Installation of electric heating boilers. Installation and connection of an electric boiler in a private house. Connection with heating system

The usual brick walls, which can be seen in multi-storey and private construction, are losing their inviolability and relevance. In the construction of residential buildings, building blocks made of lightweight concrete are increasingly being used.

Such products have greater thermal insulation, are much cheaper than solid bricks, and are easy to install. The building material is relatively light in weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation and, accordingly, allows you to save on pouring it.

The modern construction market offers the consumer several types of wall blocks. To avoid difficulties when choosing a material, we will consider the advantages and disadvantages of wall blocks used in construction.

Foam concrete blocks

This is cellular lightweight concrete, the main component of which is a cement-sand mortar with the addition of foaming additives. According to experts, this is the most practical and affordable material for the construction of wall structures, enjoying steadily growing popularity.



    High strength combined with low density

    Low structural weight due to the cellular structure

    Excellent thermal insulation of interior spaces

    High degree of street noise absorption

    Fire resistance - the material does not ignite and does not support the spread of fire

    Resistance to wet environments

    Good frost resistance indicators

    Budget cost

    Foam concrete is subject to shrinkage over time, which should be taken into account during construction

    Heterogeneous structure: internal pores do not have the same size

    Difficulties with interior finishing - foam concrete is unable to hold conventional fasteners (nails, screws)

    Low bending resistance, easy to crack

The material is often produced in an artisanal way without following technology. It is almost impossible to identify a fake visually, so you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a manufacturer.

Aerated concrete material for the construction of walls

As in the previous case, gas silicate blocks have a porous structure. For production, a silicate base is used with the addition of binders and foaming additives.



    The exact geometry of each block, which simplifies the process of erecting wall structures and allows you to accurately calculate glue consumption.

    Presentable appearance.

    Ease of processing: you can cut aerated concrete with a regular hacksaw.

    High level of fire safety.

    Environmental safety: no chemically active or toxic substances are used in production.

    Large block size - allows you to reduce the time for building walls.

    Low strength - aerated block is not used in multi-story construction.

    After completion of work, shrinkage is observed up to 1.5 mm for every meter of height. According to this indicator, gas silicate blocks are considered the worst among lightweight concrete.

    Low frost resistance - only 10 cycles freezing/thawing. Therefore, walls made of this material necessarily require additional insulation.

    Dependence on humid environment. Aerated concrete absorbs water well, which leads to destruction of the structure of the block.

In terms of thermal insulation, aerated concrete blocks are close to solid brick, so additional insulation is a prerequisite. However, the blocks have minimal weight, which significantly reduces the load on the foundation.

Sand blocks made by volumetric vibrocompression

This is a universal option, equally used in multi-storey construction and the private sector. In the manufacture of building materials, a cement-sand mixture is used with additives included in the composition. Products are pressed in special forms and dried using infrared radiation.

To achieve optimal strength, blocks are stored at room temperature in well-ventilated areas.

For walls made of foam blocks, insulation costs will be significantly lower than for concrete or brick structures.

Heat blocks - multilayer building blocks

This is a composite material with a three-layer structure.

The first layer is called the facade layer and is an imitation of natural stone. The second is insulating and consists of high-density polystyrene foam. The third is the supporting one, made of expanded clay concrete.

Heat blocks appeared on the construction market relatively recently, but have already gained popularity among professional builders.

    High speed of wall construction. Each block is both a decorative and load-bearing structure and has a layer of insulation.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance. Block, thickness 42 cm, similar in performance to two-meter brickwork.

    Reasonable price. Good competition for gas and foam blocks.

    Light weight. You can save a lot on the foundation.

    Weight. The blocks are considered light, but laying stones can be done alone, weighing 24 kg, it will be difficult.

    Low resistance to dynamic loads. Not suitable for buildings tall more than 3 floors.

    Geometry. The correct forms are found only from trusted manufacturers. If the block is made by hand, problems are guaranteed to arise with installation.

High-quality heat blocks have absolutely correct geometry, so finishing is allowed without additional leveling of the walls. When installing blocks, through joints are formed that require high-quality sealing.

If construction technology is violated, high thermal efficiency indicators will be reduced to zero.

Polystyrene concrete blocks

The block is a monolithic structure, where the main component is high-quality cement. Quartz sand, foamed polystyrene, and plasticizers are used as fillers, increasing the strength and frost resistance of finished products.

