Elimination of diplopia (double vision) using Bates gymnastics. A series of graphic dictations on unlined paper and checkered paper Progress of the task

I went out on deck, no longer conscious,
Everything went blurry in his eyes.

It was with a sudden clouding in the author’s eyes that a functional vision disorder began, designated by the term “diplopia” (from the Greek diploos + opos - double look). With diplopia, a person, looking at any object, sees simultaneously two images of it, separated in space.

The purpose of publishing this note is the desire to help those people who are in a similar situation and do not know how to fix it. Maybe my experience will be useful for others.


Modern medicine believes that diplopia can be a symptom or clinical manifestation of a number of neurological, infectious, hereditary and other diseases (for example, ischemic stroke, brain tumor, ophthalmoplegic migraine, tick-borne encephalitis, botulism, diabetes, etc.). The causes of diplopia can also be overwork of the eye muscles, head injuries, alcohol poisoning, etc.

Even before hospitalization in the clinic in order to find out the reasons for the incident, the author, using information found on the Internet, established that he became the owner of the so-called binocular cross diplopia, when two images (right and left) are placed crosswise in relation to each other, and When you close your left eye, the left image disappears, and when you close your right eye, the right image disappears. The extent of removal of two images depends on the distance to the observed object and, oddly enough, on the tilt and rotation of the head. By changing the position of the head, it was possible, for example, to move two images of a TV screen on the wall several meters apart, with one of them resting on the ceiling, and the other on the baseboard. The line connecting the centers of the two images made an angle of about 45 degrees with the vertical.

Living with such a vision defect is possible, but not so easy. Walking on stairs (especially when going down) is especially dangerous when you see in front of you, instead of one, two stairs, the steps of which are beveled relative to each other by tens of degrees. Such movement can only be carried out by holding onto the railing and covering one eye; neglecting these rules threatens to fall, because instead of a real step you risk stepping into emptiness. The simplest and most mundane actions become problematic (if you don’t close one eye), for example, picking up an object from a table, shaving, reading, using a keyboard, remote controls, switches, watching what is happening on a display or TV screen - almost everything that is somehow connected with determining the real location of something. Using regular glasses helps a little, but this is rather little consolation.

In the clinic's inpatient facility for almost three weeks, the author was treated both for the underlying disease - according to the standard method, and for its clinical manifestation in the form of diplopia - according to the method of brain stimulation with the BrainPort apparatus, used by Professor Yu. Danilov from the laboratory of tactile communications and neurorehabilitation at the University of Wisconsin (USA). The foundations of this method were laid by the famous neurophysiologist Paul Bach-u-Rita, who previously headed this laboratory and devoted many years to researching the phenomenon of cutaneous vision (let us remember our Rosa Kuleshova, who more than half a century ago convinced an authoritative scientific commission of the reality of the existence of this phenomenon). His famous statement is known: “We see not with our eyes, but with our brain,” the meaning of which is that information about an image can come not only through the main - visual, but also through spare - tactile or auditory sensations. The latter are included in the work if necessary.

Initially, the BrainPort Vision (vision restoration) and BrainPort Position (motor adaptation) systems were used in the brain stimulation technique, where tactile information was entered through a plate placed on the patient’s tongue with a matrix of electrodes, to which pulse signals were supplied, respectively, from video sensors or acceleration sensors. Information on the currently used universal BrainPort system is not available. Apparently, in this development there is no supply of external signals to the electrode matrix and it is assumed that the impact on the tongue of a certain sequence of electrical impulses created by an autonomous built-in generator leads to automatic correction of the work of the corresponding sections of the brain.

While the principle of operation of the two early systems is clear, at least to those familiar with the principles of operation of automatic control systems, the same cannot be said about the modern system. However, Professor Danilov himself speaks about this in numerous speeches and interviews for the press: “But if you ask how this happens, I will honestly answer: it is not completely clear yet.” The main argument in such cases is the reference to numerous successful applications in clinical practice. A placebo, or something else, incomprehensible, but it helps.

Therefore, for almost three weeks, twice a day, I obediently placed the plate of the Brain-Port device on my tongue, having previously set the amplitude of the pulses at a level sufficient until a very noticeable tingling sensation with a “sour taste” appeared, and each time, for 15 minutes, I did everything prescribed for this session: a stationary stand on the floor with open or closed eyes, the same on a thick springy mat, alternating focusing of the eyes on distant and close objects, exercises on a low exercise bike (analogous to a children's tricycle), relaxation with closed eyes while listening to music with mixing brain rhythms, exercises with eye movement along the outlines or floors of buildings outside the window, etc.

