Caring for children with surgical diseases. List of conditional abbreviations. Extracurricular independent work of students

Basic literature:

1. Dronov A.F. General care for children with surgical diseases [Text]: textbook. allowance / A.F. Dronov. -2nd ed., revised. and additional -Moscow: Alliance, 2013. -219 p.

2. Caring for a healthy and sick child [Text]: textbook. allowance / [E. I. Aleshina [etc.]; edited by V. V. Yuryeva, N. N. Voronovich. - St. Petersburg: SpetsLit, 2009. - 190, p.

3. Gulin A.V. Basic algorithms for pediatric resuscitation [Text]: textbook. manual for students studying in the specialty 060103 65 - Pediatrics / A. V. Gulin, M. P. Razin, I. A. Turabov; Ministry of Health and Social Services development of Russia Federation, Northern state honey. University, Kirov. state honey. acad.. -Arkhangelsk: Publishing house of SSMU, 2012. -119 p.

4. Pediatric surgery [Text]: textbook. for universities / edited by Yu. F. Isakov, A. Yu. Razumovsky. - Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 1036 p.

5. Kudryavtsev V.A. Pediatric surgery in lectures [Text]: textbook for honey. universities / V. A. Kudryavtsev; North state honey. univ. -2nd ed., revised. - Arkhangelsk: IC SSMU, 2007. -467 p.

Further reading:

1. Petrov S.V. General surgery [Text]: textbook. for universities with CD: textbook. allowance for medical universities/ S.V. Petrov. -3rd ed., revised. and additional -Moscow: GEOTAR-Media, 2005. -767 p.

2. Surgical diseases of childhood [Text]: textbook. for medical students universities: in 2 volumes / Ed. A.F. Isakov, rep. ed. A.F. Dronov. - Moscow: GEOTAR-MED, 2004.

3. Pediatric surgery [Electronic resource]: textbook / ed. Yu. F. Isakov, A. Yu. Razumovsky. - M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014. - 1040 p. : ill. - Access mode:

4. Drozdov, A. A. Pediatric surgery [Text]: lecture notes / A. A. Drozdov, M. V. Drozdova. - Moscow: EKSMO, 2007. - 158, p.

5. Practical guide to outpatient orthopedics in children [Text] / [O. Yu. Vasilyeva [and others]; edited by V. M. Krestyashina. - Moscow: Med. information agency, 2013. - 226, p.

6. Makarov A.I. Features of examination of a child to identify surgical and orthopedic pathology [Text]: method. recommendations / A.I. Makarov, V.A. Kudryavtsev; North state honey. univ. - Arkhangelsk: Publishing house. center SSMU, 2006. - 45, p.

Electronic publications, digital educational resources

I. Electronic version: Surgical diseases in children: Textbook/" Edited by Yu.F. Isakov. - 1998.

II. EBS “Student Consultant”

III. EBS Iprbooks


Head Department of Pediatric Surgery, Dean of the Faculty of Pediatrics,

Doctor of Medical Sciences Turabov I.A. Doctor of Medical Sciences_Turabov I.A.

Elective course

By discipline _ Pediatric surgery

In the area of ​​training__ Pediatrics _____063103______________

Course ____6_______________________________________________

Practical training - 56 hours

Independent work -176 hours

Type of intermediate certification ( test)_ __11th semester

Department of _Pediatric Surgery________

The labor intensity of the discipline is _232 hours

Arkhangelsk, 2014

1. Purpose and objectives of mastering the discipline

The specialty was approved by order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation (order of the State Committee for Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated March 5, 1994 No. 180). Graduate qualification - Doctor. The object of professional activity of graduates is the patient. A doctor who is a graduate of the specialty “060103 Pediatrics” has the right to perform therapeutic and preventive activities. He has the right to occupy medical positions not related to the direct management of patients: research and laboratory activities in theoretical and fundamental areas of medicine.

The area of ​​professional activity of specialists includes a set of technologies, means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at preserving and improving the health of the population by ensuring the appropriate quality of pediatric care (therapeutic and preventive, medical and social) and dispensary observation.

The objects of professional activity of specialists are:

children aged 0 to 15 years;

teenagers aged 15 to 18 years;

a set of tools and technologies aimed at creating conditions for maintaining health, ensuring the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases in children and adolescents.

Specialist in the field of training (specialty) 060103 Pediatrics prepares for the following types of professional activities:





psychological and pedagogical;

organizational and managerial;

scientific research.

I. Goals and objectives of the discipline

The purpose of teaching the elective in pediatric surgery at the Faculty of Pediatrics: deepening students' theoretical and practical knowledge and skills on semiotics, clinical practice, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment tactics and emergency care for developmental defects, surgical diseases, traumatic injuries, tumors, critical conditions in children of various age groups.

Objectives of studying an elective course in pediatric surgery at the Faculty of Pediatrics are to develop students’ skills:

Examine children with various surgical pathologies;

Diagnose developmental defects, surgical diseases, traumatic injuries, tumors, critical conditions in children;

Provide emergency assistance to them;

Resolve questions about the tactics of further treatment and observation;

Solve issues of preventing the occurrence of surgical pathology and its complications in children.
2. The place of discipline in the structure of the educational program

The program is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the State Educational Standard for Higher Professional Education in the field of training Pediatrics, studied in the eleventh semester.

The elective “Selected Issues in Pediatric Surgery” refers to an elective discipline

The basic knowledge necessary to study the discipline is formed by:

- in the cycle of humanitarianand socio-economicdisciplines(philosophy, bioethics; psychology, pedagogy; jurisprudence, history of medicine; Latin language; foreign language);

- in the cycle of mathematical, natural science, medical and biological disciplines(physics and mathematics; medical informatics; chemistry; biology; biochemistry, human anatomy, topographic anatomy; histology, embryology, cytology, histology; normal physiology; pathological anatomy, pathophysiology; microbiology, virology; immunology, clinical immunology; pharmacology);

- in the cycle of medical, professional and clinical disciplines(medical rehabilitation; hygiene; public health, healthcare, healthcare economics; operative surgery and topographic anatomy, radiation diagnostics and therapy, general, faculty and hospital surgery, traumatology and orthopedics, anesthesiology and resuscitation, pediatrics).

3. Requirements for the level of mastery of the discipline content

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:
1. Etiopathogenesis of surgical diseases, developmental defects, traumatic injuries and critical conditions in children of various age groups.

