Text walkthrough of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Additional tasks in South Park: The Stick of Truth (South Park: Stick of Truth)


After a funny video, we create our own main character. Having decided on the appearance, we begin the game. The plot is like this. Parents move to South Park in the hope of a new, better life. After a dialogue with our parents, they invite us to get out of the house and onto the street and meet the local residents. Our first quest begins.

Day one.

New kid in town.
We look around the house. Note that all objects that have yellow handles can be interacted with by pressing "Space". We begin to rummage through the closets, looking for valuables, having crawled around the house, we go down and go outside. Leaving the house, press the button "b", a city map will open, our house is red and is located in the lower left corner, remember this. We run further to the right. When we meet, we come across fighting children in strange clothes. We separate them by saving Bathers, we have
appears first friend (1/120) . We follow Bathers, he leads us to the green house of Master Cartman.

Once in the backyard we see a camp where children are playing role-playing games. The most important wizard, Cartman, approaches him. Next, we choose a name for ourselves, no matter how hard we try to call us…. Then select the class Warrior, Mage, Thief or Jew. Having chosen a class, we go for weapons. Having purchased a weapon, training in turn-based combat begins, we do everything as the master says.

We approach Princess Kenny, he gives us an additional task "Flower for the Princess" . We go left to the fence and pick the daffodil and give it to the princess. Then we have another friend (2/120) .

We go to the tent, watch the video, then the elves attack the camp, we defend it.

Call the best.
Cartman sends us to find the best warriors to return the stick of truth. We go in search of them.

We leave the camp and go up to the 2nd floor, in Cartman’s room we find panties(1/5) , and garage key, in which it is located Chinpokomona "Pingin" (5/30). Next, we leave Cartaman’s house and move along the street to the left, on the threshold of the next house we meet a girl Arcs(3/120), we add her as a friend and go into the house opposite her. In the bedroom we will find - Stotch's garage key and in the child's room chinpokomona Martykh(4/30) And Key to the Lair of Chaos.

We leave the house and on the tree on the left we find chinpokomona Chu-chu Nezumi(1/30) . We shoot it down with a bow by pressing "A» .

Find Craig.
We destroy the obstacle near our house, and once at the bus stop we see a flag. We watch a video from which it becomes clear to us that flags are used to quickly move around locations. Activating everything 12 flags Let's complete the additional task of Timmy Express. And this is our second flag, the first one we activated in Cartman’s camp.

Then an ambush awaits us, having dealt with the elves, we approach past the bench on which the girl is sitting, move to the left until we meet Kelly Garden(4/120) add her as a friend. We open the brown garage opposite her, shoot with a bow at the flickering lever on the stairs, she will fall, we climb along it to the top floor where we will find another friend Pita(5/120) .

Entering Craig's house, his parents report that he is being punished for bad behavior and is in extra classes at school.

Next, we go into the dark blue house, on the second floor we talk with a Star Track fan, who gives us an additional task "Volcano is everywhere", to complete it you need to find his iPad, which is located on the church grounds behind a tree. After searching his bedside table we will find another briefs(2/5)

We leave the house and activate another one district flag (3/12)

Call the best.
Let's not be distracted from the main task and move towards Token's house.

At the gate of Token’s house there is a guard who does not let us in; every time we try to go there, he sprays us with a gas canister. To get to the house we need to buy a gas mask. We get a new quest.

Uninvited guest.
We run left to Jimbo's store, it is located on the same street. We activate near the Chinese restaurant flag "Tower of Peace"(4/12)
Inside the store, after talking with Jimbo, we buy a gas mask, then buy a book "A Hunter's Guide to Survival in the Wild" we can take an additional quest "Big Game Hunting with Jimbo" , we return to Token’s house and deal with the guard, then we follow to the house. On the threshold of the house we knock down on the window chenpokomona Velosirapper(24/30). Login and recruit Token (6/120) . We go out into the street and run to the right, at the gate on the right we activate the flag "Dark Meadows"(5/12). We go down further to the lower street, having reached the cinema, we shoot down from the bow above the booth Chenpokomona Gyrodactyl(19/30). Between the cinema and the coffee shop in the alley hiding behind the bushes Al Gore(7/120) , from him we will receive an additional task "Manbearpig"

Find Tweek in the coffee shop.
We enter the cafe, we find Tweek in the closet, but he cannot leave the coffee shop until he completes his work, we need to help him bring him a parcel with an ingredient for coffee. We get the quest "Hot coffee"

We run to the right, activate near the warehouse flag “Keep it yourself” (6/12), and teleport to Cartman’s house in the camp, talk to the gunsmith, add as a friend Scott Malkinson (8/120) we go out into the street and run to the right into the poor neighborhood into the house where he lives
Kenny McCormick. On the way we run into the green house where Stan Marsh lives, in his room we find in a box briefs(3/5)and a strange satanic note with directions (right-up-right-down-right), let's go out into the corridor, in the room opposite our parents we'll find another one briefs(4/5). We go outside and talk to Mr. Broflovski (9/120) and continue to run further to the right into Kenny’s house, at the intersection behind the tree we break a pile of firewood and pick up Chenpokomon Mohnokota(2/30). Having reached Kenny's house, we activate flag "Kenny's House" (6/12).

We enter the house and talk with his mother, she gives us the key to the garage. We enter the garage, a battle with methamphetamines awaits us inside. After the fight, we go up the stairs and take Tweek’s package on the shelf in the left corner above the door. Then we shoot at the ceiling with a bow, go up to the roof and attach the Al Gore sensor near the transformer. We go to Kenny's house and meet Karen(10/120) adding a friend in the kitchen Miss Macromic(11/120) We go outside and teleport closer to the coffee shop. We give it away Tweek(12/120) his long-awaited parcel, in return we receive the key to the chest that is located on top of the shelf. Next, we go outside and return to the camp, which is in the backyard of Cartman’s house. The master will teach you a spell "Dragon's Roar", to perform it, hold down the left mouse button and press any of the buttons "A" or "D" until a strong amplitude appears, freeze for a couple of seconds and press the right mouse button, once you complete the spell, you will receive a new task.

Call the best.

Detention after school.
We run along the lower street to the left, activate flag "School" (8/12). We enter the school and deal with the redhead. We go to the right behind the barricade, we see two more redheads, use a bow to knock down the electric fan and then shoot at the sprinkler on the ceiling, the redheads will be electrocuted and we will end the battle without starting it. We destroy the barricade by pressing the button with a dragon roar "P". Then we shoot up at the ventilation cover and it will fall out Chinpokomon Poodlesaurus (15/30). We go further up and to the left there we deal with another duty officer. Next we find ourselves behind bars, here we need Kenny’s partner, press the button "Y" and change shooting to control your partner, point the cursor at the redhead, a finger will appear above his head and press the left mouse button. After the grate is removed, we will see 3 more redheads, shoot from a bow at the picture of two of the team crushing, finish off the last redhead and get Brass key. Then we go up and open the door in the room with the key, we see a bunch of people on duty, we shoot with a bow into the ashtray, then we use the roar and destroy the barricade, after we shoot at the stack of books, having dealt with the people on duty, we treat the hostage with the help of assistant Bathers and get Silver key. We go out into the corridor and move right to the next door. Having entered it, we knock it down with a bow Golden Key, which is on top of the shelf.

We go downstairs, approach a door with two doors, and he approaches us from behind boss chief duty officer.

In battle we try to block all blows, drink coffee, treat wounds with Butters, all those on duty are vulnerable to fire, so we can use firecrackers "breath of the dragon". Having defeated the duty officer, we can look into his locker. Then we boldly enter the dining room, freeing all those punished, and receive gratitude Craig and add him as a friend (13/120). We return to camp.

The master will teach us a new spell “Stink-Enchantment”, we do everything the same as the first time. Afterwards, we all go in search of the Bard who stole the stick of truth, to the Neighing Donkey tavern, located in his house. We go outside and find ourselves after the video in the basement of the building, looking for Bard.

Find the Bard in the tavern basement.
Having seen the Bard, we watch the video, then a battle with a crowd of elves awaits us. After we deal with his crowd, the Bard runs away and his 2nd support group comes running. We use the spell “Stink-charm” to select, press (the “U” key), and then apply the spell (with the “P” key), direct the spell at the burning lantern, then shoot at the window with a bow, thereby it opens, and to us Craig comes to help him, something doesn’t go according to plan and he receives a charge of current and, together with him, neutralizes the rest of the elves. We treat him with Butters. We get out of the basement.
We run to the left and find ourselves in the kitchen, we see three elves, we shoot at the lampshade with a bow and neutralize one of them, then we enter into battle. After killing the elves, we revive Master Cartman with the help of paladin Butters. He tells us that they kidnapped Princess Kenya, we need to save her and gives us another quest.

Save Princess Kenny.
We run into the room on the right. We shoot from a bow at the chandelier, then use the “Stink Charm” aimed at the candle, the barricade will collapse. Next, we will take our friends who cannot enter the door out the window. We shoot at the lantern by the door, and then use the spell again, pointing it at it. The door will fly off its hinges and our comrades will run into the house. We deal with the rest of the elves and go up to the 2nd floor. We look into the cabinet, there we find the keys to Jimmy's garage, we enter the left door.

Once in the room, we shoot at the base of the shelf, the ball rolls, knocking down the figurine, it falls on the cabinet, breaking the leg on it. Next, we break the leg, shoot at the chandelier, then at the shelf that looks like a ladder. We climb up, destroy the rubble and cling to the wire, roll along it, knocking the elf off his feet, the princess is saved. We return to the corridor.

The bard locked himself in his room holding the door, we need to find another way into the room, we look up and notice an open hatch from which an elf is sticking out, we use our partner Kenny, the bewitched elf lowers the stairs for us. We go up to the attic. We use the spell “Stink-charm” and knock out one elf, the second can be disabled if you shoot at the lantern, and then apply the spell first on the first lantern, and then on the second, there are also rats on the shelf, they also enter into battle with us. Below in the corner under the shelves we will find chinpokomon Dopigyzun(29/30) . Then we shoot in the right corner at the box; it falls, breaking through the passage down to the Bard’s room.

Boss Bard.
The bard is a strong opponent, all attacks are connected to his musical instrument, we don’t let him put us to sleep by pressing the desired button that appears on the screen. If you still fall asleep, then skip the move. Don't forget to resurrect fallen heroes. Having dealt with Jimmy, we approach the master and go to the Kupa camp. After the stick of truth is in its place, Cartman's mother will send all the children home.

It's already late!
We return to our home, leave the camp and move left to the red house, go up to the 2nd floor to our room and go to bed.

