Toasts at a new job. Toasts to colleagues, congratulations to employees

With such a good person
It's always easy for me to work
And I know you can substitute
Your reliable shoulder!

And we will share the difficulties with you,
And we'll sit at lunch,
And we'll meet after work,
And we'll talk heart to heart!

Today, on holiday, I wish you,
So that everything bad goes away,
And I'll drink to your health,
May you always be lucky in business!

Colleague, I'll drink to you,
May you always be lucky
So that there is health in the house,
So that all the bad things recede.

So that you never lose heart,
Receive your salary immediately
So that all dreams come to life,
May they give you a bonus!

Dear colleague, on this wonderful birthday, I want to wish you great victories in your work, career growth, a very friendly team, a big bag of salaries! May prosperity, love and care reign in your family. Be positive and healthy, beautiful, resilient and cheerful. I'm proud to work with you. Let's empty our glasses for you!

It's good to work with you
You always have my back,
And I drink to you today,
You won't get bored!

I wish you to live without troubles,
I wish you joy, prosperity,
I wish you long years,
And so that everything is in order!

To build a mansion
Have a huge dacha
So as not to be sad over trifles,
I wish you happiness!

Today, on this solemn day, joining the ranks of the guests... (IO of the birthday boy), I solemnly swear:
- always be a support and a solid rear during everyday work;
- lend your shoulder if you don’t have the strength to go further;
- give away the last handkerchief if you want to cry;
- drink a glass for the bonus you (you) received, and a bottle for a promotion;
- put a footrest if you lift your nose too much.
I swear to honor this oath until calculations separate us.
Let's seal this oath with a glass of wine.
P.S. Write the text of the oath on a “scroll of parchment” and hand it to the birthday person.

Happy birthday to our colleague today. Let us all raise our mugs and glasses to him as a close-knit, friendly team. We wish you to go to work with joy and anticipation in the morning, and to run home in the evening, where the warmth and comfort of home will await you.

Dear colleague, happy birthday. We wish you to fly to the sea, relax to the fullest, and spend your vacation to the fullest! May everything you wish come true right now! For you!

Today we raise a glass of champagne to our colleague. Happy birthday! We wish you always a good mood, creative ideas apply it boldly and easily walk up the rungs of the career ladder.

Dear (name), it is not in vain that we have gathered at this hour, because today is your birthday. So accept congratulations! We wish you to drink everything to the dregs so that your life line is long and without flaws. Happiness to you and energy for the future fruitful work!

Colleague, I drink to you.
Your years suit you,
I wish you happiness, long years,
Have a good life and no troubles!

So that all your dreams come to life,
And all the days were bright,
I wish you well
My congratulations for you!

Cool toasts to colleagues, preferably related only to work issues: how a person works, how he organizes his day, how he communicates, how he approaches pressing issues. Look in everyone positive traits and tell everyone about them in a light, humorous manner.

In verse

In prose in your own words

How many different cases happens at work. There are different things. Then suddenly a big premium falls, and you need to urgently run and spend it. Then there will be so much work that there is no time to run to spend the bonus. In general, colleague, I would like to wish you that you do not have to run away from the bonus. May you have to receive it regularly. Therefore, I want to drink to the fact that there will always be time to spend this bonus!

Dear colleague, I want to drink to your change of work schedule. Let the working day begin at 12.00 and end at 14.00. Let wages increase for so many “strict conditions”. Let the break be one hour. I also wish there was still time for makeup. Let the bonus also appear. And the work is only decreasing. In general, let everything said come true after everything is poured from the glass into the body!

It’s not for nothing that companies call specialists personnel. After all, you are still that frame. You know how to both work and relax. We know this from corporate events. Now we know for sure that you can also work as a toastmaster. With you, our team has become more positive and cheerful. Therefore, for you, as for a valuable personnel!

Congratulating you, colleague, I would like to wish you that instead ordinary water the cooler was filled with cognac or martini. To have coffee brought to you by a personal secretary with long and beautiful legs. And the salary was in foreign currency. May your boss respect you endlessly and give you more days off. Let's drink to the fact that all this will appear at our respected colleague!

Let your work, colleague, be like sardines in a barrel. And the payment for this work will be as big as a desert. Let you get as many banknotes from the cash register as there is sand in this desert. Become the best employee and become famous throughout the world. For you, as for the best employee!

