Removal of molluscum contagiosum mechanically. Main clinical symptoms of the disease: description and localization of lesions. Molluscum contagiosum and celandine

Molluscum contagiosum on the skin of a child is an infectious disease caused by a virus from the smallpox family. The disease manifests itself as neoplasms on the skin in the form of dense small nodules (papules) with a depression in the center. As a rule, infection occurs in preschool age; this is due to the immaturity of the child’s immune system. Adults and adolescents who are promiscuous are also susceptible to this disease.

What are shellfish on the skin?

Viral infectious contagious or contagious molluscum (molluscum epitheliale) is considered a benign disease, but it does not apply to tumor formations, because the growth and formation of nodules with fluid is caused by the impact of the virus on a small specific area of ​​​​the skin. There is no inflammatory process in the epidermis of the nodules. Molluscum contagiosum is a common disease, and people of any age can get it. The infection occurs most often in children under 6 years of age, adolescents and pensioners.


Molluscum contagiosum in children is a viral infection that affects the skin. The main cause of this disease is considered to be orthopoxvirus from the Poxviridae family. This pathogenic microorganism is widespread and can affect people of any age. Today there are 4 known varieties of the virus, which are designated by Latin letters and numbers: MCV-1, MCV-2, MCV-3, MCV-4.

This is a contagious disease that is usually caused by the orthopoxvirus MCV-1, and in adults - MCV-2. This happens due to the fact that the first type of virus is transmitted indirectly and through contact through household objects, and the type 2 virus is transmitted through sexual contact. As a rule, people who are more susceptible to infection with molluscum contagiosum are:

  • those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis;
  • with weak immunity (allergy sufferers, cancer patients, HIV-infected);
  • taking glucocorticoid hormones and cytostatics;
  • constantly in contact with the skin (doctors, massage therapists, pool trainers).

Routes of infection

The causative agent of the disease affects only the skin, so when all papules are cured, the virus is completely removed from the body. The source of shellfish infection can only be a sick person. Transmission of infection occurs through the use of shared toys and bath accessories. Infection often occurs in country camps, swimming pools, schools, and kindergartens. The incubation period of the disease is long, often the first rashes appear only four to eight weeks after infection. The risk of developing the disease increases in the presence of the following factors:

  • polluted environment;
  • weak immune system;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns, disorders.

Molluscs on a child’s body are transmitted indirectly, through household contact and through water. As a rule, infection often occurs through touching the skin of a person suffering from the disease. Any tactile contact (handshakes, hugs, massages, close contact on public transport) with a sick person can lead to infection. The indirect route of transmission is considered the most common; it involves infecting people through touching dishes, linen and other household items on which virus particles remain.


The main signs of the presence of the disease are skin neoplasms in the form of small flesh-colored or white nodules. As a rule, in children they can appear on any part of the body, often on the face and chest, almost never on the feet and hands. When you press on the papules, a white mass is released, similar in consistency to boiled cereal. Occasionally, the nodules merge to form a giant molluscum contagiosum - a large skin formation with a depression in the center.

Although molluscum contagiosum is an infectious disease, it has no symptoms other than a skin rash and small pimples with fluid. Fever, runny nose and sore throat often do not even appear in the baby. Rarely, mild itching occurs at the site of large papules. When scratching or traumatizing acne, the disease can be complicated by other skin ailments. In this case, the symptoms of contagious infection are:

  • the appearance of pus;
  • swelling and redness of the skin around the rash;
  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of severe pain in the area of ​​the rash.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children

Some experts believe that uncomplicated molluscum contagiosum does not require special treatment. Papules will go away on their own if you follow the rules of personal hygiene. Rarely do light areas remain at the site of the rash that are not subject to tanning. Other experts, on the contrary, insist on mandatory treatment to avoid complications. The doctor may prescribe vitamins, immunomodulators, restorative and antiviral drugs.

As a rule, removal of nodules is recommended for adult patients so that they do not serve as a source of infection for other people. When children become ill, dermatologists often advise not to treat the disease, but to wait a little (4-6 months) until the papules go away on their own, because any procedure can cause stress in the baby. If the disease lasts a long time, the doctor may prescribe the following methods for removing nodules in children:

  • mechanical curettage using a Volkmann spoon;
  • cryotherapy – removal using liquid nitrogen;
  • use of folk recipes using herbs;
  • removal with tweezers;
  • use of special compounds;
  • removal by laser or electric current.

External treatment

Mollusca on a child’s face is a viral disease that can cause a lot of inconvenience for children. If the papules do not disappear on their own, a specialist may prescribe the use of special gentle and at the same time effective means. The most common drugs are:

  • Infagel ointment and Viferon cream. These medications are based on interferon, which strengthens the immune system. These agents prevent the mollusk from penetrating healthy cells and disrupt the presence of the virus in the blood. To treat the disease, drugs must be applied in a thin layer to the nodules up to 5 times a day. The course of therapy is 7 days. Contraindications: under one year of age.

