trip. Then, if necessary, you can take Dramamine in a single dose every 4 hours until the end of the trip. The dosage depends on the age of the child. So, children 1–6 years old should be given a quarter or half of a tablet. Children 7–12 years old should be given half or a whole tablet. And adolescents over 12 years old are given an adult single dose - 1 - 2 tablets.
  • Avia-More– a homeopathic medicine that can be used from birth. Children are given 4-6 granules under the tongue half an hour before the trip. Then, throughout the trip, until its end, to maintain the effect, another 4 to 6 granules are given every hour.
  • Vertigohel Approved for use by children from 1 year of age. Half an hour before the trip, give the child one capsule under the tongue. During the trip until its end, another capsule is given every 4 hours.
  • Ginger in capsules or powder. Capsules or powder are taken 15 minutes before the start of the trip. Then, throughout the trip, you can maintain the effect by drinking 5 capsules or a teaspoon of ginger powder every 3 to 4 hours.
  • Aminalon Allowed for children from 1 year. For prevention, it is best to take Aminalon 0.25 g three times a day, for three days before the planned trip. You can take the drug 0.25 g immediately before the trip.
  • Phenibut used in children from 1 year of age. The child should be given half or a whole tablet before a trip or when symptoms of motion sickness develop.
  • Kinedryl approved for use in children over 2 years of age. The tablets are taken in a single dose an hour before the trip, and then every three hours until the end of the trip. The single dosage is determined by the age of the child. For children 2 - 6 years old, a single dosage is a quarter of a tablet, 6 - 15 years old - a quarter - half a tablet, 15 - 18 years old - half - a whole tablet.
  • Torekan used in adult dosages in children under 15 years of age.
  • Bonin Suitable for children over 12 years of age. It is recommended to take one Bonin tablet an hour before the trip. Then you need to take one tablet per day until the end of the trip.

Motion sickness remedy for dogs and cats

Pets such as dogs and cats are just as susceptible to motion sickness as people. Moreover, dogs and cats suffer no less than people. Special anti-sickness medications have been developed for animals, such as:
  • Serenia. The drug must be given to a dog or cat no later than 1 hour before the trip and no earlier than 10 hours before the planned trip;
  • BEAPHAR Reisfit give half an hour before the trip, and if necessary, again every six hours.
In addition, in a child's dosage (for a one-year-old child), dogs and cats can be given “human” drugs – Dramamine and Cocculus – against motion sickness. These drugs are given to the animal 20 - 30 minutes before the start of the trip.

Medicines and methods for motion sickness - video

Before use, you should consult a specialist. Review of motion sickness remedies

Any, even the most amazing vacation can be overshadowed by the notorious motion sickness syndrome, more often romantically called seasickness or air sickness. Yes, as sad as it may be, a significant part of humanity is forced to travel holding a life-saving medicine in one hand and a hygiene bag in the other. We decided to find out how to calm a weak vestibular apparatus without taking the situation to its logical conclusion from experienced tourists and pharmacists at Moscow pharmacies.

"Vertigohel" (Germany) is a homeopathic remedy that is not directly anti-sickness. In addition to seasickness and air sickness, it is often prescribed for quite serious illnesses accompanied by dizziness, nausea and vomiting.

The tablet should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved. Like any homeopathy, it is recommended to take it 30 minutes before. What is important is that the drug is compatible with alcohol.
Package price (50 tablets) - 150 rub.

"Avia-More" (Russia) is a homeopathic remedy that weakens the body's reaction to irritation of the vestibular apparatus. It is recommended for nausea, vomiting, dizziness and other manifestations associated with traveling by transport, and is also used for their prevention. Available in granules and caramels. The caramel form of the medicine clearly indicates that the drug is intended not only for adults, but also for young sufferers.

It is advisable to take half an hour before a flight, move or swim. The effect is maintained by taking the drug every half hour. No possibility of overdose has been identified.
The price of a package of granules (10 g) is 19 rubles, caramel (10 pcs.) is 36 rubles.

