Morning depression causes. Why do I feel depressed in the morning? feelings of self-doubt, ideas of guilt and self-deprecation

We all know the feeling of sadness that appears in the morning. Heaviness in the soul, irritation and bad mood usually disappear after a few hours. But if this continues day after day, we begin to wonder what is wrong with us.

Fortunately, in most cases nothing bad happens. Of course, a sharp decrease in mood at a certain time of day can be a sign of a depressive or anxiety disorder, but usually it occurs for other reasons: both physiological and psychological.

Physiological reasons

1. High cortisol levels.

This hormone has a huge impact on how our brain works. Cortisol's "job" is to warn us of danger, and thanks to it, we tend to magnify small problems to the level of disaster. The next time the day feels like it's going to be dangerous and difficult to handle, remember that this is the body's natural response to increased cortisol.

2. Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia).

No matter how positive you are, low glucose levels are closely related to your mood. Hungry people (like other mammals) rarely look “happy.” This is how our body works: searching for food is a priority for it. While you sleep, your blood sugar gradually drops. If your last meal was a few hours before bedtime, it means you haven’t eaten for quite some time.

With physiology, everything is relatively clear, but the question is: “Where do problems with glucose and cortisol go when we are on vacation?” Rarely does anyone experience “morning depression” while traveling or relaxing in the country. That is why the greatest attention should be paid to psychological reasons.

Unwillingness to deal with reality

Waking up in the morning, a person immediately becomes involved in a process that can be described in two words: “Who am I?” or “Where am I?”

When reality is too far from our dreams, all the things we don’t like fall down at once, like one snowball. Fear can make it difficult for the brain to think rationally, but there are things we can do to help it.

1. Before going to bed, decide what your first thought will be when you wake up.

It should be positive, but not “fictional.” Fantasies about “how everything is fine” will not help. But a reminder of your personal abilities (even small ones) will give you a good mood. Even simply stating the fact that you can dance well or make delicious tea activates the part of the brain that releases dopamine. Put out the fire that cortisol is fueling by throwing a bucket of dopamine at it.

2. As soon as you get out of bed, think about what you are doing every minute: “I get up, put on my slippers, make the bed, go to the bathroom...”

Add adjectives: “The slippers are soft and comfortable, the soap is fragrant...”

Resist the urge to use “unprintable” words or negative characteristics, such as “the floor is cold” or “the coffee is not good.” If things are really bad and it’s impossible to find anything pleasant, just state the fact: “I brush my teeth, wash my face, drink coffee.” The main thing is to focus on the present moment and not think about your feelings. You can’t lie in bed and let your brain “wander through the labyrinth of unfulfilled hopes.”

You can choose other methods: self-talk or a morning ritual that resonates most with your inner self. As a last resort, remind yourself that a bad mood in the morning is a natural state, and in an hour or two it will end anyway.

Very soon, these actions will become a habit, and you will be able to automatically stop the cycle of morning anxiety.

: in the morning, after a person wakes up, he feels very bad, he feels hopeless, depressed, anxious, ashamed; in the evening these feelings subside slightly and he becomes more alert. Why is this so? Depression is a state of mind that is based on the belief that I am bad, vicious, worthless and that I will not succeed. From this belief follows another: everything was bad and everything will be bad (after all, I am worthless and incapable of anything, I cannot correct, make better what now seems “bad” to me). Hence the constant anxiety and sadness generated by thoughts about the bad future that awaits me.

As soon as I wake up in the morning, all the dark thoughts about the future and about my depravity immediately roll over me in a wave, and there is a day ahead in which I need to do many things that require strength. But what strength if everything is bad and I’m a lost man? That’s when depression kicked in. Gradually, in the process of carrying out daily affairs, I somehow move into the “here now” mode of being, that is, into the most productive and only possible segment of my life, in this is a moment. And in it there are no fears only because they are all drawn by my imagination, which strives to predict the future. There is no future in the “here and now” simply because we have not created it yet! the future has not yet manifested itself in our own actions. Therefore, fear recedes, anxiety calms down, hopelessness fades.

By the time I go to bed, I painfully want to get rid of my depression completely and therefore I “take refuge” in sleep, hiding in it from the black thoughts that were with me to one degree or another during the day. If I manage to fall asleep, I seem to interrupt their flow and, again, during sleep, the depression recedes. And then the morning begins and everything repeats itself.

This vicious circle of feelings is especially noticeable when a person takes antidepressants. In this case, he completely refuses to deal with his feelings to even the slightest extent, he just waits. And accordingly, he swings on a depressive swing of emotions without any restrictions.

What needs to be done to break this vicious circle? First of all, I need to admit my feelings to myself and others, to admit that I experience grief, pain, loneliness, anger and resentment towards myself due to specific reasons. Due to loss of work, property, loved ones, prospects, etc. Then you need to gradually begin to take care of yourself, do small or large pleasant things for yourself, that is, learn to love yourself, even one who may be sad, angry, or without a job, home or love. And start looking for what you can do to show yourself love, for example, find new friends, a new job, a new sport, a new hobby. To do this, you need to set goals for yourself, break them down into small, achievable sub-goals in the near future, and move towards them. And thank yourself for achieving them.