Alien abduction
Before we can lie down on the bed and fall asleep, we are abducted by aliens. Having dragged us into their laboratory, they will torture us; in order to free ourselves, we need to quickly press the button. "Y", (I did the following: raised the keyboard to a vertical position and with both hands helped to quickly press this button).

Having ruined their unit twice, we will be freed. But as a result, we get an alien probe with the help of which we can teleport by finding simple teleports in the form of a blue eye with antennas. To select a probe, press the key "Y" until the probe appears in the icon below, point the arrows at the eye and click "A" Now we can move outside the protective field. In the room you can see a semblance of a red eye; if you shoot at it, it will break, and a microchip may fall out of it.

We leave the room, find ourselves in the corridor, three aliens meet us there, one of them, having noticed us, turns on the alarm, the shield is activated. Let's go into the right door, in the left corner of the room we will find a homeless man's audio magazine. We return to the corridor. We shoot at the broken cable; one of the aliens will get an electric shock; all we have to do is deal with the last two; we will move towards them using a probe. After the victory, we receive the “Alien Laser” and immediately take it into service. Then we listen to Randy Marsh, run up to the door and point the probe at the blue screen to the left of the door, after activating the door we go inside. We find ourselves in a multi-level room.

Using the probe, we move to the central platform, and from it to the upper one. Then through the upper teleport we go into the pipe with two aliens in caps. Having dealt with them, click on the panel, the shield on the left side at this level will turn off, in the right dead end there is another audio log, next to it to the left and above we activate the purple lever, a window will open below us and a hidden teleport will appear. Teleporting to the lower floor we will find a bunch of useful items. We return and run all the way to the left and approach the panel to free March, but not everything is so simple, we need to repeat the combination of 4 colors.

Liberation fails, we are looking for another way. We go down below using the probe, first to the central platform, and then to the lower right one. Let's listen to another audio magazine. Then we point the probe at the blue screen that below, next to the alien, after its activation it will fly into the pipe in the literal sense of the word.
We return to the central platform, click on the right panel and the lower platform will change its position, taking the right side, move to it again. Then we teleport through the teleport in the pipe to the platform, under the pipe on it we activate the panel and the alien in the cap will be crushed by the screw. After you can move into the pipe itself, we run all the way to the right there behind the wall, we activate another screen, we search the box, going up the stairs we listen to the recording of a homeless person from which we learn about the code on the locker - 776 . Next, we again try to free Randy, go to the main panel and repeat the color combinations again, after each incorrect set, the combination changes, and Randy is tortured, we wait for a simple combination, which we will definitely repeat. After we have succeeded, a bridge appears at the top of the main passage to the left room with three aliens, we move there. Standing on the threshold, we shoot with a long-range weapon at the flickering non-working monitor that is above the alien, he falls, killing him, then we shoot at the broken wire that was behind the same monitor, he kills another alien, in the end we are left with the most important thing, we finish him off manually. After the victory, we approach the panel, clicking on it on the alien ship, all alarms and laser fields are turned off, we return to Randy. We repeat the button combinations and release Randy Marsha(14/120) , he tells us that we are now his friend. We pick up the fallen White energy crystal from the robot that tortured Marsh, and go out into the corridor.

Next, we go down through the hatch that opened opposite the door, we find ourselves in the basement of the plate, there we listen to the last audio log of the homeless man and find out from him that he tried green slime and became a Nazi zombie. Running up to a pile of garbage and knocking on it, a mutated homeless person will appear from it. After defeating him, we will receive a tin foil hat that provides excellent protection from aliens. We go up the stairs and run to the left along the corridor, insert the energy crystal, and then open the door using the probe pointed at the screen. We find ourselves in a room with many monitors, in the upper right corner on one of them we shoot down Chinpokomona Bugbot(26/30) . Then we go to the cockpit

Alien pilots.
So, two pilots are fighting with us and the installation that helps them in every way, first of all, we destroy it. It’s better to defeat the aliens with special abilities, replenish your strength and drink coffee. After the death of the pilots, the plate falls on the shopping center, debris scatters throughout the town and an incomprehensible green slime flows into the sewer. Afterwards, we wake up in our bed as if nothing had happened.

Day two.

Find new allies.
Leaving his house, Cartman will meet us on the threshold; the master gives us a new task to communicate in the area with other clans and find new allies to help us. Let's go to the Goths. We go out into the street and run to the left, carefully examining the area for secrets, since
Since the probe appeared, we can teleport with the help of our eyes to places where we could not before. And so, having reached the light green house on the 2nd floor, a window will be open and a backpack sticking out is visible. To get there, we climb into the garage into the attic and are transferred to the window using a teleport. We will find valuables in the backpack. We run further to the left, having reached the building of the parent committee on the right wall we will find another teleport, use it to be transported to a fenced area, on it we will find Chinpokomon Khrupyrya(8/30). Having reached the school, we run to the backyard, where we will meet a gang of goths. They don't want to communicate with us until we look like them, for this we need to find cigarettes, get strong coffee and goth clothes.

We run to the left into the forest in the lake, we will see a protruding eye, we teleport, we find ourselves on a sunken plate, we find valuable things in it and Chinpokomona Tritonaut(27/30). Then we approach the “scale” stand, which is to the left and grab the Al Gore sensor, then we run to the right and run out near the church, activate flag "Church" (9/12).

The volcano is everywhere.

We search the front yard of the church and find behind the Christmas tree Kevin's ipad. We teleport to the fan’s house and return his gadget to him, we have another friend Kevin Stowley (15/120).

We return through the quick access to the peace tower flag. On the right we see a lantern standing on the ground and a chinpokomon imprisoned in ice, use the dragon roar spell, take it Chinpokomona Broccori(23/30)


Find a pack of cigarettes.
We run left to the store "Jimbo's Guns" In the alley on the left we will find smoking high school students, having beaten them, we take away their cigarettes.

Having passed to the left all the way, we see a man near the bar behind a pile of garbage, we will help him get out, breaking the rubble, after which we will have another friend Mr. McCormick(16/120). Let's go to the bar and get extra from Skeeter inside exercise "Rats in the Cellar" and the key to the cellar we move there, we deal with rodents in the cellar. We turn in the completed quest, get a dart and two more friends Skeeter (17/120) and bartender (18/120).

We run to the right, entering the restaurant, we speak with Mr. Kim, he tells us that it was occupied by the Mongols and we need to get them out, then he gives us the key to the Tower of Peace, an additional task begins "Mongolian beef", We leave the restaurant and enter the tower. Having entered the tower, we deal with 3 children, then we shoot with a long-range weapon at the roller of the bridge; it lowers, building a ladder. We go up to the balcony by knocking on the gong and two more Mongols will appear. We bludgeon them then go to the right side we see a hanging key from the casket that is near the gong and sitting in the cage chinpokomona Sheeptrona(3/30) We shoot him down with long-range weapons. We rise, we find ourselves at the very top of the tower on the right on the balcony, we kill 3 more Mongols, then we knock down the dragon’s tail, put it in place. We shoot in the eyes of the dragons and the gate will unlock, we go up the stairs. A horde of Mongols is waiting for us on the roof.

Boss Mongol Horde.
We use the special abilities of the heroes, do not forget to heal and resurrect a fallen partner. We drink coffee
to deal two attacks. After the victory, we return to Kim with good news. We have another friend Mr. Kim (19/120) He also gives us a miniature gong, if we knock on it, we will call Kim for help, but the gong cannot be used against bosses.

Then we run to the right along the upper street, we can run into a luxurious house, go up to the attic in the garage, teleport to the roof by breaking the chimney, we will find a box in which there is armor. We run to the cinema, go inside, approach the child in a black robe from above, add Damian as a friend (20/120). Then we run to the coffee shop.

Find black coffee.
We go to a coffee shop and buy coffee. "Heavy Roast" by Tweek Brothers" We make two more friends Mr and Mrs Tweek (21,22/120). Leaving the coffee shop, elves will attack us, we will have the choice to surrender or fight, our choice will not change anything, the outcome will be the same, we will be captured.

Elf camp.
Having gone to the elf camp, we find out that the elves did not steal the stick of truth, and this is just the machinations of Fattrest. Kayla invites us to cooperate. Meet the elf who sells weapons Jason(23/120).

We talk to Stan, he will tell you that his sister stole an iPhone and we will get an additional task "Giantess".

After talking with Jimmy we find out that he lacks a magic flute, in order to become a real bard we get the quest "Magic Songs"
And the grimy guy at the fountain will tell you that people have put up signs that need to be destroyed and will give us another quest "Restoring balance."Afterwards we activate flag “Elf camp” (10/12).

We go to Kyle's House. Going up to the 2nd floor, in Kyle’s room we will find in the cabinet panties(5/5) , and in the next room we will find the key to Broflovski’s garage. We go outside, open the garage, and find Chinpokomona Stegmata (18/30) . To the right of the garage we destroy the snowman and we have another friend Francis(24/120).

We run left to Kenny's house there
let's go a bowl, put the sausage in it that Jimbo gave a garbage dog will appear. Let's deal with him.

We remember the strange note that was found in Stan's house. We run to the right where the rats are blocking our path, we disperse them with the dragon's roar spell, remember the direction indicated in the note. We follow the instructions strictly. As a result, we will go out into a clearing where we will meet under the tree, 12 animals, if we recognize their ruler, then they will become ours friends +12 (36/120). If you can’t get out of the forest on your own, then wander through it, avoiding wolves; after 5 minutes of wandering, your parents will find you and take you home.

Restoring balance.
And so to complete this quest you need to break the posters that are located:

Near Kevin's house, at the church, in the children's park, at Stark's pond and at the Masochist's house.

On the way, we’ll run into a neighboring house, where a woman is sitting on the sofa, and get to know her Mrs. Stotch(37/120).

We run to the playground and destroy poster(1/5) we notice a hidden boy behind a pillar, if we approach him we will get quest "Hide and Seek"". We go out to the masochist’s house behind the Christmas tree and meet him the first hidden child (1/6). We're destroying the house poster(2/5), and we enter the house and talk to the Masochist, we get quest "Mr. Masochist's Delivery".

Buy a gothic outfit.
We run to the right and go up to the warehouse where we see a homeless person We buy goth clothes from him (hat, suit, gloves). We climb up the trash can, shoot at the stairs
ice, we go down the other side of the fence, run into the guard's booth and open the doors on the left with the button. We run into the depths of the garages and open the rightmost garage; we have already found the key to it. It’s dark inside and the alarm goes off, we wait until the lights turn on. We run to the right and add to friends of General Bardak (38/120). We climb onto the shelf and knock down Chenpokomona Robo-rooster (16/30). P we go through the ventilation to the roof, on the left edge we look into the bag, and on the right, using the probe, we are transported to the distant garages, where we will find the squire’s helmet . We run to the right and up to the farm. We pull the bell at the gate, a cow comes running when it rings, and we beat it. Then we go up to the farm and attach the Al Gore sensor to the weather vane.

