The point of intersection of the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid is a property. Rectangular and isosceles trapezoid: properties and characteristics

Circumscribed circle and trapezoid. Hello! There is one more publication for you, in which we will look at problems with trapezoids. The tasks are part of the mathematics exam. Here they are combined into a group; not just one trapezoid is given, but a combination of bodies - a trapezoid and a circle. Most of these problems are solved orally. But there are also those that need to be paid special attention to, for example, task 27926.

What theory do you need to remember? This:

Problems with trapezoids that are available on the blog can be viewed Here.

27924. A circle is described around a trapezoid. The perimeter of the trapezoid is 22, the midline is 5. Find the side of the trapezoid.

Note that a circle can only be described around an isosceles trapezoid. We are given the middle line, which means we can determine the sum of the bases, that is:

This means the sum of the sides will be equal to 22–10=12 (perimeter minus the base). Since the sides of an isosceles trapezoid are equal, one side will be equal to six.

27925. The lateral side of an isosceles trapezoid is equal to its smaller base, the angle at the base is 60 0, the larger base is 12. Find the circumradius of this trapezoid.

If you solved problems with a circle and a hexagon inscribed in it, then you will immediately voice the answer - the radius is 6. Why?

Look: an isosceles trapezoid with a base angle equal to 60 0 and equal sides AD, DC and CB, is half of a regular hexagon:

In such a hexagon, the segment connecting opposite vertices passes through the center of the circle. *The center of the hexagon and the center of the circle coincide, more details

That is, the larger base of this trapezoid coincides with the diameter of the circumscribed circle. So the radius is six.

*Of course, we can consider the equality of triangles ADO, DOC and OCB. Prove that they are equilateral. Next, conclude that angle AOB is equal to 180 0 and point O is equidistant from vertices A, D, C and B, and therefore AO=OB=12/2=6.

27926. The bases of an isosceles trapezoid are 8 and 6. The radius of the circumscribed circle is 5. Find the height of the trapezoid.

Note that the center of the circumscribed circle lies on the axis of symmetry, and if we construct the height of the trapezoid passing through this center, then when it intersects with the bases it will divide them in half. Let's show this in the sketch and also connect the center with the vertices:

The segment EF is the height of the trapezoid, we need to find it.

In right triangle OFC we know the hypotenuse (this is the radius of the circle), FC=3 (since DF=FC). Using the Pythagorean theorem we can calculate OF:

In the right triangle OEB, we know the hypotenuse (this is the radius of the circle), EB=4 (since AE=EB). Using the Pythagorean theorem we can calculate OE:

Thus EF=FO+OE=4+3=7.

Now an important nuance!

In this problem, the figure clearly shows that the bases lie on opposite sides of the center of the circle, so the problem is solved this way.

What if the conditions did not include a sketch?

Then the problem would have two answers. Why? Look carefully - two trapezoids with given bases can be inscribed in any circle:

*That is, given the bases of the trapezoid and the radius of the circle, there are two trapezoids.

And the solution to the “second option” will be as follows.

Using the Pythagorean theorem we calculate OF:

Let's also calculate OE:

Thus EF=FO–OE=4–3=1.

Of course, in a problem with a short answer on the Unified State Examination there cannot be two answers, and a similar problem will not be given without a sketch. Therefore, pay special attention to the sketch! Namely: how the bases of the trapezoid are located. But in tasks with a detailed answer, this was present in past years (with a slightly more complicated condition). Anyone who considered only one option for the location of the trapezoid lost a point on this task.

27937. A trapezoid is circumscribed around a circle, the perimeter of which is 40. Find its midline.

Here we should immediately recall the property of a quadrilateral circumscribed about a circle:

The sums of the opposite sides of any quadrilateral circumscribed about a circle are equal.

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« Trapezium and its properties»

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Table of contents

Introduction 2

    Definitions 3

    Properties of an isosceles trapezoid 4

    Inscribed and circumscribed circles 7

    Properties of inscribed and circumscribed trapezoids 8

    Average values ​​in trapezoid 12

    Properties of an arbitrary trapezoid 15

    Signs of trapezoid 18

    Additional constructions in trapezoid 20

    Trapezoid area 25

10. Conclusion

List of used literature


    Evidence of some properties of the trapezoid 27

    Tasks for independent work

    Problems on the topic “Trapezoid” of increased complexity

    Screening test on the topic “Trapezoid”


This work is devoted to a geometric figure called a trapezoid. “An ordinary figure,” you say, but it’s not so. It is fraught with many secrets and mysteries; if you take a closer look and study it further, you will discover a lot of new things in the world of geometry; problems that have not been solved before will seem easy to you.

