Exact instructions for. Astrakhan man: instructions for use. Lysine: instructions for use

There are legends about Astrakhan men. Women from different parts of the country are hunting for the bright originality of our guys. But it is not so easy to curb the southerners. Precise instructions for use will help avoid incidents. On the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, our portal, together with photographer Pavel Simakov and the Verstak store, decided to give a gift to women who encroached on Astrakhan residents. We talk about seven types of local men and publish a detailed guide on how to deal with them.

Male pruner

“He will tell you how to cut it off” - this phrase is about him. Such a man does not like long explanations and complex phrases. With one movement, he cuts off everything unnecessary. Sharp-tongued, he has the power to both uplift and wound. Only a brave woman would dare to take possession of such a “tool.” If you use pruning shears correctly, we guarantee that you will always have freshly cut roses in your home.

In the photo: Evgeniy Builov (farmer) and pruning shears with long handles from the manufacturer stihl.

Man - spray gun

Grace and intensity are what characterize such a man. He is positive, bright and always full of ideas. You definitely won’t get bored with such a man. However, not every woman is able to cope with the creative potential of such a “tool”. Therefore, you have only one thing left: to become the same paint sprayer and paint the world in bright colors together.

In the photo: Artem Pugachev (soloist of the Astrakhan Opera and Ballet Theater) and a spray gun for precise application of paint and varnish coatings on any type of surface.

Man – construction mixer

Attention! Be careful with this man! He will win you over with his charisma. But if you get caught in the mixer's torque, don't resist. He knows exactly in what proportions to mix sensitivity, audacity and humor. With such a “tool” you will definitely be in the thick of things. Just remember: a man - a construction mixer is ready to work non-stop day and night. Therefore, you will have to periodically pull it out of the network and force it to rest.

In the photo: Eldar Abasov (businessman and photographer) and a construction mixer for mixing varnishes, paints, emulsions and building mixtures.

Man - welding machine

Energy is the main word of this man. Sparks from it fly in different directions. They are capable of blinding any woman. Not every girl can handle such a load. However, if you set up the electrodes correctly, the force and voltage of this “tool” will weld together any structures for your relationship.

In the photo: Victor Staroverov (yogi and teacher) and a welding machine with a hot start shutdown function.

Ax man

Such a “tool” must be handled with care, since the tip of the ax can cause injury. Hand forged, Brazil walnut handle – you can feel the subtlety and aesthetics in everything. This man is like an ax in the right hand, hitting right on target. He does not tolerate unnecessary movements. Don’t leave the ax on the street - careless neighbors will quickly covet such an exclusive item. Follow safety rules and there will always be firewood in your home.

In the photo: Vadim Okorokov (press secretary, journalist, man from Babayka) and a splitting ax from the husqvarna brand (made in Sweden).

Man - Circular Saw

The wisest man. He will measure seven times and cut only once. This type sees right through you and knows exactly what you're thinking. Only a woman with a pure heart and thoughts can conquer such a man. Just like a circular saw, you should not approach it without proper preparation. However, if you show restraint, before your eyes a man - a circular saw - will build for you a “bright mansion with a balcony on the sea.”

In the photo: Evgeny Klimov (bathhouse attendant at the Tsarskaya Bathhouse) and a makita circular saw.

The man is a sledgehammer

Such an instance is capable of destroying any obstacles in its path. He will easily deal with the concrete wall of stereotypes and turn the brickwork of misunderstandings into a pile of construction waste. The sledgehammer man is sharp and precise, often principled. But if treated with care, its potential is aimed at protection and creation. Tell him more often how strong and strong he is, give him time to rest, and in your hands you will have the most faithful and reliable “tool” for creating strong family relationships.

In the photo: Maxim Tersky (founder of the portal ast-news.ru, the newspaper “Fact and Kompromat”) and a sledgehammer from the husqvarna brand.


Men and instruments are indeed similar in some ways. And having brought this photo project to life, we realized how much they have in common. Each of our heroes literally became close to “their” instrument, and that, in turn, reflected the character of the owner.

The following people worked on the instructions:

Elvira Imadinova, winner of the All-Russian screwdriving competition with a personal best of 5.7 seconds, guru of electric and gas-powered tools, director of the Workbench store.

Pavel Simakov, photographer, director and connoisseur of women's hearts.

Natalia Tuigunova, journalist, editor, connoisseur of southern flavor and Astrakhan mentality.

We thank our heroes for their participation in the project, as well as Konstantin Astrakhantsev and the Kvadrat photo studio.

Mikhail Pugovkin financial analyst Moscow December 14, 2013

Hello. Like many here, from childhood, as long as I can remember, I had questions: “Why am I me? Why is the planet so big and there are so many people, but it was I who was born and not someone else?” When my grandfather died, I was 3 years old and I learned that there is death. Standing at his grave and looking at the earthen mound, I thought: “What is it like for him there - in a coffin underground? How is he doing in this darkness? Does he feel anything or not? Does he hear anything? Does he see? What is it like to feel nothing? What will happen to me when I die? Is it really nothing? What is it like when “there is nothing?”

As a schoolboy I fell in love with astronomy and science fiction. I could walk the 10-minute walk to the children's library with my eyes closed. Many years passed, the number of questions grew catastrophically. And, of course, there were no answers. Religion could not even slightly quench this thirst, which tormented me with terrible force. The vastness and silent grandeur of the Universe destroyed any attempts to convince ourselves that there was some All-Powerful Man in heaven who was thinking specifically about us.

Just one thought: “If God created such a thing as a quasar, then why would he create some kind of microscopic Earth and microbe people? Why should he think about them, love them, listen to their prayers, fulfill their desires? What is the purpose of all this?

Every year of my life, especially after the collapse of the USSR, convinced me of the meaninglessness of existence. Although I was not a believer, I talked to God every day. But it was always only a monologue consisting of questions. No matter what I do in life, but this damn question “why?” killed interest in everything.

Family, children are wonderful, but WHY?
- Work, money, career are also wonderful, but for what?
- God, give me the answer! What is the meaning of these earthly “joys”? Just answer, and I will spend all of myself, burn myself to ashes for their sake!

Silent. And time accelerates and accelerates at breakneck speed.

Again, like a 3-year-old boy, I stand and watch how all that remains of my father, a doctor of the highest category, the smartest man, is an earthen mound with an iron plate on which his last name and initials are crookedly written in white paint. Why did he live? For me to appear? Should I live for my son or daughter to appear? WHY? Why all this endless process? WHO THE HELL AM I?!

Maybe I'm crazy? I go to the window - in the surrounding houses, there is no light on in any window. And in mine it will burn until the morning, because only at night I have all of me. And if you look at the Moon for a long time through binoculars, you can clearly see that it is really round, like a ball. And only at night you can briefly catch the feeling of the Cosmos, the Great and the Merciless.

Grandmother. My dear little man. I look into your eyes, watery from old age, and see small sparks of life through the clouded cornea. I know, grandma, inside you are the same as me, you just can’t get out of the captivity of your inexorably fading body. And about the same thing awaits me. FOR WHAT? God, why are you torturing us? I would unplug it as if from a socket and that’s it. But no, you must first turn a person into a shriveled apple. Why? What reason do you have for this? No, no, we have to get out of this! Am I really worse than others? I can handle any task. Life is wonderful! Isn't it?

The girl is pretty. Psychologist. He asks and I answer. Come on girl, tell me at least something that I haven’t thought of in my whole rotten life. A dead number, everything is conditional and general. She talks to me, but admires herself, trying to prove to herself that it was not in vain that she was given a diploma. I won't come a second time.

It's raining on the parade ground. I look at my sergeant. I glare at him, he is not a fool, he blinks his eyes, makes a “circle”, and disappears. Strange. I am calm, and my hands are on their own. One of them unfastened her holster, took out a PM (Makarov pistol), clicked the safety with her thumb, the other pulled back the bolt, released it: “Clack!” I'm indifferent, I don't care. A blow to the temple, a roll to one side and darkness. I wake up, open my eyes. Today will probably be a good day. It’s a pity that my beloved blued PM, my guide through the worlds, remained there, in a dream. Now all hope lies in my father's shotgun. And again regret - not a single cartridge. No, the day was definitely not going well.

God bless the inventors of the Internet. This is what will give me the answer to the question: “How to stop all this quickly and effectively.” Come on Google, come on, motherfucker. All the links are nonsense. I don’t need your pity, love yourself and look for the colors of life. Who is this? Who's the guy with the long hair? What is he saying there? Some kind of system-vector psychology. Hmm, what the hell is this?

"Our mental unconscious knows the whole truth, the truth of life. We just don't know it." Yep, discovered America.
"System-vector psychology distinguishes and differentiates people for the first time." Yes, that's what I believed. And the surname is somewhat suspicious - Burlan.

“A dog can only bite, and a cat can only scratch, but people scratch our soul and bite it too.” Well, you’re right here, Comrade Burlan, I can’t argue. I have been bleeding for many years from these people, especially from the closest one, whose DNA is in me. I’ll listen again, I have time, and a friend is waiting for me to visit in the evening. I have already prepared a bottle of good vodka. There will be no hangover.
My head is cracking, my body is aching, I want to throw up. There was no need to mix vodka with wine. You just need to crawl to the table - there is “medicine”. I hate myself, but the plan for revenge is ready.