Magic songs.
Then we choose Jimmy as a partner, a farmer will appear who will tell you that there is a flute in the barn, but there are maddened cattle there after which he gives the key to the
mbara. We go inside and see kamikaze cows. We try to kill them as much as possible per turn, because when they attack, they will self-destruct, causing us a lot of damage. Returning to the farmer after playing the flute Jimmy becomes our friend(39/120).On the left in the corner near the fence we will find a child playing hide and seek (2/6)

We run to Al Gore after he has evidence about a strange beast, he gives us the key to his garage. Afterwards we go to Al Gore’s garage where he gives us another task to install a defibrillator in the sewer. We run to the left and near the cinema we go downstairs and activate another one flag "City Center"(11/12). Next, we run to the left near the photo studio, break the snowman and run behind the building, where we find another one Friend Millie(40/120), then we break the window with a long-range weapon, and using the probe we are transported to the 2nd floor, where the boy is sitting Douglas(41/120).

We move to the left and go into the bank, at the table we find another one child who plays hide and seek (3/6)

We approach the policeman and add him as a friend Officer Barbrady (42/120). Then we run left again, approach the lady on the bench, add Mrs. Biggle as a friend (43/120). We activate the last one behind it flag "western part of the city" (12/12), Timmy (44/120) becomes our friend . Let's go to the post office and get acquainted with Loloy(45/120) . Let's go to the storage boxes and find them there. key, then we go to the jumping Mr. Masochist's package. Then we enter the red one-story building and get acquainted with Esther (46/120) , then we move to the left and save the girl from the bully girls, we have another friend Annie (47/120) . On the tree to the left of Annie we knock down a branch chinpokomona Snakecat (13/30).

We go to the city administration, the mayor entrusts us with another task "The Homeless Problem" The point is to drive all the homeless people out of South Park.

We approach the priest and receive the quest "Find Jesus."

Find Jesus
We find a giggling Jesus on the left hiding among the benches. We return to the priest, he sends us on a repeat search. We go into the cathedral and direct
We place the spotlight in the center on the cross, then turn off the light (the switch on the right near the door) and we will find the silhouette of Jesus hiding behind the cabinet.

Then we add two more friends Jesus and Priest Maxi(48-49/120), Jesus also gives us a rosary, with their help you can call on God for help, but they do not work against the bosses.

We run left to Lake Stark, destroy poster (4/5), and we break the last poster near Kevin Stowley’s house (5/5)

We run to the right at the stop, on the bench, add a new friend Kelly Rutherford(50/120)

Next, we run to Stan’s house and deal with his sister. During battle, we drink coffee to make 2 attacks in a row. Also, don’t forget to get treatment. After the victory we make two more friends Shelley Marsh and Stan (51-52/120). We return to the elf camp, approach the grimy guy and hand in the task, we have a friend Dogpu (53/120)

Back to Masochist(54/120) and we give his package, as a token of gratitude he gives us a whip, with its help we can summon the Masochist in battle.

Homeless Problem and Hide and Seek

We run to Kenny's backyard and deal with him there. by God (1/7), then we run to the garages and inside the van we find another settlement (2/7). We move towards the tower of peace and behind the pillar we find girl(4/6), near the lake on the right in a nook we will find another one girl (5/6). Then we run to the stop where the girl was sitting on a bench, run behind the tree and find a secret path, there we will find a settlement homeless people(3/7). Then we teleport to the “messenger” of the city and go down into the sewer. Behind a pile of garbage we find the last one kindergartener(6/6). Next, we teleport using the probe, go down and shoot at the valve. Then we run up to the device and connect it to Al Gore's defibrillator. We go up to the top and press to the left, there we will find a small house behind the bars, open the bars by pressing the switch and select Chinpokomon Vole Toad(10/30).

We knock on the house, Mr. Hankey comes out and says that his wife lost her children, we need to find them, we get a task "Children's Landing"

We get to the surface. We complete the quests “Hide and Seek” and “Manbearpig”, Once on the playground, all 6 children become ours friends(55-60/120)

We return to the goths in the backyard of the school, they give us another task to go to the ongoing parent meeting and take a photo with the offensive poster. We run right into the next building. Let's go inside. After the video, as all the parents leave, we approach Mr. Maki and get the key to his cell and quest "Busted Stocks". Then we move to the table and Randy will stop us and call us to the toilet, where he will teach us a new spell “Whisper”. In the toilet, when we open the door of the first stall, we will find Chinpokomona Hamster(12/30). We were not allowed to take a photo with the poster, we are solving the problems of the committee..

Problems of the parent committee

We go to the shopping center on the upper street. A crowd of people has gathered near him; after it dissipates, two guards will remain; we distract them with a new spell and run to the gate. Then another guard is waiting for us in front of the building, we lure him with a whisper, into a van and lock him there or in a puddle and electrocute him. We teleport to the roof and make our way through the ventilation. We eavesdrop on the conversation. After we kill the zombie Nazi and enter the office, in the left corner on the cabinet we knock down Chinpokomon Obrezyana (11/30). We take the PTA recorder and run there. At the exit, a couple of zombies are waiting for us at the gate, we can just run away from them. Returning to the parent committee, we give them a voice recorder with a recording, after which they will allow us to take a photo with the poster. Then add friends Mr. Adler, Harrison, Headmistress Victoria, Miss Broflovski (61-64).

The dance is ready
We return to the goths in the backyard of the school and show them the photo we obtained. The goths are asking to dance the dance, everything is quite simple click on the arrows, and not on standard control "C,F,Y,V" Afterwards the Goths will join us and be added to friends(65-68/120)

Attack the school

After selecting a group, you will be added to our friends Kyle(69/120) . We go to the backyard of the school, choose Jimmy's partner, if we play as Kyle, if you play as Cartman, then choose Butters. We are opening the lift for the disabled. We rise and enter through the back door. We find ourselves in the school kitchen, open the burner on the gas stove and use the “Stink Charm” spell, it falls out of the oven chinpokomona Oslotron(17/30) We go down to the left, break the ventilation cover and run inside, knock out the second cover and deal with the enemies. We use the “Stink-Enchantment” on the torches of the barricade, we pass further, behind the barricade we kill two more knights..

And so we go out into the corridor, on our way there is another barricade, we go around it, we shoot at the top cover of the ventilation, a teleport will open, we are transferred to the ventilation shaft, we move to the left, we teleport using the second teleport to the pipe, then we shoot at the cord, the torn off ceiling falls on one of the enemies we go down down the wire. We go down to the basement, where zombie commandants are waiting for us, having killed them, we move to the right, there we go up the stairs, we shoot at the valve, we go down, we break the pipe and go further, we destroy the wooden shield and open the door, we activate the lever, the current stops flowing, we run through the puddle.

We kill the zombies and go into the laboratory through the door from above. In the room we go to the table below, add the alcohol given to Jimbo to the tests, lure out the mutant microbes and kill them. Under
We go up the steps and find ourselves. We move to the central lobby

And so Butters in the school hall is surrounded by barricades and shoots at us with a fiery catapult, we teleport upstairs, run to the right and go down the rope. We wait for Butters to set fire to something suitable, use a spell to destroy the barricade, finish off the enemies, then run up to the catapult on the left, throw fire at the central doors, run up to them and use a spell on the fire from below, after the doors are open and the allies burst into the school, follow Butters.

Afterwards, a battle with Butters awaits us. After the victory, we go up the stairs, we see the battle, and we help our people. On the right we open the box and find Chinpokomona Pteradaken(21/30) we knock it down and pick it up. Next we run to the left and help two more of ours after the victory they will be added as friends Bill and Fossey(70-71/120)

Then we run to the left, we run down the corridor and we have a fork to the left or to the right, if we go to the right we will add you as a friend rat(72/120), there we find Cartman, hitting him, the battle begins. When Cartman weakens, he uses the Dragon Roar spell, we will have to overcome him by pressing the button that appears on the screen. After the victory, we learn that Clyde stole the stick of truth and gathered an army of darkness to wipe everyone off the face of the earth. Having walked into his yard, it gets dark and his parents send us home, we return to our home and go to bed.

Defeat the linen gnomes
Before we had time to go to bed, we woke up because of incomprehensible songs, their little linen gnomes were singing. Seeing us they enter into battle, the first battle goes well, since we are larger than the dwarves and they cannot inflict damage, but then comes
shaman and makes us just as small with the help of magic powder. We defeat them again, they run away, we chase them and run into a mouse hole in the wall. We run to the left and run around the mousetrap from below. We kill the rodent and run into the ventilation, eavesdropping on the parents’ conversation. We go up the wire, we run to the left, having reached the rodent, we go up to the top and hit the broken board, we shoot at the cotton wool, it falls near the rodent and lights up, we run further, we hit the pipe, a piece kills the rodent, we go down and use a spell on the rat that in the passage the rat burns and dies, we finish off the last one. Then we run to the right, climb up the cords and squeeze out the socket. And we find ourselves in our parents’ room, go down to the chest of drawers and chase the gnomes. Three gnomes stand on our way, we kill them and catch up with the shaman. The shaman climbs onto the parents' bed and the battle begins; when the sorcerer rushes about, we must dodge our parents so that they do not crush us by pressing the button shown on the screen. After victory, the shaman gives us magic dust with which we can change our size.

Day three.

Creation of alliances.
Waking up in the morning and approaching the gnome we will receive a quest "Phase 1" since we have already found all our panties, we hand over the task to him, he is added to our friends linen gnome (73/120). We go outside, we make friends dad and mom (74-75/120) Let's go to Kyle's camp. Walking along the street in the bushes near Stan's house on the left we will see a boy, we use gnome dust, passing to him we have another friend Bradley(76/120) . At the camp, all the leaders ask us to invite a secret society of girls to the team, after Cartman becomes our friend (77/120) . In the camp we approach the blond elf Chris Donnelly (78/120).

Unfriend Elgor.
We run to the garages, Al Gore is spamming us on Facebook, we need to end this. After the victory we get the key to the utility room.

Ruined stocks.
We run into the Maki cell, knock it down on the top of the shelf chinpokomona Ferasnarf(20/30), breaking up trash
teleport to the backpack and find it there Maki mailbox key, At the entrance we go to the monitors and put one of them, take it off next to it. We leave the garage. We return to the parent committee and tell Mr. Maki that we have fulfilled his request, after which we have a friend Mr. Mackie(79/120) We run to the coffee shop, become small, run under the bench, and pick it up chinpokomona Zhutkorova(30/30)

We go to the police station inside and approach Sergeant Yates, he gives us a task "Zombie - Fascist Prize" the point is to kill zombies and find 5 fascist rings . After completing the task Sergeant Yates(80/120) becomes our friend.