Trapezoid - the Greek word trapezion - “table”. Borrowing in the 18th century from lat. language, where trapezion is Greek. It is a quadrilateral whose two opposite sides are parallel. The trapezium was first encountered by the ancient Greek scientist Posidonius (2nd century BC). There are many different figures in our lives. In the 7th grade, we became closely acquainted with the triangle; in the 8th grade, according to the school curriculum, we began to study the trapezoid. This figure interested us, and in the textbook there is inadmissibly little written about it. Therefore, we decided to take this matter into our hands and find information about the trapezoid. its properties.

The work examines properties familiar to students from the material covered in the textbook, but mostly unknown properties that are necessary for solving complex problems. The greater the number of problems being solved, the more questions arise when solving them. The answer to these questions sometimes seems like a mystery; by learning new properties of the trapezoid, unusual methods for solving problems, as well as the technique of additional constructions, we gradually discover the secrets of the trapezoid. On the Internet, if you type it into a search engine, there is very little literature on methods for solving problems on the topic “trapezoid”. In the process of working on the project, a large amount of information was found that will help students in an in-depth study of geometry.



Trapezoid – a quadrilateral in which only one pair of sides is parallel (and the other pair of sides is not parallel).

The parallel sides of a trapezoid are called reasons. The other two are the sides .
If the sides are equal, it is called a trapezoid

A trapezoid that has right angles on its sides is called rectangular

The segment connecting the midpoints of the sides is calledmidline of trapezoid.

The distance between the bases is called the height of the trapezoid.

2 . Properties of an isosceles trapezoid

3. The diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid are equal.


0. The projection of the lateral side of an isosceles trapezoid onto the larger base is equal to half the difference of the bases, and the projection of the diagonal is equal to the sum of the bases.

3. Inscribed and circumscribed circle

If the sum of the bases of a trapezoid is equal to the sum of the sides, then a circle can be inscribed in it.

If the trapezoid is isosceles, then a circle can be described around it.

4. Properties of inscribed and circumscribed trapezoids

2.If a circle can be inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, then

the sum of the lengths of the bases is equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides. Therefore, the length of the lateral side is equal to the length of the midline of the trapezoid.

4 . If a circle is inscribed in a trapezoid, then the sides from its center are visible at an angle of 90°.

    If a circle is inscribed in a trapezoid and touches one of the sides, it divides it into segments m and n , then the radius of the inscribed circle is equal to the geometric mean of these segments.


. If a circle is built on the smaller base of a trapezoid as a diameter, passes through the midpoints of the diagonals and touches the lower base, then the angles of the trapezoid are 30°, 30°, 150°, 150°.

5. Average values ​​in a trapezoid

Geometric mean

    In any trapezoid with bases a And b For a > binequality is true :

b ˂ h ˂ g ˂ m ˂ s ˂ a

6. Properties of an arbitrary trapezoid

. The midpoints of the diagonals of a trapezoid and the midpoints of the lateral sides lie on the same straight line.

2. The bisectors of the angles adjacent to one of the lateral sides of the trapezoid are perpendicular and intersect at a point lying on the midline of the trapezoid, i.e., when they intersect, a right triangle is formed with a hypotenuse equal to the lateral side.

3. Segments of a straight line parallel to the bases of the trapezoid, intersecting the lateral sides and diagonals of the trapezoid, enclosed between the lateral side and the diagonal, are equal.

    The point of intersection of the extension of the sides of an arbitrary trapezoid, the point of intersection of its diagonals and the midpoints of the bases lie on the same straight line.

5. When the diagonals of an arbitrary trapezoid intersect, four triangles with a common vertex are formed, and the triangles adjacent to the bases are similar, and the triangles adjacent to the sides are equal in size (i.e., have equal areas).

