The noise level is harmful to health. The effect of noise on humans. Why are high-pitched sounds dangerous?

For each of us there is natural noise level(25-30 decibels).

Such noise does not cause harm; moreover, it is considered comfortable for humans. In terms of volume, this is comparable to the rustling of leaves on trees (the rustling of leaves is 10-20 decibels)

In addition, each person has individual preferences regarding the level of noise around them.

According to sanitary standards, the noise level two meters from a residential building should not exceed 55 decibels.

In modern cities, these norms are constantly violated.

During normal conversation between people, the noise level reaches 40-50 decibels. A boiling kettle half a meter away from you “pulls” 40-50 decibels. A passing car creates noise of approximately 70 decibels. The same noise occurs 15 meters from a running tractor.

According to Specialists, the noise level on a 3-4 lane road, as well as on the sidewalk next to it, exceeds the norm by 20-25 decibels.

The leaders in noise levels are airports and train stations. The volume of a freight train is 100 decibels.

The noise level in the subway can reach 110 decibels.

But the noisiest transport is an airplane. Even a kilometer from the runway, the noise level from an airliner taking off and landing is more than 100 decibels.

What noise level is dangerous for humans?

According to GOSTs, constant exposure to noise at a level of 80 decibels or more is considered harmful. Production with this level of noise is considered harmful. A noise of 130 decibels causes a sensation of physical pain. At 150 decibels a person loses consciousness. Noise of 180 decibels is considered fatal to humans.

Constant “Noise attacks” do not go unnoticed for Hearing.

Loud noise can cause acoustic injury.

It can be acute or chronic.

Acute acoustic trauma arises from sharp sounds of great strength - for example, a train whistle heard dangerously close to the ear.

Its consequences are unpleasant: pain in the ear, accompanied by hemorrhage in the inner ear.

For some time, Hearing weakens greatly and a person may feel as if he has gone deaf.

Sometimes acoustic trauma can be combined with barotrauma—excessive pressure causes the eardrum to rupture and hemorrhage into the tympanic cavity. They die from this hair cells, responsible for the perception of sounds.

Chronic acoustic trauma occurs much more often. This is the case when the noise level in the premises is higher than permissible, but generally seems tolerable. With a long constant stay in such a room, Hearing becomes dull, because... the fatigue factor affects the organs of hearing.

Chronic acoustic trauma can be even more dangerous than acute one. Much depends on the height of the sounds. The most harmful are sounds with a high vibration frequency - more than 2000 Hz. The nerve cells of the inner ear react especially sensitively to such Sounds,

At high levels of Noise, hearing impairment appears after 1-2 years, at medium levels - after 10-12 years.

For representatives of some professions, Deafness is an occupational disease. The risk group includes boilermakers, riveters, weavers, motor testers, train drivers, etc.

How to protect your Hearing?

In noisy industries, workers use earplugs and headphones. This is a requirement of sanitary standards.

This is doubly important if you have to work indoors.

Try to create a comfortable sound environment at home and at work.

Choose the optimal volume for the radio and TV.

We often increase the volume “in reserve.” This is a bad habit that should be gradually abandoned.

If you are tormented by strong noise outside the window, double-glazed windows with a PVC profile or a wooden profile can be your salvation.

Take care of your Hearing and it will stay with you for many years!

According to researchers,<шумовое загрязнение>, characteristic of large cities, reduces the life expectancy of their residents by 10-12 years. The negative impact on a person from the noise of a metropolis is 36% more significant than from smoking tobacco, which shortens life by an average of 6-8 years.

Noise is random vibrations of various physical natures, characterized by false temporal and spectral structure. From a physiological point of view, noise can be called any unwanted sound (simple or complex) that interferes with the perception of useful sounds (human speech, signals, etc.), disrupts silence and has a harmful effect on a person.

Exposure to noise

Noise has an adverse effect on the human body: it increases energy consumption with the same physical activity, significantly weakens attention, increases the number of errors during work, slows down the speed of mental reactions, as a result of which labor productivity decreases and the quality of work deteriorates. Noise makes it difficult for those working in factories or construction sites to react in a timely manner, which contributes to the occurrence of accidents.

Noise has a harmful effect on a person’s physical condition: it depresses the central nervous system; causes changes in breathing rate and heart rate; contributes to metabolic disorders, the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, hypertension; may lead to occupational diseases.