2. The clinical picture of the listed pathological conditions and its features depending on the age of the children.

3. Diagnostics (clinical, laboratory, instrumental) and differential diagnostics.

4. Surgical tactics of the pediatrician, rational terms of treatment.

5. Methods and techniques for feeding healthy and sick young children

6. Methodology for examining patients with certain pathologies

7 Features of emergency care and intensive care for surgical diseases and critical conditions in children of various age groups.

8. Clinical observation and medical rehabilitation for the diseases being studied.

Be able to:

1. Collect an anamnesis of the child’s life and illness.

2. Conduct a physical examination of children of various age groups.

3. Be able to carry out psychological and verbal contact with healthy and sick children.

4. Make a plan for a clinical examination.

5. Interpret data from clinical, laboratory, and instrumental examination methods.

6. Make a preliminary diagnosis and determine treatment tactics.

7. Determine the ward mode, treatment table, optimal dosage regimen, frequency and duration of drug administration for the pathology being studied.

8. Provide emergency care for surgical diseases and critical conditions in children of various age groups.

9. Provide resuscitation assistance at the prehospital and hospital stages.

10.Plan individual dispensary observation and medical rehabilitation for sick children;

11. Work independently with information (educational, scientific, normative reference literature and other sources);
own(in accordance with the objectives of the discipline in the field of developing practical skills):

1. a professional algorithm for solving practical problems of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention of acute and chronic diseases in children of different age and gender groups;

2. medical ethics and deontology;

3. skills to properly build your relationship with the parents of a sick child;

4. questioning technique (complaints, medical history, life history);

5. clinical research methods (examination, palpation, percussion and auscultation of the lungs and heart);

6. skills in assessing the results of instrumental research methods;

7. skills in assessing the results of clinical laboratory and microbiological examination of sputum, peripheral blood, gastric contents, bile, urine, feces;

8. prepare and evaluate the results of x-ray examination of the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and urinary tract;

9. evaluate the results of biochemical studies of peripheral blood, urine, bile;

10. master the principles and techniques of emergency care and intensive care for various diseases in children.

4. Scope of discipline and types of academic work:

4.1Semester and type of reporting for the elective.


Reporting type




Section Contents





Surgical neonatology (NEC, abdominal cysts, gastrostomy) (KPZ lecture)

Surgical neonatology (anorectal anomalies, diaphragmatic hernias) lecture KPZ)


Minimally invasive ultrasound-guided operations in children (KPZ lecture)

Echography of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract in children (KPZ lecture)


Pediatric urology-andrology

Urinary disorders in children (KPZ lecture)


Pediatric oncology

Bone sarcomas in children (KPZ lecture)

Germ cell tumors (KPZ lecture)


Intensive care of the perioperative period (CPZ lecture)

5.2. Sections of disciplines and types of classes


Name of the discipline section


(labor intensity)

Practical exercises






Emergency neonatal surgery




Ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases in children




Pediatric urology-andrology




Pediatric oncology




Borderline issues of pediatric surgery and anesthesiology-reanimation





5.3. Thematic planning


Name of the discipline section


Practical exercises





Emergency neonatal surgery

Surgical neonatology (NEC, abdominal cysts, gastrostomy)

Surgical neonatology (anorectal anomalies, diaphragmatic hernia)

1. Surgical neonatology (NEC, abdominal cysts, gastrostomy)

2. Surgical neonatology (anorectal anomalies, diaphragmatic hernia)


Ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases in children

Minimally invasive ultrasound-guided surgeries in children

Echography of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract in children

1.Minimally invasive ultrasound-guided operations in children

2.Echography of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract in children


Pediatric urology-andrology

Urinary problems in children

1.Difficulty urinating in children


Pediatric oncology

Bone sarcomas in children

Germ cell tumors

1. Bone sarcomas in children

2.Germ cell tumors


Borderline issues of pediatric surgery and anesthesiology-reanimation

Intensive care of the perioperative period

1. Intensive care of the perioperative period

7. Extracurricular independent work of students


Name of the discipline section

Types of independent work

Forms of control


Emergency neonatal surgery


(speech presentation)


Ultrasound in the diagnosis and treatment of surgical diseases in children

Preparation of a report on the topic of the lesson in the form of a presentation


(speech presentation)


(speech presentation)


Pediatric urology-andrology

Analysis of a clinical case in the form of a presentation


(speech presentation)


Pediatric oncology

Preparation of a report on the topic of the lesson in the form of a presentation


(speech presentation)

Analysis of a clinical case in the form of a presentation


(speech presentation)


Borderline issues of pediatric surgery and anesthesiology-reanimation

Analysis of a clinical case in the form of a presentation


(speech presentation)

8.Forms of control

8.1. Forms of current control

Oral (interview, report)

Written (checking tests, essays, notes, solving problems).

The list of topics for essays, reports, collections of tests and situational problems are given in section 4 of the Educational and Methodological Complex of the discipline “C

8.2. Forms of intermediate certification (test)

Stages of the test


Interim certification forms



Questions for testing are given in section 4 of the educational and methodological complex of the discipline “Tools for assessing competencies.”
9. Educational and methodological support of the discipline

9.1. Basic literature

1. Outpatient surgery of children: textbook / V.V. Levanovich, N.G. Zhila., I.A. Commissioners. – M.- GZOTAR-Media, 2014 – 144 p.: ill.

2. Pediatric surgery: textbook / edited by Yu.F. Isakova, A.Yu. Razumovsky. – M.: GZOTAR-Media, 2014.– 1040 pp.: ill.

3. Pediatric surgery: national hands/Association of medical quality organizations: edited by Yu.F. Isakova, A.F. Dronova - M.: GEOTAR - Media. 2009 – 1164 pp. (24 copies) 4. Isakov Yu.F. Surgical diseases of childhood: studies in 2 t – M.: GEOTAR – MED. 2008 – 632 p.

5. Kudryavtsev V.A. Pediatric surgery in lectures. Studies for medical universities, SSMU - Arkhangelsk: IC SSMU. 2007 – 467 p.

4. Anesthesiology and resuscitation: a textbook for students of medical universities / ed. O.A. Dolina – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2007. – 569 p.

9.2. Further reading

1. Pediatric oncology. National leadership / Ed. M.D. Alieva V.G. Polyakova, G.L. Mentkevich, S.A. Mayakova. – M.: Publishing group RONC, Practical Medicine, 2012. – 684 p.: ill.