  • Oxolinic antiviral ointment. Used externally. The drug prevents the proliferation and penetration of viruses into cells. A 3% ointment is used to cleanse the skin. Nodes and rashes must be carefully lubricated with the product 4 times a day, the treatment period is 2 weeks. The only contraindication is special sensitivity to oxoline.

Drug treatment

Parents often burn nodules on the skin of children with iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and celandine. This is allowed, but only under the supervision of a doctor. Although it is better to treat molluscs on a child’s skin with antiviral agents, also in consultation with the doctor. The most effective drugs are:

  • Candles Viferon 500000 IU2. Antiviral and immunomodulatory agent. When using the drug, the level of immunoglobulins increases and the functioning of interferon is restored. Children over 7 years old are prescribed one suppository 3 times a day for two weeks. Children under 7 years old - one suppository 2 times a day.

  • Isoprinosine tablets. Immunomodulator, complex synthetic antiviral drug. Blocks the reproduction of viruses and reduces the clinical manifestations of the disease. Strengthens the effect of interferon. Children over 3 years of age are prescribed 50 mg of the drug per 1 kg of weight. The dose is divided into 3 doses per day. The course of therapy is from 5 days until the nodules completely disappear. Contraindications: children under 3 years of age.

Folk remedies

Many parents try to cure cutaneous molluscum with traditional medicine: garlic, celandine, calendula. Often such methods are not always safe, especially without the supervision of a specialist. Although some of them, used together with medications, help to quickly get rid of an unpleasant illness. The most popular traditional medicine recipes are:

  • Bird cherry juice. Fresh tree leaves should be washed with water and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting porridge should be placed on cheesecloth and the juice should be squeezed out. This mixture must be mixed with butter in a 1:1 ratio. The ointment should be applied to the nodules at night. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.
  • Garlic lotions. For this recipe, you need to take several fresh cloves of the plant and grind them to a paste. Next, add butter in a 1:1 ratio and mix well. The prepared composition must be applied pointwise to the nodules and secured with a band-aid. The lotions should be changed to fresh ones 3 times a day. Such applications should be applied to papules until they completely disappear.

Removing shellfish from children

Dermatologists do not recommend removing molluscum contagiosum nodules in children on their own to avoid complications on the skin in the future. Only an experienced doctor can prescribe a treatment method. When a disease occurs, the child cannot attend school, kindergarten, or swimming pool. An infected baby should undergo a full course of therapy from a dermatologist. As a rule, removal of molluscum in children is rarely resorted to, because The rash may disappear from the skin on its own over time. Although in rare cases, mechanical removal of papules is simply necessary. Removal is indicated in the following situations:

  • if there is a high risk of spreading the infection;
  • in the presence of concomitant skin diseases (atopic dermatitis);
  • if the rash is localized on the neck or face.

Mechanical removal

The doctor can remove the papules using tweezers and an alcohol solution of iodine. During this procedure, young children are often anesthetized with Emla cream or another surface anesthetic. To remove the nodules, the doctor squeezes the jaws of the tweezers and squeezes out the contents of the papules, after which he carefully removes the curdled mass and cauterizes the wound with iodine or hydrogen peroxide.

To remove molluscs from the skin, a specialist may use curettage or husking. This method involves mechanically scraping out the papules with a sharp Volkmann spoon. The procedure is unpleasant, and removal is often accompanied by bleeding, so the specialist uses local anesthesia with lidocaine. After removing all nodules, the wounds should be treated with a 5% iodine solution. This method of removal may leave scars on the body.

Surgical removal

As the infection progresses, the specialist may prescribe one of the following surgical treatment methods:

  • Diathermocoagulation. You can remove a child's rash by cauterizing the papules with an electric current. This procedure is practically painless, but can sometimes be accompanied by burning, discomfort, and tingling.
  • Laser therapy. Modern medical equipment makes it possible to quickly remove the mollusk with a laser using local anesthesia. This removal helps to achieve the destruction of 90% of papules after the first session. In this case, each nodule is irradiated with a laser during the procedure, after which the skin is treated with iodine (5% solution). If after a week the papules have not crusted over, then another irradiation session is performed.
  • Cryodestruction (cryotherapy). Removing nodules with liquid nitrogen. Cells with the virus are frozen and killed during the procedure. When cryotherapy is carried out correctly, there are no scars on the skin.


The peculiarity and main danger of molluscum contagiosum is the ability of the rash to spread over the entire surface of the skin. Timely treatment will help quickly defeat the virus.

- predominantly a childhood viral disease, which manifests itself on the skin and mucous membranes as whitish nodules, pronounced in the center. The virus got its name due to the similarity of skin formations with mollusk shells.

Molluscum contagiosum in a child

What does molluscum contagiosum look like in children?

Molluscum contagiosum looks the same in both children and adults: one or more nodules - papules - form on the skin, not very different in color from normal skin. You can independently determine molluscum contagiosum by the “indentations” characteristic only of this disease in the center of each nodule.

IMPORTANT: The size of papules usually does not exceed 1 cm. The presence of several large formations in a child at once indicates a strong decline in immunity and is a reason for urgent consultation with a doctor.

