Kidney duplication: the dangers of developing pathology and how to overcome the disease. Double kidney in adults and children Urine leakage with double kidney

By the term “doubling kidney,” doctors understand a congenital defect in the development of the kidneys, when the organ completely or partially doubles. Each kidney has its own blood supply and often a collecting system. More often, duplication of one kidney is diagnosed, although it happens that a mutation occurs in both. The pathology is dangerous due to possible complications from the urinary system. Treatment is usually aimed at stopping secondary diseases. In rare cases, there is a need for surgical treatment of the anomaly.

An abnormal bifurcation in the kidneys can be harmful to a person’s health, but also not cause any obvious harm.

General information

Kidney duplication is a disease characterized by abnormal organ development when one or two lobes of the organ double to form three or four kidneys. Despite the fact that additional organs often have their own collecting system and ureter, the lower kidneys are more functional. With complete doubling of the organ, each lobule has its own outlet for the ureter in the bladder. The growth of an additional organ is caused by congenital or acquired anomalies. Dual organs are quite common. Pathology develops during intrauterine development. The defect occurs in every 150 children. In this case, the disease is more typical for girls. Unilateral duplication accounts for more than 80% of cases.

Anatomical picture

The organ is visualized as two kidneys fused together, each of which has its own blood flow (separate arteries provide the blood supply). The size of such an organ is much larger than usual. More often, the upper and lower parts are visualized, which are separated by a groove. The lower lobule of the bifurcated kidney is more functional, despite the fact that there is a separation of the parenchyma and blood supply. In this case, the upper part of the organ is sometimes large, often symmetrical. With absolute doubling, each of the kidneys is provided with a ureter and a collecting system. The accessory ureter can have its own entrance to the bladder or connect to the main ureter, which is physiologically safer, since it does not lead to hydronephrosis.

Types of doubling

Bifurcation of the kidneys can be partial or complete.

There are 2 types of kidney duplication:

  • complete;
  • incomplete.

Complete cleavage is a defect when two lobules are formed from one organ, while the pelvis of one of them is underdeveloped. The pelvis is equipped with separate ureters that empty into the bladder at different levels. Possible abnormal development of phlebotomy, when the ureter is discharged into the urethra (urine leaks in children), vagina, or urinary diverticulum. Each lobe is capable of filtering urine.

Incomplete doubling of the kidney is a congenital anomaly, which is much more common. In this case, doubling of the left kidney and doubling of the right kidney occur with the same frequency. The size of the organ is larger than usual. Each lobe has its own blood supply, but there is only one circulatory system. It happens that two pelvises are formed, but the blood supply is common.

Causes of the anomaly

A double abnormal kidney can be formed by the following factors:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

An accessory kidney of congenital etiology is formed genetically during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Abnormal genes are inherited from one or both parents. Acquired causes arise from gene mutations, which are caused by the effects of chemical, biological or physical factors on the fetus during pregnancy.

Kidney duplication is a genetic abnormality or the result of intrauterine radiation exposure.

The physical cause is radiation treatment to which the child was subjected in the womb. Chemical provocateurs are determined by the behavior of the mother. These include the pregnant woman’s use of alcohol, medications, smoking, and drug addiction. Biological causes include viruses that can cause cellular mutation in the fetus. Acquired anomalies can be prevented, since they all depend on the behavior of the pregnant woman.

In addition, a bifurcated abnormal kidney can result from exposure to the following factors during pregnancy:

  • bacterial infections;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • environmentally hazardous situation;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • viruses.

Bifurcated kidneys are accompanied by swelling, lower back pain, loss of strength, nausea and vomiting, fever, and painful urination.

With complete doubling with double CLS and a bifurcated ureter, symptoms are usually absent until the development of pathologies of adjacent organs or kidney diseases. If one of the ureters is discharged into the vagina (into the urethra, into a urinary diverticulum), the patient will be bothered by various symptoms, for example, urine leakage, which occurs not only in a child, but also in an adult. With other ureteral defects, hydronephrosis often develops (urine accumulates in the urinary tract). Possible signs of a divided kidney:

  • swelling;
  • loss of strength;
  • pain in the kidney area;
  • cloudy urine;
  • elevated temperatures;
  • pain when urinating;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • high blood pressure;
  • renal colic.


Diagnosis in an adult usually occurs by chance during a routine examination, since there are no symptoms of kidney separation. The following diagnostic procedures are performed for children and adults:

  • magnetic resonance urography.
  • computed tomography;
  • Dopplerography;
  • radiography;
  • urine test;
  • ascending urography;
  • excretory urography;
  • cystoscopy;
  • bacteriological examination of urine sediment.