  1. Durnov L.A., Goldobenko G.V. Pediatric oncology: Textbook. – 2nd ed. reworked and additional – M.: Medicine. 2009.

  2. Podkamenev V.V. Surgical diseases of childhood: a textbook for medical universities - M.: Medicine. 2005. – 236 p. 3..F.Shir.M.Yu.Yanitskaya (Scientific editing and preparation of text in Russian) Laparoscopy in children. Arkhangelsk, Publishing center of SSMU, 2008.
4. Shiryaev N.D., Kagantsov I.M. Essays on reconstructive surgery of the external genitalia in children Part 1, Part 2. Monograph. – Syktyvkar, 2012. – 96 p.

5. Oncological and tumor-like diseases of childhood: a textbook for students of medical universities/ I.A. Turabov, M.P. Razin. – Arkhangelsk; From the Northern State Medical University, 2013. – 105 p.: ill.

6. Ultrasound examination of the hollow organs of the gastrointestinal tract in surgical pathology in children. Hydroechocolonography: monograph / M.Yu. Yanitskaya, I.A. Kudryavtsev, V.G. Sapozhnikov et al. – Arkhangelsk: Publishing house of the Northern State Medical University, 2013. – 128 p.: ill.

7. Hydroechocolography - diagnosis and treatment of colon diseases in children, methodological recommendations / M.Yu. Yanitskaya. – Arkhangelsk; From the Northern State Medical University, 2013. – 83 p.: ill.
9.3. Software and Internet resources

State educational institution of higher professional education of the Federal Agency for Health and Social Development

"Amur State Medical Academy".

Department of General Surgery

L. A. Volkov, A. S. Zyuzko




Blagoveshchensk - 2010

The tutorial was prepared by:

L. A. Volkov - K.M.N., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, assistant at the Department of General Surgery of the ASMA.

A. S. Zyuzko- K.M.N., assistant at the Department of General Surgery, ASMA.


V.V. Shimko - D.M.N., Professor of the Department of Faculty Surgery of ASMA.

Yu.V. Dorovskikh - Associate Professor, Department of Hospital Surgery, ASMA.

The methodological manual was prepared in accordance with the program for caring for patients in a surgical clinic and is aimed at creating a theoretical basis for the effective development of theoretical material. The manual consists of 15 topics of practical lessons, which outline the organization and regime of a surgical hospital, deontological and ethical issues of patient care, aspects of clinical hygiene of the patient and staff, methods of using medications, features of preparing patients for diagnostic studies and surgical interventions; The basic principles of care for patients with various surgical pathologies and victims of trauma are covered.

Nursing. Types of care. Design, equipment, operating mode of the reception and diagnostic department. Reception of patients, registration, sanitary treatment, transportation. Deontology in surgery.

Patient care– sanitary hypourgia (Greek hypourgiai – to help, to provide a service) – medical activity aimed at alleviating the patient’s condition and promoting his recovery. During patient care, components of the personal hygiene of the patient and his environment are implemented, which the patient is not able to provide himself due to illness. In this case, physical and chemical methods of exposure based on the manual labor of medical personnel are mainly used.

Nursing care is divided into general And special.

General care includes measures that are necessary for the patient himself, regardless of the nature of the existing pathological process (nutrition of the patient, change of linen, ensuring personal hygiene, preparation for diagnostic and therapeutic measures).

Special care– a set of measures applied to a certain category of patients (surgical, cardiological, neurological, etc.).

Surgical care

Surgical care is a medical activity for the implementation of personal and clinical hygiene in a hospital, aimed at assisting the patient in satisfying his basic life needs (food, drink, movement, bowel movements, bladder, etc.) and during pathological conditions (vomiting, cough, breathing problems, bleeding, etc.).

Thus, the main objectives of surgical care are: 1) providing optimal living conditions for the patient, conducive to a favorable course of the disease; 2) fulfilling doctor’s orders; 3) accelerating the patient’s recovery and reducing the number of complications.

Surgical care is divided into general and special.

General surgical care consists in organizing sanitary-hygienic and medical-protective regimes in the department.

Sanitary and hygienic regime includes:

    Organization of cleaning of premises;

    Ensuring patient hygiene;

    Prevention of nosocomial infection.

Therapeutic and protective regime is:

    Creating a favorable environment for the patient;

    Providing medications, their correct dosage and use as prescribed by a doctor;

    Organization of high-quality nutrition for the patient in accordance with the nature of the pathological process;

    Proper manipulation and preparation of the patient for examinations and surgical interventions.

Special care is aimed at providing specific care for patients with a certain pathology.

Features of caring for surgical patients

Features of caring for a surgical patient are determined by:

    dysfunctions of organs and body systems arising as a result of a disease (pathological focus);

    the need and consequences of pain relief;

    surgical trauma.

Particular attention in this group of patients should be directed, first of all, to accelerating the processes of regeneration and preventing infection.

The wound is an entrance gate through which pyogenic microorganisms can penetrate into the internal environment of the body.

In all actions of nursing and junior medical personnel in the process of caring for patients, the principles of asepsis must be strictly observed.

Organization of the work of the reception department

Reception department of a multidisciplinary hospital

The emergency department (emergency room) is intended to receive patients delivered by ambulance, referred from clinics and outpatient clinics, or who sought help on their own.

The reception department performs the following functions:

Conducts round-the-clock examinations of all sick and injured persons delivered or applied to the emergency department;

Establishes a diagnosis and provides highly qualified medical and advisory assistance to everyone in need;

Conducts an examination and, if necessary, assembles a council of several specialists to clarify the diagnosis;

If the diagnosis is unclear, provides dynamic monitoring of patients;

Performs triage and hospitalization in specialized or specialized departments of the hospital;

Transfers non-core patients and victims after providing them with the necessary assistance to hospitals and departments according to the profile of the disease or injury or refers them to outpatient treatment at the place of residence;

Provides constant round-the-clock communication with all operational and duty services of the city.

The reception department includes a waiting room, a registration desk, an information desk, and examination rooms. The admissions department has close functional contacts with laboratories, diagnostic departments of the hospital, isolation wards, operating rooms, dressing rooms, etc.

    the admission department should be located on the lower floors of the medical institution;

    it is necessary that there are convenient access roads for ambulance transport from the street;

    Elevators should be located near the emergency department to transport patients to medical departments;

    The reception area should be decorated with moisture-resistant materials (tiles, linoleum, oil paint) for ease of sanitary processing.

