Learning numbers with your child. Didactic material on mathematics. Number and Digit "5 Tasks for learning numbers

A child learns to count from an early age. Already at the age of one, a smart mother, giving the child a toy, says: “One ball”, “Two balls”... The child remembers all this and, as a rule, knows how to count to ten by the age of five. But numbers are a completely different matter. The baby does not yet associate the number of objects with their image, and this child needs to be taught. You shouldn’t hammer numbers into your head before the age of five, but from five or six it’s already possible, and at seven, just before school, it’s even necessary.

If the stage of learning to count is missed, that is, the child does not yet know how to count, despite being of advanced preschool age, he will have to learn to count and learn numbers at the same time. The most interesting thing to start with is poems about numbers. S. Marshak has an excellent, memorable poem: Cheerful Counting (read the poem >>)

Complex tasks show the greatest effectiveness in teaching children. One sheet contains tasks related to the number being studied and its predecessors (that is, repetition of what has been studied). One sheet goes for two classes. The first is directly studying the numbers. The child looks at what it looks like, colors it, and associates it with the number of objects in the picture. 20 minutes for one lesson is enough. After you have learned the number, we recommend printing out and placing the corresponding card with the number in a visible place in the room.

The second lesson is to consolidate what has been learned. The child learns the composition of numbers and performs simple manipulations with numbers.

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To download a sheet, first left-click on it and open it in full size. Next, right-click, select “Save image as...” and save it to your computer and print it from it.

So, the sheet was printed. The text of the assignments is read by the parent or teacher. The very first task when getting acquainted with a number is to shade it. Not to color, but rather to shade. A task such as shading perfectly prepares the hand for writing; the child learns to control his fingers, which will have a positive effect on handwriting.

Then from the chain of numbers we select the one that we have studied, pronounce it, and color it.

The next task is coloring. We paint identically marked areas with the same color.

Number 1 is the easiest and the very first that a child recognizes. Getting to know her begins first. This number is not difficult to write, but counting to one is even easier.

And yet numbers should be studied in a system, without separating numbers from each other. Poems, proverbs, sayings, tongue twisters, riddles, pictures, cartoons “Lessons from Aunt Owl” and other entertaining aids can help the educator, teacher and parents with this, even if he is going to class in grades 1-4.

If we are teaching the number 1 with our child, we will try to offer him riddles. For preschoolers, as well as for children attending grades 1-4, riddles are an excellent technique to attract attention and interest. Riddles are a description behind which the number 1 is hidden. After hearing the riddles, the baby should find out what they are talking about.


Riddles are not only interesting, but also useful for developing thinking. Riddles help you become smarter, develop a reaction to another person’s messages, develop ingenuity, and are useful for preschoolers and children attending grades 1-4. Love riddles and offer them to children more often. Don’t be confused by the fact that riddles are a genre of folklore and do not belong to the field of mathematics. Children should develop harmoniously. Let's learn the number 1 with riddles!

Proverbs and sayings

An equally important genre of oral folk art in the development of children are proverbs and sayings. Proverbs express the wisdom of people, collected into a single saying over many centuries. Proverbs and sayings instruct and teach us. You may ask: what could be the instructions for preschoolers and children attending grades 1-4? Proverbs and sayings often present the number 1 as an expression of primacy, and primacy can lead to such a negative character trait as selfishness. Proverbs and sayings warn children against negative behavior. Let's learn the number 1 using proverbs and sayings!

If we study the number 1 with children, we should not forget about puzzles. Like riddles, puzzles develop intelligence and creative thinking. As a genre, rebuses are an encrypted word. In the case of the number 1, rebuses can have the meaning of the number or its spelling encrypted.


Rebuses are encrypted using other words. Where can I use puzzles for children? In any situation: classes in a children's center, conversations at home, in lessons for children who attend grades 1-4 are suitable for this. You can download puzzles on our website.

Another interesting genre of folk art is tongue twisters. If we are teaching the number 1, it wouldn’t hurt to practice the child’s speech. At an early age, we study mathematics with children in combination with other sciences, and tongue twisters will help us with this. Tongue twisters are based on the frequent repetition of similar sounds. You can also download tongue twisters on the website.