Upon admission to the hospital, looking down from a standing position at my own feet, I saw four legs, and the toes of the shoes of one pair of legs were spaced from the toes of the other pair at a distance of about 30 cm. The attending physician and I decided that the presence of a positive effect from using the Brain apparatus The port can be assessed by decreasing this distance. At first it seemed to me that there was an effect, but it turned out that this was not the case. Day after day passed, but no tangible changes for the better occurred. However, upon discharge, in order not to upset my attending physician, I said that the images of the legs were no longer “moving apart” so much.

Returning home, I remembered that even before hospitalization, one of the employees of our thematic group said that her sister had a stroke several years ago, after which she developed diplopia, which she got rid of within six months. In addition to the standard regimen of drug treatment for patients who had suffered a stroke, during all these months she regularly did the so-called Bates gymnastics several times a day, which made it possible to completely eliminate diplopia. No relapses were observed.

It only took me a few days of Bates gymnastics (3 times a day for 10 minutes) to also get rid of diplopia. I couldn’t believe it, and every time I woke up, I opened my eyes with apprehension: what if I saw the world in two again. When visiting the attending physician to cover the sick leave, I called what happened magic.

Meanwhile, on computer networks you can find rather unflattering reviews of Bates’s gymnastics. I'll give you one of them.

William Horatio Bates (December 23, 1860, Newark, New Jersey - July 10, 1931, New York) was an American ophthalmologist, inventor of a non-drug method of restoring vision. The effectiveness of this method is questionable, and the theory on which it is based contradicts the data of ophthalmology and optometry both from the time of Bates and modern data.

The reason for such reviews is that Bates hoped, with the help of his technique, to rid humanity of glasses altogether. However, it is now absolutely clear that not all visual impairments, in particular those associated with the lens, can be eliminated with the help of Bates gymnastics. Moreover, in certain cases it can even cause harm. Therefore, moving on to the presentation of Bates’ methodology, I ask readers to pay attention to this.

Bates gymnastics to restore vision.

Bates gymnastics includes exercises for the eye muscles, exercises for the cervico-brachial region and the so-called “palming” (from the English palm - palm).

The complex should be done either an hour before meals, or after heavy loads on the visual apparatus (computer, TV, reading, etc.) several times a day (from two to five). Palming can be done not only as part of a set of exercises, but also independently when signs of eye fatigue appear.

Exercises for the eye muscles

These exercises are done without glasses and - best of all - while sitting in front of a table in combination with palming. In this case, the elbows should not rest on the table itself, but on a stand (box, pillow, etc.) with a height that ensures a horizontal position of the back. Do not overstrain the eye muscles and cause pain. The head should remain motionless while performing exercises. After performing each exercise (from 5 to 20 times or until discomfort appears), you need to blink for a few seconds.

1. Look up and down alternately, fixing your gaze for a second in each position.

2. Look alternately to the right and left, fixing your gaze for a second in each position.

3. Look alternately “diagonally” to the right-up and left-down, fixing your gaze for a second in each position.

4. Look alternately “diagonally” left-up and right-down, fixing your gaze for a second in each position.

5. Rotate your eyes in a circle clockwise.

6. Rotate your eyes in a circle counterclockwise.

7. “Draw” a square clockwise with your eyes.

8. “Draw” a square counterclockwise with your eyes.

Exercises 1-8 are best done with palming (in the dark). The next two exercises, of course, are in the light.

9. Focus your gaze on the thumb of your outstretched hand. Bring your finger closer to your nose (until it touches), then remove it while maintaining focus. After this, focus your gaze on a distant object.

10. Close your eyes tightly. then slowly open your eyelids.

Exercises for the cervico-brachial region

Performed vigorously, but smoothly, to improve blood circulation in the brain and vision (from 2 to 10 times each).

1. Turn your head alternately to the right and left.

2. “Lay” your head on the right and left shoulders alternately.