6. The sum of the squares of the diagonals of an arbitrary trapezoid is equal to the sum of the squares of the lateral sides added to twice the product of the bases.

d 1 2 + d 2 2 = c 2 + d 2 + 2 ab

. In a rectangular trapezoid, the difference in the squares of the diagonals is equal to the difference in the squares of the bases d 1 2 - d 2 2 = a 2 b 2

8 . Straight lines intersecting the sides of an angle cut off proportional segments from the sides of the angle.

9. A segment parallel to the bases and passing through the point of intersection of the diagonals is divided in half by the latter.

7. Signs of a trapezoid

8. Additional constructions in trapezoid

1. The segment connecting the midpoints of the sides is the midline of the trapezoid.

. A segment parallel to one of the lateral sides of a trapezoid, one end of which coincides with the middle of the other lateral side, the other belongs to the straight line containing the base.

. If all sides of a trapezoid are given, a straight line parallel to the side is drawn through the vertex of the smaller base. The result is a triangle with sides equal to the lateral sides of the trapezoid and the difference in the bases. Using Heron's formula, find the area of ​​the triangle, then the height of the triangle, which is equal to the height of the trapezoid.


. The height of an isosceles trapezoid, drawn from the vertex of the smaller base, divides the larger base into segments, one of which is equal to half the difference of the bases, and the other to half the sum of the bases of the trapezoid, i.e., the midline of the trapezoid.

5. The heights of the trapezoid, lowered from the vertices of one base, cut out a segment equal to the first base on a straight line containing the other base.

. A segment parallel to one of the diagonals of the trapezoid is drawn through a vertex - a point that is the end of the other diagonal. The result is a triangle with two sides equal to the diagonals of the trapezoid, and the third equal to the sum of the bases

.The segment connecting the midpoints of the diagonals is equal to half the difference of the bases of the trapezoid.

8. The bisectors of the angles adjacent to one of the lateral sides of the trapezoid are perpendicular and intersect at a point lying on the midline of the trapezoid, i.e., when they intersect, a right triangle is formed with a hypotenuse equal to the lateral side.

9. The bisector of a trapezoid angle cuts off an isosceles triangle.

0. The diagonals of an arbitrary trapezoid, when intersecting, form two similar triangles with a similarity coefficient equal to the ratio of the bases, and two equal triangles adjacent to the lateral sides.

1. The diagonals of an arbitrary trapezoid, when intersecting, form two similar triangles with a similarity coefficient equal to the ratio of the bases, and two equal triangles adjacent to the lateral sides.

2. Continuation of the sides of the trapezoid to the intersection makes it possible to consider similar triangles.

13. If a circle is inscribed in an isosceles trapezoid, then calculate the height of the trapezoid - the geometric mean of the product of the bases of the trapezoid or twice the geometric mean of the product of the segments of the lateral side into which it is divided by the point of tangency.

9. Area of ​​a trapezoid

1 . The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of half the sum of the bases and the height S = ½( a + b) h or


The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of the midline of the trapezoid and its height S = m h .

2. The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of a side and a perpendicular drawn from the middle of the other side to the line containing the first side.

    Area of ​​an isosceles trapezoid with inscribed circle radius equal to rand angle at the baseα :

10. Conclusion


Trapeze in sports: The trapezoid is certainly a progressive invention of mankind. It is designed to relieve our hands and make windsurfering a comfortable and easy rest. Walking on a short board makes no sense at all without a trapeze, since without it it is impossible to correctly distribute the traction between the step and legs and effectively accelerate.

Trapeze in fashion: The trapezoid in clothing was popular back in the Middle Ages, in the Romanesque era of the 9th-11th centuries. At that time, the basis of women's clothing was floor-length tunics; towards the bottom, the tunic greatly expanded, which created a trapezoid effect. The revival of the silhouette took place in 1961 and became a hymn to youth, independence and sophistication. The fragile model Leslie Hornby, known as Twiggy, played a huge role in popularizing the trapeze. A short girl with an anorexic build and huge eyes became a symbol of the era, and her favorite outfits were short a-line dresses.

Trapezoid in nature: Trapezoid is also found in nature. Humans have a trapezius muscle, and some people have a trapezoid-shaped face. Flower petals, constellations, and of course Mount Kilimanjaro also have a trapezoid shape.

Trapezoid in everyday life: The trapezoid is also used in everyday life, because its shape is practical. It is found in such objects as: excavator bucket, table, screw, machine.

