Ukrainian Levkoy fold-eared Sphynx. Ukrainian Levkoy: an exclusive pet in the house. The unique appearance of a Canadian

Relatively recently, a new breed of cat was developed called the Ukrainian Levkoy. These are fold-eared animals of an original appearance that lack hair. They are distinguished by lightness and grace. Sexual dimorphism in cats is quite pronounced, making it easy to distinguish a male from a female. The Ukrainian Levkoy has a gentle, calm disposition, which makes it quite popular among cat lovers.

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    Origin story

    In 2000, work began in Ukraine to breed a new breed of cat. By crossing the fold-eared Scottish Fold and the hairless Don Sphynx, a breed of hairless animals was obtained - the Ukrainian Levkoy. A few years later, these cats became popular in our country, and the first nurseries opened.

    The breed is not yet recognized in the WCF system, so the Ukrainian Levkoy does not receive the title of champion at exhibitions. But experts give animals grades for meeting the standard. Cats also participate in a monobreed show.

    Description of the breed

    Ukrainian Levkoy- a breed of hairless cats. The surface of the skin is characterized by a large number of folds. The skin temperature is always quite high. The animal is distinguished by large beautiful almond-shaped eyes.

    The description of the breed is presented in the table:

    Options Description
    BodyMuscular, with a wide oval chest. The back is slightly arched. The average weight of an adult animal is 5 kg
    LimbsStrong and long
    PawsOval shaped, long fingers
    HeadWedge-shaped. The forehead is not too prominent, low, turning into a flat skull
    EarsLarge, set high. The ear at the top is rounded down and forward, the tips are rounded
    EyesLarge in size, almond-shaped, set slightly obliquely. Any color is acceptable, but deep and rich is preferable
    ColorCan be anything
    ChinPowerful, not harsh
    MuzzleRound in shape, length is 1/3 of the entire length of the head
    Wool and leatherNo wool. The skin is elastic and redundant. It forms folds in the groin, armpits, neck, under the eyes, and on the head between the ears. Some kittens may be completely covered in velvety fur

    Character and health

    Ukrainian Levkoys are quite affectionate cats and become very attached to their owner. If there are other animals living in the house, they will interact peacefully with them. These cats have a high level of intelligence. They are inquisitive, smart, easy to learn and quickly adapt to new conditions.

    Levkoy is a brave and determined cat. If the owner does not pay attention to her for a long time, she may come up to him and touch him with her paw. This is a passionate and cheerful pet, which is an excellent nanny for a small child and a companion for an elderly person. Cats have a quiet voice with a pleasant timbre. They serve it only in exceptional cases, when they feel bad or lonely.

    From the breeds that participated in the creation of the Ukrainian Levkoy - the Scottish Fold and the Don Sphynx - the animal inherited good health. The only problem is sensitivity to drafts and low temperatures. In addition, cats have a genetic predisposition to joint diseases and other pathologies (uterine hernia, diseases of the ears, eyes, rectum).

    The breed is considered prolific. Females easily tolerate childbirth.

    If the animals are properly cared for, their life expectancy is about 15 years.

    Since Ukrainian Levkoylacks hair, it is not recommended to walk your pet in the cold season. His skin has an elevated temperature and is overly sensitive to external influences. Due to sudden temperature changes in one direction or another, the animal may get sick.

    Hairless cats require special care. They should be protected from the scorching sun and dry air. Various injuries are dangerous to the animal's skin. Nails should be trimmed regularly, eyes should be washed with herbal decoctions, and teeth should be brushed with a special paste. Bathe the animal with special cat shampoo. This should be done infrequently; it is best to wipe the skin with napkins.

    Since a hairless cat is not capable of retaining its body heat for a long time, it needs a lot of energy. To do this, the animal should be fed frequently and in large portions. Kittens are given food 4 times a day, and are switched to three meals a day when they are 8 months old.

    Many breeders use premium ready-made food. They contain all the necessary nutrients. Such food is convenient because it does not spoil or spoil. In addition, dry food prevents diseases of teeth and gums.

    If the owner decides to feed the pet natural products, they must be selected correctly so that the diet is balanced.

    The Ukrainian Levkoy is allowed:

    • bran;
    • offal;
    • lean meat;
    • cereals;
    • fermented milk products;
    • some vegetables and fruits.

    The diet includes minerals and vitamins. Improper nutrition negatively affects the condition of the cat’s skin and its health.


    Ukrainian Levkoys have some disadvantages. The main ones are the youth of the breed and the small number of these animals. The first kitten was officially registered in 2004. Due to the small population of Levkoys, they are bred with other breeds. Therefore, when purchasing a kitten, you cannot be 100% sure that it is a full-fledged lefty and not a half-breed.

    The health of this breed is also not fully understood.

    Choosing a kitten

    You can buy a Levkoy kitten in nurseries in Moscow and St. Petersburg. The average price of such a baby is 15–20 thousand rubles. The cost depends on both gender and class (brush, straight, fold). The kitten should have short hair on its limbs, tail and face. It disappears only by the age of two.

Fold-eared and hairless kittens of the Ukrainian Levkoy breed were obtained thanks to the work of Elena Biryukova, a felinologist from the city of Kyiv and the owner of the Lada cats nursery.

History of the breed

The original Ukrainian Levkoy cats were bred quite recently. The unusual breed dates back to 2000. The breed got its name due to the unusual shape of the ears, which resembles a gillyflower, and its country of origin – Ukraine. Despite the fairly recent existence of the breed, Ukrainian Levkoys have managed to fall in love with many people not only in Ukraine, but also far beyond its borders.

Description of the breed. Appearance. Colors

  • The head is angular, flat and long, of medium size.
  • The ears are set wide apart, folds have rounded ears, and straight ears are straightened. Relative to the size of the head, the ears are quite large.
  • The eyes are large and almond-shaped. Eye color can be any, but preference is given to cats that have blue or green.
  • The neck of the Ukrainian Levkoy is of medium length and muscular.
  • The body has well-developed muscles, is short, and the chest is not wide. Ukrainian Levkoy cats are much smaller than males.
  • The limbs are long, strong, the paws are oval with graceful toes.
  • The tail is long, very flexible, tapering towards the tip.
  • The skin is hot to the touch, folded. Preference is given to hairless representatives of the breed, but it is possible to have uniform fluff throughout the animal's body.
  • Within the standard, cats can be of completely different colors.
  • The average weight of a cat is 5 kg.

Sphinx. What associations do you have with this word - pyramids, bizarre rock paintings, golden sands?

Today, everyone can touch the magic of ancient Egypt, you just have to have a “bald” miracle at home - the mysterious Sphynx cat.

What are hairless cats called and where did they come from?

It’s not for nothing that Sphinxes have such a majestic name - hairless cat breeds are mentioned in ancient documents. The Aztecs apparently favored this breed along with "hairless" domestic dogs.

And what can we say about the Egyptians, who deified this animal and decorated the walls of temples and ancient writings with its images. It was after noticing the striking similarity of “hairless” cats with Egyptian designs that the breeders gave the breed its name.

By the way, back in 1903, the “Book of Cats” described the brother and sister sphinxes - Dick and Nellie, bought from the Aztec tribe and considered the last representatives of the breed. The owner did not crossbreed kittens from the same litter, and it seemed that the exotic gene had disappeared forever.

However, already in 1966 in Canada, a “naked” baby was born from an ordinary domestic cat, named Pruno. Alas, his offspring did not inherit the unusual appearance of their parent and breeders began to wait for new manifestations of the breed.

1975 gave the world Epidermis, a “hairless” kitten from Minnesota, who became the ancestor of Canadian sphinxes.

The second branch of the breed - Don sphinxes- began in Rostov-on-Don: a local resident, Elena Kovaleva, picked up a hairless cat on the street. Varvara gave birth to her copy - Chita, from whom the breed trait was established.