Ultrasound (ultrasound diagnostics)

Typically, incidental diagnosis occurs during an ultrasound scan. The information content of ultrasound is especially great with dilatation of the upper urinary tract. The doubling pattern cannot be seen using this procedure. After diagnosis, ultrasound is used to monitor the course of pathological changes during pregnancy or for other follow-up examinations.

Of the anomalies in kidney development, duplication of these organs is the most common. Most often, the problem occurs in girls on one side of the body, but sometimes it occurs on both sides.

Kidney duplication - what is it?

Modern medicine recognizes kidney duplication as a congenital pathology in which there is a complete or partial duplication of the renal system. The anomaly accounts for more than 10% of all defects of the urinary system, occurs in approximately 150 cases of post-mortem autopsy, and in newborns - in 1 case out of 140 children born. Unilateral doubling accounts for 88% of all registered pathologies, doubling of both kidneys accounts for 12%. The ICD-10 code is Q63.8 (Other congenital anomalies of the kidney).

When doubling, the kidney visually looks like two organs fused at the poles, each with its own blood supply.

The abnormal kidney, of course, is significantly larger than the normal one. The double kidney itself does not cause physical problems or serious impairment of the system’s function, but it contributes to the development of a number of diseases throughout life.


The pathology can be exclusively congenital; it begins during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Hereditary disposition is often important when one of the parents and close relatives has a similar anomaly. Also, a number of factors can have a pathogenic effect on the body of the mother and fetus, as a result of which a kidney with structural defects is formed during embryogenesis.

Among these factors are:

  • Receiving radioactive and x-ray irradiation.
  • Work in hazardous industries.
  • Poisoning with drugs, poisons, intoxication.
  • Taking drugs with teratogenic effects.
  • Drug addiction, alcoholism.
  • Severe vitamin deficiency.

The result of the action of such factors is the appearance of two foci of kidney growth, when 2 pyelocaliceal systems are formed. Their final separation does not happen, so the double kidney is covered with a common fibrous membrane. The vessels depart separately from the aorta, or have a common trunk, which is then divided into two parts and approaches each kidney individually. Sometimes the arteries inside the double kidney penetrate from one abnormal organ to another, which can create certain difficulties during surgery.

In the video about what kidney doubling is like:

Forms of pathology

As already noted, the anomaly can be one-sided or two-sided.

But in medical practice, differentiating pathology into the following forms is also of great importance:

  1. Full doubling. Both the left and right kidneys have their own ureter, their own pyelocaliceal system. The pelvises are located parallel, connected only by a small isthmus of connective tissue. The calyx that is located at the top, as a rule, is underdeveloped, and the lower pelvis functions fully. Each of the doubled kidneys is, in fact, a separate organ.
  2. Incomplete doubling. With this anomaly, the parenchyma of the organ is double, its vessels are also doubled. The pyelocaliceal system develops without duplication. The top of the abnormal kidney is smaller than the bottom.

The most common occurrence is incomplete duplication of the left kidney. The right organ is affected much less frequently. The underdeveloped part of the double kidney resembles the state of the organ during dysplasia.

The photo shows the form of kidney doubling


Manifestations of incomplete kidney duplication in a newborn and in people throughout life are usually absent. Sometimes a person is not even aware of the existing anomaly, and finds out about it by accident. Incomplete doubling does not cause any consequences for life or a decrease in its quality.

Complete doubling also does not lead to the appearance of symptoms, but only until various complications are superimposed on it. This can occur at any age, but is less commonly diagnosed in children under 8-10 years of age.

Usually, with long-term existence of anomalies without surgery, the following are observed:

  • Regular inflammation;
  • Hydronephrosis with accumulation of urine in the pelvis;
  • Backflow of urine from the ureters.

Symptoms of complete kidney duplication may include:

  • Pain in the lower back;
  • Pain when tapping on the lower back;
  • Sometimes - increased body temperature;
  • Edema;
  • Weakness;
  • Frequent renal colic;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Occasionally – urinary incontinence.

The infection can spread downward to the bladder and urethra with the appearance of a characteristic clinical picture of cystitis and urethritis.


Typically, anomaly detection occurs as planned. Thanks to mandatory screening in children under one year of age, kidney duplication is often detected in a child already on an ultrasound at 1-6 months. Thus, renal ultrasound is the main diagnostic method that suggests this anomaly.

  1. X-ray, MRI, CT. Allows you to examine in detail the shape and structure of the kidneys.
  2. Excretory urography. Helps to see the ureters, expansion and duplication of the pyelocaliceal system.
  3. Doppler scanning. Used to evaluate the vessels supplying the kidneys.
  4. Cystoscopy. The specialist visualizes the orifices of the ureters, their number and location.

Inflammatory changes in the urinary system and the effectiveness of its work are confirmed by tests. Applicable:

  • General urine test;
  • Urinalysis;
  • "Kidney" blood biochemistry;
  • Analysis of a smear from the urethra for bacterial culture, etc.