The trapezoid is a symbol of Inca architecture. The dominant stylistic form in Inca architecture is simple but graceful - the trapezoid. It has not only functional significance, but also strictly limited artistic design. Trapezoidal doorways, windows, and wall niches are found in buildings of all types, both in temples and in lesser buildings of rougher construction, so to speak. The trapezoid is also found in modern architecture. This form of buildings is unusual, so such buildings always attract the eyes of passers-by.

Trapezoid in technology: The trapezoid is used in the design of parts in space technology and aviation. For example, some solar panels on space stations are shaped like a trapezoid because they have a large area, which means they accumulate more solar energy.

In the 21st century, people practically no longer think about the meaning of geometric shapes in their lives. They don’t care at all what shape their desk, glasses or phone are. They simply choose the form that is practical. But the use of the object, its purpose, and the result of the work may depend on the form of this or that thing. Today we introduced you to one of the greatest achievements of mankind - the trapeze. We opened the door to the wonderful world of figures, told you the secrets of the trapezoid and showed you that geometry is all around us.

List of used literature

    Bolotov A.A., Prokhorenko V.I., Safonov V.F., Mathematics Theory and Problems. Book 1 Study guide for applicants M.1998 Publishing house MPEI.

    Bykov A.A., Malyshev G.Yu., GUVS Faculty of Pre-University Training. Mathematics. Educational and methodological manual 4 part M2004

    Gordin R.K. Planimetry. Problem book.

    Ivanov A.A. Ivanov A.P., Mathematics: A guide for preparing for the Unified State Exam and admission to universities - M: MIPT Publishing House, 2003-288p. ISBN 5-89155-188-3

    Pigolkina T.S., Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Additional Education for Children “ZFTSH Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)”. Mathematics. Planimetry. Assignments No. 2 for 10th grades (2012-2013 academic year).

    Pigolkina T.S., Planimetry (part 1). Mathematical Encyclopedia of the Entrant. M., Russian Open University Publishing House 1992.

    Sharygin I.F. Selected problems in geometry for competitive exams at universities (1987-1990) Lvov Magazine “Quantor” 1991.

    Encyclopedia "Avanta Plus", Mathematics M., World of Encyclopedias Avanta 2009.


1. Proof of some properties of the trapezoid.

1. A straight line passing through the point of intersection of the diagonals of a trapezoid parallel to its bases intersects the lateral sides of the trapezoid at the pointsK And L . Prove that if the bases of a trapezoid are equal A And b , That segment length KL equal to the geometric mean of the bases of the trapezoid. Proof

LetABOUT - point of intersection of diagonals,AD = a, sun = b . Direct KL parallel to the baseAD , hence,K ABOUT AD , trianglesIN K ABOUT AndBAD are similar, therefore



Let's substitute (2) into (1), we get KO =

Likewise L.O.= Then K L = K.O. + L.O. =

    IN For any trapezoid, the midpoint of the bases, the intersection point of the diagonals and the intersection point of the continuation of the lateral sides lie on the same straight line.

    Proof: Let the extensions of the sides intersect at the pointTO. Through the pointTO and periodABOUT diagonal intersectionslet's draw a straight line CO.


Let us prove that this line divides the bases in half.

ABOUT significantVM = x, MS = y, AN = And, ND = v . We have:








In this article we will try to reflect the properties of a trapezoid as fully as possible. In particular, we will talk about the general characteristics and properties of a trapezoid, as well as the properties of an inscribed trapezoid and a circle inscribed in a trapezoid. We will also touch on the properties of an isosceles and rectangular trapezoid.

An example of solving a problem using the properties discussed will help you sort it into places in your head and better remember the material.

Trapeze and all-all-all

To begin with, let us briefly recall what a trapezoid is and what other concepts are associated with it.

So, a trapezoid is a quadrilateral figure, two of whose sides are parallel to each other (these are the bases). And the two are not parallel - these are the sides.

In a trapezoid, the height can be lowered - perpendicular to the bases. The center line and diagonals are drawn. It is also possible to draw a bisector from any angle of the trapezoid.

We will now talk about the various properties associated with all these elements and their combinations.

Properties of trapezoid diagonals

To make it clearer, while you are reading, sketch out the trapezoid ACME on a piece of paper and draw diagonals in it.