Well, it's done. The “medicine” pleasantly burned the larynx and spread warmth in the stomach. I spin a ticket to another world, 12 gauge, in my hands. I admire him. I'm a bad person - I stole a cartridge from my best friend. He could have asked - he would not have refused. But it was necessary, I can’t allow a friend to hand me death. It's just mine. I'm calm. The hands will do everything themselves when the time comes. In the meantime, I’ll have another drink and listen to that one with the tail, well, that one, Yuri Burlan - here! And what got me so interested? In my opinion, he is also crazy like me, but he is smarter.

“Such thoughts come into my head, oh, I’m already scared, something like this will come up! Isn’t it me who’s thinking? Eh? And who’s thinking?! Who’s talking about me? Who’s thinking about me? Who lives by me? Me?”
I don’t understand - what did I just hear? Can't be! How does he know this? Who told him? I'll press pause, I need to rest. Silence and pulse in the ears. Have you rested? Keep listening.

Free lectures are good, but Yuri Burlan’s cunning eyes tell me: “My friend, this is just a start, and at level 1 the most interesting thing will happen.”
What is this? He's just manipulating me! Like a donkey that goes for a carrot. But I'm powerless, I can't resist. I'M A DONKEY AND I'M GOING FOR A CARROTS!

This is where the 1st level of system-vector psychology classes come to an end. I feel how my rusty consciousness, with a roar and grinding sound, begins a turning maneuver like a heavy icebreaker stuck in hummocks. I feel the scabs and scabs falling off my dried blood-covered soul, revealing a brand new and shiny magnesium-titanium side.

I feel like I, a transforming robot destroyed by a rocket, am starting to put myself back together piece by piece. There is a lot of work ahead, but I have already received the first pages of mathematically precise assembly instructions from system-vector psychology.

This is just the beginning. After all, Yuri Burlan and his team are standing at the door, opening it slightly and saying, smiling slyly: “Well, do you want to look in there and find out more?” What kind of people! They're manipulating me again! They hung me a carrot on a string again. But I'm powerless. I'm a donkey and I'm drooling over this level 2 carrot.

After all, I have a reason for this. It sits in my desk drawer as evidence. This is the cartridge stolen from a friend, which Yuri Burlan, Daria Novikova and the WHOLE team of those creating system-vector psychology did not allow to turn into an empty cartridge case.

Tags: depression; self-knowledge;


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  • Never before have I felt so confident in the workplace.

    System-vector psychology is what I have been looking for in psychiatry for so long and unsuccessfully - this is accurate scientific knowledge about the human psyche. Unmistakable, definite, specific, objective. Something that can be checked and rechecked, and it always agrees


    System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is a 100% diagnosis of all mental illnesses.

    I have been working as a psychiatrist, psychiatrist-narcologist since 2011. Before that, for several years I was interested in psychiatry, its various schools, psychoanalysis, I read a lot, on all topics at once, and especially about endogenous mental illnesses. I chose a profession out of love. The work brought me maximum fulfillment for the first two or three years. Gradually, over and over again, I encountered inconsistencies in certain aspects of diagnosis and treatment, and I considered many of the criteria to be incorrect. In describing clinical cases, I used ideas from the times of the brilliant Bleuler, Kraepelin, Gannushkin, monographs of the early 20th century. But everything, in the end, had to be rewritten using modern classifications. I felt like I was in the past because I thought the current criteria for diagnosing mental disorders were unusable. It was very frustrating for me when two completely different patients had the same diagnosis, for example, etc.

    The procedure for making a diagnosis in a hospital took up to a month or more, and even the very essence often changed several times. Various psychological studies were used, which did not satisfy me and did not provide answers. It took a lot of time, too much. For example, I see a patient with schizophrenia. But I can’t figure out the diagnostic criteria for this diagnosis, and the tests are also ambiguous. The same applies to the diagnosis of manic-depressive psychosis, which was completely excluded from the classification, mixed with other diseases completely different in etiology. It turns out that there is a different diagnosis? So after all, treatment depends on this, and the future of a person. Or depression, which are mixed into one heap, which I thought was fundamentally wrong. Neurotic disorders are the same. I couldn't work this way. I tried, but it was always “not right.” This is about methodology.

    And most importantly: psychiatry does not know the causes of the development of diseases. None at all. There is no one hundred percent exact cause of at least one disease. The exact concept of a mental norm is also unknown, although they argued a lot with me here. This generally applies to many concepts in psychiatry. For example, what is consciousness, etc. I asked my questions to experienced colleagues, I looked for answers myself - and nothing. So, year after year I became more and more disappointed in my chosen specialty. When a patient came to me, I wanted to get to the bottom, to the deepest essence, but psychiatry does not have such knowledge. I always had the feeling that something was missing, something didn’t add up. I couldn’t stand it when something didn’t add up by at least 1%. I continued to work, I succeeded, but there was no complete satisfaction inside. On the contrary, my unrealization and desire to leave psychiatry grew more and more inside me. I could not tolerate even a little inaccuracy or uncertainty in the diagnosis and treatment of my patients. I read everything I could. And I didn’t even have anyone to talk about it with; more often I heard that I was doing well anyway, and no one else knew. Or they told me - go to the department. I perceived the Department of Psychiatry as the last resort, but when I didn’t receive clear answers there either, then I completely despaired of ever changing anything for the better. Work became a burden. All the same, I could neither diagnose correctly nor treat. I was in despair at the ineffectiveness of my efforts. There was no return from the work, I was on the verge of quitting before the training, although I was aware that there was no place for me anywhere else except in psychiatry.

    I completed training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan in July-August 2017. During every lesson I sat with my mouth open. I received all the answers to all my questions. Now, when new questions arise, I always find answers to them in system-vector psychology again and again. I learned at the training the causes, etiology and mechanism of development of mental illnesses, such as childhood autism, schizophrenia, manic-depressive psychosis, endogenous and other depressions, phobic disorders and other neurotic ones. And also the course, prognosis, and most importantly, treatment. Sounds incredible? I didn't believe it either. Thanks to the fact that I did not quit and continued to work as a psychiatrist and narcologist, I began to test the knowledge of SVP, determining the vectors and states of the vectors of my patients and their relatives. And everything matched 100%. This is unique knowledge that is not found anywhere else.

    Before the training, I had a dilapidated brick structure that was already falling on me because it was missing certain load-bearing parts. During the training, these missing bricks were found and fell into place. Never before have I been so confident in knowledge as behind this solid wall. Diagnosis occurs in minutes, often even when the patient has not yet spoken a word. And this is not a diagnosis that will be canceled in a month. System-vector psychology is what I have been looking for in psychiatry for so long and unsuccessfully - this is accurate scientific knowledge about the human psyche. Unmistakable, definite, specific, objective. Something that can be checked and rechecked, and it always agrees. Now I can say that the concept of mental norm and the definition of mental illness exists only in system-vector psychology. And there should be no psychiatry without system-vector psychology.

    Never before have I felt so confident in the workplace. Now in every case, every patient, every relative, I have something to say clearly and definitely. I became able to understand a new clinical case without resorting to the help of colleagues. I may have doubts, but having made a choice, I know for sure that I will not do any harm, that I will do everything right, in the best way for my patient. Now I can really care about them without having to guess, waste time on options, etc. Gone are the cases when I didn’t understand what kind of person was in front of me, what the reason for his problem was, and I acted, predicting. Thanks to this, after the training I feel an incredible return on my work. I work without interruption and don’t get tired; I often leave work even more energetic than when I came in the morning. Now it’s hard for me to believe that just over six months ago I almost quit due to burnout. Now every day I go to work with anticipation of new systemic observations.

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    Aktobe, Kazakhstan

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  • SVP is the only holistic knowledge that gives an understanding of the mental

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    nothing makes sense. Now I get tremendous pleasure from life

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  • Before the training, I had not lived a single day of my life...

    Before the training in system-vector psychology, I had not lived a single day of my life.

    I don’t remember well the events of that time, people’s faces, their names, dates. I confused what happened the day before yesterday and what happened years before. I don’t remember how I studied at school, at the university, the places where I lived and where I visited, with whom I communicated and worked, what I studied with, with whom I lived, I don’t remember the circumstances of the incidents. But I remember my internal states well, everything, whatever they may be. And they were always bad, with rare exceptions.

    The fact is that I have always, from early childhood, been focused on myself and my internal mental states, and nothing else. I didn't know how to communicate with people. People love me, even if I refused to communicate with them for a long time, they always accepted me back because I could be cheerful and reckless, especially at the table, in companies, but it was like clowning, in the end it devastated me so much, that I completely closed myself off from everyone.

