Test (figures) - Best of all! Psychogeometric test (often used when applying for a job!!!)

Knowing the “keys” of the geometry test will help you learn more not only about yourself, but also about people who have the habit of drawing geometric shapes when speaking. Look at the proposed figures very carefully. Try to feel them as you feel yourself. Which of the figures is closer to you, dearer? About which of the figures can you say: “That’s definitely me.”

The chosen figure represents you. Now read what your choice says.

And, despite the fact that there are enough psychological geometric tests on the vastness of bookshelves and the Internet, semantic analysis is the most difficult in psychography.


Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve completion of the work - this is what true Squares are famous for.

Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make Kvadrat a highly qualified specialist in his field.

Square loves established order once and for all: everything should be in its place and happen in its own time.

The ideal of the Square is a planned, predictable life; he does not like “surprises” and changes in the usual course of events.

All the information they have is systematized and organized. The square is able to provide the necessary information instantly. Therefore, Squares are deservedly known as erudites, at least in their field. If, while taking a psychological geometric test, you chose a Square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, i.e. those who process data in a sequential format: a-b-c-d...

Squares “calculate the result” rather than guess about it. Squares are extremely attentive to details and details. Squares love established order once and for all. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life, and they do not like changing the usual course of events. He constantly “orders”, organizes people and things around him. All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become good specialists - technicians, excellent administrators, but - rarely - they are good managers.

Excessive predilection for details and the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprive the Square of efficiency. Accuracy, adherence to rules, etc. can develop to a paralyzing extreme.

In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, and conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. Squares do not work effectively in an amorphous situation.


The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal.

Triangles are energetic, unstoppable, strong personalities who set clear goals and, as a rule, achieve them.

They are ambitious and pragmatic, they know how to show their superiors the importance of their own work and the work of their subordinates.

The strong need to be right and control the state of affairs makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing and competing with others.

Triangles, like their cousins ​​Squares, are linear shapes and tend to also be left-brain thinkers, capable of analyzing situations deeply and quickly. However, in contrast to Squares, who are detail-oriented, Triangles focus on the essentials, the essence of the problem.

Their strong pragmatic orientation guides their mental analysis and limits it to the search for a solution to a problem that is effective under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything! The need to be right and the need to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also, if possible, for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing, competing with others. Triangles have great difficulty admitting their mistakes! We can say that they see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, are often categorical, and do not recognize objections.

Fortunately (for them and those around them), Triangles learn quickly and successfully (absorb useful information like a sponge). True, only that which corresponds to their pragmatic orientation contributes (from their point of view) to achieving the main goal. Triangles are ambitious. Moreover, they are the ones who most quickly agree to take the geometric test

If a matter of honor for a Square is to achieve the highest quality of work performed, then a Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, make a career.

From Triangles we get . The main negative quality of a “triangular” personality: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show particular scrupulousness regarding moral standards. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them... Maybe without them, life would lose its edge.


A temporary form of personality that can be worn by other stable figures during certain periods of life.

Therefore, the leading qualities of a rectangle are curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and courage.

They are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new.

This figure symbolizes a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle they currently lead and are therefore busy looking for a better position.

The reasons for the “rectangular” state can be very different, but they have one thing in common - the significance of the changes for a particular person. The main mental state of the Rectangle is a more or less conscious state of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty about oneself at a given time.

The most characteristic features of Rectangles are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They tend to have low self-esteem. They strive to become better at something, looking for new methods of work and lifestyles.

Rapid, abrupt and unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarm other people, and they may consciously avoid contacts with the “person without a core”. For rectangles, communication with other people is simply necessary, and this is another difficulty of the transition period.

However, the Rectangle also has positive qualities that attract others to it: curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and... courage! During this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new. True, the flip side of this is excessive gullibility and suggestibility. Therefore, Rectangles are easy.

"Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!


The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested above all in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people.

The most benevolent of the five figures.

He has high sensitivity, developed empathy - the ability to empathize, sympathize, and respond emotionally to the experiences of another person. The circle feels other people's joy and feels other people's pain as its own.