  1. If you find the midpoints of each of the diagonals (let's call these points X and T) and connect them, you get a segment. One of the properties of the diagonals of a trapezoid is that the segment HT lies on the midline. And its length can be obtained by dividing the difference of the bases by two: ХТ = (a – b)/2.
  2. Before us is the same trapezoid ACME. The diagonals intersect at point O. Let's look at the triangles AOE and MOK, formed by segments of the diagonals together with the bases of the trapezoid. These triangles are similar. The similarity coefficient k of triangles is expressed through the ratio of the bases of the trapezoid: k = AE/KM.
    The ratio of the areas of triangles AOE and MOK is described by the coefficient k 2 .
  3. The same trapezoid, the same diagonals intersecting at point O. Only this time we will consider the triangles that the segments of the diagonals formed together with the sides of the trapezoid. The areas of triangles AKO and EMO are equal in size - their areas are the same.
  4. Another property of a trapezoid involves the construction of diagonals. So, if you continue the sides of AK and ME in the direction of the smaller base, then sooner or later they will intersect at a certain point. Next, draw a straight line through the middle of the bases of the trapezoid. It intersects the bases at points X and T.
    If we now extend the line XT, then it will connect together the point of intersection of the diagonals of the trapezoid O, the point at which the extensions of the sides and the middle of the bases X and T intersect.
  5. Through the point of intersection of the diagonals we will draw a segment that will connect the bases of the trapezoid (T lies on the smaller base KM, X on the larger AE). The intersection point of the diagonals divides this segment in the following ratio: TO/OX = KM/AE.
  6. Now, through the point of intersection of the diagonals, we will draw a segment parallel to the bases of the trapezoid (a and b). The intersection point will divide it into two equal parts. You can find the length of the segment using the formula 2ab/(a + b).

Properties of the midline of a trapezoid

Draw the middle line in the trapezoid parallel to its bases.

  1. The length of the midline of a trapezoid can be calculated by adding the lengths of the bases and dividing them in half: m = (a + b)/2.
  2. If you draw any segment (height, for example) through both bases of the trapezoid, the middle line will divide it into two equal parts.

Trapezoid bisector property

Select any angle of the trapezoid and draw a bisector. Let's take, for example, the angle KAE of our trapezoid ACME. Having completed the construction yourself, you can easily verify that the bisector cuts off from the base (or its continuation on a straight line outside the figure itself) a segment of the same length as the side.

Properties of trapezoid angles

  1. Whichever of the two pairs of angles adjacent to the side you choose, the sum of the angles in the pair is always 180 0: α + β = 180 0 and γ + δ = 180 0.
  2. Let's connect the midpoints of the bases of the trapezoid with a segment TX. Now let's look at the angles at the bases of the trapezoid. If the sum of the angles for any of them is 90 0, the length of the segment TX can be easily calculated based on the difference in the lengths of the bases, divided in half: TX = (AE – KM)/2.
  3. If parallel lines are drawn through the sides of a trapezoid angle, they will divide the sides of the angle into proportional segments.

Properties of an isosceles (equilateral) trapezoid

  1. In an isosceles trapezoid, the angles at any base are equal.
  2. Now build a trapezoid again to make it easier to imagine what we're talking about. Look carefully at the base AE - the vertex of the opposite base M is projected to a certain point on the line that contains AE. The distance from vertex A to the projection point of vertex M and the middle line of the isosceles trapezoid are equal.
  3. A few words about the property of the diagonals of an isosceles trapezoid - their lengths are equal. And also the angles of inclination of these diagonals to the base of the trapezoid are the same.
  4. Only around an isosceles trapezoid can a circle be described, since the sum of the opposite angles of a quadrilateral is 180 0 - a prerequisite for this.
  5. The property of an isosceles trapezoid follows from the previous paragraph - if a circle can be described near the trapezoid, it is isosceles.
  6. From the features of an isosceles trapezoid follows the property of the height of a trapezoid: if its diagonals intersect at right angles, then the length of the height is equal to half the sum of the bases: h = (a + b)/2.
  7. Again, draw the segment TX through the midpoints of the bases of the trapezoid - in an isosceles trapezoid it is perpendicular to the bases. And at the same time TX is the axis of symmetry of an isosceles trapezoid.
  8. This time, lower the height from the opposite vertex of the trapezoid onto the larger base (let's call it a). You will get two segments. The length of one can be found if the lengths of the bases are added and divided in half: (a + b)/2. We get the second one when we subtract the smaller one from the larger base and divide the resulting difference by two: (a – b)/2.