Another of the most common “branches” of the Sphinx is Petersburg breed or Peterbald. It originated in Russia in 1994, by crossing a shorthaired oriental cat and a Don Sphynx.

Character of the Sphynx cat

Like any other breed, the Sphynx has character traits that are largely based on its exotic appearance.

  1. The “naked” pet is drawn to its owner - it adores human warmth and affection.
  2. The Sphynx is as friendly as it is unusual - often this breed gets along well even with large and formidable dogs.
  3. Experiencing an endless craving for “hugs,” the sphinx happily greets guests, often purring welcoming speeches under her breath.
  4. This animal is a real assistant in any business of the owners. The cat is not offended by your busyness - he gladly takes part in the bustle of the house, be it a noisy feast or general cleaning.
  5. Sphinxes are royally reserved and courteous; they rarely act up.
  6. A cat of this breed will not be nervous when moving long distances or visiting.
  7. The Sphinx is surprisingly smart - he remembers the tray and scratching post just by snapping his fingers.
  8. Despite the innate sense of tact, the pet will suffer from loneliness or lack of attention.

How to care for a hairless cat

Still hesitant to get a Sphynx, fearing difficulties in caring for him? In vain. There are, of course, some nuances in keeping this breed, but they are unlikely to overshadow the pleasure of communicating with this miracle of nature.

Sphynx food

Perhaps one of the most unusual features of the Sphinx is its excellent appetite. Such a cat does not think about her figure: she loves everything and more. The reason is increased metabolism due to high body temperature and “baldness”.

The ideal diet for a Sphynx is 80% natural products to 20% feed, or vice versa. However, not every owner can correctly balance a natural menu for a cat. Ready-made food can help.

Elite breeders keep Sphynx cats on the following diet:

  • meat (boiled chicken, raw beef, boiled or raw beef liver) - about 60%;
  • dry food (for example, Hills, James, Eagle Pack) - 20%;
  • milk (ryazhenka, cottage cheese, milk, semolina porridge with milk) – 5%;
  • boiled egg or raw yolk – once a week;
  • treats (depending on individual preferences) - approximately 1%.


Few people decide to get a Sphynx kitten. Most failed owners of this breed incorrectly believed that the Sphynx needed “greenhouse” conditions. In fact, the mysterious “naked” cat has many other features of its content.

    • Sphynx cats sweat and secrete plaque, similar to dark wax. The rules of care are simple:
      • wipe the cat with baby wipes or a wet sponge;
      • you can bathe the animal in baby or any other mild shampoo with an acidity of pH 5.5;
      • After bathing, wipe the skin dry and do not expose it to drafts.
  • If the skin discharge is excessive, you should consult a veterinarian, as this may be caused by an unhealthy diet that is oversaturated with fats.
  • It accumulates very quickly in the ears of sphinxes. black and brown secret. Cleaning is done when soiled or on the eve of the exhibition using a cotton swab.
  • Sphynx cats love to sunbathe:
    • allow your pet moderate sunbathing, and in a couple of months he will turn into a bright and infinitely beautiful creature;
    • the animal can get sunburned, so gradually accustom it to the sun at midday.
  • Sphinxes need to be tempered:
    • physical activity;
    • walks in warm weather.


Adults rarely get sick. Having caught an infection, they quickly come to their senses and remain immune to the disease for the rest of their lives.

This breed must be vaccinated at a young age to avoid viral diseases. For kittens, an inactivated vaccine is ideal.

There are no pathologies during childbirth in sphinxes. A nursing mother is usually overly milky, which can lead to mastitis.

There are 2-5 babies in a litter, usually 3-4. They open their eyes within 3-4 days.

Kittens can only bring one headache - severe weaning from their mother's milk. During this period, you need to monitor the babies and, at the first signs of diarrhea, contact a veterinarian - “hairless” cats quickly lose strength from any illness.

Today among Sphynxes there are 3 “pioneer” breeds.

The ancestor of the Sphynx, a handsome Canadian, is certainly different from other branches of the breed. A significant difference can be noticed both in the appearance and in the maintenance of the pet.

Breed standard

  • slim, muscular body;
  • rounded croup and chest;
  • powerful sides and shoulders;
  • wedge-shaped small head;
  • long, strong neck;
  • prominent cheekbones;
  • flat, sometimes slightly convex forehead, 7-9 folds;
  • wide bridge of the nose with a short nose;
  • pronounced chin;
  • large oval eyes, set deep, amber in color;
  • huge, widely spaced ears with rounded ends, with an “ear muff” at the base;
  • muscular, widely spaced limbs with long fingers;
  • straight, thin and movable tail, sometimes with a tassel;
  • thick bare skin with folds.

Colors of the Canadian Sphynx

Description of representatives

The breed standard was laid down by St. Petersburg breeders in 2012 and has not changed since then.
First, let's take a look at the Ukrainian lefty from the outside. The lop-eared pebble has a very original appearance. Absolutely hairless or with little fluff. The skin is quite hot, flexible and elastic, it is pleasant to touch. Cute folds form in the groin, on the neck and under the paws. Body size is average.

Levkoys are not fat at all, they are elegant and elongated, like ballerinas. The legs are long and strong. The tail is elastic and of medium length. Almond-shaped eyes peer intently somewhere into the universe. Coming closer, the cat immediately begins to take an interest in new acquaintances. He is good-natured and loves to communicate.

Let's now take a closer look at the lefty:

  • Head. It has a wedge shape. Elongated. Medium size. If you look at the kitten's head from above, you can see a pentagon with soft outlines. It will be slightly longer than wide. The cranial region of the head is dominant. It occupies about 2/3 of the area. The forehead is slightly convex, rather flat. The cheekbones have a prominent structure: they are clearly visible, they are high and wide.

  • Nose. Not too long, but not short either. Not wide at all. The transition to the forehead is smooth, there is a small gentle step at the level of the eye sockets.
  • Muzzle. It has a round shape. The oval is soft, without sharp ends, with smooth transitions.
  • Chin. Not spicy. Strong-willed, strong. Small size. Not rude.
  • Neck. Straight, curved shape. Has a muscular build. Round on all sides.
  • Ears. This is the highlight of the program. It is because of their shape that cats got their name. For some of the breeders, the curled ears that lay close to the head reminded one of a flower common in Ukraine – the gillyflower. They are quite large in build and widely spaced. They are standing. The ends are curved forward: the size of the curled part is from 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire area of ​​the auditory concha.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped, elongated, large and beautiful. Placed a little askew. Not fully open. The shade can be anything from azure to brown.
  • Body. There are small and larger representatives. Body length ranges from medium to oblong. The torso is strong, but not massive. The chest is narrow, oval in shape. The back is slightly arched. The spine is very flexible.
  • Limbs. Long and powerful. The paws are oval with elongated toes, between which there are membranes.
  • Tail. Not too long. Proportional to the body. Very flexible.

  • Leather. There is a lot of it, so it forms folds almost everywhere - on the head, between the ears, around the eyes, on the neck, under the paws and in the groin area. The lowered stockings are clearly visible when the cat is in a sitting or lying position.
  • Wool. If the kitten is a show kitten, then it can be completely hairless, with a little fluff (residual hair) on the points or even short hair all over the body. Breeding must necessarily involve Brush cats, which have hard, curled fur over the entire surface of the body with possible areas of baldness (head, neck, back). Also important for maintaining the phenotype are straight-haired cats and cats with curled ears, which were born from Ukrainian Levkoys. They can be mated not only with representatives of their own breed, but also with Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes. There are straight-haired cats with straight ears. They can only be paired with lop-eared levkoys.
  • Color. The shade of skin and fur can be any.

