Secrets of the Egyptian amulet: the eye of Horus Wadjet and its influence on human life. Eye of Horus - a symbol of heavenly protection Eye of the Pharaoh

The Eye of Horus (the All-Seeing Eye) is an amulet of ancient Egypt, symbolizing the Eye of God, which monitors the worldly affairs of people and gives protection. The image is enclosed in a triangle, the eye has a spiral line. This line represents the energy of perpetual motion and cosmic unity, which a person cannot perceive with the available five senses.

The eye can be white or black, it is necessary to distinguish between this - the white (right eye) symbolizes the Sun, day and future, and the black (left) symbolizes the Moon, night and the past. Accordingly, the right eye can be used as a talisman to attract positive energy into your life. He will provide assistance in everyday affairs and help achieve your goals. The Left Eye of Horus is useful for those who wish to establish a connection with their ancestors.

Eye of Horus - meaning of the symbol

The mystical eye of the god Horus can be found not only in manuscripts compiled by the ancient Egyptians. A similar symbol - the all-seeing eye in a triangle - was used by various peoples of the world.

1. The Indians considered the image of the eye to be the all-seeing eye of the Great Spirit.

2. Christian peoples - a symbol of God the Creator, light and power.

3. The Greeks gave the name to the symbol - Apollo or the eye of Jupiter.

4. For Buddhists, the sign symbolizes wisdom and light.

5. tells about the god Odin, who gave his eye to drink from the source of wisdom.

What the All-Seeing Eye is capable of

The symbol attracts with its mystery and mystery. It will protect the All-Seeing Eye from envy, negative thoughts and unkind people who come to your home. The Eye of Horus will protect the family from bad wishes.

It doesn’t matter what the symbol is depicted on, on paper, on stone or metal, it does not lose its sacred meaning. The image can be placed in that part of the house where the whole family gathers and where guests are received. The symbol can be worn as jewelry, and even tattooed on the body. Many people wear a pendant with the image of the All-Seeing Eye.

The tattoo has strong energy; one of the names of the Eye of Horus “Wadjet” is translated as “protecting”. The tattoo has a deep meaning, it is a very strong amulet, it is simple and harmonious, contains ancient wisdom and strength. Such a tattoo should not be applied to open areas of the body; it is better to hide it from prying eyes by hiding it under clothes or applying it to the neck or under the hair.

How to activate the Eye of Horus

For the amulet to start working, you need to come into contact with it, hold it in your hands, carefully examine the image, and try to understand the entire deep meaning of the symbol. Talk to him mentally, turn to him with all your soul and heart. You can light a candle or an incense stick, but all thoughts should be bright and not harm anyone. Activation of the talisman should be completed with the phrase “For the common good!”

The talisman will give its owner insight and vigilance, and protect him from troubles. The main thing is to believe in his strength. You can enhance the effect of the amulet by decorating it with a particle of lapis lazuli or chalcedony. Having passed through centuries, the eye of Horus has conveyed its protective and protective meaning to our time, giving the wisdom of ancient civilizations. The talisman has not been lost in the wilderness of history, which once again proves its uniqueness and strength.

In ancient times, when people believed in the existence of gods and explained their actions from a mythological point of view, in order not to suffer the wrath of their patron, they wore amulets, talismans with his image, and got tattoos. It was also a symbol of the fact that the chosen god protects a person from evil and evil spirits. In order to decide on the choice of a deity, people paid attention to his actions, actions, and powers.

Eye of Horus - a talisman and shore for the Egyptians

They treated the god Horus with respect and faith, since he was an unusual deity and had healing eyes. In many writings of Ancient Egypt, various legends associated with Horus are described, his exploits and the meaning of the Eye of Horus are described. The Eye of Horus became a talisman and a treasure for many Egyptians. They not only wore amulets, but also made tattoos with the image of an eye.

Legend of the Eye of Horus

Ancient scriptures glorify the Egyptian god Horus, who was the son of Osiris. Legends say that Horus had unusual eyes. The left eye meant the Moon, and the right eye meant the Sun. For people, the Eye of Horus had a special meaning, as it gave them faith that Horus would protect them day and night.

There are several legends regarding how the Egyptian god lost his left eye. One hypothesis states that the eye was gouged out with a finger, and Seth did it. The second legend says that Seth stepped on the eye and squeezed it out. In some scriptures there is an opinion that Seth swallowed the eye.

There are a couple of versions regarding the restoration of the eye. According to one version, the eye was healed by the Egyptian god Thoth, the second version interprets that Hathor healed the eye by giving it gazelle milk. Later, an additional hypothesis appeared, according to which, the Egyptian god Anubis performed a rite of burial of the eye, and grapes grew in that place, the eye gave fruit in the form of a vine.

Healing Eye

The people of Ancient Egypt knew about the exploits and actions of Horus, but they did not immediately wear the Eye of Horus amulet. After the battle with Set, Horus healed his father with his eye; his body, which had already decomposed, was collected into one whole. After this, the sign of the Eye of Horus began to be applied to mummies, precisely in the place where a hole was made to free the body from organs and entrails.

People believed that the amulet could protect them

When the eye of the god Horus gained popularity, the Egyptians began to wear amulets with the image of the eye and get tattoos. People believed that the amulet was capable of protecting them at any time of the day, capable of healing, giving courage and bravery; it was of great importance to them. The left eye was associated with the lunar cycle. To restore it, the inhabitants of Egypt gathered in the temple once a month and performed a special ceremony.

An amulet with the image of a symbol protected people from the evil eye; tattoos were made on the part of the body that needed to be healed. A talisman and a tattoo could protect you from any misfortune, and people believed in it.

The meaning of the amulet today

Belief in the magical and protective effects of the amulet still exists today. People use the Eye of Horus not only to protect themselves from the effects of evil spirits, negative energy or to improve health, but also to attract good luck. Today, the Eye of Horus is a talisman of attentiveness, sharpness of thought, intelligence and vision. The Eye of Horus will protect you from the negative effects of people who offer:

  • Take part in a project in which you need to invest money.
  • Take part in financial scams and transactions.
  • Carry out a deal that may seem profitable to you only at first glance.

The talisman will help you see everything that is happening not only with your eyes, but also to feel it, see everything from the inside, and protect you from manipulation. It will help protect your home, family, business, and finances. During important negotiations, keep the amulet with you. You can get a tattoo; it also has protective properties. The meaning of the amulet is different for each person; with its help you can protect your health and increase your wealth.

The talisman will protect you from hostile manipulations

Egypt is famous for ships with a symbol on the bow - the eye of Horus. Holding the amulet in your hands, you can give yourself orders that everything will work out for you, everything will be fine, and you will be able to achieve what you want, and the talisman will contribute to this. The talisman will help you see what you cannot see with your own eyes. The amulet and tattoo look like an eye with a spiral underneath it. A tear appears in the eye. By going through this spiral, through obstacles, you will be able to achieve perfection and learn the secrets of the Universe.

, the ancient Egyptian falcon-headed god, can be found on the tombs of Luxor, the pediments of Christian temples and even on American banknotes. This sign has passed through the centuries and has retained its meaning of patronage from above, protection from evil forces and personal transformation.
Along with the ankh, the cross of eternal life, and the sacred scarab rolling the solar disk, the eye of Horus is one of the triad of symbols that have become in the modern world a kind of calling card of Ancient Egypt and its innermost mysticism. The image of the eye of a falcon-headed deity is called “wadget”. This name comes from the ancient Egyptian “irt waj”, which means “protecting eye”.

Unlike most symbols, the origin of which is lost in the darkness of centuries, the wadget has retained its historical roots. It owes its origins to a dramatic story from ancient Egyptian mythology. The patron saint of chaos and death, the god Set, overthrew and killed his brother Osiris, one of the supreme inhabitants of heaven and the legendary king of Egypt. The widow of Osiris, the inconsolable Isis, conceived and gave birth to the divine child Horus with the head of a falcon from her dead husband, so that he, having matured, would take revenge on Set and regain his royal inheritance. In a victorious duel with Set, Horus lost his left eye, but Anubis, the guide of souls to the afterlife, managed to miraculously restore it. However, Horus ultimately remained a one-eyed deity. He allowed his healed eye to be swallowed by his murdered father in order to resurrect him. But Osiris did not want to return to the world of the living. He became the judge and ruler of the kingdom of the dead, appointing Horus as his sovereign governor and ruler of heaven and earth. Since then, every Egyptian pharaoh was considered an incarnation and living embodiment of Horus.

Starting from the III dynasty, which ruled Egypt in the middle of the III millennium BC, the image of the wadjet became a powerful amulet and a hidden symbol of posthumous resurrection.

“The Eye of Horus bestows eternal life and protects me even when it is closed,” such ritual praises are found on papyrus sheets of the Sarcophagi Texts and the Egyptian Book of the Dead.

Wadget patterns are depicted on temple frescoes and obelisks, in rich paintings of sarcophagi and on precious talismans. Egyptian, and after them Greek, sailors placed the paired symbol of the eye of Horus on the bow of their ships in the hope that the gaze of the falcon god would grant them protection from storms and reefs.


Along with the external symbolism of the wadget as an amulet against evil forces, there was also its hidden esoteric interpretation. The right eye of Horus was considered the embodiment of the Sun, and the left eye, which was traditionally associated with the dark abysses of the unconscious, with passive, yin, feminine energy. The loss and acquisition of his eye by Horus, and then the resurrection of Osiris with his help, in the allegorical language of Egyptian mysticism, meant a temporary descent into the personal hell of the subconscious, touching the dark hidden side of the soul in order to restore the integrity of the individual and gain divine wisdom. It is no coincidence that a similar plot of exchanging an eye for secret knowledge also exists in Scandinavian mythology: in order to be able to drink water from the source of wisdom, the god Odin donated his eye to the titan Mimir. However, even among the ancient Egyptians, not everyone knew about the existence of such deep symbolism of the wadjet. But during arithmetic lessons, schoolchildren from the land of the pharaohs literally took the eye of Horus apart. The fact is that in ancient Egyptian mathematics, each element of the symbol (pupil, white of the eye, eyebrow and teardrop) denoted a fractional number in the range from 1/2 to 1/64. The total value of the components of the wadget was 63/64. According to legend, Osiris kept the last missing fraction for himself.


After the abolition of paganism by decree of the Roman Emperor Theodosius I in 391, a number of ancient symbols were borrowed by the then young Christianity. The classic image of Isis with the baby Horus in her arms formed the basis of the iconography of the Mother of God, and the wadget became known as the All-Seeing Eye. Instead of a fragment from the Book of the Dead about the protective function of the Eye of Horus, the church fathers now used a verse from the 32nd Psalm: “Behold, the eye of the Lord is upon those who fear Him and trust in His mercy.” In the Christian interpretation, the wadget became not a protective amulet, but a symbolic reminder of the constant invisible presence of God the Father and his omniscience. In some medieval engravings and frescoes, the All-Seeing Eye sometimes appears as an ordinary human eye surrounded by rays of light, but more often this symbol is placed inside a triangle (an allusion to the Trinity). It is noteworthy that all symbols of the Eye always depict the left eye, which proves its origin from the ancient Egyptian wadget.


The most famous images of the All-Seeing Eye in the modern world are the reverse side of the Great Seal of the United States and the attributes of Masonic lodges. This circumstance gave birth to countless theories according to which the very emergence of the United States was a project of the Freemasons and the Illuminati with the goal of establishing a new world order. But, alas, the facts look much more prosaic. The All-Seeing Eye first appeared in a sketch of the Great Seal designed in 1776 by the artist Dusimtier. He was not a Freemason, but borrowed the image of the Eye from Renaissance literature. Among the Freemasons, the symbol became an element of ceremonial paraphernalia twenty years later, in 1797, and the image itself was first published in the book The Freemason Observer by Thomas Smith Webb. The main difference between the Masonic version of the symbol is that the rays of light from the eye are not directed evenly in all directions, but exclusively downward, towards the ground.

Protection and luck

The first thing you need to do when discovering the mysterious and mysterious world and talismans is to forget about all the prejudices that interfere with true knowledge, to open up to extraordinary and amazing things, which can be difficult to believe in. Only in this way can we, like the ancient Egyptians, take advantage of the beneficial power of these objects, helping those who approach them with an open heart and soul. The Eye of Horus represents the Sun and Moon, symbols of light and the victory of wisdom over darkness, taking away pain and suffering.

This amazing amulet attracts good luck and protects against misfortune. The Eye of Horus will be a wonderful gift for a suffering loved one and will help us cope with a difficult situation ourselves.
Today, the Eye of Horus often adorns jewelry: bracelets, pendants, earrings and brooches. We can also make a personal amulet by engraving the Eye of Horus on wax, leather or clay. If you insert a piece of lapis lazuli or chalcedony into such an amulet, this will significantly increase its strength.

It is necessary to distinguish between the left eye, which corresponds to the Moon and enhances our intuition and imagination, and the right eye, which corresponds to the Sun and is responsible for the purity of our thoughts and ideas, objectivity and wisdom.
You can not only wear it on yourself, but also place it in that corner of your home where we feel most comfortable or where the whole family often gathers. He will protect us and our loved ones from any misfortunes, including those caused by the envy of others.

This is interesting

One of the most famous eastern analogues of the wadjet and the All-Seeing Eye is the image of the eyes of Buddha on the lower tier of stupas in the Swayambhunath and Boudhanath temple complexes in Kathmandu, Nepal.

The world leader in the number and frequency of use of the Eye is Ukraine. This symbol is present on the coats of arms of the cities of Dublyany, Podkamen, on the 500 hryvnia banknote and on the frescoes of the Elias Church in Kyiv.

In monumental architectural forms, the image of the All-Seeing Eye can be seen in St. Petersburg: on the portico of the Kazan Cathedral and the bas-relief pedestal of the Alexander Column on Palace Square.

Since 1812, on the initiative of Alexander I, the All-Seeing Eye appears on almost all Russian military medals. The last award with this image was the medal “In memory of the Russian-Japanese War of 1904-1905.”

The eye of Horus tattoo is a serious symbol that is rarely applied as a banal body decoration. Like the ancient Egyptian ankh cross, the sign acts as a strong talisman and amulet. It brings good luck and happiness to those who sincerely believe in its power and honor traditions. What is the true meaning of the symbol, what should you know when choosing a sketch?

The Myth of the Hawkeye

The Eye of Horus is a magical and mysterious symbol endowed with powerful energy. His image can be found in the Egyptian Book of the Dead, where he personifies the divine world order. This drawing served as a talisman against negative influences, deception and evil. Udjat, eye of Ra, hawk's eye - all these are other names for the ancient sign. The hieroglyph itself consists of two words and is translated as “guarding eye.”

The god Horus was the son of Osiris and Isis and was depicted as a man with the head of a falcon. He lost his left eye in a fight with Set, but was later healed by the god of wisdom Thoth. The right eye was the personification of the Sun, and the left eye was the personification of the Moon. It was the damaged eye that began to have amazing properties. According to legend, with its help Horus was able to resurrect his father Osiris. Later, the Egyptians began to believe that a person whose soul had passed on to another world gained the eye of God.

The left eye of the god Horus was worn as an amulet by the pharaohs. The product was made of gold or colored glass. Sometimes the image could be seen on Egyptian vessels and in houses. The right eye guarded people during the day, and the left eye at night.

Today the Eye of Horus has the same meaning as it did hundreds of thousands of years ago. A similar amulet is also carried with oneself, charged with its positive energy.

The triangle symbol can be seen on the one dollar bill at the top of the pyramid. This is a powerful sign responsible for financial stability and power. The sign was common among Freemasons and was partially borrowed from the Christian religion.

Who is the tattoo suitable for?

The main meaning of the tattoo is vigilance, wisdom, vigilance. In the image you can see a tear rolling down in the form of a spiral. It symbolizes obstacles in a person's path. Only by passing all the tests with dignity can one learn the sacred meaning of existence and the secrets of the Universe. Tattooing the eyes of Horus is believed to have a healing effect. It is enough to apply a tattoo to a problem area - and your health will certainly improve. At least that's what our ancestors believed.

This tattoo is suitable for both women and men. For representatives of the stronger sex, it promises career growth, success in business, material well-being, helps in making the right decisions, gives confidence in their own abilities, and exposes liars and hypocrites.

Girls with such a symbol can protect their family from the machinations of ill-wishers and envious people. In addition, a tattoo will allow them to competently manage the family budget and avoid unplanned expenses.

Tattoos of the eyes of Horus in a triangle and a pyramid are a favorable sign that guarantees financial stability and success in your endeavors. The pyramid itself represents stability and greatness, and when combined with another important Egyptian symbol, its meaning and power are doubled.

The location of the drawing is very important. For example, the tattoo of the eye of Horus (see photo in the gallery), located on the left, is a talisman and protects against witchcraft and damage. The image in the heart area is applied from love spells and love spells. If the symbol is on the right, it is an amulet for good luck, especially in money matters.

It is better to do a similar pattern on closed areas of the body in areas of blood circulation. Eye of Horus tattoo on the wrist in this case is an ideal option.

Performance technique

Monochrome tattoos are in greatest demand. The traditional teardrop design is done in black and in medium scale. Sketches in the minimalist style are perfect in this case. Simplicity and style are the hallmarks of technology.

Those who like to experiment can pay attention to colored tattoos. Sometimes the eye of Horus is depicted with the ankh symbol or with a pyramid. Then the sacred meaning of the composition is enhanced. A similar pattern on a large scale will look impressive on the shoulder, shoulder blade or back. For miniature tattoos, the wrist, neck, and ankle are suitable.

Tattoo photo gallery

Selection of sketches

You may have already come across ancient Egyptian symbols in the form of tattoos, amulets, etc.
While these symbols are becoming increasingly popular, few people know about their meanings.
There are many symbols such as the Egyptian scarab beetle, earrings, shenu, ouroboros, eye of Ra, etc.
The Eye of Ra is one of the most popular ancient Egyptian symbols, and this article will tell you about it in more detail.

What is the Eye of Ra?
The Eye of Ra, known as the Eye of Horus, is an ancient Egyptian symbol that is depicted as a human eye and eyebrow with elements of a falcon's cheek.

The symbol, which represents the ancient Egyptian god Horus, also has a teardrop below the eye.
According to Egyptian mythology, the right eye of the god Horus represents the sun god Ra, and his mirror image (left eye) represents the god of the moon and magic, Thoth.

According to legends, Horus, the son of Osiris and Isis, lost his right eye during a fight with his evil brother Set.
Horus fought his brother to avenge his father's death, and Set lost.
The god of magic Thoth returned the lost eye.

It is believed that the eye, which was torn apart by Set, was found by Thoth, who reassembled it.
It is also believed that Horus used this eye to revive his father.

Since then, the Eye of Ra has been used as a symbol of healing, restoration, health, safety and protection.
As a protective amulet, this symbol was used in Egypt for a very long time.

It was also used as a funeral amulet, which was intended to protect the dead in the afterlife.
Even sailors used to paint this symbol on their boats to ensure a safe voyage.

Let us now look at how the Eye of Ra was used in the ancient Egyptian measurement system.
The Eye of Ra was also used as a means of measuring medicines.
According to legends, the eye was torn into six parts in such a way that each part represented a specific meaning.

According to this measurement system, 1/2 represented the sense of smell, 1/4 was for vision, 1/8 was for the brain, 1/16 was for hearing, 1/32 was for taste, and 1/64 was for touch.
If you add these parts together, you get 63/64 and not 1.
The remaining portion is believed to represent Thoth's magic.

Now, you have a basic understanding of the Eye of Ra and its significance in Egyptian mythology.
It is not just a symbol, it is also associated with Egyptian gods and goddesses and Egyptian mythology.
Even today this symbol is very widely used in amulets, jewelry, tattoos, etc.
While some people wear it for protection, others simply love the image even though they know nothing about the Egyptian symbols and their meanings.

Most ancient Egyptian symbols have a meaning, as is the case with the Eye of Ra.
By being interested in the use of mythological symbols in tattoos, amulets or other things, you will better understand their meaning.