    The best thermal insulation performance on the market. Allows you to save on heating interior spaces in winter.

    High strength. The material is highly resistant to compression and bending and has virtually no shrinkage.

    Excellent vapor permeability. Walls made from such blocks have the ability to “breathe”, which is guaranteed to prevent the appearance of mold.

    Ease of installation. The blocks are easily subject to additional processing, have a large standard size and correct geometry.

    Frost resistance. The product can withstand up to 150 cycles freezing/thawing without loss of original properties.

    Direct dependence of quality on the manufacturer. Violation of manufacturing technology leads to the formation of internal microcracks.

    Difficulties in interior decoration. The surface of the block has poor adhesion to plaster solutions.

    The porous structure “does not hold” nails and screws.

Polystyrene concrete blocks are considered a non-flammable material, but when exposed to high temperatures they begin to release phenol, a substance harmful to human health.

Expanded clay concrete is a modern material originally from the 60s of the last century

The composition of such a block includes cement, expanded clay and sand, mixed in specified proportions. During production, the vibration pressing method is used, which provides the finished products with a fairly dense structure.

Despite the obvious disadvantages, expanded clay blocks are considered the most common building material in Russia.

Arbolite is a material made from wood chips and a mineral binder

Composite blocks created on a cement base with the addition of water, sand and sawdust. This ratio of components makes the block resistant to any aggressive environment, while the finished products have a high margin of safety.

    Thermal insulation. There are no analogues to wood concrete blocks on the modern building materials market yet.

    Easy to install and manufacture. You can cope with the work on your own.

    Environmental safety. The composition contains no harmful or toxic components.

    Light weight. There is no need for a reliable and solid foundation.

    Reasonable price. It is considered one of the most affordable materials on the market.

    They are destroyed by prolonged exposure to a humid environment.

    Attract rodents.

    Due to its inclusion in wood, the material burns.

The blocks are not suitable for multi-storey construction, intended use: private sector.

Cinder block - there is no cheaper material

The material attracts the attention of buyers with a surprisingly low price: production waste is allowed to be used in production. The products are compacted using the vibration compaction method, the main binding component being cement.

Unlike previous materials, cinder blocks are hollow and monolithic, which significantly expands the scope of their application.



    Absolutely non-flammable even with prolonged exposure to high temperatures.

    Long service life - at least 50 years without loss of original qualities.

    Wide range. The variability of fillers allows you to select a product for any type of construction work.

    Easy to install.

    Possibility to make at home.

    Dependence on humid environment.

    It causes inconvenience when installing utilities.

    Low rates of sound and heat insulation.

    Lack of environmental safety: slag contains sulfur and acids harmful to health.

Considering the significant disadvantages, cinder blocks are more suitable for the construction of utility buildings than residential buildings.

Ceramic block is a worthy replacement for hollow brick

An excellent alternative to regular brick. Blocks appeared on the market relatively recently, but are rapidly gaining popularity in the private construction sector. The block is based on baked clay, the finished products have a hollow, cellular structure.



    Absolute environmental safety.

    Excellent thermal insulation performance.

    Light weight.

    High level of vapor permeability.

    Reliable sound insulation of interior spaces.

    Ease of installation: the elements are joined with a tongue-and-groove locking connection.


    Unreliable ends.

    Relative fragility, which makes transportation difficult.

    Dependence on strict adherence to installation technology.

    Difficulties in interior finishing: the hollow structure will not “hold” screws and nails.

Difficulties may arise during additional processing: it will not be possible to split a ceramic block like an ordinary brick; you will have to use a grinder.

Thermally efficient blocks of Balaev

A relatively new building material, reminiscent of thermal blocks. The products have a three-layer structure:

Cement, water and expanded clay are used as the main components. During production, vibration pressing technology is used in combination with the pressing method. The result was a fundamentally new building material.

The material appeared on the market in 2009, so I didn’t have time to manifest myself on the negative side. However, obvious disadvantages include high cost.

Technical characteristics comparison table

Comparison of blocks by construction cost

Often, the price issue is key when choosing a building material. The chart above shows how the prices of blocks compare to each other as a percentage. The most expensive block of Balaev was taken as 100%.

Depending on the region of the country and over time, this ratio may change.