We go up to the second floor and go through the right door. Inside we go up the stairs and pick up on the shelf Techno-Rabbit Chinpokomon(28/30). Next, we run to the left along the corridor, shoot at the support of the shelf; the shelf falls, forming a bridge, climb along it, knock out the grate, accept the dwarf dust and enter. Once on the other side of the door, we go down and find in the right lockers prison cell key. We run to the left once we are on the balcony, use the probe and are transferred to the roof there and get acquainted with Santa (81/120). Having gone down, we run left to the door, open it, find ourselves in prison, open one of the cells with the key and get acquainted With Skinhead(82/120)

Defeat the manbearpig.
We go to the church and on the left behind the bushes we pounce on the manbear-pig, after killing him we get the weapon claw of the manbear-pig .

We teleport to the “South Park Bulletin”, go inside, break the grate, decrease in size and enter the ventilation, pick up at the very entrance chinpokomona Accountantfish(7/30) then we go up to the roof, there we meet Leroy Mullens(83/120).

We leave and go down into the sewer again. We run along the same path, behind Mr. Hankey’s house we run to the left, there we will see the first child from above. We go up the stairs, run around the drain from above, turn the valve and go down to the child Amber(1/3) she becomes a friend(84/120). We get up and run to the right, there we will find another shelter homeless people (4/7), we disperse them. We run all the way to the right and go down the stairs, there we will find homeless people(5/7) and sharpened child in a jar(2/3) after release Cornwallis(83/120) our friend.
We go up, down the field stairs, run to the right, turn the valve, the level in the sewer drops, return to the defibrillator and run to the right, there we find another settlement homeless people (6/7). Then we go upstairs and run to the right, destroy the barrier in the wall and run left again, there we find the last child, kill all the small rats nearby and then free Simon. Next, we run to the right, run around, activate the lever, go down and find the last refuge homeless people (7/7). We run to the left and return to the defibrillator. We run up from it, to the left then we go up the stairs, on the right we go up the stairs, then we run to the left all the way, we lie down cottage cheese a mouse will run out at the hole with flickering eyes - a monster from the task that Jimbo gave, we kill him. We return to Hanky's house, more are added to us 3 friends (86-88/120) and Hanky ​​gives us his souvenir, with its help we can call him to our aid. We run into the sewer, which is above the defibrillator. We find ourselves in the pipe, move down and to the right, bats are waiting for us there, killing them we run near the crab hitting the drum, we will go to it later when we learn the spell "Nagasaki", from below we break a rock fragment and run to the left near the heap and use "Bloody Orange" that Jimbo gave. We kill a carnivorous bat. We go up the stairs and open the hatch near the cinema. We run to the left and hand over the task to the mayor, he is added as a friend Mayor McDaniels (89/120)

Recruit girls
Leaving the administration building, we approach the girl, she blindfolds us and takes us to a secret place for a secret meeting of the girls. Afterwards they agree to help us, but in return they also ask for help in their own affairs.

Pretend to be Bebe's boyfriend
We head to the children's park, on the right side behind the basketball hoop on the bench we run up to the girl. After talking with her, we punish her offender after Monica(90/120) becomes our friend. We return to the girl in front of the administration.

Unplanned parenthood.
Next, the girls give us the task of sneaking into the unplanned pregnancy clinic and looking at the records of visitors, but before we go on the task, we must change into the right outfit (look at the screenshot).
Next, add us as a friend Jesse Rogers(91/120)

Let's go to the clinic "Unplanned parenthood". We approach the register, and then move to the right door.

We go into the right door again, inside the doctor sits us in a chair and tries to perform an operation, press quickly "Y" button. As a result, the instrument fails, the doctor leaves the office, we get up and take the doctor’s things from the chair. We change clothes and enter the central door, which is under video surveillance.

We go inside and look for the archive for 2013, without having time to photograph it, Randy bursts into our room, and then agents who want to kill us.

Find a way to escape from the Taco Bell soldiers
We shrink in size and run into the mouse hole. We run to the right, shoot at the pipes; from the vibration and rustling, the soldiers will start shooting, destroying our enemies. Having reached the shield
Okay, hit the broken wire, then use the spell and go up the stairs.

We appear in the room and see Randy, dressed as a girl, hiding from the agents, so that they don’t burn us, we need to carry out a successful operation.

At the first stage, click LMB when the syringe is between Randy's legs.

At the second stage, insert the forceps LMB and start pressing buttons quickly "F" and "V"

At the third final stage, when the pump is in your hands, hold LMB the moment it starts to suck in let go LMB and click on RMB, then change the position of these combinations, release RMB and clamp LMB.

Leaving the operating room
We go out into the corridor and see a massacre: aborted babies were killed by soldiers. We kill them and move on
to the left we shrink and go through the body of a dead soldier; we will find valuable things; we climb up the bandage onto the cabinet; we break the jar; we rise to the very top of the shelf where a battle with rodents awaits us; after the victory, we hit the ventilation covers and run through the bars; we see the massacre.

Then a turret awaits us, in order to get around it we need to shoot at a grenade, which in the hands of a dead soldier we become small and run into a gap in the wall, run to the right and take Chinpokomona Embriguru (9/30) . We return, teleport to the upper right corner and turn the valve, the water stops running from the left pipe, we are transferred into it and run to the left. There we shoot the torn wire, the lamp falls on the turret, we go down and use the spell, after which the path is cleared. Then we are attacked by 4 embryos. Having dealt with them, we go to the left door.

Boss: Giant zombie fascist fetus
To defeat the Giant Fetus, we first need to attack its umbilical cord; when it runs out of health, we finish it off so that it leaves a wet spot after switching to the Fetus.

Return to Annie
Having defeated the embryo, we go to the right and exit the building, go to Annie, show our information, it turns out that it is in French and the girls ask us to translate it.

We run to Cartman's house and add Mrs. Cartman(92/120) , we go up to the second floor and try to add b Polly doll(+1/120).

We return to Kyle’s backyard, ask the guys for help, they say that this Orcish dialect was heard in the north, they give us a passport and tell us how to get to Canada (top-top-top-top)

Take a passport photo
We go to the photo studio, to the right of the bank. The photographer can’t take pictures of us, he cunningly forces us to take off all our clothes, suddenly a beaten man appears from behind the boxes, we enter into a fight with the fake photographer, and after the victory we take pictures.

Get to the Canadian border
We move to the farm there on the upper right, we disperse a flock of rats on the way with the dragon's roar spell, then we run as Kyle said four times along the upper path, once at the border we show our passport

Talk to the Prince of Canada
Once in Canada we find ourselves in its 8-bit world. We run to the city of Ottawa. We talk to the prince about the letter, but he is in no hurry to help us, he sends it to the neighboring city of Winnipeg

Oh Canada
We run to the upper right corner where the web is depicted, use Jimbo’s item and engage in battle with the Barking Spider. Then we run to Winnipeg. We find the Count, he will send
us to deal with 3 dire bears that live in the northeastern part of the city. By killing them Earl of Winnepeg(93/120) added as a friend.

We return to the prince, he sends us to the city of Banff so that we kill the bishop. It is not necessary to kill him, if we save his life, he will be added to our friends Bishop of Banff(94/120).

Back to Prince of Canada(95/120) he becomes our friend, then the princess gives us a letter. We move with him to the city of Vancouver, give the letter Duke of Vancouver(96/120) . He sends us to the southeast of the city to the house of the Manakhs. We swim across the river to the other side in Terence and Phillip’s room and demonstrate all our spells: Dragon Roar, Stink Charm, Whisper. Afterwards they will appear and teach us a new spell "Nagasaki". After training we have two more friends Terence and Phillip(97-98/120)

Then we move into the cave and clear the stone using a new spell. We kill the animals, but it’s easier to run through them and talk with the imprisoned minister of Montreal, he helps us translate the text and then becomes our friends Minister and Princess(99-100/120) . We return to South Park. We run to Jimbo's store and give him the quest "The Great Hunt" Ned and Jimbo(101-102/120) are added to our friends.

We run to the girls, show them the translation and they join our alliance. They figure out the traitor, then add everything community of girls as friends(103-109/120). Near the desks on the bottom left we select Chinpokomona Myshtik(14/30).

We go out and find ourselves on the playground, and the secret society of girls was in the women's restroom.

We run into the sewer, go down from the side of the cinema, destroy a large stone using the “Nagasaki” spell, pick up chinpokomona Bibersaurus(22/30) and add as friends Crab Man(110/120) in the box we will find crab armor. We move to the rhinoplasty building and buy an image of stitches from the seller Mrs. Marsh(111/120) will add us as friends

Beat Clyde!
We return to the elf camp. All forces are gathered together and attack Clyde’s camp.

Using the “nagasaki” we blow up the main gate, then teleport to the balcony there, drop an object on the enemy’s head, then turn off the generator.
We can use gnome dust and go through the secret opening on the right near the tree, or we can go through the main gate, kill the enemies and rise.

We see a zombie lifting a cow on the elevator. We kill all the zombies, then hit the support and then use Nagasaki, the barrier is destroyed and the allies will throw down a ladder for us.

Once on the balcony, we help Iku(112/120) set off a firecracker with a spell, he becomes our friend. We destroy the right tower with the help of “nagasaki”, turn the valve, then shoot at the lantern and use the “stink charm”, the left tower is also destroyed, turn the valve using the probe first so you can’t get there, then teleport to the attic from it, move to the very top of the head there we find the last one Chinpokomona Shoe(6/30), will be added to our friends toy corporation(113/120). We pass through the central gate.

We go to the right tower, use Nagasaki to destroy it. We spin the second wheel. We enter the central gate.

Boss: Craig
Before you engage in battle with the boss, help your allies get through the windows and throw off the elevators with cows after Craig with one of the cows attacks you. After defeating Craig, you rise to the top.

The rich inner world of a Masochist.
We learn that the military wants to destroy South Park and hid a nuclear bomb in Mr. Masochist, we decrease in size and penetrate the Masochist to neutralize the charge.

We make our way through the intestines, climbing up the corn, we choose Stan as an assistant, he will turn off the fuse that gives an electric shock. Climbing the doll, add it as a friend
Mr Hat(114/120)
We blow up a billiard ball with the help of “Nagasaki”, on the way we answer the phone call, someone will be added to our friends Big Al(115/120) . Next, we go down the brown steps along the flashlight on the left and insert the battery into place. Then we climb onto the flashlight and press the yellow button, the flashlight will turn on and scare away the bat.