Research in recent years has established that under the influence of noise, changes occur in the human visual organ (the stability of clear vision and visual acuity decreases, sensitivity to various colors changes, etc.) and the vestibular apparatus; the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are disrupted; intracranial pressure increases; disturbances occur in the body's metabolic processes, etc.

Noise, especially intermittent and pulsed noise, impairs the accuracy of work operations and makes it difficult to receive and perceive information. The World Health Organization (WHO) notes that activities such as tracking, information gathering, and thinking are most sensitive to noise.

Noise with a sound pressure level of 30 ... 35 dB is familiar to a person and does not bother him. An increase in sound pressure level to 40 ... 70 dB creates a significant load on the nervous system, causing a deterioration in well-being, a decrease in mental productivity, and with prolonged exposure can cause neurosis, peptic ulcers and hypertension.

Prolonged exposure to noise above 75 dB can lead to severe hearing loss - hearing loss or occupational deafness. However, earlier disorders are observed in the nervous and cardiovascular systems and other internal organs.

Areas with sound levels above 85 dB must be marked with safety signs. Workers in these areas are required to carry personal hearing protection. Even short-term stay in areas with octave sound pressure levels above 135 dB in any octave band is prohibited.

Permissible noise levels for the population.

To protect people from the harmful effects of urban noise, it is necessary to regulate its intensity, spectral composition, duration of action and other parameters. During hygienic standardization, a noise level is set as acceptable, the influence of which for a long time does not cause changes in the entire complex of physiological indicators, reflecting the reactions of the body systems most sensitive to noise.

Hygienically acceptable noise levels for the population are based on fundamental physiological research to determine the effective and threshold noise levels. Currently, noise for urban development conditions is standardized in accordance with the Sanitary Standards for Permissible Noise in Residential and Public Buildings and on Residential Development Territories (No. 3077-84) and Building Codes II.12-77 “Protection from Noise.” Sanitary standards are mandatory for all ministries, departments and organizations designing, constructing and operating housing and public buildings, developing planning and development projects for cities, microdistricts, residential buildings, neighborhoods, communications, etc., as well as for organizations designing, manufacturing and operating vehicles, technological and engineering equipment of buildings and household appliances. These organizations are obliged to provide and implement the necessary measures to reduce noise to the levels established by the standards.

One of the areas in the fight against noise is the development of state standards for vehicles, engineering equipment, and household appliances, which are based on hygienic requirements to ensure acoustic comfort.

GOST 19358-85 “External and internal noise of vehicles. Permissible levels and measurement methods" establishes noise characteristics, methods of their measurement and permissible noise levels of cars (motorcycles) of all samples accepted for state, interdepartmental, departmental and periodic control tests. The main characteristic of external noise is the sound level, which should not exceed 85-92 dB for cars and buses, and 80-86 dB for motorcycles. For internal noise, the approximate values ​​of permissible sound pressure levels in octave frequency bands are given: sound levels for passenger cars are 80 dB, cabins or workplaces of drivers of trucks, buses - 85 dB, passenger rooms of buses - 75-80 dB.

Sanitary standards for permissible noise necessitate the development of technical, architectural, planning and administrative measures aimed at creating a noise regime that meets hygienic requirements, both in urban areas and in buildings for various purposes, and helps preserve the health and working capacity of the population.

There is noise pollution, which is rated as one of the most harmful to humans. All people have long lived surrounded by sounds; there is no silence in nature, although loud sounds are also very rare. The rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds and the rustle of the wind cannot be called noise. These sounds are useful for humans. And with the development of technological progress, the problem of noise has become urgent, which brings many problems to people and even leads to illness.

Although sounds do not damage the environment and only affect living organisms, it can be said that noise pollution has become an environmental problem in recent years.

What is sound

The human hearing system is very complex. Sound is a wave vibration transmitted through air and other components of the atmosphere. These vibrations are first perceived by the eardrum of the human ear, then transmitted to the middle ear. Sounds pass through 25 thousand cells before they become conscious. They are processed in the brain, so if they are very loud, they can lead to big health problems. The human ear is capable of perceiving sounds in the range from 15 to 20,000 vibrations per second. The lower frequency is called infrasound, and the higher frequency is called ultrasound.