Molluscum contagiosum is a painless and, in many cases, harmless disease. Provided there are no infections in the child’s body, it can disappear on its own after about six months from the moment of infection.

IMPORTANT: Children aged 1 to 6 years are at risk of infection. In general, infants and schoolchildren are less susceptible to this virus.

Molluscum contagiosum in front of children, photo

Molluscum contagiosum papules in children are often concentrated in the eye area. In this case, the child does not feel any discomfort.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to stop the child’s attempts to open or remove the formations on his own. Otherwise, the contents of the damaged nodule may infect healthy skin.

Molluscum contagiosum on the face in children, photo

The face is a favorite place on a child’s body for molluscum contagiosum. If the rashes cause discomfort to the child, it is better to remove them. After removal, the marks will be noticeable for some time, and then they will lighten and disappear completely.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum in children

The main symptom of a child being infected with molluscum contagiosum is the appearance on his body of papules filled with cheesy contents.

IMPORTANT: In children, nodules can be localized almost throughout the body with the exception of the feet and palms. Most often, the rash affects the face.

Molluscum contagiosum nodules form 1 to 1.5 months after infection. If you press down on a ripe, softened formation, a curdled mass, reminiscent of the contents of eels, will immediately appear on the surface.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to get rid of the disease by squeezing out the contents of the nodules on your own. The situation can only be aggravated by the addition of a bacterial infection or an even greater spread of molluscum contagiosum throughout the body.

The appearance of characteristic papules on a child’s skin is the main symptom of molluscum contagiosum

Causes of molluscum contagiosum in children

The main reasons for the spread of molluscum contagiosum among children include:

  • using personal belongings of an infected person (towels, toys, clothes)
  • visit to kindergarten, swimming pool
  • household contact with an infected child (through skin contact)
  • decline in immunity during or after illness

IMPORTANT: The localization of rashes in children does not depend on the method of infection with molluscum contagiosum.

One of the causes of molluscum contagiosum infection is contact with an infected child.

How to treat molluscum contagiosum in children?

If the immune system of a healthy adult copes with molluscum contagiosum rashes on its own, then a child’s body needs medical help to fight the virus.

IMPORTANT: If the child is completely healthy, and the molluscum contagiosum papules are small in size and do not spread throughout his body, the doctor may recommend simply observing the rash for a while.

If the number of papules increases or the rash causes discomfort to the child, recovery can be accelerated using one of the following methods:

  • laser removal
  • cauterization with liquid nitrogen (cryotherapy)
  • medical scraping of the contents of papules with iodine treatment (curettage)
  • use of antiviral drugs
  • a course of antibiotics (for profuse rashes and a tendency to drain)

IMPORTANT: Procedures for removing molluscum contagiosum rashes in children are carried out only in clinics or specialized beauty salons. After removing visible signs of the disease, the child’s immunity is corrected.

A doctor should treat molluscum contagiosum in children

Laser removal of molluscum contagiosum in children

  • Laser removal of molluscum contagiosum in children is one of the most modern and painless methods of getting rid of viral papules
  • Before using the laser, an application of lidocaine cream is applied to the skin. After the affected area of ​​the skin loses sensitivity, the procedure for removing the papule begins.
  • The mollusk is removed layer by layer through gradual exposure to a laser beam. A minor wound remains at the site of the removed defect, which is treated with an antiseptic. There is no blood loss

IMPORTANT: The advantages of laser therapy, in addition to absolute painlessness, are the ability to get rid of skin defects without scars and scars, and the absence of bacterial complications after treatment.

For three days after laser therapy, the child should not be bathed.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children with folk remedies

Self-treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children is undesirable, but for minor skin lesions it is permissible to use folk recipes:

Recipe No. 1. Squeeze out the contents of the nodule yourself, making sure that it does not get on adjacent areas of the skin. Carefully treat the wound with an alcohol solution of iodine. After the wound has dried, apply juice squeezed from fresh bird cherry leaves onto it using a cotton swab. This treatment is carried out for 4 – 5 days. Unsqueezed papules can also be treated. To avoid spreading the infection, use a new cotton swab for each wound or nodule.

Recipe No. 2. Molluscum contagiosum nodules are treated with celandine juice, which is extracted from the stems of cut plants, for 6-8 days. During this time, the formations should disappear.

Recipe No. 3. Pharmacy alcohol tincture of calendula is lubricated on the nodules 3-4 times a day for a month.

Recipe No. 4. Molluscum contagiosum nodules are treated with freshly squeezed garlic juice 3 to 4 times a day for 2 weeks.

Recipe No. 5. Treat skin lesions with a mixture of garlic and onion juice. These natural antibiotics are powerful. After a week, the nodules will noticeably “diminish”, and after two they will disappear completely.

IMPORTANT: If treatment with folk remedies does not produce results, you should consult a dermatologist. There is always a risk of confusing the rash with a benign or malignant tumor. Then self-medication will only worsen the situation.

Tablets for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children

There are no pills for molluscum contagiosum. Since the disease is viral in nature, antiviral immunomodulatory drugs are used to treat it, and in the case of a bacterial infection, antibacterial drugs are used.