Cleaning requirements:

Cleaning of the premises of the reception department must be carried out at least 2 times a day using a wet method using detergents and disinfectants approved for use in the prescribed manner. Cleaning equipment must be labeled and used for its intended purpose. After use, it is soaked in a disinfectant solution, rinsed in running water, dried and stored in a specially designated room. After examining each patient, couches, oilcloths, oilcloth pillows are treated with a rag moistened with a solution in accordance with the current instructions. The sheets on the couch in the examination room are changed after each patient. In the treatment room, dressing room, as well as in the small operating room, wet cleaning is carried out 2 times a day using a 6% hydrogen peroxide solution and a 0.5% detergent solution or disinfectant solution. After use, gurneys are treated with a disinfectant solution in accordance with the current instructions.

Waiting room intended for patients and their accompanying relatives. There should be a sufficient number of chairs, armchairs, and gurneys (for transporting patients). On the walls are posted information about the work of the medical department, hours of conversation with the attending physician, a list of products allowed for transfer to patients, and the telephone number of the hospital helpline. The days and hours during which patients can be visited should be indicated here.

The duty nurse's office. It registers incoming patients and prepares the necessary documentation. There should be a desk, chairs, and forms of necessary documents.

Examination room is intended for examination of patients by a doctor and, in addition, here a nurse conducts thermometry, anthropometry, examination of the pharynx, and sometimes other studies (ECG) for patients.

Examination room equipment:

A couch covered with oilcloth (on which patients are examined);

Height meter;

Medical scales;




Hand wash sink;


Case history forms.

Treatment room intended for providing emergency care to patients (shock, visceral colic, etc.).

Treatment room equipment:


A medical cabinet containing: an anti-shock first aid kit, disposable syringes, disposable systems, anti-shock solutions, antispasmodics and other medications;

Bix with sterile dressing material, sterile tweezers in a disinfectant solution (for working with Bix);

Bix with sterile gastric tubes, rubber urinary catheters, tips for enemas.

Surgical dressing room is intended for minor operations (primary surgical treatment of an accidental wound, reduction of a dislocation, reposition of simple fractures and their immobilization, opening of small abscesses, etc.).

Sanitation checkpoint, his tasks include:

Carrying out sanitary treatment of sick and injured people;

Acceptance of clothes and other things of patients, inventory of clothes and things and transfer for storage;

Issuance of hospital clothes.

To treat seriously ill and injured patients, a bathroom with portable shower sinks is provided. The sanitary checkpoint must have an appropriate set of toilets, sinks, and showers, provided for by sanitary standards, taking into account the possibility of a mass influx of victims. For the deceased, a room with a separate entrance should be allocated in the reception department, where several corpses can be stored simultaneously for a short time (until the morning).

Responsibilities of the admission department nurse:

    registration of a medical card for each hospitalized patient (filling out the title page, indicating the exact time of admission of the patient, the diagnosis of the referring medical institution);

    examination of the skin and hairy parts of the body to identify head lice, measuring body temperature;

    fulfilling doctor's orders.

Responsibilities of the emergency department doctor:

    examination of the patient, determining the urgency of surgical intervention, the required amount of additional research;

    filling out a medical history, making a preliminary diagnosis;

    determining the need for sanitary treatment;

    hospitalization in a specialized department with mandatory indication of the type of transportation;

    in the absence of indications for hospitalization, provision of the necessary minimum of outpatient medical care.

State budgetary educational institution of higher education
vocational education
"Siberian State Medical University" Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia

Department of Pediatric Surgery

Abstract on the topic:
“General care for sick children in a hospital”

Faculty of Pediatrics, 1st year group 2103
Shevtsova Yulia Andreevna

Tomsk 2012

1.Introduction. 3
2. General patient care in the pediatric surgical department. 4
3.Preparing patients for emergency and planned surgery. 9
4. List of references. 13


Care for patients in a hospital is carried out by nursing staff, and at home - by the patient’s relatives and a nurse.

Care should be understood as:

    creating and maintaining a sanitary and hygienic environment in the ward and at home;
    making a comfortable bed and keeping it clean;
    hygienic maintenance of the patient, providing him with assistance during the toilet, eating, physiological and painful functions of the body;
    fulfillment of medical prescriptions;
    organization of leisure time for the patient;
    maintaining a cheerful mood in the patient with a kind word and sensitive attitude.
Closely related to care is round-the-clock monitoring of the patient: changes in the manifestations of the disease, physical symptoms, and the patient’s mood. The nursing staff informs the doctor about all noticed changes, helping him to form a correct idea of ​​the patient’s condition and correctly manage treatment.

Timely recognition of the disease, good care and proper treatment ensure the patient’s recovery.

2. General patient care in the pediatric surgical department.

Patient care (sanitary hypurgia - from the Greek "hipur-geo" - to help, to provide a service) is a medical activity to implement the requirements of clinical hygiene in a hospital, it is the implementation of components of the personal hygiene of the patient and the environment that the patient is not able to provide himself due to illness or surgery.
For this purpose, medical personnel use physical and chemical methods based mainly on manual labor. Physical methods of clinical hygiene include washing the body and surrounding objects, ventilating rooms, burning, using dry heat or water steam, boiling, and irradiation. Dressing material, drainages, tampons from purulent patients are destroyed by burning. When burning, there must be safe transportation of contaminated material and a special device for burning. Specially trained personnel must work in combustion plants and when assessing the material to be burned. Chemical methods include acids, alkaloids, heavy metals, oxidizing agents, halogens, phenol and its derivatives, chlorhexidine, quaternary ammonium and phosphonium compounds, surfactants, alcohols, aldehydes, dyes. All disinfectants allowed for use are listed in order 720 - chloramine B 0.5% solution, chloramine B with 0.5% detergent, 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, hydrogen peroxide with 0.5% detergent products, dezoxon-1, dezoxon-1 with 0.5% detergent, dichlor-1 (1%), sulfochloranthine (0.1%), 70% ethyl alcohol, chlordesine (0.5%). Washing powders are used as detergents.
Nursing is helping a patient in his frail state, the most important element of clinical and medical activity. In a surgical hospital, patient care is an extremely important element of surgical activity, which has a serious impact on the outcome of patient treatment.
Patient care includes:
1. accurate and timely implementation of doctor’s prescriptions;
2. assistance in satisfying the patient’s natural needs (eating, drinking, movement, emptying the bladder, etc.)
3. compliance with the principle of a protective regime (elimination of various irritants, negative emotions, ensuring silence and peace);
4. creation of a sanitary and hygienic environment in the ward, observation;
5. carrying out preventive measures (prevention of bedsores, mumps, etc.).

