Current therapy for osteochondrosis: effectiveness and course of treatment. Pulse therapy - school of self-healing Targeted activities

In the structure of morbidity, one of the main places is occupied by joint diseases. Pharmaceutical companies now offer many different medications and supplements to treat them. Along with them, no less effective physiotherapeutic treatment can be used. The main place among physiotherapeutic methods is occupied by pulse-wave therapy of joints. The principle of impact on the joint cavity, indications and contraindications for this treatment will be discussed below.

Pulse wave therapy is also called shock wave therapy. This method is one of the modern methods of treating joint diseases. Shock wave therapy for joints (SWT) is based on low-frequency sound, less than 16 Hz, which the human ear cannot hear.

Operating principle of UVT

What is the basis for curing articular pathology with a shock wave? The mechanism of action is as follows:

  1. In the process of exposure to a wave on the cell wall, it stretches, its permeability to various substances entering and exiting the cell increases, that is, metabolism accelerates. By improving microcirculation, accelerated restoration of damaged structures occurs and calcium deposits dissolve.
  2. Due to the pressure of the wave, cavities are formed. If the pressure continues, the cavities burst, allowing intra-articular calcium deposits to be destroyed.
  3. After the cavities burst, smaller waves are formed, which contribute to the further destruction of pathological formations.
  4. An important point is the reduction in pain intensity due to a decrease in the passage of pain nerve impulses. In addition, the production of the hormone endorphin increases, which also helps reduce pain. SWT also destroys areas of fibrosis.

What joint diseases does UVT treat?

Shock waves are used for the following pathological conditions:

  1. . This pathology is found in almost 80% of the population and ranks third in prevalence after heart and cancer diseases. Shock wave therapy is mainly used for arthrosis of the knee joint, as well as for the treatment of arthrosis of the ankle.
  2. Contracture. The consequence of improved microcirculation is the return of elasticity of the ligaments. After therapy, the range of motion increases.
  3. Degenerative changes in the articular cavity.
  4. and fractures in the articular region. By improving blood circulation, joint tissues and structures are restored quite quickly.

UVT is designed to quickly relieve pain and restore joint mobility.

Shockwave therapy is also used to develop the joint during the rehabilitation of patients after surgery. In addition, this method is used if conventional medications no longer help and there is a question about surgical intervention. Pulse wave treatment will help avoid surgery.

Contraindications to the procedure

In what cases should shock wave therapy not be used for arthrosis? Contraindications to this treatment are:

  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Low blood clotting. This is due to the likelihood of bleeding due to damage to blood vessels by waves.
  3. Age up to 18 years. This is due to the fact that the growth zone on the bones is not yet closed, and when exposed to waves, tissue growth can stop and lead to bone deformation.
  4. The presence of tumors in the body, especially near the site of application of the UVT device.
  5. Presence of a pacemaker. Wave action can disrupt its operation or damage it.
  6. The presence of an inflammatory infectious process in the knee, ankle or other joints. Due to increased intra-articular circulation, infectious agents can be distributed to all organs and tissues.
  7. When exposed to waves on nerves or nerve plexuses, paresis or sensitivity may develop.
  8. You cannot use the UVT device at the border with organs that contain gas inside them: lungs, intestines.

Side effects:

  • joint swelling;
  • redness of the skin over it;
  • the occurrence of intra-articular hematoma.

The listed side effects are not an indication to interrupt the course. As a rule, they disappear within 10 days.

How is the procedure done?

Treatment of joints with shock wave therapy is carried out as follows:

  1. The doctor palpates the affected area.
  2. A special gel is applied to the pathological focus to facilitate the transmission of impulses from the device to the site of application.
  3. The doctor determines the required frequency and time of exposure to the pathological focus. Next, the applicator is pressed to the site of treatment and the procedure begins, which lasts 15-30 minutes.

The course requires about 6 procedures. Each procedure is carried out at intervals of 7-10 days. During this period of time, the body removes the remaining calcifications from the site of exposure. The procedure is completely painless.

SWT of the knee joint gives good results: remission lasts 2-3 years.

Shock wave therapy for arthrosis: reviews

Here's what doctors and patients think about percussion therapy.

Alexey Mikhailovich, orthopedist, Moscow:

“I have been treating joints with shock waves for about three years. The effectiveness is high, especially in relation to arthrosis. The condition of patients with pathologies of muscles and tendons also improves. The method can be used as monotherapy, and the effectiveness is higher than that of other treatment methods. UVT allows you to restore damaged structures and relieve inflammation and pain.”

