Those born in the year of the dog. Year of the Dog: detailed description of which years are included in this group. Red Fire Dog

In 2018, planet Earth will undergo an annual change: the Red Fire Rooster will give way to the annual symbol of the Yellow Earth Dog. Many astrological forecasts will help everyone meet and live this year with dignity. They will talk about what adults, as well as children born in the Year of the Dog 2018, can expect from nature, society, and the state.

Caring for the new generation

The birth of a baby is an extraordinary event. Those married couples who are planning to have a child in the near future are sure to ask themselves, what will the children born in 2018 be like? Can they be considered little darlings of fate or will their fate correspond to the common saying: “A dog’s life is a dog’s life” and it is worth waiting for a more favorable opportunity for the appearance of offspring.

Of course, the realities of life leave their mark on our lives, but there is absolutely no need for future parents to indulge in a pessimistic mood in advance. Astrologers, on the contrary, say that a child born in 2018 of the Earth Dog has every chance to live a happy life and delight loved ones with his love and devotion.

Numerology assures us that the year will be successful and practically devoid of negative manifestations, which, without a doubt, is necessary for all of humanity. It is important to remember that according to the principles of eastern chronology, the New Year begins when the second new moon occurs after the winter solstice.

The year will bring good luck to representatives of all zodiac constellations. Their task will only be to intuitively recognize the signs that fate will send and not miss their chance. But Providence will give special favor to those who have a chance to be born this year, because their main feature will be an extraordinary ability to communicate. This character trait is really important and can help solve many problems of the existence of a future society.

Such children will be able to find a common language with any person. Astrologers predict that babies born in the year of the Earth Dog will have almost no such quality as aggressiveness. The only exception is that without thinking they will exclude from their lives those who betrayed them, and are unlikely to be able to forgive such an insult.

Earning the trust of such a baby is not easy, but those who can do this will always be able to count on loyal friends. In turn, representatives of the “dog breed” will be able to help everyone who needs it. Such people are called altruists because they are ready to help absolutely unselfishly. Loyalty and the ability to devote themselves to their friends and family will distinguish them throughout their lives.

Children according to zodiac signs

A child’s character is unconditionally influenced not only by the year of birth, but also by his zodiac sign. Let's briefly look at the main points of this combination.

  • Aries, who will be born this year, will be irresistible lovers of truth. They are expected to fight injustice in all available ways. Since Dogs are purposeful, their main goal will be achieved.
  • Taurus will be distinguished from other signs by such a quality as excessive gullibility. Therefore, astrologers advise parents of little Taurus-Dogs to carefully monitor the friendly environment of their children so that they do not fall under the influence of others.
  • The constellation Gemini leaves a stamp of duality on its representatives. Children born in the year of the Dog are no exception. According to the dog category, they are classified as “mongrels”, since they will literally be eager to go outside, where their kind heart will find solace in helping their friends. Parents will need to win “their place.”
  • Sensitivity and honesty - these qualities will delight the parents of little Cancers. However, such beautiful traits can become the subject of manipulation by children or people interested in their own benefit. Parents will have to teach their children to be more careful and to trust only truly close people.
  • A Leo born in the year of the Dog is compared to a dog, which immediately tries to demonstrate the future lion's roar. On the one hand, Leo prefers to be the center of attention, and on the other hand, this behavior helps the gullible child to protect himself from ill-wishers and competitors.
  • But with the Virgo-Dog there are no such problems. Such children have an innate sense of caution, which will protect them from dangerous adventures. The only thing for which they are capable of taking rash actions is the desire to restore justice.
  • Libra-Dogs will show remarkable diplomatic abilities from early childhood. They will achieve success through good manners. Since children have a soft character, they may experience self-doubt, and the task of parents is to encourage their child more often, instilling in him faith in himself.
  • Scorpio-Dog has the most unpredictable character among all the zodiac signs. In order for the explosive mixture of a heightened sense of justice and rejection of human imperfection to not explode in such a child, parents will need to establish a trusting relationship with him.
  • Sagittarius is an active Dog who is difficult to lead astray. Perhaps these children should be given more freedom of action.
  • Capricorn dogs have the best guard qualities. Parents can rest assured that their children will complete all tasks “at their best.”
  • Aquarians are considered the smartest Dogs. They strive to communicate with adults, but will never show their intellectual superiority over their peers.
  • And finally, Pisces will show complete initiative and independence. Don't treat them like babies - this way you will earn their trust and loyalty.