Block cost is not a key indicator. For example, Balaev blocks are the most expensive material, but do not require additional finishing or insulation. The final estimate for the work performed will be much lower than for the construction of walls made of expanded clay concrete blocks.

Building block: type, size, price and technical characteristics

The block is large in size and highly durable. However, it should not weigh too much. These basic requirements for the material dictate the technological features of its production.

Blocks can be divided into types according to the filler and the material used to bind the filler. So, what is this building material made of:

  • foam concrete;
  • cinder concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • gas silicate;
  • concrete;
  • wood concrete;
  • ceramics;
  • polystyrene concrete;
  • sawdust concrete.

In most cases, a cement mixture is used to bind the filler. Special technologies make it possible to create porous concrete.

Let's consider the types and characteristics of building blocks in more detail:

Types of blocks/Image Description

These are heavy elements made from cement mortar and gravel. For strength, such structures are reinforced with metal. The elements are laid using lifting equipment. The minimum weight of one block is fifteen kilograms. This building material is used mainly for forming the foundation and constructing external walls in multi-story structures.

The basis of building elements is a mixture of cement, lime and aluminum in paste form. Gas silicate blocks are hardened in an autoclave. The result is a material with a porous structure. After hardening, the blocks are cut using a special mechanism with cutting strings into geometrically correct fragments. Building a house from gas silicate blocks is one of the most popular options. Such houses have characteristic white walls that do not need to be plastered. Among other things, foam concrete is easy to cut and process by hand. It is possible to make structures of complex shapes from it. The standard size of aerated blocks for building a house is 60x20x25 cm.

Cinder blocks are formed using a vibrocompression machine. Blast furnace slag or coal boiler waste, broken bricks and small crushed stone are used as filler. This building material is used for the construction of industrial buildings and utility structures. It is not recommended to use cinder blocks for the construction of a residential building. Their components may adversely affect the health of people living in the home.

Foam concrete is formed without exposure to steam and temperature. It is whipped with a special mixer and poured into molds measuring 20x30x60 cm. The foam concrete hardens gradually at natural temperature. This building material has good heat and sound insulation.

The building material perfectly combines all the positive qualities of natural wood and the strength characteristics of cement. Wood makes the material vapor-permeable, and concrete makes it fire-resistant. Its only drawback is sensitivity to moisture. Walls made of such material must be additionally protected from contact with atmospheric moisture.

They are produced, like cinder blocks, using a vibropressing mechanism, but foamy clay granules fired in a special oven are used as filler. This product can be used for the construction of residential buildings. It is environmentally friendly and has high strength. Modern production technologies make it possible to create expanded clay blocks with polystyrene insulation and artificial stone cladding. Walls made of such building materials do not need to be additionally insulated or treated. If desired, you can choose a coating that imitates brick, natural stone or tile.

These elements contain polystyrene and a concrete base. The material has high thermal insulation qualities and good strength. Its disadvantage is that it shrinks under heavy load. So polymer blocks are more often used as insulation and partition elements, but not as the main material for walls.

This building material contains ninety percent wood chips held together with a cement mixture. To improve the adhesion of materials, slaked lime and aluminum sulfate are used in the production of wood concrete blocks. The properties of wood concrete correspond to the properties of wood, but the material is not flammable and does not rot. The only thing that is “lame” about this type is excessive absorption of logs. When building houses from wood concrete blocks, the facade must be treated with vapor-proof plaster.

To make building elements, clay is mixed with fine sawdust. In the oven, under the influence of high temperature, sawdust burns, and the clay acquires a porous structure. The standard dimensions of ceramic blocks are 38x24.8x23.8 cm. The pros and cons of ceramic blocks are good heat retention and high strength, but a fragile structure and high moisture absorption.

Related article:

How to choose the right foam blocks. In this review, we will look at the characteristics, properties, advantages, secrets of making the right choice and the average cost of this building material, as well as provide practical recommendations for its use.

What are the best blocks for building a house: price of products

When deciding which blocks are best for building a house, price is not the least important factor. The cost of various types of building materials depends on the region, the average price in rubles for one element of a standard size:

  • Foam blocks – 110
  • Gas blocks – 130
  • Arbolit – 120
  • Ceramic blocks – 100
  • Expanded clay blocks – 53
  • Polymer – 110
  • Sawdust blocks – 50
  • Cinder blocks - 50

Let's compare: which blocks are better to build a house from?