"Bonin" (USA) is an antiemetic and antihistamine, so it helps not only with motion sickness, but also if nausea occurs as a result of an allergic reaction to any foods. Available in regular and chewable tablets (25 mg). The effect after administration develops quickly and lasts for a day.

We draw your attention to the list of adverse reactions: here you have dry mouth, vomiting (that’s nonsense!), drowsiness and fatigue. The instructions describe in detail the treatment for an overdose of the drug. Apparently, strict adherence to the specified dosage is important. Attention: children under 12 years old are not allowed to visit Bonin!
Packaging price (8 tables) - 145 rubles.

"Dramina" (Croatia) is a drug used to prevent dizziness, nausea and vomiting of various origins. Although most often these tablets (50 mg) are used to prevent motion sickness in various types of transport. The medicine can be given to children starting from one year. And adults should remember that Dramina enhances the effect of sleeping pills, antidepressants and alcohol.

The list of adverse reactions is quite long: drowsiness with general weakness, headache, dry mouth and nausea. The list solemnly ends with a message about possible blurred vision and slower motor reactions. Despite this, pharmacists claim that the drug is quite popular and is in constant demand.
Package price (10 tablets) - 77 rubles.

“Ginger in capsules” (Russia) - this product was discovered in one of the pharmacies in a display case dedicated to numerous biologically active food additives (BAA). However, in the description it was written in black and white: dietary supplement - prevention of symptoms of sea and air sickness. Manufacturers recommend taking three to four capsules 15 minutes before sending, and then the dose can be maintained every four hours. There are no contraindications.
Packaging price - 271 rub.

If it doesn't help...

If there is no expected effect after taking the medicine, do not increase the dosage under any circumstances - the consequences of an overdose are extremely dangerous, and subsequent treatment is very unpleasant (gastric lavage alone is worth it). If it doesn’t help, alas, apparently you are one of the unlucky people for whom medications do not work. Perhaps you will be consoled by the fact that there are many more such people than you think.

If the rebellious body does not respond to any means and nausea and dizziness do not go away, it is recommended to try to take a strictly horizontal position (in medical language, a “position of complete rest”). For example, on an airplane you can lie down on the empty seats of one row of seats by first raising the armrests.

Folk remedies

Once upon a time, during long flights, airplane passengers were given small transparent “Vzletnye” caramels with a piercingly sour taste. And to this day, the recommendation to chew or suck something sour while motion sickness remains relevant. How does the sour taste of caramel affect the mysterious vestibular apparatus? It turns out that there is no way. Sucking on candy or, for example, a slice of lemon simply distracts the unfortunate passenger from the sad sensations in the stomach. Nowadays you won’t find “Vzletnykh” with fire, but the advice to mull something sour, minty, salty in your mouth is still useful - it’s a great switch and distracts you from delving into your own feelings.

From the realm of exotics. One elderly passenger claims that at one time sucking on an ordinary match helped her with motion sickness (meaning, of course, not the head of sulfur, but the clean wood tip). She believes that the undesirable stomach reaction was calmed by the clear composition that coated the wood.

Kid with a bucket

When motion sickness occurs, children under 6-7 years of age often do not have time to signal to adults about an impending attack of nausea - everything happens instantly, violently and rapidly. And the prudently prepared bags will only be useful to you to put soiled clothes in them. If you travel often and know your child’s weakness, try making a simple device for him: open a hard plastic bag and twist it slightly, giving it the shape of a bucket. Then attach a bow made of cord or ribbon to the “bucket” and hang the structure around the baby’s neck. The lightweight design, of course, is not very pleasant to look at, but it is always ready for combat.

Tatiana Shcherbakova
CHUK and GEK / July / 2002

People who get motion sickness in transport experience not only physical, but also psychological discomfort, because they understand how inconvenient and unpleasant such a “neighborhood” can be for fellow travelers. The pharmaceutical industry has not ignored those who do not tolerate traveling by plane or bus: anti-motion sickness tablets can be purchased at any pharmacy.


It so happened that motion sickness, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, and sometimes fainting, was called “sea sickness,” although the appearance of these symptoms occurs when traveling by car or in other transport that has nothing to do with the sea.