To treat molluscum contagiosum, medications from the list are usually prescribed:

  • interferon preparations
  • proteflazid
  • immunoflazid
  • groprinosin

IMPORTANT: The choice of drug and its dosage for treating a child should be made by a doctor.

Interferon preparations are prescribed for the treatment of molluscum contagiosum in children.

Molluscum contagiosum in children: reviews

Elena: My oldest daughter (6 years old) had a molluscum on her lower eyelid. It was removed in two stages, surgically. The operation was performed by an ophthalmologist-surgeon. One session took about 15 minutes. The skin around the affected area was disinfected and numbed, then the molluscum was removed. In its place there was a small wound that needed to be treated for another week with red brilliant green (fucorcin). Recently I noticed a mollusk on the face of my youngest (3 years old) daughter. I'm going to cut it too.

Natalia: My son had his molluscum surgically removed twice. But both times, after some time, new formations appeared, only in larger quantities. We also tried all the folk remedies and were completely disappointed in them. I was already thinking about going to the surgeon again. Before the next operation, I took my son to an infectious disease doctor, who explained that it would not be possible to get rid of molluscum contagiosum by removing the nodules alone. The doctor prescribed treatment with the antiviral drug Groprinosin and treatment of the lesions with iodine. A month later there was no trace of our illness left.

Oksana: My one year old daughter developed clams on her face. After some time, I noticed them on my back. The dermatologist said to burn it with red brilliant green. Within a week, my daughter’s face cleared up, and after another two, the mollusks were gone from her back.

Molluscum contagiosum in children may recur from time to time

Getting rid of molluscum contagiosum forever is not easy. Those children who have had this disease once always have a risk of relapse. To avoid the recurrence of rashes, you need to support the child’s immunity, regularly examine his skin and carefully maintain hygiene.

Video: What to do with molluscum contagiosum - Doctor Komarovsky?

Molluscum contagiosum virus is a skin disease that often occurs in children and adolescents, but also occurs in adults. It is a rash in the form of nodules with liquid. Molluscum contagiosum received its name because of the molluscum-shaped bodies that, when the shell of the nodule is damaged, flow out from there. Find out more about the disease molluscum contagiosum: treatment, prevention, methods of infection.

Treatment at home

When starting treatment for molluscum contagiosum, you need to consult a dermatologist who will see the characteristic symptoms. In addition to examination, other diagnostic procedures are rarely prescribed - determining the disease is simple: the mollusk looks like formations-nodules of a flesh-colored, pinkish hue, protruding above the skin. They have a slight indentation at the top.

The nodules can cover a large or small area, they are mainly localized throughout the body, excluding the palms and soles; in adults, they often cover the inner side of the thigh and affect the genitals. To avoid an unaesthetic disease, pay attention to the causes of molluscum contagiosum.

  • Sexual path. When infected through sexual contact, molluscum contagiosum usually affects the genital area of ​​a man or woman.
  • Contact path. The causative agent - molluscum contagiosum - is extremely contagious and affects only the human body. It can remain in a “sleeping” state among the dust for a long time. Typically, infection occurs through a person sick with this virus: while swimming in a pool, when using shared things, sleeping linen, and hygiene products.

The video below describes in detail the signs and causes of the disease:

The incubation period of the disease can range from two weeks to several months. If detected, the doctor determines how the treatment will be carried out - you can use surgery, remove the formations with tweezers, or limit yourself to the use of creams, folk remedies. If the nodules are not concentrated in a large area and do not cause severe discomfort or itching, surgery is not performed.

In the latter case, treatment of the molluscum contagiosum virus can be successfully carried out at home. As a rule, this is the use of various external preparations purchased at the pharmacy, homemade ointments, decoctions, and tinctures. Let us dwell in detail on ointments and folk remedies.

Ointments for molluscum contagiosum

Pharmacy ointments will help cure the disease. A few examples that are prescribed for its treatment:

  • "Viferon". An ointment for external use, which strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to infections, and prevents pathogens from entering the cell, changing the structure of the cell membrane. It should be applied to the affected areas, gently rubbing, about four times a day for a week. The drug has no contraindications, except for personal sensitivity to individual components.
  • "Acyclovir". The product does not allow the virus to spread, is non-toxic, and is effective not only in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, but also during the treatment of other dermatological diseases - herpes, smallpox. You need to rub the ointment in for a maximum of ten days, five times a day. Treatment will be more effective if the rash is detected early and use is started immediately. The product has no contraindications other than individual sensitivity.


Medications prescribed by a dermatologist will help destroy molluscum contagiosum: treatment is carried out using creams, tablets, and, less often, antibiotics.

  • "Cycloferon" is a liniment, a product that is rubbed into the skin. The medicine is an immunomodulator, has anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects, and suppresses the reproductive capabilities of the virus. Cycloferon is indicated for use in the treatment of herpes, other viruses, genetic diseases, periodontitis, and vaginosis. Course of treatment: five days, twice a day.

Contraindications: pregnancy, lactation period, individual sensitivity.