According to the Chinese zodiac, 2018 will be the Year of the Dog. This is the patron saint of everyone who was born in 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994 or 2006. And of course, everyone who has yet to be born in the new year 2018. Komsomolskaya Pravda talked to astrologer and astropsychologist Inga Lozanchich and found out what character traits are usually characteristic of these people.

- What character traits are inherent in people born in the year of the Dog?

First of all, it is worth noting that Eastern astrology characterizes people the way they appear to people and society. How they feel about it is another question. People born in the year of the Dog never trumpet their plans. They do everything in silence, and then present others with a fait accompli. They are usually quite ambitious, but these ambitions are not expressed in a conceited way. They don't need to show off. The main thing is that it is strong and reliable. And it’s generally better not to inform others again. It is important for them to stand firmly on the ground, and for this they need a profession that will provide a normal standard of living and quality relationships. At the same time, Dogs are aware that high-quality relationships cannot be built without love. Usually they have enough intuition and flair to distinguish “one-day sparkles” from something truly serious and deep.

- Are they lucky in their family life?

They have an instinct for people they can trust. They will not enter into a relationship with an unreliable person. Dogs are characterized by affection. In their entire life, they can only have two or three reliable, deep connections. Dogs are believed to be loyal. In reality, they are just owners. They do not want to share their loved ones with others.

- Are these people fighters by nature? Or would they rather humble themselves and endure it?

They will not fight when they understand for sure that the forces are not on their side. They don't have the courage to bang their heads against the wall. They will quietly increase their potential and shoot at the moment when they are ready to win.

- Will 2018 really be a more successful year for Dogs than the rest?

Once every 12 years, when the sign under which a person was born comes into force, this is a chance for him to reach a new level. We begin to understand ourselves better, the meaning of life, our goals become clearer. The vision of everything that is happening deepens. You just need to listen to yourself and notice in time all the changes and opportunities that open up this year.


We remembered which of the St. Petersburg stars were born in the Year of the Dog. It is worth noting that they actually share some similar character traits. They are all exemplary family men, very hardworking and persistent people. However, read more for yourself.

Oleg Basilashvili

Oleg Basilashvili is a real knight. He is never afraid to speak his mind and is known not only for his legendary film roles, but also for his fight for justice. The People's Artist of the USSR has repeatedly stood up for those who are detained at rallies, and this year he wrote a letter in support of the arrested director Kirill Serebrennikov.

I simply wrote to a person in trouble in order to support him. The way I would support any person. Personally, I don’t know Serebrennikov. I saw his performance, only one. And that’s all,” the actor told Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Basilashvili has another striking feature of all those born under the sign of the Dog. He is a faithful family man. He lived in his first marriage for only eight years, but he has been together with his second wife, Galina Mshanskaya, for more than half a century! The couple has two daughters, a granddaughter and a grandson, in whom Oleg Valeryanovich dotes!

Actress Alisa Freindlich

Alisa Brunovna has always been a hardworking and extremely purposeful person. Even at school, she definitely decided that she would become an actress. At the university, young Freundlich received thanks and certificates one after another for her exemplary studies. At the age of 27, the artist became the “first lady of the theater.” Leningrad was filled with rumors about her talent. Resounding success in cinema soon followed.

Despite her all-Union fame, Freundlich never “bent her fingers” and did not demand any special conditions for herself. However, such enormous fame backfired on the actress. None of her three husbands could come to terms with Alisa Brunovna’s popularity. Now her family is her daughter Varvara and grandchildren: Anya and Nikita.

Football player Alexander Kerzhakov

Alexander Kerzhakov spent almost his entire sports career at Zenit. For his loyalty to the “blue-white-sky blues”, the fans adored Kerzhakov, and he reciprocated their feelings.

Attachment is characteristic of Dogs, as is gullibility. However, the second character trait played cruel jokes on Alexander more than once. In 2011, the athlete lost more than three hundred million rubles. The scammers, who were supposedly supposed to invest in the business, were advised to his long-time friend.