Next we will have a battle with the Sparrow Prince; having defeated him, he will allow us to defuse the bomb. We use “Nagasaki” and then teleport to the left and turn on the “toy”, the path will be cleared. Next, at the entrance we deal with two agents. We discover the bomb, select Jimmy’s partner, he opens the protective cover, defuse the bomb in the same way as we carried out Rndi’s operation in the clinic. After the bomb is deactivated, three will be added to our friends ghostly beast(117-119/120). We run to the left where a battle with the cook awaits us.

Boss: Zombie Fascist Chef
Clyde revives the chief with the help of green slime and we must put an end to this. After defeating the chief, we blow him up by pressing the button that appears on the screen and throw Clyde into the abyss, but in the end Princess Kenny turns out to be a traitor and will have to fight him. We shop and go to the final battle.

Boss: Immortal Kenny.
And so, in order to defeat Kenny, we will need to repel his destructive attacks with the help of our allies, having done this 4 times, Cartman will grab Kenny from behind and ask him to do a prohibition move, replenish the manna and fulfill Cartman’s request.

Additional tasks.

Flower for the Princess:

We get the task from Princess Kenya in the backyard of Cartman's house, we pick the daffodil right there in the yard on the left near the fence.

1.At Lake Starkov
2.In the sewer
3.On the farm.
4.Behind the pillar at the Tower of Peace
5.In a jar at the table
6.Behind the tree near the Masochist’s house.

We take the task near the coffee shop in the alleys behind the bushes near Al Gore, who is hiding. Al Gore gives us three sensors that need to be installed: 1. On the barn roof farm to the weather vane 2. At the lake on the fire hazard shield.

  1. On the roof of Kenny's house to the transformer.

After completing the task, Al Gore hands us the keys to the garage, we go there and get the second part of the task, we need to install a defibrillator in the sewer.

We receive the task in the sewer from Mr. Hankey, we need to find his three children, all the children are in the sewer, we carefully search the area

  • In the sewer, having climbed to the very top left, going up to the flickering eyes and laying down the curd, a Mouse appears
  • In the sewer at the very dead end on the left, near the crab man, we put a blood orange on the pile, a bat appears
  • In Canada, on the top of the map we will see a web, we run into it and enter into battle with the Spider.
  • Information about the location of all Chinpokomon.

    1. On the branches of a tree on the lower street between the houses, we knock down red and brown onions - Chu-chu Nedzumi.
    2. Between the houses of Kyle and Kenny, behind the Christmas tree, we destroy a pile of firewood - we find Mokhnokot.
    3. In the Tower of Peace on the right on the balcony in a cage is a Sheeptron.
    4. In the Stotchs’ house in the child’s room we find Martykh.
    5. In Cartman's garage we find -Pingin.
    6. In the citadel in the attic we find - Shoe.
    7. In the building of the Vestnik press center we zoom out and in the ventilation we find - Accountant.
    8. We teleport to the closed playground from the parent committee building and find Khryupyr.
    9. In the building of unplanned pregnancy, we run through the hole and take Embriguru near the turret.
    10. In the sewer, near Mr. Hankey’s house, we pick up a Vole Toad.
    11. In the FBI building, when we come for the voice recorder on the top left of the cabinet, we knock down -Obrezna.
    12. In the parent committee building, in the toilet in the first stall on the left we find Hamster.
    13. On the tree near the sitting priest, we knock the Snakecat off the branch.
    14. In the secret society of girls, from the bottom left near the lying girl we find - Mouse.
    15. At school in the corridor we shoot at the ventilation cover that we find on the ceiling - Poodlesaurus
    16. In the garage in the Den of Chaos, being on the shelf, we shoot at the Robo-Rooster located on the ventilation need.
    17. In the school kitchen, we light the burner, use the spell “Stink-Enchantment” and select - Oslotron.
    18. In the Broflovsky garage we find Stegmata.
    19. We knock down Gyrodactyl from the information booth near the cinema.
    20. In the teacher’s garage, we knock Maki off the shelf - Ferasnarf.
    21. In the school on the second floor, near the fighting children in the locker on the right, we shoot down a Pteradaken.
    22. In the sewer near the crab man we destroy a large boulder and find a Bibersaurus.
    23. Near the Tower of Peace, to the right of the lantern imprisoned in ice, we find Broccori and free him with the “Stink-enchant” spell.
    24. In a luxurious mansion, near the door, we knock down the Velosirapper from the top left of the window.
    25. Inside the bar, we knock down Florapotamus from the far shelf.
    26. Being on a flying saucer. In front of the cockpit, we shoot down the Beetlebot from the large monitor on the top right.
    27. We use the teleport that in the lake near the fire hazard shield we teleport to the sunken plate there we find Tritonaut.
    28. In the police station in the restroom on the shelves above we find a Techno-Rabbit.
    29. In the attic of the bard Jimmy we find Dopigyzun.
    30. Under the bench near the coffee shop we decrease in size and select - Zhutkorova.

    Game over!
    If you have any questions, write, I will answer.


    Cartman comes up with a new game about superheroes. At this time, our hero, along with the rest of the guys, is still having fun with his previous idea: “The Stick of Truth.” This time we have to be the king himself.

    While on the toilet, complete the mini-game. Just press the indicated keys in different directions as quickly as possible. In the future you will find more than one similar game. Next, explore the house and inspect all the furniture, since there may often be some item or ingredient for crafting inside.

    After this, the battle begins based on the events of “The Return of the King” (3 parts of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy). Together with your friends, go to the Moors to attack them. Complete the battle tutorial to learn the basics.

    At the end of the battle, a paper dragon will attack you. Dodge his flames at a certain point, and then crush him with a super punch.

    When the battle is over, go to the garage, from where you can get to the roof, and then to the patio of the Cartman family. Here Eric Cartman himself will appear in front of you, dressed in a raccoon costume.

    He will take his friends with him, but you will be left out of work. To get into the basement with the others, break the door. The necessary code can be found on the second floor of the house in the diary (307).

    Once in the basement, ask to play the game. Eric will divide the guys into heroes, and he will send you for the diascope. You will find the item you are looking for in a cardboard tent at the bottom left. Hold "R" to highlight things in the area. When you bring the item to Cartman, he will accept you.

    At this stage, the choice of superhero begins. Who will you be? There are superpowers to choose from: Okidrom - a fast fighter, Barbarian - a stone fighter, and Blaster - a fighter who uses fire magic. After choosing, Cartman will describe your appearance history. Next, you will find yourself in your house and begin to fight with robbers.

    After the mission, you can examine your smartphone. It contains many programs, including a player profile, the number of items collected, statistics, and more. You can also take "selfies" with your phone, taking photos with other South Park characters.

    Take a photo with your grandmother on the street. The kids will refuse to take selfies with you, so move on. Please note that on the left are the houses of all the main characters from the animated series.

    On the way, help the postman by opening the mailbox and then take a photo with him. Next, you can take a selfie with all the children you meet. For each new photo you will receive subscribers, which will affect your popularity. From the second level of popularity you will unlock new tasks.

    Head east to Kyle's house. On your way, talk to Randy Marsh to take the quest “Randy's Secret” from him. Visit Kyle's house, where it turns out that he and his cousin are wearing matching kite costumes. You will have to defeat the impostor simply by fighting him.

    In any case, the enemy will be defeated during his super strike. Kyle is now on your team.

    To the left of Craig's home, examine the backpack to find the first crafting recipe. Next, visit Craig and help him find the animal. Go down to the basement and find firecrackers there, with which you can destroy cracked objects. Throw a firecracker down the pipe to knock out the guinea pig.

    Before you leave, you can pick up a secondary quest from Father Craig called "Project Yaoi". It consists of searching for anime pictures.

    Gaming Features

    Together with the squad, visit Cartman at his house. Here you will learn about artifacts, and also receive one of them - a spinner. The point of artifacts is that they increase your strength, when, like other items, they serve a purely cosmetic role. With each new level you will receive a new ability slot in the artifact.

    On the street, talk to Jimmy, who will open up the ability for you to quickly travel around South Park. In your adventures, you will come across special flags that must be touched at least once in order to use them in the future. When you open the required amount, Jimmy will join your gang.

    Walk along the lower street to the bus stop, where the sixth graders are harassing the child. Before you start the fight, attack the bag with firecrackers to make the battle easier. The three of you can easily defeat the elders.

    On the main street, explore all open rooms to collect loot. At Freeman's Diner you will meet Morgan Freeman himself, who will tell you about new recipes and get another freckle.

    Next, visit the church and talk with the priest. The servant of God will take you to a dark room where pedophile shepherds will attack you. Dodge the long attacks at a certain moment, and then you will easily defeat your enemies.

    After the battle, the priest will return and throw out the shepherds. As a reward, you will also receive a pasta painting from him, which allows you to summon a healer. Before leaving, visit the room on the right, where there are magazines with the password "681". Enter the code you found on the left door, and then take all the things inside.

    Filling out the form

    Go to school and talk to a psychologist. Here you will have to choose one of the genders: male, female or other. This will be followed by clarification whether you are cisgender (did not change your gender) or transgender (gender was changed after birth).

    On your way out of school you will be attacked by rednecks who will not like your choice.

    After the battle, visit the northern street, moving from the central one through the post office (open the grate and pass the alley). At the Raisin diner, find the mosquito man who was caught by the local workers. Defeat them to save your comrade.

    When the battle is over, you can choose your own kryptonite, or vulnerability. You need to choose who will cause you the most damage: high school students, raisins, darkness, rednecks, and so on. After that, visit the diner again and pick up the key to Clyde's garage, which is in the bag.

    Finally, return to Cartman's base to select your second class. You can now add Elemental, Cyborg or Medium to your base variant. Next, you just have to go through one more flashback tutorial to unlock all the initial opportunities.

    Superheroes competitors

    On the central street, meet other superheroes who called themselves “Freedom Fighters.” Defeat them while Cartman fights Timmy. After winning, Eric will take the medium's smartphone.

    After the number of your subscribers becomes more or less high, the mayor of the city will contact you. A woman will ask you to solve the crime problem in South Park. After receiving the task, go to the police and talk to the lead investigator.

    After some thought, the detective will send you to storm the drug lord's hideout in the east of the city. The named drug lord turns out to be an ordinary black man, Nicole, who did nothing. You will, however, still have to beat him up, after which the poor man will be captured by the police

    Go home and listen to your parents fight. Eat and then go to your room. Examine the chest and then go to bed.

    Night sortie

    At night you have an important mission. You will not be able to leave the house through the main door, as it is closed. Throw firecrackers at the latches, take the key, and then open the door.

    Captain Insulin will join you outside - walk along the street with him until you come across a drunken Randy. He's about to get behind the wheel, so you'll have to defeat him.

    In Cartman's house, go up to the second floor and throw a firecracker down the hatch to unlock the stairs. Once in the attic, use the hook to get to the main street where the rock band is performing.