Pay attention to the wall materials comparison table.

The cost per square meter of a wall made of different materials has slight differences, but the construction time differs significantly from each other. Silicate walls are considered the strongest, but ceramic blocks are almost as good in resistance to compression. The lightest of these are aerated concrete elements, but it is impossible to build a house with a height of more than two or three floors from them. Ceramic blocks show the ideal ratio of strength and density. They do not require a massive foundation and at the same time are able to withstand concrete floors.

The best thermal insulation is found in aerated concrete. Ceramic blocks take an honorable second place in this indicator.

In all respects, aerated concrete is the leader. It's up to you to decide which material is best for building a house. But it is worth considering additional factors influencing the choice.

What else influences the choice of wall blocks for external walls

It is necessary to consider not only the technical characteristics of the building material, but also the specifics of the future structure:

  1. For an energy-saving design with good thermal insulation, gas blocks will be required.
  2. A building with two or three floors with a heavy roof must be built from durable materials - ceramic blocks and bricks.
  3. When choosing a building material, its availability plays an important role. Agree, there is no point in choosing blocks if the cost of transportation will double their price.

Important! It is not often that you come across houses built from one type of building material. The ideal option is to combine different materials depending on the design features. For example, for a two-story house, it is rational to use ceramic block for the construction of the first floor and foam concrete or wood concrete for the second.

Pros and cons of foam blocks for the construction of a residential building

Foam concrete and gas blocks are the leaders in popularity among developers of individual housing. If your choice fell on this building material, it is worth clarifying all the advantages and disadvantages.


  1. The material is environmentally friendly and provides a comfortable microclimate for humans in the house.
  2. The cost of foam concrete in comparison with other types of blocks.
  3. Lightweight material that does not require a massive foundation.
  4. The speed of construction of housing from foam blocks is up to three months.
  5. Excellent heat and sound insulation properties.
  6. Fire safety.
  7. Possibility of finishing with any materials.


  1. Easily damaged during careless transportation.
  2. It may crack if there is a sudden change in temperature after installation.
  3. Requires reinforcement and exterior finishing.
  • For storage and transportation, the material should be protected from moisture using plastic film.
  • Blocks are transported on special pallets. To prevent the material from moving during loading, it is secured with slings.
  • Construction from block material is carried out at an ambient temperature of at least five degrees Celsius.

  • Gas blocks can be sawed with a regular hand hacksaw. A band saw is used if the scale of the work is very large.
  • For precision cutting of foam concrete building materials, a construction corner is used.
  • Glue is applied to the joints with a trowel with teeth.
  • The elements are adjusted and seated with a rubber hammer.
  • When arranging the foundation, you should not forget about the blind area. It will remove excess moisture from the block walls.
  • To strengthen aerated concrete walls, reinforcing materials should be used around the perimeter. It is especially important to use this technique when constructing a multi-story building.

  • Floors in a block house can be made of wood or concrete. Combining materials gives good results.

There are not so many materials for the construction of wooden houses. But scientists are thinking about new products. So in America, a method of small wooden blocks was patented. Our compatriot improved and modified wooden bricks and even built such a house. Wooden brick may be an innovation that will change the way we look at wooden houses and make construction inexpensive and quick. What kind of material is this, and what kind of wooden buildings can be assembled from it?

High technologies in woodworking and design have changed modern wooden houses. Among the most important are the variety of architectural solutions, comfort, construction assembly time, reduction of labor costs, etc. Domestic wooden houses, despite their high cost, are becoming more and more interesting to buyers. New technologies for wooden house construction are interesting not only here, but also abroad: Europe, America, Japan.

In America, more than 20 years ago, a new method was patented when walls are assembled from small wooden blocks. For production, waste from a local timber processing factory was used, and high technology was not even used. But the inventor built a house from such bricks and the innovation was not developed further. There was no widespread publicity for a number of reasons:

  1. The assembly method was not worked out, it is clear that the author assembled the walls simply by selection, for luck;
  2. The purpose of such an assembly: to reduce the cost of personal construction without pursuing ambitious and greedy interests;
  3. It was not possible to introduce the technology into production due to the lack of proper equipment; we remind you that this was 20 years ago;
  4. No one bothered to promote this invention, and the technology caused mistrust among specialists.