Often, an experienced specialist can assume the presence of kidney duplication in the fetus during pregnancy. An ultrasound at 25 weeks and later may well provide the necessary information. Separately, it is necessary to say about pregnancy with a double kidney. Such women must be carefully monitored by a nephrologist and urologist throughout the entire gestation period; they regularly undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental tests. If there is renal failure and indications for surgery, pregnancy is contraindicated.

Double kidney on ultrasound:

Treatment and prognosis

There is no specific conservative treatment for this anomaly. But due to the increased risk of developing various complications, it is important to exercise dynamic control over the health of a person with a double kidney. As a preventive measure, they take diuretics, herbal remedies and other drugs prescribed by a specialist, and also regularly donate urine and perform an ultrasound of the kidney. A diet with a reduced amount of salt, spicy foods, smoked foods and other foods that can cause kidney overload is important. You should definitely stop smoking and drink alcohol in minimal quantities.

If complications occur, treatment is symptomatic and pathogenetic.

Acute and chronic inflammation and impaired urine flow are treated by taking:

  • Antibiotics;
  • Antispasmodics and painkillers;
  • Herbal preparations (kidney tea, corn silk, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.).

In the presence of severe, often exacerbating chronic pyelonephritis, as well as severe vesicoureteral reflux, surgical treatment should be planned. Also, one half of the kidney or the ureter is removed in case of stones, hydronephrosis, or lack of organ functioning, and the operation (heminephrectomy) is performed at any age. The appearance of a tumor or the lack of technical ability to separate the kidneys becomes an indication for complete nephrectomy. Kidney failure will require a kidney transplant from a donor or hemodialysis.

Laparoscopic correction of double kidney pathology in a child

What is the threat?

A prerequisite for the development of complications is the presence of renal dysplasia and urodynamic disturbances due to a double ureter. As a result, in the underdeveloped part of the kidney, incomplete emptying of the pelvis is observed, urine stagnates, which causes various diseases.

The most common inflammation of the kidney is pyelonephritis, which is especially common with complete doubling, combined with ectopia of the ureteral orifice, ureteral reflux, cystic reflux, and uregerocele. Pyelonephritis is observed in 24% of doubling cases.

Other possible consequences:

  • Kidney stones – 21%;
  • Hydronephrosis – 14%;
  • Nephroptosis – 3%;
  • Kidney tuberculosis – 36%;
  • Tumors – 2%.

A kidney with an anomaly is very vulnerable; moreover, the infectious process in it often spreads to a healthy organ. Therefore, it is important for the patient not to overcool, eat right, and immediately treat all inflammations and infections in order to maintain health at a high level.

Double kidney is the most common form of anomaly in the development of the urinary system, which in itself does not pose a danger, but may be a predisposing factor for the development of certain diseases.

The doubling of the left kidney, like the right one, is a kidney supposedly divided into two parts, with each part of the abnormal kidney having its own blood supply. Usually the lower part of the double bud is more efficient. It is impossible not to notice that, unlike the parenchyma and the blood supply system, which double, like the organ itself, the ureter and pelvis remain intact and unified. This phenomenon is called incomplete doubling of the kidney.

Why does incomplete bud duplication occur?

Like most developmental anomalies, kidney duplication occurs:

  • against the background of a hereditary factor,
  • as well as under the influence of teratogenic factors on a woman during pregnancy, such as ionizing radiation,
  • as well as vitamin deficiency, taking medications (mainly hormonal), exposure to chemicals, smoking, and alcohol abuse.

Incomplete duplication of the left kidney occurs with the same frequency as abnormal development of the right kidney. When the kidney doubles, the organ increases in size.

As a rule, incomplete duplication of the kidney is detected during an ultrasound examination completely by chance and is perceived as an interesting finding. The doubling of the kidney looks like an organ divided into two parts - the upper and lower sections, while each of their sections has a renal artery, but the pyelocaliceal system remains unified. Fortunately, the anomaly does not interfere with the usual way of life and does not require treatment.

If there is incomplete doubling of the left kidney in combination with doubling of the right kidney, we are talking about bilateral doubling. Often this condition is combined with pathologies such as hydronephrosis and dysplasia.

Treatment for incomplete kidney duplication may be required only if the anomaly becomes a predisposing factor for the development of diseases - pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. If the inflammatory processes against the background of kidney duplication become chronic, the doctor may decide to perform a resection.

If you have been diagnosed with “incomplete duplication of the kidney,” try to lead a healthy lifestyle - give up bad habits, play sports, review your diet, and toughen up. Do not take your diagnosis to heart - it is not fatal, and in most cases does not affect the quality of life. Just monitor your health and if any alarming symptoms occur, notify your doctor as soon as possible.

It is curious, but representatives of the fair sex are most susceptible to kidney doubling.