Adverse reactions: allergies, hyperemia, burning.

  • "Imiquad" (containing imiquimod) is an immunostimulant cream for external use. It stimulates the body's production of interferon, which fights viral infections. Before applying the product, the area with the lesions and your hands should be washed, then apply the cream and do not wash off for ten hours.

Contraindicated in children under twelve years of age, pregnant women, and people with an individual allergy to the drug. Adverse reactions: skin peeling, swelling, irritation, redness.

Rarely, if the number of external nodules is too large, antibiotics - tetracyclines - are prescribed. There are also non-drug methods for treating molluscum contagiosum:

  • Removal using laser.
  • Cryotherapy is cold treatment.
  • Cauterization with liquid nitrogen.

After removing the rash, the foci of spread of the virus must be treated with iodine, a solution of potassium permanganate or brilliant green. You should definitely disinfect the area if you accidentally break the nodule’s shell on your own; after that, avoid contact with other people - the opened lesion is extremely contagious.

Folk remedies

Traditional recipes can be effective in getting rid of molluscum contagiosum. How to treat this unpleasant disease:

  • Celandine. Celandine juice applied to the nodules will help get rid of the disease. However, this plant is considered poisonous, so such treatment should be carried out carefully.
  • Calendula. Oil or ointment from this plant will be an excellent assistant in the treatment of molluscum contagiosum, and if the structure of the nodule is damaged, tincture of calendula with alcohol will help to avoid infection.
  • Garlic. To prepare an ointment for treatment, grind the head of garlic, add butter, mix well. Lubricate the nodules with the resulting mixture three times a day. If the skin is not too sensitive to the pungent juice of garlic, redness or irritation does not appear, lubricate the rash areas with the plant’s pulp alone.
  • A series. Recipe for tincture from this plant: pour two tablespoons of the string into 250 ml of hot water, bring to a boil, leave for about an hour, strain. For about a week, three times a day, wipe the formations with tincture.

How to treat molluscum contagiosum in children?

Children more often than adults become victims of this viral infection - a child can become infected at school, while going to the pool, or at any other events that involve a large crowd of people. In the photo below, you can see what molluscum contagiosum looks like in children.

Treatment is carried out using the same methods as in adults - this is the prescription of ointments, creams, and the use of traditional methods of getting rid of the disease. During the recovery period, you need to avoid showering, taking a bath, and any contact with peers. All items and children's clothing must be disinfected - this will help avoid a repeat reaction. If a child is sick, adults will also have to be tested for prevention, because molluscum contagiosum is contagious.

To avoid the disease and its subsequent treatment, follow the rules of hygiene and do not use other people’s things. The disease cannot be cured completely, since the virus has DNA, but if you follow preventive measures and support your immune system, you will be able to avoid the manifestations of molluscum contagiosum.

Do you have experience in treating this disease? Leave your comments below the article.

What is molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection. Most often it is observed in children, especially preschool age, as well as in adults with reduced immunity.

How can you become infected with molluscum contagiosum?

1) by contact - when skin comes into contact with affected skin (direct contact) or skin with a contaminated surface (when using common hygiene items - household route). Through contaminated toys, bedding, underwear, washcloths, towels, etc., which were used by a child on whose skin molluscum contagiosum has already developed, these are the most typical ways of transmitting this disease in children. This method of infection is also typical for adults. Also, the mollusk is easily transmitted from a surface contaminated with the virus - you can become infected in a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool and other similar public places.
2) sexually - a common method of transmission of the mollusk in adults.

Symptoms of molluscum contagiosum

For the first 2 weeks, and sometimes several months, the mollusk that gets on the skin or mucous membrane does not manifest itself in any way. Then, after a period of latent form, the disease enters the active phase. First, single, then multiple painless, round, dense nodules with a depression in the center appear on the skin.

The color of the rash can vary: from the color of normal skin to pink, sometimes with a waxy or pearlescent tint. The sizes of nodules can vary - from millet grain to pea (from 1 mm to 15 mm); in rare cases, as a result of the fusion of several nodules, giant molluscum contagiosum can form.

When pressed with tweezers, a white mushy mass is released from the nodule, in which, in addition to keratinized cells, there are many mollusc-like bodies.

There are no subjective sensations, but sometimes a feeling of itching appears in the area of ​​the nodules. A secondary bacterial infection with an inflammatory reaction is possible.

Which areas of the skin are most often affected by molluscum contagiosum?

Most often, the rashes are located on the face, neck, hands, torso, and abdomen.

In children, molluscum contagiosum can affect any part of the skin, most often on the skin of the hands, face, neck, except the palms and soles.

In adults, molluscum contagiosum is most often found on the skin of the anterior abdominal wall, thighs, perineum and external genitalia.

Prevention of molluscum contagiosum

Molluscum contagiosum most often appears in children and adults with a weakened immune system. To prevent the manifestation of the disease, it is necessary to increase the body's resistance - lead a healthy lifestyle, take vitamins. In winter, when the body is most weakened, it is necessary to prescribe immunostimulants - consult your doctor.