He is happy when everyone gets along with each other. Therefore, when the Circle has a conflict with someone, it is most likely that the Circle will be the first to give in.

He strives to find commonality even in opposing points of view. Circles perfectly “read” people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver. Circles “cheer” for their team and are popular among work colleagues. However, they tend to be weak managers and business leaders. First, Circles are people-oriented rather than action-oriented. In an attempt to maintain peace, they sometimes avoid taking a “firm” stand and making unpopular decisions.

For the Circle there is nothing more difficult than entering into an interpersonal conflict. They try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes even to the detriment of the cause. Circles are generally not determined and often cannot present themselves properly. Triangles tend to easily take over them. However, the Circles are not too concerned about who holds the power.

In one area, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice.

The Circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the Circle are more likely to be “right-brain” thinkers. “Right-brain” thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, emotionally charged, more integrative than analytical. Therefore, the processing of information in the Circles is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs with the omission of individual links. This does not mean that Krug is at odds with logic. It’s just that formalism is not given priority in solving life’s problems.

The main features in their thinking are an orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find commonality even in opposing points of view. We can say that Krug is a born psychologist. However, he is often a weak organizer - he lacks the “left-brain” skills of his “linear brothers” Triangle and Square.


A figure symbolizing creativity. The most enthusiastic, most excitable of all five figures.

Combining completely different, dissimilar ideas and creating something new and original on this basis is what Zigzags like.

They are never satisfied with the way things are done now or have been done in the past. When he has a new and interesting idea, he is ready to tell it to the whole world!

This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen Zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter.

You, like your closest relative Krug, only to an even greater extent, are characterized by imagery, intuitiveness, integrativeness, and mosaicism.

Strict, consistent deduction is not your style. The Zigzag’s thought makes desperate leaps from “a” to “z”, which is why many “left-hemisphere” people find it difficult to understand Zigzags.

“Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense.

The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not through concessions, but, on the contrary, by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this one receives its resolution and is “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes” of others.

Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag “comes to life” and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzags are idealists, which is where their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate.

Zigzag is the most excitable of the five figures. They are unrestrained and very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).

The keys of this geometric test, of course, do not claim to be complete. If you are really interested in psychographic tests, you can find them in the section.

It's time for a simple psychological test to determine your character. All you have to do is choose the figure that you like best from the provided figures and the psychological character test will tell you who you are.


If you chose a square, you are hardworking, diligent in everything, and it is very important for you to bring every task you start to its logical conclusion. Endurance and patience make you an excellent specialist in your field. Squares love order, that everything happens at the designated time, and that everything is in its place. An ideal life for you is a life in which everything is sorted and there are no unexpected surprises.


This is a temporary form of personality and is worn by different people at different periods of existence. If you have chosen this figure, this clearly indicates that you are dissatisfied with what you currently have and are looking for a better position in society. Your qualities: interest in everything that happens, courage, curiosity and even inquisitiveness. You are open to new ideas and easily learn anything new. You can change your values ​​and lifestyle with ease.


This is a leadership figure. If you have chosen this figure, you are a person who can concentrate clearly on one goal. Your qualities: energy, uncontrollability, willpower. You are a strong personality who always achieves your goals. In addition, you are also pragmatic and ambitious, and know how to prove to people that what you do is important. The triangle strives for leadership and therefore constantly competes with other people, trying to be the best in everything.


This is the most benevolent figure. People who choose this figure prove that they are sensitive, can empathize and sympathize. They always respond emotionally to other people's experiences. The circle reacts to both pain and joy and feels it as its own. Great happiness for a circle is when everyone lives in harmony with each other. In conflicts, the circle gives in first so that peace can prevail. He always strives to find the positives in people and unite them with friendship based on common interests.


Psychological character test based on geometric shapes, 8.9 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

Look at the proposed geometric shapes and choose one of them.
In most cases, intuitively choosing one of the geometric shapes, you will settle on the one that best characterizes you.