By the term “doubling kidney,” doctors understand a congenital defect in the development of the kidneys, when the organ completely or partially doubles. Each kidney has its own blood supply and often a collecting system. More often, duplication of one kidney is diagnosed, although it happens that a mutation occurs in both. The pathology is dangerous due to possible complications from the urinary system. Treatment is usually aimed at stopping secondary diseases. In rare cases, there is a need for surgical treatment of the anomaly.

An abnormal bifurcation in the kidneys can be harmful to a person’s health, but also not cause any obvious harm.

General information

Kidney duplication is a disease characterized by abnormal organ development when one or two lobes of the organ double to form three or four kidneys. Despite the fact that additional organs often have their own collecting system and ureter, the lower kidneys are more functional. With complete doubling of the organ, each lobule has its own outlet for the ureter in the bladder. The growth of an additional organ is caused by congenital or acquired anomalies. Dual organs are quite common. Pathology develops during intrauterine development. The defect occurs in every 150 children. In this case, the disease is more typical for girls. Unilateral duplication accounts for more than 80% of cases.

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Anatomical picture

The organ is visualized as two kidneys fused together, each of which has its own blood flow (separate arteries provide the blood supply). The size of such an organ is much larger than usual. More often, the upper and lower parts are visualized, which are separated by a groove. The lower lobule of the bifurcated kidney is more functional, despite the fact that there is a separation of the parenchyma and blood supply. In this case, the upper part of the organ is sometimes large, often symmetrical. With absolute doubling, each of the kidneys is provided with a ureter and a collecting system. The accessory ureter can have its own entrance to the bladder or connect to the main ureter, which is physiologically safer, since it does not lead to hydronephrosis.

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Types of doubling

Bifurcation of the kidneys can be partial or complete.

There are 2 types of kidney duplication:

  • complete;
  • incomplete.

Complete cleavage is a defect when two lobules are formed from one organ, while the pelvis of one of them is underdeveloped. The pelvis is equipped with separate ureters that empty into the bladder at different levels. Possible abnormal development of phlebotomy, when the ureter is discharged into the urethra (urine leaks in children), vagina, or urinary diverticulum. Each lobe is capable of filtering urine.

Incomplete doubling of the kidney is a congenital anomaly, which is much more common. In this case, doubling of the left kidney and doubling of the right kidney occur with the same frequency. The size of the organ is larger than usual. Each lobe has its own blood supply, but there is only one circulatory system. It happens that two pelvises are formed, but the blood supply is common.

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Causes of the anomaly

A double abnormal kidney can be formed by the following factors:

  • congenital;
  • acquired.

An accessory kidney of congenital etiology is formed genetically during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus. Abnormal genes are inherited from one or both parents. Acquired causes arise from gene mutations, which are caused by the effects of chemical, biological or physical factors on the fetus during pregnancy.

The physical cause is radiation treatment to which the child was subjected in the womb. Chemical provocateurs are determined by the behavior of the mother. These include the pregnant woman’s use of alcohol, medications, smoking, and drug addiction. Biological causes include viruses that can cause cellular mutation in the fetus. Acquired anomalies can be prevented, since they all depend on the behavior of the pregnant woman.

In addition, a bifurcated abnormal kidney can result from exposure to the following factors during pregnancy:

  • bacterial infections;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • environmentally hazardous situation;
  • use of hormonal drugs;
  • viruses.
March 17, 2017 Doctor

Double kidney is the most common type of urinary tract anomaly. Such an anomaly is not a pathology; as a rule, its presence does not cause a person any particular inconvenience, but the doubling of an organ is dangerous with the risk of developing other more serious diseases.

According to external characteristics, the pathology represents two internal organs fused together. In this case, the duplication of the vascular and parenchymal parts does not always occur; most often, its lower part is functional. Duplication can be unilateral or bilateral, complete or incomplete - all this is a conditional division, which is associated with the presence of its own vessels, as well as the ureter in the daughter kidney.

With complete doubling of the internal organ, each of the daughter kidneys is equipped with its own pyelocaliceal system, as well as a ureter, which opens the way to the bladder. When incomplete, the ureters merge into one, which opens a “passage” to the bladder. It often happens that the daughter ureter does not merge with the main one, but it opens in the intestine or vagina. If the latter anomaly occurs, then the person will be found to have urine leakage.

Most often, the anomaly develops in the prenatal period, when the embryo is actively developing inside the mother. Medical statistics indicate that girls are more susceptible to this anomaly, and out of 150 newborns, one of them is diagnosed with pathology. In most cases, duplication of only one kidney is observed (82%), but bilateral duplication also occurs (12%).