Properties of a trapezoid inscribed in a circle

Since we are already talking about a trapezoid inscribed in a circle, let us dwell on this issue in more detail. In particular, on where the center of the circle is in relation to the trapezoid. Here, too, it is recommended that you take the time to pick up a pencil and draw what will be discussed below. This way you will understand faster and remember better.

  1. The location of the center of the circle is determined by the angle of inclination of the diagonal of the trapezoid to its side. For example, a diagonal may extend from the top of a trapezoid at a right angle to the side. In this case, the larger base intersects the center of the circumscribed circle exactly in the middle (R = ½AE).
  2. The diagonal and the side can also meet at an acute angle - then the center of the circle is inside the trapezoid.
  3. The center of the circumscribed circle may be outside the trapezoid, beyond its larger base, if there is an obtuse angle between the diagonal of the trapezoid and the side.
  4. The angle formed by the diagonal and the large base of the trapezoid ACME (inscribed angle) is half the central angle that corresponds to it: MAE = ½MOE.
  5. Briefly about two ways to find the radius of a circumscribed circle. Method one: look carefully at your drawing - what do you see? You can easily notice that the diagonal splits the trapezoid into two triangles. The radius can be found by the ratio of the side of the triangle to the sine of the opposite angle multiplied by two. For example, R = AE/2*sinAME. In a similar way, the formula can be written for any of the sides of both triangles.
  6. Method two: find the radius of the circumscribed circle through the area of ​​the triangle formed by the diagonal, side and base of the trapezoid: R = AM*ME*AE/4*S AME.

Properties of a trapezoid circumscribed about a circle

You can fit a circle into a trapezoid if one condition is met. Read more about it below. And together this combination of figures has a number of interesting properties.

  1. If a circle is inscribed in a trapezoid, the length of its midline can be easily found by adding the lengths of the sides and dividing the resulting sum in half: m = (c + d)/2.
  2. For the trapezoid ACME, described about a circle, the sum of the lengths of the bases is equal to the sum of the lengths of the sides: AK + ME = KM + AE.
  3. From this property of the bases of a trapezoid, the converse statement follows: a circle can be inscribed in a trapezoid whose sum of bases is equal to the sum of its sides.
  4. The tangent point of a circle with radius r inscribed in a trapezoid divides the side into two segments, let's call them a and b. The radius of a circle can be calculated using the formula: r = √ab.
  5. And one more property. To avoid confusion, draw this example yourself too. We have the good old trapezoid ACME, described around a circle. It contains diagonals that intersect at point O. The triangles AOK and EOM formed by the segments of the diagonals and the lateral sides are rectangular.
    The heights of these triangles, lowered to the hypotenuses (i.e., the lateral sides of the trapezoid), coincide with the radii of the inscribed circle. And the height of the trapezoid coincides with the diameter of the inscribed circle.

Properties of a rectangular trapezoid

A trapezoid is called rectangular if one of its angles is right. And its properties stem from this circumstance.

  1. A rectangular trapezoid has one of its sides perpendicular to its base.
  2. The height and side of a trapezoid adjacent to a right angle are equal. This allows you to calculate the area of ​​a rectangular trapezoid (general formula S = (a + b) * h/2) not only through the height, but also through the side adjacent to the right angle.
  3. For a rectangular trapezoid, the general properties of the diagonals of a trapezoid already described above are relevant.

Evidence of some properties of the trapezoid

Equality of angles at the base of an isosceles trapezoid:

  • You probably already guessed that here we will need the AKME trapezoid again - draw an isosceles trapezoid. Draw a straight line MT from vertex M, parallel to the side of AK (MT || AK).

The resulting quadrilateral AKMT is a parallelogram (AK || MT, KM || AT). Since ME = KA = MT, ∆ MTE is isosceles and MET = MTE.

AK || MT, therefore MTE = KAE, MET = MTE = KAE.

Where does AKM = 180 0 - MET = 180 0 - KAE = KME.