    I thought how meaningless everything was, everything was so empty. I was so pressed that I wanted to stop breathing. I didn't want to kill myself, no. But such thoughts came involuntarily, it was always like this BEFORE. I spoke and wrote that the desire to kill oneself (one’s body) and the desire to die are not the same thing. I perceived the body as a kind of prison, and inside the body there is something more that is burdened in this body and passionately desires to be freed from where it is forced to be.
    Even as a child, approaching the edge of the roof, I thought, what would happen if I jumped? When I saw sharp objects, ropes, trains, I thought, what would happen if I stab myself/hang myself/lie down on the rails? These thoughts came on their own, I couldn’t do anything. I thought this happens to everyone from time to time.

    I saw everyone only through myself, and perceived other people as stupid, underdeveloped, unworthy of life, or, on the contrary, I thought this way about myself, engaged in self-flagellation, and I was skewed in one direction or the other. I have never experienced joy in life, ever. When I sought something that would make others delighted and happy, I received nothing within myself. These were some things, work, social status, friends, close people, everything was good and in many ways objectively better than the vast majority of people around.

    I had no problems in the physical world. But there was another problem - I didn’t need any of this. Nothing made sense. I didn't care whether it was there or not. And it was an unbearable suffering of enormous magnitude, which I cannot describe in words. When I tried to talk about it, they told me that in fact everything was fine with me, “but I have this, and I have that.” I answered that I was ready to take on anything, please, people, let’s change, give me your problematic disabled children, your dying relatives, unemployment and poverty, your stupid drunken husband, give me all your troubles!

    The emptiness I felt was worse than anything in the world. Nobody understood me, and I didn’t understand anyone, and I didn’t understand myself either. It was unbearable for me to live, but I was also afraid to kill myself, about 4 years before the training I planned suicide several times, I was only concerned about how those people for whom I was important would remain without me (for reasons unknown to me, because for me these people essentially did not exist). But someday this stopped being the reason, and I simply tied a noose and kept it with me.

    Several years before the training, I stopped sleeping, I used all available drugs, including psychotropic drugs and their various combinations, to sleep at night, the doses kept growing and growing, and then I realized that I was exceeding all permissible doses tens of times and this could kill me in a way I didn't plan on, and I stopped taking them for a while. In the last year leading up to the training, my madness reached its climax. It was total insomnia. Not only could I no longer be among people, I could not be anywhere. Any sounds hurt me, I was not able to leave the house because of it. I couldn't stand any communication. I often felt the desire to strangle people, especially when they opened their mouths and began to speak, every sound hit my head like a hot poker, and I knew that I would experience pleasure if I strangled the source of these sounds. At the same time, I didn’t hear the meaning of the words, there was just a terrible noise around, as if I had been placed near an airplane turbine and was deprived of the opportunity to escape.

    I hated the whole world because it was like that, because the whole world was an airplane turbine, because no matter what I did, everything caused me suffering, and because there was no place for me in this world, and there was only one opportunity to stop all this, to kill this body, to stop physically being where I was. I couldn't be here. Before the training, I had not been sober for a single day for more than six months, and before that there were only short periods of sobriety. Any medications and large amounts of alcohol were used. For some reason I could not take a step from the windowsill, and I hated myself for this weakness, but I consoled myself with the thought that my chemical experiments would still do their job and at least somehow I would come to the end of this earthly journey.

    I couldn't start doing anything because I didn't see the point in anything. Even if I wanted to do something, I couldn’t start, I just didn’t do anything, and when I forced myself to start, I couldn’t finish, and when I forced myself to finish, I got a result that I didn’t see the point in. It was a spiral that spiraled to a point where I couldn't do anything else. I was torn by the wildest contradictions that I could not understand. I was thrown from one extreme to another involuntarily, I tried to control myself with a strong-willed effort, something worked out, but for this I had to keep a tight rein on myself in constant tension, spend colossal efforts to get something that did not satisfy me.

    I didn’t know what I needed, I tried everything, there was nothing left. There was everything, various “spiritual practices”, religions, healthy lifestyle systems, experiments with your body and deprivation, you can’t list everything. Some things gave relief, but only temporary, and after some methods of concentration and meditation there was an even stronger rollback. I was absolutely incompetent at work and in society. I ate minimal amounts of food from time to time for weeks and quickly lost weight, this was followed by rapid and strong gain at a time when I ate like crazy, and I was thrown into anorexia, then into bulimia, I could not control this process.

    There was a constant struggle with myself, tension and struggle, or global apathy and powerlessness, I could not reconcile my contradictions, it was tearing me apart from the inside, and I was mortally tired of all this. I considered my birth a mistake, a mockery, a punishment for some terrible sins, I considered myself worse than a thousand Hitlers combined, and this was so, I was aware of this possibility in myself, I was capable of destroying the planet without a shadow of repentance. It was so scary. I'm a monster. I can't live.

    I came to the website of systemic vector psychology in a bad state through a search engine on the topic “how to commit suicide.” Ineffective experience in any psychology prevented me from making the decision to undergo the training, although I absorbed the information from the portal avidly. I started writing to the portal chat. I am grateful to those people who responded to my crazy messages, I am grateful to Galina, who called me and encouraged me to go to the training. Now I understand that it was not torture for them, but for me it was exactly like that.

    The perception of reality has changed. I see and realize how wonderful everything is, how everything is filled with meaning, which I so lacked. I no longer need to force myself to do anything, everything is done automatically with pleasure.

    There is no need to reconcile your differences now. These are no longer contradictions, these are complementarities. I finally managed to understand myself, who I am, why I am and where I should go. Understanding the reasons for this, life became so easy.

    During the training, I began to sleep on my own, at first it was 3-4 hours from time to time, now I easily fall asleep in the evening and sleep soundly, like a happy baby. There is no longer any need to change my consciousness chemically or in any physical way, after the training I have no desire to use any psychoactive substances, not because I took a sober position and tied myself in a knot, but because such thoughts and desires do not arise on their own. to yourself. Just as the suicidal thoughts that I had had all my life before the training stopped involuntarily arising. I no longer forbid myself to think them. The suicidal thoughts are gone, as if they never happened, and no longer visit me, like any other intrusive thoughts.

    I can feel and experience emotions like never before, depression, apathy and delayed life syndrome have evaporated like smoke, and now I can hardly believe that before the training it was not smoke, but a viscous jelly in which I floundered like helpless a fly stuck in it.

    Many years of chronic pain and migraines, resentment and envy, and many psychosomatic problems have passed. I can still hear as well as before, but now I have become able to perceive information by ear. This ability seemed to be completely absent. Now there is no useless noise around me, but quite meaningful sounds, I listen to the speech of other people and hear what they are talking about, I hear their meanings, and this in itself brings pleasure. For me, the process of thinking, reason, thoughts have always been the highest value. And now, when I think in terms of system-vector psychology, I experience crazy pleasure from every moment of life.

    I know what I want, I know what I need, and taking actions in the right direction makes me happy! When I see the mental characteristics of other people, then I understand the reasons for their behavior and stop being offended, angry, hating, or expecting something that they cannot give. And there is a great opportunity to give them what they need. This is how hostility towards people went away; in the systemic perception of hostility, hostility cannot exist. And other people began to notice me and were the first to start a conversation, I stopped getting into unpleasant situations, no one is rude to me, they don’t complain about me, they don’t quarrel with me.

    Understanding the reasons for the world order, getting to know the world, other people and appreciating the simplest little things in life is so great! Knowing and understanding myself, I can plan my actions in such a way as not to be disappointed by their consequences, but to get the maximum benefit. After the training, I became able to realize myself in my work and in any communication. It’s a huge relief and joy to be in my place. I adapt easily to changes and feel confident in unfamiliar surroundings with new people.

    I admire the infinitely beautiful miracle of the human phenomenon, Yuri Burlan, the creator of system-vector psychology, he saved me from hell, and thereby helped many around me through me.

    I have everything. I have everything I need. I have an abundance of happiness that I want to share.

    I know that this is just the beginning, and this is not the beginning that scares you. This is something that I wake up to every morning in joyful anticipation, which was not the case even in childhood. I'm interested in living!

    Tags: depression; self-knowledge; psychology of communication; psychosomatics;

    doctor - psychiatrist-narcologist Read

  • Apathy towards life has gone, strength and knowledge have appeared on how to achieve everything

    I had no interest in living. I didn't strive for anything. I couldn’t even figure out what I really wanted from life. I couldn’t understand what was interesting to me in life, because my interest in life had disappeared.

    Result 4. About 4.5 months have passed since the start of Yuri Burlan’s first level training. Before the training, I had severe apathy. I didn't want anything. I didn’t want to work, I didn’t want to do anything, I wasn’t interested in anything. I had no interest in living. I didn't strive for anything. I couldn’t even figure out what I really wanted from life. I couldn’t understand what was interesting to me in life, because my interest in life had disappeared.

    Literally after a month of training, my apathy towards life went away. I became very interested in life. People interested me. It became easy for me to be among them. I don’t understand them completely yet, but I no longer shy away from them as I did before the training.

    Before the training, I had terrible irritation - everything at work irritated me, everything irritated me. I had great envy at work towards people whom I considered more successful than me and this greatly irritated me. I thought that they were dumber than me, knew less and were less capable than me, and got more than me. And this injustice bothered me. This state of affairs exhausted me, and I could not work normally.