Elena M., 49 years old:

“I am worried about pain due to arthrosis of the ankle joint. I take a course of injections prescribed by the doctor - the pain subsides, but not completely. I read about shock wave treatment on the Internet. I consulted with the doctor, he recommended taking a course. The procedure is inexpensive. After the first time, the pain decreased significantly, but did not disappear. I completed the course completely, the pain went away and never came back. I recommend UVT treatment for ankle arthrosis to everyone.”

Evgeniy R., 52 years old:

“I have been suffering from knee arthrosis for a long time. Constant pain that subsides only temporarily after taking or injecting painkillers. I heard about such treatment as shock wave therapy of the knee joint. I decided to try it. After the first procedures, the pain became noticeably weaker, and after the course of treatment the pain disappeared. I recommend everyone to treat the knee joint with shock wave therapy.”

Low frequency pulse therapy and sinusoidal currents

Used in the treatment of pain syndrome. Most often this is lumbosacral radiculitis - dorsalgia. According to statistics, every second person experiences it during their lifetime. Physiotherapy is very effective.

Low-frequency pulsed electrotherapy is recognized as one of the most effective treatment methods. Successfully competes with drug therapy. Electrosleep, dynamotherapy, pulse therapy, fluctuation, neuropulse therapy and adaptive-dynamic therapy, with biofeedback and electrical stimulation are often used. Wide therapeutic possibilities are associated with the ability to change the characteristics of impulses. Application leads to the normalization of the function of the central nervous system, higher vegetative centers, hemodynamic state, leads to the elimination of pain, spasm of the smooth muscles of internal organs, a pronounced anti-inflammatory and trophic-stimulating effect.

Diadynamic currents (DCT) were developed and put into practice by Pierre Bernard; these are pulsed currents with a frequency of 50-100 Hz with a half-sinusoidal pulse shape; a number of their varieties are used:

- Push-pull continuous (two-phase fixed) - with a frequency of 100 Hz, when applying electrodes and applying current under the electrodes, a feeling of slight vibration and burning is felt, well tolerated by patients, used to combat pain, often as a preparatory current in the treatment of severe pain;

- Single-cycle continuous (single-phase fixed) - with a frequency of 50 Hz, when applied to the patient under the electrodes, a feeling of large vibration, improvement of electrical conductivity of tissues, tissue trophism, blood supply; The first two quickly become addictive. Need to be interested

sensations of the patient, in the middle of the procedure they may disappear, add current until vibration appears.

- Half-wave rhythmic (syncopation rhythm) - alternation of a half-wave current, which is interrupted by pauses, at the moment the contraction is applied the neuromuscular system, and during a pause its relaxation is used for stimulation;

- A short period - alternating single-stroke and push-pull continuous currents, which alternate every second or two seconds, there is a local increase in tissue temperature at the site of application of the electrodes by 0.5 C, increased and accelerated blood flow, a pronounced analgesic effect (!), metabolic processes and tissue trophism are improved ;

- Long period - alternating single- and double-half-wave continuous currents, one PP lasts for 2 seconds, and double PP for about eight seconds, has irritating properties, more pronounced, as a result of use there is an improvement in tissue trophism, a pronounced resorption effect, tonization of internal organs, treatment of adhesions , scars, contractures.

In addition to them, there are wave currents (on Russian devices):

- half-wave wave (initial current is a single-cycle continuous current, which reaches its maximum value within 2 s, lasts 4 s, duration 12 s)

- push-pull wave (initial current for obtaining is alternating, push-pull continuous)

Wave currents are used at the beginning of treatment in children, the elderly, and in the presence of severe pain. They have a mild irritant effect, are easily tolerated, and are not very addictive.

Mechanism of action:

Rhythmic stimulation with a current device creates a new dominant focus in the brain cortex and causes suppression of the pathological dominant. significantly improve blood circulation, lymph flow, and help improve collateral circulation (used for vascular diseases of the lower extremities). Causes contraction of striated muscles, used for electrical stimulation. The pronounced absorbable and anti-inflammatory effect is associated with the improvement of KO and removal of toxins from the source of inflammation. They are effective both in the acute and sub-acute stages of the disease, and are widely used in the treatment of cicatricial and adhesive processes, as well as for the administration of medicinal substances (diadynamoelectrophoresis).