In the modern world, an analogue of the invention is already used in domestic and European industry, for example, the Baltic Architect enterprise began producing similar bricks in 2013. But the invention was actually patented in Russia by a simple architect who was looking for a method to simplify and reduce the cost of wooden house construction by Sergei Aleksandrovich Lichin in 2012.

What is wood brick?

Wooden bricks are made from solid wood on high-precision machines. The block dimensions can be from 150 to 950 mm in length and 100 or 150 mm in height. The design is a block profiled on four sides with comb-shaped locks in a wave-like shape at the ends of the edges and on two technical sides. The profile depth can be 45 or 70 mm.

This design makes it possible to firmly connect the parts to each other and not separate during operation. And comb-shaped locks prevent wind and cold air from penetrating inside, making the walls airtight.

The method of assembling the walls is also interesting, since for any wall thickness the material consumption will be the same.

What horizons does the use of wooden bricks reveal?

  1. Often, material with a larger cross-section is not completely dried, and the buyer overpays for chamber drying. The wooden brick parts are small and drying will take a short time. When purchasing small parts, you can expect that the buyer will receive chamber drying.
  2. There will be practically no internal stress in small parts, so the walls will not crack when the house shrinks.
  3. Dried bricks do not lose their correct geometric shape.
  4. Production is less expensive, since it is easy to select the required part of the array for production.
  5. To process small wooden parts, you do not need expensive and massive equipment. And it’s easier to transport small parts to the construction site.
  6. There is no need to hire a large team to assemble a house. Even one master can handle laying small blocks.
  7. Small details make it possible to assemble a wall of the most complex shape with multiple angles and slopes.
  8. Can be made from timber production residues.

Specifics of assembling log walls from wooden blocks

Assembling walls from wooden bricks can also be called an invention. The log house is made according to the principle of hollow walls. Installation takes place along a continuous multi-tiered chain, with binding. Wooden spacers with profiled ends are placed in the void between two walls. Spacers serve as a link between the outer and inner walls of the house. They are attached in a certain sequence and in the required places.

The walls need to be assembled on a support beam, which is placed on the foundation. The first tier is attached to the beam using clamping bars. The pressure bars are connected to metal plates on which the tensioners are attached.

Tensioners in the design can be track or rod. They are mounted inside the structure and create additional vertical load. From below, the tensioner is attached to the foundation using anchor bolts. The tensioners are installed after the log walls have been completely assembled.

This new design provides certain qualities of a wooden frame:

  1. During installation there is no need to use adhesives, spacer insulation or fasteners. The tightness of the connection is ensured by comb profiles, and the vertical loads are adjusted by tensioners. They also add stability to the walls.
  2. There is no need to install additional frames under windows and doors, since the structure of internal partitions and small wooden bricks creates a base of solid wood that will not sag or warp.
  3. If you increase the size of the internal void in the wall, the wall thickness will change from 300 to 600 mm. At the same time, the consumption of wooden bricks will not change.
  4. For production, you can use wood from any tree. And when assembling, for example, a sauna, you can make the inner part of the wall from expensive larch, and the outer part from pine. At the same time, the internal space reduces heat loss by 2-3 times, so any type of wood can be used for construction.
  5. The void in the hay provides an additional opportunity to easily hide wiring or water pipes. And even sawdust can be used as insulation.
  6. If there is a difference in temperature in the house and outside, a displacement of the inner and outer walls relative to each other may occur, as, for example, with a double beam system. But this will not happen when using wooden bricks, since a special gap in the profile of 10-20 mm protects the walls from deformation load. Another addition against deformation is internal struts near window and door openings.

Using high technology, you can virtually design any shape of a wooden block and assemble a house or bathhouse project from it. Wood blocks can be produced from waste from any wood processing industry. Several companies that have picked up the idea of ​​building houses from wooden bricks offer several options for these products. Differences can be in profile type, size, both in length and width, and there are no restrictions here.

Sennas made of wooden bricks can be additionally decorated with artistic carvings or left smooth, covered with varnish. But, unlike profiled or simple timber, you can’t expect the appearance of cracks and crevices, both outside and inside the house. And how durable such structures are can be found out a few years later, when production will be established in all cities and houses made of wooden bricks will be as popular as those made of timber.