3. Tilt your head forward and tilt it back alternately.

4. Move your head in a clockwise circle.

5. Move your head in a counterclockwise circle.

6. Move your head alternately “diagonally” to the right-up and left-down.

7. Move your head alternately “diagonally” left-up and right-down.

8. Move your arms up (to your shoulders) and down, sliding along your torso.

9. Rotate your bent arms in a circle (your hands rest on your shoulders) alternately in one direction and the other.

Palming - warming the eyes with the warmth of the palms.

To perform palming, first rub your palms together until warm, and then cross your fingers and place them on your forehead so that your nose remains free between your palms. Press your fingers and palms firmly against your forehead and cheeks to completely block light from reaching your eyes. Stay in this position for several minutes, thinking about something pleasant. Then blink your eyes a few times, remove your palms and slowly open your eyes.

Completing the entire set of exercises takes no more than 10 minutes

I wish you success.

PS. A description of a similar set of exercises with illustrations can be found online at: glasses-bates.rf/component/content/article/1 00

Lesson objectives:

  1. Introduce the concept of point coordinates.
  2. Learn to determine the coordinates of a point.
  3. Develop logical and creative thinking.

Lesson progress

1. Game “Tangram”.

Let's start our lesson with one ancient geometric game “Tangram”. Both children and adults have played it for centuries. Its description can be found in various books. Do you want to know why this game attracts the attention of many people? Do you want it? Then...

Then let's play Tangram. And let's do some geometry along the way.

You have a square on your desk that needs to be cut into 7 pieces.

Figure 1

What shapes did you get?

  • Two large equal triangles;
  • two small equal triangles;
  • one middle triangle;
  • one square;
  • one parallelogram.

What are these figures?


From these pieces - parts of the square, you can make many other flat figures, such, for example, that look like people, birds, animals.

According to the rules of the game, all seven flat geometric figures must be contained in the figure being composed, and the figures must not overlap each other.

Try to match the drawing of a dove.

(There is a picture of a dove on the board).

Figure 2

(10 minutes to work).

Did you feel that this is not easy to do? But this is not the most complex figure.

How can you learn to easily and quickly assemble any figures, both according to a model and according to your own design?

Unfortunately, the exact recipe is unknown. Only a few of these techniques can be indicated. One of them is the use of checkered paper.

In this case, the drawing must be placed on the sheet so that the parts of the square immediately catch the eye.

To do this, we will turn to graphic dictations. Yes, don’t be surprised, they also write dictations in geometry lessons.

2. Graphic dictations.

Let's mark point A in the notebook and call it the starting point. From this point the pencil will begin its path across the page.

From point A, the pencil can follow the lines of the square grid:

  • Right;
  • Left;
  • Up;
  • Down.

At the same time, he can pass one, two, three or more cells.

A pencil can connect two non-adjacent vertices of a cell by moving diagonally:

  • right up diagonally;
  • right down diagonally;
  • left up diagonally;
  • left down diagonally,

and again you need to indicate how many cells the pencil goes through.

Let's write the following graphic dictation:

  • Starting point A:
  • down 8;
  • right down diagonally 2;
  • right 1;
  • right up diagonally 1;
  • right down diagonally 2;
  • left 4;
  • left down diagonally 3;
  • up 1;
  • left 3;
  • left up diagonally 3;
  • up 3;
  • left up diagonally 1;
  • right 3;
  • down 3;
  • right down diagonally 1;
  • up 6;
  • up and to the right diagonally 4.

What did you get? (pigeon).

And for what purpose did we turn to graphic dictations?

(Find techniques for the game “Tangram”).

Then let's try to cover it with parts of the square.

(Cut a 4 cm square on checkered paper).

Has it become easier to find a solution?

3. Coordinates.

Let's write another graphic dictation.

  • Starting point A;
  • right down diagonally 4;
  • left 2;
  • right down diagonally 3;
  • left 3;
  • right down diagonally 4;
  • left 12;
  • right up diagonally 4;
  • left 2;
  • right up diagonally 3;
  • left 3;
  • up and to the right diagonally 4.

Did everyone get a Christmas tree?

Make it up from parts of a square.

Figure 3

Look at the picture and hang the same lanterns on your Christmas tree.

Could you draw a Christmas tree if its lanterns were already drawn on a sheet of paper?

Try placing these lanterns in your notebook. And tell your neighbor how you did it.

Agree that hanging lanterns is much easier than telling where you placed them on a sheet of paper.

And in order not to get confused, you need to count some cells.