In other words: this figure is you. Arrange the remaining figures in descending order.

The figure that ends up in last place symbolizes a person with whom you may have difficulty communicating.

If you choose a square as a result of passing a psychological test with geometric shapes, you are definitely a serious person. Stable and rational in everything: both in thoughts and actions. The main thing for him is health and thoughts (correct). Most likely, you are a unique owner of a rare and commendable quality - you strive to bring any undertaking or task to completion.
However, they are sometimes accused of being too slow. But they just like to put everything on shelves. Therefore, before making a decision, they do not rush, but strive to better study the current situation and collect additional information. Squares are the owners of left-hemisphere thinking, i.e. They are strong in logic, but technical specialties are easy for them. They “calculate the result” rather than guess about it, as they are extremely attentive to details and details.

Oh, you are born leaders, those who, during a psychological test with geometric figures, decided to opt for a triangle. Distinctive qualities are self-confidence and the desire to always be first. They are truly able to concentrate on the intended goal, quickly analyze the situation and make decisions. At the same time, they do not like to admit their mistakes and listen to criticism.

Capturing everything on the fly, they learn quickly. True, only what, from their point of view, contributes to the achievement of the main goal. They often strive to make a career. The main drawback is egocentricity. These are also “left-hemisphere” people, i.e. those who process data in a sequential format (a-b-c-d...). Able to deeply and quickly analyze situations, focusing on the main essence of the problem.

A rectangle is a transitional figure. We can say that this is a temporary form of personality. Rectangles are not satisfied with the lifestyle they lead now, and therefore are busy looking for a better position. Therefore, people who associate themselves with a rectangle are often dissatisfied with themselves, always want more and better, and are almost never satisfied. They often experience confusion, become entangled in problems, and have difficulty making decisions. Inconsistent, commit unpredictable actions, and often have low self-esteem.
However, they are inquisitive and show interest in many things. They are brave and willing to take on everything new, even something they have never done before.
Change is the most important thing for them. Because they strive to become better, looking for new methods of work, lifestyles. Open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living.
The “rectangle” stage passes sooner or later. So it is quite possible that the next time you take a similar psychological test with geometric shapes, you will prefer a different geometry.

The circle is known to be a symbol of harmony. For these people, good interpersonal relationships will be in the foreground. They love people and do a lot for their well-being. Therefore, both the team at work and the family often rely on them.
We can say that such people have a gentle character, the manifestations of which are enhanced by the ability to smooth out rough edges in relationships. It cannot be said that they, in principle, avoid conflicts; no, they simply know how to find a constructive solution to a problem. They are looking for their path to strength and health.
They have a great capacity for sympathy and empathy. The main value for them is people. They have high sensitivity and developed empathy (the ability to empathize). Having a good understanding of people, they are, nevertheless, in practice, weak managers and business leaders. This is because all their attention is focused more on people than on business.
In circles, right-hemisphere thinking predominates - creative, imaginative. Their thinking is imaginative, intuitive, emotionally charged, integrative rather than analytical. Information processing is carried out rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs with omissions of individual links. For them, formalism does not receive priority in solving life problems.


These are creative people and they think figuratively. True, they often do not pay attention to details and perceive what is happening as a whole. This allows them to “see” harmony and holistic images, and perceive beauty in their own way.
These people are lovers of variety, so they usually do not stay in one job for long and often change jobs. Focused on the future, they often forget about reality.
Usually the zigzag is chosen by “right-hemisphere” people. Their thinking is based on intuition and is often emotionally charged. At the same time, a zigzag is a generator of ideas, creativity itself. However, they find it difficult to work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by strictly fixed responsibilities and constancy. They require independence and a high level of motivation in their work.

The main disadvantages of zigzags are that they are impractical and naive, often unrestrained, expressive, excitable and eccentric. They are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in getting things done. Often, with the loss of novelty, they also lose interest in the idea. But their wit, cheerful disposition and ease of communication more than compensate for these shortcomings.