Children are especially susceptible to infection with molluscum contagiosum. It is necessary to regularly examine the child’s skin: molluscum contagiosum is very quickly transmitted in children’s groups from sick to healthy. It is much easier to fight a disease detected early. In addition, identifying the disease will prevent infection of other children. To prevent the spread of infection, it is necessary to isolate a sick child from an organized group and conduct preventive examinations of children in preschool institutions and schools.

Prevention of molluscum contagiosum involves following the rules of personal hygiene. Contact a dermatologist as soon as possible if unusual rashes, redness, peeling, itching, etc. appear. This will help identify other unpleasant diseases - such as fungus, allergies or contractual dermatitis.

Treatment of molluscum contagiosum

Although molluscum contagiosum most often does not cause pain, treatment is still necessary, mainly because it is contagious. When a secondary infection is attached to the nodules caused by the molluscum, severe inflammation of the surrounding tissues can occur. With an advanced form of molluscum contagiosum, a generalized infection may occur - when rashes begin to appear throughout the body. This condition is especially typical for HIV-infected people.

Try not to damage the molluscum contagiosum - in this case, the infectiousness increases sharply. After damage, the mollusk must be removed and the wound cauterized, for example with brilliant green or iodine.

Currently, molluscum contagiosum is treated by removing the nodules followed by a course of antiviral and immunostimulating agents.

Molluscum contagiosum is removed by a dermatologist on an outpatient basis. Each element of the molluscum contagiosum is removed with tweezers or scraped out with a sharp Volkmann spoon, followed by lubricating the lesions with an alcohol solution of iodine and a saturated solution of potassium permanganate.

Molluscum contagiosum can also be removed using a laser - this method may be most suitable when the molluscum is located on the face, neck, arms and other open parts of the body. When removed by a laser, the healthy tissue surrounding the mollusk is not damaged, healing occurs faster, and no scars are left. Methods such as diathermocoagulation and cryotherapy can also be used.

For 4 days after the molluscum removal procedure, it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with iodine once a day. Lubrication of wounds gives good results. After removal, the mollusk may appear for some time. It is necessary to remove new rashes until they completely disappear. To prevent relapses, lubricate the remaining wounds with antiviral ointments such as Viferon ointment or Cycloferon liniment (improves local immunity), acyclovir ointment, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to activities after removal of the mollusk. This includes treating personal items of the sick person with disinfectant solutions, boiling bed linen, underwear, and clothing. Since there is also a household route of transmission of infection, you should avoid using the patient’s linen, bed and bathtub with other uninfected family members. For the same reason, when a virus is detected in one family member, it is recommended to examine the rest and, first of all, the person with whom the patient is in an intimate relationship. Only after the symptoms of molluscum contagiosum disappear can a person return to sexual activity.

For local medicinal treatment of molluscum, you can use

  • imiquimod cream
Imiquimod is an immune response modifier. When applied to the skin, Imiquimod increases the production of antiviral and antitumor agents - interferon alpha and tumor necrosis factor. According to the description given by the manufacturer, as well as according to data from a number of clinical trials, Imiquimod allows you to get rid of the manifestations of molluscum contagiosum in 8-10 weeks of use. A serious factor limiting the use of the drug can be considered use only in adults (strictly contraindicated for children), high cost for a small volume of cream, as well as the need for long-term use.
Imiquimod is included in such drugs as Aldara cream (manufactured by 3M Health Care Limited (UK), Imiquimod cream 5% - generic Aldara from Nycomed (Denmark), Imiquad cream 5% (manufactured by Glenmark Pharmaceuticals India).

  • interferon alpha-2a in the form of ointment
Antiviral, immunomodulatory, antitumor, antiproliferative. Prevents viral infection of cells, changes the properties of the cell membrane, prevents adhesion and penetration of the virus into the cell. Initiates the synthesis of a number of specific enzymes, disrupts the synthesis of viral RNA and viral proteins in the cell. Trade name: Viferon (instructions

Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin disease in the form of multiple round rashes with a depression in the center. Mostly children are affected. Most often does not require treatment. It goes away on its own.
ICD 10 code: B08.1 - Molluscum contagiosum

Synonyms: epithelial molluscum, smallpox-like acne of Bazin, contagious epithelioma of Neisser, warty molluscum, candida molluscum (erroneous name), sebaceous mollusc of Hebra.

Treatment: see a dermatologist.

Cause and mechanism of infection

The cause of molluscum contagiosum is a virus from the smallpox group, from the poxvirus family. In the international taxonomy of viruses it is called Molluscum contagiosum virus: link.