Ukrainian Levkoi weigh no more than 5 kg.The most common defects in the breed are: a rounded head, the same eyes, a shortened nose, an underdeveloped chin, undershot, undershot.

In principle, caring for Ukrainian Levkoys is not particularly complicated, but there are some features that you need to know about before purchasing a kitten.

  1. The skin secretes an oily lubricant that over time covers the cat's entire body and stinks. Therefore, they need to be wiped with damp wipes and bathed 1-2 times a month.

  2. Levkoyas are very sensitive to cold weather.
  3. The skin may become dull and flaky. This indicates loss of moisture, so you need to monitor how much water the cat drinks.
  4. Direct UV rays can cause skin burns.
  5. Meals should contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates. In addition, this breed has a tendency to become obese. Therefore, you cannot overfeed, because there will be problems with the heart and liver.

Breeds of hairless cats

Today the world knows 4 breeds of hairless cats:

  • Canadian Sphynx;
  • Don Sphynx;
  • Peterbald (Petersburg Sphynx);
  • Ukrainian Levkoy.

Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx.

"Canadians" is the very first officially recognized breed of hairless cats with 50 years of experience. The Don and St. Petersburg Sphynxes belong to experimental breeds, the formation of which is still ongoing, and the Ukrainian Levkoy is not yet recognized by leading associations of felinologists.

Differences at the genetic level

All fans of the Don or Canadian sphinxes can with a clear conscience thank nature for such a miracle. The appearance of these animals is the result of a rare spontaneous mutation, only among the “Donetsk” people the hairless gene turned out to be dominant and there were no problems with breeding, but the “Canadians” were less fortunate; fixing a recessive trait at the breed level was not an easy task and the animals survived thanks to chance and through the efforts of breeders.

Therefore, the Canadian Sphynx stands apart in the breed group, and the Don felinologists, enthusiasts, without hesitation, attracted to the creation of new breeds of hairless cats. Dangerous genetic games were successful in both cases. The Don Sphynx and the Oriental cat gave the world the Peterbald, and the mating of the Donetsk and the Scottish Fold resulted in the appearance of charming Ukrainian Levkoys with folded ears.

What do Sphynx cats look like?

The Canadian and Don Sphynxes have a very similar exterior: both representatives of the breeds are strong, muscular animals with a characteristic “Greek” profile, large ears and large almond-shaped eyes. But the look of these Sphynx cats, especially in the photo, is noticeably different: “Canadians” look at the world with wide open eyes, and the eyelids of “Donetsk” are always half-closed.

Peterbald: cat photo.
Muzzle of a Ukrainian Levkoy. wpfcll.r="">

The Ukrainian Levkoy, who received his envelope ears from the Scottish Fold, is also easily recognizable in numerous photos of Sphynx cats.

Each sphinx is naked in its own way

To an ignorant person it may seem that all sphinxes are bald, but this is far from the case. “Canadians” are the only hairless cats, whose lack of hair is an optical illusion; in fact, their skin is covered with short, barely tangible hairs, giving the body a pleasant velvety feel.

The Don Sphynx, Peterbald and Ukrainian Levkoy can be completely hairless or, as they are called, “rubbery”, hot and sticky to the touch. This is one of the varieties of the breed group, the most valuable for breeding, and the most often seen in photos of cats is the Sphynx.

Photo of a Peterbald on the grass.

The other two types are “flock” cats, whose skin resembles the standard type of Canadian Sphynx, and “velor” cats, covered with more tangible hairs, up to 3 mm long.

The “brush” variety is an animal with clearly visible ragged, crimped hair all over the body and areas of hairless skin on the back, head and neck.

On their naked bodies, sphinxes wear completely different colors and patterns, and “rubber” cats are capable of secreting a special dark secret, which can greatly frighten an uninitiated person.


The head of the Ukrainian Levkoy is wedge-shaped. The muzzle is round. The chin and cheekbones are clearly defined, the forehead is low.


The ears of these cats are small and hang downwards. The bases are very wide, the tips of the ears are rounded.


The eyes of this breed are almond-shaped, large and clear. Any eye color is possible.


The body of the Ukrainian Levkoy is medium-sized, elongated and muscular. The paws are long and graceful, strong. The tail is flexible, tapering towards the tip and ending in a rounded tip.

Sphynx cat breed description and origin

Where does the mention of antiquity come from? It is said that the Aztecs had hairless cats. This breed was once called the Mexican Hairless. This breed could be found at the very first cat shows in the world. These exhibitions were held in the United States in the early 20th century. But alas, this breed disappeared in the thirties, leaving no offspring behind.

Of course, one cannot call the Sphynx a purebred Mexican hairless, since the breed still has a number of differences. Mexican cats differed from Sphynx cats in a number of ways:

  1. long body
  2. wedge-shaped head
  3. amber eyes
  4. very long mustache

Modern sphinxes do not have mustaches by definition.
Mexican hairless cats were covered with hair on their backs and tails in the winter, and the hair disappeared in the summer.

At the moment, the mutations are still unknown. Modern sphinxes are also different from those that once lived before. Now their appearance is more European. These are unique porcelain figurines. And once upon a time, sphinxes looked like funny, wrinkled gnomes throughout their lives.

Many people date the origin of the breed to 1966. In Canada, one cat gave birth to kittens. One of them was without fur. After some time, he was crossed with his mother. Both normal and hairless kittens appeared in the litter again. The owners decided to crossbreed other relatives with the discoverer as long as this was possible. This is how the sphinxes turned out. But, alas, people were unable to understand genetics. Some people tied hairlessness to gender. This opinion is erroneous, since both boys and girls were born naked. Someone noticed the special demands of these unique kittens. Unfortunately, hairless cats died much faster than conventional breeds.
What were the nurseries doing at this time? They also made mistakes in breeding this breed.
There is another story. In 1975, in Wadena, another hairless kitten was born from an ordinary cat. Then a hairless cat was born in the same place. These creatures were sent to a nursery. The cat became the founder of the entire breed.
Another case was recorded in the late 70s. Three hairless kittens were found in Toronto. Two girls and one boy. Unfortunately, the boy was in a very sad state. His eye is leaking and his testicles are too damaged. He needed urgent surgery. That's why the kitten couldn't become a founder. But he distinguished himself in his own way. The kitten was named Bambi. He became the record holder for the number of years lived among all hairless cats. Bambi lived for 19 years.
To support the birth of Sphynxes, people decided to cross them with Devon Rexes. There is some truth to this, since the appearance and type of this breed is very similar to Sphynxes. And this decision became significant.

Canadian Sphynx cats

It should be understood that the Canadian Sphynx is not just a hairless cat. This is just the main quality of the breed by which people recognize it. But those who understand the cat family a little more know other main signs of sphinxes, relating to:

  • head type
  • housing
  • character

The Sphynx is a smooth, graceful, and somewhat magical creature. The gracefulness of movement, the front legs are slightly curved, the belly is similar to a pear, the tail is curled into a donut and slightly pressed to the side distinguish the Sphynx from another breed.

The Canadian Sphynx has ears that are wide at the base and simply large. The tips of the ears are rounded. The ears are set neither high nor low. The eye shape resembles a lemon.
Their skin is quite thick and elastic. And there are folds on the head, neck, stomach, and quite a bit on the body.
The hind legs of sphinxes are always longer than the front ones. This is why many people note the originality of their gait.

When stroking a cat, the body resembles suede. There is barely noticeable fluff on the nose, behind the ears, and rarely on the tip of the tail and paws. But even here you should know some nuances. From time to time, sphinxes still have fur. Reasons:

  1. estrus
  2. pregnancy
  3. lactation
  4. poor nutrition
  5. low temperature in the house.