They say geometric shapes can symbolize certain human qualities. Looking at the shapes, a person chooses a square for its stability, or a circle for its round shapes, or a zigzag for its whimsicality. What will you choose?

Look carefully at the images of the figures. Choose the one you like best and read the description of your character.

People who chose , usually reserved, persistent and incredibly resilient individuals. They finish everything they start. Thanks to these qualities, squares reach great heights in their profession and become highly qualified specialists, especially in the field of technology.

Their inherent unquenchable thirst for knowledge, as well as the ability to systematize and apply the acquired knowledge, elevates them to an absolutely deserved rank - the rank of scholars. Squares are ardent supporters of planning and order, so anything that happens outside the plan and not according to instructions can unsettle them and drive them crazy.

Unfortunately, their excessive passion for detail and constant need for clarifying information interfere with prompt decision-making, so they are rarely top managers. Because of their conservatism, pedantry, rationalism and emotional dryness, it is difficult to establish contacts with others.

Triangle - a symbol of leadership. A characteristic feature of people who choose a triangle is the ability to focus on the main goal and quickly analyze the situation.

Triangles are energetic, self-confident, strong individuals who have great difficulty admitting their mistakes and are extremely pragmatic. They are often very decisive and do not tolerate objections. They are vain and strive to achieve high position and status for their subordinates.

The desire to be first and right in everything, to control the state of affairs forces them to constantly compete and compete with others. They know how to make everything and everyone revolve around them, but on the way to their goals they are not very scrupulous in matters of morality. As a rule, triangles make brilliant managers, executives and executives.

Circle - This is the most benevolent of the five geometric figures, which in mythology symbolizes harmony. Those who choose the circle are highly sensitive people, with an extremely developed ability to empathize, sympathize and feel other people's pain and joy.

For the Circle, there is no greater happiness than to see the people around them in harmony with each other, therefore, when a conflict arises, in an effort to maintain peace, he will most likely give in first. Capable of holding both the family and the team together at work. Krug is a born psychologist.

He values ​​people and is able to “read” them like an open book. A glance is enough for him to catch the slightest signs of hypocrisy, deception and falsehood. The Circle's desire to avoid conflicts sometimes comes to the detriment of business. Focus on people rather than on business, lack of determination and inability to present oneself often prevent Krug from becoming a strong manager and leader in business.

Zigzag - a symbol of creativity. The people who chose this figure are great originals. That is why cliches and stereotypes are not for them. In addition to a developed aesthetic sense, they often have natural wit and even causticity. Compared to others, Zigzag is the most enthusiastic and excitable person.

If a new idea comes to Zigzag’s head, he will do everything so that the whole world knows about it. Zigzags are quick-tempered and expressive. Their mood changes more often than the time of day, but most Zigzags are charismatic and charming people.

Independence is the main condition for the flourishing of their creativity. They cannot stand strict boundaries, fixed responsibilities and monotonous constancy in their work and, unfortunately, they do not always complete the work they start.

Rectangle symbolizes a state of change, therefore it is a temporary form of personality. Most often, people choose it during a period of extreme dissatisfaction with life and themselves.

Rectangles with all their hearts strive to change everything for the better and, in order to fulfill their desires, they use their best qualities: an inquisitive mind, curiosity, courage.

They are open to new things and are ready to absorb knowledge for drastic changes, but their openness is on the verge of gullibility and suggestibility, so during this period Rectangles can become the object of someone’s manipulation. Fortunately, “straightness” is a temporary stage and after the successful implementation of the plan, it will pass!

Psychogeometry as a science appeared in the USA, its author is Stuzen Dellinger. This group of tests belongs to projective methods, i.e. a person here makes a decision under conditions of uncertainty, he does not know the interpretation of the test and cannot adjust the result to what he would like to be, for example.

This test was based on a person’s perception of figures with the following features: stability, presence or absence of angles, closedness of the figure. Already by these indicators one can judge a person and his ways of interacting with others.

Interesting? Well, let's get down to the test itself. The results may surprise you with their unpredictability.