The manuals also include poems by modern authors, as well as short rhymes for children. If we study the number 1 in class or at home, it is better to take the poems of S. Marshak or A. Barto, but there are also interesting funny poems of an entertaining nature. Poems not only introduce children to the number 1, but also develop a sense of rhythm, language, and instill good taste. Poems can not only be read in class or at home, but also given to children at home if they go to an aesthetic center or 1st grade. If you love poetry, be sure to introduce it to your children. You can download poems by modern authors and interesting rhymes on the website. Let's learn numbers in verse!

After getting acquainted with the number 1, you can invite the children to practice writing it. How do you write the number 1? Very simple. It is enough to learn to write or draw a stick and attach a tail to it.

Coloring pages

To learn to write numbers, use special writing and coloring books.


A copybook will help your child quickly learn to write numbers. Even if your child doesn’t know how to write well yet, try drawing a number together. Copy and coloring books will help you draw or learn to write the number 1 correctly. To draw the number 1, draw the stick from top to bottom. Then you should draw a small tail diagonally at the top of the number. Download copybooks and coloring pages that will help you learn how to write the number 1 and draw it. Let's learn numbers along with copybooks!

English cursive.
Learning to write numbers in English.

As a provocative question in class, you can ask the children the following: what does the number “one” look like? Let's try to think about what this figure looks like. It looks like a stick, like a gun, like a hook. There may be many more answers to the question: what does the number “one” look like? Pictures, presentations, video tutorials, and photos will help stimulate children to answer what a number looks like. Let's study the numbers with interest!

How to write correctly?

Video tutorials

Pictures, photos of similar shaped objects, as well as the fascinating cartoon “Lessons from Auntie Owl” will help you correctly draw or learn to write the number 1. Together with the cartoon series “Lessons from Aunt Owl” we are studying the number 1.

What is the “Lessons from Aunt Owl” series? These are short cartoons with a separate story dedicated to each topic. At the same time, a poem is read, pictures are shown, and action takes place with the characters. The cartoon “Lessons from Aunt Owl” will immerse children in a fairy-tale atmosphere and show the study of mathematics from a completely different perspective. “Lessons from Aunt Owl” is a colorful and vibrant cartoon. “Lessons from Aunt Owl” can be shown to preschoolers and children attending 1st grade. You can download “Lessons from Aunt Owl” here. Let's learn the number 1 along with the "Lessons from Aunt Owl" series. It will help you draw and learn to write the number 1 correctly.

Another video about digital


We also teach the children the number 1 along with the presentation. The presentation presented on our website may be interesting to view at home or in a children's aesthetic center. The presentation is bright, colorful and will surely appeal to children. This presentation will greatly facilitate the work of teachers who are preparing for a lesson in 1st grade. The presentation contains poetry, learning about numbers is exciting, and you can add puzzles and riddles to it. Let's learn number 1 with our presentation!

Developmental tasks

So, puzzles, riddles, tongue twisters, poems, etc. – all the benefits on our website will certainly be useful to your child. No matter what grade a child goes to, he will always be interested in finding out what a number looks like and how to draw it, if the information is presented in an interesting way. Let's learn numbers together!

Municipal autonomous institution of additional education

"Children's Creativity Center"

municipal formation Vyselkovsky district


for children 4-5 years old

“We're getting ready for school.


additional education teacher

Chimshit Lyubov Mikhailovna

village Vyselki


Explanatory note.

The workbook is designed for teacher collaboration

additional education at an early development school or a parent with a child 4-5 years old who does not attend child care institutions.

The notebook contains educational and educational developmental tasks aimed at the consistent acquisition by children of ideas and concepts about numbers and numbers from 1 to 10.

The main purpose of the tasks is to promote the formation of a visual image of numbers, the establishment of connections between numbers and numbers, the development of voluntary attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.

When compiling assignments for the workbook, the following textbooks were used:

L.G. Peterson, E.E. Kochemasova “Player” Part 1, 2;

S.V. Gavrina, N.L. Kutyavina, N.T. Toporkova, S.V. Shcherbinina

“30 tasks for the successful development of a child” Part 1, 2;

E. Dengo “Mathematics in games, poems and riddles”;

E. Bortnikova “Studying the composition of numbers”;

poems about numbers by S.Ya. Marshak from the book “Merry Counting”.

Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 1.

How many hedgehogs? Which hedgehog goes to the right? Left?

How many Christmas trees? How many cones are there on the left, on the right?

(Remember the concept of “the same”)

Which items is one?

(Color it)


Connect with a line the cards on which one item is drawn.

(Color the top item red, the bottom item blue)

3. Introducing the number and number 1.

Memorizing a poem about the number 1.

Letter of number 1 with dots.

Finding the number 1 and circling it.

What numbers are printed in the box on the left?

(Color one ball, one flower, 1 car).

5. Repetition of previously studied. Preparing to meet the number 2.

How many caterpillars?

Where is the long caterpillar and where is the short one? (above, below)

(Color the long caterpillar green and the short caterpillar yellow)

6.Repetition of previously studied. Preparing to meet the number 2.

What tree is shown below?

How many birches?

Which birch tree is on the left, on the right?

(Color the short birch tree green and the tall one yellow)

Tasks on the topic: Number and figure 2.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1. Getting number 2.

How many apples? strawberries?

(Color the left apple green and the right apple red).

How did you get 2?

How many carrots?

(Color the long carrot orange and the short carrot yellow)

How did you get 2?

How many strawberries?

(Color the large strawberry red and the small strawberry green)

How did you get 2?

Introducing the number 2. Pasting the printed number 2 onto the question mark.

Memorizing a poem about the number 2.

2. What animal is shown in the picture? How many are there? What are they?

(Color as many circles as we have elephants).

3. Exercise in recognizing the number 2.

Find the number 2 and circle it.

4. Consolidation, repetition of previously learned.

How many boys and girls are there in the picture? How did you get 2?

Whose ribbon is longer, shorter.

(Color the long ribbon with a blue pencil and the short ribbon with a red pencil).

5. Correlation between number and figure.

In each row, color as many objects as the number on the left indicates.

What leaves are on the left? How many are there? Connect the drawing with the number two with a line.

Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 3.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1.Repetition of previously studied. Work on a new topic.

Draw paths from the big car to the big garage,

from a smaller car to a smaller garage, from the smallest to the smallest garage.

How many cars are there in the picture?

Three is one, one and one more. Or two and one. One and two.

(Speak in chorus, showing in the picture)

2. Introducing numbers and numbers3.

Memorizing a poem about the number 3.

Letter of number 3 with dots.

Finding the number 3 and circling it.

3. Repetition of geometric shapes. Counting triangles.

How many triangles are needed for a Christmas tree? How should they be positioned?

(Glue triangles on the right side of the sheet).

4. Correlation between number and figure.

In each row, paint as many objects as the number on the left indicates. How did you paint it?

In each lower rectangle, circle the dotted number corresponding to the number of geometric shapes in the upper rectangle.

6. Correlation between number and figure. Diagnostics of knowledge.

How many apples? Connect the picture with the number one with a line.

How many daisies? Connect the picture with the number three with a line.

What leaves are on the right? How many are there? Connect the picture with the number two with a line.

Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 4.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1.Repetition of previously studied. Work on a new topic.

How many kittens are in the basket? What number will the cat be?

(Color orange as many circles as we have kittens. Color black as many circles as we have cats.

How many circles are there in total? How did you get the number 4?)

2. Introducing the number and number 4.

Memorizing a poem about the number 4.

Letter number 4 with dots.

Finding the number 4 and circling it.

3. Writing the number 4 in dots. Correlation between number and figure.

In each row, paint as many objects as the number on the left indicates.

4. Consolidation on the topic.

How many pears? How can you paint them yellow and green differently? (3 and 1; 2 and 2)

Letter number 4 with dots.

5 Consolidation of knowledge about the studied numbers and figures.

How many balls are in the top left rectangle?

How many balls are there in the lower left rectangle?

(Color in this rectangle a number that indicates the number of balls in it).

How many balls are in the top right rectangle?

(Color in this rectangle a number that indicates the number of balls in it).

How many balls are there in the lower right rectangle?

(Color in this rectangle a number that indicates the number of balls in it).

6. Correlation between number and figure. Diagnostics of knowledge.

How many squirrels? Connect the picture with the number two with a line.

How many frogs? Connect the picture with the number three with a line.