When choosing blocks for building a house, which ones are better, you need to decide at the very beginning of construction. Nowadays, blocks made of various materials are increasingly used instead of bricks. They all differ in composition, price, properties and dimensions. Each option has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages.

Aerated concrete and foam concrete blocks

There are different types of blocks for construction. One of the most common material options for such parts is aerated concrete. It is concrete with a cellular structure. The pores of the material are closed, so it does not absorb water well. When creating such blocks, only natural products are used: lime, water, quartz sand, Portland cement. Aluminum powder is used for gas formation.

After all the components are mixed in certain volumes, the raw materials are poured into molds and placed in autoclaves, where they will be exposed to high-pressure water vapor. Thanks to this, the material will quickly harden and acquire its properties - high density, precise dimensions and lightness. In addition to hardening in autoclaves, there is another manufacturing option - drying naturally. But in terms of parameters, this method is much inferior to the first option.

There are several options for such aerated concrete blocks depending on their purpose: for thermal insulation, structural, and also structural and thermal insulation. You can choose the right one between them if you take into account compressive strength, density and thermal conductivity. As a rule, the length of the part is approximately 60 cm, height 20-30 cm, and width from 8 to 40 cm, but you can choose different shapes. To build load-bearing walls, it is recommended to use parts with a relief surface in the form of a “groove and tongue”. To create secondary walls and partitions, you can use simple slabs in the form of rectangles, the edges of which are completely smooth. U-shaped blocks must be used for installation work with armored belts, as well as lintels over windows and doors. With these types of aerated concrete blocks, you can perform any construction work when building a house.

Foam concrete blocks are also a type of concrete with a cellular structure. To create it, water, cement, sand and special foaming agents are used. Then the raw materials in the form of loose foam are poured into molds or special structures similar to formwork. Then the foam hardens for 12 hours, after which the blocks are removed from the molds so that they continue to harden.

If the slabs are made using cutting technology, then large blocks must first be kept in the prepared formwork for 4 to 10 hours, then removed and cut into blocks of certain sizes. For this purpose, chain and belt type plates and steel strings are used.

In terms of resistance to frost and density, foam concrete is compared with aerated concrete, but it has worse strength and shape accuracy. This material is suitable for the construction of houses with less than 3 floors. In addition, foam concrete is actively used in reinforced concrete monolithic construction, when it is necessary to fill openings in the load-bearing parts of the frame. Foam concrete is a very lightweight material, so it's great for this.

Ceramic, wood concrete and expanded clay concrete blocks

What other blocks there are for construction, besides foam concrete and aerated concrete, you should definitely know. Ceramic blocks are excellent for construction. The slabs are made from the same material as simple bricks; water and clay are used. Then the blanks are fired in ovens, due to which the material becomes harder. But even if you take a block whose dimensions are much larger than that of a brick, its weight will be 2 times less. This is achieved not only due to the presence of voids inside the slab, but also due to the fact that sawdust and other combustible materials are also used during the preparation of raw materials. During firing, they simply burn out, after which the material acquires a porous structure and, accordingly, lightness.

The length of the blocks is usually from 25 to 51 cm, the height is from approximately 25 to 38 cm, and the width is 22 cm. Thanks to such large dimensions, it will be possible to build walls 2 times faster than using conventional bricks. In addition, the walls are lighter, so you can save on the foundation. Thanks to the porous structure of the material, you can also save on the thermal insulation layer. This material can be used to build houses with different numbers of floors. The blocks are used for internal and external load-bearing walls, openings, and partitions.

You can also choose expanded clay concrete blocks. They are created by vibration casting into ready-made molds. Expanded clay, cement, sand or dolomite are used as raw materials. According to standards, one block should contain about 50% cement and the same amount of expanded clay. Partitions and walls are built from such houses. Another material is used to fill frame openings.

There are 2 standard sizes available. In the first case, the length is 39 cm, the height is 19 cm, and the width is almost 19 cm. In the second case, the length and height are the same, but the width is only 9 cm. This is a good option for building walls, since the material not only has all the necessary characteristics, but also has quite large dimensions, due to which construction work will take less time. There are cavities inside the slabs, which not only reduce weight and improve the ability to conserve heat, but also serve as stiffeners.