Dear colleagues! Since I had the opportunity to raise a toast to corporate party, then I want to drink this glass so that we are always one step ahead of our competitors, so that our assets grow and so that the best times and achievements for us are just around the corner!

A toast to the team

Who among us does not dream of success in business?
And I think we must drink
For being on our career ladder
The steps were not smeared with soap.
So that the boss does not turn out to be a usurper,
So that employees are not boring,
To be lifted up by an escalator,
And we would have to fly down with parachutes.

A beautiful toast about the team

How often does it happen in life that you want one thing,
you can do something else, but something else happens!
Let's drink to wishes,
opportunities and accidents always coincided,
and everything in life happened only the way we want it!
But when making wishes, remember: they come true!
So be careful!
For you, dear colleagues!

A beautiful toast from the team

“I work a lot,” says a friend to a friend. - For example, yesterday, in the laboratory, I tried to get dynamite.
- What will you work on tomorrow?
- Well, of course... Now I need to get a new laboratory. Let's have a drink dear colleagues, for the innovators thanks to whom our production develops!

A beautiful toast to the team

To work means to earn money and not have time to spend it.
So let's drink so that we can at least sometimes find such time!

A toast from the team in prose

People say: “Work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest.”
You can’t shoot her, but sometimes you really want to!
But the main thing is that the salary every day
became more and more, and did not run away into the forest!
Let's drink to that work
which is much less than the salary!
Fall, coin, like a snowball!
I wish you money - a bag full!
For our work!

Toast to the team in verse

The engineer makes a remark to the worker:
- You have bad habit- whistle while working.
- But I don’t work, I just whistle.
Let's drink, colleagues, to the rational use of working time!

Toast from the team in verse

It is known that ninety percent of all issues are resolved by themselves, and the rest are simply impossible to solve. Let's drink, colleagues, to not worrying about trifles!

A toast to the friendly team

Today we have all gathered here precisely for the reason of meeting in good company and having a friendly drink together. Well, if that’s the case then, then let’s drink to the fact that we have all gathered here today in our friendly company!

Toast about the team

While applying for a job, the man was asked by his future boss whether he was prone to drinking. After thinking a little, he replied:
- No, but if it is necessary for your company, then I will learn.
And so, I usually don’t drink much, but if it’s necessary for our company, then I’ll learn! Here's to our great company!

Cool toast from the team

Our team is very strange,
All competitors admit:
Meticulous Kolka, important Zhenya,
You never know who else is here...
But the main thing is that we are a team!
Work is our payment debt.
For us, reliable guys,
Let there be some sense in our business!

Each person spends a third of his life sleeping, a third at work... And a third on everything else... So let's drink to everything else, so that it contains as much money, health and everything we need!

I propose to raise our glasses and drink so that the responsibilities of each of us are minimal, and the salaries and opportunities are as high as possible, so that they are maximum!

One wise man said, do everything consistently, and you will reach the very top. high mountain its potential. So, I wish that each of us would do everything gradually and rise to the peak of our capabilities and take our well-deserved first place there!

Several hundred years ago, a prince had to walk through the snow to another kingdom to ask his beloved for his hand in marriage. When he passed the first day he ran out of food, when he passed the second day he ran out of water... When he passed the third day he ran out of strength and had to crawl! Therefore, I propose to have a drink so that each of us never makes mistakes in calculations and values ​​​​in the further planning of events! Happy holiday, my dear colleagues!

Dear colleagues, I want to wish you that the melody of progress never leaves your workplace, and the list of responsibilities turned into a list of opportunities!

I wish to multiply the award by ten

And so that the salary becomes twice as heavy!

So that the bosses never get angry,

And he said tactfully and gently about the mistake!

So that a new day is a step towards new victories

And so that it is warm and cozy, so that there is more light in life!

I wish that every sip taken by each of you from this crystal will turn into a powerful lump of energy that would give you balance, patience, strength and creativity throughout the year! All the best to you, my dears!

Each of us has hidden opportunities and potential, so I propose a drink so that in the new year (name), your potential and opportunities will raise your bar as high as possible, and you will raise your earnings to the desired value :)

I propose to drink to the three components of our success. For waiting, for perseverance and for development! I wish that each of us would not miss any of these components!