Then the old, worn-out DVDs in my head, on which only one thing is written: I won’t succeed, I’m bad, everything will be even worse, will gradually fall silent. The way out of depression is to destroy the mechanism of how we create our own depression.

Depression is a mental disorder that is accompanied by feelings of sadness, apathy, and a negative attitude. Morning depression occurs in many people. This may be due to the change of seasons, for example, autumn or spring blues often occur. A person can mope and return to normal mental balance, or he can fall into deep depression. There could be many reasons for this. If after a week or two a person does not return to normal functioning, then he needs professional help.

Clinical picture

It is important to remember that depression is a serious illness that requires treatment.

Like any disease, depression has its own symptoms. The main signs of depression are:

In addition to emotional symptoms, there are also physical signs of depression, which can manifest in a wide range of symptoms. Depression can cause many physical illnesses. Insomnia, loss of appetite, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract, headaches, decreased libido, nervousness, disruptions in the cardiovascular system and many other pathologies may indicate the development of a depressive state in a person.

Treatment of depression

The approach to getting rid of depression must be comprehensive. The patient can independently try to restore peace of mind using all the means known to him that brought him joy. If such therapy does not bring results for a long time, it is better for the patient to start taking medications, the choice of which should be made by a doctor. Independent selection of drugs is prohibited, because There are many contraindications and side effects. Treatment should be carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.


Morning depression can simply occur as a sign of systematic lack of sleep. A busy day at work, constant stressful situations, poor diet and lack of exercise also contribute to the development of mental disorders.

The first method of combating depression in the morning should be sound sleep, which is at least 8 hours. After waking up, the patient will benefit from a contrasting invigorating shower. The contrast should not be too sharp; it is better to start with slightly cool or warm water.

A nutritious, balanced diet will help improve your well-being. Lack of vitamins can significantly reduce performance. Physical activity will be beneficial. For example, regular exercise in the morning or a morning jog will help improve blood circulation, metabolism and the production of all necessary hormones. A full sex life is also an integral part of the prevention of depressive conditions.

It is important that a sick person has the opportunity to do what he loves, which brings him joy. The support of loved ones and loved ones significantly contributes to the patient’s healing. It is desirable that communication brings positive emotions to the patient.

In conclusion

It should be remembered that there is no universal cure for depression. Some patients cannot get rid of depression for years. It is important that the patient himself realizes the need for treatment and makes efforts. A quick cure for depression is almost impossible, so the patient and his family should prepare for a long recovery period.

There are many types of depression. Some types of depression exhibit diurnal variations, associated with worsening symptoms at certain times of the day.

Depression in the morning - causes

Doctors don't know the exact cause of morning depression, but there are many factors. Because morning depression occurs around the same time every day, doctors often attribute it to an imbalance in a person's circadian rhythm. Hormonal changes can affect the circadian rhythm. One of these hormones is melatonin, which causes sleepiness.

Some people who do not have symptoms of clinical depression often experience mood changes throughout the day.

Research shows that imbalances in the circadian rhythm, sleep quality and light exposure can lead to mood changes, especially in patients with depression.

In addition to changes in the body's natural rhythms, several other factors may contribute to morning depression and depressive disorder. These factors include:

  • a family history of depression;
  • drug or alcohol addiction;
  • medical conditions such as sleep disorders, chronic pain, anxiety and ADHD;
  • recent changes in life circumstances, such as divorce or loss of a loved one;
  • injury.

Symptoms of morning depression

Symptoms of depression may include feelings of helplessness, sadness and hopelessness, and these may get worse in the morning. The general term for this diurnal variation is morning depression.

Daytime depression means that symptoms appear around the same time every day. For some, these symptoms appear in the evening.

Symptoms of depression may include decreased or lack of enjoyment in activities. Symptoms may subside within a day.

Other symptoms include:

  • depressed mood that lasts most of the day;
  • significant weight loss or decreased appetite;
  • drowsiness during the day;
  • anxiety;
  • tiredness or feeling of lack of energy;
  • feelings of worthlessness or excessive guilt;
  • difficulty concentrating, thinking, or making decisions;
  • recurrent thoughts of death, suicide or self-harm.

Additionally, a person with morning depression may notice the following symptoms:

  • he finds it difficult to wake up in the morning;
  • physically difficult to get out of bed;
  • difficulty thinking, especially in the morning;
  • difficulty completing normal morning tasks, such as getting dressed and brushing your teeth.

For a person with morning depression, these symptoms decrease or disappear throughout the day.

Depression in the morning -diagnostics

To diagnose depression, a doctor must ask a person about their symptoms. He may ask questions about changes in mood, sleep, weight, and appetite. The doctor will try to determine how long these symptoms last and whether they are getting better or worse.

The doctor will also try to rule out other possible causes, such as a medical condition, that may be causing these symptoms. Hypothyroidism is one example of this.

Some medications may also cause mood changes and symptoms of depression, so your doctor will ask about your medications.