    After the training, all the irritation at work and at home went away. I saw many other opportunities for myself and my anger and envy went away. I can work calmly now. It’s not even calm, but I’m just rushing from work. I have so much desire and strength to work that I complete my monthly plan in half a month, and even faster. Now I can’t sit at work for a minute without doing anything, I have to do and do. And that’s not all - one job is not enough for me, I wanted to find another additional job.

    Before the training, I constantly felt overexerted. I often had severe headaches, for two days at a time. Once again I could not move my head, so as not to increase the pain. Now, after the training, I even forgot that they even existed. I just opened my notebook today and found a page where I wrote down my conditions before the training and now I describe point by point my conditions before the training and the results after Yuri Burlan’s training. So my headaches disappeared, and I never even remembered them.

    My heartburn, which often tormented me, went away. I also forgot about it and would not have remembered if I had not read my notes. I just completely forgot that this once tormented me.

    Even before the training, I felt the meaninglessness of my existence. No matter what, it was all pointless. There was no joy in anything for me. It was just a meaningless existence. I wanted a lot of things, and I knew that it could bring me joy, but only after receiving something or starting to act in the direction that I wanted, after a while I felt the meaninglessness of these activities, things, everything I wanted. what I was doing and what I was drawn to. And so it was with everything. I thought that I simply couldn’t find what was truly interesting and desirable to me.

    And now, after the training, it is clear to me that these sound deficiencies blocked all other desires. During the training, the meaninglessness of existence disappeared, the sound shortages disappeared, the meaning of life appeared, and now all other desires have acquired value and meaning. Now I calmly achieve what I want, and my desires do not depreciate.

    Before the training, I didn’t know how to raise a child, where to send him to school. The child should have been sent to first grade a year ago, but then I was in doubt whether he should be sent to a regular school. The time had come again to decide where the child would receive an education, and this put me under severe mental stress. I just didn’t know what to do, what to do.

    After training on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, it became clear to me that in order for a child to socialize in society, he needs to learn to interact with different children and adults. Now I have completed and submitted all the documents to the school, and my panic fear for the child has gone: what if he will not be able to find a common language with the children at school. Because my fear of people has gone away. Thanks to the training, I now more or less understand people, their actions, desires, motives. And it makes life a lot easier when you know who you live among and who you are))).

    Many visual problems have also gone away - all suspicion, superstition, pinning hopes and imaginary reliance on esotericism, the help of psychics and various “seers”. It was life in a fictional world, clearly inadequate and far from real life.

    After Yuri Burlan’s training, I had the feeling that my eyes had been opened, and I began to see real life, and not life in a dream, where something happens, often some unrelated events and everything is cloudy and incomprehensible. The state and life before and after the training is like living in a dungeon - in darkness and gloom. And suddenly, after the training, you find yourself in a sunny, diverse, interesting world.

    When I read reviews on the website on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, I simply could not believe that such results were possible after completing one training. I went through many different trainings and knew that not a single training brought me significant and lasting results. Even the trainers themselves said that a maximum of 5% of people get results from their statistics training. And I read reviews of people who completed training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan and did not believe that so many results from so many people in different areas of life and with a lasting effect were possible.

    And I signed up for the training not even because of my bad conditions, although the impulse to find a solution to my problems was precisely my bad conditions. And to make the decision to undergo the training, it was curiosity; I wanted to test the effectiveness of this training on myself - whether it would help me or not.

    And Yuri Burlan’s training not only helped, but he made the world that I had dreamed about all my life real for me. I already thought with regret about my desires and dreams, I began to consider them unrealistic. I stopped hoping to return the perception of life as in childhood - when you enjoy the different manifestations of nature, when you are interested in the world and everything in it, when you are full of hopes and anticipation of a wonderful adult life, when you are sure that all your dreams and desires will come true.

    And after Yuri Burlan’s training, my childhood perception of life returned, I had the strength and desire to achieve as in my youth, and the knowledge (like adults) of how to achieve all this. And this is just the beginning of all the positive changes in my life from completing Yuri Burlan’s first level training.

    I signed up for the second level of training and am confident that even after the second level, the results will exceed my expectations.

    I am grateful to Yuri Burlan and the team of people who work to disseminate Yuri Burlan’s system-vector psychology!

    Life is wonderful!

    Tags: depression; relationships with children; psychosomatics;

    process engineer Read

  • The latest technology of human souls

    I was convinced that based on the system-vector approach, psychology becomes an exact science

    Over the course of sixteen lectures, each of which lasts at least 4-5 hours, Yuri Burlan presents a coherent theory about the human soul, which, in my opinion, is useful for everyone, both in their personal life and in their professional activities. Here I want to tell you how the training influenced my views on my profession and what I think about Yuri Burlan’s system-vector psychology as a scientist.

    Our institute is engaged in scientific research and development in the field of materials science, so its topics include both fundamental and applied research aimed at introducing new technologies into high-tech industries (aircraft construction, space technology, energy, etc.). This distinguishes it from institutes that deal exclusively with fundamental things, such as, for example, the Institute of Theoretical Physics or Institutes of Fundamental Mathematics, and from design bureaus that develop exclusively applied things. Therefore, our institute approximately equally needs specialists who are carriers of both anal and cutaneous vectors, preferably with sound.

    Understanding what was written in the previous paragraph is probably the most general result that I received as a result of completing the training for my professional activity. Now it is clear to me what position a person should work in, what assignments this or that colleague can successfully complete or, conversely, fail, who is capable of becoming a leader when completing an urgent project, and who would prefer individual painstaking work in the quiet of an office. Knowing what kind of vector set a person has, it is easier to understand why he misses deadlines or submits poor-quality work. Many times I have found myself talking to a colleague, given his vectorial features.

    The same applies to yourself. There is an understanding of what tasks I myself can do with pleasure and with high quality, and which ones will be a burden for me. Accordingly, I begin to plan my work in such a way as to do more of “my” work and less of “not my” work.

    Of course, it cannot be said that I have mastered the ability to “see through” everyone, because the knowledge and skills are still lacking; I don’t have enough time to read more on the SVP, or study more with my notes. However, it is clear that movement in the right direction is taking place.

    In some critical reviews about the main position of the SVP, which I would formulate as follows: “The set of vectors is given from birth and is not subject to changes during life, but is only implemented or not implemented, stresses or frustrates, leading a person to various mental states,” I read that this supposedly drives a person into an artificial framework, limits him, or is even akin to racism, and I laugh to myself.

    In such cases, physicists say: “You can’t fight nature.” Light is light, sound is sound. This is taken for granted, but both light and sound have a huge number of manifestations that are studied by science and successfully applied in practice. At the same time, no one complains that we artificially limit light by calling it light, or sound by calling it sound.

    I by no means intend to deny official psychology, because I cannot say that I have studied it. But any science becomes an exact science if it stands on a solid axiomatic and conceptual basis with a limited number of concepts, axioms and postulates from which all observable effects are derived.

    After listening to Yuri Burlan's lectures, I became convinced that, based on the system-vector approach, psychology is becoming just such a science. In science, the criterion of truth is experiment. A theory is correct if it correctly describes the entire body of experimental data within its field of application. This is exactly how Yuri Burlan’s system-vector psychology describes people’s behavior in various situations, deviations in their behavior, internal experiences, etc., accurately and completely.

    After completing the training, your understanding of the world gradually becomes on solid ground. If earlier it seemed that the dialectical-materialist worldview, firmly driven into us by Soviet education, coupled with the moral code of the builder of communism, was the most solid philosophical and moral foundation of life, then in recent years we have observed that this foundation has become dilapidated and shaken under the influence of the winds of change . Religion is increasingly being offered as a replacement. Famous politicians and artists cross themselves in front of a telephoto lens, but the actions of many of them do not show that they are true believers. There are a lot of sects, esoteric, mystical circles around. The belief in all this mysticism and ignorance, elevated by many media to the rank of science, is depressing.

    Against the backdrop of all this, what we learn as a result of the training is striking in its accuracy and predictability. SVP is a truly humane worldview, aimed at ensuring that people make themselves happy: each on their own and all together. No one forces us to go towards communism by force, no one imposes happiness, but everyone has the right to it, and also has everything to realize it, this right. Having mastered the theory of system-vector psychology, each individual person himself can accurately describe how to live, what kind of relationships in a couple, group and society to develop in order to be happy. The author never tires of repeating that no guru is needed for a person to understand his problems; with knowledge of SVP, everyone can become a guru for themselves.

    I also think it is important that SVP predicts, breaking down clearly observable trends, the development of all mankind, and provides the keys to solving a number of pressing social and global problems.

    System-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan is the latest technology of human souls. I think that it will become widespread in society. And although, most likely, this dissemination will not take place through official structures and will cause resistance among conservatives, SVP will undoubtedly win the minds and hearts of millions of people.

    Tags: reviews from professionals: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, teachers;

    Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Read

  • If I hadn't attended the training, my life would have simply ended

    Tags: depression;

    teacher Watch video

  • I gave birth to a son and my life turned into hell

    By the age of 1.5 years, I hated my son so much that I was capable of strangling him with my own hands. All this was combined with terrible poverty, with a constant, critical lack of sleep...