How to care for the Canadian Sphynx? What should you expect from this unique and graceful animal? Let's try to figure it out further.
If you think that due to their uniqueness, sphinxes are very demanding in our time, then you are mistaken.


At this point, the sphinxes will definitely please their owners. These cats are omnivores. Sphynxes are never too spoiled; they will happily eat whatever their owner offers. The reason for this ideal behavior is the increased metabolism due to high temperature and lack of fur.
If your Sphynx greedily grabs pieces of food and swallows it, do not think about feeding your pet more often. This is a feature of the breed.
Of course, you should not feed your Sphynx only canned or dry food. What is important here is a combination that provides all the necessary vitamins to the animal. Do not forget that any food should, first of all, be of high quality.

Unusual details from the daily life of sphinxes

When choosing this animal for your home, you must be prepared for the fact that your things will not always look perfect. This is especially true for those things that the Sphynx will love. The reason is simple - these cats sweat and get dirty. A light brown coating is released through their skin. For the Sphynx, this coating is important because it protects the skin. But if you notice that your pet has begun to sweat too often, then you should reconsider its diet.
If the discharge is not too abundant, then the animal’s skin needs to be wiped occasionally. Baby wipes are perfect for this purpose.

This is a cute and playful dinosaur. Looking at the creature for the first time, many people get scared. But literally after a few minutes they sincerely fall in love with this miracle.
Caring for your baby does not require anything special from you.
You must understand that the kitten can be mischievous and naughty in your absence. Therefore, he should be taught from the moment he settles into his new home. As a rule, it takes the baby sphinx 1 day to settle down.

The kittens happily play and run around the house. The kitten noticeably matures when it is 5-6 months old.
If you have lost sight of your playful baby, look up. He will happily jump onto the far cabinet.
When choosing a kitten, remember, the less hair he has now, the more hairless he will be in the future. Babies' eyes open literally on the 3-4th day. The ears are hanging, literally in 3 weeks they will stand up. The Sphynx kitten easily gets along in the house with adults, children, other cats and even dogs.

Don Sphynx cats

The breed first appeared in Rostov-on-Don in 1986.
The character of this breed is no different from the Canadian Sphynx. They are just as kind, cheerful and not picky. These animals simply adore people. But the main thing is that they are in good health. Of course, you should choose an animal not at the poultry market.
Don Sphynxes are partially dressed in fur. Therefore, you can choose such a pet.
Features of the structure:

  1. medium size
  2. dense bone structure
  3. muscular body
  4. long graceful paws

All these features are generally no different from the Canadian Sphynxes. As for the muzzle, here you will notice:

  1. pronounced cheekbones and eyebrows
  2. almond-shaped eyes
  3. bunny ears.

They say that the Sphynx has a very positive effect on the body of its owner. How is this possible? This unique animal has healing energy and a very strong positive biofield. Therefore, some people equate the Don sphinxes with creatures of an alien nature. The view is appropriate and the opportunities are unique.

Don Sphynx kittens

How do Don Sphynx kittens differ from Canadian ones? How not to make a mistake in choosing?
These babies are born with short, bristly fur. By the age of two, it completely disappears. But Canadian Sphynx cats still have fur in some places.
Otherwise, they develop and grow in the same way as Sphynx kittens.
The sale takes place when the babies are 2-3 months old.
By the way, sphinxes do not have eyelashes. Therefore, from a very young age, you should wipe your eyes with a cotton pad every day to prevent mucus from accumulating. Otherwise, conjunctivitis or another eye disease may appear.
It is convenient to buy a Don Sphynx kitten for a family where there are people prone to allergies. But this particular breed is distinguished by its hypoallergenicity. Don Sphynxes will definitely find a common language with children. There are situations when a baby chooses only one owner from the family. Now he will give him all his affection, and also trust him with his most intimate things.

Prices for Sphynx kittens

Let us remind you again. You should not buy an animal at a poultry market or from other people. The fact is that you will not be given any guarantee about your health status. On average, the cost ranges from 10 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. Rarely will you find a Sphynx kitten for 30 or 50 thousand rubles. The reason for this inflated cost lies in the champion parents. That's why their kittens are worth their weight in gold. If you take a baby from a nursery, they will provide you with not only all the necessary documents and pedigree, but will also give you the necessary vaccinations in advance. After all, this is a future member of your family. Therefore, if he feels good, then happiness and joy will reign in the house.

For lovers of unusual cat breeds, we invite you to get acquainted with the Ukrainian Levkoy. It is enough to look at his photo to understand that the breed is truly unusual. Outwardly, the cat looks somewhat strange, which causes different reactions when you first meet it, reminiscent of an alien from some other planet. In families that acquire a fold-eared lefty, he deservedly becomes a favorite from the first days. Read reviews or talk to owners if you know them to understand why they love this “cool” breed.

Origin of the breed

Already from the name of the breed it becomes clear that its homeland is Ukraine. Here, in the Kiev nursery “Ladacats”, felinologist Elena Vsevolodovna Biryukova created this original hairless breed at the beginning of this century. Why did they call her “Levka”? You probably know that there is a plant of the same name, which is also called matthiola. If you look closely at the shape of the petals of this wonderful plant curved at the tips and the shape of the cat’s ears, everything will become clear.

And despite its youth, the Ukrainian Levkoy has gained popularity in many countries among lovers of everything exclusive. There are already more than a thousand cats bred in our country.

Character of the Ukrainian Levkoy

Character is the feature that a cat deserves to love. She is loving and devoted to her owners. He loves to “warm” his owners with his hot velvety body, sitting on his lap, or to lick his beloved owner with his rough tongue.

In all her behavior, the cat emphasizes intelligence and delicacy. She knows how to manage her emotions, and therefore is non-aggressive and unforgiving. Unnecessarily, she will not be the first to enter into conflict due to her highly intelligent nature.

At the same time, the lefty is a curious animal. Sitting in one place, it can watch its owners for a long time, without taking its eyes off, and nothing that might be of interest to the cat escapes its eyes.

The Ukrainian Levkoy is an easily and quickly trained breed, but this requires a little work, accustoming the animal to the rules of behavior in everyday life, performing certain commands and some tricks. They really like outdoor games. Throw a ball on the floor, the cat will happily chase it. Or pick up a soft mouse (toy). The pet will not hesitate to attack her.


Caring for this extravagant cat has its own characteristics. There is no need to comb it, because the animal is hairless. But the skin is sensitive and produces secretions, which makes it sticky. It must be wiped with special wipes. In addition, the cat should be periodically bathed with shampoo for such cats, washing the folds on the body. In dry rooms where there are no humidifiers, the skin should be wiped with special lotions.

It is worth removing items with household chemicals and indoor plants, which the animal is very partial to, away from the curious animal. It is worth protecting your pet from drafts. If there is insufficient heat in the premises, it is advisable to dress your pet in special cat clothes, but otherwise, lefties are unpretentious. However, like other cat breeds, they need to sometimes have their ears cleaned, their eyes washed, and their claws trimmed.

By working with and caring for their naked pet, its owners receive a lot of joyful emotions.

History of hairless cats

A theory has been put forward according to which the ancestors of the modern hairless cat lived in ancient times, during the Aztec civilization. Whether this is true or not, the existence of Mexican hairless cats is confirmed by a historical fact - the last pair of this ancient breed was demonstrated at exhibitions in the USA 100 years ago and sank into oblivion only in the 30s of the 20th century.

The modern Sphynx differs in many respects from its cousin ancestor. Mexican hairless cats had an elongated body, a wedge-shaped head, large ears, a straight and long tail, and amber-colored eyes. And the mustaches that their Canadian descendants lost. And by winter, Mexicans grew hair on their backs and tails. In the 21st century, hairless cats, including the Sphynx, remain naked all year round.