Depression in the morning -treatment

There are many treatments for depression, such as:


This treatment helps a person recognize negative thinking patterns and learn positive behavior.

Drug treatment

Antidepressants, mood stabilizers and antipsychotics.


Regular exercise, especially outdoors, can reduce symptoms of mild to moderate depression.

Transcranial brain stimulation

Brain stimulation techniques such as electroconvulsive therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation may reduce symptoms of severe depression.

Some people also use alternative therapies, including acupuncture, meditation and yoga. Although they can help people feel better and maintain good mental health, they should not replace treatment for major depressive disorders.

When undergoing treatment, a person must change habits that will help cope with symptoms.

Prevention of morning depression

Positive changes may include:

Improving sleep hygiene

A person can improve their sleep quality by darkening the bedroom, keeping the temperature cool, and eliminating distractions such as cell phones, computers, and televisions.

Preparing for the next morning in the evening

Preparing clothes and items for work or school and preparing breakfast in advance can make your morning easier.

Sufficient rest

Going to bed and waking up at the same time can help relieve symptoms.

It's important to wake up earlier or adjust your work schedule to reduce stress in the morning.

Using Light Signals

Light can tell the body that it is morning and time to wake up.

Recently, many people have noticed such a phenomenon as morning blues. And the problem is not only that it’s hard to wake up and get yourself into a working mood, when life and work seem gray and boring, and your personal life leaves much to be desired. Such a negative state of mind is nothing more than sign of depression, which most often appears in spring and autumn. Morning depression should not be ignored, because morning blues, which others can join symptoms of depression: inhibition of movements and thinking, changes in eating behavior, sleep disturbances, decreased libido can significantly aggravate the mental state. To morning depression not become an everyday habit that can lead to suicide, you need to know how cope with melancholy and return yourself to a calm and active life?

  • How to cope with sadness?

Morning blues are a sign of depression!

TO signs of depression a triad of main symptoms should be included - low mood, emotional and motor retardation, manifesting for at least two weeks. Along with the main triad signs of depression there are additional symptoms of depression: difficulty making decisions, sleep disorders(difficulty falling asleep, waking up earlier in the morning, shallow or interrupted sleep at night, self-doubt, decreased self-esteem, lack of optimism for the future, changes in eating behavior (loss of appetite or overeating), constant feelings of guilt and self-destruction, suicidal thoughts and attempts.

Signs of Depression can also be expressed by somatic signs associated with autonomic dysfunction and a significant decrease in libido, disruption of the menstrual cycle in women. If signs of depression become more pronounced, the first thing you should pay attention to is a change in the circadian rhythm. This pathological disorder is expressed morning melancholy, manifested by heaviness in the chest, depression and despair. Morning blues may disappear during the day, but will appear again the next morning. For morning depression also characteristic anxiety disorders, anhedonia, apathy, dysphoria, lack of a sense of self-preservation and loss of emotions.

To restore peace and joy in life you need to know how cope with melancholy in the morning!

How to cope with sadness?

Morning depression often becomes the reason for joining bad habits, first of all, to alcohol or energy drinks, which not only do not help in the current situation, but also aggravate the mental state. To cope with melancholy- one of signs of depression, it is important to recognize the cause and make an attempt to deal with it, especially if it is caused by family conflicts, personal failures or stress at work. Take control of your feelings and regain your self-confidence, try to think positively and look for the positive, even in negative situations.

Do not forget about general strengthening procedures, such as swimming, contrast showers, sports or physical exercise, and just walking in the fresh air will significantly improve your emotional state.

To reduce the occurrence symptoms of depression, pay attention to nutrition and sleep!

Healthy night's sleep- the best way to get rid of morning melancholy, because during sleep it is produced hormone of happiness and youth– melatonin. Significant benefits for restoring sleep and reducing signs of depression will bring antidepressant herbs, including motherwort, hawthorn, chamomile, hops, thyme, oregano, St. John's wort, lemon balm, mint, fireweed (fireweed), valerian officinalis, mint, blue cyanosis.
Herbal preparations based on sedative herbs are convenient to take and do not require additional time for preparing decoctions or infusions, and the innovative manufacturing technology has a number of significant advantages and will convey all the medicinal benefits of sedative herbs. The preparations Valerian P, Motherwort P, Ivan-tea P (fireweed), St. John's wort P, the biologically active complex Nervo-Vit, which is based on a collection of the best sedative herbs, will help relieve anxiety and melancholy, and restore healthy sleep.
Herbal preparations will help cope with morning melancholy, improve mood and overall tone of the body: Eleutherococcus P or the biologically active complex Elton P (based on Eleutherococcus senticosus) and Levzeya P biologically active complex Leveton P (based on Leuzea safflower), which can be taken only in the first half of the day, so as not to provoke insomnia.

Vitamins Apitonus P and tonic herbal preparations will help in a short time cope with melancholy, morning depression and drowsiness, but will also become the best helpers with increased mental and physical stress.

Fight with morning depression, thereby you will significantly change your life and restore an optimistic mood for the future!

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