    I never knew what the joy of motherhood was. Until now, I perceive my life as a terrible dream in which I got the most important, most terrible role.

    6 years ago I gave birth to my eldest son. It would be appropriate to say here that my life ended there. What followed was pure, deafening hell. Stunning in the truest sense of the word. I hardly slept, fought for milk around the clock, endlessly dealt with this and that with the child, in the meantime not noticing that my condition was gradually becoming incompatible with life. By the age of 1.5 years, I hated my son so much that I was capable of strangling him with my own hands. All this was combined with terrible poverty, with a constant, critical lack of sleep, which I acquired while trying to somehow earn money.

    I sent my son to kindergarten. He didn’t want to get ready in the morning, and every morning he drove me to white heat, until I started screaming at the top of my lungs.
    And then I gave birth to a daughter. I really wanted a daughter, not a son at all. This was my little angel. I was busy with it, meanwhile the strength for life became less and less...
    When I rocked my daughter every evening for 1.5 hours, I was torn apart from the pain that I was spending so much time on some stupid way of putting her to bed. And also this endless Groundhog Day. This endless fucking cooking, cleaning and hanging out with the kids.

    Meanwhile, I was increasingly frightened by the weakness of my body. I could barely drag my feet. But I couldn’t lie down and lie down, I was raising two children! At 7 months I completely canceled all gymnastics, leaving the bare minimum. But this also had to be done somehow. My body refused to live. What about the body? My psyche refused to live. I just wanted to stop this daily nightmare. I cried every day. I didn’t understand why I was born - to stand here all day long at this damn stove? Do you spend all day washing these mountains of dishes? FOR WHAT?! WHY live a life in which there is not a moment of joy?! I thought about sending my children to an orphanage. The catch was that my son was already 3 years old - and for him this was a trauma for life. “What, your children don’t bring you any joy?” - my mother wrote to me when I was trumpeting and talking about how bad I felt. I had one thought - to get rid of them. No, of course, I will keep my angel for myself, but I will get rid of my son with joy.

    By that time, the relationship with her husband had completely faded away. We were strangers to each other a long time ago. We just lived together, but didn't communicate. Every day I thought about divorce. Well, I’ll stay with my daughter, and let these two get lost. To hell with this life. Damnation of hell.

    Because of the unbearability of life, I constantly wanted to go somewhere far, far away, and never return. Let them wake up in the morning, and I’m just not there. They'll manage somehow.

    And I would have carried out my plan if I had not been a complete social maladaptor. Not only could I not earn money, I couldn’t even communicate with people. I was stunned with horror when I appeared in society. So I continued to live this nightmare with all my might.

    By the time I met SVP, my son was 5 years old. He was a complete social maladaptor. When he came to kindergarten, he roared. The guys greeted him, but he lowered his head and was silent. In the group he talked with one girl, and if she wasn’t there, he hid in a corner and didn’t talk to anyone.

    Getting ready for kindergarten often ended with slaps, beatings, and yelling. Life was just an endless nightmare. I picked him up from the latter's kindergarten. Although there was a desire not to come at all, to leave him there forever.

    My son didn’t go to any clubs. He resisted absolutely everything I suggested. I chalked it up to a fear of everything new in the anal vector. How wrong I was, it was about something completely different! Only after a while, when everything changed, I was able to realize that I was trying to psychologically destroy my son, to “suffocate” him with meanings. Do you think why I wrote such a good article (www.? Because all this was lived through living experience.

    At that time, my daughter was two years old. She was a terrible psychopath. When I started approaching her, she started yelling: “I don’t want to!!!” She resisted and did everything out of spite. On the walk, she walked alone, climbing on the outskirts. When I approached her, she ran away from me and shouted: “Don’t touch me!”

    “Probably a sound vector, a desire to be alone,” I thought, and calmed down. Who would have thought how much my children would change when mom got better.

    In January 2017, my first PU in group 58 ended (hello everyone, dear ones!). In March I received my first results: www..

    Even then I felt much better. Although the frustrations, of course, remained quite strong. Now I understood that I was ruining the lives of my children when I screamed and cursed like crazy. She stopped beating immediately. It wasn’t always possible to stop yelling; I often couldn’t stand it.

    I continued to study SVP. In the summer I passed the PU for the second time, worked in a team as a proofreader and author of articles. Life inside me was getting better, although in many ways I was still very bad.

    The results were not long in coming. Back in July, my son was still crying in kindergarten. In September, the teacher enthusiastically reported that Antoshka began to communicate with the children. Then the nanny said that he began to help her set the table, although this had never happened.

    Then there were more messages, the teacher almost cried, rejoicing for Antoshka.

    In September, my son went to a robotics club. He didn’t go under pressure, but of his own free will. He likes it there.

    Also this September, Ninulechka went to kindergarten. And just at that time I was simply flying with love and happiness. How lucky I am! The child went to kindergarten without a single tear. Until now, she goes to kindergarten with joy and interest.

    My children have changed beyond recognition. My son, always downtrodden and unsociable, became a cheerful guy - laughing, spoiled, very socialized, active, enterprising. Now he shares candies with his friends and enthusiastically builds with Lego kids. “Mom, why did you come so early, Zakhar and I haven’t finished building the base yet!” - I heard the other day when I came to pick him up at kindergarten.

    My daughter turned into a gentle sun. I don’t even know if she has a sound vector - she doesn’t retire anymore. This is a clean, bright, cheerful child who constantly hugs and kisses me.

    “Mom, mommy, mommy,” I hear every day before going to bed, and the children hug me, hug my hands, and at times I cry bitterly, realizing that I could completely ruin their lives.

    And I finally stopped yelling. The monstrous frustrations have finally gone away, and now I can swear at most, speak sternly, but never yell or swear. This is a consequence of the internal state.

    There are still many problems, but everything can be solved. I thank life for meeting SVP and for the opportunity to raise normal children.


    Tags: relationships with children;


  • Family doctor about System-Vector Psychology

    Tartu, Estonia

    Tags: reviews from professionals: psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, doctors, teachers;

    doctor Watch video

  • My daughter had nightmares for several years; it was difficult for her to study

    I divorced my husband when my daughter was 3.5 years old. I felt like I was dying. All my shortcomings, resentment towards the world, towards my husband became so acute that I turned into a monster towards my daughter...

    Good afternoon everyone!

    I took training in 52 and 59 gr.
    Previously, I wrote a general review, which was based on the beginning of changes and my feelings.
    Today I want to dedicate my review exclusively to the results related to my daughter.

    I will briefly describe the situation before Yuri Burlan’s SVP training.
    I divorced my husband when my daughter was 3.5 years old. I felt like I was dying. All my shortcomings, resentment towards the world, towards my husband became so acute that I turned into a monster towards my daughter. She screamed, spanked, threw things and toys. Sometimes my hysteria turned into incessant screams. As a result, my daughter, who started walking at 9 months, spoke at 1 year with kopecks in whole complex sentences, turned into a little animal. She didn’t listen, she was hysterical, I put her to bed for 2-3 hours with scandals, because... she was jumping on the bed, all over me. For several years she had nightmares in which someone was constantly chasing her with a knife, attacking her, blood. Slowly she began to draw. Year after year, her drawings turned into a nightmare. These were most often monsters with fangs, spikes, drawn in pencil or in dark colors. No matter how much I asked her to draw more tenderly, it was all to no avail. Training was also difficult. She knew the letters, she seemed to be able to read, but she often tried to read from right to left, writing printed letters and numbers in reverse. As a result, she categorically refused to read anything on her own. At the age of 6 we started preparing for school. But in the 1st grade she was enrolled in 1G, which was placed in a reserve provincial building. Subsequently, I found out that the teachers of grades 1B and 1C, who conducted the preparation, simply did not want to take her into their class. I often heard from relatives that my daughter was smart, but uncontrollable, that it was unclear what she would grow out of, that she was too rude and harsh for a girl.
    Now my daughter is 8.5 years old, I came to the training when she was exactly 6 years old.
    Gradually she began to fall asleep normally, and the excessive aggression went away.

    But now I want to talk about the work done over the past six months to a year and provide clear facts showing that System-Vector Psychology by Yuri Burlan is an exact science and works 100%. To some, the result may seem drawn out over time, but it is important to understand that at the same time I was putting myself together literally in molecules, and it also took me personally a lot of time to determine the vectors of my daughter, because Sorry, we got so carried away.

    So, our results to date at the beginning of 2018. On the advice of a girl from the SVP team, in the summer of 2017, I waited for my daughter to return from the village and continued to work with her. At that time, I was worried that despite the improvement in sleep and behavior, my daughter still had many fears, her drawings continued to be gloomy, and based on the results of 1st grade, we did not have any particular success. The first thing I started reading to my daughter were excerpts from the book “Dandelion Wine,” which did not contain horror, but there was a very complete visual description of both nature and human feelings. This is not children's literature, but we needed it to get started. Next, I purchased books according to the SVP list. As a result, almost every evening before bed, I read books to my daughter, then we shared our impressions, I myself became interested in reading, I began to buy books for myself, and borrow them from the library. And, as Yuri advised, I took my daughter to class, and in my hands I had a book that I read while I was waiting for her. She saw my passion and asked what the book was about. In September, I enrolled her in 4 clubs in accordance with her interests and vector set (computer courses, English, climbing wall and young ecologist club (drawing was postponed at that time).