General care includes activities that can be carried out regardless of the nature of the disease. Special care includes additional measures carried out only for certain diseases - surgical, urological, etc.
Basic elements of general care:

    personnel hygiene,
    environmental hygiene,
    hygiene of bed and underwear,
    hygiene of the patient’s clothing, personal belongings of the patient,
    hygiene of deliveries to the patient, visits to the patient,
    patient's food hygiene,
    hygiene of the patient's secretions,
    transportation of the patient,
    deontology of general nursing.
The main officials providing care for patients in a hospital: nurse, barmaid, junior nurse. sister, nurse.
Hygiene of medical personnel.
Medical personnel of all ranks are the main object and subject of clinical hygiene. Hygiene of medical personnel is the strict observance by employees of medical institutions, especially surgical ones, of the rules of personal hygiene, aimed at preventing various complications in patients before and after operations. Medical staff can serve as a source of infection in a surgical hospital, spread it within the hospital, and also carry the infection beyond its boundaries.
The purpose of personal hygiene of medical staff is to protect personal clothing and the body of personnel from nosocomial surgical infection, protect the patient from the threat of infection, and protect people who come into contact with medical staff outside the hospital from nosocomial infection. The main objects of personal hygiene for personnel in surgery are: body and head (hair should be clean, cut short, carefully hidden under a cap or headscarf). There should be no discharge from the nose, eyes, ears, in the mouth - carious teeth, ulcers, inflammation, on the skin - rashes, wounds, abrasions, purulent-inflammatory diseases, especially on the hands. Fingernails and toenails must be cut short and painting is not permitted.
Environmental hygiene.
The importance of maintaining the necessary hygienic regime in a surgical hospital cannot be overestimated. The main environmental objects include indoor air, furniture, plumbing, and honey. equipment. There are natural and artificial methods of air disinfection in the hospital. These include regular ventilation of premises, the use of air filters with forced ventilation, chemical and physical (radiation) disinfection of air. The air temperature in the room should be between 17-21 degrees (“comfort zone”). The degree of humidity is of great importance. The air temperature in the wards rises in the summer. In such cases, the practice is to frequently mop the floors with a wet method, cover open windows with wet sheets, and use general and table fans.
Patient hygiene.
The main object of clinical hygiene is the patient, who is unable to ensure the hygiene of his body with his own resources and means in the hospital. Activities for the hygiene of the patient’s body should be planned and regular. The main measures and requirements for the hygiene of the patient’s body: cleanliness and absence of the threat of damage to the skin and mucous membranes. Depending on the disease and condition of the patient, there is a general regime, strict bed, semi-bed and individual. Strict bed rest in the supine position should be observed by patients with profuse gastric bleeding after major operations on the abdominal organs. Active bed rest with turning on the side, bending the legs at the knee joints, raising the head is indicated for most patients in the first days after operations on the abdominal organs. The patient should get up after surgery in the presence of a sister and with her help. A nurse or nurse should also accompany the patient to the toilet.
Hygienic care for patients with bed rest.
Carried out by a nurse or a nurse under the guidance of a nurse.
Semi-bed rest is prescribed to persons whose acute abdominal pain has subsided, emergency assistance has not been provided to them and they are subject to observation. An individual regimen includes the concept of an exception to the rules of the general regimen (walking outdoors, staying on the balcony, a bath or shower before bed, etc.). Skin care under the general regimen can be carried out by the patient himself. In all cases, the patient must wash his hands before and after eating, and after visiting the toilet. Frequent hand washing is an important principle of hospital hygiene. The patient washes in the shower or bath at least once every 7 days. The water temperature in the bathroom should not exceed 37-39.
The duration of stay in the bathroom is determined by the patient’s condition and averages 15-20 minutes. The patient should not be left alone while taking a bath, even if his condition is satisfactory. At the same time, underwear and bed linen are changed. For washing, the patient receives a clean washcloth. If soiled, linens are changed more often. After washing, the washcloth and bath should be disinfected. After each patient, the bathtub is washed with running water and disinfected with a 2% chloramine solution or a clarified 0.5% bleach solution. Hand brushes, washcloths, rubber or foam sponges are disinfected by boiling for 15 minutes, or soaking for 30 minutes in 0.5% detergent solution and 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. After this, washcloths and sponges are rinsed with running water and dry.
All patients in the department must wash their face in the morning, wash their ears, brush their teeth, and comb their hair. Before going to bed, the patient should also brush his teeth and rinse his mouth. Once a week, while taking a shower or bath, patients need to wash their hair. During long-term hospital stays, it is better for both men and women to cut their hair short. Each patient should have their own comb for combing hair. Fingernails and toenails are cut with scissors or bitten with nail clippers, or filed with a nail file. In this case, it is necessary to protect the periungual ridges from injury and the formation of hangnails. Disinfection of scissors, cutters, files is carried out by boiling for 15 minutes or soaking in a “triple solution” for 45 minutes, followed by rinsing in running water. Men should shave their facial hair daily.
The razor is disinfected by boiling for 15 minutes. or soaking in a triple solution for 45 minutes, followed by rinsing with water.
Hygiene of seriously ill patients.
Hygienic care of the skin, eyes, ears, nasal cavity and mouth of a surgical patient in an extremely critical or unconscious state has its own characteristics and is very important. The success of treatment often depends on this. Maintaining healthy skin is an important part of treatment.
When lying for a long time, as a result of compression of the soft tissues covering the bony protrusions, a local circulatory disorder occurs, which can result in the formation of bedsores. Bedsores are necrosis of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with a tendency to spread deeper. They usually occur in the area of ​​the sacrum, shoulder blades, greater trochanters, elbows, heels, and spinous processes. The first sign of bedsores is pallor or redness and swelling of the skin, followed by detachment of the epidermis and the appearance of blisters. Accompanying infection can lead to infection and death. Therefore, preventing bedsores in seriously ill patients is the key to successful treatment.
Elements of pressure ulcer prevention:
1). Changing the patient’s body position several times a day if his condition allows;
2). Daily shaking off crumbs from sheets, straightening folds in bed linen and underwear;
3). Placing an inflatable rubber circle placed in a pillowcase under the sacrum and buttocks;
4). Daily wiping of the skin in areas of bone protrusions with camphor alcohol, 40% alcohol solution, cologne, vinegar solution (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of water) or warm water, followed by wiping dry;
5). When hyperemia occurs, brushing to improve local blood flow;
6) Washing the skin during maceration with soap and water, drying and dusting with powder;
7). Carrying out hygienic and breathing exercises according to indications.