The main reasons may be:

  • Genetics;
  • Taking potent hormonal drugs by a pregnant woman (especially in the 1st trimester);
  • Exposure of a pregnant woman to ionizing radiation;
  • Lack of vital vitamin or mineral components in a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Poisoning of the body with potent drugs;
  • Abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • Smoking during pregnancy.

Incomplete kidney duplication does not pose a particular threat to humans. It even happens that a person lives his whole life with a congenital anomaly and is completely unaware of its presence, and it is discovered only during a medical examination of a completely different disease.

Complete doubling of the kidney is dangerous due to its possible complications, among which we can highlight:

  • Pyelonephritis is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract with damage to the renal pelvis, cups and parenchyma of the kidneys;
  • Hydronephrosis is a violation of the process of urine outflow, in which urine is retained and accumulates in the renal pelvis;
  • Urolithiasis is the process of formation of sand and stones in the organs of the urinary system;
  • Tuberculosis;
  • Kidney neoplasm;

Types of kidney duplication

As mentioned above, the anomaly can be complete or incomplete.

  1. Complete - instead of one internal organ, two are formed, each of which has an underdeveloped pelvis. Each of the pelvis is equipped with its own ureter, which flows into the bladder at a different level.
  2. Incomplete doubling of an internal organ - in medical practice, this anomaly is more common than the one described above. The anomaly can appear on both the left and right kidneys, while an enlargement of the internal organ is clearly observed, its upper and lower parts are clearly visible, each of which is equipped with its own artery. During the development of the anomaly, the pyelocaliceal system continues to remain unified.

In addition, the anomaly can appear on either the left or right kidney.

  • On the left kidney - it does not pose a serious danger to humans, the anomaly does not have negative symptoms and is often discovered during a random medical examination;
  • On the right kidney, the anomaly also does not pose a serious threat to humans; during the process of formation, the internal organ takes on an increased size.


It is important to note that the characteristic signs of the anomaly appear only with complete doubling of the internal organ and appear in the form of:

  • Dilatations of the upper urinary tract;
  • The occurrence of infections in the urinary canal;
  • The appearance of the process of reverse outflow of urine from the ureter;
  • Manifestations of pain in the lumbar region from the side where the anomaly occurs;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • General weakness;
  • The appearance of a cloudy shade in the urine;
  • Increased blood pressure;
  • Painful process of urination;
  • Urinary incontinence.

These signs can appear both together and separately. The activity of symptoms directly depends on the form of the disease and the general condition of the human body.


In order to clinically determine the duplication of the kidneys on both sides, the patient must undergo the following examinations:

  • Cystoscopy;
  • Ascending urography;
  • Radiography;
  • Magnetic resonance urography.


An anomaly of both kidneys does not pose a serious danger to humans, but it can be accompanied by unpleasant complications, which is why it is necessary to recognize the disease in a timely manner and, if necessary, begin the required treatment.

If the anomaly does not bother a person, then drug therapy is not required. In this case, constant monitoring by a doctor is important. Treatment of internal organ duplication must be carried out if complications occur.

  1. When an inflammatory process occurs, a course of taking anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as antibacterial agents, is indicated;
  2. For urolithiasis, antispasmodics, painkillers and phototherapy (kidney collection, decoctions of medicinal herbs) are prescribed.

Surgery is indicated in severe stages of hydronephrosis, as well as in the presence of diseases that are not amenable to drug therapy. If possible, surgeons try to preserve the internal organ. A kidney is removed only if it loses its functionality.

Stories from our readers

“I was able to cure my KIDNEYS with the help of a simple remedy, which I learned about from an article by a UROLOGIST with 24 years of experience, Pushkar D.Yu...”

One way or another, when a double kidney is detected, a person must follow the most important basics that will help maintain his health and not provoke possible complications:

  • Lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • Give up bad habits;
  • Monitor the quality of food;
  • Be more careful and careful when taking certain medications;
  • Do hardening;
  • Do light exercise.

To summarize all of the above, it can be determined that kidney duplication is not a pathology; such an abnormal condition does not pose a threat to human health. A common question among young people is whether they are accepted into the army with this diagnosis? In answering this problem, it is necessary to determine that kidney duplication, not complicated by the presence of another pathology, is not an obstacle to enrollment in the ranks of conscripts.

But if the pathology is diagnosed in a woman, then she needs to plan her pregnancy in advance. Throughout the entire pregnancy, she must be observed by a doctor, regularly undergo prescribed examinations - urine and blood tests, ultrasound of the kidneys, urine testing according to Nichiporenko. Pregnancy is strictly contraindicated in women with renal failure and in the presence of clear indications for surgery.

Tired of fighting kidney disease?

SWELLING of the face and legs, PAIN in the lower back, CONSTANT weakness and fatigue, painful urination? If you have these symptoms, there is a 95% chance of kidney disease.

If you don't care about your health, then read the opinion of a urologist with 24 years of experience. In his article he talks about RENON DUO capsules.