Now, based on the property of an isosceles trapezoid (equality of diagonals), we prove that trapezoid ACME is isosceles:

  • First, let’s draw a straight line MX – MX || KE. We obtain a parallelogram KMHE (base – MX || KE and KM || EX).

∆AMX is isosceles, since AM = KE = MX, and MAX = MEA.

MH || KE, KEA = MXE, therefore MAE = MXE.

It turns out that the triangles AKE and EMA are equal to each other, because AM = KE and AE are the common side of the two triangles. And also MAE = MXE. We can conclude that AK = ME, and from this it follows that the trapezoid AKME is isosceles.

Review task

The bases of the trapezoid ACME are 9 cm and 21 cm, the side side KA, equal to 8 cm, forms an angle of 150 0 with the smaller base. You need to find the area of ​​the trapezoid.

Solution: From vertex K we lower the height to the larger base of the trapezoid. And let's start looking at the angles of the trapezoid.

Angles AEM and KAN are one-sided. This means that in total they give 180 0. Therefore, KAN = 30 0 (based on the property of trapezoidal angles).

Let us now consider the rectangular ∆ANC (I believe this point is obvious to readers without additional evidence). From it we will find the height of the trapezoid KH - in a triangle it is a leg that lies opposite the angle of 30 0. Therefore, KH = ½AB = 4 cm.

We find the area of ​​the trapezoid using the formula: S ACME = (KM + AE) * KN/2 = (9 + 21) * 4/2 = 60 cm 2.


If you carefully and thoughtfully studied this article, were not too lazy to draw trapezoids for all the given properties with a pencil in your hands and analyze them in practice, you should have mastered the material well.

Of course, there is a lot of information here, varied and sometimes even confusing: it is not so difficult to confuse the properties of the described trapezoid with the properties of the inscribed one. But you yourself have seen that the difference is huge.

Now you have a detailed outline of all the general properties of a trapezoid. As well as specific properties and characteristics of isosceles and rectangular trapezoids. It is very convenient to use to prepare for tests and exams. Try it yourself and share the link with your friends!

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- (Greek trapezion). 1) in geometry, a quadrilateral in which two sides are parallel and two are not. 2) a figure adapted for gymnastic exercises. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. TRAPEZE... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

Trapezoid- Trapezoid. TRAPEZE (from the Greek trapezion, literally table), a convex quadrilateral in which two sides are parallel (the bases of the trapezoid). The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of half the sum of the bases (midline) and the height. ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

trapezoid- quadrangle, projectile, crossbar Dictionary of Russian synonyms. trapezoid noun, number of synonyms: 3 crossbar (21) ... Dictionary of synonyms

TRAPEZE- (from the Greek trapezion, literally table), a convex quadrangle in which two sides are parallel (the bases of a trapezoid). The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to the product of half the sum of the bases (midline) and the height... Modern encyclopedia

TRAPEZE- (from the Greek trapezion lit. table), a quadrilateral in which two opposite sides, called the bases of the trapezoid, are parallel (in the figure AD and BC), and the other two are non-parallel. The distance between the bases is called the height of the trapezoid (at ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

TRAPEZE- TRAPEZOUS, a quadrangular flat figure in which two opposite sides are parallel. The area of ​​a trapezoid is equal to half the sum of the parallel sides multiplied by the length of the perpendicular between them... Scientific and technical encyclopedic dictionary

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TRAPEZE- TRAPEZE, and, female. 1. A quadrilateral with two parallel and two non-parallel sides. The bases of the trapezoid (its parallel sides). 2. A circus or gymnastics apparatus is a crossbar suspended on two cables. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. WITH … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

TRAPEZE- female, geom. a quadrilateral with unequal sides, two of which are parallel (parallel). Trapezoid, a similar quadrilateral in which all sides run apart. Trapezohedron, a body faceted by trapezoids. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. V.I. Dahl. 1863 1866 … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

TRAPEZE- (Trapeze), USA, 1956, 105 min. Melodrama. Aspiring acrobat Tino Orsini joins the circus troupe where Mike Ribble, a famous former trapeze artist, works. Mike once performed with Tino's father. Young Orsini wants Mike... Encyclopedia of Cinema

Trapezoid- a quadrilateral whose two sides are parallel and the other two sides are not parallel. The distance between parallel sides is called. height T. If parallel sides and height contain a, b and h meters, then the area of ​​T contains square meters ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron