Cracked front tooth: possible treatment methods. Cracks in tooth enamel: causes, symptoms and treatment

976 03/13/2019 5 min.

Each tooth is covered with a protective shell – enamel. It has high strength, but under excessive loads it can crack. This happens for various reasons - when eating too hard food or, for example, as a result of the habit of opening bottles and cans with the jaws. In any case, if a tooth cracks vertically, you need to see a doctor - and the sooner the better. Otherwise, with further stress, it can go deeper and affect the root, which will cause not only pain, but also complete destruction of the tooth. Read more about the types and treatment of vertical cracks in teeth.


There are a number of factors that increase the occurrence of enamel cracks:

  1. Lack of minerals and vitamins that are needed to form strong enamel.
  2. Eating large amounts of sugar and foods with a high level of acidity (they simply eat away at the enamel over time).
  3. Simultaneous consumption of hot and cold food, which causes a sharp temperature contrast in the oral cavity and can also lead to the appearance of cracks and increased sensitivity of the teeth. See more information about tooth sensitivity.
  4. Habit of chewing hard foods and objects.
  5. Injuries due to impact.
  6. Spasms, diseases of the masticatory muscles that cause uncontrolled clenching of the jaws.
  7. Long-term use of certain medications.
  8. Medical errors made by the dentist during treatment.

The danger of cracks is that they are not always easy to notice on your own - the front teeth are visible to us, and the chewing teeth, as a rule, make themselves felt with severe pain in the most advanced situations. Therefore, be attentive to your health and contact your dentist if you have the slightest problem. Even a barely noticeable strip on the enamel is already a reason for concern and a photo in the X-ray room.

Sometimes a crack appears on a tooth immediately after the filling is installed. In this case, immediately contact the dentist who performed the treatment.

Symptoms of damage

Symptoms of vertical cracks in teeth are as follows:

  • the appearance of a corresponding strip on the enamel, pain.
  • increased sensitivity to sudden temperature changes.
  • the tooth begins to “ache”, and the unpleasant sensations also affect nearby hard tissues.
  • biting into food causes a certain discomfort, which can turn into pain.

If the injury occurred a long time ago (for example), and the inflammatory process affected the pulp, an unpleasant taste may appear. Darkening of the enamel is a sure sign of the onset of necrotic processes. The gums may swell, and their palpation will be painful.


A vertical crack runs parallel to the growth and divides the tooth into two halves. It affects only the top of the tooth or both the top and the root. In the second case, the damaged tooth is usually removed, or one part of it is removed and the second is subjected to endodontic treatment.

Crack in the root of a tooth

Vertical cracks in the root often appear and present certain difficulties in diagnosis - only a doctor can detect them during an examination with a microscope. If there is no accompanying inflammation and destruction, even an x-ray will not show cracks.

If left untreated, such a crack will gradually increase from bottom to top; there are usually no pronounced pain sensations, and the patient will learn about the problem when the tooth is completely broken and cannot be saved. In case of infection, it may develop.

Vertical cracks in the root most often appear in treated and pulpless teeth.

In the crown

The most common type of vertical cracks. It appears as a result of a decrease in the enamel layer due to mechanical stress when biting and chewing food. But keep in mind that even the most microscopic crack can ultimately lead to a chip or fracture of the crown. In situations where the injury is minor, it will be enough to install a crown or a filling (depending on the condition of the tissue).

The deeper the damage to the hard tissues of the tooth due to a vertical crack, the sooner treatment needs to begin.

Inside the tooth

Internal cracks are classified as the most difficult damage. They usually appear when the tooth is destroyed and treatment is not possible. Internal cracks usually start at the root and end at the chewing surface. They are not always felt immediately - pain occurs when the pulp is injured, but if it is in order, then you can easily “reach” a tooth fracture or a complete chipping of the wall. In this case, it may develop.


Treatment of vertical cracks depends on their type and features:


It is almost always necessary to treat cracks; in the absence of pain, the damaged tooth should be carefully monitored. If you decide that a small crack will not make any special difference, you can lead to inflammation of the soft tissues and the appearance of.

Also, vertical fractures often cause inflammation in the pulp and destroy the tooth. The gums swell and become painful on palpation. In some cases, the root walls become mobile, become loose, and the tooth begins to hurt. Ultimately, this can lead to the need to remove the damaged root and expensive prosthetics.


The main ways to strengthen tooth enamel:

Review bad habits - perhaps it will be easier for you to give up some of them right away than to treat your teeth later.

Drinking hot coffee and eating cold ice cream at the same time is very harmful - such temperature changes negatively affect the enamel.


For more information on what to do with a cracked or fractured tooth, watch the video

Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the body. But if you don’t take care of it for a long time and constantly subject it to heavy loads, then it will collapse. As a result, the enamel cracks and needs treatment. To prevent serious consequences, you should contact your dentist in a timely manner.

Enamel cracks are not only an aesthetic defect

What causes cracks to appear?

Cracks in tooth enamel most often occur in the upper jaws. Why does this problem occur:

  • People who have the bad habit of biting off wire and cracking nuts with their teeth are exposed to this kind of trouble.
  • If caries is left untreated for a long time, the tooth enamel weakens and may crack. Frequent use of toothpaste with a large number of abrasive particles.
  • The use of medications during self-medication.
  • Constantly eating solid foods. They have a strong effect on the enamel.
  • A sharp change from a cold to a hot dish and vice versa. During cold weather, the cells in the enamel contract, and under the influence of hot food they expand. As a result, the dental tissue may not withstand it and crack.
  • If you don't eat enough food, your teeth don't have enough nutrients.
  • During jaw injuries. And also due to incorrect actions of the dentist.
  • Work that involves constant exposure to cold or heat. Poor environmental conditions.
  • Regular consumption of food containing a large amount of acids leads to a disruption of the ph balance. This process is also affected by gastrointestinal diseases, abuse of sweet foods and taking potent medications. As a result, tooth enamel becomes thinner and cracks.
  • Having bad habits. Cracks in tooth enamel often occur among tobacco and alcohol lovers.

Bad habits cause cracks

Any of the above reasons can lead to the appearance of either a minor crack or a deep chip.

Types of cracks

All types of enamel cracks are usually divided according to the direction of the split:

Vertical split. The crack runs parallel to the side wall of the tooth. As a result, the tooth is divided into two parts. Quite often the crack reaches the roots. In this case, it is no longer possible to cure the tooth; it is removed. If the crack affects only the crown and the root remains intact, then endodontic treatment is possible. This procedure involves strengthening a tooth using an artificial crown.

Vertical cracks due to impact

Horizontal split. If you delay your trip to the dentist, the cracked part will soon break off. Depending on the location of the split, the amount of tooth lost will depend. If the chip affects a small area of ​​the chewing area or incisal edge, but the crack does not affect the pulp, then the tooth loss is insignificant. If a crack in the enamel of a tooth occurs near its neck, then the entire upper part will be lost. In this case, significant dental care will be required. Such treatment will not be cheap.

Deep horizontal cracks are highlighted with a marker

Inclined split. The crack runs diagonally. If not treated in a timely manner, the chip reaches the crown. If such a problem occurs, the tooth cannot be cured. It all depends on the chipped area in the coronal part. If the volume is not significant, then appropriate treatment is carried out. If the fracture is large, the tooth is removed completely.

Sloping cracks on front teeth

Internal split. This situation is the most insidious, because it cannot be seen visually. This crack always leads to a fracture.

Weakened teeth and those that already have a filling are most likely to crack.

Feelings when there is a crack

Any crack always causes pain. But it’s quite difficult to determine which tooth hurts on your own. After all, the pain has a wandering character.

Cracks and erosion of enamel after braces

If there is a crack, a person may feel the following:

  • increased pain during eating, because when chewing, force is applied to the crack;
  • pain may occur when eating hot or cold food, as well as when being in conditions with high or low temperature;
  • if there is no external stimulus, then the pain disappears and reappears when it is present.

If a person notices the above symptoms, then it is worth going for a consultation with a dentist. It is not always possible to detect a problem visually. A qualified specialist, using special equipment, will examine the entire jaw and make an accurate diagnosis.

If you do not consult a doctor in a timely manner, the patient may experience additional symptoms:

  • since necrotic processes begin to occur in the pulp chamber, the shade of the enamel of the diseased tooth begins to change;
  • an unpleasant odor begins to be present in the oral cavity;
  • there is a feeling of a slight lifting of the diseased tooth, and any touch to it causes sharp pain;
  • near the cracked tooth the gums begin to swell and turn red;
  • pathological periodontal pockets occur.