    Visit a strip bar. They won't let you in through the main entrance, so go into the alley on the right and throw a firecracker into the hatch. Now you can get into the restroom of the strip bar. Before leaving, sit on the toilet and complete the mini-game.

    After this, Captain Insulin will bring you two men who need to be interrogated. You will have to dance for them and then conquer them. Eventually you learn the girl's nickname - "Classic".

    Now you must distract the DJ and call "Classics" to the stage. Create a killer cocktail with gin and tonics, which can be purchased from the bartender or picked up from the bar across the back rooms.

    Finally, create a concoction from the collected materials and then hand the drink to the DJ. "Classics" will appear on stage, but then run away from you.

    In the dressing room you will be attacked by colleagues of the “Classics”, with whom you do not need to fight. The main thing for you is not to fall into the hands of Patricia, who will gradually pursue you from behind. Get to the end of the room and leave it.

    One of the bandits will die in the courtyard, as well as Captain Insulin, who has run out of Insulin. Then the image of Morgan Freeman will appear in front of you, who will teach you the “Glitch” ability, which allows you to roll back time a move. In the end, it turns out that no one died.

    Find your comrades in the restaurant nearby. Cartman the Raccoon will join you here. In search of "Classics", go to the kitchen, where the cooks will attack you. Destroy the tank with Insulin Fury to gain access to the utility room.

    Inside you will find captive cats, and in the next room - “Classics” itself and the mafia it serves. You won’t have the opportunity to fight with them now, since a drunken Randy will fall into the room and annoy the mafia. You will have to fight with March. Finally, interrogate Classica and then return to base.

    Day 2

    Finding a cure

    Watch the news on TV that tells about your adventures. It turns out that the chief investigator of the city, for whom the mafia actually works, is responsible for the kidnappings of the cats.

    Visit Jimmy, where the stripper "Classic" has taken up residence. In his room, Jimmy will improve your DNA. Next, the interrogation of “Classics” will begin, who will ask you to purchase medicine.

    At the same time, you can visit Cartman, whose mother will ask you to take business cards to the Skeeter bar. Also check out Stan, whose grandfather will ask you to buy him one item (as a reward, you can take a selfie with him).

    For the quest “Randy’s Secret” you have already taken, talk to Randy himself, who has finally sobered up. Now no one scratches his car anymore, so you can take a photo with him.

    Visit Kyle's yard to fight his cousin. Now the guy has surrounded himself with protective barricades, which, however, are easy to destroy. After losing, Kyle's cousin will call his mother, with whom you now have to fight. Kyle, by the way, will stand up for his mother, but you don’t have to fight with him.

    When the battle is over, you can make peace with everyone. You will need to take down the kite using the Fartkite ability.

    Visit a pharmacy. On the way between the central and upper streets, you will be attacked by “raisins” led by Rebecca. At the last moment, a mysterious superhero girl will come to your aid.

    After the battle, try to go into the pharmacy, which will be protected by machine guns. To get inside, you will need to create a cheese shrimp corito, the recipe for which will be given to you by Morgan Freeman, who appears out of nowhere.

    Go to the city center, and then up and to the left. On the way, you can stop by the Kozlovitsa bar, where the school director relaxes. It can teach you the skill of recognizing microaggressions, which comes with some bonuses.

    Next, visit the ammunition and talk to Jibo, who lost his wallet. You will find the item you are looking for in the strip club, on one of the tables. As a reward, Jimbo will give you a radio with which you can call Ned and Jimbo during the battle.

    Not far from here you can hand over the business cards that Cartman's mother gave you. After that, return to her to get the chocolate chip cookies. To create a taco, you need to buy special ingredients.

    Their list includes:

    - Shrimp from the Gan-wan-chi restaurant. You will need five dollars.

    - Skeeter's cheese, which is on the roof. You can get there with the help of Kyle and the ability to fly.

    Once you've crafted Shrimpcorito, head to the pharmacy and use the food in front of the entrance to slow down time. Next, disable the security system and go inside.

    At the pharmacy you will meet Towelie, who will refuse to sell you weed. A battle with his assistants will follow, since the boss himself is invulnerable. To win, you must stand on the grass and wait for the attack, since after the Towelie hits it, it will ignite.

    Eventually you'll have to set a few piles on fire before Towelie calms down. Once you have your medicine, return to the Classic. You will learn about a new lead - the Store It Yourself warehouse.

    At Tweek's cafe, talk to Craig, who will give you a note. Next, give the note to Tweek. It turns out that Tweek is not going to give up the tablet until Craig gives up Stripe. Visit Craig's home to find the hamster.

    You will find the animal on the second floor, where there is a mountain of garbage. You'll have to use gas to lure him out of the hatch, and then slow down time and grab him.

    Return Stripe to Tweek to receive the laptop. If you fulfill the request of Tweek's father and give his son a note to visit a psychologist, you will receive an electropunk skin.

    Mr. Mackie asks you to come see him again. On the way, you will run into an obstacle in the form of a high school student and an electrified puddle. To get around them, attack the speaker on the ceiling, which will knock out the sixth grader. After this, stop the time and turn off the switch.

    The police will give you a new quest, as well as hacking equipment. Visit a rich man's mansion, where you will be attacked by guards and watchdogs. In the house itself, turn off the alarm by completing the mini-game. In the kitchen, pick up the berries, as well as the recipe for quesadillas, which allows you to restore a lot of HP.

    Also grab the password for Token's closet. Finally, all you have to do is defeat the owner of the house, who will also not be a criminal. However, law enforcement officers grab him too.

    Get to the main street and talk to Big Al, who is looking for the missing cats.


    Visit Cartman's base. To bypass the newly password-protected door, find the new code (136). Now you can choose a third class for your character: Killer or Technician.

    Visit the playground where the Tool is located. A fight with the opposing faction will follow. Next, go to the bar where the PC director sits. In a conversation with him you will have to choose your race, nation, and skin color.

    Visit Cartman's base again, who will talk about his new plan - he wants to cooperate with the Tool. Together with a new ally, you will need to get past the lava and get to the vault. After the conversation, go to the side room.

    Night sortie

    Leave the house through the front door, which this time your parents blocked with as many as three locks. You will have to knock out two locks with shots. The latter is opened with keys - the gold one is under the stairs, the silver one you will find by the sofa, and the bronze one - in your father’s kitchen.

    Together with the Tool, you will go into the poor quarter where Kenny lives. In his home you can break the inscription “BEER”, behind which lies an amulet. In Kenny's personal room, use the locker to go to the backyard. Use the compressor to overcome the lava, and then go to the construction site. Here you will have a battle with the homeless.

    In the vault, clear the path of lava. Together with the arriving reinforcements, examine the room, in one of the rooms of which you need to pick up a key. Next, General Chaos will appear and tell you that someone asked him to stop your gang. Go to the previously closed door and unlock it with the key you found.

    In the garage, remove the stairs behind which lies a valuable artifact, and then defeat the minions of Chaos.

    In the storage room, destroy the machine gun using Time Stop. Move the box with explosives to the wall, and then blow it up with firecrackers. After this, use place the box in the crevice so that your team can move to another roof.

    In the next room you will be attacked by the boss General Mess. Attack him first to end the fight faster. After this, you need to rescue Craig, surrounded by lava, using a new skill.

    Go to the roof and destroy the wooden structure there (hit from the left, otherwise you will have to rewind time). Once on the next roof, examine the warehouses. Here you will find the production of grass, which is made from cats. We'll have to fight.

    As the battle progresses, a Call Girl will join you and help you get past the blocked door. In the next room, eliminate the machine guns using the pipe at the entrance. After this, a battle with a robot boss will begin, controlled by General Chaos himself.

    During the first phase, move out of the red kill zones. During the second phase, the boss will lose his legs, but will continue to fight. Here it is better to attack him from afar, as he will have new melee attacks.

    The third phase is a battle with the robot's head, which will try to ram you. Defeat the boss to get a new artifact, as well as a Chaos skin and a key to Butters' garage.

    Day 3

    On the news you will see your own affairs from last night. Cartman will believe that the talking hand Mitch Conner, who actually controls the detective, is responsible for the explosion of the vault.

    During the Chaos Gambit quest, visit Cartman's home while exploring the open houses. Enter the new password (529) and enter the shelter. Eric has a new idea: you must ingratiate yourself with the Freedom Fighters as a spy. Take Butters with you and go to his house.

    In the Chaos Dwelling, Butters' father will lock you in a room as punishment. Here, create a flying minion according to the recipe, which requires a cloak (lying in the corner of the room, near the dolls), a hamster (get it out of the cage using the ladder), and also foil (remove it from the rocket that hangs on the ceiling). Your new henchman will chew through the wires and allow you to go outside.

    This will be followed by a battle with Butters' father. He will incapacitate all your comrades, punishing them, but the ban does not apply to you, so you can bring them back to life. Having gained the upper hand, you will get a new partner - Butters.

    Visit Token's mansion. Inside, use a henchman to disable the electronics, and then make your way to the Freedom Fighters' hideout. Timmy will agree to accept you, but first you will have to prove your own loyalty.

    Help allies

    Soon you will be met by a Call Girl who will invite you to meet at the playground. In the restroom, you find out that someone has turned off her tariff, so you will have to go to the D-Mobile service.

    Inside the service you will find crab people pretending to be employees of the company. You will have to defeat them by crushing the Red Crab leader. Next, rescue the real workers to restore the heroine’s tariff.

    Now Mitch Conner himself, that is, the Lord of Evil, will contact you. The meeting is scheduled in a poor area where you will find the leader of the Italian mafiosi. Here ninjas will be set against you.

    The ninjas will offer you to avoid the battle for five thousand greens, but accumulating such a sum is incredibly difficult. Defeat them by defeating about ten fighters. After the victory, ninjas will begin to appear in the city, waiting for you in the alleys.

    If you helped Cartman's mother in the past, now she will give you the "Hard Spanking" task. According to the new quest, you have to protect her from competitors. In the Cartmans' house you will find a pimp and girls with whom you will have to fight. Spank the girls so that they come over to your side and attack the pimp. Once you have the upper hand, take a photo.

    Go to the bank and talk to Butters. Chaos will take out a loan in your name to pay off his army. A mini-game will follow, during which you can get this or that amount of money. After this, the rednecks will attack you outside.

    Visit the school. In the gym you will find therapy involving Craig and Tweek. A battle will follow in which you will need to defeat children presenting certain psychological problems. Ultimately, Craig and Tweek use a joint technique that can stop the children.

    Freedom Fighters Squad

    The debut assignment as part of the new team involves visiting a nursing home. As a team, talk to the elders and set up a scene with singing and music. After this, the old bastards attack you.