A short history of the Canadian goes like this:

  • 1966 In Ontario (Canada), an ordinary cat gave its owners Prunt, an unusual hairless cat. After mating Prunt with his mother, several kittens without hair appeared at once. The “ancestor” of the family continued to be bred with hairless cats in order to preserve the hairless gene;
  • early 70s. Two varieties of sphinxes were bred, with minor external differences. But soon the breeding of hairless cats born along the Prunt line ceases due to the small gene pool, lack of experience among breeders, and high kitten mortality;
  • 1971 Breed status revoked;
  • 1975 Epidermis, a hairless kitten, was born in Wadena (Minnesota, USA);
  • 1976 In the same city, a hairless cat was born from another mother. Both kittens are transported to Oregon, where Epidermis and his hairless “wife” become the founders of the Sphynx breed and other elite varieties of hairless cats;
  • 1978 In Toronto, right on the street, three naked kittens are found - Punky, Paloma and Bambi. The babies are taken to the Netherlands, where the breeding of European hairless cat lines begins, by crossing with Devon Rex and Sphynx cats;
  • 1998 The breed is officially recognized by the CFA.

This is how the Canadian Sphynx appeared. As for the progenitor of the breed, it is considered to be the cat Epidermis, who lived a long life and gave birth to numerous offspring. By the way, now sphinxes live on average 13-15 years, but their ancestors lived much longer - up to 20 years or more.

The unique appearance of a Canadian

If a cat's body is not covered with hair, this does not mean that it belongs to the Canadians. The criteria that determine the standard of this breed are extremely strict. A slight deviation turns the Sphynx into an ordinary cat without fur.

The description of the breed should begin with the features of appearance. The outlines of the cats' body and head are smooth, soft, and fluid. There is not a single straight line in the figure, the shapes are rounded and convex. The chest is massive. The belly of purebred sphinxes is round, like a ball.

The front legs are slightly crooked, which, however, does not prevent cats from moving with inimitable grace. The hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The tail is proportional in length to the body, flexible like a whip. Medium thickness, pointed at the tip, smoothly curved.

The head is small, neat, in the shape of a modified wedge with rounded contours. The muzzle is short, with clear outlines, sharply protruding cheekbones. The Sphynx of the Canadian line does not have a mustache, although whiskers are desirable. The ears are unusually large for domestic cats, rounded at the tips, set wide apart, and without brushes.

The eyes are slightly slanted, large, and shaped like a lemon. According to the standard, the color of the eyes of the Canadian Sphynx should create harmony with the color.

When talking about the Canadian Sphynx breed, a brief description must include such a feature as body temperature. They are called “warmers” for a reason. The average temperature of a kitten is 42 degrees, adults are slightly colder - 39-40 degrees throughout the body.

The skin is thick, with numerous folds. Sphynx kittens are completely “wrinkled” until they are a month old, but as they grow older, the folds on their body disappear. In adults, wrinkles are located on the head and neck. Slightly less folds on the tummy and torso. A large number of folds is considered an advantage of a cat and, conversely, sphinxes with a small number of wrinkles are considered a “defect.”

To the touch, the Canadian Sphynx, as evidenced by the reviews of the owners, is like kid suede. The skin is not completely bare, but covered with a short fluff, which creates a velvety effect. Fur can grow on the nose, the outside of the ears and on the fingers during periods of low temperature, as a result of hormonal imbalances, due to an unbalanced diet.

The skin color is clear due to pronounced pigmentation. Most often, sphinxes are piebald and white. Less commonly, cats can be solid or tortoiseshell in color. The most beautiful representatives of the Canadian Sphynx breed, if you look at the photo, are mink-colored cats with eyes the shade of the spring sky.

Canadian and Don Sphynxes: visual differences

Often people do not see a significant difference in the breeds of hairless cats and do not understand how the Don Sphynx differs from the Canadian Sphynx. But there are many differences.

For example, the hairlessness gene. In Don Sphynxes it is dominant, in Canadian Sphynxes it is recessive. Canadians are covered with light fluff, while Don cats are most often completely hairless. Don hairless purrs are classified into 4 subspecies based on coat length: hairless, velor, sphinx brush, and flocked.

Canadian Sphynxes differ from Don Sphynxes in the shape of the skull, eyes, body type, and the number of folds on the neck and armpits. It can be said about the Canadian Sphynxes that they are more harmoniously built and more graceful. Don Hairless cats look more massive due to their dense build, wide chest and developed muscles.

And one more thing. Canadians very rarely have a mustache on their muzzle, but a small tassel may grow at the tip of the tail. Don Sphynxes, on the contrary, have vibrissae, but the tip of their tail is always bare.


Not only the appearance, but also the character of the adult Canadian Sphynx has special qualities. Cats are quite active, but at the same time their temperament is even. The main features are affection for the owner, good nature, love of love, peacefulness.

People are treated as one of their own and communicate with them as equals. “Conversations” involve developed facial expressions, the ability to change the timbre of the voice, and pronounce many sounds with different intonations.

The Canadian Sphynx cat breed is decorative. The hunting instinct in animals is almost erased. Sphynxes are absolutely non-aggressive - this quality was discarded in cats when the breed was bred. Animals are unusually affectionate and kind. For the Sphynx to scratch and bite? This is nonsense! Moreover, it is not easy to anger a bald purr and make her nervous.

Children are treated wonderfully. They love to play with them for hours. What is important is that there are no pronounced pain points on the dense velvet skin of the Canadian Sphynx. By inadvertently grabbing and squeezing the cat tightly, the child does not cause them pain.

Sphinxes are not characterized by harmfulness, capriciousness, or vindictiveness. Even after undeserved reproach, cats rarely take offense at their owner and are the first to reconcile. However, you should not shout and strictly punish the Sphinx - the psyche of these cats is extremely vulnerable. If a Sphynx finds itself in a stressful situation, it can suffer severe psychological trauma.

Character traits characteristic of sphinxes are sociability, curiosity, and sociability. They get along well with people and animals with whom they have to live under the same roof. They are not afraid of dogs at all. Hairless cats love to be the center of attention; they follow their owner around the house, “helping” him with household chores. Loneliness is very difficult to bear.

Canadian Sphynxes are unusually intelligent and easily trained creatures. They quickly remember their name, behave “decently” while walking on the street, and are easy to train. Cats of this breed have long, tenacious fingers with which they can easily open doors, windows, and drawers. Using this feature, the sphinx can be taught simple commands and tricks.

The cat is special, so you need to take care of it carefully. So, sphinxes love warmth very much. There should be no drafts in the house where a hairless cat lives. The optimal air temperature is 25 degrees. In the cold season, dress the sphinx in a warm suit even in the apartment - the pet will not resist this.

They love to sleep in bed with their owner, which is something they should not be denied. Additionally, your pet needs to purchase a comfortable, warm house where he can rest during the day. The mattress and soft bedding in the cat’s “bedroom” need to be changed regularly.

Sphynxes are active and playful. Having adopted a kitten, you need to immediately buy him various toys, multifunctional complexes with labyrinths, gymnastic equipment, so that he has something to occupy himself in the absence of his owners. The list of necessary accessories must include a scratching post. To prevent the cat from inadvertently scratching itself, you additionally need to trim its claws by 3-4 mm.

Unlike other cat breeds, caring for the Sphynx does not require frequent walks outside. But since they still need physical activity, fresh air and sunbathing, sphinxes need to be walked sometimes. This should be done 1-2 times a month and only in warm (not hot!) sunny weather.

Hairless cats love to bask in the sun. From the “tanning” their skin acquires warm shades. However, long-term sunbathing is contraindicated for sphinxes - the skin can burn and peel off in shreds, like a human's.