What is noise

There are few loud sounds in nature; they are mostly quiet, favorably perceived by humans. Noise pollution occurs when sounds merge and exceed permissible limits in intensity. The strength of sound is measured in decibels, and noise of more than 120-130 dB already leads to serious disorders of the human psyche and affects health. Noise is of anthropogenic origin and increases with the development of technological progress. Nowadays, even in country houses and dachas it’s difficult to hide from it. Natural noise does not exceed 35 dB, and in the city a person is faced with constant sounds of 80-100 dB.

Background noise above 110 dB is considered unacceptable and very harmful to health. But more and more often you can encounter it on the street, in a store and even at home.

Sources of noise pollution

Sounds have the most harmful effect on people. But even in suburban villages, you can suffer from noise pollution caused by your neighbors' operating technical devices: a lawn mower, a lathe, or a stereo system. The noise from them can exceed the maximum permissible standards of 110 dB. And yet the main noise pollution occurs in the city. Its source in most cases is vehicles. The biggest comes from motorways, subways and trams. The noise in these cases can reach 90 dB.

Maximum permissible sound levels are observed during aircraft takeoff or landing. Therefore, if the planning of populated areas is incorrect, when the airport is close to residential buildings, noise pollution of the environment around it can lead to problems for people. In addition to traffic noise, people are disturbed by the sounds of construction, operating air conditioning units and radio advertising. Moreover, a modern person can no longer hide from noise even in an apartment. Constantly switched on household appliances, TV and radio exceed the permissible sound level.

How sounds affect a person

Susceptibility to noise depends on a person’s age, health, temperament, and even gender. It has been observed that women are more sensitive to sounds. In addition to the general background noise, modern people are also influenced by inaudible noise and ultrasound. Even short-term exposure can cause headaches, sleep disturbances and mental disorders. The effect of noise on humans has been studied for a long time; even in ancient cities, restrictions on sounds at night were introduced. And in the Middle Ages there was execution “under the bell,” when a person died under the influence of constant loud sounds. Many countries now have noise laws that protect city dwellers from acoustic pollution at night. But the complete absence of sounds also has a depressing effect on people. A person loses performance and experiences severe stress in a soundproofed room. Noises of a certain frequency, on the contrary, can stimulate the thinking process and improve mood.

Harm of noise to humans

Impact of noise on the environment

  • Constant loud sounds destroy plant cells. Plants in the city quickly dry out and die, trees live less.
  • Bees lose their ability to navigate when exposed to intense noise.
  • Dolphins and whales are washed ashore due to the strong sounds of operating sonars.
  • Noise pollution in cities leads to the gradual destruction of structures and mechanisms.

How to protect yourself from noise

A feature of acoustic effects on people is their ability to accumulate, and a person becomes unprotected from noise. The nervous system especially suffers from this. Therefore, the percentage of mental disorders is higher among people working in noisy industries. In young boys and girls who constantly listen to loud music, after some time their hearing decreases to the level of 80-year-olds. But despite this, most people are not aware of the dangers of noise. How can you protect yourself? It is recommended to use personal protective equipment, such as earplugs or headphones. Soundproofing windows and wall panels have become widespread. You should try to use as few household appliances as possible at home. The worst thing is when noise prevents a person from getting a good night's sleep. In this case, the state must protect him.

Noise law

Every fifth resident of a large city suffers from diseases associated with noise pollution. In houses located near major highways, it is exceeded by 20-30 dB. People complain about loud noises made by construction sites, ventilation, factories, and road work. Outside the city, residents are annoyed by discos and noisy groups relaxing in nature.

To protect people and allow them to get a good night's sleep, in recent years, regional regulations have increasingly been adopted to regulate the times during which loud noises should not be made. During this period, as a rule, the period is from 22 pm to 6 am, and on weekends - from 11 pm to 9 am. Violators are subject to administrative penalties and large fines.

In recent decades, noise pollution has become the most pressing problem in megacities. There is concern about hearing loss in adolescents and an increase in the incidence of mental illness in people working in industries associated with loud noise.

“It took decades for us to understand the dangers of second-hand smoke. But it may take us decades to become aware of the harm caused by 'passive' noise." Bradley Vite, one of the study's authors.

Scientists from New York University conducted research for 5 years on how noise pollution affects the human body. And they came to the conclusion that increased noise levels are no less dangerous to health than passive smoking.

Until recently, it was believed that increased noise levels were nothing more than an inconvenience that could be endured. However, this is far from the case.