Fingernails and toenails should be regularly cut off with scissors or bitten with pliers as they grow, protecting the periungual ridges from damage and hangnails.
Hair, as already noted, must be washed once a week, combed and styled in a hairstyle or braid. In seriously ill patients, it is preferable to have short haircuts. In seriously ill patients, it is necessary to wash the eyes to remove secretions that stick together the eyelashes.
Skin care consists of daily washing of the face, neck and hands with soap, daily wiping of the entire body with warm water and drying with a dry towel. The entire body should be washed at least three times a week. Nails are washed in a basin, the interdigital spaces are thoroughly cleaned of dirt, and overgrown nails are cut. In obese patients, especially women, special attention should be paid to the prevention of dermatitis and diaper rash on the mammary glands, in the inguinal folds and in the perineal area. These areas must be washed daily with weak disinfectant solutions (potassium permanganate, boric acid), dried and powdered with talc or special powder. Women undergo hygienic washing daily at night and in the morning. To do this, you need to have an oilcloth, a vessel, a jug with warm water and a disinfectant solution (30-35 degrees), a forceps and sterile cotton balls. The nurses place an oilcloth under the patient’s pelvis, on top of which a bedpan is placed between the thighs. Patients lie on their backs, legs bent and slightly spread. A disinfectant solution is poured from a jug onto the external genitalia and a cotton ball on a forceps is used to make cleaning movements from the genitals to the anus. After this, the skin is wiped with a dry swab from top to bottom.
Hygiene of the patient's linen.
Pajamas, dressing gowns, colored underwear are soaked in a 0.2% solution of chloramine B (240 min), 0.2% solution of sulfachlorantine (60 min.), 1% solution of chlordesine (120 min.), 0.5% solution of dichlorine 1 (120 min), 0.05 dezoxon-1 solution (60 min.), followed by washing in the laundry. Underwear and bed linen are washed in the laundry with boiling water. Underwear and bed linen are changed at least once every 7 days (after hygienic washing). In addition, linen must be changed if soiled. When changing underwear and bed linen, it is carefully collected in bags made of thick cotton fabric or containers with a lid. It is strictly forbidden to throw used laundry on the floor or into open receptacles. Sorting and dismantling of dirty linen is carried out in a special dedicated room outside the department.
After changing linen, items in the room are wiped with a disinfectant solution.
Mattresses, pillows, blankets are disinfected in paraformalin chambers using the steam-formalin and steam-air methods. It is preferable to use sterile linen during surgery. Clean linen is stored in the closets of the housewife, guard sister and nurse. The department should have a supply of linen for a day. Depending on the patient's condition, there are different changes of bed linen. A walking patient can change the bed himself.

3.Preparing patients for emergency and planned surgery.

The preoperative period is the time from the moment the patient is admitted to the surgical hospital until the start of surgical treatment. At the stage of immediate preoperative preparation, healing measures are carried out in order to identify the underlying disease and a favorable phase for surgical intervention, heal other existing diseases and prepare vital systems and organs.
A set of healing measures carried out before surgery to transfer the underlying disease to a more favorable phase, healing concomitant diseases and preparing vital organs and systems for the prevention of postoperative complications is called preparing patients for surgery.
The main goal of preoperative preparation is to reduce operational risk and create good prerequisites for a favorable outcome.
Preoperative preparation is carried out for all patients. To a minimum extent, it is carried out only for patients undergoing surgery on the basis of emergency and emergency certificates.
On the eve of a planned surgical operation, public preoperative preparation is carried out. Her target:
1. Eliminate contraindications to surgery by examining the patient’s vital organs and systems.
2. Preparation of the patient psychologically.
3. thoroughly prepare the patient’s body systems, on which the intervention will have the greatest load during the operation and in the postoperative period.
4. prepare the surgical field.
General inspection.
Every patient admitted to a surgical hospital for surgical treatment must be undressed and the skin of all parts of the body examined. In the presence of weeping eczema, pustular rashes, boils or new traces of these diseases, the operation is temporarily postponed and the patient is sent for outpatient follow-up treatment. The operation of such a patient is performed a month after complete healing, because infection can manifest itself at the site of surgery in a patient weakened by surgical trauma.
Anamnesis collection.
Collecting an anamnesis makes it possible to find out and clarify past diseases, to determine whether the patient suffers from hemophilia, syphilis, etc. In women, it is necessary to clarify the date of the last menstruation, since it has a huge impact on the vital functions of the body.

Laboratory research.
Planned patients are admitted to the surgical hospital after a laboratory examination at the clinic at their place of residence. They carry out a general blood and urine test, a urine test for sugar, the biochemical composition of the blood and the necessary X-ray examinations of the chest and abdominal organs.
Clinical observation.
It is necessary for the patient to get to know the attending physician and to establish relationships between them. To completely eliminate contraindications for surgery, choose a method of pain relief and take measures to prevent the following complications, it is necessary for the patient to fully open up to the doctor. If special preparation of the patient for surgery is not required, then the preoperative period of the patient in the hospital is traditionally 1-2 days.
Psychological preparation of the patient.
Trauma to the psyche of surgical patients begins in the clinic, when the doctor advises surgical treatment, and continues in the hospital during the immediate appointment of the operation, preparation for it, etc. Therefore, a sensitive, attentive attitude towards the patient on the part of the attending physician and staff is absolutely essential. The authority of the doctor contributes to the establishment of close contact with the patient.
On the day of the operation, the surgeon is obliged to pay maximum attention to the patient, encourage him, ask about his well-being, examine how the surgical field is prepared, listen to the heart and lungs, examine the pharynx, and reassure him.
The surgeon is fully prepared to wait for the patient, and not the other way around. During an operation under local anesthesia, a conversation must take place between the surgeon and the patient. With his calmness and encouraging words, the surgeon has a beneficial effect on the patient’s psyche. Harsh remarks addressed to the patient are unacceptable.
After the operation is completed, the surgeon must examine the patient, feel the pulse and reassure him. In this the patient will take care of him.
Everything in the ward must be ready to receive the patient. The main thing in this case is the elimination of pain with the use of painkillers, the implementation of measures aimed at improving breathing and cardiovascular activity, which prevents a number of complications. The surgeon is obliged to visit the patient he operated on more than once.
In a conversation with a patient, a doctor is obliged to explain to him the essence of the disease. If a patient with a malignant tumor continues to doubt and stubbornly refuses surgical treatment, then it is permissible to say that his disease may turn into cancer after some time. Finally, if there is a categorical refusal, it is advisable to tell the patient that he has an early stage of the tumor and delaying the operation will lead to advanced disease and an unfavorable outcome. The patient must understand that in this situation surgery is the only type of healing. In some cases, the surgeon is obliged to explain to the patient the true nature of the operation, its consequences and prognosis.