How many hedgehogs? Connect the picture with the number four with a line.

How many hares? Connect the picture with the number one with a line.

Assignments on the topic: Numbers and numbers 1-4. Consolidation.

1.Find and correct the error.

Where error? How did you fix it?

2. Correlation between number and figure.

Look at the pictures. Count how many cherries (pears, apples, lemons)?

Cross out the unnecessary number. (Which one was crossed out?)

3. Correlation between number and figure. Independent work.

4. Repetition of geometric shapes. Comparison of the number of items.

The "equal" sign.

5. Comparison of the number of items. Signs "greater than", "less than"

How many mushrooms did the girl or boy collect? Who collected more?

(We put a sign and say it)

What mushrooms should you not eat? (We cross them out). How many edible mushrooms does a girl or boy have now? (We pronounce the resulting inequality)

6. Logic task.

Color the number that represents the number of hares in the basket.

(Explanation of number selection)

7. Tasks for the development of attention. Repetition of geometric shapes, plus, minus, and dot signs. Independent work.

8. Tasks for the development of attention. Repetition of geometric shapes, concepts of “right”, “left”.

Tasks on the topic: Number and figure 5.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1. Ordinal counting of objects. Reinforcing the concepts: “stands behind, after,” “stands before,” “stands between.”

In what place is a matryoshka, a bear, a cat, a doll, etc.?

How many toys are there in total?

2. Getting the number 5.

Draw as many circles in the rectangle as there are crows in the picture.

How many crows fly? (Color in the last circle with a simple pencil)

How many crows? How did you get the number 5?

3. Introducing the number and number 5.

Memorizing a poem about the number 5.

Letter of number 5 with dots.

Finding the number 5 and circling it.

4. Correlation between the number 5 and the number 5.

Conversation about the time of year in the picture, about leaves, fruits, animals in the fall.

Fill in as many circles as there are leaves on the ground.

Letter of number 5 with dots.

5. Correlation between number and figure. Consolidating the visual image of numbers.

How many caramels? Connect the picture with the number two with a line.

How many cherries? Connect the picture with the number four with a line. (Etc.)

6. Correlation between number and figure. Diagnostics of knowledge.

In each drawing, color as many beads as the number in the square indicates.

Assignments on the topic: Numbers and figures 1-5. Consolidation.

1. Correlation between number and figure. Consolidating the visual image of numbers. Development of attention. Remember fairy tales.

Draw lines from the number to the heroes of fairy tales, put the required number of dots.

2. Correlation between number and figure. Composition of number 5.

Circle the dotted number indicating the number of ducklings in the picture.

How many ducklings? Ducks? Total? How did you get 5?

3.Repetition of geometric shapes. Count them (show the desired number, taking it out of the envelope with numbers).

Independent work (development of attention).

4. Ordinal counting of objects. Reinforcing the concepts: “stands behind, after,” “stands before,” “stands between.” Remember the heroes of fairy tales.

Place dots and draw lines.

Who is fifth? Find the number 5 in the envelope and stick it under Little Red Riding Hood.

5. Repetition of geometric shapes. Independent work.

Consider a framed rug. Find the same one and color it.

Which figures are painted red?

Blue? Yellow?

1. Repetition. Ordinal counting of objects. Reinforcing the concepts: “stands behind, after,” “stands before,” “stands between.”

Who's the odd one out? Why?

How many birds and animals? Total? How did you get the number 4?

2.Repetition of numbers and numbers 1-3.

Score3-1; 1-3.

Place as many dots in the bottom cell as the number in the top cell shows.

3. Repetition of numbers and numbers 1-4.

Score1-4; 4-1.

Match the number and the figure. Draw a line from the oval to the number.

Name the objects in one word.

4. Repetition of concepts: “wider”, “narrower”, “left”, “right”, seasons.

Independent coloring of the picture after analyzing the task.

5. Correlation between number and figure. Remember the heroes of the fairy tale.

6. Exercise in counting objects, generalizing concepts, finding the odd one out.

Coloring pictures with 5 objects drawn on them.

Tasks on the topic: Counting objects. Numbers and numbers 1-5. Consolidation.

(The sequence of tasks may vary.)

1. Correlation between number and figure. Consolidating the visual image of numbers.

How many toys are on each shelf?