Sphinxes are sweating. Not like other cats, but with the whole body. Sweat has a specific smell and settles on the body with a brownish coating. You need to wash it off with a damp sponge. Ears, in which dark discharge quickly accumulates, are cleaned with a cotton swab dipped in warm water.

There is often no point in bathing hairless cats - once a week will be enough. In this case, it is advisable to use special cosmetics or mild baby shampoo with a neutral pH. After a bath, the Canadian Sphynx must be wiped dry and placed in a warm place. Hypothermia is extremely undesirable and dangerous!

The diet of Sphynx cats is simple, as is the care and maintenance of these animals. The main rule is balanced nutrition. The best option is a mixed diet consisting of high-quality feed (solid, canned food) and natural products. Much is not allowed for sphinxes, although they are omnivores. Among natural foods, preference is given to meat (lamb, beef, turkey, chicken), boiled offal, sea fish, eggs (boiled), fermented milk products, cereals, and vegetables. Kittens and lactating cats can be given low-fat cream


Canadian Sphynxes become ready to reproduce by the age of one and a half years. In cats, the first heat occurs at 5-12 months, sexual maturity of males is closer to a year. However, for a cat, mating during the first heat is strictly prohibited, and male cats do not need it. Breeding sphinxes is allowed at the age of 1.5-2 years.

For mating, the cat is brought to the cat's house. The owner of the “groom” must provide the “bride” with the most comfortable conditions for temporary residence. Be sure to create a corner where the cat, if she doesn’t like the cat, can hide from him.

Mating Canadian Sphynxes is not a quick, sometimes difficult process. Pet owners should monitor it and, if necessary, help their pets. The most favorable time for mating sphinxes is the 3rd-5th day of the cat's heat.

On the eve of the cat-cat meeting, owners need to take their pets to the veterinarian to rule out the possibility of any diseases. Animals must be dewormed 2 weeks before mating. The claws of the cat and the tom are trimmed so that during love games they do not injure each other.

Important! Before the date for which the sphinxes are mated, the female is not bathed. Water washes away the specific smell that attracts the male, as a result of which the “wedding” may not take place.


Despite all the originality of the breed, Canadian Sphynx cats have strong immunity. Adult cats practically do not get sick. If they catch an infection, they quickly recover and recover, developing immunity to the virus for life.

Kittens and young animals get sick more often, especially with respiratory diseases. But this is not a big problem, since babies are vaccinated in the nursery. The first vaccination with a live vaccine may cause complications in the form of illness caused by a live virus.

Adult cats tolerate standard vaccinations and vaccination with live vaccines well. It was already mentioned above how long Canadian Sphynxes live. But the figures given are the average life expectancy of hairless cats. If you take care of your pet's health, provide it with favorable living conditions and proper nutrition, Sphynx cats can live up to 20 years.

Description of the breed

Sphynx cats have well-developed muscles, “dressed” in bald, delicate skin. The small head is decorated with huge locator ears and slightly slanted eyes. The body temperature is so hot that many owners sleep with their pets, using them, like the ancient Aztecs, as a “hot water bottle.” Adult “warmers” reach 30–40 cm in height and weigh up to 5 kg. Funny and funny Sphynx cats are painted in all the colors of the rainbow. There are white, black, chocolate, blue, cream, tortoiseshell, and lilac Sphynx cats.

To date, breeders have bred three types of this breed: the Canadian Sphynx, the Don Sphynx and the Peterbald or St. Petersburg Sphynx. All types have external differences.

The founder of the Canadian branch is considered to be a hairless kitten born in 1966 to the most ordinary woolly couple. “Canadians” are medium in size with the most wrinkled skin covered with soft down, huge ears and large, slightly slanted eyes.

“Donetsk”, who made their name in the late 80s of the last century, are distinguished by their largest size, large ears with rounded tips, obliquely set middle eyes, elastic skin with folds on the head, neck, armpits and groin.

“Petersburgers”, which appeared as a result of crossing a Sphynx cat with an Oriental cat, are the most elegant, with long, thin limbs, excess “suede” skin, large pointed ears, and almond-shaped blue or green eyes.

It is wrong to think that all sphinxes are completely hairless.

Representatives of the Canadian variety are covered with a thin layer of fur, similar to fuzzy peach skin. Among the Don and St. Petersburg ones there are both “clean-shaven” and slightly hairy ones. The Sphynx Brush has coarse, short, slightly curled hair. The Velor Sphynx differs from its fellows in its light velor cover. Depending on the quality and quantity of “clothing”, velors are divided into light, down and point.

Sphynx cat character

In any home, the Sphynx cat will certainly become the favorite of the whole family. It couldn't be any other way. After all, these hairless creatures are smart, curious, playful, friendly, and also completely devoid of aggressiveness. Pharaonic origin does not allow them to commit even small dirty tricks. Always being in the center of attention is a vital need for cats of this breed. The hairless cat will follow his beloved owner all day long, looking for an opportunity to sit comfortably on his lap.

They easily let children into their cat-like world, allowing themselves to be wrapped in diapers and vests, sent on an exciting journey, decorated and painted with paints.

In short, the dream of every little child. Sphynxes will add a sweet charm to a quiet family environment and will happily show off in front of guests. The funny eating of “sweets,” when the sphinx artistically takes food with its paw and puts it in its mouth, brings guests to indescribable delight and increases the number of fans.

Sphinxes become so attached to people that it is very difficult for them to endure separation. So that the pet does not suffer from loneliness and does not fall into cat depression, breeders advise acquiring some other pet animal. “Baldies” are quite sociable, they will quickly get acquainted and find a common language with both the newt and the parrot.

How to care for a Sphynx

This breed of cat requires daily painstaking care. Nature has taken care that hairless skin does not dry out. A brownish, waxy lubricant is constantly released through the pores, causing a lot of trouble for the owners. Not only is the lubricant not colorless and can leave marks on clothes and bedding, but for some “Egyptians” it also has a specific smell. In addition, the skin becomes sticky and collects dust and dirt. To prevent the pet from changing its light color to black, sphinxes need to be thoroughly wiped with baby wipes every day, without missing a single wrinkle, “rinsed” in water once every two weeks, and ears cleaned weekly with cotton swabs.

The eyes of sphinx cubs are not protected by cilia and are susceptible to infection, dust, and dirt more often than their counterparts with fur. Daily dry “washing” with a napkin or rinsing with warm water, and if necessary, using antibacterial drops will help avoid “eye disease.”

Periodic trimming of claws will prevent two misfortunes at once. Firstly, puffs on clothes and curtains. Secondly, clicking on the floor, parquet. Well, the sphinx does not know how to move on tiptoes, and its exposed claws sometimes make very annoying sounds.

Special care is required for the cat's latrine. In principle, most sphinxes, even as kittens, easily get used to the tray. The owners are required to keep the cat's potty clean, which should be changed every day or two. Or even several times a day if diarrhea occurs. If you don’t clean the sphinx’s tray in a timely manner, it may present an unpleasant “surprise” somewhere in a secluded place.

Sphynxes are sensitive to cold and drafts. It doesn't matter whether the Sphynx cat is bald or the Sphynx cat is hairy. To protect hairless cats from colds, you need to take care of a warm wardrobe. Clothing for cats will also save you from burns if the sphinx decides to soak up the sun or bask near the radiator.

A description of Sphynx cats would be incomplete without mentioning one very unattractive feature. All sphinxes have different personalities. Among the usually calm sphinxes, there are individuals who constantly test their vocal cords on their master's nerves. The family has not yet had time to wake up in the morning, and the Sphynx cat is already yelling, demanding breakfast, yelling while waiting for the toilet, yelling, asking to go to bed, yelling, forcing him to play, yelling, because he has simply already learned and got used to yelling. A constantly screaming cat interferes with rest, work, and sleep. Then the irritated and tired owners try to inexpensively place their “treasure” in kind and caring hands. Ads of this kind should be treated with caution, otherwise “almost free” cat concerts will continue in a new territory. It’s better not to tempt fate and adopt the Sphynx as a kitten from the nursery.