Preparation of the patient's vital organs for surgery.
Respiratory preparation
Respiratory organs account for up to 10% of postoperative complications. Therefore, the surgeon must pay special attention to the patient’s respiratory system.
In the presence of bronchitis and emphysema, the risk of complications increases several times. Acute bronchitis is a contraindication to elective surgery. Patients with chronic bronchitis are subject to preoperative sanitation: they are prescribed expectorants and physiotherapeutic procedures.
Preparing the cardiovascular system.
With normal heart sounds and no changes in the electrocardiogram, special preparation is not required.
Preparation of the oral cavity.
In all cases, before surgery, patients require sanitation of the oral cavity with the assistance of a dentist.
Preparation of the gastrointestinal tract.
Before a planned operation on the abdominal organs, the patient is given a cleansing enema the evening before the operation. When preparing patients for surgery on the large intestine, it must be cleaned. In these options, 2 days before the operation, a laxative is given 1-2 times, the day before the operation the patient takes liquid food and is prescribed 2 enemas, in addition, another enema is given on the morning of the operation.
Preparing the liver.
Before the operation, liver functions such as protein synthesis, bilirubin secretion, urea formation, enzymatic function, etc. are examined.
Determination of kidney function.
During the preparation of patients for surgery and in the postoperative period, the condition of the kidneys is traditionally assessed by urine tests, functional tests, isotope renography, etc.
Direct preparation of patients for surgery and rules for its implementation.
On the eve of the operation, the patient takes a bath. Before washing, the doctor pays attention to the skin, looking for pustules, rashes, and diaper rash. If detected, the planned operation is cancelled. The surgical site is shaved on the day of surgery to avoid cuts and scrapes that are prone to infection.
In accordance with the type of anesthesia, premedication is given 45 minutes before surgery as prescribed by the anesthesiologist. Before transporting the patient to the operating room, the patient is transported on a gurney. The operation is performed in the strictest silence. The conversation can be about the operation.
Preparing the patient for emergency surgery.
The patient is prepared for surgery as soon as possible. As directed by the doctor, if necessary, an urgent blood test, urine test and some other studies are performed. Sanitize (wash or wipe) contaminated areas of the body. A hygienic bath and shower are contraindicated. Sometimes, as directed by a doctor, the stomach is emptied through a tube. The skin in the area of ​​the surgical field is shaved dry without soaping.
Method of preparing a wound for surgery. In case of injury, the surgical field is treated as follows: remove the bandage, cover the wound with a sterile napkin, shave the hair around the wound dry, treat the skin around the wound with medical gasoline and then with alcohol. Treatment and shaving are carried out in the direction from the edges of the wound (without touching it) to the periphery. Lubricate the surgical field with an alcohol solution of iodine twice: first after mechanical cleaning of the skin, and then again immediately before the operation.
Patients with acute appendicitis, strangulated hernia, intestinal obstruction, perforated gastric ulcer, ectopic pregnancy, as well as penetrating wounds of the chest, abdomen and some other injuries require emergency operations.

4. List of references.

    “Care for patients in a surgical clinic” Evseev M.A.
    “General care for patients in a therapeutic clinic” Oslopov V.N., Bogoyavlenskaya O.V.
    “General nursing” E.Ya. Gagunova
    “Care for surgical patients” Manual for the 4th semester of the Faculty of Dentistry.
    Maximenya G.V. Leonovich S.I. Maximenya G.G. "Bases of practical surgery"
    Buyanov V.M. Nesterenko Yu.A. "Surgery"