Many people are concerned about what to do if a crack appears on a tooth. The main thing is not to self-medicate. As soon as this problem is discovered, you should immediately go to the dentist for an examination.

If teeth are damaged, treatment is always prescribed only after examination. The specialist will evaluate the depth, size and other characteristic features of the damaged tooth. An X-ray examination is required. Only after this the doctor will tell you what can be done with this crack.

To eliminate minor damage, a remineralization procedure is used. It involves the application of specially developed gels to the teeth, which are equipped with large amounts of phosphorus, potassium and fluoride. This composition strengthens tooth enamel very well. After this, the crack is filled with a special composite. A lamp is directed at the damaged tooth, under the influence of which the material hardens. This procedure requires repeated actions after 6 months.

The process of remineralization of enamel with a special preparation

If the enamel on a front tooth is cracked, veneers are used. These are very thin plates that can mask such a defect. But they can only be used without the presence of pathology.

If the pulp was not affected during the split, then only part of the dental tissue is removed and restored with a crown. If the pulp is damaged, dental prosthetics are performed only after the nerves are removed and the canals are properly sealed.

When a patient does not go to the dentist immediately after discovering a crack and the pathological process has already begun to develop, then such a tooth cannot be treated.

Before and after treatment of cracks

Severe damage to the pulp with extensive spread of the inflammatory process to soft tissue leads to tooth extraction.

Preventive measures

Preventive measures will help you avoid going to the dentist's office. By following simple rules, you can forever avoid meetings with the dentist. The following precautions will help protect your teeth not only from chipping, but also from other dental defects and diseases:

  • daily care of tooth enamel, following all the rules;
  • It is necessary to brush your teeth only with a brush with medium hardness;
  • It is recommended to choose toothpastes containing fluoride and calcium;
  • nutrition must be correct and balanced;
  • Do not frequently drink carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee;
  • It is forbidden to eat hot and cold food at the same time;
  • you need to get rid of the habit of constantly gnawing on a pen or pencil, and also
  • crack nuts using teeth or open lids;
  • consumption of sweet foods should be in minimal quantities;
  • it is necessary to completely stop using tobacco products and minimize alcohol intake;
  • Carry out a mandatory dental examination by a dentist every 6 months.

Paste with minerals and calcium to strengthen enamel

If you follow simple rules, you can protect your teeth from various cracks. It is very important to understand that any dental problems are not only an aesthetic defect, but can also pose a danger to human health.

Tooth enamel by its nature is a fairly durable material that can withstand increased loads. However, various mechanical influences, injuries, and impacts can cause the tooth to crack and split. But you should not delay treatment; it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately after a tooth injury, otherwise serious complications may arise, including complete loss of the tooth and damage to soft tissues by infection.

A crack in a tooth is quite common, especially in children. If you suddenly notice that you or your child has this type of damage, you should immediately consult a dentist for examination and the necessary treatment. Timely treatment will help prevent complete destruction of the crown and root system.

Attention! If a crack appears in a tooth, it is not recommended to put increased pressure on it, otherwise the crack may go deep and lead to the final splitting of the tooth.

Sometimes it is not possible to determine the presence of a crack on your own because it can appear in places that are difficult to see. Therefore, an x-ray examination is mandatory. Sometimes the patient may not even be aware of the injury, because it can appear with careless treatment. If a crack or split occurs in a tooth with a filling, then you should immediately contact the appropriate specialist. This will help not only eliminate serious complications, but also save money that will be required for treatment and restoration of the crown.

As a result of a busy lifestyle and increased trauma, children often experience cracks in their teeth. If you do not consult a doctor in time, the tooth may chip or decay.

Factors causing cracks

There are a number of reasons that can cause cracks in teeth. It is worth highlighting the most important ones:


In addition to the reasons, you should also know the types of cracks. Each species has certain characteristics and characteristics.

Oblique view

With these types of cracks, the tooth intersects in a diagonal relationship. It is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible for the necessary treatment. If treatment is not provided in time, the outcome can be very unpleasant - a chipped corner in the area of ​​the crown of the tooth. These types of cracks are eliminated using the veneering method.