By the way, this test is often offered during job interviews. Check yourself in advance.

Take a close look at these shapes and choose the one that you like best at the moment. Your choice can tell a lot about who you are as a person, what your strengths and weaknesses are.

After you make your first choice, take a close look at the remaining pieces and choose the one that you now like the most. Repeat until there is one shape left that you like least.

This was the most difficult stage. Now we need to interpret the test results.

If your main figure turns out to be a square, then you are a tireless worker. Hard work, diligence, the need to complete the work started, perseverance to achieve the completion of the work - these are the main qualities of true Squares. Endurance, patience and methodicality usually make these people highly qualified specialists in their field. This is also facilitated by the insatiable need for information. All the information they have is systematized and organized. The Square is able to provide the necessary information instantly, so people of this type are deservedly known as erudites, at least in their field.

If you have chosen a square for yourself - a linear figure, then most likely you are a “left-hemisphere” thinker, i.e. those who process data in a sequential format: a-b-c-d... They are more likely to “calculate the result " than they guess about him. They are extremely attentive to details, details, love established order once and for all. Their ideal is a planned, predictable life, and they do not like changing the usual course of events. They constantly “order” and organize people and things around them.

All these qualities contribute to the fact that Squares can become good specialists - technicians, excellent administrators, but are rarely good managers. Excessive predilection for details, the need for clarifying information for decision-making deprives the Square of efficiency. Accuracy, adherence to rules, etc. can develop to a paralyzing extreme. In addition, rationality, emotional dryness, and conservatism in assessments prevent Squares from quickly establishing contacts with different people. Squares do not work effectively in an amorphous situation.

This shape symbolizes leadership, and many Triangles feel their purpose in this. The most characteristic feature of a true Triangle is the ability to concentrate on the main goal. They are energetic, strong personalities. In the Luscher test, they often prefer the color green and draw a Christmas tree when asked to draw a tree. Triangles, like their cousins ​​Squares, are linear shapes and tend to also be left-brain thinkers, capable of analyzing situations deeply and quickly. However, in contrast to Squares, who are detail-oriented, Triangles focus on the essentials, the essence of the problem. Their strong pragmatic orientation guides their mental analysis and limits it to the search for a solution to a problem that is effective under given conditions.

Triangle is a very confident person who wants to be right in everything! The need to be right and the need to manage the state of affairs, to decide not only for oneself, but also, if possible, for others, makes the Triangle a person who is constantly competing and competing with others. Triangles have great difficulty admitting their mistakes! We can say that they see what they want to see, do not like to change their decisions, are often categorical, and do not recognize objections. Fortunately (for them and those around them), Triangles learn quickly and successfully (absorb useful information like a sponge), however, only that which corresponds to their pragmatic orientation and contributes (from their point of view) to achieving the main goal.

Triangles are ambitious. If a matter of honor for a Square is to achieve the highest quality of work performed, then a Triangle strives to achieve a high position, acquire a high status, in other words, to make a career. Triangles make excellent managers. The main negative quality of Triangles: strong egocentrism, focus on oneself. On the way to the heights of power, they do not show particular scrupulousness regarding moral standards. Triangles make everything and everyone revolve around them... Maybe without them, life would lose its edge.

This figure symbolizes a state of transition and change. This is a temporary form of personality that the other four relatively stable figures can “wear” at certain periods of life. These are people who are not satisfied with the lifestyle they currently lead and are therefore busy looking for a better position. The reasons for the “rectangular” state can be very different, but they have one thing in common - the significance of the changes for a particular person.

The main mental state of Rectangles is a more or less conscious state of confusion, confusion in problems and uncertainty about themselves at a given time. The most characteristic features are inconsistency and unpredictability of actions during the transition period. They tend to have low self-esteem. They strive to become better at something, looking for new methods of work and lifestyles. Rapid, abrupt and unpredictable changes in the behavior of the Rectangle usually confuse and alarm other people, and they may consciously avoid contacts with the “person without a core”.