This is the idea that will help us.

Let's agree that we will navigate the page using a reference scale, and not even one scale, but two.

To build them, let's take two grid lines, horizontal and vertical, apply strokes on them and write down the corresponding numbers.

Figure 4

We will call one scale a horizontal reference scale, the other a vertical reference scale.

Now let’s look at the picture and try to figure out where the first flashlight is.

Point A1 is located at the intersection of two grid lines. Let's go down one of them and get to the point on the horizontal reference scale that corresponds to the number 7. If we move from point A1 along the second grid line, then on the vertical reference scale we will get a point that corresponds to the number 12.

We will say: “Point A1 has coordinates 7 and 12.”

Recording A1 (7; 12).

Let's now look at another flashlight - point A2 and determine the coordinates of this point.

  • What needs to be done to find the first coordinate of point A2? How should the pencil move along the notebook page?
  • Name the first coordinate of point A2.
  • What needs to be done to find the second coordinate of point A2?
  • Name the second coordinate.
  • Write down the coordinates of point A2.
  • Now determine the coordinates of the remaining points - the lanterns.

A3 (9; 8), A4 (6; 8), A5 (3; 8), A6 (3; 5), A7 (5; 5), A8 (9; 5), A10 (13; 1), A11 (1;1)

Laboratory work No. 7

Topic: Working with matrices.

Goal: obtaining practical skills in working with matrices in the C language.

Topics for preliminary study

C loop operators. Nested loops. Conditional operator in C language.

Tasks to complete

Create a 9x9 square matrix of integers. Individual tasks indicate what matrix processing needs to be performed.

If, according to the assignment, the matrix should be filled with random numbers, we recommend choosing these numbers from the range 0 - 99. If, according to the assignment, an LP - a linear sequence of numbers - should be written into the matrix, we mean the sequence: 1, 2, 3, ...

Options for individual assignments

Fill the matrix with random numbers. Expand matrix

90o clockwise.

Fill the matrix with random numbers. Display

matrix symmetrically about the main diagonal

Fill in the LP matrix, from the upper left corner in a spiral:

right - down - left - up.

Fill out the LP matrix, from the center in a spiral: left - down -

right - up.

5. Fill the matrix with random numbers. On the main diagonal place the sums of the elements that lie on the same row and the same column.

6. Fill out the LP matrix, from the upper left corner diagonally: to the right - up.

7. Fill in the sectors of the matrix that lie to the left and right of the main and secondary diagonals, LP, from the upper left corner down to the right. Fill the rest of the matrix with zeros.

8. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Display symmetrically relative to the vertical axis the sectors of the matrix that lie to the left and right of the main and secondary diagonals.

9. Fill out the LP matrix, from the lower left corner diagonally: left - up.

10. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Display the main and secondary diagonals symmetrically about the vertical axis.

11. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Place on the main diagonal the sums of elements that lie on diagonals perpendicular to the main one.

12. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Map the upper half of the matrix onto the lower half, mirror-symmetrically about the horizontal axis.

13. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Divide the matrix into 3x3 squares. In the center of each square place the sum of the remaining elements of the square.

14. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Map the right half of the matrix onto the left half, mirror symmetrically about the vertical axis.

15. Fill in the sectors of the matrix that lie to the left and right of the main and secondary diagonals of the LP, from the upper left corner to the right - down. Fill the rest of the matrix with zeros.

16. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Rotate the matrix 90o counterclockwise.

17. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Display matrix symmetrically about side diagonal

18. Fill out the LP matrix, from the upper left corner in a spiral: down - right - up - left.

19. Fill out the LP matrix, from the center in a spiral: down - left - up - right.

20. Fill the matrix with random numbers. On the side diagonal place the sums of elements that lie on the same row and column.

21. Fill out the LP matrix, from the upper left corner diagonally: left - down.

22. Fill in the sectors of the matrix that lie above and below the main and secondary diagonals, LP, from the upper left corner down to the right. Fill the rest of the matrix with zeros.

23. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Display symmetrically relative to the horizontal axis the sectors of the matrix that lie above and below the main and secondary diagonals.

24. Fill out the LP matrix, from the upper right corner diagonally: left - down.

25. fill the matrix with random numbers. Display the main and secondary diagonals symmetrically about the horizontal axis.

26. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Place on the side diagonal the sums of the elements that lie on the diagonals perpendicular to the side diagonal.

27. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Map the left half of the matrix onto the right half, mirror symmetrically about the vertical axis.

28. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Rotate the matrix 180o.

29. Fill the matrix with random numbers. Map the lower half of the matrix onto the upper half, mirror symmetrically about the horizontal axis.

30. Fill in the sectors of the matrix that lie above and below the main and secondary diagonals of the LP, from the upper left corner to the right - down. Fill the rest of the matrix with zeros.

Example of problem solution (option 30)

Development of a solution algorithm.

If we denote the dimension of the matrix as S, the row number as L, and the column number as R, and (keeping in mind that the implementation of the algorithm will be performed in the C language) we agree that the numbering of rows and columns will start from 0, then we can determine that in the row numbered L the non-zero elements at the top of the matrix lie on the columns numbered R1=L< R < R2=S-L , а в нижней - R1=S-L-1 < R < R2=L . Следовательно, алгоритм может состоять из перебора матрицы строка за строкой с определением для каждого элемента, удовлетворяют ли его индексы вышеприведенным условиям. Если да - элементу присваивается следующее значение из ЛП, если нет - 0.

But you can simplify the algorithm somewhat by bypassing the calculation of boundary values ​​for each element and the need to determine whether we are in the upper or lower part of the matrix. Please note that for the first row (L=0) R1=1, R2=S-2. For each next row, R1 increases by 1, and R2 decreases by 1. When we cross the middle of the matrix, the direction of modification is reversed: now for each next row, R1 decreases by 1, and R2 increases by 1. A sign of crossing the middle can be the condition R1 > R2 , it is executed at the moment of intersection. The diagram of the last algorithm is shown in the figure.

Together with the variables R1 and R2 described above, which receive the initial values ​​for the first row of the matrix, we introduce the variable dd with the initial value 1 - this is the value that will modify R1 and R2 for each subsequent row, and the variable k - which will contain the value of the current member of the LP, the initial value is 1 (block 2). Next, nested loops are organized. The outer loop iterates over the rows (block 3), and the inner loop iterates through the columns of the matrix (block 4). In each iteration of the inner loop, the column number R is compared with the boundary values ​​R1, R2 (blocks 5,6). If it lies in the range from R1 to R2, then the current member of the matrix is ​​assigned the value of k - the current member of the LP, and then k is increased by 1 (block 7). If not, the current member is assigned the value 0 (block 8).

After exiting the inner loop, the boundary values ​​are modified: R1 is increased by dd, and R2 is decreased by dd (block 9). Recall that the initial value is dd=1 . When the condition R1 > R2 is satisfied (block 10), we assign dd the value -1, then the modification of the boundaries will correspond to the rules for the bottom of the matrix.

After exiting the outer loop, which began in block 3, nested loops of searching through rows (block 12) and columns (block 13) are again organized. In each iteration of the inner loop, the value of one element of the matrix is ​​output (block 14); after exiting the inner loop, a new line of output begins (block 15).

Defining Program Variables

To implement the algorithm, we will need such variables.

The matrix is ​​represented in memory as a 2-dimensional array (must be allocated in static memory):

Variables to represent the current row (l) and column (r) numbers: short l, r;

Variables to represent boundary column numbers: short r1,r2;

Variable - boundary numbers modifier: short dd;

Variable - current member of the LP: short k;

We assign the type short to all scalar variables, because their values ​​cannot leave the range -128 - 128.

Program text development

The program text begins with the inclusion of the stdio.h file and the definition of the macro constant S - the size of the matrix (although according to the conditions of the task, one could simply use the constant 9 in the program text, defining the size through a macro constant is more consistent with the programming style in the C language).

We declare the matrix array Ar before opening the body of the main function, which ensures its placement in static memory.

We open the body of the main function and declare variables in accordance with paragraph 5.2. We assign initial values ​​to the variables r1, r2, dd, k (this could have been done when declaring them). We open a cycle of iterating over rows with changing l from 0 to S-1 and a cycle of searching through columns with changing r from 0 to S-1. The inner loop consists of a single conditional statement, so there is no need to enclose its body in statement brackets. The body of the outer loop is placed in parentheses.

In the conditional statement, we check both conditions at once (blocks 5 and 6). Since at least one of them must be executed to exceed the limits, they are connected by an "OR" operation.