    It is impossible to win the battle that has begun, since the old men will advance endlessly. During the battle, simply gradually move towards the exit to leave the building.

    Mosquito Man will ask you to help him defeat the raisins who stole his card. As the battle progresses, he will defect to them again, so you will have to defeat him too.

    After this, the “Wrestlers” will accept you into the group. Now you will learn from Timmy that they are planning to attack the police and find the main antagonist. Go to Raccoon and report the information you have obtained.

    Cartman decides to act under the cover of darkness. Here you can choose a new class: Florist or Karateka. Go home and dine with your ancestors. It turns out that they mixed something into your food.

    Night sortie

    When you wake up at night, you find that the door is open this time. Go to the police. On the street you will notice that everyone around you is stoned. On the outskirts of the site, you will team up with the Freedom Fighters and Friends of the Raccoon.

    Get inside through the window. Then through the central hall you get to the upper room. Defeat the law enforcement officers, and then, together with the Container, get to the area with machine guns. Disable the first machine gun by stopping the time (lever). The second - with the help of a hamster henchman who will gnaw through the wiring.

    On the top floor you will find prison cells full of blacks. The police will claim that they are not racist, but then attack you anyway. After the battle, move on. Along the way you will find new machine guns - disable them by exploding the cylinder and then the hamster. Use the kite to fly through the vent.

    Move carefully in a room with cameras. Attack the monitor so that it falls on the cop and knocks him out. Open the shield and launch a minion there.

    A battle will begin with the boss Jared, a maniac who will be pitted against you by the police chief. Dodge his frontal attacks by attacking from above or below. You can only substitute Kenny, since he is capable of attacking even after death.

    Having decided the fate of the rapist, go to the elevator. You will find yourself in the morgue - pull out the gurney and take the key from the body. In the next room you will be blocked by poisonous gas. Disable it by attacking the shield with a minion. Stop time and then open the doors.

    Use the key you found to open the cabinet and summon the Tool, which can improve the pipe. Next, ventilation will clean the room. All you have to do is call Captain Insulin, who will allow you to open the panel on the ground, where there is another key.

    After this, return to the corridor and pass the door with a drawing of a skeleton. Behind him you have to fight the boss Shub-Niggurath, whom the cops worship and sacrifice blacks. White meat causes damage to the monster, so to win you will have to sacrifice white policemen.

    The boss's first hit is a four-cell solid attack that will kill everyone unless you move to the safe area on the left. After this, the monster will attack two rows of cells, into which you will need to move the white policemen. A total of five cops must be sacrificed. After the battle, rescue the blacks from the prisons and leave the building.

    Outside, the faction leaders will quarrel, so you will have to fight Timmy. At first he will be invulnerable, so get ready to fight his accomplices. Ultimately, all the heroes will come over to your side.

    With the final blow against Timmy, you must use the Call Girl's unique skill. After the battle, visit Timmy's base. There you learn that he wanted to unite all superheroes.

    Day 4


    The next morning you won't find any of your parents. The walls of the house will be covered in blood, and the news will tell you that Mitch Connor is going to become mayor. Answer the call - Classica will thank you for your help, and now you can call her into battle.

    A mini-game will begin in which you will have to control a flying unicorn who wants to deliver the fish to heaven. Just dodge the obstacles. The more you lose, the easier your next attempts will be.

    When the deed is done, Jesus will appear and allow you to choose your religion and worldview.

    Visit Timmy's base to find out that his entire business has been destroyed. Next you will learn that Mitch Connor captured your ancestors. Moreover, it turns out that Mitch Connor is controlled by Cartman himself. Eric will refuse to answer you and will disappear. From outside, a hand will contact you. There are several places to visit.

    The first point is the Tweeks Cafe. Talk to the guest, and then defeat the gang. The second point is Jimbo's store. Third - Playground. After this, the Call Girl finds out where the Raccoon is hiding. Find Cartman in the House of Culture and defeat him. In the shelter, begin the interrogation. In the end, you learn that Eric wanted to create improved cats.

    As a team, move to the laboratory, which is located above and to the left on the map. Morgan Freeman will appear at the entrance, who will teach you the ability to rewind the clock. Wait six hours for night to fall.

    Inside you will find a kind of cabinet of curiosities. In the last room the system will fail, after which you will have to fight with mutated cats.

    On the third floor, pass the toxic puddle. Open the door with the help of the henchman, and then take out the battery using Time Stop. Remove the platform and drag the battery, then rewind the time to insert the battery into the opened slot.

    As you go up the stairs, you will meet monkey schoolchildren with whom you will have to fight. A Raccoon will appear immediately, but this time he will hide. At the bottom, remove the platform and use the kite to overcome the debris. Defeat mutated schoolchildren to get to the laboratory where your parents are being held. One of them will have to be killed to get the DNA.

    As a result, on the lower floor you will have to fight Kyle's cousin, who has grown significantly. Use the shift skill for and night to immobilize him for a while.

    Past Future

    From the outside, it turns out that your ability to change day and night has rewound the whole week. Now Mitch Conner is mayor. Visit the city hall, which will be blocked.

    Freeman's ghost will call you to his diner, where you will learn about a new skill. With its help, you will accidentally move into the future. Here, complete the toilet mini-game and then leave the building. It turns out that Mayor Mitch ordered Christmas to be celebrated every day, causing the city to go crazy.

    Now you will find yourself in the past, but at the very start. Follow your copy until you reach the rest of the team. A battle of doubles will follow. You will need to crush yourself, beating the whole team one by one. After the resurrection, which will be carried out by Butters, kill Clyde first, and in the very end - the King.

    Go to Cartman, and then go back to an older past with him. Here, don't attack the criminals, but take a photo with them.

    Next, you will learn a terrible secret: your parents are also superheroes, and their skill lies in quickly gaining followers on social networks. Your skill was developed even more, so they tried to block it by drugging you.

    In the present, move to the moment Mitch was elected mayor. While Cartman distracts everyone on stage, defeat Future Cartman. Eric will cheat for a while until Timmy eventually appears and says no breaking the rules.

    After the battle, reveal the Raccoon's plan to the villagers. That's it for the walkthrough South Park: The Fractured but Whole ends.

    Video: complete walkthrough of South Park The Fractured but Whole

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    , Team , Opportunities , Questionnaire , Competitors , Night .

  • Hidden Objects :
    40 yaoi paintings, 21 toilet bowls, 14 memory berries, 8 advertisements,
    6 cats of El, 4th magic, Summons.
  • Hidden Objects

    40 yaoi paintings
    South Park 2. Secrets

    Hidden Objects: Yaoi Project

    You can take an additional task from Father Craig to find anime drawings of boys.

    In the basement of the girl Bibi's house you can find a poster with red flowers indicating the location of all the yaoi paintings. Below is a more detailed description of where the paintings can be found:

    1. Restaurant Gan-Wan-chi. On the left wall, behind the table.

    2. Club "Mint Hippopotamus". Behind the scenes in the director's office, on the left wall above the sofa.

    5. Token House. Upstairs in the back room, to the left of the fireplace.

    6. Cinema. In the hall on the second floor on the right.

    9. Church. In the left room, to the right of the door.

    10. Police Department. Police station. In the first room, above the right table.

    13. Newspaper "Bulletin of the South Park". On the right wall, on the cabinets.

    14. Offices on the main street. On the second floor, on the left wall.

    17. Flea market (clothing store). To the right of the counter.

    18. Freeman's Taco. In the toilet, to the left of the stall.

    21. Playground. In the women's restroom on the wall.

    22. El's house. At the entrance to the side corridor, on the wall.

    25. School. In the gym, on the right above the stands.

    26. School. In the hall on the second floor.

    29. Kevin's house. Near the front door on the wall.

    30. Clyde's house. In the garage, on the left cabinet.

    33. Butters House. In the garage, hidden behind a calendar.

    34. Cartman's house. In the garage, it will be visible when we move the green platform.

    37. Kyle's house. In the attic, on the central box.

    38. YugoTsug. In a homeless camp on an orange tent.

    As a reward we will receive a unique drawing of our entire team of superheroes.

    21 toilets

    1. House of Culture. Left toilet (****). We break the wall behind the bucket and blow out the pipe with a tool. We find Mr. Hankey.

    2. House of Culture. Right toilet (***). We turn on the slowdown magic, go through the electricity, press the lever.

    3. Bibi's house (***).

    4. Kevin's house (****). We break into the garage, cut the wires with a hamster, and climb into the house along the roof of the garage.

    5. Clyde's House (**).

    6. Craig's house (**).

    7. Henrietta's house (***).

    8. Jimmy's house (****).

    9. Our house (*).

    10. Butters House (**).

    11. Cartman's house (***).

    12. House Wall (**). In the corridor we break the wall and blow out the pipe with a tool. We find Mrs. Hankey.

    13. Kyle's house (**).

    14. Police station. Men's toilet (**).

    15. Police station. Yolanda's cabin (***).

    16. Police station. Women's toilet (****).

    17. Freeman's Taco (****).

    18. Al's House (***).

    19. Nicole's house (***).

    20. Club "Mint Hippopotamus" (***).

    21. Shopping center, dry closet at a construction site (****).

    14 memories berries
    South Park: The Fractured but Whole

    1. Laboratory. We pass through the gate, follow it to the left.

    2. Skeeter's Wine Bar. Inside we go to the left door behind the box.

    Pen. We climb onto the roof of the Wine Bar, remove the ventilation, and take the handle for the juicer from the trash can below.

    3. Club "Mint Hippopotamus". Behind the scenes in the director's office, on the left on the sofa.

    4. Restaurant "Izyuminki". To the right of the building, in the snow behind the log.

    5. Nursing home. Outside, on the right bench.

    6. Token House. In the kitchen, on the central table.

    7. Cinema. In the auditorium, lower left seat.

    8. Western Pond. We go into the forest on the left. We remove the green blanket from the boat and find berries inside.

    9. Church. On the bench on the left.

    10. Mail. To the left of the counter.

    11. Bibi's house. In the kitchen on the left wall.

    12. Kevin's house. We climb into the house through the garage roof. We go down to the 1st floor and examine the table in the hallway.

    13. "Stallion". Near Kenny's house we go up to the second floor, on the fence on the right.

    14. We go northeast to the farm. The path is blocked by a local farmer, he walks along the same line. We stop time with magic and place the basket next to the farmer so that he does not move. We pass by towards Canada.

    On the farm. We use the found handle on the juicer mechanism. We squeeze all the collected berries in the mechanism, we get a Bucket of juice from memory berries, which is necessary as an ingredient for the last taco of the spell.

    8 advertisements
    South Park 2. Walkthrough

    Hidden Objects: Working with the Head

    At the police station in a separate office we speak with the clown policeman Mr. Adams. He asks to post flyers with his face on them.