    Now we are in 2nd grade. My daughter finished the first quarter with one B, and the second with only A’s. Over the past New Year holidays, she independently read the entire book “The Nutcracker” for the first time. When I recently posted her photo on Instagram, the same relatives wrote that colossal changes had taken place in the child and that this was very visible even externally. I noticed that she began to bring various creative works to completion. I used to start and quit halfway through. In 2nd grade, my daughter was assigned to a different teacher and at first she had problems with several classmates. As a result, my daughter began to feel shy. But, thanks to the knowledge of SVP, I noticed this in time and we discussed what she felt, what she was afraid of, and analyzed the behavior of her classmates. And in the end everything worked out, there was no conflict.

    For several years, my daughter was terribly grinding her teeth in her sleep. One day she bit both cheeks so much that the channels leading saliva into the oral cavity were blocked. Now there is no trace of such squeaks.

    One day I came home, and my daughter came up, her eyes were wet. And she talked about how she watched a video where a boy, whose half of his face was disfigured, was humiliated by his peers, but he was kind. After which she said that it doesn’t matter what he looks like on the outside, inner beauty is more important, and that she really feels sorry for him. I realized that we are going in the right direction.

    And recently, I finally saw how dramatically my daughter’s drawings began to change. Bright colors appeared, the characters became kind. And my daughter asked to enroll her in an art school next year. And so that my words do not seem empty, I post photographs of my daughter’s drawings with a difference of 1 year (in the form of two attachments). The color drawing is called “A cat walks in the mountains and admires the northern lights.”



    Result 1.
    By the time I decided to undergo training in system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan, my life had everything I dreamed of. I was happy: love, family, a cozy home, a newborn son... The problem was that I did not feel happiness from this. I didn’t understand myself - what else do I need? Why, having fulfilled all my main dreams and desires, do I not feel joy, and if I do feel it in moments, then I again plunge into indifference and apathy, into some kind of observation of my life, as if I was not living at all. In addition, my social phobia had reached the point where I no longer left the house without accompaniment and a significant reason, and my social circle was reduced to 2-3 people.

    I didn’t immediately decide to take the training, I put it off, the everyday little things in life seemed more important, meanwhile I listened to the free introductory lectures over and over again, and gradually became confident in my desire - I want to learn to deeply understand myself and the people around me. And neither astrology, nor psychology, nor any of the typologies studied so far have given me this understanding. At first, SVP also seemed like a new interesting typology, just more accurate and deep. I had no idea that serious work on myself began already from the introductory lectures. I realized this only from the results.

    With the start of the lectures in the training group, my feeling of fullness was like a sip of pure water without impurities for a body tired of thirst and exhausted from trying to find water in anything. My strength was returning. Surprisingly, after night lectures there was a feeling of a surge of strength and vigor - sometimes in a few hours of training it was possible to work through a grudge that had not been released since childhood, or to solve a riddle that had been haunting me for many years, and to understand the reasons for my behavior.

    My results: I found the meaning of existence, found the key to understanding what is happening to me now. I found it when it seemed that all spiritual practices, all philosophies and meditations had exhausted themselves for me. I'm coming out of depression. I would write it and leave it, but I would like to see a more lasting result. I am writing these lines when my training is not yet over.

    I stopped being afraid to leave the house alone. I want to live and communicate. I no longer feel the constant hostility of the world towards me. I learned to stop my inner turmoil and panic before it turns into anger and results in an inadequate breakdown on my loved ones...
    Among the most obvious results: my eczema on my arm and back went away. There is nothing to add here.
    I was able to discover, recognize and work through a grudge against a loved one that had tormented me all my life since I was 10 years old... under this grudge, like under a heavy gravestone, any attempts to express myself in creativity were buried. On the same day that I realized and let go of this resentment, a poem was born, for the first time in many years, and, what’s even more remarkable, for the first time it was not depressing!
    I have found and continue to find new ways to interact with my baby, and although he is only 7 months old, what SVP recommends is working now! I understand his needs better, find ways to calm him more effectively, and experience joy in communicating with him, rather than irritation and helplessness!
    I consider my greatest internal result to be that I was relieved of the unbearable fear for tomorrow. Fear of survival, fear of lack. For the last two years, financial responsibility for us has rested with my husband, while all this time we have been in the flow of change. All this time, during which pregnancy and childbirth occurred, there was no talk of any stability! I exhausted myself and him so much with my fears! And even when she tried to portray herself as a good, supportive wife, the same thing remained inside: “I’m afraid! There is no money for anything! I can't afford anything! How will we live?!” Moreover, no matter how much livelihood we actually had.

    Only with the start of the training did I suddenly notice that something had changed. I just don't give a damn anymore. I’m not trying to strictly control our budget and save on matches. I calmly spend money on my needs. Previously, it took me six months to buy, for example, a dressing gown. “Maybe we should put these three thousand aside for a rainy day???”/ In general, I myself didn’t really understand what happened. The husband noticed - you began to rejoice. For the first time, not falsely, but sincerely, I was able to support him, to make it clear that I truly believed in him. It’s as if a long period of rainy twilight of constant economy mode, worrying about money and self-pity has ended in our lives! This is such a huge relief and joy!

    And finally, last but not least, I have touched and am just beginning to explore the huge topic of sexuality in my life. I didn’t put so many hidden meanings into sex before! It was both a means to keep a man, and a way to take revenge for betrayal, and a way to please a partner at any cost, regardless of one’s desires, and even a complete denial of the meaning of sex, except for its necessity for procreation. After all this tossing and losing hope of ever knowing pleasure in physical intimacy (for many years it seemed to me that I was getting it, until I realized that I was imitating not in front of a man, but in front of myself), I was finally able to distinguish the light that has dawned at the end of the tunnel, stand up, turn around and take the first steps in this direction.
    I was able to see and realize my shortcomings, accept my nature, convey my desires to my loved one... I am opening up a completely new world of pleasure and intimate communication, in which two people can be completely naked in front of each other physically and mentally, and not be ashamed of themselves, not act out some kind of scenarios, and to learn together what will never get boring, what will never end - the most intimate thing in oneself and the other, and the common thing that binds us in this intimate thing. It sounds a little abstract, I also don’t fully understand what happened and how. But I was able to relax and remove my shackles and locks. I was able to believe and trust. I was able to enjoy it. I was able to see how much fun there is! Instead of, as before, constantly thinking about how I look, how good I am in bed and whether my husband will ever leave for someone else.

    By the way, I also managed to deal with this fear, I can’t even believe it, because from the age of 4, after my parents’ divorce, this was my eternal nightmare. I was ready for ANYTHING, as long as there was no betrayal! This fear prevented me from living, prevented me from dreaming, prevented me from trusting and enjoying myself, and prevented me from creating open relationships in the family and maintaining an atmosphere of safety in it. At some point after the lecture, I simply realized that if something that I am so afraid of happens, it will simply happen, because it is conditioned by such and such. And not because my husband will stop loving me or betray me, and this does not mean that everything will collapse irrevocably. This will be, first of all, HIS crisis of searching for his own realization and the factor of novelty. And such a simple thought brought me out of many years of stupor and unreasonable fear! Undoubtedly, simple logic and understanding are not enough; all this requires good study. And this work can be done thanks to the information available at the first free lectures! SVP is a miracle of clear thinking!

    In conclusion, I would like to say that,

    Firstly, despite the fact that before the lectures I had read all or almost all the information on system-vector psychology that is on the Internet, changes in thinking, real awareness, discoveries and breakthroughs occurred only during the training and after it. I don’t know how it works, but it seems that we can only truly perceive and assimilate information deeply through the ear.

    And secondly, if you haven’t listened to anything on SVP yet and are just going to sign up for free lectures, identify and remember for yourself those states in which
    You are in a situation now that you are not happy with in life. During the training, thinking changes rapidly, then life changes, and from here, from the new state, it is difficult to even remember what I was like, and what prevented me from living every day, what thoughts were spinning in my head. The outbursts of anger are gone, the hysterics are gone, the melancholy and apathy are gone, the resentment and irritation are gone, the fear of loneliness and the fear that money will run out are gone, chronic fatigue is gone... This is only the brightest of what I can say about myself. I know that there is much more to come.
    I wish you good luck in understanding yourself and your true desires! I wish you to want to live your life and decide to do so without delay! I wish you to listen intently to the lectures on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan and receive the joy of understanding yourself and the world in the process and amazing results at the end!

  • Previously, neither my husband nor I could cope with our daughter

    Well, there’s nothing to write about the child, I perfectly understand my wonderful skin-visual girl! And of course, no one lays a finger on her. And even during the break between trainings I gave birth to another one))

    This was the second time at the training, the first was in the first level group No. 29 and the second level No. 14. A year and a half ago.