For rectangles, communication with other people is simply necessary, and this is another difficulty of the transition period. However, the Rectangle also has positive qualities that attract others to it: curiosity, inquisitiveness, keen interest in everything that happens and... courage! During this period, they are open to new ideas, values, ways of thinking and living, and easily learn everything new. True, the flip side of this is excessive gullibility and suggestibility. Therefore, Rectangles are easy to manipulate. "Rectangularity" is just a stage. She will pass!

The circle is a mythological symbol of harmony. Anyone who confidently chooses it is sincerely interested above all in good interpersonal relationships. The highest value for the Circle is people. The circle is the most benevolent of the five shapes. It most often serves as the “glue” that holds both the work team and the family together, that is, it stabilizes the group. Circles are the best communicators primarily because they are the best listeners. They have high sensitivity and developed empathy - the ability to empathize. Circles perfectly “read” people and in one minute are able to recognize a pretender, a deceiver.

Circles “cheer” for their team and are popular among work colleagues. However, they tend to be weak managers and business leaders. First, Circles are people-oriented rather than action-oriented. In an attempt to maintain peace, they sometimes avoid taking a “firm” stand and making unpopular decisions. For the Circle there is nothing more difficult than entering into an interpersonal conflict. They try to avoid it at all costs. Sometimes - to the detriment of the cause. Secondly, Circles are generally not distinguished by decisiveness; they often cannot present themselves properly. Triangles tend to easily take over them. However, the Circles are not too concerned about who holds the power. In one area, the Circles show enviable firmness - when it comes to issues of morality or violation of justice.

The circle is a non-linear shape, and those who confidently identify with the circle are more likely to be “right-brain” thinkers.

“Right-brain” thinking is more imaginative, intuitive, emotionally charged, perceiving rather than analyzing. Therefore, the processing of information in the Circles is not carried out in a sequential format, but rather in a mosaic manner, in breakthroughs with the omission of individual links. This does not mean that Krug is at odds with logic. It’s just that formalism does not receive priority in solving life’s problems. The main features in their thinking are an orientation towards the subjective factors of the problem (values, assessments, feelings, etc.) and the desire to find commonality even in opposing points of view.

We can say that Krug is a born psychologist. However, he is often a weak organizer - he lacks the “left-hemisphere” skills of his “linear brothers” - Triangle and Square.

This figure symbolizes creativity, creativity, if only because it is the most unique of the five figures and the only open figure. If you have firmly chosen the zigzag as your main form, then you are most likely a true “right-brain” thinker, a dissenter.

You, like your closest relative Krug, only to an even greater extent, are characterized by imagery, intuitiveness, and mosaicism. Strict, consistent deduction is not your style. The Zigzag’s thought makes desperate leaps from “a” to “z”, which is why many “left-hemisphere” people find it difficult to understand Zigzags.

“Right-brain” thinking is not fixated on details, therefore, by simplifying the picture of the world in some ways, it allows you to build holistic, harmonious concepts and images, and see beauty. Zigzags usually have a developed aesthetic sense.

The dominant style of Zigzag thinking is most often the synthetic style. Unlike Circles, Zigzags are not at all interested in consensus and achieve synthesis not through concessions, but on the contrary - by sharpening the conflict of ideas and building a new concept in which this conflict is resolved and “removed.” Moreover, using their natural wit, they can be very sarcastic, “opening the eyes” of others.

Zigzags simply cannot work in well-structured situations. They are irritated by clear vertical and horizontal connections, strictly fixed responsibilities and constant ways of working. In their work, they require independence from others and a high level of stimulation in the workplace. Then the Zigzag “comes to life” and begins to fulfill its main purpose - to generate new ideas and methods of work.

Zigzags are idealists, which is where their traits such as impracticality and naivety originate.

Zigzag is the most excitable of the five figures. They are unrestrained and very expressive, which, along with their eccentricity, often prevents them from putting their ideas into practice. In addition, they are not strong in working out specific details and are not too persistent in bringing things to the end (since with the loss of novelty, interest in the idea is also lost).