When the condition is met, the value of k is written to the array element with indices and is immediately increased. If it fails, 0 is written to the array element.

After leaving the inner loop, but still in the body of the outer loop, the values ​​of r1 and r2 are modified. Then the conditional operator checks the condition r1>r2 and, if it is satisfied, the sign of the modifier dd changes to the opposite.

Then two loops are opened for output. Each iteration of the inner loop prints the value of one array element. The output format provides a 2-digit positive number with a space in front of it. After each exit from the inner loop, a newline character is printed. Thus, the matrix will be displayed in a visual representation.

Full text of the program.

#include "stdafx.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define S 9

int Ar[S][S]; /* matrix */

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv) (setlocale(0,"Rus" );

short l, r; /* current indexes */

short r1,r2; /* boundary column numbers */ short dd; /* boundary number modifier */ short k; /* current member of the LP */

/* initial values ​​of variables */ r1=1; r2=S-2; dd=1; k=1;

for (l=0; l

/* condition for non-zero value */ if ((r r2)) Ar[l][r]=0; else Ar[l][r]=k++;

/* end of line search */ /* modification of boundaries */ r1+=dd; r2-=dd;

/* condition for moving to the bottom */ if (r1>r2) dd=-dd;

) /* end of column search */ /* matrix output */

for (l=0; l

printf("%3d" ,Ar[l][r]);

printf("\n" );

getch(); return 0;

) /* end of program */

Debugging the program

The form of output of the program results is so clear that from the results one can be convinced of the correct functioning of the program or, if it functions incorrectly, one can draw conclusions about which particular branch of the algorithm has an error in its implementation. If there are errors, you can also use step-by-step debugging tools to debug the program, and you should monitor the current

indexes, boundary numbers and the current value of the modifier. The most likely errors are incorrect determination of boundary numbers or incorrect determination of the moment of transition to the lower part of the matrix.

Program results

As you probably know, our vision is binocular. Simply put, while looking at an object, both of our eyes simultaneously look at the same point at the same angles. Since the eyes are separated from each other at some distance, due to the displacement effect, visual images that are slightly different from each other enter the visual center of the brain. The brain “collects” these images into a single, clear three-dimensional image.

The main condition for binocular vision is strictly coordinated movements of the eyeballs and the same optical properties of the eyes. Only in this case, the rays of light from the object in question fall on symmetrical areas of the retina of both eyes. The coordination of eye movements is ensured by the eye muscles attached to the eyeballs and receiving synchronous control impulses from the brain via nerves.

Diplopia is a vision anomaly that manifests itself as double vision. Such severe visual impairment is possible only in the case when light rays from the object in question fall on the fundus of the right and left eyes at different angles, as a result of which they are perceived by asymmetrical areas of the retinas. The visual center of the brain is not able to correct its work in new conditions; it still combines images falling on symmetrical areas of the retinas, and the person sees a double image.

What can cause diplopia?

There are two main causes of ghosting:

1) Disorder of the coordinated work of the extraocular muscles as a result of injuries, spasms and diseases (cerebral hemorrhages, encephalitis, intracranial formations, etc.).

2) Defects of the optical system of the eye: subluxation of the lens, rupture, deformation and even detachment of the cornea. They can be the result of eye injury and certain diseases (glaucoma, iridocyclitis, astigmatism).

Diplopia caused by the first cause is called by experts binocular. In this case, double image is observed only when viewing objects with both eyes. But as soon as you cover one eye (it doesn’t matter which one), the double vision immediately disappears and the person’s vision becomes clear.

In the case of a defect in the optical system of the eye, the normal course of rays in it is disrupted and a situation is possible when rays from one object are focused on two different parts of the retina of a given eye. This is the case of the so-called monocular diplopia. If you close your healthy eye, the double vision does not disappear. In order to remove double visible image, you need to close the affected eye.

To correct (or weaken) diplopia in traditional medicine, special prismatic glasses are used (selected and made individually for each patient), surgery (no earlier than 6 months after injury) and special exercises to restore binocular vision. If diplopia is a symptom of a disease, then this disease is treated first.

In some cases, binocular and monocular (with astigmatism) diplopia is successfully treated using the so-called Bates gymnastics, which normalizes the condition of the eye muscles and restores their coordinated work.

For example, Fyodor Lisovsky talks in his article how he managed to get rid of binocular diplopia in just a few days of practicing Bates gymnastics.