Horizontal cracks

With horizontal damage, encircling cracks are observed around the tooth in a perpendicular relationship.

Important! If horizontal damage is not treated promptly, it will eventually cause chipping of the dental tissue. Moreover, the closer the crack is to the base area, the more dangerous it is. The damage, which is located near the neck of the tooth, closer to the gum, can lead to complete removal of the entire crown part and opening of the tooth.

With these complications, tooth restoration will be quite difficult.

Vertical view of the crack

As the name suggests, this type of crack runs parallel to growth and divides the tooth unit into two halves. Sometimes with this type of split, the wall of the tooth separates from its main part.
Typically this type of crack extends to the root area and opens the area for pathogenic microbes to access the pulp. In situations where bacteria affect the area where the pulp is located, treatment is quite long and difficult.
In cases where the crack covers the tooth along its entire length, then complete removal of the entire dental unit is indicated. If there is a split of the unit into two parts, while one of the parts is wobbly, and the other is stable in its place, then in these situations the stable part is left, and the wobbly body is removed. Next, endodontic treatment therapy is carried out and the lost part of the crown is restored.

This image shows options for cracks that often form on tooth enamel and lead to deterioration of the condition of the teeth, destruction, as well as possible inflammatory processes...

Cracks inside a tooth

This type of damage is considered quite problematic because it is difficult to identify during diagnosis. With internal type injuries, damage can be observed from the root area upward.
It is quite difficult to identify this type of crack yourself. It can be identified in the early stages, but if there are uneven parts that touch the pulp area and damage it. Unfortunately, this type of crack is quite difficult to notice until it reaches the root area. In case of complications, the chip can spread to the jaw bones, which subsequently leads to a fracture.


Of course, it is not always possible to identify a split tooth yourself; this damage is detected with maximum accuracy during examination by a doctor. But this type of damage may be accompanied by some symptoms, which should be paid special attention to.

Such a crack can lead to the entry of bacteria into the tooth cavity, inflammation of the root canals, the development of pulpitis, as well as further tooth loss.

When a tooth splits, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Painful sensations, they can be observed in different parts;
  • There is an increased degree of tooth sensitivity. They may react to temperature changes when eating cold and hot food, and long-term aching discomfort appears;
  • Chewing and biting causes pain.

If the above symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for the necessary treatment. Sometimes the damage may be located inside the tooth, which cannot be determined visually.
If a tooth with a crack is not treated for a long period, then various pathological processes will appear in it, which lead to additional symptoms:

  1. Changing the color of tooth enamel. This symptom occurs due to the presence of necrotic processes in the area of ​​the pulp chamber;
  2. The occurrence of an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  3. The damaged tooth seems to grow out of the jaw, and when you touch it, strong and sharp pain appears;
  4. The gum area surrounding the damaged tooth becomes inflamed and very red;
  5. With severe complications, the formation of pathological pockets of the periodontal type occurs.

How is it diagnosed?

Often, diagnosing cracks is quite difficult because they are not always visible on the surface. In these cases, the dentist should ask about the patient’s symptoms, find out his complaints and sensations. After this, the doctor can assume the presence of a crack. But in order to make an accurate diagnosis, an x-ray is first taken. Then, using the resulting image, probing is done, with the help of which the specialist looks for the location of the damage.
Usually a damaged tooth responds with pain when pressure is applied to it. Therefore, for the examination, the doctor uses an instrument that is similar to a toothbrush, but without lint. This device is bitten by the patient with different teeth; usually, when biting a diseased tooth, bright painful sensations appear.

An x-ray will allow you to assess how badly the tooth is injured, determine the necessary treatment to save the tooth, and also monitor the correctness of the procedures performed.

Additionally, special dyes are used. These substances cover the tooth enamel; if there is a crack on the surface of the unit, then this area is stained. Another modern and more direct examination method is microscopic examination. During it, an examination is carried out under a microscope, during which the presence of a fracture and its location can be identified with maximum accuracy.