By analogy, when during strong seas even experienced sailors hung overboard to ease their stomach and suffering, the name also stuck to motion sickness on land or in the air. According to statistics, approximately a tenth of the world's population does not tolerate the road well. The fair sex and children under 12 years of age are more prone to motion sickness.

For some people, signs of seasickness appear sporadically, while others cannot imagine traveling in comfort. Doctors do not name the exact causes of motion sickness; at some stage, there is a failure in the transmission of impulses from the vestibular apparatus (for example, during a long monotonous movement without changing the landscape, the eyes get tired and send a signal about the absence of movement around, and the body “says” the opposite).

Whatever the reason, only the symptoms (nausea, vomiting, weakness) can be eliminated with the help of medications.

Medicines for motion sickness

Medicines are divided into two categories:

  1. Tablets containing chemicals that have a direct effect on the central nervous system (the vomiting center);
  2. Herbal-based medications that have a sedative, mild hypnotic effect.


An affordable drug produced in Croatia. Belongs to the group of antihistamines, has a depressant effect on the vestibular apparatus, stops nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and has a moderate sedative effect.

The medicine begins to act 15-30 minutes after entering the body, the effect lasts up to 6 hours.

For pregnant women (especially in the 1st trimester) and children under 3 years of age, Dramamine is on the list of drugs not recommended for use.

Reduces concentration and cannot be combined with alcoholic drinks, even in small quantities. The maximum dose for an adult is 7 tablets per day. Children are prescribed a dosage depending on age and body weight.

The domestic analogue of Dramamine is the drug Aviamarin.


A homeopathic drug that increases the resistance of the vestibular system to external influences during movement, eliminates the physical symptoms of motion sickness - nausea, weakness, excessive sweating, anxiety.

Since certain clinical trials have not been conducted, the drug is not recommended for children under 6 years of age; under 18 years of age - after consultation with a doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation are also conditional contraindications for taking Avia-Sea tablets.


The French drug Cocculin is a little more expensive than the products mentioned above, but it is the one approved for use during pregnancy, including to relieve symptoms of toxicosis.

It is necessary to dissolve 2 tablets 3 times a day to prevent motion sickness the day before and during the trip. You can increase the number of tablets by taking the drug every 2 hours; no cases of overdose have been recorded.

The treatment does not affect concentration and attention; kakulin is a tablet that does not cause drowsiness.


Relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, has a sedative and antiemetic effect, reduces the secretion of saliva, sweat, tears, gastric and pancreatic secretions.

Suitable for people of any age, including children. The daily dose should not exceed 4 tablets.

Bonin for children

For children over one year old, Bonin lozenges for children are considered the optimal remedy against motion sickness. The effect lasts for 20-24 hours.

Ginger capsules

Dietary supplement intended for the prevention of motion sickness. Indicated in mild cases of seasickness, it reduces fatigue and weakness, but is powerless against nausea.

Acupuncture bracelet

Affects the active point of the pericardium, located on the wrist. Manufacturers guarantee the effect within 5 minutes after putting it on and describe the procedure in detail in the instructions.

Preventive measures against motion sickness

  • During the trip, you need to provide the person who is sick with a flow of fresh air - turn on the air conditioner, open the window;
  • Frequent shallow breathing through the mouth will help reduce nausea;
  • Seats closer to the driver are better for sitting - there is less motion sickness and there is not so much smell of gasoline;
  • When traveling by car, you need to stop as often as possible (especially if your child gets sick);
  • Citrus slices, mints, and sour candies will help overcome nausea and dizziness. You can simply chew - chewing gum, crackers, cookies;
  • Before the trip, do not eat too much, drink water;
  • Sleep will help you cope with the journey easier; taking sedatives will help.

Motion sickness is an unpleasant, but not dangerous (if we are not talking about severe dehydration) symptom, which can be dealt with with the help of medications.

A therapist or pediatrician will help you choose the right drug; in most cases, they are contraindicated during pregnancy and individual intolerance.