By their nature, sphinxes are rare gluttons. They are ready to eat always, everywhere and in large quantities. To prevent your pet from turning into a huge, shapeless monster and from acquiring gastrointestinal diseases, it is necessary to feed the Sphynx correctly.

First of all, meals should be carried out according to a schedule, two to three times a day, and in strictly limited quantities.

Until 1.5 months, you don’t have to think too much about what to feed the kitten. No supplements are required in addition to breast milk. 1.5 - 2 month old kittens are given light complementary foods in the form of porridge and egg yolk. From 3 months, pureed boiled chicken, veal and vegetables are gradually added to the diet, and they are introduced to ready-made food. New supplements can cause diarrhea, and this disease should be taken seriously and monitor which foods irritate the Sphynx's gastrointestinal tract. Up to 3 months, 20–25 g of food 6–8 times a day will be sufficient. Next, you should transfer the cat to 2 - 3 - single feedings of 40 - 50 g. A pregnant cat needs to be fed more often. For an inactive sphinx of advanced years - twice a day. Breeders recommend using a combination diet, including wet and dry food with natural treats. A loving owner feeding his pet must remember strict gastronomic prohibitions.

You should not dilute your diet with fatty meats, raw fish, any bones, pickles, smoked meats, or sweets.

Pregnancy in a healthy cat is relatively calm. A pregnant Sphynx cat brings 2 to 5 charming “rubber” babies in a litter. Kittens are born blind, but already on the 3rd - 4th day they open their eyes. The ears open in 7–10 days and will be erect by the fourth week. Kittens can be born either completely naked or fluffy. The less fur newborns have, the “balder” the Sphynx will be when she enters adulthood. By the way, a hairless cat can give birth to hairy cubs, while a woolly cat can give birth to “naked” ones.

How long do Sphynx cats live?

Sphinxes have good health and strong immunity. Vaccinations are required to avoid viral diseases and other disasters. Life expectancy is average by cat standards and ranges from 12 to 15 years. With good care, love and affection, the Sphynx can live for many years. The cat Bambi, who was born infertile, lived for 19 years. The longest-living record holder is Granpa Rex Allen, who lived to be 30 years old.

How much does the Sphynx breed cost?

The cost varies depending on the purpose of purchasing the pet. From 5 to 10 thousand rubles can be asked for a kitten without further breeding rights. The desire to start breeding a breed and participate in exhibitions will cost from 10 to 300 thousand, depending on the age and purity of the line.

Having studied the issues of how to care for and maintain it, what to feed, and weighed all the pros and cons, you can go to the nursery in search of your miracle - the sphinx.

When mentioning lop ears in the cat world, 99% of people think of fluffy Scots. While there are also hairless cats with bizarrely shaped ears - Ukrainian Levkoys.

Elena Biryukova’s risky genetic experiment was quickly crowned with success and now cute babies can increasingly be seen not only at exhibitions.

The work began back in 2001 in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, as part of the Lada cats nursery. Three years later, the kittens were registered by a competent organization as the first of their kind Ukrainian Levkoys. This is a very short period of time during which playing with genes turned into real representatives of cats.

A few years later, levkoys began their march around the world. The first foreign cattery dedicated only to these cats appeared in 2007 in the cultural capital of Russia, St. Petersburg. Other representatives left for more distant countries.

Today the work continues: it is aimed at strengthening the phenotype of the new breed. Genetic crossing occurs in accordance with WCF standards. But at the moment, Ukrainian Levkoys are not recognized by professional cat organizations.

Description of representatives

The breed standard was laid down by St. Petersburg breeders in 2012 and has not changed since then.
First, let's take a look at the Ukrainian lefty from the outside. The lop-eared pebble has a very original appearance. Absolutely hairless or with little fluff. The skin is quite hot, flexible and elastic, it is pleasant to touch. Cute folds form in the groin, on the neck and under the paws. Body size is average.

Levkoys are not fat at all, they are elegant and elongated, like ballerinas. The legs are long and strong. The tail is elastic and of medium length. Almond-shaped eyes peer intently somewhere into the universe. Coming closer, the cat immediately begins to take an interest in new acquaintances. He is good-natured and loves to communicate.

Let's now take a closer look at the lefty:

  • Head. It has a wedge shape. Elongated. Medium size. If you look at the kitten's head from above, you can see a pentagon with soft outlines. It will be slightly longer than wide. The cranial region of the head is dominant. It occupies about 2/3 of the area. The forehead is slightly convex, rather flat. The cheekbones have a prominent structure: they are clearly visible, they are high and wide.
  • Nose. Not too long, but not short either. Not wide at all. The transition to the forehead is smooth, there is a small gentle step at the level of the eye sockets.
  • Muzzle. It has a round shape. The oval is soft, without sharp ends, with smooth transitions.
  • Chin. Not spicy. Strong-willed, strong. Small size. Not rude.
  • Neck. Straight, curved shape. Has a muscular build. Round on all sides.
  • Ears. This is the highlight of the program. It is because of their shape that cats got their name. For some of the breeders, the curled ears that lay close to the head reminded one of a flower common in Ukraine – the gillyflower. They are quite large in build and widely spaced. They are standing. The ends are curved forward: the size of the curled part is from 1/3 to 1/2 of the entire area of ​​the auditory concha.
  • Eyes. Almond-shaped, elongated, large and beautiful. Placed a little askew. Not fully open. The shade can be anything from azure to brown.
  • Body. There are small and larger representatives. Body length ranges from medium to oblong. The torso is strong, but not massive. The chest is narrow, oval in shape. The back is slightly arched. The spine is very flexible.
  • Limbs. Long and powerful. The paws are oval with elongated toes, between which there are membranes.
  • Tail. Not too long. Proportional to the body. Very flexible.
  • Leather. There is a lot of it, so it forms folds almost everywhere - on the head, between the ears, around the eyes, on the neck, under the paws and in the groin area. The lowered stockings are clearly visible when the cat is in a sitting or lying position.
  • Wool. If the kitten is a show kitten, then it can be completely hairless, with a little fluff (residual hair) on the points or even short hair all over the body. Brush cats must participate in the competition - cats that have hard, curled fur over the entire surface of the body with possible areas of baldness (head, neck, back). Also important for maintaining the phenotype are straight-haired cats and cats with curled ears, which were born from Ukrainian Levkoys. You can have them not only with representatives of your own breed, but also with St. Petersburg Sphynxes. There are straight-haired cats with straight ears. They can only be paired with lop-eared levkoys.
  • Color. The shade of skin and fur can be any.

Ukrainian Levkoi weigh no more than 5 kg.The most common defects in the breed are: a rounded head, the same eyes, a shortened nose, an underdeveloped chin, undershot, undershot.

Photo of Ukrainian Levkoy

In principle, caring for Ukrainian Levkoys is not particularly complicated, but there are some features that you need to know about before purchasing a kitten.

  1. The skin secretes an oily lubricant that over time covers the cat's entire body and stinks. Therefore, they need to be wiped with damp wipes and bathed 1-2 times a month.
  2. Levkoyas are very sensitive to cold weather.
  3. The skin may become dull and flaky. This indicates loss of moisture, so you need to monitor how much water the cat drinks.
  4. Direct UV rays can cause...
  5. Meals should contain a lot of protein and carbohydrates. In addition, this breed has a tendency to become obese. Therefore, you cannot overfeed, because there will be problems with the heart and liver.


Ukrainian Levkoi are tandem of childish playfulness with high intelligence. They are peaceful and non-aggressive, although their appearance may seem otherwise. Cats are friendly to all residents of the house. They quickly become attached to their owners and do not single out one for themselves. They love everyone at once. Especially when it comes to games.