  • Only a person is sick. Animals don't get sick!
  • Scientists have discovered several types of molluscum contagiosum virus.
  • The source of the virus is the patient’s skin lesions.
  • The virus is stable in the external environment.
  • The virus is transmitted by contact from a sick person (which is often in children's groups). Infection can also occur when using hygiene items or clothing of a sick person, in a pool, in a bathhouse, on the beach, etc.
  • The incubation period (the period from infection to the appearance of symptoms on the skin) is from 2 weeks to 6 months.
  • Predisposing factor to the disease: decreased general and/or local immunity in the skin. In HIV patients, molluscum contagiosum occurs very often (up to 15% of patients with HIV infection).
  • Through microtraumas of the skin and scratching, the virus penetrates the surface cells of the skin epithelium (epidermal cells), integrates into them and begins to multiply. At the same time, the activity of immune cells in human skin is suppressed for a certain time, which also leads to the rapid development of the virus.
  • Mostly children and adolescents are affected.
  • In adults, when a mollusk appears on the body, one should look for the cause of a decrease in local or general immunity. This could be diabetes mellitus or atopic dermatitis. This could be chemotherapy for blood cancer (leukemia) or HIV infection. This may include aggressive antibiotic therapy or the use of corticosteroid ointments.
  • After treatment, the virus is no longer in the human body. Immunity to it is unstable. Therefore, after a few years a person can become infected again.

Why “contagious” and why “mollusc”?

Because under a microscope, the contents squeezed out of the skin formation look like a mollusk.
And “contagious” means contagious.

Symptoms and clinic

1) The main symptom of molluscum contagiosum: the appearance of many round formations on the skin.
These formations (papules) range in size from 1 to 5 mm, spherical in shape with a depressed center. Also called umbilical (from the word navel) or crater-shaped depression. Small formations in the initial stage do not yet have a depressed center and look like ordinary ulcers (see photo).

In the photo: this is what molluscum contagiosum looks like

2) Itching almost never occurs. There is no pain either.

3) Localization - the whole body: facial skin, neck, torso, limbs. During the sexual route of infection - around the genitals, on the pubis, on the thighs. Never occurs on the skin of the palms and soles of the feet.

4) The number of papules – from several pieces to several hundred.

5) When you press on the papule, a thick liquid and a cheesy mass in the center are released.

Attention: There should be no general reaction - no fever, no headache, no weakness.

6) Atypical types of mollusks often appear, that is, unlike the classical form of formation:


In the classic form, the diagnosis of molluscum contagiosum is easy to make. The following factors are taken into account: childhood age, the presence of children with molluscum in the team, multiple spherical formations on the skin with an umbilical depression.

Difficulties in diagnosis rarely arise with atypical forms. But even with atypical appearances, dermatoscopy clearly shows umbilical depressions in the center of the molluscan papules.

This is what a mollusk looks like under dermatoscopy

In difficult cases, the doctor resorts to squeezing the papule with tweezers. If crumbly masses are squeezed out of the papule, with a 99% probability it is molluscum contagiosum.

In even rarer cases, they resort to diagnosis under a microscope. To do this, the crumb-like masses are sent to the laboratory, where a picture corresponding to the given disease is determined under a microscope. In this case, eosinophilic inclusions are found in the cytoplasm of the cells.

Differential diagnosis Molluscum contagiosum is carried out with diseases:

  • pyoderma (ulcers on the skin),
  • chickenpox (chickenpox),
  • filamentous papillomas (),
  • vulgar warts (),
  • genital warts on the genitals (),
  • milia.

Molluscum contagiosum in adults - features

1) Both women and men get sick equally often.

2) It is imperative to find out the predisposing factor to its appearance in adults. Why did he appear?

3) In adults, the most common location of molluscum contagiosum is the genitals and groin area.
In women: on the pubis and labia. In men - on the penis and pubis. In this case, it has similarities both with the initial stage of genital warts and with pustular diseases in the genital area. This arrangement is due to sexual transmission.

4) In treatment, it is necessary to correct the general disease, which led to a decrease in immunity and activation of the virus:

  • treatment of diabetes mellitus,
  • correction of dysbacteriosis,
  • correction of drugs that suppress the immune system (cytostatics, corticosteroids, including locally in the form of ointments)
    treatment of HIV infection.

5) It is quite possible that a child caught a mollusk in kindergarten, and then the adults got sick. All family members must be examined at once.

6) Treatment of pregnant women with molluscum contagiosum differs from other women: you should stop using antiviral and immune drugs, and do not use cauterizing agents such as supercelandine. The only treatment method for pregnant women is removal of molluscum papules.

Molluscum contagiosum in children

Children under 10 years of age are most often affected. During this period, the child actively interacts with the outside world, and the immune system becomes familiar with many bacteria and viruses. During this same period, warts first appear in children; during this period, children suffer from childhood infections.

Is it necessary to treat molluscum contagiosum in children and how?

Only in cases of obvious cosmetic defects and complications. Treatment methods are described below.
Formations on the face should be removed with an instrument with extreme caution so as not to subsequently lead to the formation of scars.

Treatment in children and adults

In children and most adults, without treatment, the symptoms of molluscum contagiosum go away on their own as soon as antiviral immunity is formed. Term - in 4-6 months, sometimes 1-2 years.

Molluscs on the body can only be treated for medical reasons: trauma, inflammation. Cosmetic indications are solely at the request of the patient.