Questions on practical skills in educational practice (child care in a surgical hospital) for first-year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics.  Structure of a modern pediatric surgical clinic. Responsibilities of junior and nursing staff in caring for children in a surgical hospital.  Maintaining medical records in a pediatric surgical clinic.  Equipment and instruments for dressing, manipulation, and operating rooms. Responsibilities of junior and nursing staff.  Responsibilities of nursing staff in a children's surgical hospital (urological, traumatological, intensive care, thoracic departments, purulent surgery department).  General patient care in a general pediatric surgical unit. Preparing the child for surgery.  Features of transporting patients depending on the nature, location of the disease (damage), severity of the condition.  The concept of nosocomial infection. Causes of occurrence, main pathogens, sources, ways of spreading nosocomial infection. A set of sanitary and hygienic measures aimed at identifying and isolating sources of infection and interrupting transmission routes.  Sanitary and hygienic regime in the reception department.  Sanitary and hygienic regime in the surgical department.  Sanitary and hygienic diet for patients.  Sanitary and hygienic regime in the operating unit, wards and intensive care units, postoperative wards and dressing rooms.  Treatment of the operating and injection field, hands, surgical gloves during the operation.  Disinfection. Types of disinfection. Sequence of processing of medical instruments. Treatment of incubators for newborns.  Sterilization. Types of sterilization. Storage of sterile instruments and medical products.  Features of sterilization of instruments, sutures and dressings.  Features of sterilization of surgical gloves, products made of rubber, fabrics, polymers (probes, catheters, etc.)  Rules for placing dressings and surgical linen in the bin. Types of bix styling. Indicators.  Antiseptic. Antiseptic methods. Control methods. Indicators.  Injections. Types of injections. Local and general complications of injections. Disposal of used balls, needles, syringes.  Rules for drawing blood for laboratory testing.  Infusion therapy. Objectives of infusion therapy. The main drugs for infusion therapy, indications for their use. Routes of administration of infusion media. Complications.  Indications and contraindications for central venous catheterization. Caring for a catheter installed in a central vein.  Blood transfusion. Types of blood transfusion. Determining the suitability of canned blood for transfusion.  Technique for determining blood group and Rh factor.  Control studies before transfusion of whole blood (erythrocyte mass) and blood products, methods of implementation.  Post-transfusion reactions and complications. Clinic, diagnostics. Possible ways of prevention.  Nasogastric tube. Probing technique. Indications for nasogastric intubation. Technique. Complications of nasogastric intubation.  Types of enemas. Indications for use Technique of implementation. Complications.  Taking material for bacteriological examination. Procedure for storing biopsy material.  Features of transporting patients in a surgical hospital.  Objectives of preoperative preparation, ways and means of its implementation.  Surgery. Types of surgical operations. Position of the patient on the operating table. Intraoperative risk factors for infectious complications.  Postoperative period, its tasks. Caring for children in the postoperative period.  Complications of the postoperative period, ways of prevention, combating the complications that have arisen.  Care of the child’s skin and mucous membranes in the postoperative period.  Postoperative wound care. Removing stitches.  Temporary stop of bleeding.  Transportation and immobilization depending on the nature and location of the injury or pathological process.  First aid for emergency conditions in children.  Terminal states. Monitoring. Post-mortem care.  Providing assistance in emergency situations. Primary resuscitation complex, features of its implementation depending on the age of the child.  Desmurgy. Techniques for applying various types of dressings in children of different age groups (see appendix). APPENDIX Questions on desmurgy for first-year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics I. Headbands:  Hippocratic cap  Cap - cap  Bandage on one eye  Bandage - frenulum  Neapolitan bandage  Bandage on the nose II. Bandages for the upper limb:  Bandage for one finger  Bandage for the first finger  Bandage-glove  Bandage for the hand  Bandage for the forearm  Bandage for the elbow joint  Bandage for the shoulder joint III. Bandages on the abdomen and pelvis:  One-sided spica bandage  Double-sided spica bandage  Bandage on the perineum IV. Bandages for the lower limb:  Bandage on the thigh  Bandage on the shin  Bandage on the knee joint  Bandage on the heel area  Bandage on the ankle joint  Bandage on the whole foot (without gripping the toes)  Bandage on the whole foot (with gripping the toes)  Bandage on the first toe V. Neck bandages:  Upper neck bandage  Lower neck bandage VI. Chest bandages:  Spiral bandage  Cruciform bandage  Deso bandage Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery, MD. I.N. Khvorostov

Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation




UDC 616-083-053.2+616-089-053.2(075.8)

BBK 57.3+54.5

Published by decision of the central methodological council of the Kirov State Medical Academy

dated 05/19/2011 (protocol No. 7)

General care for children with surgical diseases: A textbook for students of medical universities / Compiled by: Ignatiev S.V., Razin M.P. – Kirov State Medical Academy, 2011 - 86 p., ill.: 20 figures, 5 tables, bibliography: 10 sources.

The manual highlights modern concepts of general care for children with surgical diseases, examines the structure and organization of surgical care for children in modern Russia, the most important anatomical and physiological features of the child’s body, aseptic and antiseptic methods, formulates the functional responsibilities of personnel caring for children with surgical diseases, rules for working in the dressing room and operating room, a detailed description of the most important medical procedures and algorithms for preparing children for special methods of examination and surgical treatment are given. The manual is intended for students of medical universities studying in the specialty “Pediatrics”.


Head of the Department of Pediatric Surgery of the Astrakhan State Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor A.A. Zhidovinov;

Professor of the Department of Surgical Diseases of Children, Izhevsk State Medical Academy, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.V. Pozdeev.

© S.V. Ignatiev, M.P. Razin, Kirov, 2011

© State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Kirov State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, Kirov, 2011

List of abbreviations
1. Structure and organization of surgical care for children in Russia
1.1 Structure and organization of work of the children's surgical clinic
1.2 Structure and organization of work in the surgical room of a children's clinic
2. Anatomical and physiological characteristics of the child’s body
2.1. AFO of skin and subcutaneous fat
2.2. AFO of the musculoskeletal system
2.3. AFO of the respiratory system
2.4. AFO of the cardiovascular system
2.5. AFO of the nervous system
2.6. AFO of the gastrointestinal tract
2.7. AFO of the urinary system
2.8. AFO of the endocrine system
2.9. AFO of the immune system
2.10. Test questions and test tasks
3. Asepsis and antiseptics
3.1. Test questions and test tasks
4. Functional responsibilities of personnel caring for children with surgical diseases. Work in the dressing room and in the operating room
4.1. Test questions and test tasks
5. The most important medical procedures
5.1. Test questions and test tasks
6. Preparing children for special diagnostic and treatment methods
6.1. Preparing children for special examination methods
6.2. Preparing children for surgery
6.3. Test questions and test tasks
List of practical skills and abilities
Situational tasks
Standards of correct answers
List of recommended literature

List of abbreviations

Ig immunoglobulins
AFO anatomical and physiological features
VHO secondary surgical treatment
Gastrointestinal tract gastrointestinal tract
mechanical ventilation artificial ventilation
CBS acid-base state
CT computed tomography
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
ICU intensive care unit
BCC circulating blood volume
Surfactant surfactants
PDS polydioxanone
PHO primary surgical treatment
SanPiN sanitary rules and regulations
FAP first aid station
CVP central venous pressure
CSO central sterilization department


The basics of general care for children with surgical diseases have their own clearly defined characteristics in comparison with the care of an adult patient and the care of a somatically ill child.

The course in caring for pediatric surgical patients is very important, as it introduces students to the basic principles of working in a pediatric surgical hospital at the level of a nursing assistant. Students acquire not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills in caring for sick children of this profile, therefore the manual contains a list of practical skills that a student must master. In nursing, preoperative preparation for the operation and nursing of children after it are of great importance. The most postulative principles of these processes are highlighted on the pages of our publication.

This textbook is intended for junior students of medical universities. The authors took into account modern domestic and foreign literary data, as well as their personal many years of experience in practical pediatric surgery, so they hope that the material presented in the manual will contribute to a deeper understanding by students of pediatric faculties of the structure and organization of surgical care for children in modern Russia, anatomy -physiological characteristics of the child’s body, asepsis and antiseptics, functional duties of staff, work in the dressing room and operating room, the most important medical procedures, preparing children for special methods of examination and surgical treatment. All possible wishes and critical comments will be received by the authors with understanding and gratitude.