This is a fast-acting German remedy for kidney restoration, which has been used all over the world for many years. The uniqueness of the drug lies in:

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Sometimes doctors observe kidney doubling, which is diagnosed in the fetus during intrauterine development. If there is a violation, an anomaly occurs in the development of the pyelocaliceal system, resulting in complete or partial division of the kidney. Moreover, each lobe of the organ has its own blood supply system. More often, pathology of one kidney is diagnosed, less often two are affected. Such an abnormal structure of the internal organ can threaten impaired urinary function. When doubling, therapeutic measures aimed at eliminating secondary infections are required. In particularly difficult situations, surgical procedures are prescribed.

Kidney duplication is a congenital pathology that can slightly or significantly affect the functionality of the organ.

What structure do healthy kidneys have?

The kidneys are a paired organ that is divided into two lobules. There is adipose and connective tissue around the organ, which prevents injury and damage. and the gate is located in the concave part of the organ. Also, 2 ureters depart from each kidney, through which urine enters the bladder. The lobes of both kidneys are separated by blood vessels. If for some reason anomalies occur during intrauterine development, then a doubling of the child’s kidney is noted. Doubling also often occurs.

It occurs in humans for various reasons that are congenital in nature. The splitting of a healthy organ occurs during intrauterine development. The doubling of an organ on one or both sides is influenced by the following negative sources:

Kidney duplication occurs in utero under the influence of hormones, radiation, and genetic abnormalities.
  • hormonal therapy during pregnancy;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals during intrauterine development;
  • ionizing radiation;
  • drug intoxication;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol while pregnant.

Extra kidneys in children can occur if at least one of the parents suffered from such an illness. In this case, complete or incomplete doubling of the kidney on the right or left side is possible. According to statistics, renal twinning is more often recorded in the fairer sex. Doctors have not been able to fully figure out why women are more likely to suffer from doubling.

What happens when a full doubling occurs?

With complete doubling, two organs are formed at once. In rare cases, pathology is observed on both sides. Each double kidney has its own pelvicalyceal system. Sometimes one of the emergency response systems is not fully developed. Complete duplication of the kidney does not require surgical therapy, provided that the urinary process is not impaired. With such an anomaly, it is important to carefully monitor your health and be regularly examined by a nephrologist.

Incomplete doubling: the essence of the problem

Often, incompletely doubled buds are diagnosed, in which case incomplete doubling is noted. The disorder is characterized by the presence of one ureter, through which urine exits into the bladder. In rare cases, doctors observe the entry of the ureter of the double kidney into the vagina or intestines. With this disorder, urine may exit through the posterior opening or leak through the vagina.

Incomplete doubling of the kidney is more common, but this problem is in no way inferior to complete doubling.

Incomplete duplication of the left kidney is diagnosed much more often, while in the process of intrauterine development 2 rudiments of metanephrogenic blastoma are formed, which soon form 2 internal urinary organs.

The following morphology of incomplete organ duplication is distinguished:

  • preservation of the joint capsule of daughter neoplasms;
  • supplying each half of the organ with its own circulatory system;
  • separation of the renal arteries in the renal sinus or the vessels arise directly from the aorta.

What are the dangers of a double kidney?

Doubling the kidney on the right or left side entails negative consequences. Complications are most likely to develop with incomplete doubling, since in this case urodynamics are significantly impaired. Patients with duplication of the right or left kidney suffer from the following complications:

  • inflammatory process in a paired organ;
  • stone formation;
  • hydronephrosis;
  • tuberculosis lesions;
  • nephroptosis;
  • malignant or benign neoplasms.

If the patient also has vesicoureteral reflux, then the likelihood of an inflammatory reaction against the background of doubling increases significantly. Complications can progress over many years, disrupting the function of many systems in the body. Such disorders are difficult to respond to therapeutic measures and often bring only short-term results.

What signs indicate illness?

If complete bifurcation is noted, then the signs are usually absent or not clearly visible. When the ureter is removed into the vaginal area, the patient exhibits signs of a different nature. Urine leakage is often seen, which occurs in adults and children. Doubling can be detected by the following pathological signs:

  • swelling of the limbs and face;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the lower back;
  • cloudy urine;
  • high temperature and pressure;
  • pain when passing urine;
  • feeling of nausea and vomiting;
  • renal colic.

What to do?

Importance of diagnosis

Kidney duplication is clearly diagnosed by hardware examination.

It is almost impossible to identify a bifurcated kidney on your own, even if the patient’s urinary process is disrupted, this can be mistaken for an inflammatory process in the organ, and not an abnormal structure. To detect pathology, you need to consult a doctor and conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Most often, doubling is accidentally detected on ultrasound during examination of other organs. When diagnosing, the following diagnostic methods are used, given in the table.