Features of treatment

If there are small cracks on the surface of the tooth, then in these cases you can get by using special strengthening agents for the enamel layer.
Features of eliminating microcracks:

  • To do this, you can use various mixtures that contain a high content of calcium and fluorine, as well as additional auxiliary components;
  • In these cases, the patient must visit the dentist every day for 14 days, who will cover the cracked tooth with these products;
  • After this procedure, you should refrain from eating for at least two hours.

Attention! If the formation of multiple microcracks is observed on the surface of the tooth, but all of them are not deep enough, then in these cases it is worth using veneering. Veneering is the covering of the area of ​​the vestibular surface of the tooth and the cutting edge of the tooth with a special plate called a veneer.

This restoration method is quite popular because it allows not only to completely restore the structure of tooth enamel, but also provides a beautiful appearance and removes all defects. But before carrying out this method of restoration, the doctor must make sure that all pathological processes have been cured in the patient and that there is no inflammation in the area of ​​the periapical tissues. For this purpose, radiographic examination is used.

Veneers are porcelain or composite shells that can replace the outer layer of teeth. They allow you to correct irregularities in the shape and color of the tooth, and also protect your teeth.

If a crack runs from the area of ​​the tubercle of the tooth crown to the root and visually divides the tooth into two halves, then in this situation the pulp is also subject to inflammation. In these situations, endodontic treatment therapy is used, and after that the tooth is strengthened with some kind of crown.

What you can do at home

If a crack occurs in a tooth, it is recommended to immediately see a dentist. But it’s not always possible to visit a doctor right away on the same day, so you can take several methods at home that can alleviate the condition a little.
In these cases, you can use the following recommendations:

  • First of all, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity, teeth, and gums with antiseptic agents that prevent the occurrence of an infectious lesion;
  • It is advisable to take analgesic medications that can temporarily reduce discomfort, but you should not take them immediately or 6 hours before your dentist appointment;
  • During this period, you should not eat food or chew foreign objects, and you should also touch the damaged area with your tongue as little as possible. This will help avoid the displacement of dental tissue fragments;
  • Do not expose the tooth to temperature changes. It is better not to drink cold or hot drinks.

After this, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible so that he can provide appropriate treatment. You should not delay this process, otherwise various unpleasant symptoms may occur in a cracked and chipped tooth, including severe inflammation and abscess. In any case, a doctor must treat the damage.

Tooth enamel is a hard tissue that can withstand mechanical loads. But traumatic impacts, impacts and other factors can lead to damage. If a tooth is cracked, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible, its safety depends on this. In addition, the presence of damage is not always noticeable to the naked eye, so a visit to the dentist is a must, especially if there is pain or sensitivity to temperatures.

Types of cracks

If you have a chipped tooth or a crack in the enamel, it is worth assessing the nature of the damage. There are several types of such problems:

Pay attention! The closer to the neck (gum) the damage is located, the greater the likelihood of losing the crown part of the tooth. This means the risk of tooth loss increases and it will take much more time and money to restore it.

  1. horizontal: in this case there is a girdle crack around the crown,
  2. vertical: located parallel to the direction of growth and divides the tooth into two parts. In some cases, this type of split involves separating the wall from the main part. As a rule, the length of the defect reaches the root part, which increases the risk of pulpitis formation,
  3. oblique: crosses diagonally. In such situations, even part of the crown may break off,
  4. breaking into parts: if the vertical crack is deep enough, a breakdown into two (or even more parts!) is observed, which is often accompanied by mobility of one of them,
  5. root crack: such damage opens access to the pulp (nerve) to pathogenic microorganisms, so treatment should be carried out as quickly as possible,
  6. cracked tooth with filling: filling is one of the risk factors, so this situation is quite common. Any cracks in a previously filled tooth can be observed - vertical and horizontal, including damage to the filling material itself.

Symptoms of a cracked tooth

A cracked tooth may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain – it can radiate to different areas,
  • hyperesthesia or high sensitivity to temperatures (hot and cold food, drinks, inhalation of cold air through the mouth), chemical influences (acids - for example, when eating citrus fruits),
  • discomfort when biting and chewing, closing the jaws.

Symptoms are not limited to those listed above, if the presence of a defect has already led to complications of an inflammatory and infectious nature. In this case, other signs may also appear. For example, bad breath, a sharp increase in pain, swelling and redness of the gums, swelling of the soft tissues of the face - it all depends on what concomitant disease appeared due to the fracture.