Walking along the shore of joy barefoot

And may luck splash upon us from the sea waves!

So that the taste is orange, so that you are always positive!

Higher salary, (Name), I wish everything is beautiful for you!

Dear colleagues, I want to congratulate you all and say a toast! Each person emits a certain amount of energy, a certain ray of light and positivity... So I wish that this energy, this ray of light and positivity in you always meets higher standards with which it would be much easier for you to go through life!

As one famous announcer said: “The IKS football player takes the ball from the opponent and goes on the offensive...” So, let’s drink to the fact that the offensive of each of us always ends with a goal, victory and a gold medal!

Let's drink so that when each of us looks at the clock, he still sees some reserve of time, but not a long wait. So that when each of us gets on a train or car, only happiness awaits him. And so that each of us, when we reach a goal, immediately finds a new one, and never stands still!

(Name), colleague, I wish that your life with orange sweet juice washes the shores of prosperity, happiness and general well-being, both on the family and work front! All the best to you and your career development!

So that with sugar and salt, so that life is full of taste...

So that happiness and joy, so that the best is abundant!

So that the world is in bright colors, so that it is as fresh as possible...

And you felt ten times more resilient, stronger, more cheerful!

Happy holiday to you dear (name)!

I suggest you drink for the difference! Namely, to see and feel it fully between each option and choice!

Life is like a huge piece of pie, it can be sweet, it can be salty, it can be raw and vice versa, it can be of poor quality or with an incredible aroma! So, friends, I wish each of you to be an excellent culinary master and create only a fabulously delicious destiny 😉

The sun makes one full revolution around the sun and its axis in 24 hours... And in honor of this, I propose that each of us in these 24 can manage to exceed our standard norm, have time to rest after working day, have time to get enough sleep and do other things, have time to cook dinner, have time to please your spouse, have time to take a walk with the child and walk the dog, have time to do everything that you didn’t have time to do yesterday. In general, I propose to drink so that each of us can spin twice as fast 😉 Hurray!

Toasts to colleagues, congratulations to employees!

When the company’s business is going well and there are bright prospects ahead, it’s not a sin to celebrate this success corporate holiday, and also, raise a toast so that our success always exceeds expectations, the glory of the company and its capital grow, and we, a friendly team of employees, are simply happy!

Dear colleagues! Since I had the opportunity to raise a toast at a corporate party, I want to drink this glass so that we are always one step ahead of our competitors, so that our assets grow and that the best times and achievements for us are just around the corner!

Together we are a single, strong team with a lot to come, and I want to direct my toast to our future - when each of us reaches the desired heights, and our company reaches international level! May our common and private dreams come true as soon as possible!

Raising my glass, I invite you, dear colleagues, to drink to the success and prosperity of our enterprise! A big deal, as you know, is most easily solved together, so let us always and in everything be a strong, friendly team, in which each person is like a cog, a part of a perpetual motion machine of success!

Staying afloat in our difficult times is already great achievement! I say a toast to the fact that we are not afraid of a crisis, to the fact that we always have fresh ideas and valuable employees to implement our plans! May success always accompany us in everything!

Success, as we know, comes only to those who are hardworking, are not afraid of difficulties, know how to solve all issues almost playfully, know what they want and how to get it, while remaining in honor and with justice! I propose to drink so that our company will always be successful, and our secrets will be elusive to competitors!

A celebration, or rather a corporate meeting in the company of colleagues, suggests appropriate topics for conversation, and therefore I propose to drink, first of all, to the prosperity and brilliant success of our common cause! Let us always be the first among the best, our profits grow, and good reputation and glory will be known to the whole world!

In our organization, everyone is busy with their own business, they are not lazy for a minute and are always ready to help a colleague. In honor of our cohesion and the warm atmosphere of our team, I raise my glass and want to wish that our organization will always be the best among its kind!

Dear colleagues! I want to say a toast... It will be, of course, to the prosperity of our organization! For many of us, this is not just a job, but also a business in which you can put your soul, and when success comes, you are proud to understand that this is your merit! So let's drink to keep it that way!

A corporate feast is not just a holiday, but also an opportunity to get closer to colleagues in a more informal atmosphere, praise each other for success, and, of course, raise many glasses to the success of a common cause! I want to say a toast so that at any time we will have success, an excellent reputation and a large, friendly team of true professionals!