Learning to make an airplane from a pack of cigarettes. How to make your own airplane from an empty pack of cigarettes How to make an airplane from a pack of cigarettes

As a child, everyone made something at least once. airplanes from empty packs cigarettes. This toy has been around for many years, but despite this, it still pleases children and can usefully occupy the free time of adults who want to remember their childhood and again make an airplane out of an empty one. cigarettes Noah packs. Making such a craft is very simple - each of you can do it the first time.


  1. Take a pack from cigarettes and separate the carefully glued fragments. Make out packs scan, and take out the foil and put it next to it. All the small details packs must remain intact.
  2. Divide the reamer into parts - separate the two bases, the back side, the front side, and also the inner part. Place the front part in front of you and bend its corners inward in the same way as you bend the wings for a paper dove.
  3. Now take the back packs and give it a cylindrical shape. Bend the side edges outward to create four ends sticking out on the sides. Lift the ends and join them together.
  4. In the wings that you got from the front part, make a longitudinal slot in the middle and insert a cylindrical part into this slot using the folded edges raised up. Flatten the edges to create a chassis.
  5. Now take the top cigarettes Noah packs and give it a cylindrical shape as well. Make a narrow slit in its interior and twist the side edges to create the tail and turbines.
  6. Insert the tail and turbines into the body of the aircraft behind the wings. Place the turbines on the lower plane of the aircraft, behind the landing gear. The tail should stick up above the plane.
  7. From cigarettes Using foil, roll up a tight cone, the base of which is equal to the cylindrical diameter of the fuselage. Insert the cone firmly into the hole in the fuselage that matches the nose of the aircraft and secure. Your fighter plane from packs ready!

Sometimes, when boredom sets in, a hidden genius awakens in our minds, demanding to create something. with your own hands . Here the glance falls on packaging cigarettes and the question involuntarily arises - “How to make an airplane from a pack of cigarettes?” By the way, from empty cigarette packages can be produced in various crafts . This may not only be an airplane, but also a tank. A robot made from cigarette packsand it will look like a work of art.

In this article we will not tell youhow to make a robot, since this is a lesson for advanced masters. But we decided to help those who are thinking abouthow to make a fighter plane with your own hands from a pack of cigarettes.

Necessary materials and preparation for work

Make it out of a pack of cigarettessuch a thing as an airplane is a matter that requires time and attention. To do this you will need:

  • empty cigarette packaging;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

To begin, carefully unwrap the package. This must be done in such a way as not to damage its integrity.

There is no need to throw away the foil - we will use it in the future. The unwrapped packaging must be divided into several separate elements. They should be:

  • base;
  • second base;
  • front part;
  • inner part;
  • rear end.

All elements must be laid out so that you know where each of the parts was taken from. Let's get to work.

Manufacturing of parts

Let's start creating and connecting parts:

  1. Wings and landing gear. Take the front piece and fold the corners inward. In this way you created the wings. Next we need the back part, it needs to be bent into the shape of a cylinder, and the side edges be bent outward. They should protrude from the sides. Then they need to be lifted and connected together. It is necessary to make a hole in the wings into which the rear part will be inserted. To make the chassis, you need to straighten the edges that you folded at the beginning.
  2. Tail and turbines. Fold the top into a cylinder. Make a narrow hole inside and twist the side edges. The result should be something resembling a tail and turbines. Then we take the upper part and insert it into the back, a little further than the wings. The turbines should be located where the rear of the chassis is located. The tail should rise above the plane.
  3. Nose. The last stage is the nose. Here we will need the foil that we set aside in advance. You need to make a tight cone out of it. Its size should be identical to the fuselage. The foil cone needs to be inserted into the fuselage hole at the front of the aircraft. This is how the nose is created.

Check that all elements of the aircraft are tightly connected to each other. Job done!

If boredom strikes you again, you can experiment with the parts by bending them in a different way or changing their size.

Now you knowwhat you can make yourself from an unnecessary cigarette pack. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to experiment.

Sometimes, when boredom sets in, a hidden genius awakens in our minds, demanding to create something with our own hands. Then the eye falls on the packaging of cigarettes and the question involuntarily arises - “How to make an airplane from a pack of cigarettes?” By the way, various crafts can be made from empty cigarette packages. It can be not only an airplane, but also a tank. And a robot made from cigarette packs will look like a work of art.

In this article we will not tell you how to make a robot, since this is an activity for advanced craftsmen. But we decided to help those who are thinking about how to make a fighter plane from a pack of cigarettes with their own hands.

Necessary materials and preparation for work

Making something like an airplane out of a pack of cigarettes is a task that requires time and attention. To do this you will need:

  • empty cigarette packaging;
  • glue;
  • scissors.

To begin, carefully unwrap the package. This must be done in such a way as not to damage its integrity.

There is no need to throw away the foil - we will use it in the future. The unwrapped packaging must be divided into several separate elements. They should be:

  • base;
  • second base;
  • front part;
  • inner part;
  • rear end.

All elements must be laid out so that you know where each of the parts was taken from. Let's get to work.

Manufacturing of parts

Let's start creating and connecting parts:

  1. Wings and landing gear. Take the front piece and fold the corners inward. In this way you created the wings. Next we need the back part, it needs to be bent into the shape of a cylinder, and the side edges be bent outward. They should protrude from the sides. Then they need to be lifted and connected together. It is necessary to make a hole in the wings into which the rear part will be inserted. To make the chassis, you need to straighten the edges that you folded at the beginning.

  2. Tail and turbines. Fold the top into a cylinder. Make a narrow hole inside and twist the side edges. The result should be something resembling a tail and turbines. Then we take the upper part and insert it into the back, a little further than the wings. The turbines should be located where the rear of the chassis is located. The tail should rise above the plane.
  3. Nose. The last stage is the nose. Here we will need the foil that we set aside in advance. You need to make a tight cone out of it. Its size should be identical to the fuselage. The foil cone needs to be inserted into the fuselage hole at the front of the aircraft. This is how the nose is created.

Check that all elements of the aircraft are tightly connected to each other. Job done!

If boredom strikes you again, you can experiment with the parts by bending them in a different way or changing their size.

Now you know what you can make yourself from an unnecessary cigarette pack. Use your imagination and don’t be afraid to experiment.