Causes of cracks

Why do teeth crack? This can happen due to one or more factors that contribute to the weakening of the enamel:

  • deficiency of vitamins and microelements - often the result of an unbalanced diet, forced dieting or impaired absorption of food,
  • “love” for sugar – consumption of large amounts of sugary foods and drinks,
  • frequent consumption of nuts, seeds, habit of gnawing hard objects, i.e. constant mechanical load on the enamel,
  • temperature contrast - simultaneous consumption of hot and cold food, drinks,
  • violation of the tone of the masticatory muscles - bruxism, etc., which leads to increased stress on the enamel.

Other reasons can also lead to damage: injuries, regular use of certain medications, violation of the technology of dental procedures.

Diagnostic methods

Cracked tooth: what to do? First of all, you should consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to assess the depth of the damage, determine the prognosis and tactics for further action. Diagnostics is a rather difficult undertaking if the violations are not visible on the surface. The primary method here is taking an anamnesis, questioning and visual inspection of the enamel.

X-ray is the main method that will help identify a crack in both the front and any other tooth. Based on the obtained picture, the dentist performs probing - looking for the location of the crack. The criterion in this case is pain when the probe is pressed, as well as when biting a special instrument.

Microscopic examination is an advanced method for diagnosing the condition of enamel. It allows you to determine damage or fracture with a high degree of accuracy.

Treatment of cracks and splits

The treatment tactics for a cracked tooth are determined by the doctor, taking into account the depth and extent of the damage, the general condition of the enamel and tissues of the entire oral cavity. There are several effective therapy methods.

  1. enamel strengthening is carried out if the crack is relatively small and is located on the surface: the dentist will resort to the use of special strengthening agents. A mixture containing calcium and fluoride is applied to the enamel for a certain time, on average for 2 weeks. This will strengthen it and prevent further damage.
  2. composite building for minor cracks and chipping of part of the enamel along with dentin. Allows you to restore color and shape,
  3. veneering is a modern method of treatment in cases where there are multiple microdamages to the enamel. The method involves processing tissue and fixing special plates that will help hide the defect,
  4. endodontic treatment is required in more serious cases - fractures, damage to the root system, deep cracks. In the vast majority of cases, the pulp is removed even in the absence of clinical symptoms of its inflammation. This is explained by the fact that open access to the neurovascular bundle provokes the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria. Even if there are no symptoms of pulpitis, microorganisms can already begin to multiply in soft structures, and if the disease manifests itself after restoration of its form, this will entail unpleasant consequences and the need to undergo treatment again, this time with depulpation,
  5. a stump inlay or installation of pins is required if the tooth has broken off at the root and nothing remains of the crown. In this case, either an artificial crown is placed on top, or a composite build-up is performed.

Is it possible to save a cracked tooth?

It is possible even if it is divided in half and one of the parts is movable. But in order to increase the chances of preservation, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible.

If a molar is divided into two parts, it is possible to save one of them by strengthening it with a crown. The moving part must be removed.

If your wisdom tooth is cracked, your doctor may be inclined to remove it. This is due to the fact that the “eights” practically do not take part in the chewing process, moreover, they are very far away and it is extremely difficult to treat them.

Saving a baby tooth with a crack requires special care - when filling the root canals, the doctor must prevent damage to the permanent rudiments. However, endodontic treatment is the main treatment tactic if the crack is quite large. For minor damage to the enamel, the specialist will resort to applying a special composition, as is the case with adult patients.

What to do at home

A tooth cracked: what to do at home? In general, such a question should not even arise - it is impossible to do anything on your own, restoration can only be carried out in the dentist’s office. But let's look at first aid measures.

  • rinse your mouth with products containing antiseptics,
  • if you feel pain, take a painkiller (it is advisable to do this only if you definitely won’t see a doctor in the next 6 hours),
  • limit chewing on the causal side, do not eat solid foods,
  • try not to touch the damage with your tongue,
  • Do not drink hot or cold drinks - give preference to water at room temperature.

In order to prevent the appearance of cracks, chips and breaks in the enamel, you need to eliminate risk factors: ensure a balanced diet, limit the consumption of sweets, regulate the temperature of food and drinks, fight bad habits and visit the dentist on time.