Depending on the proportions of cement and expanded clay and the use of additional fillers, the block can weigh between 9-21 kg. In this case, the density ranges from 500 to 1800 kg/m³. Such blocks are best for filling frames, erecting fences, fences, partitions, and various outbuildings. In addition, they can be used in the construction of a house with fewer than 3 levels, but in this case it is necessary to make reinforced concrete piping and armored belts.


If we consider which blocks can still be used to build houses, then wood concrete slabs are excellent. This option is not as famous as all the others. Arbolite is concrete with a coarse-cell structure, and it combines seemingly incompatible materials - cement and wood. A mixture of cement and sand is mixed with wood chips, then diluted to a liquid state and poured into molds. Then large-sized mounting blocks, masonry blocks, slabs with thermal insulation properties, and composition for filling formwork are made from this material.

Building blocks are usually 50 cm long, 30 cm high, and 20 cm wide. But you can find other options. At the same time, the chips inside the blocks measure within 4 cm in length, 1 cm in height and 0.5 cm in width. Some manufacturers supplement wood chips with shavings, bark, and straw, but such slabs will not meet certain characteristics and are only suitable for the construction of utility buildings. In addition to wood chips, various chemicals are also added to improve water resistance and strength. The auxiliary components are calcium chloride, slaked lime, sulphate-type aluminas and liquid glass.

Block comparison

All types of blocks that are used in construction must have certain characteristics and meet specified requirements. Here are the main characteristics:

  1. The density of an aerated block is from 300 to 1200 kg/m³. In the wall the mass is approximately 100-900. The percentage of water absorption is within 25%. The thermal conductivity coefficient of a gas block is approximately from 0.1 to 0.4 t/M*k. Frost resistance is 35 cycles. The strength of the material is from 0.5 to 25.
  2. Foam blocks have similar characteristics. Density ranges from 300 to 1200 kg/³. The mass in the wall is also approximately 100-900. The water absorption rate varies from 10 to 16%. The thermal conductivity parameter is 0.1-0.4 t/M*k. Frost resistance is also approximately 35 cycles. The strength will be from 0.25 to 12.5.
  3. The characteristics of expanded clay concrete blocks are somewhat different. For example, the density ranges from 300 to 1500 kg/m³. The mass in the wall is approximately 900-1000. The water absorption coefficient is 50%. The thermal conductivity index is 0.15-0.45. The material can withstand from 25 to 75 cycles, so the frost resistance index is quite high. In this case, the strength will vary from 50 to 150.
  4. Arbolite blocks have the following characteristics. The density is from 500 to 900 kg/m³, and the mass in the wall will be from 300 to 700. The water absorption rate is approximately 80-85%. The thermal conductivity index is 0.2-0.3. If we consider the frost resistance of wood concrete blocks, they can withstand about 25 cycles. The strength of the material is approximately 20-50.
  5. For ceramic blocks, the strength ranges from approximately 2.5 to 25. In this case, the density will be from 700 to 900 kg per cubic meter, and the mass in the wall will be from 600 to 800. Withstands up to 50 cycles, if we consider frost resistance. Thermal conductivity is approximately 0.1-0.2, and water absorption is about 15%.

In addition to these indicators, it is necessary to pay attention to others. For example, shrinkage. Foam blocks and aerated concrete blocks are subjected to this process. But for ceramic and expanded clay concrete blocks there is almost no shrinkage. These materials have parameters that are almost equal to ordinary bricks. Arbolite slabs have little shrinkage.

You also need to look at what type of foundation is suitable for constructing walls from certain slabs. For example, if wood concrete or foam blocks with a wall thickness of up to 400 mm are used, then you can make a grillage-type foundation on screw piles. In this case, you also need to pay attention to the facing work. If facing brick is used, then the foundation should be made of strip or solid slabs.

As for reinforcement, it must be done, that is, use a special mesh. This is required for all types of blocks used. It is necessary to make a reinforced belt under the ceilings. Regular lintels are used over windows and doors.

As for the speed of construction, the use of the above blocks significantly speeds up the process compared to the use of conventional bricks, even if we take into account the external finishing and the need for reinforcement. Finishing is a rather expensive procedure.


When choosing which blocks are best to build a house from, you need to consider options such as aerated concrete, expanded clay concrete, foam concrete, wood concrete and ceramic. To choose the appropriate option, you should compare them according to certain technical characteristics, interaction with other materials, the need for finishing and other additional work, service life, and price. It is necessary to use only objective data, not advertising.