The latest data obtained by experts show that regular increased noise is no less dangerous for us than cigarette smoke from passive smoking. Scientists come to the conclusion that constant noise of more than 50 decibels increases stress in a person. It also increases general anxiety and can cause hypertension. Which leads to a significant increase in the risk of a heart attack.

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Noise is especially unfavorable at night, when the human body should rest. But modern life is making more and more noise every day. Planes are noisy as they land, and highways are noisy, where traffic never stops for a minute. The neighbor with the hammer drill behind the wall is noisy, and almost all the household appliances are noisy. Including climate. In fact, it is quite difficult to escape the constant noise even in rural areas. What can we say about cities?

Both equipment manufacturers and consumers do not always pay attention to the selection of solutions with optimal noise parameters. It is believed that “one can tolerate it” if the ventilation unit is excessively noisy. “Just turn up the volume on your TV or turn off the unit at night,” is the advice you might hear from a salesperson, “but the ventilation performance will be very good.”

Meanwhile, studies show that excessive noise is no less harmful than a lack of oxygen.

“It took decades for us to understand the dangers of second-hand smoke. But it may take us decades to become aware of the harm caused by 'passive' noise." These are the words of Bradley Vite, one of the authors of the study.

What noise level is dangerous for humans?

The natural noise level is 25-30 decibels. Such noise does not cause harm; moreover, it is considered comfortable for humans. In terms of volume, this is comparable to the rustling of leaves on trees - the rustling of leaves is 10-20 dB. Each person has their own individual preferences regarding the noise level around them.

According to sanitary standards, the noise level two meters from a residential building should not exceed 55 dB. In modern cities, these norms are constantly violated.

During normal conversation between people, the noise level reaches 40-50 decibels, the same as when a kettle is boiling half a meter away from you. A passing car or a tractor working 15 meters away creates a noise of approximately 70 dB. According to experts, the noise level on a 3-4 lane highway, as well as on the sidewalk next to it, exceeds the norm by 20-25 decibels. The leaders in noise levels are airports and train stations. The volume of a freight train is 100 dB. The noise level in the subway can reach 110 dB. But the noisiest transport is an airplane. Even a kilometer from the runway, the noise level from an airliner taking off and landing is more than 100 dB.

Constant noise attacks do not go unnoticed. According to GOSTs, constant exposure to noise of 80 dB or more is considered harmful. Production with such a noise level is considered harmful. A noise of 130 dB causes a sensation of physical pain. At 150 decibels a person loses consciousness. Noise of 180 dB is considered fatal to humans.

Why is heat dangerous?

Death from heat: how temperature will kill people. Scientists: mortality from heat will increase fivefold by 2080.

Australian scientists have published a new study. According to him, global mortality due to extreme heat will increase fivefold over the next 60 years. According to their forecasts, the number of deaths due to high temperatures associated with global warming will gradually increase every year in 20 countries.

By 2080, the number of victims of global warming in tropical and subtropical regions will increase almost fivefold. This forecast was made by scientists from the Australian Monash University in Melbourne.

Developed a computer model

To estimate the number of deaths from heat, scientists have developed a computer model. It covers 20 countries in the period 2031-2080. They took into account the volumes of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere when burning fossil fuels. And also, population density in regions and various strategies to mitigate the effects of heat.

According to Antonio Gasparrini, a professor at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the reason for the study was the fact that tens of thousands of people around the world are suffering from health problems caused by climate warming and the abnormally high temperatures associated with this process.

Scientists also concluded that in the future, periods of abnormally hot weather will occur more frequently and their duration will increase.

“If we fail to slow climate change, deaths from extreme heat will increase. This is especially true for countries located near the equator,” warned study author Professor Yuming Guo.

Countries at risk

According to experts, the first to feel the negative consequences of global warming will be residents of tropical countries with high population densities. According to the most pessimistic scenario, in Australian cities - Brisbane, Sydney and Melbourne - mortality from weather events will increase by 471% compared to 1971-2010. Weather events can mean not only heat and drought, but also severe storms. And also the number of deaths from the heat will increase in India, Greece, Japan and Canada, where the situation will be aggravated by forest fires.

Scientists also gave a number of recommendations to countries in risk areas. For example, teach people more and better how to provide first aid. And also, revise the urban planning policy, expanding the area of ​​green areas and providing citizens with comfortable housing. The researchers also strongly recommend that authorities provide people with constant access to drinking water.