    What happened BEFORE... NOT life. Existence in a closed chain of fears, grievances, hysterics, hostility... All this seethed, bubbled, erupted with scandals, phobias, oozed with arrogance and contempt. To everyone around you. As usual, those closest to us suffered the most. Gradually, friends left, not because of quarrels, it was just something that “happened” like that. Yeah, of course) I became more and more withdrawn into myself, considering others stupid and unworthy of my highest attention.

    From time to time I wanted to divorce my husband. And what was it like for the little daughter who happened to be born not an apple, but a tomato, and whom I did not understand AT ALL in her unfortunate 3 years. I don’t want to and I’m scared to remember this. Although this is precisely why I got into the training.

    I was always interested in psychology, always considered myself an expert on human souls, and to be honest, I was rarely mistaken about people. But at the same time I saw my complete powerlessness in front of the three-year-old monster, who drove me to white heat in 5 minutes and laughed when I spanked her...

    I Whipped HER. Adoring my daughter, I couldn’t help myself. My brain was clouded over. Afterwards I cried, hugged her, asked for forgiveness, feeling a deep sense of guilt. But everything repeated itself. I can’t say that this happened that often, but now, having mastered systems thinking, I understand perfectly well what all this could lead to... Neither I nor my husband could cope with her, she didn’t listen to anyone, no words or arguments perceived it, and, as it “seemed” to me (and now I understand that this was the case), she deliberately provoked us into scandals, and then into physical punishment.

    The Internet will save us, and it saved me and my family. Sitting there all my free time, getting away from the disgusting reality that only caused unpleasant sensations, I, of course, “accidentally” came across an article about raising skin children. It blew my mind! It exploded from the inside, because it was about her, about my little Skoda, restless and disobedient! How they wrote from it.

    My husband was on a business trip at that moment, I called him in the middle of the night and excitedly began to tell him that I had finally FOUND IT!!! And I just urgently need to go to training. My husband didn’t really understand anything, but he said that since I need it, I can go anywhere)

    I had great hopes for the training, but out of habit I thought that there was nothing needed to be done. I wrote a lot in the chat, screamed about my shortcomings, how my finger hurts, and why is no one in a hurry to treat it for my money?! I fell asleep during lectures and listened to a lot. Nevertheless, I got my result. And I realized that SVP is for life.

    A year and a half later, I'm here again. I close the chat, listen with maximum concentration, I don’t even want to sleep. How can you sleep when they say THIS??

    Well, now on to the results. As I already wrote, I got the result after the first time. The heavy and long-lasting resentment towards my mother went away, the hysterics and swaying stopped, and my relationship with my husband improved. Well, there’s nothing to write about the child, I perfectly understand my wonderful skin-visual girl! And of course, no one lays a finger on her. And even during the break between trainings I gave birth to another one))

    Now... Now there is a stable, good state. Not euphoria, but a smooth feeling of the joy of life. Dislike? That word is no longer in my vocabulary. Understanding the deep, true motives of the actions of people who themselves do not know why they do what they do, and why they act as they do, one can only experience the joy of understanding and regret that they do not know anything about SVP. Relationships with girlfriends and friends have been restored, and again this happens “by itself”!

    People enjoy communicating with me, they are attracted to systems-minded people, as Yuri said) And I feel the desire to communicate, leave the house, discover this world, which turns out to have everything to be happy! I don’t know whether it’s worth saying that the fears and hysterics have finally gone away, it’s just a fairy tale with my husband! You know, it seems so commonplace now. As if it had always been this way. I wrote the beginning of the review - as if about another person. I can't even believe it was me.

    Many thanks to our group, it was our collective shortcomings that shaped just such lectures, I read your reviews with great pleasure!

    And of course a special huge thank you to Yuri! What he does is simply incredible.

    Thank you!!!

    Tags: grievances; relationships and love; relationships with children; psychology of communication;

The instructions for using lysine will tell you how to get the most benefit from using the drug. After all, it is known that an individual approach is much more effective than a standard solution to a problem. Therefore, below we will consider the most interesting cases of using amino acids and the treatment regimens applicable to them.

Lysine: instructions for use

Lysine is one of the 3 most important essential amino acids, which we can only get from food. Sources of the substance include meat and dairy dishes, fish, soy, eggs and some nuts. As a rule, it is not always possible to compensate for the lack of amino acids only from food. In this case, dietary supplements come to the rescue.

Attention. L-lysine does not accumulate in the body, so the need for it always exists, and, therefore, we must receive the substance every day.

Indications for the use of the medicine are the following ailments:

  • viral infections;
  • eye diseases, glaucoma and cataracts;
  • joint pathologies (spinal hernia, osteochondrosis, arthritis);
  • exhaustion, postoperative period;
  • problems with the heart and blood vessels, atherosclerosis;
  • decreased immunity;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • depression, irritability, neuroses;
  • chronic fatigue, lethargy.

The instructions for use of lysine indicate that the drug can be taken for intense physical activity, sexual dysfunction, unsatisfactory skin and hair condition, and for weight loss.

It has been noted that after a course of consuming el-lysine, migraines and dizziness go away, the monthly cycle is restored, mood improves and well-being improves.

Amino acid deficiency occurs due to an unbalanced diet, prolonged heat treatment of foods, as well as among vegetarians and women practicing strict diets.

Release forms of l-lysine

Modern manufacturers of dietary supplements can offer several options for the amino acid lysine:

  1. Tablets and capsules. The most common form of manufacture on the market. Suitable for most consumers.
  2. Powder. Not everyone likes it because it has a specific taste.
  3. Ointment. Used to treat herpes type 1.
  4. Pomade. Packaged in tubes of 5 g. It has a spicy herbal scent and is used not only to fight viral infections, but also to care for the skin of the lips.

It is advisable to use all of the indicated forms of lysine, except lipstick, after consultation with a doctor - the drug has contraindications for use.

Who needs lysine?

There are many diseases for which amino acids are needed. But the dietary supplement is especially useful for people with osteoporosis and menopausal women.

Lysine is essential for postmenopausal women to maintain bone health and calcium retention.

Lysine preparations are prescribed to eliminate postoperative or post-traumatic edema, regardless of their location, localization of intracranial hematomas, combat metastasis and cardiovascular pathologies.

The nutritional supplement also helps with venous circulation disorders accompanied by edema.

How to take lysine?

To find out how to drink lysine correctly, you should decide on the specific purposes of its use. The dosage and regimen of use of the drug will depend on this.

In general, the instructions for use recommend consuming lysine on an empty stomach, 30–35 minutes before meals or 2–2.5 hours after. The average daily dosage is 1000 mg. People with lesions of osteochondral tissue should double the daily portion.

Advice. Healthy nutrition experts have calculated the preventive norm of lysine to maintain the body in good condition - it is 12 mg per kilogram of weight. That is, with a body weight of 80 kg, a person will need 960 mg of amino acid per day.

Features of herpes treatment

How to take lysine for herpes? Despite the fact that the food supplement is not registered as a medicine, modern doctors often recommend it as part of complex therapy in the fight against the virus.

This is interesting. In Europe, the amino acid lysine is a mandatory component of antiherpes treatment. It is prescribed both orally and externally.

To treat a viral infection, the drug is taken strictly before meals, with a sufficient amount of water. As for the treatment regimen, it looks like this:

  • lysine powder is consumed ¼ tsp. once a day, dissolving this volume of product in 100 ml of cool water;
  • capsules and tablets are taken at the rate of 2000–4000 mg of active substance per day;
  • External forms of lysine are used several times a day, applied to the affected area in a thin layer.

To prevent herpetic eruptions, you can consume 1000 mg of amino acid per day for 1–1.5 months. After a short break, the reception is repeated.

Research conducted by American scientists has proven the effectiveness of an ointment based on el-lysine, herbs and zinc. The inclusion of this drug in the treatment regimen made it possible to get rid of the unpleasant manifestations of the disease within 6 days, whereas conventional treatment takes at least 3 weeks.

Lysine in bodybuilding

The need for lysine and other amino acids increases sharply during active sports. This becomes especially noticeable in athletes on a high-carbohydrate diet.

Amino acid in sports nutrition performs two important tasks:

  • protects muscles from excessive physical exertion and accelerates recovery after training;
  • strengthens the ligamentous-muscular system, makes tissues elastic and elastic, protects against injuries.

How should athletes take l lysine? As part of sports supplements, the amino acid is consumed before or immediately after exercise. The drug is washed down with water, milk or protein shakes, juice. The powder can be diluted in a glass of cool liquid.

When choosing a dosage, you should focus on body weight, but try not to exceed 20 grams of pure substance per day. Excessive intake of lysine can cause diarrhea, stomach pain, and skin rash.

Many athletes and sports doctors believe that it is better to take sports nutrition before or immediately after training.

Amino acid for weight loss

Research conducted in 2010 showed that people who consume lysine, even for preventive purposes, use up much more fat reserves than those who neglect the amino acid. It has been established that the substance, participating in the synthesis of L-carnitine, converts excess accumulations into energy.

Using lysine in combination with proper nutrition and active exercise, you can get rid of fat deposits in a short time and gain a slim, toned body.