Everything was based on trust, I didn’t sign any documents,” the footballer later admitted.

Alexander's common-law wife Ekaterina Safronova also played on trust for a long time. The girl had serious problems with drugs, and time after time she assured her husband that she would “quit.” But the words remained words.

Now Kerzhakov has a white streak in his life. He is happily married to Milana Kerzhakova, and this year the couple had a son. The couple are actively involved in charity work.

Figure skater Evgeni Plushenko

Evgeni Plushenko could well become an Olympic champion not only in figure skating, but also in self-confidence! Before the Games in Sochi, the athlete had serious back problems. But for the sake of a high goal, he took to the ice and won his fourth Olympic medal! True, I still had to withdraw from the singles competition. The injury prevented him from even starting the performance.

Like typical Dogs, Plushenko is reliable and faithful in family life. His first marriage was not entirely successful and lasted only three years. But he and Yana Rudkovskaya have been together for more than ten years. The couple got married this year.

Actress Irina Mazurkevich

Irina Mazurkevich’s luck can be envied. National fame came to the actress early - at less than nineteen years old, when she played the main role in the film “The Miracle with Pigtails.” Then there were “Say a word for the poor hussar”, “Three in a boat, not counting the dog” and dozens of other notable and not so noticeable film roles.

To be honest, I never really thought about popularity, maybe because I started acting early. The thing that people fight so hard for, resort to tricks, came to me on its own, in due time and on a silver platter. “I was just ready to take my chance,” admitted Irina Stepanovna.

Mazurkevich was very lucky not only in her career, but also in her personal life. At the age of 23, she married People's Artist of the RSFSR Anatoly Ravikovich, who was 21 years older than her! It was an absolutely happy marriage, which was destroyed only by death. In 2012, the artist passed away, and Irina Stepanovna never met anyone better than her beloved Ravik.

A dog is man's friend. A creature that has become a symbol of devotion and fidelity, a protector and guard. If you characterize those born in the year of the Dog, you can see that these people are very similar to the Dog-animal.

Dog people are very decent and loyal. They will never abandon not only a friend, but even a complete stranger in trouble. They have a heightened sense of justice, forcing them to rush into battle immediately, as soon as it seems to them that everything is not fair. Sometimes they act hastily, without understanding, which can even do more harm than good. In addition, the Dog is trusting, and everyone who is not too lazy takes advantage of this. It is worth remembering Don Quixote, and you can get a clear idea of ​​the Dog’s struggle with injustice. True, we must give it its due: the Dog almost never participates in complete nonsense, but a clever and unprincipled person can easily succeed in dragging it into a bad deed under the guise of something noble.

The dog takes betrayal and treachery hard; it literally becomes ill from the knowledge that it was “duped” and that the one it trusted turned out to be completely unworthy of trust. Because of this, the dog may become depressed and stop trusting others for a long time. In general, she is prone to pessimism, to its most radical variety.

Characteristics of people born in the year of the Dog

Such people are excellent workers: attentive, diligent, scrupulously following all orders and requirements. They are, perhaps, even workaholics, they are simply passionate about work and absolutely do not understand how something can be mixed up or forgotten if it relates to their favorite job. For this reason, Dogs, without at all chasing a long ruble, often earn decently and, without at all striving to make a career, quickly climb the career ladder, being, indeed, valuable employees. Although often someone else takes advantage of their achievements, then the Dog begins to suffer again, but she never takes revenge. The dog is unpretentious, she doesn’t need a lot of money, and she willingly shares her income with everyone who asks, which unscrupulous people are sometimes not averse to taking advantage of.

The characteristics of a man born in the year of the Dog are similar to this general characteristic. The Dog Man is a terrible pessimist. Due to extreme self-doubt and low self-esteem, he is ready to spend his entire life as a senior assistant to a junior janitor, especially since he loves to work. The Dog Man needs constant psychological support from his beloved, whom he really loves and for whom he is ready to give his life. But he is by no means ready to give up hobbies on the side, if he has them, and he does not consider adultery to be treason. The Dog Man has an extremely difficult time breaking up with his wife because of his left-wing behavior, refusing to believe in them as a reason and looking for another explanation for it: low salary, sexual problems, etc., and then falls into depression. Living with him, with all his positive qualities, is incredibly difficult, because in an effort to help his neighbor he will give his last shirt, not only his own, but also his wife and children, who sometimes consider such dedication unnecessary.