According to Australian experts, to mitigate the predicted consequences, countries should not forget about the Paris Agreement concluded in 2015. According to him, humanity should not allow the average temperature of the planet to rise by more than one and a half degrees. Countries that sign the agreement are required to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. To do this, they need to reorient their economies towards green technologies.

The general aggressiveness of the population is increasing

A group of researchers from Stanford University has previously stated that global warming could lead to an increase in suicide rates.

By comparing the rate of increase in the number of episodes with abnormally high temperatures, scientists found a clear correlation between these rates and the increase in the number of suicides.

According to their calculations, an increase in average monthly temperature by one degree means an increase in the number of suicides. For example, the increase for the United States was 0.7 additional percent, and for Mexico it was 2.1%.

The same calculations predict that by 2050, suicide rates will increase by 1.4% in the United States. And in Mexico by 2.3%. In other words, an additional 14 to 26 thousand people will take their own lives in the United States alone.

The study found that the maximum number of suicides occurs at the beginning of the summer period. At this time, the general aggressiveness of the population also increases. The authors of the work blame the increased number of suicides in the heat on the side effects of thermoregulation. As well as other neurological reactions in response to increased temperature. These processes, in turn, can affect people's mental health.

The data obtained are consistent with the results of earlier studies. They show that summer accounts for more suicides than the colder months. The Stanford group also analyzed six million Twitter messages made by US residents.

Scientists have established a clear connection between the onset of high-temperature periods and the manifestations of “depressive” language in tweets. It becomes rich in words such as “lonely”, “harassed”, “suicidal”, etc.

According to experts, an increase in temperature above normal by one degree Celsius increases the depression of the American language by 0.79%.

Category: Tagged: It’s good if you live outside the city, where there is silence, tranquility, and fresh air. But still, a big city has many advantages that attract millions of people there. There are also disadvantages, and one of them is noise pollution. If a person regularly lives indoors surrounded by loud noises, it affects his health.

The Austrian scientist Griffith conducted research and proved that due to noise in big cities, in 30 cases out of 100, people's lives become shorter by 8-12 years. Loud, regular noise also affects human health. What noise is considered safe? This is a sound of up to 85 dB, which affects a person for no more than 8 hours. Loud noise means diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, decreased memory, performance, etc. Due to loud noise, gastritis, ulcers, and mental illness can develop.

1. 25-30 dB to 60 dB
This is a noise that is comfortable for humans and is natural. It is even necessary for a person. If there is deathly silence in the house, we begin to experience anxiety, and this is on a subconscious level. The sound of something cooking on the stove, a bathtub filling with water, a refrigerator or an air conditioner does not disturb a person. It has been proven that the ticking of a clock, the sound of rain and some other sounds are even useful, because... have a calming effect.

2. 60-80 dB
If you are exposed to such noise regularly, a disorder of the autonomic nervous system will begin. When a person hears it for a short time, it leads to fatigue. These are the sounds that a vacuum cleaner, washing machine, car makes. The sounds of a big store, a crying child, and playing the piano also have a bad effect on us. If a person constantly hears traffic noise (65 dB), then it is possible to lose hearing over time, and it also negatively affects behavior.

3. 90 – 110 dB
Such noise causes hearing loss and is perceived by a person as painful. If a person spends a long time in a noisy room above 95 dB, then his carbohydrate, cholesterol, protein, vitamin and other metabolisms are disrupted. If the noise is more than 110 dB, then a special condition appears, called “noise intoxication,” which often leads to the development of aggression. What is this noise? Renovation in an apartment, the noise of a motorcycle or truck is 90 dB, but a concert or disco is from 110 to 120 dB. If a person is forced to work in production with such a noise level, then this is harmful work. Such workers are twice as likely to develop hypertension, so the employer is obliged to organize regular medical examinations. You cannot listen to the player at full power with a sound of 110 dB or more, otherwise hearing loss will develop.

4. 115 -120 dB
A person no longer suffers from sound, but feels it differently: his ears hurt. We hear these sounds at the moment when the train approaches the platform, near the runway, in the subway, but even there the sound is a little less. Sometimes this noise occurs when using karaoke.

5. 140-150 dB
Noise cannot be tolerated by a person; he may lose consciousness or become deaf, because... eardrums will burst. By the way, a working drill creates up to 140 dB, and a salvo of fireworks or a rock concert creates from 120 to 150 dB. Noise above 180 dB is lethal to humans.