With the help of complex diagnostics, it is possible to identify organ growth, determine secondary pathologies and the degree of disorder. Diagnostics also allows you to select the most accurate therapy.

Among the many possible deviations, kidney duplication is very often noted. It can arise due to various factors.

This pathology is detected in 1 child out of 150 births, and these are often girls. When diagnosed, children are found to have a kidney that is several times higher than natural values.

The lower part is larger than the upper part. The embryonic lobulation of such an organ also differs. Each lobe has its own arteries through which blood moves.

General characteristics

Double kidney is a congenital disease. It has complete or incomplete duplication of the kidney. A similar defect develops while still in the womb.

Externally, the organ looks like two equivalent kidneys. The organ performs the most important task - it cleanses the blood and removes toxins and other unwanted components from the body.

Duplication of the right or left kidney is certainly an anomaly, but it is not considered a dangerous disease.

It happens that a person is not even aware of the problem and lives calmly for the rest of his life.

Sometimes, however, such an abnormality of the organ leads to other diseases. In this case, the patient develops unpleasant signs that begin to cause discomfort to the person, and then specialists must intervene.


A similar defect, such as doubling of the right or left kidney, is detected in two varieties.


  • Complete split. In this case, the kidney has 2 equal parts connected into one cavity. All these lobes have an independent structure, that is, they have a separate artery with a blood supply and a central joint.
  • Incomplete doubling of the kidney. This type is characterized by the presence of one CLS for 2 lobules. Very often, incomplete doubling of the kidney is observed on the left side. The renal element is located in the tissue of the other lobe. The kidney itself is quite larger than normal. Both ureters are connected by a single outlet.

What factors influence the development of kidney defect in a baby?

Pathology may not manifest itself at all. Most often this occurs if there is incomplete duplication of the kidney.

It happens that an anomaly is diagnosed completely by accident in an adult, during some kind of examination. The most effective diagnostic method in this case is ultrasound.

There are enough reasons for the development of the defect. Babies are diagnosed with a birth defect for reasons related to:

  1. Heredity. If such an anomaly was previously diagnosed in a family member, then it is likely that the child will be born with the same abnormality.
  2. Drug intoxication. If a pregnant woman experiences drug poisoning, the likelihood of kidney doubling increases.
  3. Radioactive exposure. This happens if the expectant mother was often in a place of constant exposure. This is possible if a woman works in any enterprise with radiation exposure.
  4. Using alcohol, cigarettes or drugs.
  5. Strong development of vitamin deficiency. Even a lack of vitamins and minerals can affect the condition and development of the body.
  6. Bacterial or infectious diseases.
  7. Frequent use of hormonal drugs.

Any of these reasons can cause the organ to become deformed during formation and lead to doubling.

CHLS: description

An important part in the structure of the entire kidney. It has the shape of a funnel, obtained as a result of the separation of 2 cups of the organ.

It is in the pelvis that all urine is located. Inside, it is lined with a special mucous membrane, which prevents fluid from escaping into the abdominal cavity.

Its main function is to contract and push urine out through the drainage pipes.


Bifurcation of the kidney, as such, occurs without any special symptoms. In some cases, an intrauterine anomaly is detected completely by accident.

Some people live with this diagnosis and do not even know they have it. And everything would be fine, but sometimes such a defect can cause other diseases that have their own symptoms.

In this case, the signs may vary differently for each patient. General list of signs:

  1. Hydronephrosis. The pelvis is stretched and disruptions occur in contractile work. This condition causes disturbances associated with urine excretion.
  2. Very often the body suffers from inflammatory outbreaks. However, they are prone to relapse.
  3. Urine through the ducts should only go down to the outlet. If there are any failures in the structure, its reverse flow is noted.
  4. High body temperature.
  5. The person may have difficulty urinating.
  6. Pain in the back area where the kidneys are located.
  7. General malaise.
  8. High blood pressure.
  9. Incontinence.
  10. Renal colic may appear.
  11. Edema.

These symptoms are among the most common. Depending on the complications, the list may decrease or expand.

Each organism is individual, therefore both the course of diseases and their symptoms vary.

What does congenital pathology lead to?

When doubling, one of the lobes may be susceptible to some disease. With complete doubling, pathologies such as:

  • Nephrosis.
  • Pyelonephritis.
  • Polycystic disease.

Sometimes it happens that the urinary conductor does not flow into the ureter, but into another organ. In this case, the patient constantly feels urine leaking. The mouth can flow into the vagina, cervix or rectum.

It should be noted that diseases of the urinary tract located at the top are very difficult to treat, and the course is very severe.

Any antibacterial treatment gives only a temporary effect. Thus, people who are diagnosed with duplication of the left or right kidney are more likely than others to suffer from diseases with chronic development.