Directions for treatment of molluscum contagiosum:

1) Removal of formations

2) Local treatment

3) General treatment

4) Treatment of complications (inflammation, allergies, skin ulcerations)

Removal of cutaneous molluscum

According to reviews of most dermatologists, removal of skin rashes is so far the most effective method of treating cutaneous molluscum.

1) Removal with tweezers or a surgical spoon (curette)

  • First, the doctor performs local anesthesia of the skin with Emla cream or another surface anesthetic.
  • The doctor squeezes the jaws of the tweezers and squeezes out the contents of the papule (as in the video below). If necessary, the resulting small cavity can also be scraped out with tweezers or peeled out with a curette (a sharp Volkmann spoon).
    If the papules are small, then no curettage will be needed.
  • After this, the doctor carefully removes the curdled masses and cauterizes the resulting wound with 3% hydrogen peroxide and tincture of iodine.
  • Some patients at home perform an independent opening of the molluscum papules with a needle, as in this video.
    We remind you: it is not recommended to do this yourself. By wiping the skin with a napkin, thereby spreading and rubbing viruses into neighboring areas of the skin, you only spread the infection even further.
  • After removing the mollusk, the wound should be treated with iodine or brilliant green once a day for another 3 days.
  • With proper removal of the elements of molluscum contagiosum, no scars remain on the skin.

2) Electrocoagulation

The doctor cauterizes the papule with an electrocoagulator (electric knife). Subsequently, after such treatment, scars may remain.

3) Liquid nitrogen (cryodestruction) -

The doctor burns the papule with liquid nitrogen. Cells with the virus freeze and die. When cryodestruction is carried out correctly, there are no scars left on the skin. But the procedure can be painful.

4) Laser -

The doctor evaporates the mollusk papule with a laser beam. There are also no scars left.

Local treatment

Antiviral creams and ointments are used:

  • Viferon-ointment,
  • 3% oxolinic ointment,
  • 1% gel viru-merz serol,
  • Infagel,
  • Acyclovir ointment,
  • Virolex ointment,
  • Gripferon spray.

General treatment

Stimulation of general immunity and antiviral drugs.

  • isoprinosine tablets ()
  • Viferon in candles,
  • polyoxidonium in candles,
  • anaferon for children in tablets,
  • other interferon drugs.

Treatment of complications

A complex of medications is used to relieve complications:

  • antibiotic ointments - to treat bacterial inflammation,
  • antihistamines to reduce allergic skin reactions.

Traditional methods at home

Folk remedies against molluscum contagiosum are ineffective. Therefore, they cannot be recommended by a dermatologist for the treatment of this disease in either children or adults.

Remember: The cause of molluscum is a virus, the predisposing factor is decreased immunity.
Therefore, among traditional methods, you should use general immunity-strengthening techniques and antiviral agents.

1) Increasing immunity using natural methods.

2) Antiviral plants.

  • Garlic.
    Crush a clove of garlic in a garlic press and place on the papules for a few minutes. There will be a slight burning sensation.
    Apply 3-4 times a day also during the entire period of the rash.
    You don’t have to apply it, but simply lubricate the skin.
  • Lubricating papules with a solution of potassium permanganate, fucorcin, an alcohol solution of iodine or brilliant green.
    This is an ineffective method, since such antiseptics have practically no effect on the molluscum contagiosum virus. The only use of such solutions is to lubricate wounds at home after removing mollusks with tweezers or a curette.
  • Celandine. Celandine juice is poisonous and has antiviral and antitumor effects.
    Clams are lubricated with celandine juice 3-4 times a day throughout the entire period of skin rashes.
  • Lubricating papules with juice from bird cherry leaves, infusion of string, calendula - these folk remedies have a very weak effect.
  • Super celandine, molustin and molutrex.
    A lotion called Molyustin is sold in Russia. The drug is not a medicine. This is a mixture of plant extracts + potassium lye. Causes a chemical burn to the skin, as a result of which the mollusk papules die. The effectiveness against molluscum contagiosum is low.

    MOLUTREX is a French analogue of molustin. In fact, MOLUTREX is pure potassium hydroxide, without additives, that is, caustic alkali, the French analogue of Supercleaner. Causes chemical burns to the skin. Does not work on viruses.

    Super celandine is a completely different drug than the herb celandine. This is a set of alkalis. Leads to a chemical burn of the skin, as a result of which the mollusk papules die off.

    When treating at home with supercelandine, molutrex and molustin, you should be extremely careful not to cause deep skin burns and subsequent scar formation. You cannot use cauterizing drugs to remove molluscs on the face, labia in women and penis in men.

  • Prevention

    The main thing that should be applied constantly is the prevention of molluscum contagiosum.

    • strengthening the immune system using natural methods,
    • You can’t take a hot bath - you can only shower,
    • You can’t rub your body with a washcloth - only soap yourself with your hands,
    • You can’t rub your body with a towel - just blot it,
    • You should not open skin papules yourself, so as not to spread the infection to other areas of the skin,
    • a patient with molluscs on the body should be provided with separate personal hygiene items and bedding. Wash his clothes separately. Steam the laundry thoroughly with an iron,
    • Always use only personal hygiene items!

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