Match the shelves with the correct numbers.

2. Repetition of geometric shapes. Comparison of the number of items.

The "equal" sign.

Circle the number corresponding to the number of circles and squares.

3. Logic task.

Color as many circles as there are hares in the picture.

(Children explain how many circles they have painted).

4. Correlation between number and figure. Repeat the concepts “stands behind, after,” “stands before,” “stands between.”

What numbers are printed in 1 rectangle? What's next?

Draw a suitable number of dots in the empty circle. (How much?) Etc.

5. Correlation between number and figure. Independent work (Diagnostics of knowledge of numbers 1-5).

6. Repetition of geometric shapes. Counting their number.

Pasting such geometric shapes on the right.

7. Correlation of numbers, numbers. Select color according to number. Coloring the houses yourself.

Tasks on the topic: Counting objects. Numbers and figures 1-5.

(Monitoring knowledge on this topic)

1. Counting objects.

How many chairs?

Paint the chair that is higher red.

And the chair below is blue.

2. Ordinal counting of objects. Name of flowers.

Place as many dots as there are flowers.

Color the first flower red. The third is yellow.

The fifth is orange. The second one is blue. The fourth is blue.

3. Comparison of the number of items.

What leaves are on the branch on the left? How many are there? Take the required number from the envelope and stick it below under the branch on the left.

What leaves are on the branch on the right? How many are there? Take the required number from the envelope and stick it below under the branch on the right.

Which leaves are there more? Pasting the sign.

4.Counting items. Pasting the required numbers.

5. Conversation based on a fairy tale. Counting the heroes and objects of a fairy tale.

Which items are the same? Different quantities?

How many plates must be placed so that there is enough for all the bears?

Take the required number from the envelope and stick it below the picture.

Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 6.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1.Repetition of what has been learned. The concepts of “longer” and “shorter”.

Color the short comb yellow and the long comb blue.

2. Repeat the concepts “stands behind, after”, “stands before”, “stands between”.

3.Counting items.

How many hares? Carrots?

Take it out of the envelope and stick the required numbers on the bottom.

What more? How to make the same amount, the same amount?

Cross out 1 carrot.

4. Repeat the concepts “stands behind, after”, “stands before”, “stands between”.

Draw the required number of dots in the empty cell.

5. Getting the number 6.

How many flags are there on the top rope? And on the bottom? What did you do to make them 6?

Introducing the number and number 6.

Memorizing a poem about the number 6.

Letter of number 6 with dots.

6. Consolidating the visual image of numbers.

Find the number 6 and circle it in red.

How many circles do you have with the number 6? (Lay on the desired number).

Find the number 5 and circle it in green.

How many circles do you have with the number 5? (Lay on the desired number).

Which numbers are greater? (Add a comparison sign).

7. Direct and reverse counting.

The concepts of “increase” and “decrease” of a number.



Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 6. Consolidation.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1. Ordinal counting of objects. Call them in one word.

Reinforcing the concepts: “stands behind, after,” “stands before,” “stands between.”

2. Quantitative counting of objects.

Count the objects and connect them with a line to the desired number.

3. Consolidating the visual image of numbers.

Color all the number 6s green.

Count how many 6?

Color red the number that represents the number of green numbers.

4. Correlation between number and figure. Independent work (Diagnostics of knowledge of numbers 1-6).

Count the number of objects in each picture.

Take the required number from the envelope and stick it under the picture.

5. Counting and comparing objects.

How many mushrooms?

Take the desired number from the envelope and stick it to the right of the picture.

How many Christmas trees?

Take the desired number from the envelope and stick it to the right of the picture.

What more? (Place a sign, read the entry)

How to do it the same way?

6. Preparation for solving problems.

How many fish are in the aquarium? How to make them become 5?

(Paste 6- 1 = 5, explain why the minus sign is, read the entry)

How many balls are there in the closet? How to make them become 5?

(Paste 4+1=5, explain why the plus sign is used, read the entry).

7. Preparation for solving problems. Conversation about the New Year holiday.

We count Christmas tree decorations on the left and right.

How many are there in total?

Paste the note 3+3=6. Read it.

Color the Christmas tree decorations so that 3 are one color and 3 are another.