Indications: diseases of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, with pain syndrome, treatment of sports injuries, diseases of the cardiovascular system, spastic colitis.

Contraindications: impaired sensitivity to current, tendency to bleeding, malignant neoplasms, acute inflammatory processes.

Sinusoidal [some kind of] currents. They were proposed by Yasnogorodsky. They have the greatest analgesic effect. The initial current is alternating current with a frequency of 5 thousand Hz.

Varieties (types of work):

- Constant modulation - with frequency 10-150 Hz, resulting in slight tingling, burning and vibration, but quickly disappear due to getting used to the current;

- Sending pauses - sending modulated ones, the sensations are the same, similar to the rhythm of syncopation, muscle contraction and relaxation during pauses; There should not be any sharp painful sensations!

- Intermittent frequencies - 1st 150 Hz, 2nd 10-100 Hz, fight against pain;

- Intermittent pause frequencies - 50 Hz, then 10-100 Hz, alternated with pauses, for neurobiostimulation, combating tissue hypotrophy.

1. Alternating - current above and below the isoline

2. Straightened - positive or negative phase, drug administration


Modulation depth is the change in the amplitude of oscillations between a series of pulses compared to [what it was] frequency currents.

Modulation frequency:

High frequencies of 100-150 Hz with a small 25% modulation depth for pain. Reduce to 50-70 Hz and increase depth to 50/75%. Eliminates after 8-10 procedures.

Mechanism of action:

The same processes as in treatment with diadynamic currents. A pronounced analgesic effect due to the direct effect of current on nerve receptors and muscle formations, increased lability and bioelectrical activity of formations, an ordered regime leads to the suppression of the pathological dominant. Release of morphine-like peptides into the central nervous system, improvement of neuromuscular tissue.

In most cases, variable mode is used. Straightened - for amplipulse phoresis. The medicinal substance penetrates more deeply into the tissues; these are analgesics, vasodilators, antispasmodics, ganglion blockers.

Indications: in cosmetology for figure correction, diseases of the nervous system with vegetative-vascular and motor disorders, treatment of hypertension, diseases of the respiratory and digestive organs, joints, genitourinary system (chronic adnexitis and prostatitis), cholelithiasis, urolithiasis, varicose veins.

Electroaerosol therapy is widely used in the treatment of respiratory diseases. This is a combined therapeutic effect of particles of medicinal substances suspended in the air and endowed with the same + or - charge. Fast and highly effective effect, easily tolerated. When inhaled, the drug substance has an effect on the mucous membrane of the DP; penetration ability and level of action depend on their size (degree of dispersion). Highly dispersed drugs during inspiration reach the lowest parts of the DP. Medium dispersed particles penetrate into small, medium and large bronchi. Low-disperse and droplet aerosols settle in the upper sections (larynx, trachea, nasopharynx). Due to the large area of ​​contact of the aerosol with the mucous membrane and the process of deposition in the wall, an enhanced effect and prolonged action are observed. They have a significant advantage over conventional ones. The electric forced monopolar charge makes the system more stable; as a result of the mutual repulsion of charged particles, they do not coagulate in the tissues of the body, the particle settles better in the mucous membrane of the bronze and is released less in the exhaled air, which is more economical. The duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes, the course is 10-30 procedures, sometimes even up to several times a day.

Indications: acute and chronic nonspecific respiratory diseases (bronchiectasis), bronchial asthma, pulmonary TV, hypertension.

Contraindications: widespread bullous emphysema, pulmonary hemorrhage, severe AS of the coronary vessels.

Today, there are many unique methods for treating various diseases, in which the human body is directly exposed to magnetic fields, current pulses, lasers, etc.

One of the most popular techniques is magnetic therapy, which is effective and indicated for many diseases and pathologies.

To treat various pathological diseases, doctors use pulsed currents in physiotherapy. The effect of currents occurs in a certain rhythm, which is set on a special medical device that corresponds to the rhythms of the work of any internal system or organ of the human body, and the frequency of the supplied pulses also changes.

Low-frequency current pulses may be used for medicinal purposes for a number of the following diseases and manifestations:

  • electrical stimulation of muscle tissue;
  • pain relief;
  • antispastic effect;
  • action that has a vasodilating effect;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • damage to the neuromuscular system;
  • hyperthyroidism;
  • other diseases of the endocrine system;
  • cosmetic skin problems;
  • disturbances of intestinal motility;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs (genitourinary system).