Periodically, patients experience exacerbations. Experts again prescribe antibacterial therapy.


A woman with such a diagnosis does not need to be upset. A bifurcated kidney is not a contraindication to pregnancy.

The important point is preparation. Without such an approach, experts do not advise taking risks.

Before starting to plan a future pregnancy, a woman must undergo all prescribed examinations.

If there are foci of inflammation or infectious diseases, the patient must first take all necessary measures to sanitize them.

Throughout the pregnancy, the expectant mother is observed by a therapist and gynecologist. They may also be periodically referred for consultation to a urologist or nephrologist.

If there is an increased likelihood of developing any diseases, the woman will be sent to a hospital, where she will be observed and given all the necessary treatment for normal pregnancy.

Over the entire period, the expectant mother may be hospitalized several times.

Diagnostic measures

If the anomaly was not detected in the child, then in the future it may not be detected at all.

That is, some factor must contribute to diagnostic measures. When a patient begins to complain of diseases of the urinary system, examination methods are prescribed to identify the cause.

Only in this case, random diagnosis can reveal congenital pathology.

To diagnose a kidney abnormality, doctors prescribe an instrumental examination. This may include:

  1. MRI. Shows in 3-dimensional projection the structure and condition of the CLS.
  2. Cystoscopy. Allows you to visually examine all existing ureteral orifices.
  3. Echography with color Doppler mapping. Detects the existence of independent CLSs. Also using this method you can find out about their condition.
  4. Excretory urography. With this method, it becomes possible to assess the general condition of the ureters, as well as to identify the presence of dilations and bifurcations of the pyelocaliceal system.

Very often, in a person with this development of anomaly, the entire urinary system suffers.

To recognize the lesions, the presence of complications and the neglect of other diseases, a number of additional examinations are prescribed, carried out in the laboratory.

  • Biochemical blood test.
  • General urine analysis.
  • Bacteriological culture.
  • A smear from the urethra is also taken for bacterial analysis.

Preventive measures

It is impossible to turn back time and change nature too. The expectant mother is forced to become familiar with the possible factors in the development of the anomaly in advance and try to eliminate them as much as possible.

If this does happen, and the child is born with a similar renal anomaly, then he needs to be taught from childhood the need to follow simple measures that will help minimize the risk of complications in the future.

How to live with a double kidney? First of all, a person should not acquire bad habits.

Their harmful effects will contribute to the development of possible inflammation. It is advisable to choose a workplace that is as calm and comfortable as possible.

These should not be cold rooms or enterprises associated with toxic chemical components.

Nutrition will also play a major role. The most healthy and balanced food helps to eliminate many diseases associated with both the urinary system and other organs throughout the body.

Work and rest schedules need to be properly planned. Heavy physical work is not recommended with this diagnosis.

Since abnormal development of the kidney can occur due to a genetic predisposition, in such a family future pregnancy must be taken care of in advance.

When carrying a child, a woman needs useful minerals and various vitamins. And, of course, it is necessary to exclude all factors causing such development.

Therapeutic methods

As long as the renal anomaly does not manifest itself in any way and does not affect the quality of life, there should be no talk of any treatment.

The only important condition is periodic examination. This will allow you to eliminate the risk of consequences in time and carry out the necessary treatment at the first inflammatory processes.

As a preventative measure, the use of herbal medicines and diuretics may be prescribed.

Any other treatment will be prescribed according to a particular problem. If complications arise, then most often specialists prescribe therapy using:

  1. Antispasmodic or analgesic drugs. This is necessary when pain is present.
  2. General purpose antibiotics.
  3. Kidney teas.
  4. Folk recipes based on natural ingredients. These can be either herbal mixtures or individual herbs.

In severe cases of pathology, a specialist may recommend surgery. The indications are:

  • Vesico-ureteral reflux.
  • Chronic pyelonephritis with constant recurrent effects.
  • Destruction of the kidney (abnormal, functional) and its segments.

The operation is carried out in several types. It could be:

  1. Transplantation of a new healthy kidney. This operation is indicated if severe renal failure occurs.
  2. Nephrectomy. Complete removal is carried out if separation is impossible, or only the affected part is excised.
  3. Excision of ureterocele. Subsequently, interrupted sutures are applied, and the ureter is sutured to the walls of the bladder.
  4. Antireflux surgery. Involves the creation of artificial lumens for the passage of urine.


Duplication of the left or right kidney is not a serious pathology and by itself it does not manifest itself in any way.

In this case, one of the lobes, often the upper one, is subject to inflammatory processes.

To prevent the appearance of other diseases, a person needs to get as close as possible to a healthy lifestyle and eliminate all negative factors.

Important! Some people live with this anomaly from birth, and it does not affect their quality of life in any way. Treatment may be needed only if serious consequences appear against the background of bifurcation.

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