Bates gymnastics to restore vision

Bates gymnastics includes exercises for the eye muscles, exercises for the cervico-brachial region and palming, which is known to many (from the English palm - palm).

It is advisable to do this set of exercises either an hour before meals, or after heavy visual stress (working at a computer, watching TV, reading books, etc.) 2 to 5 times a day. Palming, moreover, can be done whenever the first signs of eye fatigue become noticeable.

Exercises for the eye muscles

Before performing Bates exercises, remove your glasses and relax your eyes by blinking quickly and lightly for a while.

These exercises are best performed while sitting. Only the eyes should move. The head remains motionless. The eye muscles should not be overstrained (eye strain is accompanied by pain). Perform each exercise from 5 to 20 times or until discomfort occurs. Before moving on to the next exercise, rest your eyes by blinking lightly for a few seconds.

1. Move your gaze up and down, fixing your eyes for a second in each extreme position.

2. Move your eyes to the right and left, pausing for a second in extreme positions.

3. Move your eyes along a conditional diagonal to the right-up and left-down, holding them for a second at the ends of the “diagonal”.

4. Move your eyes along another conditional diagonal, left-up and right-down, fixing your gaze for a second at the ends of this “diagonal.”

5. Make circular movements with your eyes in a clockwise direction.

6. Now move your eyes around in a counter-clockwise direction.

7. Move your eyes along the sides of the imaginary square clockwise.

8. Slide your eyes along the sides of the imaginary square counterclockwise.

The exercises described above can be done during palming in conditions of lack of time. But the next 2 exercises cannot be combined with palming.

9. Accommodation training exercise. First, extend your arm as far forward as possible with your thumb at eye level. Keep your eyes on your thumb, slowly bringing it closer to your eyes until it touches your nose. After touching, keeping your gaze focused on the finger, move the finger in the opposite direction. As soon as the arm is fully straightened, we turn our gaze to a distant object for a few seconds.

10. Close your eyes tightly, and then slowly open them.

Exercises for the cervico-brachial region

Prolonged sedentary work and stress cause unnecessary tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders, which negatively affects the patency of blood vessels. Both the eyes and the visual center of the brain lack nutrition and oxygen, resulting in poor vision. To restore normal blood circulation in the neck, head and eyes, you need to do several exercises for the cervico-brachial region.

These exercises are performed quickly but smoothly (2 to 10 times each).

1. Alternate turns of the head to the right and left.

2. Lateral alternating tilts of the head, placing it on the right and left shoulder.

3. Alternately tilt the head forward and backward.

4. Circular movements of the head in a clockwise direction.

5. Circular movements of the head in a counterclockwise direction.

6. Alternating head movements along a conditional diagonal to the right-up and left-down.

7. Alternating head movements along a conditional diagonal to the left-up and right-down.

8. Circular movements of the arms lowered along the body in the shoulder joint.

9. Circular movements in the shoulder joint with arms bent at the elbows (the hands rest on the shoulders).

Palming - relaxation with the help of darkness

Darkness is one of the things that is used in Dr. Bates' system to relieve excess tension from the psyche and eye muscles. According to Bates, relaxation is the main weapon in the fight against spasm of the eye muscles, which causes various vision pathologies, including diplopia.

Darkening the eyes to relax them is used in palming, perhaps the most famous exercise from the Bates technique.

When starting palming, first rub your palms together to warm them up and thus increase the relaxing effect of the exercise. After this, place the inner parts of your palms over your eyes so that the fingers cross on the forehead, and the bases of the little fingers are pressed against the hard part of the bridge of the nose (where the temple of the glasses is usually located). Fingers and palms should be pressed tightly against the forehead and cheeks to prevent light from reaching the eyes.

The classic way to perform palming is while sitting. The elbows of the bent arms rest against something soft located on the table (a towel folded several times, a small pillow, etc.). The back is in a straight line with the neck. Palm for a few minutes. To achieve greater effect during this time, mentally take a break from current problems and indulge in pleasant memories.

When you finish palming, blink a little, remove your palms and slowly open your eyes.

Performing Bates gymnastics takes no more than 10 minutes, but the benefits are enormous! This set of exercises can not only effectively combat eye fatigue and eliminate diplopia, but can become your first step on the path to natural vision restoration.

Good luck to you on this path!