During the procedure, the effect on the muscles of pulsed currents is replaced by so-called rest phases. With each subsequent action, the amplitude of the pulse current and its rhythm smoothly increase and, thus reaching the highest point, and then also smoothly decrease their value to zero.

Electrodes through which an electric current pulse is applied are placed on certain points on the patient’s body, through which a specific muscle group is affected. The current strength is calculated by the doctor in such a way as to visually see muscle contractions, but at the same time not cause the patient a feeling of discomfort during the procedure. Typically the current can be between 10 and 15 mA. As a rule, the course of treatment consists of 15 to 20 procedures, each of which lasts 15 or 30 minutes.

Pulsed currents are used in different types of physiotherapy:

  • Electroson. With this type of physiotherapy, low-intensity portions of current pulses are exposed, thus normalizing the functionality of the central nervous system. This effect occurs through the head receptors. Classic electrosleep uses pulses at frequencies from 1 to 150 Hz, with a duration of 0.2 to 0.3 ms. With this procedure, bifurcated electrodes are applied to both eyes of the patient, as well as to the mastoid area. As a result of such manipulation, normalization of brain activity, improvement of blood circulation, and the functioning of all internal organs and systems are noted.
  • Diadynamic therapy. It is carried out using low-frequency polysine wave pulses, with a frequency from 50 to 100 Hz. Pulses are applied separately or in a process with continuous alternation of short and long periods. The epidermis resists the effects of such a current, causing hyperemia, dilation of the walls of blood vessels and increased blood circulation. At the same time, muscle tissue and the nervous system are stimulated, resulting in a general therapeutic effect. Thus, the circulatory system, in particular the peripheral one, is activated, all metabolic processes in the body are improved, and pain is reduced. This method of pulse therapy is used to treat the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system.
  • Interference. Low-frequency pulse currents are used (from 1 to 150 Hz), with a constant or variable frequency. This technique helps improve the functioning of motor muscles, increases blood circulation, reduces pain, and activates metabolic processes. Treatment is more effective in the treatment of subacute stages of diseases of the peripheral nervous system.
  • Amplipulsetherapy. Electrotherapy is carried out using sinusoidal simulated currents with low frequency (from 10 to 150 Hz), as well as mid-frequency (from 2000 to 5000 Hz). Such a sinusoidal current perfectly penetrates the skin without causing irritation, while it has a stimulating effect on muscle fibers, nerve fibers, improves blood circulation and metabolic processes. Treatment is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system, traumatic injuries, problems of the nervous system and many other pathological conditions.
  • Electrical stimulation used to stimulate or significantly enhance the functionality of certain internal organs and systems. Today, the most common types of electrical stimulation are stimulation of the heart, nervous system and motor muscles. Therapy is also indicated to maintain the vital activity of muscle tissue and its nutrition, to prevent such phenomena as muscle atrophy during periods of forced inactivity, and to strengthen muscles during the period of recovery and rehabilitation.
  • Fluctuarization. Currents of partially or fully rectified alternating current, low frequency (from 10 to 2000 Hz) are used. When exposed to such currents, tissue irritation and excitation occurs, lymph and blood circulation increases, the movement of leukocytes is activated, and the work of muscle tissue is stimulated.

Contraindications to the use of pulsed current therapy may include:

  • individual intolerance;
  • tumors;
  • second trimester of pregnancy, during which pulse therapy is used very carefully;
  • bleeding;
  • fresh hemarthrosis.

The effect of current pulses on the body causes irritating, exciting and stimulating effects that can help in the treatment of various diseases, pathologies and complications.

When current passes through the tissues of the body, it causes tension in the tissues and enhances the functioning of cell membranes.

Thus, it activates their functionality, stimulates cells and improves their vital functions, nourishes muscles, restores the functioning of nerve fibers, blood vessels, and joints. A disease such as prostatitis can also be effectively treated with pulsed currents.

When using therapy, the patient receives the following results:

  • Blood flow improves, and accordingly, the substances of medications used to treat prostatitis penetrate the prostate tissue faster.
  • Congestion processes in the pelvis are reduced.
  • Metabolism improves, which strengthens the entire body.
  • The synthesis of prostate secretion improves.
  • The permeability of cell membranes increases.

For effective treatment of prostatitis, electrotherapy with different types of pulsed currents can be used. Galvanization allows you to influence the prostate gland with low-frequency currents with continuous action, this relieves inflammation and relieves pain. Medicinal electrophoresis helps enhance the effect of medications, as it increases tissue permeability at the cellular level.