The instructions for using the amino acid only introduce you to the optimal dosages and possible ways of using the drug, but in no case oblige you to use the product yourself. All prescriptions must be made by a doctor, especially in professional sports.

When considering the benefits and harms of fish oil in capsules, it is necessary to study two directions at once.

  1. First you need to understand the effect of omega-3 acids (which is what fish oil is) on the human body.
  2. Then find out what drugs exist on the market today, what their therapeutic effect on the body is, and possible contraindications for use.

Useful properties

  1. Improving the functioning of the nervous system (prevention of age-related cognitive impairment, combating insomnia and depression, hyperactivity syndrome in children).
  2. Preservation of visual acuity.
  3. Prevention of atherosclerosis and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Skin rejuvenation.
  5. Improving the condition of the musculoskeletal system.
  6. Optimizing the functioning of the immune system.
  7. Prevention of cancer and early aging.

Another important explanation for the benefits of fish oil (omega-3) capsules is related to its ability to positively influence the process of weight loss. The dietary supplement helps fight insulin resistance and chronic low-grade inflammation - two main reasons for the rapid formation of excess fat deposits.

What drugs are on the market?

We have sorted out the general healing properties of fatty acids from seafood, now we need to understand what dietary supplements exist, and which drug is better to choose for children and adults.

Natural product

This type of dietary supplement is closest to real fish. The refined version is much more resistant to oxidation.

  • About 30% of this fish oil is a mixture of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
  • Another 70% are other types of fatty acids that help more fully absorb omega-3s.
  • In addition, natural fat contains vitamins A and D. And if it is fermented, then also K2.

Sources include salmon, sardines and cod.

Refined version and reduced triglycerides

Refined fish oil is a concentrated product that has been removed from contaminants such as mercury. Unlike the natural one, which contains only 30% omega-3, in the refined version EPA and DHA account for 50-90% of the total mass.

Currently, the choice of fish oil is mainly from refined varieties, usually called concentrates. They come in capsules that are easy to take.

The purity and high concentration of the refined product look attractive, if not for one big “but”. Omega-3 acids of this version of the dietary supplement are in the form of ethyl esters, and therefore are extremely poorly absorbed by the human body.

Therefore, some manufacturers not only refine fish oil, but also restore omega-3 to triglycerides, which are absorbed much more fully. This is the best option for dietary supplements.

Unfortunately, the restoration procedure is expensive. Therefore, drugs with reduced triglycerides are not cheap and are not very popular.

Encapsulated Forms

Today, supplements in capsule form predominate in pharmacies. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people want to know not only what the benefits of fish oil are, but also how capsules with this component affect the body.

Dietary supplements in capsules have all the same properties as a pure liquid product. Only they are easy to swallow and do not have an unpleasant taste.

Many manufacturers place their capsules in a special shell that dissolves only in the intestines and not in the stomach. This makes it possible to completely avoid the occurrence of fishy burps, which can occur when using regular capsules.

What are the possible harms of capsules?

The fat may be rancid. Encapsulated forms reliably retain unpleasant taste and odor inside. This makes them easier to take. But it doesn’t make it possible to understand how fresh the oil is inside.

Unscrupulous manufacturers do not miss the opportunity to take advantage of this feature of the shell.

Therefore, if you purchased fish oil capsules, to be sure that it is not harmful, do not forget to open one and smell its contents. If the oil has gone rancid, it is better not to use it.

Instructions for use

There is no single, unambiguously verified scheme for how to properly take fish oil in capsules. Different manufacturers, different medical organizations and individual specialists offer their own dosage regimens.

Pay attention!

The instructions for use indicate the amounts of the main fatty acids - EPA and DHA - and not the sum of all components of the drug. The amount of EPA and DHA in different medications can vary from 30 to 90%.

  • Practically healthy adults should take 250-500 mg of a mixture of EPA and DHA per day.
  • Children under 2 years of age are advised to take a daily dose of 10-12 mg of a mixture of EPA and DHA per kilogram of body weight.
  • Children over 2 years of age can take 250 mg per day.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women will benefit most from 200 mg of pure DHA or 300–900 mg of a mixture of EPA and DHA.
  • Adults with mild memory and cognitive impairment should take 500–1,700 mg of pure DHA per day.
  • Adults with coronary problems should drink 1000 mg of EPA and DHA daily.
  • If triglyceride levels are high, the dose should be increased to 2000 or even 4000 mg.
  • For adults with depression and/or anxiety, 200-2000 mg of omega-3 acids per day is recommended. Moreover, preference should be given to drugs with the highest possible concentration of EPA rather than DHA.

Taken with curcumin

To maximize the healing properties of fish oil capsules for adults and children, it must be taken together with curcumin. Not so long ago, scientists found that one of the most important is that it improves the absorption of docosahexaenoic acid. Therefore, it is right to take the capsules along with curcumin supplements. Or at least introduce more turmeric into your diet.

Are there any contraindications for use?

There are no strict contraindications for the use of dietary supplements with omega-3 fatty acids, including fish oil.

However, it is known that these compounds can lead to a decrease in blood clotting. The anticoagulant effect is minimal and does not pose any problem for most people. But for those who are preparing for operations, it is better to temporarily stop taking dietary supplements.

Those taking anticoagulants should consult with their doctor and only with his permission begin using omega-3 supplements.

It is worth considering the possibility of an overdose of vitamin A, which in high concentrations is dangerous for humans. There is a lot of vitamin A in cod liver oil, which is often used to produce natural dietary supplements.

In general, fish oil capsules are considered a safe dietary supplement. But still, taking more than 5 grams per day is not recommended. Since there is no longer any benefit from such a high concentration. But there may be a potential health hazard.

How is it different from omega-3 and which is better?

Fish oil capsules are just one type of dietary supplement consisting of omega-3 fatty acids. The most popular and affordable. But this is far from the only and not the best drug.

There are other types of dietary supplements with omega-3: krill and mussel oils, supplements obtained from algae and seal oil.

Such drugs are more difficult to buy and usually cost much more than fish oil. But their benefits to the body are greater, and the potential harm is less.

As you know, there are purely male or female diseases. For example, in men, a disease such as prostatitis is a kind of scourge. And it is not surprising that a strong part of humanity therefore strives to find such a drug so that it completely eliminates all the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

To treat prostatitis, a drug of animal origin called uroprost is often prescribed. This is a prostate extract taken from cattle. With its help, the swelling of the prostate gland is noticeably reduced and the secretory function of the epithelial cells of this organ is normalized. But this drug affects not only the prostate gland, but also the bladder, stimulating its muscle tone. If you take uroprost, you can be sure that the patient will not develop venule thrombosis.

As a rule, this combination drug can be prescribed if the patient is diagnosed, for example, with abacterial chronic prostatitis or benign prostatic hyperplasia. In addition, uroprast is prescribed before and after surgery on the prostate gland.

You can learn how to properly treat prostatitis from this video:

Uroprast is taken rectally. But, before using the drug, you should. It should be done once a day, not more often. But after the drug is administered, you should lie in bed for thirty to forty minutes. Typically, the duration of such treatment is from five to ten days. Your attending physician should provide more accurate information about taking the drug. Despite the fact that uroprast is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, self-medication with these suppositories is strictly not recommended.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug

Uroprast suppositories have certain contraindications. Therefore, before using them, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and carefully study the instructions.

The occurrence of side effects is associated with some features of the technology for isolating therapeutic agents - peptides. As a result of this, the molecular species specificity inherent in these peptides is equalized, and, as a result, this drug is almost completely devoid of antigenic properties and, consequently, side effects.

But, nevertheless, certain side effects can be encountered. The science of statistics divides the manifestations of such effects into frequent (this means that they can occur in up to ten percent of patients), infrequent (up to one percent of patients may suffer from such phenomena), rare (in patients with a total of up to 0.1 percent) and very rare (if the side effect occurs in 0.01 percent of patients). So, for example, if we consider possible allergic side effects, then they can often occur in the anus. Flatulence and – infrequently. And very rarely - any allergic reactions.

Clinical studies have not revealed any serious contraindications for taking this drug. The only existing contraindication is individual hypersensitivity to the drug.

Some nuances of taking uroprast

Externally, uroprast is a suppository, the color of which can vary from whitish-cream to grayish. The shape of the candle is torpedo-shaped. The drug is sold in blister packaging made of polyvinyl chloride film. This package contains five candles. The cardboard box must also contain instructions for use of the drug. There are certain requirements for the rules for storing the drug. It should be in a dry place, always protected from sunlight and direct light. It is recommended to store candles at a temperature not exceeding +25 degrees Celsius. It is necessary to protect the drug from children. Its shelf life is two years. Experts warn that you should not use uroprast after the expiration date.

What is the duration of taking the drug? If the patient has chronic prostatitis, treatment should continue for at least ten days. And if benign hyperplasia is being treated, then the duration of taking suppositories should be at least fifteen days. Each weighs 50 milligrams. In this case, you can use up to 100 milligrams per day (that is, twice), but only after consultation with your doctor.

In general, every adult should understand that self-medication is not only harmful, but even dangerous. And therefore, with any problem related to it, you need to contact specialists.

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