As for a woman born in the year of the Dog, her characteristics, according to astrologers, are as follows. The Dog Woman is smart and hardworking, but she is overly prone to reflection and contemplation, which is why life often passes her by while she is thinking about life. However, Dog women are still somewhat more ambitious than men and sometimes consciously do so. In general, those born in the year of the Dog, as a rule, have only positive traits in their characteristics, and this is quite fair.

In China, the Dog is a symbol of loyalty and devotion. Prosperity, deliverance from evil spirits, and abundance are associated with the Dog.

And some peoples of China generally consider the Dog to be their ancestor. True, sometimes the Dog changes: it becomes evil and dangerous, and even approaches in characteristics the evil forces from which it protects in normal times. People born in the year of the Dog have the same dual nature. Sometimes, behind their ideal character, something nasty peeks out in them, and sometimes a person from whom no one expected anything good suddenly performs miracles of heroism and self-sacrifice. Years corresponding to the Year of the Dog in the Eastern horoscope: 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030.

Character of people born in the year of the Dog

A dog spends its entire life searching for itself. She is not confident in the correctness of the chosen path. Despite the fact that she makes detailed and realistic plans and then sticks to them, she is constantly tormented by questions: “Did I choose the right profession?”, “Did I choose the right partner?”, “Did I...?”. Uncertainty about the chosen path in life makes the Dog rush around and worry. She often suffers because of a past that cannot be changed - it seems to her that she made the wrong choice. But in the future - the Dog thinks - I won’t make such mistakes. She sets a goal and does not give up on it, even if it threatens with serious losses. The Dog's character is pedantic, corrosive and quarrelsome. In relationships with people, her dual nature is most clearly visible. Strict, principled, sometimes sanctimoniously correct, the Dog in difficult times is ready to take on other people’s problems and support those in need in every possible way. The dog is not self-confident, but appears very demanding and unshakable. In life, she is helped by firmness, loyalty to principles and honesty. And such a trait as not wanting to burden anyone and relying only on one’s own strengths both helps and hinders her: the ability to cope with difficulties alone gives strength, but does not at all make life easier.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in love

The Dog is careful in love. She begins to trust not immediately. If the partner does not have enough courage and drive to pull her out of her shell, then the relationship may not take place. If you are lucky and managed to win the Dog, the alliance with it will be reliable, but not easy. She is faithful and honest, does not deceive or manipulate, does not cheat or throw tantrums. But she is very demanding and expects ideal behavior from her partner. She criticizes her partner, believing that this helps him become better. But she will not abandon him, seeing his imperfections, but will raise him for years. The only thing the Dog will not forgive is betrayal. It's hard for the Dog in the family. She was too used to relying only on herself. She will take care of and raise her partner and children, but will not be able to relax and trust them, or shift some of her problems onto them. From time to time she will be visited by thoughts about whether she has chosen the right life partner, but due to her innate loyalty and decency she will not leave the family because of these thoughts. The dog is compatible in love with, and Boar.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility in friendship

A dog is a good friend. She is reliable and honest. You can trust her with secrets, she is not talkative. Does not like large companies, preferring to have a few close friends. She does not trust immediately, takes a long time to look closely at a person, and sometimes time plays a big role in friendship: those whom she has known for a long time have a greater chance of becoming her friends. The dog cares about his friends, is ready to support them, but still it is not easy to be with him. Her integrity makes her a good friend only to honest and serious people. Others will miss her gentleness and ability to empathize. A principled Dog will never call black white even for the sake of a friend. This is very inconvenient if a person is counting on her to cover up his absence from work or sympathize with him in an affair on the side of his spouse. No, in these cases the Dog will call a spade a spade and try to guide his friend on the true path. Therefore, if a person has minor sins and weaknesses, he will not become a friend to the Dog. The dog is compatible in friendship with, Boar and another Dog.

People born in the year of the Dog: compatibility at work

At work, the Dog is patient, careful and responsible. She lacks the passion to achieve high ranks, but nevertheless, many representatives of this sign go into politics or civil service because they dream of defending justice. There are many mediocre officials among the Dogs. They are patient with visitors, focused and honest.

Numerology by date of birth is a wonderful tool that allows you to find out all the features and subtleties of the character of your loved one. Compatibility analysis by date of birth is the key to successful and harmonious relationships.

1250 rub If a Dog works in the field of education, social protection, or the police, many people remember him with gratitude. Apart from working with people, the Dog is good wherever competence is valued rather than pressure. She is unlikely to be a good businessman, but many successful Dogs work as consultants, teachers, librarians and researchers. In addition to those jobs that suit the Dog’s character, there are also those for which he has abilities and talents. These are medicine, law and the church. In these areas, the Dog can make a great career and achieve recognition and fame. The dog is compatible to work with, and.

It’s probably no secret to anyone that the coming year 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. The dog legally comes into its own on February 16, 2018 and will retain its influence on people until February 4, 2019. You will read about all this in this material about what characteristics the Year of the Dog has, what qualities people born at this time are endowed with, as well as what years correspond to this animal.

Honesty is the main character trait that is inherent in a dog. People born in the year of the Dog are distinguished by their nobility, remain faithful to principles, people and deeds, and are also very loyal to the negative character traits of other individuals.

It is common for such people to experience betrayal at least once in their lives, although the Dog is able to independently solve any problems. She is attracted by affection and attention, she is very sensitive and caring, strives to protect the weaker, acts as a defender of her family and friends.

In addition, the dog is distinguished by its reliability, generosity, independence, and aggressiveness - in the case when it is attacked, voicing claims and reproaches. Such a person is a serious competitor, a very attractive partner and a rational businessman.

The dog does not like public demonstration of his sensual sphere and experiences, but at the same time he turns into a very passionate and ardent nature, remaining alone with his loved one. In some cases he may be harsh in communication, but tries to avoid conflict situations whenever possible. In a dispute he always shows his nobility.

Positive qualities of the Dog sign

The Dog’s demonstration of ambition and nobility adds a unique advantage to it in partnerships. People born in the year of the Dog always choose a fair battle rather than behind-the-scenes intrigue. They are distinguished by straightforwardness in the sensual sphere of life, fidelity in love relationships, but at the same time they systematically suffer from frequent mood changes.

Due to uncertainty or temporary bad luck, the Dog is able to disconnect from the sensory sphere of life. In those cases when everything is fine with her, it is difficult to find a more positive being in the sphere of love relationships.

A dog is a sign of perfectionists; it is seduced by harmony and tranquility in the home, it strives for a reliable family rear and manages to earn money. At the same time, such a person will never go over his head to achieve success.

Negative qualities of the sign

Due to its coldness, laziness and pessimism, the Dog risks encountering difficulties in realizing its wonderful career opportunities. In some cases, the Dog does not accept wise advice from others, shows excessive self-sufficiency and ends up losing when it relies solely on itself.

In addition, representatives of this sign often suffer from completely causeless anxiety. It is important for a dog to control its health, and be sure to practice some kind of physical activity to control the level of its internal aggressiveness.

In the Year of the Dog, on your way you may meet both noble personalities and very negative ones, from whom you will have to protect your home or partner relationships.

High probability of meeting your ideal life partner or finding a suitable activity.

The Year of the Dog promises to pass best for those people who are: Dogs, Rats, Dragons and Pigs. It will become quite difficult for people-Oxen, Sheep and Roosters. And positive - for Tigers, Monkeys, Rabbits and Horses.

What are people born in the year of the Dog like?

It is typical for people born in the year of the Dog to be constantly busy with some kind of activity. They cannot be seen in a state of idleness, since they are always on alert.

A dog, like an animal, performs the function of protecting its home and its family. She is not very willing to show off her feelings with emotions. Only in particularly extreme cases can a dog demonstrate his feelings to others and even cry.

People born in the year of the Dog are very stubborn in achieving their goals. Moreover, this stubbornness can sometimes reach extremes.

The Dog is also somewhat cynical, which often causes discontent among others. She loves to make various comments, teach, and instruct others on the “true path.” Moreover, she can go very far in her desire to criticize, whether there is a reason or not - she will always find fault with something. The Dog is also pessimistic; it is not used to expecting anything positive either from people or from life in general.

What irritates her most is injustice. She acts as a skeptic, but with a wonderful sense of humor, a sharp mind and a broad soul. The dog is used to fighting and knows how to rein in its petty nature, although this does not happen in all situations.
Dog people do not really like mass gatherings; they are not very hospitable, preferring silence and loneliness to noise.

This is a very noble animal with developed maternal feelings, as well as an excellent sense of duty. She is distinguished by loyalty and devotion; it is easy to rely on her in difficult life situations. Another plus is that the Dog keeps other people’s secrets well, although it itself is reluctant to tell its own secrets due to its natural modesty.

Dogs often suffer from expressing their thoughts; she is far from the most eloquent person. But at the same time she is a wonderful listener. The dog wants to be trusted, it readily helps others, listening and supporting them. And her devotion often reaches the point of self-sacrifice - thanks to all these qualities, the animal is loved by others.

Regardless of whether a dog lives poor or rich, it is distinguished by its generosity and selflessness. This, of course, does not mean at all that finances do not matter to her, but the dog knows the value of money very well, however, she spends it without regret. If necessary, she is able to live in a not very comfortable environment, the main thing for her is that her mental activity develops.

In the love sphere of life, he is distinguished by sincerity and honesty. She is not capable of deceiving and betraying her loved one. Choosing a life partner for a dog is always very reasonable and responsible. But she often faces disappointments along the way, because her hobbies are very fickle, which adds to her dissatisfaction with life and anxiety in love.

Characteristics of a Dog Man

Such a representative of the stronger sex can do everything possible for his beloved girlfriend, children and close circle. He often has a gloomy appearance, has a slightly sarcastic and melancholic demeanor, and may suffer from low self-esteem, which is why he makes little effort to create a career.

Uncertainty and doubts often prevent such a man from realizing the full extent of his natural abilities and talents. To reach his full potential, he vitally needs support from other people, as well as encouragement in his aspirations. Such men are distinguished by pessimism; they easily fall into depression, especially if their beloved leaves them.

The loyalty of such a man is in reality simple affection for his “mistress”. It is very easy for him to have affairs on the side; he often leaves his numerous mistresses in order to save his family.

Having decided to marry such a man, a woman with a very high probability will have to endure his infidelities, since it is unlikely that she will be able to change him. It’s easy to both get along and diverge with a Dog man. But in the end, the woman will have the feeling that nothing is lost.

Description of the Dog Woman

The appearance of such a lady, as well as her manner of behavior, often demonstrates to those around her a strong character, although in fact this is not entirely true. The Dog Girl is distinguished by uncompromisingness, healthy ambition, generosity, and always tends to bring what she starts to its logical conclusion, plus she has a large reserve of patience.

These ladies are characterized by the presence of a logical, masculine mindset, a strong character, as well as sufficient perseverance to achieve their goals. The Dog woman is also distinguished by her intelligence, intelligence, romance, although with some passivity and lack of faith in her own strength.

She often analyzes herself for a long time, so even without looking at her natural abilities, some life events seem to pass her by, and she simply watches them detachedly.

In the field of work, such representatives of the fair sex are distinguished by discipline; they fulfill their professional obligations with great responsibility. They are able to use intimacy when they want to achieve some goal.

In company, the Dog exhibits a modest and reserved demeanor. The dog is sincerely devoted to the home and its offspring, but it is not the most faithful spouse in the world. When choosing a sexual partner for herself, the Dog Girl does not show pickiness, which can someday play a cruel joke on her.

Before deciding to start a family with someone, the Dog will spend a long time searching for his ideal. She needs a firm and strong personality nearby who can provide her with help and support.

Which years belong to the Year of the Dog?

Let's consider the order of the years of the Dog according to different elements

  • In 1911, it was the year of the Metal Dog.
  • In 1922 - Water Dog.
  • In 1934 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 1947 - Fire Dog.
  • In 1958 - Earth Dog.
  • In 1970 - Metal Dog.
  • In 1982 - Water Dog.
  • In 1994 - Wooden Dog.
  • In 2006 - Fire Dog.
  • In 2018, the Year of the Earth Dog has arrived.
  • And in 2042 there will be a year of the Metal Dog.