With electrical stimulation, the function of the pelvic muscle tissue increases, which helps in the treatment of pathologies of the genitourinary system. Thanks to this technique, many patients with prostate problems receive high-quality and effective treatment. Reviews from both doctors and patients indicate that complex therapy with current pulses is one of the most effective methods of treating and preventing prostatitis and many other diseases.

Pulsed wave therapy (IWT) is the latest method in the treatment of various diseases. IVT helps restore soft tissue and grow new blood vessels in the damaged area. Thanks to this, oxygen and nutrients quickly saturate the vessels and regeneration occurs quickly, and pain and inflammation gradually go away.

This therapy is used to treat a variety of diseases:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Arthritis;
  • Spinal hernia;
  • Injuries;
  • Heel spur;
  • Vascular system;
  • Diseases of the prostate gland.

I must say that IVT has helped many women cope with cellulite. It decreases after several procedures.


The use of IVT in the treatment of arthrosis began quite recently. Conducted studies and numerous patient reviews show that this method in the treatment of affected joints can become an excellent assistant in rehabilitation therapy.

Pulse wave therapy also treats:

  • Spinal diseases;
  • Arthrosis of the hip joint;
  • Deforming arthrosis of the knee joint;
  • Heart diseases.

The IVT device, thanks to sound vibrations, makes the structure of osteophytes much “softer”. A patient with arthrosis, whose disease is expressed by spiny processes, after completing a course of IVT feels great relief. After some time, the thorns completely dissolve and complete recovery occurs.

Skeletal system and its treatment

Pulse wave therapy has become the most modern method of treating the musculoskeletal system.

It first appeared in Switzerland. Here doctors began to treat affected tissues with acoustic waves operating at infrasound frequencies.

When exposed to IVT, calcium salts, which are a source of pain, are destroyed, blood circulation and elasticity of ligaments improve, swelling and inflammation go away, and metabolism is restored.

Pulse waves greatly increase the movement of microblood flow in all small vessels.

Due to the specific action of acoustic waves, certain processes begin to occur:

  • Metabolism improves;
  • Cells are renewed;
  • Vascular blood flow increases.

As a result of the use of IVT, accelerated healing occurs and joint mobility is restored. This procedure has an excellent analgesic effect.

Treatment effectiveness

Pulse therapy today is considered the most promising area of ​​modern medicine. Now, instead of surgical intervention, doctors have begun to use the IVT method. The effectiveness of this method has been proven by thousands of recovered patients.

Patients who have completed a course of IVT report the following positive symptoms:

  • The affected tissues began to recover at an accelerated pace;
  • Metabolism has improved significantly;
  • The swelling has completely subsided;
  • There was an opportunity to start working again;
  • Pain sensations have decreased significantly. After several sessions, the pain completely disappeared.

Note that pulse therapy shows excellent results in the treatment of various pathologies.


  • After several procedures, blood circulation in the body improves and microcirculation returns to normal.
  • The patient no longer experiences severe pain, and the inflammatory process gradually disappears.
  • Pathological growths become smaller;
  • The functioning of the nervous system improves.


High frequency vibration minimizes complications.
The blood clot is destroyed and reabsorbed within a few days.


  • Damaged tissues begin to quickly recover.
  • The patient stops feeling severe back pain.

The number of diseases that can be treated very effectively with the help of IVT is growing every day. Today, this method is used in a variety of departments of medicine:

  • Orthopedics;
  • Traumatology;
  • Cosmetology;
  • Vascular surgery.

Erectile dysfunction

With age, sexual function in men gradually decreases. But when the blood vessels through which blood flows to the penis are disrupted in the body, impotence or erectile dysfunction occurs. Pulsed wave therapy is also applicable for the treatment of impotence.

Today, hundreds of methods have been developed to treat erectile dysfunction. However, not all of them give a positive result; professional doctors have justified complaints about some.

Physiotherapy deals with the problem of male erectile dysfunction. The most promising method of treatment is considered to be pulsed wave therapy.

This procedure is completely painless, lasts 25 minutes and is performed on an outpatient basis. No contraindications have been identified. Pulse therapy restores the functioning of blood vessels by affecting them with short-term discharges.

The best result of treatment is considered to be the complete restoration of blood vessel function and the complete return of erectile function.

The effectiveness of pulse wave therapy has been fully proven by scientists and helps get rid of many diseases.