Teenagers love to explore new spaces, so you will have to keep an eye on them all the time so that they do not misbehave. These restless kids resent closed doors because they need more space to be active. But you are unlikely to see these cat-dogs on the closet: fear of heights is a characteristic feature of all representatives. They can be easily trained, if, of course, you have the time and desire for it.

These universal cats find a common language with everyone: from small to large, with other cats, dogs and even rodents. This indicates a high level of socialization. Although Ukrainian Levkoys are not yet recognized, their popularity is beginning to gain momentum. Moreover, this applies not only to the country that is the birthplace of the breed. Maybe soon they will appear in private homes.

Ukrainian Levkoy cats were bred quite recently, just over ten years ago. This happened thanks to the persistence and patience of a felinologist from Kyiv, Elena Biryukova. Selection work began in the early 2000s, and the first “fruit” of genetic experiments appeared four years later. Ukrainian Levkoy kitten was exactly as the breeder had planned for him - with an extraordinary appearance, good health and a good-natured character.

The parents of this amazing creature were representatives of two very different, luxurious breeds: the Don Sphynx and the Scottish Fold. The puzzle into which the animal's genes are put together is unique - both ancestors passed on unique, dominant traits to the Ukrainian Levkoy. Thus, from the hairless relatives from the Don, the feline Kyivians inherited their body structure and peculiar coat, and from the Scots - lop ears.

The small, strangely flattened ears of Ukrainian sphinxes seem to be sculpted from pastel-colored mastic. This touching feature of the animal’s exterior evoked an association among the creator of the breed with the graceful, carved petals of the summer flower, the gillyflower. The skin tone and its delicate, velvety structure of the Ukrainian gillyflower, according to Biryukova, make it look like its namesake plant. This is how the poetic name for the exotic species was born.

The first appearance of the Kyiv cat aroused keen interest and attracted the attention of not only the curious public, but also serious experts. Currently hairless, fold-eared Ukrainian Levkoy cats recognized in Ukraine, Russia and some CIS countries. However, the young breed cannot be called world famous, because only a few hundred individuals live outside the above-mentioned states. So far, international felinological organizations have not determined the standard for left-handed cats, but they treat them favorably and allow them to participate in exhibitions. About ten Ukrainian sphinxes hold the champion title.

Description of the Ukrainian Levkoy

The Ukrainian Levkoy is a medium-sized animal with a long body. To some, the Sphynx may seem delicate and even sickly, but, in fact, these pets have a slender, strong body with thin, strong paws, an arched back and a flexible, movable tail - a whip. The bone structure of the Levkoy is lighter than that of the Scottish, but not as light as that of the Sphynx. A gutta-percha cat weighs about 5 kilograms.

Breed experts say that male Levkoys can be easily distinguished from female cats. The cats are distinguished by the special Cossack bearing of a larger, more developed camp. Females are usually more affectionate and have a softer character. Particularly patriotic lovers of this type of pet even draw a national parallel: in terms of behavior, the cat is a daring lad, the cat is a modest girl.

The flat, elongated, sharply defined head sits firmly on a short, dense neck. Facial features and expressive facial expressions make Ukrainian Levkoy looking like an alien guest: a narrow, wrinkled forehead, sharp cheekbones and clear brow ridges, a wide but neat nose, a broken or twisted mustache.

The ears of the Kyiv Sphynx are large, rather large in relation to the skull. Set wide apart and bent either 1/3 or 2/3, not touching the head. Relative to the size of the skull, the ears are quite large. Within the breed, due to the structural features of the location organs, two types are distinguished: folds and straights. The former have rounded ears, the latter have straightened ears. Both representatives must participate in mating.

The unique charm of Levko is given by the soulful gaze of slightly slanted, barely open almond-shaped eyes. It seems as if a bright, even, mysterious light is pouring through them from somewhere inside. The shades of the Sphynx's iris can be very different, but cat lovers give preference to pets with eyes the color of lush grass or deep blue.

From the Don ancestors, the Ukrainian Levko inherited the gene for hairlessness. Despite this, it happens that kittens of the hairless breed at birth are covered with short, light fluff or sparsely curly fur, like a rex. But after a year or two, some throw it off, others remain with a velor “spraying” or “brush” - a hard, thin coat. The palette of their colors is wide and variegated.

The entire graceful body of the left-handed dog is covered with thin folds of skin at the bends (between the ears, neck, axillary area, thighs). It feels hot and smooth to the touch. This combination of external features of the pet gives its image extravagance.

Characteristics of Levkoys

Ukrainian Levkoy cats are intellectuals in the full sense of the word. They behave in a cultured and reserved manner. Hairless cats themselves will never create trouble, and if they accidentally find themselves in an uncomfortable situation, thanks to their innate ingenuity and caution, they will get out of it with dignity.

Sphynxes from Ukraine are easy to teach simple tricks and even commands. The cat learns something new with interest and real pleasure. The owner who prefers the “gingerbread” method instead of the “stick” method in training and shows patience will be rewarded with significant successes for his feline companion. Representatives of this breed receive emotional support from praise. Approval and support pushes them to accomplish other feats.

Ukrainian Levkoys are gentle, sensitive creatures. They have a hard time withstanding criticism, not to mention physical punishment, which can cause serious harm to their health. When communicating with these bald creatures, it is worth remembering their fragility and vulnerability. In any, even extreme, case, a person, if desired, will be able to find a common language with his understanding smaller brothers. But, regardless of laziness or busyness, the potential of the Ukrainian lefty needs to be developed daily.

An inquisitive Kiev resident loves to communicate with family members and take an active part in family affairs. An exotic cat loves outdoor games and is literally thrilled by affection, but will not bother its owner with its endless love. The pet will wait until the person is free and will be able to pay attention exclusively to him. Levkoyam I like it when people talk to them, and they themselves are attentive, talkative interlocutors.

Nature has rewarded this breed with quick wit and great intelligence. If the owner starts raising a pet during adolescence (at 3-4 months), the animal will grow up clean and tidy. Levkoys quickly get used to the tray, scratching post and other useful things. With a competent approach to the issue, you can raise a sensitive and unusually obedient cat.

Since the breed was bred artificially and is exotic, such cats should be cared for a little differently than ordinary ones. Here are some important details about caring for your pet:

    High quality shampoo. Although they do not need to be combed, due to the abundant secretion of sebum, they will have to be bathed more often than long-haired dogs.

    A balanced diet and active play are essential to ensure adequate energy production for the health of your Levy.

    Standard hygiene procedures include cleaning ears and teeth, trimming nails.

With good care, Ukrainian Levkoys live 10-14 years.

Diseases of the Sphynx Levkoy

It is difficult to name a disease to which one would not be predisposed. Ukrainian Levkoy. But this does not mean that a representative of the breed will necessarily have some kind of illness.

Things to watch out for:

    Sudden changes in temperature. Due to drafts, respiratory and urinary tract diseases are possible.

    Problems with the cardiovascular, nervous or circulatory system.

    Overeating or poor nutrition can cause digestive problems.

Conclusions about the breed

So who is this Ukrainian Levkoy:

    Little family member. The cat is friendly, polite and equally kind to all household members. Gets along well with children and other animals, including small rodents. Almost never starts quarrels.

    A whimsical flower. The Kiev Sphinx is distinguished by its original and sometimes painful beauty. Due to its uniqueness, it requires special care, love and care.

    A sociable and cheerful alien. This charming combination was inherited by the left-handed cats from the Don hairless cats. Communication with such a pet will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Ukrainian cat is a priceless find. He can be different: silent and talkative, sensitive and frisky, businesslike and playful. But always loving and attentive.