Video on the topic

Tooth enamel by its nature is a very durable material, but if it is subjected to excessive stress every day for a long period of time, it can crack. Then going to the dentist will not be an annual procedure, but a weekly one.

Cracks in teeth usually form in the frontal part of the dentition and more often in the upper jaw. And they are formed in people who have bad habits: the habit of opening beer bottles with their teeth, chewing pencils and pens, gnawing seeds and nuts, etc.

In addition to bad habits, the formation of cracks in teeth can also be caused by other reasons:

  • Improper nutrition: eating foods that do not contain the vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body systems (this is typical for people who eat semi-finished foods).
  • Wash down a hot meal with a cold drink.
  • Eating highly acidic foods and carbonated drinks.
  • Use of highly effective whitening toothpastes and powders.
  • Parafunction of the masticatory muscles, as a result of which a person clenches his jaw very tightly during sleep and grinds his teeth.
  • Biting caramels.
  • Uncontrolled use of medications.
  • Mechanical injury.
  • There are cases when a tooth crack appears as a result of improper manipulations by a dentist:
  • During endodontic treatment, the doctor chooses a pin that is too large and, when trying to screw it in, splits the tooth along with the root.
  • An endodontic instrument is selected incorrectly, which leads to excessive thinning of the tooth walls and the slightest pressure on it leads to a crack.

Types of dental cracks

  1. Inclined.
  2. Horizontal.
  3. Vertical.
  4. ​Cracks inside the tooth.

Oblique crack crosses the tooth diagonally. If such a crack is not promptly removed through dental treatment, the outcome will be disastrous: the corner of the crown of the tooth will chip. Typically, such cracks are treated with veneering.

Horizontal crack crosses the tooth like the equator crosses the globe. Horizontal cracks, if left untreated, always end in chipping. How much dental tissue will be lost directly depends on the location of the crack. If the crack is located just below the chewing area or cutting edge, then the volume of lost tissue will be insignificant and the pulp will not be damaged. If the crack is located closer to the neck of the tooth, then as a result of the chip the entire crown part of the tooth will be lost and the pulp will be exposed. In the latter case, tooth restoration will cause a lot of trouble for both the attending physician and the patient and will significantly hit the wallet.

Vertical crack located parallel to the side wall of the tooth and divides the tooth into two parts. If such a crack is noticed on a tooth, most likely not only the crown, but also the root of the tooth is involved in the process. If the crack extends along the entire length of the tooth: from the cutting edge to the apical foramen of the root, such a tooth cannot be treated conservatively. In this case, the only treatment option is tooth extraction. If the tooth is not cracked to its full length, then endodontic treatment is performed and the tooth is strengthened with an artificial crown.

Crack inside a tooth is the most insidious, since it is not visually visible. Such cracks are identified very late, when they turn into a fracture.

  • With cracks there is always pain of a wandering nature, so it can be difficult to determine the source on your own.
  • The pain syndrome becomes more pronounced at the moment of opening the jaws when eating.
  • Pain typically occurs in response to hot and cold stimuli.
  • As soon as the irritant ceases to act, the pain is eliminated and appears again only during the action of the irritant.

If a patient notices the above symptoms, he should immediately seek specialized dental care. Sometimes the crack may be in such a place that it is impossible to notice it yourself.

If a tooth with a crack is not treated for a long time, inflammatory processes will begin in it, which will lead to additional symptoms:

  • The color of the enamel layer of the tooth changes due to necrotic processes in the pulp chamber.
  • There is an unpleasant odor from the mouth.
  • The causative tooth seems to grow slightly from the jaw and touching it causes sharp pain.
  • The gums near the causative tooth become swollen and reddened.
  • Pathological periodontal pockets appear.

That is, the neurovascular bundle of the tooth and periodontal tissue are included in the process.

How to diagnose dental cracks?

Diagnosing a crack can sometimes be very difficult, due to the fact that in most cases, they are simply not visible. In this case, the specialist, based on the patient’s complaints, assumes a diagnosis of a tooth crack and begins to look for it using the probing method after first examining the x-ray.

Typically, a tooth with a crack responds with pain when the patient bites on it. Therefore, dentists use a special tool for diagnosis, similar to a toothbrush with no lint. The patient is asked to bite this instrument and the sensations are compared separately for each tooth. The tooth that responds with the most vivid painful reaction will be the cause.