Assignments on the topic: Number and figure 7.

(Assignments can be completed in two classes)

1.Getting the number 7.

How many beads are colored?

How do the colors of the beads alternate?

What color will the next one be? Color it.

What is the last bead?

How did you get the number 7?

(We paste the note under the beads: 6+1=7 Read it)

2. Introducing numbers and numbers7.

Memorizing a poem about numbers7.

Letter of number 7 with dots.

3. Consolidating the visual image of the number 7.

Find the number 7 and circle it.

How many numbers did you find?

4. Direct and reverse counting: 1-7; 7-1.

The concepts of “increase” and “decrease” of a number.

5. Counting objects and comparing numbers 7 and 6.

(Paste on the right: 7 > 6).

How to do it the same way?

(We finish drawing the apple and paste the note below: 6+1=7).

How can I do the same thing differently?

(Cross out the mug. Paste the note below: 7-1 = 6).

6. Correlation between number and figure.-

Help the turtle get home.

Color each turtle and its house the same color. Draw the turtle's path to the house in the same color.


Number 5, number 5

Target: introduce the number 5 and the number 5. Educational task : technique of adding one to the previous number, learning to count within 5, consolidating knowledge about geometric shapes, learning the number 5, writing numbers 5. Developmental task: develop children's speech, memory, attention, and thinking. Educational task : to cultivate children’s interest in mathematics, to cultivate in children a caring attitude towards visual materials. Methods and techniques: Verbal- artistic expression, questions, answers, explanation, instructions Visual- showing and viewing paintings Practical - didactic exercises Game- creating a game situation Demo material : cards with the image of the number 5. Handouts : counting sticks. Vocabulary work : number five, number five.

Progress of the lesson Organizational moment

IN: Let the children all make a finger game together:

One, two, three, four, five!

Let your fingers go for a walk!

This finger went into the forest,

This finger found a mushroom,

This finger began to clean,

This finger began to cut,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got tired.

I Part. IN: Children, you have counting sticks on your tables. Make a house out of them. Our kittens will live in it. Let's count together how many corners the house has. One, two, three, four, five.

Who might be spinning there?

Who can dance there?

Who can ride there?

Well, of course, the number 5!

Q: Look at the number 5.

Q: So how long will the kittens live in this house?

Q: How did we know?

D: We added 1 to 4 and got the number 5.

Q: The cat’s kittens are still small. They played with numbers and they fell apart. Please help the cat mom put the numbers in ascending order.

Q: Katya, what first number should we put?

B: Vova, put the next number. Which one will you install?

Then we do the same work with the rest of the children.

II Part

Q - children, what new number did we meet? D- 5 B- the number 5 is written with the number 5. What does the number 5 look like D- like a sickle

The wind quietly began to dance The number 5 on the paper The hand on the right extended The leg bent sharply

B- Well done!

1.Now make the number 5 on the table using sticks. Well done!

2.Now open your notebooks and write the number 5 in dots to the end of the line.

Q: Now, kids, let’s stretch our fingers a little:

There are 5 fingers on my hand

5 grabbers, 5 holders

To plan and to saw

To take and to give

One, two, three, four, five!

III Part

Q: Children, our kitten friends have scattered all the figures and don’t know how to arrange them. Let's help our friends.

Q: Now everyone go to the hoops. Children, pay attention to the codes inside them. Let's arrange all the blocks into hoops. The options may be different, for example: in one - all small and blue, in the other - all large and round.

IV Part. Game "Right - Left".

Q: Now let’s play the game “Right - Left”.

Children and kittens decided to take a walk in the forest, but they got lost and couldn’t find their way. Forgot where the right and left sides are. Let's help. We raise our right hand. It is our hand that can draw, write, cook, and sew.

Now move your right hand to the side, name the objects that are on the right side, that are to your right. Repeat the word "right."

D: Right.

B: And now the left hand. We always wear a watch on our left hand, our heart beats on the left side, right?

Q: Well done! You know how to distinguish between the right and left sides. And our friends found out where the right and left sides are. And now they won't get lost.

Kittens: Thanks, guys. We learned a lot from you. Goodbye guys.

D: Goodbye!

Lesson summary

What number did we meet? - Is it more or less than 4? - How long? - How did we get the number 5?