    1. Gun store. Inside near the front door.

    2. Club "Mint Hippopotamus". Hall, posters above the counter.

    3. Tweeks Coffee Shop. On the counter.

    4. Western Pond. In the forest on the left, on the notice board.

    5. City Hall. Outside on the notice board on the right.

    6. Police Department. In the first room at the entrance booth.

    7. Primary school. In the hall on the second floor.

    8. House of Culture. In the central hall on the board.

    When we're done, we'll get a couple of artifacts with strength 75 and 100.

    6 Al's cats
    South Park 2. Walkthrough

    Hidden Objects: Big Al's Homosexual Cats

    On the second day, we go east of the main street and meet Big Al. He is looking for his cats with pink headbands. He will send messages hints about the location of the cats.

    There's plenty to do in the world of South Park: The Fractured But Whole. Some collectibles can be found throughout the city, while others are used in side quests. Below you will find tips for finding all the collectibles.

    Yaoi art

    These 40 posters are part of Scavenger Hunt: The Yaoi Project and can be found in almost every corner of the city.

    Gay cats

    Find all six gay cats to receive two completed cat costumes.


    Find all 8 spots to place Mr. Adams posters for the two artifacts (part of the Scavenger Hunt).


    Memories are strange, sensitive fruits that start a dialogue when you find them.


    Find 21 toilets and complete the mini-games to unlock the achievement.

    Scavenger Hunt: Yaoi Project

    There are a total of 40 collectible yaoi art pieces in the game. Finding all 40 will unlock the "Adept at Youthful Love" achievement, as well as a wallpaper for your phone. They are not that hard to find, you can collect them all after completing the main story.
    You will also be rewarded with money after 10, 30 and 40 art.
    Below you will find a list of them.

    After school: Special

    At Jimmy's house, use the Sandblaster to clear the path to the garage. Then take out the poster from the top.

    Bedside manners

    Use Sandblaster's Friendship Power to get to the South Park Bank. The poster is taped to the water cooler.

    Berries and cream

    In the back room of Tom's Rhinoplasty, knock the frame off the wall.

    Brush Buddies

    Go backstage at Peppermint Hippo. Login to the back office. On the left, look for a poster on the wall.

    Can you read my mind?

    Go to Freeman's Tacos. Then enter the bathroom - there you will find a poster on the wall.

    Craig and Tweek: Crotch Rabu

    Go to Photo-Dojo. You'll find a poster right outside the door. Use Snap N Pops to get it.

    At Stan's house, go up to Shelley's room. Use Snap N Pops to get a poster.

    Easy Breezy Daisy Boizu

    At Kenny's house, go up to his parents' bedroom. Use Snap N Pops to get the key (on the wall). Open Kenny's garage and find the poster.

    Additional classes

    In Big Al the Homosexual's house, look for a poster on the wall of the hallway leading to the bedroom.

    Menacing look

    In the far right corner of Bebe's room, use Snap N Pops to knock him off the wall.

    Hanabi Waltz

    Exit City Hall, take the poster from the board.

    Happy Return

    While going through the Thousand Arms of Chaos, after entering the building, go upstairs and in the first room take the poster from the right wall.

    Hard caramel

    In Sloppy 2nds, look to the right of the decoration display to find this poster.

    I choose you

    Enter the temple storeroom. Password: Kneel Before Jesus (kneel before Jesus). You will find the poster inside.

    Just one kiss

    In the elementary school, use Fartkour to jump onto the roof and get the poster.

    Kemonomimi Kiss

    Use Haywire to melt the chain on Kevin Stoley's garage. Climb the stairs to reach the interior of the house. The poster is on the wall in the living room.

    Blooming lotus

    Open the backpack in the back of the Raisins to find the key to Clyde's garage. Look in the garage on the left to find a poster.

    Throw me higher

    In the Main Street Offices, go upstairs and look for the poster on the left wall.

    Reaching love

    Look for the poster on the left wall in City Hall

    Room for one more

    Use the fart break in the men's bathroom at the community center to bypass the electrified water and retrieve the poster in the stall.


    In the elementary school, go to the far right end of the bleachers in the gym.

    Seme Surrender

    At Henrietta's house, look in her parents' room upstairs to find the picture hanging above. Use Snap N Pops to knock her down.

    Tweek's spoon

    Look at the left wall in City Wok.


    At the South Park Senior Center, look at the back wall of the room.

    Whisper of the stars

    On the playground, check out the boys' bathroom.

    Steaming Surprise

    In Kyle's house, look at the wall in Ike's room.


    Located in the police station break room.

    Tweak language

    Located on the tent in Sodosopa

    Touch of an Angel

    In Kyle's attic (Kite the Man's secret base), look at the computer.

    Tweek and Craig: Before the Storm

    At Tweek Bros Coffee, knock down a poster with Snap N Pops.

    Tweek and Craig: quick hug

    At Butter's house, use Snap N Pops to knock down the calendar and reveal the poster.

    Tweek and Craig: Shining Golden Days

    In Stark's Pond North, go past the notice board and look through the hole in the tree.

    Tweek and Craig: Reverse Lotus

    In Cartman's garage, use Diabetic Rage Buddy Power to break the transformer and get to the poster.

    Tweek and Craig: heartfelt hugs

    Inside the Bijou Theater, use Fartkour to get to the upper level. Then go up the stairs to the roof. Use Fartkour to jump to the right to reach the roof of Tweek Bros Coffee. Go through the hatch to find a poster.

    Tweek and Craig: Super My Heart

    Go behind the bar on Raisins to find a poster on the back wall.

    Tweek and Craig: Sweet Cream

    In Tom's Rhinoplasty, go to the back room to find this poster (it's on the left).

    Tweek and Craig: White Nights

    In Token's house, look around the office upstairs.

    Boys at dusk

    In the South Park Gazette, on the back wall.

    Double stickers

    In the Bijou Theater, use Fartkour to get to the top level and get the poster.

    Velveteen Dreams

    At Nicole's house, use Haywire to enter the garage. Look for the poster on the back wall.

    Who is your seme?

    On the playground, look into the girls' bathroom.

    Scavenger hunt: Big Al's gay cats
    After receiving the fart break, this mission will unlock. Go to the house of big Al the homosexual and talk to him. He instructs you to pick up all his cats that have scattered throughout South Park.

    Gay Boji

    To start, go to Hillvale Farm in the northern part of the city. Go to the right side of the screen to move the man out of your way. Then use the fart break and catch it with a bucket. Walk past it to reach a wooded area. On the left you will find Boji. Use Snappop to break the tree branch he is sitting on. Then quickly use the fart pause to pick up the cat.

    Gay Blossom

    Go to Sodosop and find the windmill to activate the Fartkour ability. You will have to do this twice to get to the cat. Once you get to the right floor, use the fart pause to pick up the cat.

    Gay Shadow

    This cat can be found on the left side of the area. Just use a fart pause when you get close to the cat (don't startle him), this will prevent him from escaping.

    Gay Loki

    You will find this cat to the right of the South Park Mall. Use the fart pause to pick up the cat.

    Gay Kirby

    This cat is sitting in a tree near Bebe's house. Knock down a tree branch with a Snappop. Then use the fart break and pick up the cat.

    Gay Bono

    In the forest to the left of the church there is another cat sitting on a tree. Also use Snappop and fart pause to save him.

    Scavenger hunt: posters
    To start this mission, go to the back room of the police station and talk to Mr. Adams. He will give you posters and instruct you to paste them all over the city.

    Police station

    To begin, go to the police station reception area. Interact with the board in front of the secretary to place the poster.

    Town Hall

    Then go right to find a notice board next to the town hall. Place a poster there.

    Community Center

    Now go to the community center. Bring a small ladder to the board. Place a poster there.

    Tweek Bros Coffee

    While indoors, inspect the area next to the counter. Place a poster there.

    Jimbo's Guns

    Enter the store and look for the notice board next to Ned. Place the poster there.

    The Peppermint Hippo

    Go through the main entrance. You need to climb the wall of glory (use the ladder). Post a poster.

    South Park Elementary School

    This location requires the Fartkour buddy power unlocked skill (unlocked in the main story mission). Interact with the spinner to get to a higher level. Post the poster on your bulletin board.

    Stark's Pond North

    In this location you will need Sandblaster buddy power (unlocked in main missions). Interact with the red brick to remove it. Post the last poster.

    Return to Mr. Adams' office at the police station and talk to him. In return you will receive the Idol of Inappropriate Touch and the Zealot's Face artifacts.


    You can find 14 Memories in the game. You won't get a reward for finding them, but you will get a title. Each memory will give you a small dialogue when interacting.


    There are 21 toilets in the game where you can reach some skill level to achieve. To achieve mastery, you simply need to complete the mini-game in each of them. The more stars, the more difficult it will be to do this. But one way or another, they are all quite simple.

    You will not have any difficulties finding them; you can do this while completing missions.

    In: South Park: The Fractured But Whole

    This guide and walkthrough of South Park: The Fractured But Whole will tell you how to find all the pictures, drawings and art with Yaoi, which is a reference to one of the South Park series. And we will start with the picture below, where we indicated all the places with works of Yaoi art on the map

    All pictures and posters with Yaoi in South Park: The Fractured But Whole

    The first one is in Stark's Pond - just follow the path on the north side of the pond to the left. Until you find the notice board - there will be an orange tent in the background. Walk a little further and you will see a tree with a heart carved into it. The yaoi poster is right behind it.

    At the SoDoSoPA camp, go to the orange tent in the left corner of the camp. One of Yaoi's drawings will be right there.

    Upon entering the church, go through the door on the right at the far end. Read the Bible that is on the table to the end. There you will find a code that will open the door to the right of the Altar. Go there, enter the code and go inside. The Yaoi drawing is on the wall to the right of the door.

    There are two of them in Kyle's house. One is upstairs, and the second one you will get when you go up to the attic, using what Craig gave you. Look in front of the large table in front of the window, to the left of the stepladder.

    Another Yaoi is located in the office of the South Park Newspaper, the drawing is attached to the file cabinet in the office.

    Go to Henrietta's House and go upstairs, the second door on the right will lead you to the bedroom. There is a tall cabinet - Yaoi on the very top between the vase and the plant, knock it down with Snap N Pop and then take it.

    When visiting Kenny's house, go to the back and the first door on the left. You will see Kenny's sister playing on the floor and Yaoi hanging on the wall

    Another Yaoi in the game is hidden in Kenny's garage, which is locked. To get it, enter the house behind Kenny's dad, and then through the second door on the left. There will be a key hanging there, knock it down and pick it up. Then go out and open the garage - there you will see the latest Yaoi