Dyes are used as an additional diagnostic tool. These substances cover the enamel layer and if there is a crack in it, this area is painted. In addition, a modern diagnostic tool is microscopic examination. Examination under a microscope does not give false results, however, unfortunately, not all dental clinics are yet rich in such innovations.

Dentists also pay attention to the condition of the soft tissues around the teeth. If the crack has existed for a long time, then there will be a swollen mucous membrane near the causative tooth and a deep periodontal pocket will be probed around it.

As soon as symptoms are noticed that suggest a crack has formed, you should immediately seek help from a dentist. If the crack is not treated for a long time, the tooth will be susceptible to inflammation, which will lead to serious consequences for the pulp and periapical tissues.

There are, of course, cases when a tooth crack is so small and does not manifest itself in any way, and at some point a chip of some crown part occurs. The patient in this case is confused and cannot find the reason that could lead to the chipping. And everything is very simple! A tooth that has a crack in its hard tissues, even a very small one, becomes less strong and cannot withstand the chewing load that is directed at it. To prevent such ridiculous situations from happening, you need to visit a dentist at least once every twelve months. During the examination, the doctor will definitely notice the crack and take the necessary measures at the initial stage.

Very often mothers come to see their children with cracks in their baby teeth. Dentists classify these cracks as harmless injuries. However, the doctor must still examine the damaged tooth and make sure that the crack has not led to injury to the buds of permanent teeth and jaw bones.

Moms should not panic, because injuries for little fidgets are a common occurrence. They must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Answer the phone and make an appointment with a pediatric dentist.
  2. Do not give your child food or drinks that are too hot or too cold.
  3. Ask the child not to chew on the side where the damaged tooth is located and not to touch it with his tongue in order to prevent possible chipping.
  4. If a child complains of severe pain, it is necessary to take one non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug: Ketanov, Nimesulide, etc.

If a crack was noticed in an adult, the action algorithm should be the same.

How to treat teeth with cracks?

If there are microcracks on the tooth, then treatment should be aimed at strengthening the enamel layer. Products containing fluorine and calcium particles, as well as additional auxiliary chemical elements, are well suited for this. To do this, the patient must visit the dentist daily for two weeks to coat the teeth with this product. After this procedure, you need to refrain from eating for two hours.

If a large number of cracks have formed on the tooth, but all of them are not deep, then treatment can be carried out using the veneering method. Veneering is the covering of the vestibular surface and cutting edge of the tooth with a thin plate called a veneer. Today this method of treatment is very popular. Because, firstly, it is beautiful, and secondly, the strength qualities of the tooth improve. However, before installing a veneer, the dentist must make sure that the tooth is properly treated and there are no pathological foci in the periapical tissues. This can be done through an x-ray.

If a crack runs from the masticatory surface to the root and visually divides the tooth into two halves, then most likely the pulp has undergone an inflammatory process. In this case, you first need to carry out endodontic treatment, and then strengthen the tooth with some kind of artificial crown.

In any case, if cracks are detected, you need to close them in the early stages, and not wait until the moment when the tooth splits in half and you have to remove it.

Is it possible to protect yourself from the appearance of cracks?

Of course you can! To do this, you need to review and adjust your habits. Do not expose your teeth to excessive stress: do not open beer with your teeth or crack nuts. Under no circumstances should you drink ice cream with hot coffee.

It is necessary to review the diet: exclude carbonated drinks and foods with high acidity from food. Eat apples and carrots daily. The diet must be composed in such a way that the food is rich in vitamins and microelements.

You should not whiten your teeth at home. High-quality pastes grind off the top layer of enamel, weakening it. Toothpaste should be enriched with calcium and fluoride.

If the patient suffers from parafunction of the masticatory muscles, then in order to prevent the occurrence of cracks, he must wear a special mouthguard at night. These mouthguards are made at a dental appointment using an impression of the patient’s jaws.

In addition, it is necessary to visit a dentist annually for preventive purposes.

Enamel is, of course, a very hard tissue, but it is not able to withstand chronic loads. You shouldn’t test your teeth’s strength so that the dental office does not become your “second home”!